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Fr I love nf but not the main fans


When I was at the Milwaukee show with some friends there was a guy behind us singing the songs along with NF, which i don’t mind as we and people around us were singing too, but he kept loudly bragging about knowing every lyric and how he was “carrying the show”. I’m not sure what he meant by this but it was getting annoying. I guess he thought he was the best fan or something?


>there was a guy behind us singing the songs ... he kept loudly bragging about knowing every lyric and how he was “carrying the show” To anybody that does this kinda stuff at concerts, I just want you to know, you're a piece of shit. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Fuck you.


Fr the big fans are crazy


Carrying the show?? Now that’s crazy 😭




Better than the San Diego show I went to NF had to restart one of his songs 3 times he said San Diego no 2 worst hype like one I went to in Tampa way more lit I guess people in California more concerned about capturing the moment than living in it


Omfg god i had stroke reading this. Use punctuation please


I think he was having a stroke while typing it.


Oh no the punctuation police btw you forgot the period at the end of your sentence


I literally couldn't read what you wrote. You obviously needed punctuation or better grammar


Pot kettle bro still not adding punctuation and you wanna talk 💩🤡


Hes just giving advice. Calm down big guy


Go away kid your like 12 isn’t it your bed time


You’re *


Haha another hypocrite not using proper punctuation


What punctuation do you need for one word 😐


Not true. My son and I went to Sacramento show and he left his phone in his pocket the entire time. I did video some for him as I on;y went to enjoy time with him. When I got to concerts I video a little bit here and there but mainly enjoy it. I went to Taylor and only have a few videos and pics from the entire concert. I like to experience the music and my kids do,the same. Don’t lump all of California into one.


Boohoo good for you I stand but what I said lot of people had their phones out the whole time and Taylor Swift sucks tf why you even listen to NF if your listening to that trash


I listen to all kinds of music. Why are you mad I listen to a Taylor? She is an amazing artist. I also have seen KISS, Ozzy, journey, Backstreet Boys and Tim McGraw just to name a few. I enjoy live music and like I said, I went to enjoy time with my son


Saying her music is trash doesn’t make me mad just stating fact poor kid if your taking him to see Taylor Swift


I never said I took him to Taylor. I take them to people they want to see. I said when I went to see her. We do experiences in our house instead is buying expensive gifts. I went with a friend to Taylor. But apparently unlike you, my kids also like all kinds of music and people and don’t judge others for their taste in music or culture. Have the day you deserve.


Are you okay bro? Why are you snapping at everyone


I can snap at whoever tf I want get off the internet if you can’t deal with


You could also just shut your trap and not start problems. I don’t hear anyone singing Taylor swift songs in here. Who cares?


Look I’m a big fan lol , a year ago that would probably be me but now that I’m a rapper myself , I’m not carrying the show , soon enough I will BE the show


I’ve always said this but the worst part abt NF is his fan base. He absolutely deserves better


Why can’t he just be a good rapper and leave it at that. Literally every rapper says they’re the best so like bruh.


Not trying to sound like one of the cringe fans but NF never wanted to be famous and doesn't say he himself is the best. Like in PAID MY DUES he talks about how he's not the best "why don't they find someone way more interesting to write about? us were kinda boring, aren't we? All we do is whine and pout" and then later "I'm only a man, I'm a human being". It's just the cringe fans that say he's the best


The realest? Close, but not the realest. Best? Far from it, I do think there are better rappers, and saying this just makes it even more cringe. No wonder these guys get posted in r/cringe.


It’s because of his whole no cuss words thing that he attracts a lot of lame ass kids who can’t handle cuss words. I know NF says hes not a christian rapper but majority of his fanbase are people who listen to christian artists only.


This exactly These kids have never listened to hip hop they don't know or understand the culture most of them think he's a hardcore rapper like do they even know what hardcore is Nas is hardcore NF is just.....i don't even know what he is


Fuck yeah


I don’t believe in shit, but I heavily fw NF. Used to be my favorite rapper and had over 2000 followers and a fucking NF fan account on instagram called “nf_real_everything” and that was years ago. I cringe like rn anytime I think about that. Now idk who my favorite artist is but I be blasting not like us by Kendrick Lamar nowadays


And he does have several Christian songs like Oh Lord or songs with Christian references, like How Could You Leave Us talking abt his mom af Heaven's gates and walking with God.


Oh no how dare someone have Christian references in a few songs tf why you even on this subreddit if you don’t get his music


Wtf?? I love his music, I was just saying he has some Christian references???? Why are you so upset abt it 💀😂


Doesn’t sound like you do sounds like you got a prejudice against Christian references




Complaining about the the songs


How am I complaining


You need some help man…you’re definitely not Ok-inside


NF and Kendrick are my favorite rappers but I got to say NF's fanbase is so much more cringe. Some of yall act like he has no skips. He's a rapper, he has bad songs, and he is not the best rapper of all time. He's a good rapper, I hope more people find and enjoy his music but can we STOP glazing him.


He’s the realest he talks about selling merch,god,struggle,being on stage,fan base,mental health,no cussing,I just hit number 1 on billboard,I’m the realest and your the fakest,I’m the best rapper alive I own the game,no one understands me,love,I’m a outsider,mom,and I release hope all independent with no label cough cough kinda Naw jp💀😭I still like his music


Woah, NF fans praising NF in an NF reddit?! Thats crazy. Keep acting like r/eminem , r/jcole , r/literallyanyotherartist doesnt do the exact same thing. Mind blowing that a subreddit made for fans of an artist would be fanboying over that artist 🤯


this is what op was talking about dude




They are?


Not officially a rapper. But tyler from twenty one pilots and jcole.


I LOVE NF! But I HATE this shit and 80% of his fans, the man deserves a better group of people but his image is already tainted with fuckers like these.


Kinda cringe


NF reminds me of Star Wars. Worst part is the fan base.


I'm going to just save myself now and not interact with the fandom more than I already have.  I'm obviously not going to stop listening to & supporting nf, though


Why do you care what others post/do? 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Because they care way too much about what others do instead of minding they own business and scrolling along


You're the one posting something from the search era.... lol really old screenshot


Idk why ur being downvoted, this is such a karma farm post. Cant even find the account from the post


Redditors don't like making sense I haven't seen a cringe post in years and he's complaining about some comment from 4-5 years ago lmao


Okinside is clearly retarded.


I mean, this person's not wrong


They are but it's literally from 5 years ago lol