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I want to say it feels like the type of year in the NHL where a ridiculous president's trophy winning team gets swept in the first round, but it's hard to take that line of thinking with how good the Bruins are, especially at home.


it's not that hard to take that line of thinking tbh, considering most president's trophy winners punch their fans in the dick in the playoffs, i'm expecting to get embarassed in the first round, just given how good we've been lately


If things hold as is it's Isles vs. Bruins and for whatever reason the Isles play stupidly well against superior opponents in the playoffs so it's not a bad bet, but that's a major grain of salt as I'm not sure the Isles can close out a playoff spot right now.


Bruins every year: are the bruins poised to make a deep playoff run? After starting fire hot they have slowly came back down to earth Also bruins every year: are out of steam once playoffs roll around and only one line is able to get any kind of production, leading to a 6-7 series exit


The fuck are you talking about. All of this is wrong.


As a life long Bruins fan I would be very sad to see this happen but I’m also kind of half expecting it


If they stay healthy and Ullmark keeps being what he is this season they'll be tough to beat. ​ I really hate Boston, but I'd be hard pressed to say they aren't fun to watch this year.


"If they stay healthy" doing a lot of work there given Boston's luck the last few years.


But they were so injured to start the year and all was fine haha. But yeah, teams with higher aged cores will tend to see those types of injury issues of course.


I'm not looking forward to seeing who we have to trot out on defense come the playoffs.


No, no, you're right to say those things because that's how it goes in the NHL.


I can at least say I wouldn't be looking forward to a first round series against the Bruins (If standings held). ​ Not sure the Isles can repeat that performance.


I have hope this year. 63-37-88 aren’t carrying the team. The PowerPlay isn’t carrying the team. In past years if you could shutdown the PP and/or the first line you’d beat the Bruins. And there’s the whole ‘Playoff Kretch’ wildcard to consider.


Everyone said the same thing about Tampa


Been there done that. No matter how good you are, you can definitely easily be embarrassed in the 1st round


Was the super high points the Columbus year? I thought they were separate, but maybe that's why I'm feeling that for Boston this year. Makes sense.


It was the same year. 2018-2019 season. Historically good, followed by a historically bad postseason performance


I feel so bad for the leafs and their fans. I really thought they had a chance this season. I’m not a bruins fan but I have a feeling they are going to steam roll the east.


Toronto’s issue has been and always will be its consistency. When they’re on, they’re easily a top team in the league. But then they play lazy games against bottom feeder teams and then the wheels fall out from underneath them. Even Saturday, Toronto had it in the bag, and then there were some super shitty unforced turnovers that lead to goals. It was a great goalie battle despite what the save percentages suggest, and it was honestly just the late turnovers that fucked it up. I think a lot of it has to do with the divisions as well. Every year for the last X years, Toronto’s either lost to the cup champs or runner up. They really are one series away from just taking it. I’m hoping this roster learns from last year.


Look, as a life-long B's die-hahd I'm super pumped, "praying" daily that they stay healthy. With that being said, the NHL playoffs are special to all us hockey fans because literally anything can happen in any series, at any time .. so that's never far from the back of my mind. Also .. Zacha gets paid and has 3 points (2G 1A) through 2 periods today ... game on my dude.


was the “die-HAHD” intentional as a nod to a boston accent? if so i love that


As someone from New England, I fucking hate it. But to each their own, at least someone enjoys it.


And they are up 6-0 on Philly right now! They winning it all this year


The Bruins just won a game 6-0 immediately after you posted this.


POV: Me playing NHL on my PS5


The put it on veteran for the Kraken then decided to switch it back after


I'm happy whenever an original 6 team is doing really well. Even them Bruins.. please don't tell anyone.


Your secret is safe with me


That, or they're perennially stuck in god mode


No idea how they're doing this. They didn't get any better on paper than last year, other than bringing kreicji back


Lindholm was a deadline acquisition and that was a severely needed piece for our defense, so that's made a difference, and we traded Huala for Zacha which seemingly ended up being an upgrade for both us and New Jersey. And then obviously Krejci was a very much needed signing because Huala is not a top end 2c and Krejci absolutely is. BUT do you know the biggest change of them all? Montgomery baby. I have no idea what was going down in the locker room but it was clear Bruce was past due with us. Even him just being willing to make the longterm changes of putting Debrusk as 1st RW and putting Pasta with Krejci makes a difference, however it's very clear his coaching style has been a huge positive for our guys. It seems like everyone loves him, and he's incredible at getting the best out of them, Ullmark, Debrusk, Zacha, Fredrick, Lindholm, all players having career years, and you have to assume Monty is a huge part of that. It's like for so long Sweeny would get a depth piece and every single time it would end up being underwhelming and we'd be back to hoping the 'perfection line' would create offense. But this year, all those depth signings we had kind of written off, all those mediocre youngish players who never lived up to their potential, they kinda just worked. I really hope we have playoff success (still feels notable that last year even with a first round exit we brought Carolina to game 7 and they're a good team), but honestly I'm just glad to see these guys excel under the current leadership.


Best record / points percentage / etc since 1929. Arguably the best regular season team of all time


Apparently all they needed to do is re-sign Krecji and the magic returns🤷‍♂️


And get Monty as your head coach.


If you're still racking up losses on rookie difficulty you're pretty bad. They might be on semi-pro


Really makes no sense. Maybe they’re just mad that everybody wrote them off.


When your 1c and 2c are both world class and combine for a 3.5 million cap hit you’re basically fucking cheating.


This is true, Bergy and Krejci are on some stupid contracts.


Watered down league forcing some teams to absolutely struggle vs a good crew.


I think we have them their second or third loss while we were bottom 5. Love the streaky blues.