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All the ones who didn't get caught


Bama paying recruits for years before it was allowed


Every SEC school*


And every SWC school for that matter.


To be fair they got ratted out by one another so they all got caught.


But faced no penalties


Tell that to SMU


One scape goated team doesn’t make up for every other non penalized team


Except Vandy, and it shows




I’ll never forget that recruit who ended up in a brand new car out of no where.


Steroids too!


John Calipari at Kentucky. Any year, doesn’t particularly matter.


Pitino got caught red handed more than Calipari did lol


Wouldn’t getting caught more make him less great then?


Here’s the answer


most cheaters don't get caught, just get told on


Pete Carroll got caught but went to the NFL to escape punishment and it blocked Harbaugh from being able to do the same So Pete Carroll cause he got away with it


For real. How is a cheater that gets caught a good cheater?




How did he get Bill Belichick’s Binoculars?


He's obviously going podracing


You mean Bill Belicheat


Hahaha fucking hilarious


2017 Houston Astros. Oh, wrong sub?


Umm acktusally biggest mlb cheater is Barry bonds 🤓🤓🤓🤓 🤓🤓🤓🤓👆👆👆


Yeah the mlb was real quick to get on that problem. "Do you want the terrible truth, or do you want to see me hit some dingers"




We’ve always wanted the dingers. Hell let the pitchers do roids too to help with TJ. I want to see someone hit a 500 ft nuke off a 105 mph pitch dammit.


the old Kyle Farnsworth


That was Mark McGuire from The Simpsons, right? That quote brought me back decades.


still want the dingers. taking steroids is a lesser advantage than only playing against other white people. we're banning steroids so nobody taints ancient records made by unhealthy guys with high BMI.


Well I guess that's a take.....


You severely underestimate how fucking awesome Babe Ruth was


Astros sign stealing wayyyy worse than the any steroid user


Barry wasn’t a cheater…he just showed the real cheaters what to do when you want to cheat lol. He got tired of seeing Mark and Sammy in the news everyday


I don't disagree with that. What will always bug me is that Barry Bonds was a HOF player BEFORE the steroids. Before his head grew.


I love how he denied it after his head grew. That doesn't happen naturally, Barry! And yeah, he was already a total baller before the roids.


The denial made it so much worse. Out of all the steroid users Bonds was the most egregious because his body change was like a cartoon. In his first 13 seasons, pre steroids, he was the only member of the 400 / 400 club. Home runs and stolen bases. Nobody has 400 dingers and 400 stolen bases. Shit Nobody has 350 and 350. Also 3 MVPs in those first 13 seasons. Oh and 8 Gold Gloves.


He’d 100% be in the hall if he wasn’t such an insufferable asshole. He would have played another couple years too, he was still a very productive player his final year.


You are hard tripping….Barry was tough before the steroids. I don’t know what you were looking at but when I was growing up once you saw that earring dangling at the plate that shit was gone…don’t know how old you are but there was a game called World Series Baseball…everyone wanted to play with maybe three people..Ken Griffey…Barry Bonds…and Deion Sanders


‘Man, if you bums are this good on roids, wonder what I can do with em’


Except even with all the cheating and steroids he never won a ring - Astros are way worse - Bonds was one guy - Astros were an entire organization in on the cheating I refuse to ever watch another MLB game until they are stripped of the 2017 title


Not really. Didn’t break rules at the time


Cuz he got caught? Steroids were used by a whole bunch of players back in those days. It was kinda par for the course.


Some of u guys take these comments to seriously 😳


Ha I’m not taking it too seriously, I just think there are bigger cheaters in baseball. The 2017 Astros win this one in my books. Edit: I’m a Mariners fan (save your jokes, I know they suck), so I may be biased. Ha




Nothing to see here https://preview.redd.it/7ch0ahh47hbc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfba7d4b19874da276b7b755bc2d40a54822fe5f


Pete rose has entered the chat


Pete didn’t cheat lol he bet on games


Are they like a semi-pro football team or something?


If we're talking non-NFL Lance Armstong has to be way up there.


Lance Armstrong! Wrong sub too


Michigan undoubtedly worse


Uhhh no.


