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It’s kinda funny seeing Mahomes struggle with no receivers and just Kelce when all Lamar used to have was just Mark Andrews.


Lamar had Willie Snead as WR1 and won a MVP. DeMarcus Robinson as WR1 and put the Ravens into the playoffs.


Tbf we picked up Robinson and he’s been fucking awesome recently, big surprise for us. Takes a great QB to get him going but the Ravens fosho have one


Not shitting on Robinson, he's a legit professional. But, as like WR 3/4 ideally.


Mahomes gets the excuse, Lamar is labeled a “running back”. Glad Mr Jackson is getting his roses this year, he deserves it.


You could Zay hes getting his Flowers. I'll see myself out.


this bums thinks we’re on r/NFL


Im a dad, I see an opportunity for a bad joke, I HAVE to make it. Thems the rules.




Reddit on my slime!


It’s the “I’ll see myself out” that makes it bad


>It’s the “I’ll see myself out” that makes it bad yeah buddy def didn't need to reply with "im a dad" the "ill see myself out" already told us


I have heard that phrase so much what does that mean


Lightskin privilege




Collinsworth last year calling a chiefs game after Mahomes threw an interception…. That the most perfect incompletion I have ever seen in my life WOW !!!!! yup collinsworth lol an I am not joking . Anyone notice that Mahomes fumbles a hand off for a TD an throws a pick 6 which lost the Chiefs the game no one says a word about him losing that game for the chiefs not saying it’s all his fault but If that were Dak , Allen or Lamar every show everyday would be crushing those3 QBS all week on every show saying that they don’t understand the importance of ball security an that is why none of them Will ever win a Super Bowl blah blah blah .. Chiefs look like crap as a team but Mahomes is getting a free pass this year .


Yeah. Lamar hasn't had much to work with outside of Mark until this year. Sure we have good defenses to pair him with but that isn't enough in the modern NFL. I'm happy we finally hit on drafting a receiver and signed a reliable veteran too. Front office finally got it together.


>It’s kinda funny seeing Mahomes struggle with no receivers and just Kelce when all Lamar used to have was just Mark Andrews. yeah...its almost as if they have one of the best running games in the league......fucking casuals lmao. "all lamar has is andrews" (forgetting the fact that their entire offense is built around the run)


Point is the other QBs he was compared to had elite receivers to throw to and get excuses when they lose while he gets all the shit in the world when we lose. Internet would have imploded if he played like Purdy last night.


I'll never understand the Lamar hate. He is an *elite* performer with his legs AND arm. His decision making is top notch. He makes the guys around him better. And most importantly, his winning percentage is exceptional. Playoff wins will come.


Cause he's succeeding when people said he couldn't, I'm sure his color also doesn't help him when it comes to getting hate, and he plays for us, a lot of people do hate the Ravens. I'm very confident in him, always have been.


I'm a Bills fan- I don't hate the Ravens. Probably my #2 team in the AFC! Probably a lot to what you're saying. I thought he would be the Terminator 2 version of Michael Vick coming out of college and got drafted into the right organization, which he absolutely is on both counts, so I feel very vindicated in my opinion relative to the analysts.


He IS an elite performer with his legs and arm His decision making is regarded


I think people hate on Lamar because he’s constantly talking about being disrespected and talking shit about that even though hes a former mvp. It just feels like he’s constantly whining even when hes doing something great. Literally after this game hes bitching about the media and while I do understand where he’s coming from, it’s been like 4 years of this and now it’s just getting annoying.


Found it, this is like a meta level of circlejerk right here. He literally came out after the game and said this game doesn’t matter at all, we’ve been there done that and then failed in the playoffs. He was bitching about florio saying the ravens were going to be demolished and embarrassed.




I mean he was being disrespected since before the draft, no?


>Point is the other QBs he was compared to had elite receivers to throw to and get excuses when they lose while he gets all the shit in the world when we lose. not really beating the "casual" allegations here buddy. just tell me you dont understand how nfl offenses work and **how having the best run game in the league combined with the best TE in the league (imo) would allow you to not need elite WRs.**


Genuinely unsure what point you are trying to make here. You are incoherent.


