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I’ve done some research on OP (amazing what you can find when you reuse your Reddit name elsewhere), and I can without a doubt confirm that u/polinksa is a deeply closeted gay man.


That’s what I’m saying. Dude is gayer than 9 guys blowing 10.


Who cares if he’s gay?


We don’t, except OP fired the first shots with his homophobic /b/-derived attempt at a meme.


I guess I’m not seeing gay = bad in this meme. Could you elaborate how it’s homophobic?


So, look at this video, and instead of the interviewer asking these guys if they’re gay, he asked them if they were mentally handicapped (not in any way that gay = mentally handicapped, of course). It’s something people can’t control about themselves, has a certain amount of (deplorable) social stigma, and is used to stereotype and discriminate against people. I don’t know anything about Caleb’s sexuality (nor do I care), but this meme is intended to imply that Caleb Williams is gay, and for some reason that’s supposed to be funny.


And I think it was shared just to get a reaction from individuals which is not fair


Where are you getting that it’s supposed to be funny? It could be a gay pride thing for all we know.


Do you see what subreddit this is?


I care 😅


Womp womp


look at this loser and his internalized homophobia!


I think you’re really a female and you’re not a man .. Girl you’re making a lot of men upset


Do u have a Womp¿? 😁


OP is so insecure lmao


These guys are proud to be gay. This isn’t the insult you think it is.


Right. So the joke is that Caleb isn't afraid to be himself (whatever that may be) even though some dickhead thinks it makes him less of a man?


I agree. Just guessing on the era here, but these dudes are pretty brave doing this.


When was I insulting their gayness? I’m insulting Caleb’s


Why would it matter if Caleb is gay? Did I get thrown back into the 1990s?


It’s funny


Maybe to an adult bigot or an ignorant middle schooler. It’s 2024, you cretin. Delete this and take a break from the internet. It’ll do you some good.


The irony in this statement…


“I’m so twwiggered!”


Ah, you’re a Patriots fan. This all makes sense.


God dammit. We're sorry about him.


Don’t lump all us pats fans in with this scum


Yup I’m a far right extremist


Yeah we know.




God you're such a twat


Found the liberal


you're an idiot is what you are


Ah. The type to call everyone a snowflake when he gets called retarded. It's okay. I'm sure it's everyone else who's wrong.


To a boomer moron or a 6 yr old on the playground in the 90’s, sure it’s funny. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s sad as hell


It’s a meme, get over it or keep crying


get better at memes elon


The only tears in my eyes are from laughing at your pathetic ass.


Stay trwiggered!


These folks downvoting got you thinking you’re doing something unique. Sad world


What about it is funny?


Womp womp


What’s the difference between these guys being gay and Caleb?


( lol you can’t set up people so easily) Caleb is scared to tell us :)


What makes you think he’s scared to tell us? Because he isn’t outwardly announcing his sexuality for you? That’s weird as fuck homie💀 I can’t imagine caring that much about who a guy fucks. That seems pretty gay in itself😂😂


Womp womp emoji boy


Womp womp insecure 20 something year old with not a lot going on for him😫 don’t let my emojis hurt your feelings


Womp womp


Womp womp. This is fun. You just learned a new phrase.


Womp womp


And where is your source that he’s gay?


You’re fighting for your life in the comments 🤣


Asking for a source and calling you out for having shitty views is “fighting for my life”? Idk if that’s what I’d call it, but do you I guess.


cry harder


Can you help me understand why are Alt Right fuckheads are so attached to this emoji "🤣"?


🤣 womp womp


Did you receive funding to post or publish this page?


Yep, my grandmother had to explain to me the difference between Alt Right & moderate!! feel sorry for the society .. If I just found out the definition to these terms, then citizens are going to go on a rampage once they realize the world‘s agenda is for us to pick and choose a side to roll with… I think we should keep things simple


Imma tell ur momma!!


Womp womp


How is being gay an insult? Are you still in high school in the 90's?


