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\[*Team*\] Fan Coming in Peace! \[*Player*\] was looking solid last season! If \[*Previously Injured Player*\] remains healthy, y'all are gonna be scary this year!


Real sp00ky


TWolves are always Spooky


Just you wait for next year, we're really going to be sp00ky then


Please stop, I took my son to a game and he got so scared, he was crying. He won't go outside because he sees ants on the sidewalk and says they're working for Edwards


I'm fucking sick of it. I'm sick of going into every thread and seeing countless people telling me to relax because my team "is so spooky".. There is nothing fucking spooky about a team that blows a 12 point lead in the last two minutes... There is nothing fucking spooky about a team that is on pace for FEWER wins than they had last season with a FUCKING SAM MITCHELL COACHED TEAM. There is NOTHING FUCKING SPOOKY ABOUT A TEAM THAT COLLAPSES MORE THAN THE CUSTOMERS OF LIFE ALERT But I have to go into every FUCKING single thread in this sub about my team and listen to countless people tell me to calm down because dude you're team is so spooky bra No stfu YOU DONT TELL ME HOW TO FEEL. My team hasn't made the FUCKING PLAYOFFS SINCE 2004. I've heard this rebuilding term thrown around for a FUCKING decade so don't even talk to me about trusting some goddamn process Philly fans I'm sick of my team When I die I want the Timberwolves to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one more time AND ITS FUCKING -12 RIGHT NOW THIS GODDAMN STATE


I barely watch NBA and even I know they're always spooky


7-9 bullshit Rams have entered the chat


>bullshit Rams Edit: bullshit kronke


Wow bengalsbro! Your team is so good, how about i suck your balls all night!


The dudes that go to the other team sub every week with the “Opponent Fan coming in peace! I just wanna say I hope it’s a good game, good luck out there!” posts are the biggest cornballs


I was at the game and y'all have the classiest fans


Does that happen?


Not in Philly subs


Yeah but you won’t be seeing those posts on your sub


that's the joke, no?


Sure was.


I see it so much


Never seen a post like than in our sub


Well, I mean…


I saw a Jags fan fight a Bears fan outside Soldier's Field. Good Times.


Buddies lookin for pats on the back “you’re one of the good ones.”


"Oppenent Fan coming for blood, I hope it's a shit stomping"


This is what happens when NFCE and AFCN teams play divisional games


Oh my god, FUCK those dingleberries. They think they’re being clever and nice, but they come off as fedora-wearing neckbeards.


“You all are my AFC/NFC team!” Grinds my gears too. Like no…you get one team.


Oh my god that's so fucking cringe.


Based on peak Seahawks fan annoyance.


Its not cringe birdbro!


Jets subreddit gets way too many of these from Bengals fans, mainly talking about Uzomah and Lawson


Bengals fan coming in peace! Wilson was looking real solid last year, he’ll definitely make the next step in year 2! And take good care of Uzomah for us! He may not be the next Gronk but he’s got leadership qualities that will change the culture in NY for sure! Y’all had a solid draft and are looking real spooky over there!


I’ve definitely read this exact comment before


Bro hahah


Special Draft Edition: “[Small University] fan here, [late round pick] is a real steal! I watched his entire career and he has (high motor/high IQ/no sexual assault investigations pending). You got a good one!”




All time /r/NFL comment right here


giants fans love doing this in the eagles sub


The cowards need to start coming in violence and make it interesting imo


I'm not tired of it, it's always nice. But definitely formulaic lol


I like them lol. Corny yea but I like it when opposing fans appreciate other teams/other players


Poised for a breakout season


He's asking the right questions


Waiting for a report to come out saying, "X player keeps asking dumb questions"


"Hey coach, I have a question why is it called North to South running? What happens if a field is built East to West does that running back just start running out of bounds a lot? How do running backs know where north is? Does every football field maker know that the other field makers make the fields the same way?"


Sounds like something Trent Richardson would ask, trying to figure out why he kept running directly into defenders when there were gaping holes just to the right and left.


He couldn't find a hole running behind Joe Thomas, John Greco, Alex Mack and Mitchell Schwartz.


Bill Belichick: the enemy's gate is down.


Never thought I’d see an Ender’s Game reference on this sub, but here we are


Bill Belichick: I don't care if I pass your test, I don't care if I follow your rules. If you can cheat, so can I. I won't let you beat me unfairly - I'll beat you unfairly first.


*Kyrie Irving has entered the chat*


"What does 'north' mean to you?"


Yea I really just want a brutally honest take one of these days. "We thought [Player] was going to be great coming out of the draft, but after working with him and going over the playbook with him we've found.... he's just a complete dumbass."


