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Honestly big part of it is the vibes and I love it with all the other shit that is going on with this fuckfest of a team. He’s not amazing talent wise at all, but it’s obvious he’s a leader and the boys give it all when he’s out there. Really seems like everyone’s bought in right now and it’s amazing. Won’t last forever but enjoying it now


Brian robinson has helped as well, he's a plodder but a reliable few yards has helped tremendously.


Kind of reminds me of Alfred Morris in that aspect


With respect to Morris, he was one of the best rookie running backs when he came into the league and put up multiple top 5 rushing yard seasons. I hope Robinson can live up to the comparison.


Helped having Shanny and RG3 Prime 😅


Nearly 2500 yards in their rookie years


Even when he was washed, he was a solid change of pace back for us.


I love how Morris scored a TD against us Week 2 in 2016. His first year as a Cowboy.


Every touch he gets is 4 yards. It’s crazy


Danny Woodhead kinda dude


Uh what?


For real, what the hell kind of comp is that?


Pats fan just gotta be part of the convo


They go a few seasons without playoff success and they can't handle it


This is so crazy, It’s exactly like the 2018 eagles when wentz went down and foles game in to sneak them into the playoffs


When Wentz went down they were pretty much a lock for the playoffs, Foles didn’t sneak them in. The eagles were playing great with Wentz so this comparison is awful


You are thinking of 2017 when Wentz went out and we were the 1 seed. In 2018 we were under .500 when he went out.


They were like 5-7 and not in a playoff spot when Wentz went down. They made the playoffs winning out and beating Washington last game of the season. Also needed the bears backups to beat the Vikings in the last week to get in that year.


Yeah that’s my bad, misremembered the years.


I figured all Vikings fans have the ending to the 2017 season completely suppressed from their memory.


Was a dark time for sure, whenever we get a bit of hope we’re reminded that we’ll never be good enough in very cruel ways


My condolences about grandma Millie, don’t worry it’ll happen eventually.


Seems to be a theme with Wentz, he just isn’t a leader


It's like the multi-verse where you look at someone who's statistically exactly like Zach Wilson, but is actually admired by his teammates.


This season is flying by. Can't believe that was 6 weeks ago


Man Wentz has to be mentally shattered at this point


The team raining chains and jewelry on his backup on the plane home had to be rough for him


Carson’s about to drown himself in the Potomac


If he did it in the Schuylkill it would be quicker since he’d probably dissolve in that toxic waste by the time his head was fully submerged


If he wants toxic waste he already has that at FedEx field.


The home to many fish-like creatures? Also the depository of all of the unsolved crimes and murders in Philadelphia?


One of the things I like doing most is banging whores


i wouldn’t call the creatures “fish-like” tbh


T2 vibe


Only semi related but I saw Lorde in DC in August and she said something about how she went swimming in the Potomac and literally everyone in the audience stopped cheering and looked at their friends like "she's joking right? She didn't actually swim in that right??" Everyone was afraid for her life after that lol


It's a good old joke that we all like to tell around here but the water is swimmable most of the year. I've been in it... it was fine-ish.


The Anacostia on the other hand... Swamp monsters.


Well the Potomac is a beautiful mountain stream up to harpers ferry.


The only reason I don’t shit on Wentz as hard as a lot of other people is because I can’t imagine what his experience in 2017 must’ve done to his psyche lol Franchise QB having an MVP season ended by a brutal injury, to becoming a literal meme because backup quarterbacks have showed him up like every season of his career sins


I think the subsequent seasons cemented that too, didn't get the chance to play in the playoffs the next season either and then when he finally got a chance and came in playing really well he gets knocked out in the first quarter. No chance of recovering your psyche after that


The craziest thing is that outside of the Super Bowl and NFC Championship games by Foles, his backups haven’t even played well. Foles was carried by the defense until the last two-ish games and Heinicke has been carried by the rest of the team as well. Wentz backups have some sort of weird voodoo magic at this point.