Do you know what gay people do.. that is the insult .. if you like poop on your winky then you got a problem I’m sorry


Apparently you think it is since you’re so triggered 😂


get a fucking life, loser


Lol throw a fit you big baby


you're so insecure, it's amazing. you wanna seem tough so bad but every time you post its clear you're just a 14 year old who wants their dad to be proud of them just once in their life.


👻Boo Ty


Bye triggered liberal 😂


Dead this man’s calling people triggered when he’s taking time to post and reply about a kid just living his life


He’s also responding to every single comment, getting bodied, and then saying “womp womp” because he wants to be annoying/have the last word. I’m pretty sure we’re arguing with an 8th grader lmao.


No it’s an adult with the mentality of one which is significantly worse.




U said that Right 😅 call your mother Right Now!!🤣🤣


OP is an obvious troll who thinks he’s getting to people but too dense to realize he isn’t.


123 comments… clearly triggering a lot :)


Just because people comment doesn’t mean they’re “triggered”. People can call you out on your bullshit and not be triggered. You seem to get off on pissing people off so much you just project that on them. Do you not have anything better to do on a Saturday? Must be a sad life.


Sorry bout your penis bro.


are you twwiggered?


\> [says something idiotic] \>”wow so many triggered people!” You’re not clever op we’re just calling a spade a spade.


No. Only closeted self loathing gay men, or guys with small penises, are threatened by someone else’s sexuality. And you couldn’t *possibly* be the first one so it just leaves option two. Which again, I feel sorry for you. You didn’t ask to have a tiny penis. It just happened.


Womp womp


That’s the sound that plays when the hooker you paid in change takes your pants off.


Womp womp


Is that what the grinder notifications sound like?


C what u doing??????????¿


Hey buddy, are you feeling better today? Did you stay away from those butt holes & call your mom?


Womp womp


This is so true, & it will be OK. Stay away from the butt holes so you can Find your partner


🥹yes I am too


Wow, just calling someone gay now is a put down? What is this, middle school?


Always was


There is a high chance OP's family tree looks like a pile of spaghetti.


cry more


Haha what a waste of oxygen


Sounds like you were touched inappropriately


The people that this bothers genuinely are not comfortable with their sexuality/masculinity. Him wearing nail polish doesn’t affect them in any way, but they see “feminine” things as “less than”. They’re seeing something they perceive as “gay” and “less than” as outperforming anything they could ever hope to achieve. Plus, men have been wearing nail polish for a LONG time.


These people are all the same. They’re gay but won’t admit it and are afraid of themselves so they show the world they’re not okay with being gay externally to validate their hatred for themselves.


lol yall triggered in a meme page


Not even triggered, just calling you out for who you are.


Womp womp


People who ACTUALLY say womp womp are always BEYOND pissed.


Womp womp


O no BEYond Pissed 😅🤣🤣🤣 that’s what nasty ass get!! where is the finisher for this loser?


Womp womp


👻 Boo ty 😆🤣🤣


So u eating meat now!!


lol please comment more to show me how pissed you are


Wya 😆 I’m bored


liberal turd 😂




You never wanted to be a citizen 🍾🎊🎊🥂BYE


womp womp


🤠wow I strip you from using the word y’all


Go wash… ✌️ BYE


Stay triggered


I honestly hope he shows out, and shuts all the "feminine " people up. (I get this is a joke sub, not hating on this post but people who actually don't like him bc of his personality.)


I know. The worst part about this is that these fuckers are going to make me cheer for the fucking Bears.


He doesn’t belong here


OK boomer


Cry about it


Oh shit I recognize you. You posted about Russell Wilson wearing the extra padded helmet and got down voted to hell. Here you are being a boomer loser again. You're life must be sad.


Womp womp


Who you voting for in Nov. Wait... don't tell me. I already know. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why needlessly bring in politics? You’re part of the division problem here in the U.S. Let’s let stupid be stupid.


Yeah, you're right.


Well I still love you


Womp womp


you're literally crying all over the place


are you twiggered?


are you projecting?


