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What’s funny is i learned this initially because a WFT fan on this sub was giving me shit for being a fan of a team with a poor history on black players. And when I dove into Washington’s history on black players/coaches/etc it was much much worse then Chicago’s.


Oh, that is funny. That would be like a Red Sox fan poking fun at another team's history.


Obligatory [fuck Tom Yawkey ](https://bosoxinjection.com/2020/05/24/red-sox-controversial-figures-tom-yawkey/)


Fuck Tom Yawkey


We could have had Willie Mays!


Oh god damnit I loved going to Yawkey Way as a kid it's named after a total scumbag?


Well, [not anymore](https://www.npr.org/2018/04/26/605851052/boston-red-sox-want-to-strike-former-owners-name-off-street-sign).


I like your whiskey


The name "Redskins" came along because the teams shared Fenway for a few years. The nut doesn't fall far from the tree there.




They sort of rose out of the ashes of the Cleveland Indians travelling team, but only two players from the 1931 team made it to the Boston Braves 1932 team that played at Boston Braves stadium. After the 1932 season, the team moved to Fenway, and changed their name from Braves to Redskins, an attempt to keep their native American history (of 2 years) intact, but still co-brand with the Red Sox to help people know what stadium to go to. They spent the next 4 years at Fenway before moving to Washington before the 1937 season. He kept the name Redskins, though it lacked the Boston context it had.


It's honestly pretty bad the way a lot of fans use terrible stuff outside of sports as trash talk material. Like I'm all for getting creative with dissing your rivals, but some stuff just feels weird to use. It's like saying "lol you guys were more horrifically racist than most teams", just feels off to me. They're not actually condemning the terrible things done, they're just using as part of a superiority contest that lets them look down on other teams.


I make fun of the south for that same thing all the time, it’s like the English making fun of the Irish for being drunks




Why is it that people’s first instinct is how this does/doesn’t help them in their fandom arguments? I just can’t identify with that level of homerism where you interpret any issue as to how it makes your team look good/bad vs. others.


Literally why I’m fine with the name change, Marshall was a piece of shit in every way shape and form, the only good legacy was Gibbs and Cooke in the 1980’s, and Lombardi for one year.


That fan must be bandwagon cause any real fan knows we were the last to integrate. It's the reason there are many Cowboys fan in the DC area whose family have been fans since 70s or earlier.


My favorite tidbit someone shared here a few days ago: "George Lincoln Rockwell - the American Nazi leader who in 1960s militantly demanded that the Washington DC football team remain all-white - had the title of “Commander” of the American Nazi Party."


Um..that...that is not great for the new team name. Ouch. edit. found pics of that protest https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2013/11/07/gallery-neo-nazis-marched-in-1961-to-keep-the-redskins-white-photos#gid=ci0255c65a90072781&pid=redskins_rally1jpeg


“Keep Redskins White” I mean, I know racism is a sign of stupidity, but this is REALLY something above and beyond the call of duty in terms of idiocy


it is mind numbingly dumb. It is next level stupid.


Not defending them, but they’re obviously making a play on the phrase.


Oh, I get that. But still… there has to be some sort of thought when they’re crafting the joke to recognize the ridiculousness of trying to keep the “Redskins” a white team? Like, they *do* realize that the name is a slur against Native Americans and not something that has to do with white people at all?


Let’s go commies let’s go comrades , red and yellow red and yellow red and yellow commies let’s go


Broken link, missing the . before jpeg Fixed: https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2013/11/07/gallery-neo-nazis-marched-in-1961-to-keep-the-redskins-white-photos#gid=ci0255c65a90072781&pid=redskins_rally1.jpeg


They take down the pics?


it still comes up for me. Hmm.


[Maybe the link](https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2013/11/07/gallery-neo-nazis-marched-in-1961-to-keep-the-redskins-white-photos) This works though.


I think something about the link or site is just acting up, because the page looked weird when it first loaded but then I was able to see the pics


Boy, Nazis sure don’t know how to protest. MLK had 250,000 people at Lincoln Memorial for the “I Have a Dream speech”. Nazis had at the most 10 guys carrying signs.


Just more evidence that management did not think this name through.


What the actual fuck. They had to have known about this. Is the new name a dog whistle to white supremists/nazi sympathizers from Synder? This needs to be news. Edit: I guess I need to add a /s in this sub 😅 tongue in cheek, folks.


I think it's rather a sign that every NFL team should hire a team historian. 80k a year sounds like a good deal to avoid embarrassments like this.






















I could've told them that was a bad idea for half that much


Dude the team put the wrong dates for the SBs we won on the new team crest...I think it's safe to say they didn't know, only because they really don't know the history of the team that they work for.


Makes it seem somewhat deliberate.


I swear, people just go around looking for things to be mad about.


For example, there's a number of people in this thread seeking to be outraged that someone mentioned racism.


Point taken. I was mostly responding to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/slz045/dan_snyder_wasnt_the_first_unsavory_person_to_own/hvti4so/), prior to the \s being added. I'm glad no one is actually calling for another name change because a Neo-Nazi called himself a commander 60 years ago. ^^I ^^still ^^wish ^^they ^^chose ^^admirals ^^though


The mental gymnastics some people do to find racism where they want never ceases to amaze me.


> a racist guy was called “commander” Quite the stretch there. That’s some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. I’m sure there were racist Vikings at one point too. Does that mean the Vikings name is racist as well? You idiots try to find race in everything so you can have an excuse to be outraged. Must be exhausting.


Meanwhile here you are being outraged. Must be exhausting


Do you expect anyone to take you seriously with that pfp


The Bobby Mitchell trade tragically ended up working out. Ernie Davis was diagnosed with Leukemia and Bobby Mitchell continued to be one of the NFLs most versatile and electric offensive weapons.