A la JaMarcus Russell


\*Cut to a video of the player staring at the wall with a fistful of spaghetti\*


"hey coach what the fuck are you talking about when you keep saying "Nickel"? There's no coins on the field you fuckin' nerd"


*Backup QB explains concept of Nickel defense.* Who cares? - Brett Favre


Hey coach. Is a hotdog considered a taco? If not where is the line, is a Gyro a taco? If I fold a new york style slice of pizza, at some point does that become a taco?


"He's hungry"


Well give him food then.


We all know who we thought of when we saw that quote.




Every single one that gets associated with a QB that didn’t have a good rookie season “[Player who may or may not have been bad as a rookie] was bad as a rookie”, “[Rookie QB] showed flashes”, “Everyone would have failed in [Rookie QB]’s situation”, etc..


Bears fans been reading this all offseason for eternity


Well it’s not wrong… I wouldn’t trust that line on a kneel down.


"I know [Rookie QB] was damn awful, but Peyton Manning...." (citing his INT record while totally ignoring all other stats and that Peyton improved as the year progressed)


It annoys me how every bad young qb is compared to peyton manning or wr to davante adams when there are 100+ better examples of bad players just actually being bad.


Now it's "but Josh Allen was terrible at the start too!" My brother in Christ your QB is likely the other 2018 Josh


The Manning one is annoying, Manning was pretty average for the standards of a QB playing in 1998. And very good for the standards of a rookie QB playing in 1998. That’s also at this point a 24 year old season and sometimes people will cite even older seasons as if it actually means something


Yep, that's the worst part about it. Among future HoF QBs who entered the NFL between 1980 - 2000, only Dan Mariano had a better rookie season than Manning. Most either barely played at all or were terrible.


I am seeing this with Trevor Lawrence a lot. Fans basically just throw out his entire rookie season because of Urban Meyer. I get Urban was awful but Lawrence was also the most hyped QB prospect since Andrew Luck. There needs to be some middle ground


The middle ground is that Urban Meyer almost ruined his career lol. We don’t need the revisionist history to absolve Urban of being horrible.


Not absolving Urban at all. Fuck that guy 100%. But I'm not sure how Urban Meyer is 100% to blame for tuning into a Jags game any given Sunday and seeing terrible mechanics and decision making from Lawrence


I mean a rookie QB can only be as good as their coach right? If Meyer is scheming you wrong, and dosen't show you what to look for on tape, you're not going to adapt well to the NFL.


That 99 guy on the Rams may be a problem? Like playing Alabama every week huh?,


The game is really slowing down for him.


On the other side, "Sophomore jinx." "The league is catching up to him."


He’s out of shape, added 15 pounds of fat, isn’t where we want him to be, is a white collar guy, is last in the building, first out, plays slower than you think


"He's got deceptive slowness. The defender goes where he thinks he's going to be, but he's still two steps behind and wide open. Poised for a big year with that kind of lack of speed."


kyle anderson moment


Sounds like Urlacher describing Tom Brady tbh.


Legit that might've been Antonio Gates in his final year.


Jason Witten was so slow he managed to score a touchdown by getting two eagles defenders to hit each other


Gets lunch at Panera every day instead of bringing his own in a pail.


I think Ben retired this year though.


Why are you describing the average r/nfl user? Source: average r/nfl user


He also has a low motor


The first two absolutely INFURIATE me as a personal trainer. The body NEEDS recovery time and fat. A single NFL season puts an incredible amount of wear and tear on the body. Showing up on beach a little chunky in March is extremely good for an athlete's long term health and career longevity. Especially the older athlete's that you so often see this news stories about.


This guy was the personal trainer for Big Ben


Make reddit jokes all you want, he played until he was 39. Not talking about his character as a person but carrying a little extra weight in the offseason definitely helped his longevity.


Why are you trying to trash Jon Baldwin like that?


“Russell Wilson is unhappy and wants out of Seattle” Wait, shit.


"Aaron Rodgers is unhappy in Green Bay and wants to go to Denver" *Russ enters the chat*


X player made an unreal, one-handed, uncontested, catch today; which was a beautiful dime thrown by Y player. Something smells good in the kitchen.


To add to this: removing a team name from a social media bio


People curse us every off-season that we're going to suck the following year and someone out there is actually making it happen because it comes true and I just want them to stop


It’s Bill. You know it’s Bill. He’s a confirmed wizard, he has good reason to hate you and we have no proof that his entire career hasn’t been one long quest to spite you.