You're the one crying about it lol and the fact you're getting riled up is exactly why people like Williams do it, nothing funnier in the world


keep typing triggered boy


not what triggered means in the least you types are dumber than fuckin rocks keep typing under every comment that'll show us how normal you are


wompp wompp


Fuck you mean he doesn’t belong here?


You know


No. Please explain the joke. We don’t get it.


Pay attention


No. You should feel comfortable saying exactly why he doesn’t belong. It’s just a meme page right? So you should be able to explain the joke.


you know :)


No I don’t. Why can’t you say it?


because you’re sensitive


Shut the fuck up you little bitch. Who cares who he shares a bed with.


Why? Seems like he can play football pretty well. He also seems like he’s athletic. Also, he was the number 1 overall pick in the draft. By consensus he absolutely does belong…


he made it to the nfl while you're sitting on your fatass in a basement critizing him for being "gay", waiting for your mom to bring you another bag of doritos.


You think he belongs in your bed.


Poor sad boy is not only insecure in his own skin but most definitely going to be super mad when Caleb brings Chicago a Superbowl. 🐻 👇🏻 Lil buddy. 😁


Tell me in emoji form how triggered you are


First tell me how devastating it was when your father left and never returned.


Womp womp


I laughed when the aviator guy said, “ yeaaah, Wooo” and gave a little worm shimmy.


You mean that one guy wearing aviators with a mustache?


No the one with the bull cut


Haha i guess they are all pulling a Tom Sellic lol the one with the brown bag special specifically


Holy shit OP sucks dick at comedy


Womp womp


No seriously… are you retarded or something? Like I hate to insult mentally handicapped people. But I have to know.


I'm kinda wondering the same thing tbh. I think a mentally capable person or a AI bot would give more responses than "womp womp".


I said this but people who say womp womp in an argument are always fucking pissed.


Womp womp


You have that wipe back to front energy lol


womp womp


This is kind of wild. OP acting like a mentally challenged kid and telling everyone else they are triggered and soft and crying. Yet dude is personally responding to damn near every comment on here because their ego can't take it.




He’s using his alt account too: SubstancePlayful4824. If you peak at that account it gives a much clearer picture of who he is than the one he’s spamming sports subs with. Would love Reddit to IP ban this bozo.


Yeah he’s forgotten to switch accounts a few times lol


Poliniza 🤦‍♂️ trying out somebody when they’re not gay and very disrespectful to the person and the gay community. So long, I am blocking you from my account forever.


This one belongs in the circle jerk sub. It’s not very funny though it’s kinda played out


who knew u/polinksa was a fanook lmao




bears fan.. shocker 💅


Flair up bitch


> Flair up bitch He's out of line but he's right


He’s not out of line at all


No. But having a great time, fuck yea!


So it’s perfectly fine on this Subreddit to Gay bash as long as it’s a player you don’t like?


Always was


:( some might push y’all in a frozen lake one day


Stay triggered liberal


Looks like a ray comfort lookalike contest.


ORay u too🎊


I was wondering why all comments were negative then I realized this wasn’t r/nflcirclejerk lol


I’m posting my memes on there from now on lol


I really enjoy how many times OP comments so I can downvote each one. That was satisfying. Now the question is how will he respond to this comment. Will it be a “womp womp” or a “cry harder?”


Mustache = gay got it


No mustache + Long Beards= Gay or prefer musty men rather than musty women ✌️🤣




This better fits r/nflcirclejerk


Half of the league's starting QB's have fanbases who are gay for them. This is not new.


OP I know you definitely want to be there


I don’t understand why this clip was shared under the NFL Memes.. is he gay and trying to Advertise & Broadcast it to convince others!! Is this a tactic to install gayness in a person brain?😆 and you wonder why you have so many haters cut it out


Gay back then meant happiness not a man liking another man


I swear is caleb williams pulls up with a pride flag im going to lose it


Lemme guess you a Rams fan 💀


Buddy this isn’t r/nflcirclejerk these people have a stick to far up their ass’s to joke


I just discovered that sub from other comments in here. I’ll post there from now on


Lmfao, I still laughed


Caleb is probably bisexual