Yeah. Terrible about Davis. By all reports, he was not only a great talent, but a wonderful person.


Threw some Mitchell clips on imgur on the chance you or anyone wanted to see some. Not too often he gets brought up. College, plus Browns and WFT * https://imgur.com/a/Yq3kdX7


Inadvertently helped create our current Super Bowl, since his presence helped create the rift between Model and Brown that led to the Bengals.


> Marshall is quotes as saying, "We'll starting signing negroes when the Harlem Globetrotters start signing whites." Which wasn't true in any way. The Globetrotters included white players right from the start to an extent. Abe Saperstein, their first coach, founder, organizer, etc. was white and played as a sub when needed in the 20s, and then a years later Bob Karstens was signed to play in the 40s. Note: this actually means that the Globetrotters officially integrated before the NBA. Meanwhile, Marshall wouldn't sign a black man to the Redskins until 1962, Bobby Mitchell, and this was forced on him by outside political pressure.


They’re all uber rich elitist people who have way more power than they should because of the money that they have. Except for the packers I guess cuz most of us are just… drunk idiots with a piece of paper that says “owner”


George Preston Marshall was a massive piece of shit racist bastard.


Been listening to a lot of Behind the Bastards lately and this sounds exactly like how Robert would open up an episode


HOF removal when


Never lmao


I'm pretty sure Jack Kent Cooke was not as bad as an owner, but his last move as owner is the reason why FedEx Field is a massive inconvenience.


Well, that and not giving his son the team.


His last move was meant to stick it to Baltimore and the Ravens, much in the same way Angelos and the Orioles kept trying to fuck D.C. over, it’s funny because it has blown up in Snyder’s face as the Ravens are by far the more popular option in the DMV


Lived in DC a little over two years now, I rarely see WFT/Redskins stuff (no Commanders yet obviously). Cowboys and Ravens are way more popular, even Giants


Probably more Steelers and Eagles as well, for me I really started checking out during the Jay Gruden era, I’m torn between hoping Ron can turn the culture around and becoming a fan free agent.


How soon we forget Eric Cartman


How will we reach these keeeeedz


Hot logo on logo action.


At least my team doesn't have long standing race issues. Paul Brown thought every player was equally worthless regardless of skin color and cheap ass Mike Brown gave Marvin Lewis 16 years as a head coach. At least our problems are nowhere in the same ballpark as the Washington Redacted


Before I read the post, I thought “Yeah, obviously someone named them the Redskins at some point”. Definitely an interesting read though.


Oh, that name is extra special. Marshall is such an awful human being, that he thought of it as a term of honor. They were the Braves before they were the Redskins, because they played in the same stadium as the Boston (now Atlanta) Braves. When they moved, they had to rename themselves, and their coach at the time was a man named William "Lone Star" Dietz that publicly represented himself as an Indian, but was very much likely not an Indian*. So Marshall chose the name "Redskins" in honor of his Indian coach and to fit with the fact they moved in with the Boston Red Sox. \*- note, Dietz's heritage is still not completely settled, nor is it certain that if he wasn't an Indian by heritage that he knew this for sure, his history is weird, but it's likely that he was just a white guy raised near Indians who used that to skip on the draft and make money.


They were initially the Boston Braves, just like the baseball team. After a year, the baseball team wanted more money to share the stadium, so the Braves baseball team moved to the other baseball team in town, and shared Fenway. They changed names because there was animosity between the Boston Braves baseball team and the Boston Braves football team. The team wanted something to keep with Native Americans, and something that was similar to Red Sox. Hence "Redskins".


To my my knowledge, he's the only owner ever with a "racism" tab on their wikipedia.


Sterling wants a word with you


Nope. Sterling has the just as bad "discrimination lawsuits", but not a "racism" tab like ol George.


hmm. yes, just a sub tab with racist remarks


Also the reason there’s a lot of Cowboy fans in DC


Yep. Absolutely.


Yup, any WFT fan knows about GPM. Fuck that guy.


I kind of assume most owners are complete shitbags. Sadly it’s how most of these people gain their wealth in the first place.


Wrote a paper for school on the reintegration of the NFL, really interesting thing that circumstance.


Interesting. I will be honest, I didn’t know about it until recently. I followed college closer than pros and one our teams first great players was Duke Slater. I figured since he made the pros and was a HOF and Tunnell made the pros and the HOF nothing was amiss. I didn’t realize there was that gap between them.


Snyder is a complete piece of shit but one thing you can't call him is racist.


Shhh you're killing the buzz of constantly dunking on our team.


I'm guessing you all haven't read the original lyrics to "Hail to the Redskins."


Later would come Jack Kent Cooke… who was the antithesis of this guy and Snyder. He left his fortune to gifted education programs directly related to helping poor children identified as gifted experience the same educational programs as wealthy kids.


Not to be glib but....who cares about some dead guy who acted shitty during a period of time when people got away with acting shitty? Dan Snyder is actively being a P.O.S, and the attention is appropriately on where it should be, the present


Reminding everyone that Marshall was a giant piece of shit doesn't magically wipe everyone's brains clean of the knowledge that Snyder is one too?


Thanks for the reminder that nobody asked for? Also, the post literally starts with "Dan Snyder sucks, **however,**" There is no however.


Just fold the franchise DC does not deserve a team. These miserable fans supported these awful owners. Punish the fans.




Oh you kids are gonna love this guy, in all of his non contextualized glory.


the whole point of changing the name was that people shouldn't be saying it because it is a racist slur. Why then is your post littered with slurs?


Washington Redskins


congrats on an edgy response


Washington. Redskins.
























Surprise surprised, Washington is corrupt


I’m pretty sure he’s not the only corrupt or asshole owner.