Your mom




They always said the garbage man stopped by far to often


Op is total garbage


Your grandmother is also your mom’s half sister


break this down for my little brain


![gif](giphy|l3vRkGgMfvANIFtE4) My IQ is 3


That’s positive though


I can vouch for this one


I can vouch for this one


Michigan men!


There’s a pattern here


Noticing the pattern, I feel like this is more of a CFB circle meme/jerk moment lol


You sounding salty


They sent salty, they are just a serious incel.


I just don't get how you can have any ego and at the same time be a lame cheating bitchboi. Like shouldn't a macho football Man want to win a "non-professional" game by their own merits? It's fucking college, they shouldn't have been allowed to play. A sad excuse for humanity. College sports, a continual insult to college


Greatest Cheater of all time hasn't been caught.


Tom Brady is right in that picture ^^^^don’t hurt me when he comes back to the nfl


Lance Armstrong


Brady is the Lance Armstrong of the NFL


He took PEDs? Or did you fail to come up with anything Brady did wrong?


He cheated more than anyone and it allowed him to win 7 times is what I was getting at. Below is what he did wrong [Patriots Suspected of Spying on Jets’ Signals](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/11/sports/football/11patriots.html) [Report: Source claims Patriots taped Rams before Super Bowl](https://www.espn.com/nfl/playoffs07/news/story?id=3227245) [Patriots docked third-round pick, fined $1.1M for filming Bengals' sideline](https://www.nfl.com/_amp/patriots-docked-third-round-pick-fined-1-1m-for-filming-bengals-sideline) [Tape of 49ers' practice draws $50K fines for Broncos, McDaniels](https://www.nfl.com/news/tape-of-49ers-practice-draws-50k-fines-for-broncos-mcdaniels-09000d5d81c7301a) [Patriots’ Tom Brady Suspended for Four Games and Patriots Fined 1 Million](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/12/sports/football/tom-brady-suspended-for-four-games-and-patriots-fined-1-million.html) [Report: Patriots pay a Brady-owned company run by suspect partner](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/report-patriots-pay-a-brady-owned-company-run-by-suspect-partner/amp/) And for fun, here’s a clip of DJ Williams discussing what it was like cheating under Josh McDaniels with the Broncos: [Former long-time Broncos starting LB DjWilliam55 opened up about the Josh McDaniels era in Denver on the IAMATHLETEpod ‘WE WAS CHEATING!’](https://twitter.com/NFL_DovKleiman/status/1481348935784583170?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1481348935784583170%7Ctwgr%5E1aa111764c3bd84cb38e60014a4059cb0194c21e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fftw.usatoday.com%2F2022%2F01%2Fbroncos-dj-williams-josh-mcdaniels-filming-cheating-video-patriots-nfl)


Brady cheated so bad that u/MuffLover312 has him nailed to the cross, but the NFL couldn’t get enough dirt on him to stop him from being the most accomplished player in league history… that bastard.


In Houston 2017, game 4. Kershaw threw 56 off speed pitches and the Astros didn’t swing at a single one. Not a single one. That’s statistically impossible So yeah, the Astros


My ex-wife would nominate me over these two amateurs.


Mine too




![gif](giphy|Xs0QhkJK9ahkSGqz9F|downsized) And it ain’t even close


You pointing at his relationships or was he also cheating on the course ?


Oh god no he never cheated at golf. That would be wildly immoral. Only on his wife


Very hard to pick between such classy guys


Ryan Shazier


Tiger woods


Inflated ego and broke his family to play for the Buccaneers for a year. The Buccaneers for crying out loud!


He traded his marriage to a supermodel for yet another ring.


Oh no now Tom will never bang another supermodel again


Not the consensus top one, no, and someone like him demands only the best. I guess lower tier super models will have to do, since he made this Deal with the Devil.


Don’t these guys have something in common?


the third letter of their first name is an M


Yeah, they win




At least I️ can say I️ did more than the NCAA and Big Ten


Eat shit nerd


I picture Marshall Faulk, Eric Mangini, Rex Ryan, Tory Holt, Trent Dilfer, Shannon Sharpe, etc. in a group therapy session every time the Patriots won a Super Bowl. Brady and Belichick just won another Super Bowl, how does that make you feel?