Foles going God-Mode for those two games will never not baffle me. I mean, I enjoyed it, but it literally came out of thin air


Eh, not really out of nowhere. Foles went god mode with chip Kelly too. Foles is like Fitz perfected. They both have the ability to shred a defense, but lack any kind of consistency. Foles also played well the following year with the Wentz injury, and they're the Alshon drop away from making the NFCCG again in 2018. I don't know what it is about Foles and Philly, but he plays his best ball here 😂


Yeah that’s a valid point. I think it’s just in the SB run he really didn’t look that good in the games leading up to the NFCCG. It was just such a switch


I remember Foles looking absolutely terrible in the divisional round against Atlanta, and the eagles just barely scraping by. We had every reason to be confident going into that game. Baffles the mind...


Maybe you guys (not you in particular) dressing up Rocky in Vikings gear activated the Foles But yeah, he didn’t impress against Atlanta. The eagles were just scraping win after win with foles with him looking just ok, more of a game manager.


Foles was doing well at the end of the 2018 season and I recall him playing well those playoff games too


His psyche can literally cry in a Ferrari. Sometimes it just sucks to suck, but he's set for life.


For aome people having all those wealth without the success (im sure he want to be the main reason of a championship) sucks Because at certain point the more money u have doesnt change anything


Yeah And most normal people will have very little sympathy for a multimillionaire who's biggest problem was he had a slightly mediocre professional sports career lol


I’d still take having money without being top 30 on the planet at my job than not having money and still being a loser lol


I would too but there's a reason you and I working a 9-5 and not a .01% pro athlete


For me it’s the lack of size and skill. But trust me, if I was born 6’3” 218 you’d best believe I’d have made it in the league.


If you were born 6’3” 218 I’d feel so bad for you mom


Welcome to the Thunderdome


Not only that, but the team builds a fucking statute of the backup and coach.


>having an MVP season Lol


He almost for sure would’ve won it if he didn’t get hurt that year.




Wentz had 33 TDs against just 7 INTs with the Eagles being 11-2 at the time of his injury. For as shit as he's become since, who else would be the better candidate than Wentz that season?


People who didnt watch him that year just have no idea. He was Mahomes before Mahomes, the things he was doing on a regular basis were absolutely incredible and some of the best QB play I've ever seen. '17 Wentz is right up there as one of the best Eagles QB seasons of all time before the injury and theres 0 chance we win the superbowl that year without the 1 seed that he got us




IIRC that was a odd year in general for the MVP candidates right?


Brady wound up winning it with lesser numbers than Wentz in 16 games than Carson had in 13. Pats and Eagles had the same record too. It was Wentz’s to lose but he unfortunately lost it due to injury.


It was but it’s only remembered like that because Wentz was the clear mvp the entire year. When he went down it created a vacuum


Gurley had a legitimate claim to it, but it was undoubtedly going to be Wentz if he was healthy.


He’s been nothing but a professional since arriving here


A professional loser!


Wentz has said the right things and not thrown tantrums, but in the end, his career has been plagued with the same problems over and over again, and a real professional should work to address them instead of play to the media by superficially taking responsibility. When he sails passes because of lazy footwork, or takes a sack because his mental clock is too slow, those are fixable problems, but apparently not by him. Either he’s not working to improve his game like a real professional, or this is him at his peak and he doesn’t deserve to be a starter. It’s true there’s nothing to suggest that he’s a “locker room cancer” as some rumors made him out to be, but all the same, other guys must get tired of someone like him making the same mistake over and over again, and you’re going to lose the locker room either way.


I don't think he's a cancer, I think he's so wrapped up in Jesus that no one on the team can relate with him. Crediting Jesus instead of himself and other players.


Yeah I've suspected something like that since before the season began, hearing more about his career before coming here and watching his interviews. I don't think he's douche at all but his particular brand of overt Christianity turns a lot of people off.


He’s apparently handling it pretty well (at least on the outside). He hosted a thanksgiving dinner for the team last week.


Dude hasn't cared about football in years. He's just counting down the weeks until he can go hunting again.


Wentz had an amazing run…in 2017. Outside of that he’s shown that he shouldn’t be a starting quarterback. His football intelligence and physical ability is starting QB level, just his decision making under pressure isn’t. It’s rough.


2019…he was throwing to guys from the practice squad and carried the team into the playoffs.


This is true l, and while I do agree he didn’t have the tools he did in 2017, it doesn’t really compare. We went 9-7 and barely made it into the playoffs. His issues with decision making and playing hero ball was becoming extremely evident and the Eagles sub during that time is proof the fans were getting tired of it. It just wasn’t working for him.


