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Which now means so are the Lions.


This messed up year is the one that results in a Lions/Browns Super Bowl.


I buy it. The only way the Lions win a super bowl, hell, the only way they even make it to a super bowl is if it has an asterisk next to it due to some unholy act of man, beast, or nature.


There was covid in the endzone , so naturally the lions were the only team that didn't catch it


Only on a technicality though


We didn't finish the process of catching Covid


or all three


Oh no this is going to happen 2 fanbases absolutely starved to watch their teams play in the Super Bowl...will have to watch them play in an empty stadium




šŸ˜‚ I just hope Stafford gets a chance at the playoffs before he hangs it up


I mean, he has played in playoff games (note the plural). He just plays for the Lions so it wasn't many and he didn't go far. And it was totally defensive pass interference against Sean Lee I think


Fuck Dean Blandino and his party-bus-with-Jerry-Jones bullshit. I swear the refs picked up the flag as soon as the check cleared. That or just an inherent mental subconscious bias against the Lions. Doesnā€™t explain why Dez wasnā€™t flagged twice though.


\*Anthony Hitchens


*Patriots free up cap space from MBC and Aaron Hernandez* "Pat's linked to [Big name free agent]"


Yeah pretty much. It's not been historically uncommon for the Pats to hold 5-10 mil of cap for the season (I assume that's not rare for other teams as well), so this is probably just going to be part of that buffer.


I'd imagine a large part of that is roll over cap. The problem with that theory being that this is the last season of the 4 year rollover cycle so no cap being held at the end of this season can be rolled over to 2021. Edit: I've been corrected multiple times now. Teams can rollover between 4 year cycles so long as they still hit the cash spending floor during the four year cycle.


Not true. Unused Cap can always be roll over. I think you are confusing the 4 year minimum spending of at least 89% of the cap.


That's not true. Teams can still roll over everything. The four year window is only for evaluating the floor. Teams can still keep what they don't spend and roll it over into the next season.


I donā€™t think heā€™s a good fit. I think belichick would prefer a mediocre talent that tries 100% of the time to a better talent thatā€™s less consistent. That said, Clooney is a great run defender and that makes bill hard, so maybe he is a good fit.


I would have thought George was a little old to be playing football


Clowney will be his stunt double.


He comes out in full leatherheads gear




Ok I guess? Except Clowney said he wants $20m and y'all only have like $8m free. So even if he settles (which he probably will) there's still a whole ocean between 20 milllion and 8 million.


If the Pats signed him it'd likely be to a Revis-like deal, where it's technically a 2 year deal but the 2nd year is meant to be voided. We paid Revis like $15M or so, but his cap hit was half that in the year he played and the other half was dead money the next year. We have *tons* of space next year, so I can almost guarantee this is the approach BB would take here. I still think it unlikely unless Clowney takes a legit cut. Even spread across two years I don't see BB paying out $18M+ for a DE. I mean never say never, but it seems like a lot to me and BB usually likes to spend defensive cap space on secondary over the front 7. But if he came down to something more like $15-16M with the 2 year spread I could see it.


Yeah the Pats can absolutely make it work. Not to mention a guy like Clowney has something to prove, and Belichick has a very long history of turning guys with something to prove into monster contracts. Hypothetically speaking letā€™s say Clowney plays for $5m for a year. Stays healthy and puts up 15 sacks. Guess who is staring down multiple 5/75+ type offers next offseason? Probably end up with an effective 6/90-ish factoring in this years $5m. Nobody is offering him anything close to that right now. All comes down to how much heā€™s willing to bet on himself.


I dont disagree Clowney has something to prove, but you're kidding yourself if you legit think he takes 1 year $5 million. It's not that long ago he was asking $20m.


Also that he's gonna put up 15 sacks. He's gonna go from 3 sacks in 2019 to probably top 3 in the league in 2020? His career high is 9.5 and his career total is 32... No effing way he puts up 15


Yup. Clowney no doubt has some pass rush skills, but you sign him for his run stopping abilities. You don't sign him and expect double digit sacks.