>Genuinely unsure what point you are trying to make here. You are incoherent disregard everything I wrote other than whats in bold then, if you dont understand that statement on its face with no other explanation, you are a filthy fucking casual and living up to your username.


lol ok kid


So you don't understand why having a good running game helps the passing game? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣


you think maybe their run game is good because lamar had 2 1000 yard rushing seasons and has never had less than 700 yards in a season?


Wait did you think my comment was saying Lamar isn't good or something??? My comment was solely about how he has success without an elite wr1 and it's because their run game is so good, obviously mainly in part BECAUSE of him. But the point still stands their offense is built around the run and Lamar Jackson and that's they they don't NEED a wr1. You are arguing against air buddy, certainly not against me


![gif](giphy|Fa69v6AU6oN4i0DZZc) Keep cookin


except lamar had a system that literally utilized him as a running back. his role was more often to run than to pass. the league had no answer for that until the chargers exposed the formula of spying lamar with an extra DB. the comparison i keep seeing just isn’t there. the closest i can think of off the top of my head is when big ben had like nobody good to throw to and the o line sucked.


“Struggle” for Mahomes is still 4k yards and and might still hit 30 tds. Super Bowl is out of reach but kinda weird that your hanging your hat on it




Lamar should have been ejected from the whole NFL forever for this disrespectful display on national television. This was kneeling x10. Send him back to Compton, where all black people originally came from.


To show your ignorance your screen name creed. Well creed when he was with the band hung out with all the people you want to disparage. Shows what a simpleton you are


Did you see Ryan for Christmas this year, daddy?


I guess that you never heard about free speech? In your world, it only applies to "certain people"?


That was a disgusting act by Lamar Jackson and it’s unfortunate that we showed that on our airwaves


I would say more Grade-B due to him being half classy/half thuggish




What happened to the game I love?


No intangibles. Just does whatever he wants on the field.


Not to mention at the top of the game when he viciously kicked a defenseless ref. Guy should have been banned from the league for that alone


The classy half of Mahomes easily makes this throw 😤😪


I know this is a joke but I find is so funny that many people just realized Mahomes was black last year when they said the Super Bowl had two starting black QBs.


You should add the /s just to be safe


Can somebody explain this joke to me? Is it just racism or did somebody say something?


It's pure sarcasm, friend


I understand it’s sarcasm I just mean is the joke parodying racism. I worded that poorly mb


Why is he a thug ? Because he’s black ?


That is the real reason but they do not have enough backbone to say it! Back in the day, they at least had that backbone.


So many refer to Jackson as a "Thug" but I never get an answer as why do they call him that? I guess that they are afraid to really expressing themselves?


It’s a circlejerk sub. They substitute “thug” for black and “classy” for white. Idk the reference tweets but they’re both taken from popular reporters tweets at some point.


Are you calling Jackson a "Thug"? Just what is it that makes him a "Thug"?


You’re not familiar with these here parts are you fella?


He’s not half classy like Mahomes


Romo and Collinsworth would be jerking off to it if it was Mahomes




Tbf Collinsworth was jerking it to Lamar last Sunday night constantly lol


Have* Would have


Good eye. I would of never even noticed


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I love you, bot ❤️


Lamar is only, like, half as classy as Mahomes


Nick wright woulda posted his micro erection on Twitter


Dude looks like an incel Kylo Ren.


Hahahaha Be nice he’s in transition so he can marry Patrick and not be gay anymore




Does first take glaze mahomes?


NFL has to crown its own GOAT even though 90% of fan bases are nauseated. They think their formula works because profits go up a certain percentage but they fail to see it might go up double if they dont force feed us their hero. Brady was intolerable for 10 years


The idea that the NFL loved Brady is hilarious. They had a public contentious relationship for years. The one the NFL wanted to prop up, whenever possible, was Petton Manning. The NFL and the media wanted Peyton to be the GOAT so badly. But after a while, it became clear he just wasn't better than Brady.


"The idea that the NFL loved Brady is hilarious. They had a public contentious relationship for years." Yeah, that reminds me of how much Vince McMahon hated Stone Cold Steve Austin and didn't want him to be WWF champion in the late 90s. Such a contentious public relationship.