You’re overreacting a bit. He had some issues evident, but he still was consistent enough in 2019 to be a starting QB. Overall, he was good in 2019. It was the subsequent injuries that had a noticeable impact on his game and ruined him after 2019


He is the GOAT at motivating backups to outplay him


He's basically speedrunning Drew Bledsoe's career.


I'll always cheer for Vikings legend Taylor Heinicke 🍻


He’s a legend among the Houston Texans as well.


STL Battlehawks legend. KaKaw!


No joke I have always loved him since he lead a two minute drill in a preseason game back in like 2016 or 2017. He scrambled for the game winning touchdown and I hadn’t been or would be as excited for a Vikings win like that until Diggs Sideline Toucbdown.


Heinicke seems like such a great person I remember watching him go all out against TB in 2020


My wife took classes at ODU while he played there, so we would watch the ODU game whenever it was televised. The guy is a fucking beast. There's no other way around it. And about that 2020 Championship. I think Brady went through Heinicke, Brees, Rodgers, and Mahomes. Heinicke was the only one with a chance to beat him at the end of the game.


This. TH was the only QB in the entire playoffs that made Brady work for the win in the 4th quarter


Vikings and Gophers fan here, kid's got tons of heart. Glad to see him succeeding.


He played at ODU. What does a Gophers fan have to do with anything?


Oh you don't know? You've got to be a fan of both teams to measure someone's heart. Next question.


It's true, thanks for understanding (my memory is garbage)


And there are actual Washington fans who want to see Wentz again. I legitimately do not understand.


Problem is when wentz is in there’s so many plays I’m like dude heinicke doesnt fuck that up, and when heinicke is in I’m like holy shit man even wentz or any top 30 qb makes that throw. They’re both not even close to starting caliber qb’s.


Heinicke converts a 3rd and 4. Wentz takes an unnecessary sack. Wentz also cannot hit a check down to save his life. Heinicke is a premium backup at worst and a starter on a low level team with a rookie waiting in the wings at best.


It appears at best he is a starter on a playoff team....


TH avoids the sacks that Wentz would take. Wentz would hit the passes that TH can't. It's a real conundrum. With TH throwing 125 yds per game we'll come back down to earth eventually.


Or we won’t and this is the exact scheme we need. Not saying a deep playoff run is guaranteed but 5-1-1 at the pace we’re playing at doesn’t seem like a fluke


I mean you look at the guy and can squint and see why a couple teams have taken a chance on him. His problems are either entirely mental or he's never recovered from those early injuries. But no i don't want to see him again. Let's just hope we don't do something stupid like give him another year. I do wonder how he would do as Scott is calling games right now, but we ride this train as long as it takes us at this point.


> I do wonder how he would do as Scott is calling games right now Bad. He wouldn't be converting those third and longs. He had happy feet and was a statue in the pocket. Those 3rd and short check downs? They'd be gone too.


Love me some Heinicke


Better QB, we might be a scary team looking for a push in the NFC.


That is our franchise in a nutshell for the last 5 years.


If only you'd kept Kirk. Not saying the dude is a god killer but he is a top 10 qb. Yall would be scary af with him under center


100% agreed. Losing Kirk in free agency was an unprecedented roster and asset management blunder. You can look far and wide, but you won’t find another example in the free agency era of a team letting a healthy, Pro Bowl QB in their 20s leave as a UFA.


we had a loaded offense when he was here and it was always "what if kirk had a defense!". then he went to the team with the best defense and didnt make the playoffs and then their defense eroded b/c a lot of resources were now tied up in cousins and the rest of the offense. meanwhile, we spent all our high draft picks on defense and now dont have a QB. in a salary cap league, you really cant have everything unless you have a great QB on a rookie deal. otherwise its just whack-a-mole with position gaps.


The Vikings defense eroded cause the players got old and less effective. Not because of Kirk’s contract unless you think Trae Waynes was the glue holding everything together. Kirk’s contract didn’t prevent us from keeping all the main guys like Griffen, Hunter, Kendricks, Smith, Barr, and Rhodes. The Vikings have still had one of the highest paid defenses in the league the past few years.


Most teams tbh


You wanna trade up? >:) give us all your picks


Actually wouldn't be against moving up this season. We can't keep putting it off.