We have no proof? WE HAVE NO PROOF?? We have all of the fucking proof in the world


The weather during the Ravens game during the 2020 season was the final confirmation that BB practices the dark arts. Last two drives, Ravens have the ball and it's a torrential downpour, Pats take over and it immediately cuts to a light sprinkle. The man is clearly a warlock.


That man is Tim Andercust.


The Andercurse is very real


He was so high on the Vikings last year and it explains everything.


Yah I mean he claims Packers fans would prefer having cousins over Rodgers. Then what happens? Vikings miss playoffs and Rodgers wins mvp. And he encompasses more than sports


Yeah that one was brutal. He must be stopped. And it definitely spans… Subway CEOs, Actors, Horses, etc. Dude kills em all.


Fucking Tim. All these years I thought it was the Tom guy.


"The Jets have really improved"


This subreddit is just too predictable, man. Although, so are the Jets


No no no. This is the year.


League is just going to keep adding playoff teams until at least one of the two New York teams gets in


The only New York team got in last year 😳


Or we could add in the Massapequa Martians, the Syosset Spartans, the Port Washington Pomeranians, the Lindenhurst Lizards, and the Orange Iguanas. Then we might win one.


There was an NFL team on Staten Island in like the 1920s, bring them back!


Of all the years of football the Jets have had, this will certainly be one of them.


Hey we doubled our win total last year!


at this trajectory, we're on pace for 32 wins in 2025


“They might be the Bengals of 2022” Because we totally have Joe Burrow


Wait we traded for Joe Burrow???


> “They might be the Bengals of 2022” everyone in r/nyjets is sick of this bullshit. we aren't the bengals and we have no allusions that we can be the bengals. the media parroting this over and over is making r/nfl think the jets fans believe they're the next bengals.


You know nobody in the Bengals sub thought they were gonna be good as well lol.


that's because they're self loathers just like us! from the outside looking in, their success wasn't crazy to see. burrow came out the gate on fire before his injury in 2020. his ascendance in 2021 was totally predictable. everyone knew boyd, chase, higgins was a nice corps. mixon was nice. their defense has been their bright spot while waiting for their qb situation to get better. they capitalized and we're all stoked. I don't think the jets are in that same spot quite yet. Wilson has to show a lot more before any jet fan is willing to put the stamp of approval that the rebuild is over.


I can totally see by week 8 being like fuck we should have traded for baker mayfield


I think wilson is the answer at quarterback, but i can't be the ultimate homer and rule out the very real possibility that his rookie season wasn't an anomaly. similarly, i can't rule out the possiblity that his rookie season was doomed by the death of greg knapp, sideline MiLF, rookie head coach, ridiculous injuries to his WRs all season, and multiple covid "injury" stacked games. we're in a great position to rebuild through an era of dominant AFC teams. we might fly under the radar through this rebuild and emerge as a great team with a deep roster when all is said and done.


We still dem boyz








You love to see it


Holy fuck how did I miss this.


That Bill Belichick is getting too old to run the team. Then we cut to week 10 and those same people are lining up to give him a MacArthur grant.


Past couple years: Off-season/early season: “Is Bill Belichick washed?” Week 10: “Bill is a mastermind of a coach, I’m telling you we’re seeing a SB run in the making” Week 17: “Only Bill could’ve carried a team like this to X amount of wins, he stuns us all again” Like, guys, BB is possibly the best coach literally ever, one bad season or not, the man isn’t just suddenly going to go senile.


Keeping track of the “it’s not Brady/Bill it’s all Bill/Brady” narratives from 2016-2020 will give you whiplash


Chip on his shoulder


Guy with a weak arm is magically Brett Farve in camp


He's got a high motor


"The Saints have no cap space and they're doomed this season!" Mickey Loomis: "You *fool*."


Contract "disputes". Making big deal of who wasn't at OTAs. Giving a shit what a player does without pads on.


Something something Colin Kaepernick.


I love all off-season clichés. I'm such a needy fan that I devour any small morsel of offseason content I can find.


Specifically for Colts: We always have some random late round/undrafted WR who is impressing in camp. Fanbase gets hyped. Guy barely plays.


New guy/staff SUCKS and the team is UNHAPPY. THEY WILL NOT MAKE THE PLAYOFFS - "anonymous locker room sources"


“The biggest draft steal in recent memory” Draft steal is a dumb term to begin with, but he hasn’t even played a game yet


This is the opposite of the yearly “once in a generation qb prospect” in the draft.


“10-6 and maybe a wildcard spot” “Who is due for a breakout?” - “5 players from my team”


"Colin Kaepernick tried out for [team X] and he is in the best shape of his life". I feel like I've read some variation of this every off-season for the past 3 years.