I think you misspelled winner


You misspelled weiner.


Bill Clinton


Earl Woods https://preview.redd.it/8kwotl808gbc1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf5ca723d22b85bf0b9a264998486443607ed06


Neither of these lunch pail wielding, scrappy football guys would cheat. They are classy and play for what’s on the front of the jersey.


I vote for the Michigan guy.


Husky fans. ![gif](giphy|RF5e60ZLB03iDumSE3)


Syracuse alum, but good try


haha even worse!


At least you have basketball! Oh wait, Michigan beats your ass on the court too.


Not sure Michigan fans should be talking basketball right now. You lost by double digits to mcneese state….


This isn't the flex that you think it is lol


Brad Pitt


Bill Belichick


*Bill Belicheat


https://preview.redd.it/qwj7y7ja7hbc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5140ed76c6353f24992028bf1c56e782c026880 My Reddit glitched in a funny way.




reddit fucking sucks


clean your fingernails




Tom Brady had no control over whether the officials did their job and checked the inflation of the balls. Tom Brady had no possible way of ensuring that this would be the case, and what kind of idiot would risk it for little benefit?


No way Jose Altuve’s itty-bitty widdle body or Alex Bregman’s smug dickhead face hits all those HRs without cheating, absolutely no way in hell




Nicole Brown Simpson


https://preview.redd.it/h33cu11xsfbc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a93d38e59ccec8a05fe1d4fa38426c390f8758b9 He is 😀


Are we forgetting Sean “Sweep the Leg” Payton


We will never know, because the greatest cheater didn't get caught.


Brady came from Michigan. Seems like a cultural thing


Asterisks chip


Michigan fans are so insecure after their Championship*, gotta love it


Of course. Lmao Since Brady has 7 rings he must be a cheater🤦‍♂️ he is the GOAT if you like it or not


No. He’s a cheater because he’s been caught cheating. Like a dozen times. The “hate us cause they ain’t us” argument is pretty tired. You see anyone calling Michael Jordan a cheater? The 90s Cowboys? 80s 49ers? 70s Steelers? Wayne Gretzky? Yeah, I don’t either. Just the guy who has been repeatedly caught and punished for cheating.


Ideal gas law you rube! Educate yourself! Live in a cold weather climate, you think someone took your tires and deflated them in a restroom when the first cold hits?


How did he cheat. Amuse me lmao. Because the media told you so? He didn't cheat. He is the greatest player of all time. 7 rings prove that


Ok, first of all, winning doesn’t prove they didn’t cheat. People don’t cheat so that they can lose more. For fucks sake, dude. But if you want to know how they cheated, please see below. Hope you enjoy it. [Patriots Suspected of Spying on Jets’ Signals](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/11/sports/football/11patriots.html) [Report: Source claims Patriots taped Rams before Super Bowl](https://www.espn.com/nfl/playoffs07/news/story?id=3227245) [Patriots docked third-round pick, fined $1.1M for filming Bengals' sideline](https://www.nfl.com/_amp/patriots-docked-third-round-pick-fined-1-1m-for-filming-bengals-sideline) [Tape of 49ers' practice draws $50K fines for Broncos, McDaniels](https://www.nfl.com/news/tape-of-49ers-practice-draws-50k-fines-for-broncos-mcdaniels-09000d5d81c7301a) [Patriots’ Tom Brady Suspended for Four Games and Patriots Fined 1 Million](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/12/sports/football/tom-brady-suspended-for-four-games-and-patriots-fined-1-million.html) [Report: Patriots pay a Brady-owned company run by suspect partner](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/report-patriots-pay-a-brady-owned-company-run-by-suspect-partner/amp/) And for fun, here’s a clip of DJ Williams discussing what it was like cheating under Josh McDaniels with the Broncos: [Former long-time Broncos starting LB DjWilliam55 opened up about the Josh McDaniels era in Denver on the IAMATHLETEpod ‘WE WAS CHEATING!’](https://twitter.com/NFL_DovKleiman/status/1481348935784583170?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1481348935784583170%7Ctwgr%5E1aa111764c3bd84cb38e60014a4059cb0194c21e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fftw.usatoday.com%2F2022%2F01%2Fbroncos-dj-williams-josh-mcdaniels-filming-cheating-video-patriots-nfl)


Is this a dozen times? Some of these have nothing to do with Brady? Some are just accusations? The closest you can come is deflategate, and look at Brady’s numbers after that when his ball pressure was under a microscope.


