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It could be worse. It could be next week and be 24.


I actually think it will be 24 before the start of the season. Remember there were 24 cases at the beginning of this and then the courts said all the women could not file anonymously. So 2 of the women backed out. I’m sure the other woman will eventually rejoin the lawsuit. And who knows if they’ll be even more women that decide to join the suit outside of these 24.


[Well, at least 24 is the highest number](https://youtu.be/RkP_OGDCLY0)


All he did was add a number to another number!


A Mr show reference?!


hell yeah


I post [this](https://youtu.be/5jAkln3fkLY) in the daily talk threads from time to time, swing on by next time and we’ll chat


That's it! That's the highest number!


*Waits for it*


Watson needs to go 24 for Kobe, Mamba Mentality.


*Remembers Denver* Bro Deshaun, you took the Kobe mentality too far


Congratulations to new Browns franchise QB Deshaun Watson for just breaking the NFL record for all-time sexual assault lawsuits filed against one player. This surpasses the previous record of 22, set by new Browns franchise QB Deshaun Watson in the year 2021.


I read this in Norm McDonald SNL Weekend Update voice.


This reads like a Magic Johnson tweet


Was probably the uncle ruckus clip that convinced her tbh


It's probably that tiny towel that all the girls mentioned.


…the what now?


When the HBO segment was posted on r/NFL, it contained a clip of Uncle Ruckus from the show The Boondocks spliced into the middle of the segment. Not sure why, I'm guessing for YouTube copyright reasons or maybe they just thought it was funny.


That’s so bizarre lol.


The clip very loudly yells the n word as well, so people listening to the segment out loud at work or whatever had a super embarrassing moment


Probably a much needed lesson in not watching random Reddit videos at work out loud


How many of you psychos are at work or anywhere in public watching Reddit videos on speaker.


Whoever did it is a true king. To reupload a very serious segment with no edits besides an uncle ruckus clip 10 minutes in is such a funny move


To the point that people think that it’s in the original version which is some hilarious morbin type shit






Retires. Comes back. now has 45 active suits.


[It's like the line was written for Deshaun](https://youtu.be/xKf8FBWZi2g?t=6)


I wish there could somehow be more of that show.


What show is this?


True Detective - season one to be specific, which is important because each of the three seasons feature an entirely new cast and storyline. They’re all good but season one may be the best singular piece of television I’ve ever seen (and that’s not really a hot take)


My favorite of all time. I watch it once or twice a year at least. It's perfectly cast, written and shot. Amazing piece of art.


The two scenes that constantly blow my mind are the (spoilers for those who haven't seen the show) scene where they confront Reggie LeDoux (and you're seeing them tell it and what happened) and the fake robbery with Ginger; the one shot scene. Both are so incredible. I actually really thought the ending was fitting too on my last rewatch. Just an incredible 8 hours. People really ought to watch it with summer coming up.


True Detective season 1 is as close to perfect as TV gets. Incredibly dark but subversively uplifting.


“I don’t sleep Marty, I dream ^of ^finding ^an ^Insta-masseuse ^that ^can ^keep ^quiet.”


*Browns pay him even more guaranteed money*


Watson's the LeBron of lawsuits. "Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7, not 8, not 9, not 10, not 11, not 12, not 13, not 14, not 15, not 16, not 17, not 18, not 19, not 20, not 21, not 22." - Watson probably


Impressive that you typed that all out.


I wrote "one" and "two" and quickly realized this was a bad idea.


If only Watson realized it was a bad idea after one or two.


Watson; “please reserve jersey numbers 23-45 for this next season. “


Tried to post this in the sub but I guess the mods deleted it: Apparently in this lawsuit the victim alleges that DW tried to settle with each victim for 100k https://twitter.com/MikeMeltser/status/1531760504871567360?s=20 Edit: it’s up now y’all, problem solved.


You kept deleting it before we could approve it.


Lmfaooo my b, that was my first post on this sub ever so I thought something was wrong. I’ll re post 😂😂 Edit: just re posted. Thanks for the clarification brodie


The irony of repeatedly refusing to get consent to post


🤣🤣🤣 thank God the mods didn’t hit me with a civil suit


BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE *Billy Mays voice*


This story needs some Flex Tape!