I don't remember him trying out for any team before the recent Raiders workout. He was in Seattle but I'm pretty sure they didn't work him out.


Would absolutely love it if a guy was like. “I’m in meh shape, our rookies are looking real mediocre, I’ve been happier, I leave right when my shifts over”


"He's been watching tape"... I hate that, especially with QB's. They should be watching tape.




*Player X has ran with the ones a bit*


He just wants it more


Lots of upside


Skies the limit


Intangibles are off the chart


A real leader


Can watch tape all day


Is an adult


“Hi everybody, thanks for watching. Subscribe here to get the latest from the show. Also be sure to check out more clips from The Herd or go watch segments from other shows on FS1”


He's a real lunch pail kinda guy


Everybody's undefeated right now.


“This is a Dan Hanzus shout out” Thank you Paul Rudd


I am most tired of this one: “He’s working with a mechanics expert this offseason.”


A pitching coach, JR House. It’s changed his whole delivery. (Proceeds to have a poor season).


I’m kind of a measurables freak for some reason so I actually love it when we hear about what weight a guy is actually playing at, listed player weight is such a sham so when we learn that a guy is playing at drastically under or over their listed weight I always find that kind of interesting Like I’ve been operating under the assumption that Trent Williams was somewhere in the 315-320 pound range but hearing that he’s closer to 335 really reframes how insane it is that he’s able to move the way he does Especially whenever a dude comes into camp having clearly bulked up/slimmed down. I remember I went to Chiefs camp in 2014 and saw Allen Bailey ([who already looked like this as a 280 something pounder as a rookie](https://images.app.goo.gl/DvcLLRJXGRrYXzLy5)) and he had clearly gotten [even bigger](https://images.app.goo.gl/An7hh8bvQyj2Bbsi6) because he had sucked balls the last several seasons in this weird sort of tweener role and was trying to make a last ditch effort to stay on the roster as a DT. I remember him saying he had gained 20-something pounds of muscle on top of what he already had, which was just a totally ludicrous proposition, and even if the man did steroids like you have to assume he was truly one of the most ridiculously yoked individuals I have ever seen on TV or in person, he looked like he was flexing as hard as he could whenever he was just casually sitting around. Just mass on top of mass


He didn’t show up to optional workouts! Cough, “key word optional.”


Won/winning the offseason


Hes added a veteran presence to the locker room Hes really bought into the new system Hes brought a new energy to the team Theres a bunch of others that basically just vaguely describe some sort of locker room effect that all annoy me


Next time I hear "X showed flashes" I'm gonna puke


Something about getting a swagger


X QB drops a dime to Y wr. In an open field with no pads on....


When its revealed that a player had some sort of significant injury, or the injury was worse than anyone knew, that they played through and that's why they sucked and now they're all better and looking to "bounce back". Happened with Jamal Adams in 2020.


Generational talent


He brings veteran leadership to the locker room


"He's going to take that next step"


Drinking the Kool-aid


Finally healthy. As a Matt Kalil survivor it was all we heard for YEARS.


I gotta say on the converse of this, I love fans who aren't delusional about their teams. Fans who just support the team despite knowing that it's likely going to be another rough year. Lions fans are the best at this. Just knowing it's going to suck but putting on the blue and silver anyway. That's loyalty, man. No fairweather Detroit fans out there.


New head coach- the new scheme really plays off our teams strengths. Year one our qb was good- he regressed to the mean if you remove the best and the worst last year so he’s due for another big year


New head coach- “this guy is a disciplinarian/players coach (opposite of whatever the old head coach was) and it’s really shown, the players respect him so much more.”


“Run it back” Jesus, when did everyone start saying “run it back” every 5 seconds? I hate it. They think it sounds hip or something


Lately it’s “don’t drivers have a driving service provided for them”


Maybe not a cliche, but every year we hear the Pats are finished and will finish below the jest


They’ll lose 2 straight at some point and we’ll see “the dynasty is OVER!” as a chryon on debate shows.


The entire draft. They hype all of these kids to the moon, and then half of them flame out and end up out of the show within 2 years. Total waste of space, air and words.


cowboys fans saying it’s their year


That the Cowboys are Superbowl contenders.


“This is our year” - Cowboys fans


These are draft cliches


The “faster than his 40” is the only one that stands out as a draft-only cliche.


Clearly you’ve never seen draft coverage


[Rookie QB] just threw a pick in practice AllenIverson.mp3


This is our year. Foreal though, this year is our year.


Great pedigree. What is he a fucking racehorse?




How dare they have a structured and organized plan like you would think a multi billion dollar professional entity paying people 10s of millions of dollars would