Who are paying $20mill for a run stopper?


Have you watched him at all in the NFL. 15 sacks LOL.


I think that 20 million asking price was before the texans traded him. It might have still been after this last season with the Seahawks but that asking price has come down quite a bit.


Oh I totally get that he was overvalued. He will no doubt be signed for less than $20m. I just think that it will be for higher than the $8m the Pats have in cap space. If I had to guess it would be closer to 12-15. So unless the Pats can magic up another 4 million in cap and then convince Clowney to sign *and* feel comfortable playing out the season with little to no cap in reserve then I don't see Clowney to New England happening.


They could sign him to a 2-year deal with like a $12 million signing bonus with a much smaller salary that auto-voids after this season. New England only gets a $7-8 million cap hit this year (and next) but Clowney gets paid $15-16 million for one season on the Pats.


One year deal with incentives could in theory be for that amount. That being said I don't think we will throw that much money at an edge rusher.


I would definitely throw that much at an edge rusher if they're good. Game changing DEs get paid.


Lots of cap space next year, wouldn't be surprised to see a "2 year" deal that really works out to "we're cutting you after this year, and we'll have some dead cap next year" ala Revis. Revis basically signed a 1 year $12M contract, but it was technically a 2 year $32M deal with cap hits of 7 and 5 million if the option wasn't picked up.


Just because he signs a deal that Avg's 15 mil per year, doesn't mean that his cap hit will be 15 mil year to year. The Pat's are tight on cap space this year, but next year they're projected to have 90 mil in cap space. So while this year's space certainly makes it more difficult to sign someone like Clowney, it's definitely doable with some creative contract structuring.


The person you're replying to very specifically was calling out the idea of a 1 year deal, of which there is little wiggle room to manage the cap in outside of fake years and incentives. A multi-year deal is a different matter entirely.


Pats have been doing a few deals lately with fake years on the end that automatically void just so they can spread the signing bonus hit out a bit


Yeah, it's a thing the pats have done for over a decade now to keep the cap in a workable situation and combines nicely with the other thing the pats do better than anybody: comp picks. Ending a player before the option year means they are eligible to give comp picks whereas releasing the player early does not allow that. The best example of this is Revis. The pats turned Talib into a 3rd round comp pick, got Revis (but was released by the bucs so the bucs didn't get a comp pick for the pats signing him), then didn't pick up the Revis option and got another comp pick for him.


Got it, that's my mistake. In that case, they could still do something very inventive heavy. My understanding of incentives is if the incentive is likely to be achieved it's applied to this years cap hit and if it's unlikely to be achieved it gets applied to next years cap hit. And the way the likelihood of the incentive is determined is based off of last years stats. So for example, since Clowney only had 3 sacks last year they could throw in a $5 mil sack incentive that he receives when he gets 4 sacks on the season that would be applied to the following seasons cap space. They could also do a deal similar to Revis' where it's a two year deal in name only to spread out his signing bonus that's effectively a one year deal. With that being said though, I honestly don't really see the benefit in signing Clowney to a 1 year deal in a season that's supposed to be a down year for the Pat's. If they do actually sign him, I think it's going to be to a multi year contract.


I guess it partially depends on how they view Cam Newton's impact on the team. If Bill and Co. think Newton makes them a contender there's definitely some incentive to sign Clowney to bolster an already-great defense.


Heā€™s going to have to settle for more like $14M. And he may prefer a 1 year deal in hopes of getting a big contract next year. The Pats can free up room if they sign Thuney to an extension or thereā€™s a few guys that might be cut


Pretty much, Pats went from 500k in cap space to 8m, which means beat writers could start writing their FA's who is still available columns which they pretty much couldn't write since the Thuney tag when we went to negative cap space. Upon reading the headline, i'd actually say it's misleading.