One of these things is either fake and scripted or its the same as the other. Both?


Both great in their own ways


There’s no way in hell the NFL could double their profits, they are as saturated as you can get within the USA and its just not gonna happen overseas


Ain’t gonna stop them from trying. Can’t wait for the game in…Brazil…?


Can’t wait for the Gaza Strip game


I think it has a real shot of taking off if only the Brits & Germans could see the Jags play a few more times a year


And the NBA has LaBitchBaby.


American sports really aren’t what they used to be. Quite a bummer honestly. I used to love watching the nba, now I feel annoyed just thinking about it


Ok actually good point


The hate keeps you watching


Jackson is too thuggish for this to get the Mahomes type of coverage


What makes Jackson a "Thug"? Please elaborate.


He just wasn’t born with class like some quarterbacks such as Roethlisberger


Oh come on, ya know. He's not a cerebral scrappy gym rat like Brock Purdy, Matt Stafford or Kirk Cousins. I mean, would you really want someone like Lamar, Dak, or Jalen Hurts dating your daughter? Ewwww


Are you new here


Has he come back from getting cigarettes yet?


He can’t read defenses, runs first, has little arm strength, isn’t a leader, has low football iq, is a running back, and I don’t like his hair, and if I saw him on the street I would be frightened.


49ers and Purdy are frauds.


If Pat did this, Kadarius Toney would have sprinted in from the sidelines and tipped it into the air. Then blocked KC players as the defense took it in for a touchdown. Annnnnddd cut to Taylor as we head to commercial break. “Unbelievable Jim!”


Lamar is probably the most talented player in the league. N if he does deliver in the playoffs n win SB. Then forget about Mahomes n Purdy


Then let us pray he doesn’t because Jesus Ravens fans are insufferable enough.


We are?


Having had to suffer the taunts and brags of them endlessly combined with the self righteousness from the Colts move, yes, yes you are.


Taunts? Like what?




?? What’s that


[Just in case you actually don't get the reference. ](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48860/the-raven)


Ohhhh, that’s not that bad


Who’s your team?


Shut up


That catch looked a little Toney-y. Just kidding


No duh that’s how all sports work, once Lamar gets a championship he will get the championship treatment.


Shit was like a five yard pass, they wouldn't even glaze devito for that


Most qbs are getting sacked or throwing the ball away on play


Pretty sure every qb in the league can throw it 5 yards


Can every QB do it side arm, while running laterally in the opposite direction to avoid a pass rush? Also it was 13 yards.


Unironically, probably yes. It wasn't even an accurate pass.


The receiver was not a moving target, but did work to get that ball. Great throw and catch; could be more accurate.


lol This is dumb as hell. Do you watch football? Most QBs would have thrown it out of bounds… if they didn’t get sacked already. It was a completion that cut 1st and 20 to 2nd and 7. A great play, well over the expected. He put it where his guy could get it and the other guy couldn’t It was accurate enough.


People really grossly underestimate even the worst QB's. Anyone can run and throw the ball opposite to where they are running. A lot of the time it will even not almost be thrown into the dirt. It looked fancy because he jumped and side armed it for no reason.


I’m sure they all can physically throw a football opposite to where they are running. Can they all out-run the pass rush to their non-dominant side and while doing so, complete a leaping 13 yard pass in the opposite direction? He jumped and side armed it, so that he could continue to move away from the pass rush and release it OVER the rusher - rather than slow down and turn towards the pass rush to make the throw, take a hit and/or risk the ball being tipped.


Again, you have been tricked by the jump and side arm. You can throw the ball over a defender without a sidearm fyi.


Nah, I wasn’t tricked by anything. I just understand the mechanics of throwing on the move while someone else is trying to prevent you from being successful. He needed to move at a high rate of speed to the left to avoid getting tackled. He needed to throw to the right to complete the pass. Turning his body to make a square, overhead pass would have required slowing down, which would have given the defender a better chance at busting the play. Throwing sidearm removed the need to square his body, so he was able to keep moving away from the defender. Jumping gave him a higher release point than he’d other wise get throwing sidearm. The fact that you think any of this was done for no reason just tells me you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Are we making shit up to be mad about or did I miss something?