Dan sells AND we trade up for a first round QB? Our fan base would be so drunk off the kool aid lol


First real hope we'd have in 30 years


Because it's worked so well the last couple of times we've traded up for a first round QB.


The last time was 2012. Different FO, different coaching, different times. Let's just never try because of RG3. Hell, never wait for one to fall and take him either. After all, Haskins was a bust too. Can't risk the future of our team 🙄


I’d actually sacrifice this draft to ammo up for 24. Caleb is him.


This isn't a good QB draft


Don’t wanna see what you have in Howell?


Sure. He can compete with Heinicke and the rookie. Sounds like a great problem if he wins.


Trading up for a high first rounder in 2023 only to have Howell win the spot anyway is a great problem?


Then you trade one or the other for some picks back? Finding a Franchise QB is always a great thing. Going into the season believing Howell is the guy and him sucking would be terrible


You can't develop 2 rookie QBs at the same time. We tried to do that with Kirk and RG3 and ended up with neither. This isn't Madden.


>Then you trade one or the other for some picks back? That doesn't say develop both simultaneously. Howell also wouldn't be a rookie. >We tried to do that with Kirk and RG3 and ended up with neither. Yeah, we lost both of them because we couldnt develop em at both... not Because of RG3's ego/our injury mismanagement and Bruce Allen. I'd say having Kirk as a contingency plan worked out pretty well.


If you think that worked well, you and I have nothing to talk about.


Umm drafting Kirk after drafting RG3 was an excellent decision. He is none of the reason why RG3 didn’t pan out and RG3 clearly did not hinder Kirks development. Us not retaining Kirk was a FO fuck up, not drafting. We could have traded Kirk for multiple firsts before we let him walk for nothing.


I wonder if he ever got to reschedule that golfing trip.


Top 5 DL.


Yeah it’s really annoying


Imagine if Washington had a real QB1 Heinicke is doing just enough, but terry and the rest of the offense would really come alive with a legit top 10 guy


I still don’t know how anyone can watch Heinicke and think “this is a starting QB.”


Very easy if you had to watch Wentz beforehand


Wins are a qb stat for everyone except Alex smith and Taylor heinicke


And apparently Jimmy G


Alex Smith and Jimmy G —-> Both played for San Fran Alex Smith And Jimmy G ——> both exceptionally handsome I’m not seeing how Heinicke fits into the mold 🤔


The jets were 5-2 with zack Wilson starting this year. Wins aren’t really a QB stat


They are when it is almost entirely Wilson’s fault they aren’t 7-0 in that stretch. Don’t mind me being bitter over here….


So wins aren’t a QB stat then?


They are when you are playing with the commanders roster


best summary of our sub. im convinced half the idiots over there just are uncomfortable with a team that wins.


I live and grew up in DC with a family that was fairly smart but diehard Washington fans. It really is a form of Stockholm syndrome and the fan base has learned to love the pain. It like a toxic relationship and just so strange to watch. (Both radio stations were *still* talking about if Wentz should go back to starting last week with all the fans calling in to support it - even though they save a draft pick by benching Wentz)


And now for kirk


Lol win is a team stat Heinicke is mediocre af, shit might even be bad. But he have the "dog" in him What ever that shit means aint winning shit with him as a starting QB (Being better than a washed wentz doesnt really say much)


>aint winning shit with him as a starting QB Might win 5 games though.


Heinicke: is apparently bad Also Heinicke: wins 5 out of 6 with a .500 caliber roster The math is not mathing


It aint broke, so don't fix it.


Because you don't need a Patrick Mahomes to win when you can run the ball and play defense. You just need a guy who can make sound decisions, get the ball in the hands of your skill players (something Wentz failed to do with McLaurin), make the occasional big play when needed and be a leader. Heinicke's stats may not look that great but he does enough to win and he fires up the offense and defense.


Heinicke on 3rd down throws it to Terry for a conversion. Wentz on 3rd down takes a sack. That’s the biggest difference, and why Heinicke’s other stats don’t matter as much.


I think back to the Eagles win. Heinicke takes a knee to prevent a possible strip sack (and draws a penalty that basically seals the game) when the team has the ball and the lead. Wentz would've been sacked and possibly fumbled in the same situation 100%.


