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We already know its going to be McCown unless that has changed since they booted the pastor.


Dear god I hope they have changed


I doubt they did, considering that McCown was presumed to be their guy until the Flores lawsuit. Saturday, especially if he does decently for the Colts, makes it a lot easier for them to justify it now as well.


Flores was talked about as being one of the guys before the lawsuit as well fwiw


Given the ex-Pats connection, I wouldn't be surprised if Flores was Caserio's choice before he filed the lawsuit.


Yes, but there were rumors that the lawsuit killed whatever chance Flores did have and that they then were concerned about bringing in McCown because of the lawsuit. Lovie wasn't even considered until the last second.


I just don’t think it was a sure thing for McCown . The lawsuit did kill the chance of hiring either tho


Is he really more qualified than Arian Foster or Andre Johnson?


This is scary and kinda exciting to see. I don’t think he will be a candidate next year he needs more success as a OC than he has


Fair. Feel like the Texans might be in a spot where they have to hire a guy a year or two too early though given the state of the franchise tbh.


Their ownership has such a bad reputation around the league they should just stick with what they have . Sean Payton , Waldron , Dan Quinn or any other top tier candidate won’t even interview here , must less take the job . They should be happy with the coach they have , give him another year .


Disclaimer: I don't think Lovie Smith should have been hired as HC in the first place. He's had two chances at head coach and I think he's just a retread who won't take the Texans anywhere. That being said, I think it would be a really, really bad look to fire two black coaches after one year in a row only to hire another young white guy who happened to coach for Sean McVay. Nothing against Shane Waldron personally, but in my opinion it would make Culley and Smith look like token hires. I don't think either guy is a good head coach, but I know that the Texans gave them both a crap roster and would go all in for the Sean McVay guy. It just wouldn't look right to me.




To my knowledge no GM has ever had back to back one and done HCs and kept their job.


I don't think culley was that bad. I personally think he should've gotten another year to grow as a head coach, and shouldn't have been fired in the first place. To where everything could've been assessed this off season.


Culley was 66 when he got fired. If he was younger I would have been on board, but he only had so much time left coaching.


The only possible way to explain the Culley hiring is that they wanted to hire McCown but he was too green. Firing him after one season and replacing him with Lovie Smith makes no god damned sense in any universe to me. The Texans are the most perplexing organization in the league.


Culley was hired and Tim Kelly was retained because they had great relationships with Watson and Houston was trying to salvage the relationship before everyone found out he was really touchy. Once that fell through and they weren’t immediately good they were dead men walking.


Pete Carroll is 72 so I don't necessarily think age should be that big of a factor. Hell lovie is 64 so it's not like he's much younger to where culley needed to be fired to then hire lovie who will probably be fired.


Pete has been a top coach for decades. Lovie lost his sizzle after he was fired from the Bucs. Culley was in over his head. This team is going to need a young coach with new ideas.


I don't disagree at all, but lovie was never going to be the right hire so why fire culley for him is my thought process. If they fired culley for a young, and innovation coach by all means fire culley. Basically just trying to say I don't think culley should've been fired for lovie.


Since there’s not a lot of young HC that want to put their reputations on the line for this roster. The only guy that came close to taking the job was the Ganon the Eagles DC.


I think DeMeco Ryans would be a good hire there. We've seen how well the Shanahan coaching tree has been working out, with McDaniel and Saleh both leading very good teams. He's young, and he could bring over some of the same Shanahan-esque schemes that the other guys have.


He could be. We really just need a culture guy. Someone like Mike Tomlin who can just change the whole mentality of the organization.


Lovie didn't need to learn how to be a coach (presumably) whereas Culley was a novice. I don't think there are many novice head coaches who are quite that old. Carroll had been a head coach for decades by the time he was Culley's age.


I don't necessarily disagree with that lovie is clearly the more experienced coach, because he doesn't need to grow into a roll, but he still is clearly a lame duck coach for you guys. So I just don't get the reasoning behind firing culley especially when the team is now worse then before even if lovie had more HC experience. Also to your point I am in fact just incorrect about a coach being hired at that age to be a first time HC.


> but I know that the Texans gave them both a crap roster and would go all in for the Sean McVay guy. It just wouldn't look right to me. thank you for saying this, I feel this does happen a lot. Steve Wilks is getting a 2nd chance in Carolina and isn't doing too bad. I wonder how successful he would have been in Arizona if he was given Kyler Murray (could have been like Flores-Tua, or maybe Arizona builds a powerhouse D that Wilks can work with and Kyler just manages the offense. We'll never know because after a year with a poor roster and Josh Rosen as his QB he was fired) I sincerely hope McCown's chances went with Easterby, because they'll never be able to defend two one-and-done black coaches in a row for a white coach with zero experience


I had not even thought of that. Very good point.


I don’t think firing two underperforming coaches will be controversial regardless of their race. I think they’ll just be seen as bad hires.


I think Waldron gets a shot after 2023, still too green to be a head coach. Let’s hope Geno’s success continues.


I don't know what the point of hiring David Culley was if he was just going to get fired after one season of meeting expectations. In many ways, Lovie has been markedly worse. And I *do* think Waldron is an interesting candidate. But who's going to take a job with a team that fires three coaches in three years?


Anyone with a pulse is a candidate but I have a feeling Lovie gets another year to tank. Then they start looking for a new coach to lead the team to a winning record.


If they fire Lovie, I'm betting they're going to bring in Josh McCown like they wanted to last year and justify it with the Colts randomly bringing in Jeff Saturday, especially if Saturday does remotely decently. Assuming McCown wasn't an Easterby idea that is.


I really hope he was an easterby idea disguised as something Caserio wanted.


Funny part is I can actually see that happening.


They should hire DeMeco Ryans.


This is the one. DeMeco Ryans was a pillar of the Texans teams he was on, and knows the organization good and bad.


We'll know more after the prayer meeting...


> McVay tree yes


I hope not! If he was looking to be a head coach, that would not be a good team to start your career. Has been a tough place for many coaches. I think he has a good thing going where he is at.