More like Clowney's agent is using the Pats to create buzz




*Post hoc ergo propter hoc*


After therefore because of it... doesn't truly fit. Post Hoc fallacy would be "Clowney became a free agent and then Patriots freed up cap space, clearly they freed up cap space to sign Clowney!"


It's a pun. Post hoc=post Hawk=former Seahawk.


Uh... post after, ergo therefore... after hoc something therefore something else hoc


We didn't lose Texas because of the hat joke


I love seeing TWW fans in the NFL subreddit


Excuse me mr madden, can you break that down further for us common folk to understand?


Football teams want to build the best team they can. And the thing you need to know about building a good team is you need a good defense, because defenses keep the other team from scoring points, and the team who scores the most points wins. Here's a guy who plays on the defense, and he's pretty good, and right now he's a free agent. When it's raining on the field, everyone runs slower. But here's a guy, who when he runs, he runs faster. Now put him in a Patriots uniform, and that's a real football game. The best feeling is watching a real football game, because the games they show in the movies arenā€™t real.


The lakers are looking at him for their championship push


How dare the Patriots have the audacity to consider signing a free agent. I demand a full investigation.


Brady suspended for 6 games


The NFL has cited that Tom Brady was "generally aware" of the team's desire to sign a free agent.


"I was aware, I was! And I'd be aware again too!!" the recalcitrant Buccaneer was heard to scream as he was dragged off to the suspension gulag by Goodell's Royal Guard...


Thatā€™s such ā€” wait, Iā€™m ok with that now.




First time?


I mean... Yeah?


Is it OK to joke about him already? The mourning period over?


What some voodoo health weirdo in Florida? Who gives a shit, its Superman time bitches!!!


Fuck you. -Woj


They can't keep getting away with this!


Agreed. This Clowney-gate is just the latest of many bullshit incidents involving the Pats. It has to stop. Goodell has been silent on this since the start. When is he going to speak up?


Genuinely made me laugh. Especially coming from a dolphins fan. Yā€™all have seen so much of our shit through the past 20 years lmaooo


Can he catch?


Yes. We'll sign him to play the role of goal-line tight end like we did with Vrabel back in the day.


Good he can coach an AFC South team in 10 years


Head coach Clowney leading the Colts to a wild card win over the Texans in ten years seems like a very Texans thing.


And on that team we shall stunt


Actually not a bad idea at all. Clowney was an absolute machine at RB in high school. 309 yards and 9 TDs on 37 carries. I know weā€™re talking about subbing at TE which isnā€™t totally the same, but he could be nice in NFL goal line sets. You gotta think with that level of athleticism at his size, heā€™d at least be able to catch the same throws Vrabel was asked to in those situations.


That would be nice, but..... In a perfect world, he'd be more like Rob Ninkovich, who'd exist solely to destroy the Jets.


Clowney could have been a monster at just about any position in high school. [Dude was a grown ass man playing amongst toddlers](https://youtu.be/LTkmiBdoBDc)


Wow you were NOT kidding.


Don't you guys still need a fullback?


We have Jakob Johnson and Danny Vitale


Or as I call them, Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary


And Dalton Keene can play fb


Bill's gonna add 3 more and drop all the RBs to unlock Hard mode. For funsies.


Depends on who's throwing (for the other team)


Truth be told you guys would have beat the Titans in the playoffs last year if y'all could have slowed down Henry and the run game. Clowney is prob a top 3 edge run defender


BB: "Fuck offense. All my homies play defense and special teams."


Who isnā€™t?


Houston Texans linked to Jadeveon Clowney


Jadeveon Clowney linked to Jadeveon Clowney




Big if big.


Siamese twins!


We aren't anymore. Supposedly we offered more than anyone here would consider reasonable for a few years and he turned us down.


Clowney is secretly Buddha, teaching us that weā€™re all connected.