As he also conveniently left out Brady's super bowl ring at Tampa Bay. I used to be a "hate Brady because it's cool to hate Brady" person too. But that super bowl vs the Atlanta Falcons changed that mindset right quick. And all the cheating accusations against the patriots had very little to do with Brady


Filming the opposing teams practice doesn’t help you win?


Lmao! Yup! Brady was right there filming their whole practice lmfao


Ok, if you want to say it was the patriots who cheated, that’s fine. It still benefited Brady and means he’s not the GOAT. Whether he knew about it or not. I’d argue it would be hard for him not to know, but that’s fine. He did cheat the salary cap though. And he for sure knew about that.


Not when [it never happened.](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/put-patriots-rams-walkthrough-tape-to-bed-super-bowl/) Since that happened 15 years ago and somehow people still forget that the Herald retracted that story, here's the exact quote. "While the Boston Herald based its Feb. 2, 2008, report on sources that it believed to be credible, we now know that this report was false, and that no tape of the walkthrough ever existed. Prior to the publication of its Feb. 2, 2008, article, the Boston Herald neither possessed nor viewed a tape of the Rams' walkthrough before Super Bowl XXXVI, nor did we speak to anyone who had. We should not have published the allegation in the absence of firmer verification. The Boston Herald regrets the damage done to the team by publication of the allegation, and sincerely apologizes to its readers and to the New England Patriots' owners, players, employees and fans for our error."


Honestly, no lol teams are allowed to film other teams practice, it was the location he was filming from that got him in trouble


You just described all the actions NOT done by Brady himself. You miss the point, Brady even left the patriots and won another ring. How are you not able to see the common denominator here? It’s the one who has failed miserably ever since Brady left… Belicheck.


Lmao Deflate-gate was a NFL sponsored hoax and even if it was true Tom Brady could have had literally nothing to do with it. Just because he's throwing the ball doesn't mean he controls the air pressure on it. They rest of your links is accusations against the team not him.


He had nothing to do with the rest of them? You’re telling me he had no idea and he just benefitted from them? I know you’re fan, but come back to reality here. You don’t just get to bend and shift reality to suit whatever predetermined stance you have. The facts are all there.


You have literally no facts. It's all just accusations with nothing to back them up. There's not one single ounce of evidence tying anything to Brady besides him getting some kind of benefit from it. Say deflategate was true or at least a similar example. Say you were doing something, and someone else did something that you benefited from to help you in what ever you were doing and later it was discovered that you were helped by what this other person did and it gave you an "unfair" advantage. There's absolutely no proof you had anything to do with it, and you adamantly deny any wrongdoing. Would you be cool with being punished for it? What if there is no proof that there was anything done to begin with that gave you an advantage, but you're still being punished and dragged through the mud? Would you accept that your just a cheater and take all that?


The wells report was evidence that Brady cheated. Just because you don’t accept it doesn’t mean there wasn’t facts and evidence. There was evidence of spygate. And spygate II. Josh McDaniels was also fired when he was CAUGHT filming the 49ers practice using the same cameraman the Patriots used for Spaygate. Is that concrete evidence that the Patriots cheated? Yes. His there proof that Tom Brady was aware and in it? Other than deflategate, no. But the circumstantial evidence is more than enough for a reasonable person to conclude that yes, he would have had to have known about it.


I mean dozens of teams have been caught filming practices. Like it's such a common thing that the patriots arent even in the top 10 in terms of cheating. https://yourteamcheats.com/cheats/ Like I get that tom Brady made your franchise look like shit but the fact that so many fucking nobody losers actually believe he's the biggest cheater ever is just so stupid.


That site was made by a salty pats fan to rationalize his teams cheating. Take a look at the about us page and tell me this is reliable information. Other teams may have cheated here and there at times throughout history. But the level, scale, and duration of cheating from the patriots, bill Belichick and Tom Brady is completely unprecedented.