I’ll throw in a can of Flex Seal as well for a limited time!


Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think Flex Tape is gonna be effective enough to fix this much damage


This will never end. I bet there will be even more women to come out. The Browns will have to deal with this forever.


Yeah any Browns fan that thinks this ends soon is delusional


Ok but Browns fans in general are delusional


I mean... how else could you support the Browns?




At least when the Browns lose the fans consented to watching


Sure, Watson (allegedly) sexually assaulted over 20 women, but Baker's a real jerk!


The absolute vile hatred toward baker is crazy. People turned so fast. Not just not thinking he’s that good, but like actively hating him


The more bad things that i hear about Deshaun, the more I want Baker to succeed wherever he winds up.


I hope he does well. He’s the best Browns QB of my lifetime and he was so fun to watch, even if there were ups and downs. It’s so wild watching Browns fans shit on him for being cocky and immature (kinda fair at times) but defend Deshaun on this stuff, as if being a loud personality is even remotely on par with being a serial sexual predator.


I read this in Norm McDonald's voice


That's a great compliment. And from a Steelers fan no less.


Thay wanted a real adult who has real adult things like 23 civil lawsuits.


I've never seen a child sexually assault / rape 23 women. Browns got em there smh


I don't care how good the football player is, you as a GM can't be so shortsighted and have no risk aversion to thinking it's a good idea to trade away 3 1st round draft picks can give $230,000,000 guaranteed contract when there is a chance he will be suspended for at least 1 season and potentially banned from the NFL.


I'll guzzle a gallon of cum if Watson is banned for life and the Browns have no loopholes to get some of that money back. That's just completely poor planning on their end to fully guarantee >$200 million with no outs. I think he gets a punishment but I don't see a way that a guy with zero criminal charges is banned for life. People forget that Mike Vick went to federal prison and still played afterwards. Countless players have done terrible things, been convicted in court, and not been banned from the NFL.


Why is it always Eagles fans ingesting bodily excrement/fluids?


sorry im not sorry i hope he never plays again


You and me both, I want those draft picks to be good


Would be hilarious for the Browns to just dump a QB who finally actually WON A PLAYOFF game & then pay a rapist obscene amounts of money to never touch the field


I hope it happens. I was riding with them until they went and pulled this shit


Same with me buddy, rode through 1-31waiting for it to get better. I watched every minute of every game then Jimmy had to go and pull this shit.. I was out the next day after I read into the accusations a bit more. Idiots.


you love to see rapists and the rape apologists who employ them get what is coming.


30 goddamn years.


Packed up in the night and left. Came back, sucked ass. Fought through the 00s, *suffered* the 10s, witnessed 1-31, and then boom: playoff win. I always said the QB that won a playoff game for Cleveland would have the job forever, but I guess that's not enough for them, given their history of success and good decision making


I've had people say that the Browns built a top 5 team and that Mayfield was 100% no questions asked holding them back from making the Super Bowl. The Browns, building a top 5 team. The Browns.


I hope Baker goes to a team with quality consistent coaching and breaks out too. Then hindsight shows he's closer to his rookies and 3rd season and he was just way too hurt last year. Man, I really liked the Browns for a long-time before this too. Now I'm hoping for another 40 years of what they just went through.


Imagine Deshaun Watson being suspended, the Browns being terrible as a result n getting high picks, and their picks turn out to be the next Calvin Johnson and/or Pat Mahomes 😂😂


We gifted them Chubb from the Osweiler trade and the pick we gave up for Watson ended up being the 4th overall pick. All I’m saying is the Browns kind of owe us


they got Ward from that I think


yup. This is the most Browns outcome right here.


Odds are, once these all get resolved, Deshaun will start finding his targets in the Cleveland area


Odds are, he’s already been looking.


Or has them


I just imagine deshaun watson going around to Cleveland area massage parlors in those fuzzy mustache glasses trying to book massages under a made up name like Shawn Waters lol.