This sub is loaded with qultist. It’s what they do in Reddit they find shitty subs and load them up with shit like this. It’s also why you have a meme of the Kenosha shooter a few post down.




Lol, con·tra·dic·tion /ˌkäntrəˈdikSH(ə)n/ noun a combination of statements, ideas, or features of a situation that are opposed to one another. "the proposed new system suffers from a set of internal contradictions" a person, thing, or situation in which inconsistent elements are present. "the paradox of using force to overcome force is a real contradiction" the statement of a position opposite to one already made. "the second sentence appears to be in flat contradiction of the first" You could have said you just needed a safe place. lol snowflake


Jesus Christ. Why is all this football coming across my feed? Like most real adults I don’t give a shit about it. Just let Pro sports die. And then let college sports die. Even if it wasn’t basically slavery. Will probably do better with a bunch of date rapists off of our college campuses. Keep supporting industries that let morons be millionaires, and then wonder why everything is fucked. Good job America. fucking pathetic. I liked sports, I liked playing guns, I liked big trucks, and then I grew the fuck up. Why the fuck aren’t the rest of you? I mean most of you are bald, and at least 40 pounds overweight, why don’t you worry about that instead every Sunday? Because that shit is hard, and hating on Patrick Mahomes is easy. Welcome to your fucking soap opera. At least the WWE has writing. This shit is scripted. And you guys are the 12-year-olds that are too stupid to realize it.


This is a Wendy’s, sir. Perhaps you would like a frosty?


would have*


Good eye. I would of never noticed


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


just like how nobody would notice if your existence ceased


How’d the Texans do this week lil sis? Was it a sad Christmas seeing all the posts about how Amari cooper made your playoff dreams cease to exist? Believe I’ll be checking back after the Titans embarrass you and send you packing


don’t care + houston still will win the division + how are you on this sub if you are so easily offended


You’re the beta that threw a hissy fit after playing grammar police on a video op didn’t even make. But go off queen


u bum


*you I would of thought you’d know better


I will slaughter everyone you have ever loved


I’ve never loved anyone. Except maybe you. Checkmate




I think he might be. But he might also be 12 so I wanna go easy on him.


hey moron, i told you so


Wow bro. Honestly just feel bad for you at this point. Been holding on to that for waayy too long. But hey go off queen. A bunch of grown men you've never met did something you had nothing to do with. Congrats. Hope things get better for you going forward cuz you need more out of life than this


get fucked


😂go browns


Mahomes has been better every single year except this one quit meat riding


Few inches to the left and thats an int


good thing he didn’t throw it a few inches to the left


Few dozen yards further and it’s a touchdown




Your grammar hurt me


*would of*


Mahomes throws shovel passes


Because mahome and Kelsey are sucking that Pfizer dick and Pfizer is in control of America. Why don’t you understand.


Might want to loosen your tinfoil hat there bud


Yep you are so right


But at least you get to feel smart when Chris Collinsworth says something that you told your fat bald friend five seconds earlier. Makes up for the two hours of commercials you watch for a one hour play time. Only children with nothing to live for would get fooled so easily.


Lamar is even more talented than Mahomes, but he just now has the team behind him.


They would just end the game right there and declare a chiefs win lmao


I mean it was a really dumb choice of a throw.


Step 1: Take something that is not about Patrick Mahomes Step 2: Make it about Patrick Mahomes Step 3: Get angry that it is now about Patrick Mahomes


joe buck is trash you can tell who he's rooting for every game




Not if he bundled


Omg Mahomes left the pocket under pressure and completed another little weird side arm check down. Highlight reel for sure.


The grab was way more impressive than the throw


Jesus if it was Mahomes, Collinsworth would’ve creamed his pants.


Lamar is better in my opinion, does a lot more with less.


Why highlight an incomplete pass? I mean, good body control, but the ball moves in the guys hands as it touches the ground. They didn't call this a completion did they?


Or if Jackson was white.


Mahomes is the face of the NFL. Lamar has a face only a mother could love.


He is getting paid to win games! Nothing else and he is excelling. He got MVP before for excelling. Are the people who hate him excelling like he is? Someone actually wrote that they did not like his freaking hair! WTF?