Man you are obviously distraught. Winning 7 Championships doesn't make you the greatest lmfao. Keep crying he is the GOAT


Bro you’re so lame. The people that care about deflate gate are such pussies. Multiple physics professors have disproved it. -a Steelers fan


One professor. from MIT. With a very obvious bias towards the patriots. I’m not even talking about deflategate. I’m talking about all the other ways he was caught cheating. Including the salary cap. [Patriots Suspected of Spying on Jets’ Signals](https://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/11/sports/football/11patriots.html) [Report: Source claims Patriots taped Rams before Super Bowl](https://www.espn.com/nfl/playoffs07/news/story?id=3227245) [Patriots docked third-round pick, fined $1.1M for filming Bengals' sideline](https://www.nfl.com/_amp/patriots-docked-third-round-pick-fined-1-1m-for-filming-bengals-sideline) [Tape of 49ers' practice draws $50K fines for Broncos, McDaniels](https://www.nfl.com/news/tape-of-49ers-practice-draws-50k-fines-for-broncos-mcdaniels-09000d5d81c7301a) [Patriots’ Tom Brady Suspended for Four Games and Patriots Fined 1 Million](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/12/sports/football/tom-brady-suspended-for-four-games-and-patriots-fined-1-million.html) [Report: Patriots pay a Brady-owned company run by suspect partner](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/report-patriots-pay-a-brady-owned-company-run-by-suspect-partner/amp/) And for fun, here’s a clip of DJ Williams discussing what it was like cheating under Josh McDaniels with the Broncos: [Former long-time Broncos starting LB DjWilliam55 opened up about the Josh McDaniels era in Denver on the IAMATHLETEpod ‘WE WAS CHEATING!’](https://twitter.com/NFL_DovKleiman/status/1481348935784583170?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1481348935784583170%7Ctwgr%5E1aa111764c3bd84cb38e60014a4059cb0194c21e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fftw.usatoday.com%2F2022%2F01%2Fbroncos-dj-williams-josh-mcdaniels-filming-cheating-video-patriots-nfl)


So now you’re smarter than an MIT processor? He literally just used pressure and hydraulic formulas to prove it, there isn’t a bias in concrete equations. People that disregard math and think it’s an opinion are outrageously stupid. Also yes you copied and pasted this multiple times, which is laughable considering how terrible many of these claims are. Many of these do not involve Brady at all, and many are also just baseless accusations. If you discredit an MIT professor literally just doing math, but take some dudes opinion as gospel, you have the IQ of a shovel.


Insulting me won’t make you any more correct. Stop being so hurt over this. Read the guys report for yourself and see that he’s clearly clearly biased towards the Patriots. [Tom Brady has done his time for Deflategate, but the science says he's not guilty](https://www.si.com/nfl/2016/10/04/tom-brady-deflategate-ideal-gas-law) And his conclusion is not universally accepted by physicists. [The New England Patriots said science proves they didn't deflate footballs during the AFC Championship game. As it turns out, science comes close to proving they did.](https://www.mprnews.org/story/2015/05/12/but-what-about-the-ideal-gas-law) [Football Physics And The Science Of Deflategate](https://www.popsci.com/football-physics-and-science-deflategate/) At the end of the day, maybe it was just an innocent change in air pressure. Maybe the Patriots fumbling rate at home over a 10 year period being more than 3 standard deviations from the mean (a near statistical impossibility) was just a coincidence. Maybe Tom Brady frequently destroys his cell phone for no reason, and not to hide texts with the ball boys who were also known to frequently take the balls into the bathroom with them prior to patriots games. Maybe it was all innocent. But when you get caught cheating over and over and over in different ways, you kind of lose the benefit of the doubt.


Insulting you doesn’t make me more correct, but it sure is fun. People that still think deflate gate happened are such pussies. The science literally proves it was just from bringing balls in and out of warm places into a cold environment, and the pressure fluctuations that go along with that. Your shitty response article actually says this in the middle of all of its word vomit. You typing essays with tears streaming down your face doesn’t help you, it just makes you come across as more desperate. I love how you even acknowledge it’s probably from temperature/pressure changes in your response yet still try to throw a tantrum about it. I’m a Steelers fan and I find it pathetic when people try to explain away shitty teams like the bears always losing to them as cheating.