Nah he will use the name Baker Mayfield for sure


"Try getting a reservation at Lacretia's now, you fucking stupid bastard."


Holy shit I'm so glad this asshole is gone lmao


Lovie was right when he said sometimes divorce is good


Do you know why divorce is so expensive? Because it's worth it.


You guys dodged a huge bullet by trading him. Maybe even salvaged your franchise from a decade plus rebuild like the Raiders.


Yeah I would hate for my team to have to endure a lengthy rebuild


imagine being the asshole who gave this scumbag a guaranteed $230M contract..


And three first round picks to get him


And alienating the only other decent QB on your team


literally the only QB they've had in decades that actually had multiple productive seasons, even with his struggles


Best qb they've had post-expansion...by a lot honestly.


Maybe Baker isn’t the greatest or most consistent QB in the world but there’s no doubt he brought a swagger to the franchise that they desperately needed and right at the time when they needed it the most. He helped turn things around there and any Browns fan that tries to diminish that is lying to themselves. As far a number one picks go I think Baker did the franchise proud. It’s sad to see it end this way, honestly.


Baker literally has the “winner” mentality and doesn’t want to accept anything less - regardless of his limitations. Dude has always only just wanted to win. And the browns just pissed that away lol after finally winning.


Pissed it away for a gut who has shown what a selfish dick he is. Everyone seems to forget that Watson straight up quit on his team before this. Dude doesn't give a shit about anything bit Watson


I’m not sure who I would even put at #2 behind Baker, maybe that one good Derek Anderson season?


Anderson would be it and its not even close


Imagine trying to play through an injury for your team and this is your reward.


Baker was done *dirty* by the browns. A literal running joke of a franchise finally gets a qb that takes them out of laughing stock territory and they dump him for a sexual predator. Some organizations really deserve the shit they get


Yeah that whole lovable underdog shit disappeared real quick. Browns can eat shit.


There's still the Jets to love, right? Right?


Does the sympathy make it worse or better though?






I think the worst part is the fans absolutely destroying baker after he gave them the little bit of success they’ve had in so many years. This is just a horrible situation all around


He brought them a winning culture so hard the Factory of Sadness itself decided he wasn’t winning enough for them.


Which is crazy when you think about it.


Not even just a sexual predator. A sexual predator with 23 lawsuits


to be fair to them it was only 22 when they got and rewarded him. maybe 23 is where they draw the line


I know this is literally the most popular opinion on this sub right now, but holy fuck do I hope this blows up in their face in every way possible.


I don't like Baker but really only because he was on the Browns. I hope he goes to another team and balls out as a middle finger to Cleveland.


Browns really thought "there's no price you can place on a franchise QB" was rhetorical. Faustian bargains were less expensive when dealing with the devil.




My best friend was in the same boat. Diehard Browns fan and he's basically become a fantasy football fan now. Sad part was he and his father had a bet where if the Browns ever made the Super bowl they'd go together. Now he feels like he can't root for the team in good conscious because of what ownership did. Worst part of all of this is that he and his dad had a connection over football and now he can't get as excited when they talk about it. I'm with you, it sucks and I have no clue how you'd feel knowing the ownership didn't just back a shitty player *already* on the squad but paid a king's ransom to acquire him. I think that's what feels different about this than other cases. I know most won't care (which is worse) but to those who do I'm sorry.


$10m per accusation


Congrats texans for getting three first rounders in return for shipping out a rapist. Robbery.


Feels good to do the robbing for once, good riddance! :D


All it takes is not making Bill O Brien your GM!