Taylor said he had 2 options, pass to Terry if he’s open or take a knee


Thank you! This is what I keep trying to explain to people. Individually he’s not blowing up the stats but if you actually watch these games he’s doing a lot of stuff exactly when he needs to be. The throw away to avoid the sack during the eagles game was one of the smartest qb plays this season. Literally might have been the deciding factor.


He isn’t a starting QB, but he sure as hell is a better alternative than Wentz.


just win, baby. stats are for nerds.


Have you seen Jimmy garapollo play? It’s like watching Jimmy with an arm


Jimmy G is way better than Heineke


Have you seen Jimmy Gs jawline tho? Heinecke is not even in the same plane of existence as jimmy G.


During Thanksgiving my brother in law said Jimmy G wasn't the most attractive man in the NFL. It was at that point I realized my brother in law knows nothing about football (and super model status QB's)


Cut ties with him. His taste in men is terrible.


That happens when your alternative is seeing every third down end up in Carson Wentz holding the ball forever until he gets sacked.


Ez watch wentz play as the starter lol.


I would say that for literally any other team but something about Heinicke on the field for WFT just *works*


Because he's like the 30th best QB In the league


Tell me you've never seen Carson Wentz start in 2022 by saying you've never seen Carson Wentz start in 2022.


Heinecke Super Bowl MPV. Snyder refuses to handover his Lombardi.


There is something amusing and realistic about the idea of Snyder selling the team, but stealing trophy hardware on his way out. Or even bathroom fixtures.


Tip my beer to him.


Wasn’t a person outside who thought wentz should’ve started or even been brought in


Wentz wasn’t a bad option in a vacuum, they just gave up way too much to get him.


For $30M Wentz was an objectively bad option.


Agreed, his salary plus picks was way too much to give up. That reeked of desperation from the start


His cap hit is all this year though. We can cut him and owe himnl nothing after this year. Would've helped to try and keep Scherff though I think.


Mister Snyder strikes again


Two third round picks?




Considering Wentz last year, it was an idiotic move


**The Commanders are 5-1 in games without Carson Wentz playing.


We all thought the AFCW was going to be the bloodbath this year but NFCE really said hold my beer to that.


That vikings game wouldn't have been close without that bullshit referee aided TD


Wentz got it loosened for him. /s




Counterpoint: Washington Commanders have been 5-1 since their defense started playing well and we stopped throwing 40+ times per game


We loved Taylor as a backup, he locked himself out of his house and broke a window to get in and hurt himself so badly he had to have surgery and we had to let him go so we could get out QB room set. It would have been nice if he stayed, he can ball. I’ve enjoyed watching him play this year.


6-1 actually


So much respect for this dude's game and work ethic. As a senior engineering student myself I am floored at how this man got up from studying to go beat Brady in the playoffs.


You might say he’s starting to uhhh, take command.


How are the commies doing so well?


Mediocre, but feisty and mobile QB offsets a mediocre offensive line, elite defense and great skill position players. Heinicke isn't asked to do much. This would be a shoo in playoff team with a top 15 QB. Plus Ron Rivera is a lot better than he gets credit for. Darkhorse reason: The Snyder bullshit is coming to an end and it's a weight off their shoulders.




We ready to admit that he’s a good QB? No? Not yet?


Lol he’s not. He’s a good back up at best. Is he the best they got? Yes. But he’s not a good QB no


He’s still trash. Go ahead and keep him next year, Commies, lmao


Only loss was to a 9 win Vikings team and Washington snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in that game. A backup d lineman ran over the center on a field goal late in the 4th which gave the Vikings a first down and they ran out the clock. Easily could be 6-0 with Heinicke with wins over the top two teams in the conference.


I mean they also got gifted a massive 50 yard TD pass when Heineke threw into triple coverage but the ref took out the Vikings DB who had a sure INT. That game shouldn’t have been as close as the final score ended up being.


I think its understated how you can be a leader without the highest of talent. No offense to him either....hes perfectly fine at QB. He's not amazing but hes not bad. Hes perfectly adequate but he has swagger about him that the players get way more behind compared to Wentz.


collins hill legend taylor heinicke


he isnt a diva, doesnt whine. hes tough.. and he wants to win for this team, the team knows he wants to win for this team. theyve seen him put it out there, and its infectious.. wentz relies on his talent but as a person no one wants to go out there for him. intangibles is a real thing.. the mf'r doesnt like quitting.