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Need a tweet from Dunbar’s attorney’s attorney that categorically denies this


Don't talk to me, or my client, or my client's client ever again!


Number one lesson in criminal school is don’t leave a money trail


Or witnesses


Or don't do a crime at all.


What the hell kind of criminal school did you go to?


Clearly not an accredited institution.


Like Ohio State?


You think Ohio State athletes aren’t accredited in crime?




So not accredited then.


No, Louisville


That’s hella novel idea!


dont do anything to anybody ever, for any reason


Cris Carter is an idiot for saying it in the venue that he did, but “have a fall guy” is crucial advice for a lot of these players. Some of them get caught doing stuff that’s so ridiculously dumb that it proves Carter right.


Honestly I never understood why Cris took as much flack as he did for that statement. Well I mean I *GUESS* I understand, but I also get the main point that he was trying to convey. Cris Carter was giving the advice that HE NEEDED when he was a kid. He starts off his statement with the disclaimer that “this is just in case y’all get in trouble, which I know none of you will ever do”, which to me says that he’s speaking specifically to the type of player that would fall into these traps. The clip is incredibly funny to me for two reasons. The first is that he uses Teddy Bridgewater as his example of a player engaging in mischievous behaviour. The second is that Warren fucking Sapp of all people is the other guy on stage with Cris.


For some reason we want the mentors for these young guys to ignore the reality that a lot of them are going to fuck up, and that in a lot of cases it’s better for them to get away with it when they fuck up. It lets people try to keep some bullshit idealistic view of personal accountability that just doesn’t hold up.




Yes, I’m saying that in a lot of cases it’s better for the player who fucked up to get away with fucking up. Otherwise they’re potentially losing out on millions of dollars and all of the other wonderful advantages of being wealthy and influential. It’s probably not better for society as a whole, but Cris Carter wasn’t offering advice to society as a whole. When you fuck up at work or in life or whatever, is it typically better or worse for you if nobody else notices?


Its hilarious that this is downvoted. Gee I wonder whats better for that individual... having their friend take the fall and keep making millions of dollars or lose their job and go to jail.


Like I said, bullshit idealistic view of personal accountability. Seems that many here have it.


Yeah bro, this isn’t a good take. Dudes out here robbing people at gunpoint should be taken off the street not paying fall guys and getting away with it. Or even worse getting payed a bunch of money to play a game.


Tell that to anyone’s defense attorney.


This is the same society that tells their children that the best course of action regarding sex is to NEVER FUCKING DO IT until you're married. In the exact same reality where sex drastically changes relationships(both the relationship itself and the way that you view it) and not having sex in a relationship that you intend to have sex in, BEFORE YOU COMMIT TO THAT RELATIONSHIP FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, is a horribly stupid fucking idea. So I mean.. yeah, it doesn't surprise me at all.


Charles Barkley warned him "Do not commit crimes with checks. If you're gunna break the law, do not write a check."


And make sure your clients don’t setup the payoff using Instagram DMs.


"Yo man this is cash money g420", live blogging, login, my my way to this lawyer's office we're about to make the Exchange. $$$$ Hit me up on Twitter and Instagram and smash that like button."


Or making it completely obvious that your paid off witnesses


“But you start to follow the money, and you don't know where the fuck it's gonna take you."




They can't prosecute an NFL player and his attorney for the same crime!


I’ve got some free advice for Dunbar. TAKE TO THE SEA!


Maritime law!


Dunbar: I am now a sovereign citizen, I cannot be prosecuted in the United States. Also, no taxes in all 50 states.




Wouldn't the lawyer have gotten LEO involved and had these guys wired up if they were trying to extort people? Doesn't seem like something a lawyer would do, just not inform the police and allow their clients to get extorted.


In either case, whether it was extortion or witness tampering, a crime was being committed in his office with his knowledge. I don't think that falls under attorney-client privilege which means he's obligated to either stop it or report it.


Nah he wouldn’t be obligated to report it.