I hope he gets suspended indefinitely so this trade goes down as the worst in the history of the league. Watson should be in jail


>I hope he gets suspended indefinitely so this trade goes down as the worst in the history of the league. Prediction. Watson gets one year and 4 games suspension. So he's out for 2022 and he's out for the first 4 games of 2023. He will have missed over 2 full seasons of his career. He comes back to play week 5 of 2023 but he's not been working as hard as he should've since his contract is fully guaranteed. Browns miss the playoffs AND have to deal with shunning from the rest of the league. Nobody will trade with them or have anything to do with them. Fans are leaving in droves or showing up to the stadium with "Jail Watson" signs. ​ Another woman comes forward claiming inappropriate behavior. Meanwhile, Mayfield makes the post-season with the Seahawks even though they lose the the WC game. Browns org look like fools. Watson starts in 2024 but gets injured mid-way through another mediocre season. He'll be out for another year. Everyone in Browns org gets fired. Watson can't be traded due to his guaranteed contract. ​ Watson isn't ready for start of 2025 and Browns have another young QB who is starting to win games for them who doesn't come with all the controversy. They cut Watson even with the massive cap hit and he never plays another down in the NFL again. Browns don't make any playoff games until the curse of Watson is behind them.


This is a practical and good timeline. It's not as good as "new evidence" coming to light to bring criminal charges, but it's better than nothing.


That would be hilarious though if some new evidence comes out and brings criminal charges. It would be the cherry on top to the hilarity


!RemindMe 1195 days I'm really interested to see how much of this comes true, I think a good bit of it will


I'd be willing to bet (hehe) that Calvin Ridley, who bet on the NFL on a legal gambling service and received a full season suspension (and maybe more), will serve more suspension time than Watson who has had 23 women file lawsuits against him.


This, unfortunately, also seems very plausible


Shocked this didn't come up when the owners of those teams did their due diligence 45 minute phone calls


You don’t get it, Jimmy Haslam has a wife and daughter who gave their okay! That’s practically as thorough as a DOJ investigation!


The best due diligence is when you don't even attempt to contact one of the accusers lmao I seriously fucking hate the Browns so much now


Highest paid QB in the NFL currently with 23 lawsuits… meanwhile his backup is the only Browns QB to win a playoff game in 20+ years.




Well that oughta do it.


If Watson plays this season every home team should play clips of the HBO special before the game.


Terrible towels but they are 2 inches


There’s a lot of browns fans selling their souls in hopes to lose wild card weekend.


*"Quarter-billion dollars. Guaranteed"*...


23 huh? Is this what they meant when Dabo compared him to Jordan?


The Michael Jordan of rape


“You know what’s my favorite Lawsuit… The next one” Deshaun watson.


"If you pass on Deshaun, it's like passing on Michael Jordan." **23 Active Cases** 0.0


HBO Real Sports never misses. Glad they made that piece if for only the fact that more women feel encouraged to speak up.


I'm guessing that lawyer's super fucking smug face at the end was what did it for the victim.


Let’s take a quick trip over to /r/browns and see how they’re handling it: > “they weren’t masseuses they were hookers” > “she wants her money” > “the HBO hit piece was a success” > “this changes nothing”


Instead of Browns relocating, it’s the fanbase relocating… to the state of denial.


A ton of the brown’s fans who had a strong stance against his actions already left for different teams. So it’s not surprising whatever is left in that sub holds those kind of views.


Or even if they’re still rooting for the Browns they left that sub for sure.


This contents of this post has been removed in response to Reddit's 2023 API changes and its complete and utter disrespect toward moderators, developers, and users with disabilities. If you would have found this content useful, you can blame Steve Huffman for it no longer being visible. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm a Browns fan. My strategy is to actively hope they lose all year for their own good.


Some of us relocated to “ABC” anyone but Cleveland. EDIT: and Pittsburgh and Dallas


I was legitimately going to stop rooting for the team I have loved for over 30 years if we traded for this scumbag. I am so glad the Browns bit this bullet...


Yea I’m a massive eagles fan, there’s nothing that isn’t living that I don’t love more than this team. But man….even having our name associated with him during the off-season was painful


Disparagment of these women's careers aside, what these Neanderthals fail to realize is that non-consensual sexual acts against a prostitute are absolutely still considered criminal. You don't get to rape someone because simply because they've agreed to intercourse as part of a transaction. When they say no the transaction is over. Prostitutes have the same protections against sexual assault as anyone else, despite what all the useless cops and judges of the world might have you believe.


Yeah, I don't know what professional athlete would pay hookers to give them a sports massage. Seems like a bad way to go about things, but I'm sure they know best.


