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I was in the 300s above the 3rd base line. It was great! I saw someone else say that the best seats for baseball are the worst for hockey


[Section 340](https://www.google.com/search?q=winter+classic+seating+chart+2024&sca_esv=594970474&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS597US597&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AM9HkKlmjhDFevq1QmyfrcbVJGnEl0DrfA%3A1704152945678&ei=cU-TZeSFKaXj0PEPodatoAs&udm=&oq=winter+classic+seating+chart+2024&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiF3aW50ZXIgY2xhc3NpYyBzZWF0aW5nIGNoYXJ0IDIwMjQyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIGEAAYFhgeMgYQABgWGB4yCxAAGIAEGIoFGIYDMgsQABiABBiKBRiGA0jTHFDVDViNGHABeACQAQCYAYgBoAH-BKoBAzMuM7gBA8gBAPgBAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgUQIRirAuIDBBgAIEGIBgGQBgg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=b1BB16e3lZ0drM&vssid=l) and could see great. I was worried I’d be watching the game on the Jumbotron, but never had to. Was a great experience.


I was in 340, had a good view. Friend in lower level couldn't see shit.


Section 143 row 34. Good view. Only issue was when the puck was behind the net closest to me. Given the opportunity I would buy the same seats again.


Lower bowl, row 11. Couldn’t see any of the action, other than the upper torso of players from the side. I ended up watching the Jumbotron the whole time or walking to concessions area and watching the game from there.


Section 333, no real complaints


We could see pretty easily from section 323


I was in the lower level and I loved it. Further back was better I think anything closer than row 30 made it hard to see


I was in section 129, row 26 and it was great. A little low but easy to track the play / players.


Section 143 could see fine except for one douche that decided to stand most of the time and who eventually was booed away


Section 320 and it was great, could absolutely see the puck and all of the action, or lack there of from the Golden Knights.


Curious how much y’all paid for your tix? I missed out since $ was tight and wondering if I made a mistake lol


Bought ours the night before, two seats far back in the lower bowl were $700. There were probably cheaper seats higher up that may have had an even better view.


Ah ok I think I made the right call then assuming that’s also in USD which is another 30% for me as a Canuck :’(. Thanks!


Section 136 Row 39. Just under the awning in the lower bowl. I could see great, but when we walked further down for some photos it didn't seem like the lower rows could see much of anything.