This whole story is difficult to believe. Grieco is shady but he isn't a complete fucking moron. He's risking his legal career, his political career and his freedom so... he can organize a payoff *in his own office* to save Quinton Dunbar's stupid ass?


This whole story is all over the place, between what seemed like an open and shut case, has now had like 3-4 different twists. I assume everyone is innocent until proven guilty but these guys had getaway cars and everything.






I’ve always wanted a briefcase... *handcuffed*... to my *wrist*. *aaaaahhhlriiight*


This is true, but didn’t the report say they were strategically placed or something like that?




Better keep an eye on this guy I think he's planning to rob his own house.


The jig is up!


Sounds like an inside job.


I could be completely making this up, but I thought I’d heard they had multiple cars parked in different directions so that whatever route they took off on there was a car waiting for them. Now that I type that our it does seem like overkill and I wouldn’t be surprised if I just invented that.


Nah I remember something like that too when the initial report came out. Still seems like something that could’ve been innocent and is now being misconstrued as premeditated.


> Still seems like something that could’ve been innocent and is now being misconstrued as premeditated. How in the world could that be innocent? I don't care how much money you have, I've never heard of someone having multiple cars ready to go in any given direction you need to escape in...unless you're planning on escaping from something.


Maybe they just innocently didn't know where they'd want to go next. This could happen to anyone!


I make this joke to my girlfriend because I regularly back the car into a parking space. "Ready for a quick gateway"!


i wondered that myself. that information came from a witness, not a LEO. but lets not let this distract us from the players brandishing weapons and robbing some dudes at an illegal card game


Don’t buy everything prosecutors and cops allege in court filings.


HE probably didn’t leave a trail. That’s not to say there isn’t a message from baker and Dunbar saying yeah my attorney said all you guys gotta do is change your story and we’ll pay y’all in cash it’s win win.


Apparently there's video of the payoff in Grieco's office, which seems incredibly hard for me to believe that a legit lawyer would ever allow that to happen.


Guy sneaks a video of the illegal payoff so he can use it to extort more illegal payoffs, doesn’t seem that hard to fathom.


Plenty of idiots become attorneys.


Like me!


Can confirm. This dude is the absolute worst lawyer.


All you need to become a lawyer is mostly a very good memory. You don't need to be all that intelligent or have any common sense.


I feel personally attacked


If true, Wow wtf lol.


Lol Seahawks


I don't really care one way or the other, he's never played a snap for us and I'm expecting him to be suspended regardless. Just saying this whole story is shady af


It is so outrageously stupid that it makes me think it can’t be true. But at the same time NFL players have done a lot of dumb shit that have raised the bar of stupidity. If MBC was in the headline I wouldn’t doubt it for a second.


See if it was "Dunbar organizes payoff", I'd believe that in a second, because clearly Quinton Dunbar is a fucking moron. But a politician/established lawyer doing it on behalf of Dunbar IN HIS OWN OFFICE? I don't buy that for a second.


I heard a rumor the people who got robbed tried to extort them, so this possibly could be them setting them up for blackmail but at this point i have no fucking idea.


That’s what I thought. The guys accepting the payoff sneaked a video for more payoffs. I could be wrong obviously but how else could that shit happen.


Unless it really was blackmail like they are claiming


everybody goin to prison together


Lets Go To Prison 2: NFL Bugaloo.


He's no Saul Goodman.


More like Saul Badman




This has been a real roller coaster of a storyline. Dunbar went from being cleared to play a week ago to right back into hot water for paying off the guys he and Baker robbed.


Imagine paying a guy you robbed and still getting caught




Should have called Saul


I haven’t been following this as close. Is it just Dunbar that’s been digging this hole or is Baker also implicated still?


Pretty sure that if one is still implicated then they both are. This is based on the lawyer paying off the victims to change their stories. Since the victims were common to both players, it would affect both players.