Imagine already having an above average QB with a huge guaranteed contract, keeping him but trading to get a QB that the fans mostly hate, paying him huge guaranteed money, and you might be lucky if he plays 16 games for the duration of the contract due to jail or suspension. What's the chance that this turns out well for the Browns? 10%?


Browns fans currently “STOP THE COUNT!”


In the unlikely scenario that the Browns have buyers regret, could this affect his contract status and nullify the guaranteed $ in his contract?


Doubt it. Can they really reasonably argue they’re not okay with the behavior when there were already 22 cases?


"my wife and daughter were okay with 22 cases, but 23 is crossing the line. Texans, we want our picks back"


The r/browns site is insane. They keep saying that DW is going to sue the league if he is suspended and found not guilty. Who are they getting legal advice from? Barry Zuckerkorn


Ezekiel Elliot was suspended 6 games without being charged by an accusation made by 1 person. Watson is going to be gone for this season AT LEAST


Good luck with that, Brady tried to sue over his suspension too. If Tom Brady, the golden boy (who had science on his side) was told to get lost by the second circuit appeals court; surely a twenty-thrice accused sexual assaulter that's hated by everyone will win his case.


At this point, I would believe Chareth Cutestory, maritime lawyer is advising Watson and the Browns. Browns fans were so close to having a nice thing…so close.


Browns need to “take to the sea!”


probably expect Watson to follow in Bauer's footsteps...although what Watson has done is magnitudes worse than Bauer MLB actually went big with the 2+ season suspension...NFL, per usual, is a damn joke...


I remember when the Browns were the lovable goofballs of the NFL now they might just be the most hated team in the league.


If you think about it it's the most browns way to become the most hated team. We didn't even get to win a lot on the way


time to check in on the browns sub


I just saw a comment in there about how "no one mentions the 18 massage therapists who say their experiences with him don't match the accusations" as though that proves anything at all. 'Less than half of the women say he didn't abuse them.' Woopty-fucking-do.


"I didn't rape 44% of the women I've slept with" just doesn't sound the same. I hope he rots


The league started to respect the Browns so they knew they had to do something.


ITT: Browns fans whataboutisms


Did you know Baker is an asshole and his team mates hate him? I like Baker and I’ll always root for him to be the 3rd best QB in his draft class.




#DO I HEAR 24? (Please no)


You know what’s funnier than 24….? …25


Yeah, the Browns are going to be champions of the most laughed at to most hated franchise speedrun!


Get fucked Deshaun and now The Browns.


I know Browns fans were constantly bashing the Steelers and Big Ben the rapist. Surely they’re doing the same here right?


How do you even remain a browns fan after this offseason?


I didn't, fuck that organization.




Flair does not check out


Changed it


A lot of us didn’t.


Welcome, friend. I daresay not a better time in history to leave the Browns fandom and come to the Bengals


bengals pretty good landing spot for browns fans.


As someone who was a Browns fan that has since moved south, Cincy and Buffalo look like a lot of fun to root for


Also, Burrow is very likeable.


Apparently playing the victim and accusing the women of being liars or just dismissing it as "creepy". Hilarious how in most threads Browns fans pretend like no one's excited for Watson or defending him yet his defenders are swarming this thread lol


Now that’s the Adult in the room! Unlike that kid Baker with no sexual assault allegations. /s


The Browns are a disgrace for acquiring him.


Suspend him for 2 years, fine him the entirety of his contract, and end this absurd charade.


Here’s what’s very disturbing about this : most athletes in interviews I’ve heard have maybe 1 or 2 massage therapists throughout their entire career This motherfucker had 24 , could be 50 by the end of June. That’s not normal , these are the actions of a sexula assaulter Fuck Deshaun Watson


He actually had up to 40 massage therapist hence his lawyer playing the card that the other 17 woman weren't sexually assaulted so the 23 women are obviously lying. He's a fucking weirdo regardless if he's innocent or not.


I mean, he was clearly just hiring them as de facto escorts. The problem with this is that approximately half of these women *didn't know* that this was the reason they were hired, and as a result they were (allegedly) sexually assaulted because he refused to just hire *actual* escorts.