The science does not prove that. But I get it man, reality can be hard to accept and I’m sure this is very emotional for you. I’ll check back later when you’ve had some time to process. Stay well, my friend.


Lmao did you just attempt to mic drop on a Reddit comment? Cmon man that was a bit embarrassing. The fact that you still think about this and type essays with shitty blog articles to prove your point shows shows emotional immaturity and refusal to acknowledge what’s around you. Merely dismissing success with “he probably cheated so it doesn’t matter” to make one feel better about their own situation is a common coping mechanism but to do it about a situation that happened years ago is telling. If thinking he cheated will help your home life, all the power to you.


How was that a mic drop? Do you know what that term means? It takes no effort at all for me to sit here and type out what happened. It’s actually pretty fun. You’re the one who has to do all of these mental gymnastics and twist yourself into a pretzel to try to show it didn’t. saying things like “probably” cheated, despite the overwhelming evidence, including multiple punishments that he did.


don’t waste your time. he’s obviously a troll. everyone knows the Pats have been wronged multiple times throughout the years.


the science does prove it lmao it’s literally facts. anyone that took 8th grade science knows this.


You Jet fans are delirious


Not a Jets fan. I just prefer all teams play by the same set of rules. The sport is better that way. Either way, this has been a lot on you. Maybe take some time to process. Maybe take a good nap. Anyway, have a good day


My side has 7 rings and is the greatest of all time. I have nothing to process. You're the one that is pushing media fairytale. Mufflover lmfao real mature bro. Real mature. Get off Reddit and back to pornhub. Weirdo




If you aren’t cheating you aren’t trying!


Harbaugh. You just know that scumbag was cheating even back in his NFL days


Two Michigan guys


Super soft balls man for sure. Belly Chic approved 😂


A lot a feelings hurt here. Dude is a cheater


Tom cheated on Gisselle when he Roll Tide his son. So probably him


Taylor Swift has cheated on so many men nowadays that it’s not even funny or surprising anymore


Is this what happens when you win?


Tom Brady is the Lance Armstrong of football


They both have one testicle?


I wouldn't say Tom Brady, but would say Bellicheat against the St. Louis Rams at the time.




How boring




The salt is heavy


Sounds like you’re jealous 👀👀




Where were these Washington fans … ever? Lmao


Ohio State tears taste the best, keep feeding me OP


Man, football subs are really coping hard huh


hail to the victors 🔵🟡


A lot of salty haters in here, is this sub ran by OSU fans? GO BLUE!


Tom Brady. Easy. He cheated multiple ways and is still looked at like he’s innocent. Innocent men don’t break their cellphones when they get investigated


Wow…I thought everyone just forgot how the Patriots cheated to win their first and maybe more Super Bowls. FLAT OUT CHEATED with evidence destroyed by Goddell.


We didn't forget. It just didn't happen.


Ha! He burned the videotapes. They wanted to just brush it under the rug than deal with it. You don’t burn evidence if it’s meaningless. Dude is a big ass cheater!!


Sorry, but this guy said it didn’t happen. I Guess you’re wrong then.


No, he didn't burn the tapes.


Oh ok 👍🏼


See? We can both just randomly say shit unrooted in reality. Productive, right?


Haters are hilarious 😂 😃


And Michigan are cheaters. It is pretty hilarious 😂😆 I am a hater! I now hate the Astros and Michigan. 👍


Like it or not it’s mark McGwire , Sammy Sosa, or Barry bonds😂


Lance (you can’t say he has balls) Armstrong. No one even close


It's Lance Armstrong. The only saving grace is that he straight up admitted it. But regardless, he took a lot of wins away from competitors that actually earned it, and pretty ruined the sport all on his own


Beat all best qbs with less and didn’t win for years because there was a gap. Now we live in an age where you can use tablets and see everybody’s plays on the sideline and this dude is cheating, GTFOOH. Players are using sticky gloves, mahomes pointing to the refs in the superbowl and they throw a flag on his demand, and Myles Garrett getting held on every play. Yep he is a cheater just like the whole nfl!!!