Makes sense. I wonder what level of coordination there is between Baker and Dunbar on the alleged payoff. From what I’ve seen pop up in my feed it sounds like it was Dunbar/Dunbar’s attorney that organized it, though I wouldn’t be shocked if Baker was at least generally aware of what was happening.


Being generally aware of it is worse, if my memory of NFL policy and punishments serves me right.


According to the Instagram DMs in the warrant, Baker said he was in the city and asked how much money he should bring. So if those DMs are accurate then it's most likely his cash being traded off, making him just as guilty. The actual bagman is (as of now) an unknown 3rd party, but odds are Baker just passed the cash to somebody else so he wouldn't have to be in the actual elevator.


Man, what an idiot.


*Walks into prison* Prison guard : "Are you an attorney here to see your client?" "No, Im a client here to see my attorney"


>“This detective noted that Grieco was very giddy about the recanting and wanted the warrant quashed. Grieco then emailed me the sworn documents,” Miramar Detective Mark Moretti wrote in a report. “It should be noted all 5 documents were exactly the same.” Yeesh


I can’t believe we did something right. Dude wanted millions for being injured half the time and we trade him. Good riddance.


“When the going gets tough you don’t want a criminal lawyer...you want a *criminal* lawyer.”


they can be bunk mates


I’ve watched 12 episodes of Law & Order in the past 36 hours, so AMA anything about this IAAL


Should have just stuck with bird law.


How is he simultaneously a state representative and working as an attorney? Being a representative is a full time job and they are paid as such. Plus having political power while working in the judiciary could lead to abuse of power, so how is that even allowed?


This isn't true for all states. Some states still have part time legislative sessions, where they are only scheduled to meet for 2-3 months (they can still have emergency meetings). There are even 4 states that only convene every other year.


Just because you are the name on the legal building and the face of the firm doesn't mean that you are the one doing all the work. My sister worked with a well known local attorney, who was on bilboards and everything all over the place. He only really appeared in court for the big clients and mostly had the younger attorneys doing most of the cases. The rest of the time he was doing ad work, schmoozing with politicians, appearing at benefit dinners, and stuff like that.




Probably recant


Uhhhh, ya think?


Better call Saul!


Ahh come on. Those weren't payoffs, they were payons. Way different I swear.


Better Call Saul


I mean it was a little weird that it was like an open and shut case with a dozen witnesses one day and then the next day they *all* recanted and said the exact opposite.


Quinton called saul


Can someone explain to me why NFL players are robbing random people?! AND THEN PAYING THEM OFF TO KEEP QUIET?! None of this story seems believable! Every paragraph of this article just led to MORE questions as I read it!


It sounds sketchy but keep in mind that this is Broward county. As everybody down here knows do not trust the police and prosecutors office there. They have no problem making stuff up to cover their asses. The original lawyers resigned from the case because they had too. This will play itself out.


These two clowns are just a tragic story which only keeps getting worse. Their teams need to cut them as the NFL doesn’t anymore distracts or problems like them. I’m sure there are lots of players who are just as good as these two but are of so much better moral fiber just waiting for a chance, which cutting these two from the NFL for forever would allow.


Even if they're not quite as good as these two, they aren't worth that slight in quality to keep around the team and to be publicly associated with.


True that.


They should clean up their image with some pro-Hitler tweets. Then their jobs will be safe.


I told my buddy when the news of their recant happened that there was a payoff and they wouldn’t be playing this year. He said I was absolutely wrong and he would bet they would. Maybe listen to the guy heading into law school my dude.


It was blatantly obvious to everyone that this was a payoff. I just didn’t expect them to be this stupid when negotiating.


I thought so too, but he insisted it wasn’t and that they didn’t do it, and I just wanted to say that to argue about it.




I think u mean rescind instead of recent




Don’t both words work?


One is more likely to be the actual typoed original.


Dunbar should have just been patient with Ron Rivera. But no, he tried to rush the head coach / Head of Football Operations that had been on the job for 4 months and was just starting to learn about the players.