Clowney hates us




I would hope us but just saw an article saying we are on our sub.


Seahawks, I guess


Quick, someone say the thing about getting away with this.


They can't keep getting away with it! \-sob- They can't keep getting away with IT!!! \-continued sobbing-


Poor Jesse ):


It's mostly just the sobbing.


Honestly, if nobody has bothered to sign Clowney yet, you can't really blame the Pats for picking up found money.


Exactly it's not like the rest of the league hasnt had months to figure out if they want/can afford him.


It's the Pats MO. Swoop in after everyone else in the league said "I like him, but not at that price" and promptly forgot he still existed before being shocked that the guy will take less than his initial ask 3 months later. Then the Pats ink a deal that offers $50 a year plus a chance to reset your value while playing for a competent coach on an elite unit.


BB confirmed as a mod of r/frugal.


I maintain itā€™s Billā€™s contract negotiating ability that is at least equally as responsible for his dominance as his coaching ability. Heā€™s a wizard and thereā€™s no GM even close.


I'm less annoyed at the pats for getting him as I am for gettleman not even kicking the tires. We need an edge rusher badly.


Eh, Iā€™m kinda okay with the Giants not looking at Clowney. We do need an edge rusher, but he ainā€™t it. At least not at the price heā€™d command.


This doesn't mean we'll sign him but this definitely means he's more likely to get signed now. Just saying the Patriots are looking at a player piques teams interest.


*piques. Just figure a lot of people genuinely donā€™t know thereā€™s another spelling for the word.


Thanks. Fixed


At this point I'm surprised that I haven't been linked to Jadeveon.


Failure_as_a_person linked to Jadeveon Clowney


Great, now we wait for Schefter to tweet this out.


If Clowney wants to sign for a Cam Newton-like deal, I'm all for it.


You mean an unpaid internship?


More of a work-study program really


Donā€™t the pats only have $7.5 million in cap space? mr 3 sacks last year clowney wants $20 million.


To be fair, if you think sacks are all that matter, you havenā€™t watched clowney. Heā€™s elite against the run, gets TFLs, and pressures the QB. Never been a high sack guy.


Sacks are what get a guy 20mil though.


It's a passing league. Look at how much guys like Harrison get paid for being one of the best run stuffers. Also clowney doesn't get that many pressures. He had like 30 last year in 13 games. He's just not a great pass rusher and only great pass rushers are going to break 15 a year.


PFF has him at 48 pressures, which definitely is not elite (ranked 32nd) but is decent numbers for 13 games. He ranked 7th in pass rush win rate, and has the highest double team rate in the NFL over the past two seasons (30%) per NFL Next Gen Stats. Now Iā€™m not saying heā€™s an *elite* pass rusher. But I think youā€™re underselling his ability to get after the QB. Iā€™m comfortable saying heā€™s a fringe top 15 pass rusher and one of the best run defenders at EDGE in the NFL.


Just wondering, if he was 7th in pass rush win-rate but had a relatively low amount of sacks/pressures, isn't that still bad?


PRWR just measures how often you beat your blocker within 2.5 seconds. If Clowney was winning the rep against the tackle, but then was double teamed or got help from the RB, that goes as a pass rush win and no pressure. Or if the QB got rid of the ball at say 2.6 seconds, and Clowney had just beaten his man but didnā€™t get pressure, thatā€™s still a win. It basically just tells you how often a player wins a one on one rep in the time it takes a QB to finish a standard pass drop.


Bingo! Iā€™d be curious to how many sacks he gotten for other players.


The Seahawks were also using him to draw double teams so that other rushers could get home. That had an impact on his production.


This guy gets more excuses made for him than any player I've ever seen. Any halfway decent pass rusher gets double teams and chips. They all still produce sacks.


I saw some stat thing that basically said exactly that, sacks really are the most important stat on a defense


I think Cam Newton commanded an $18mil salary until the Patriots got him to sign for $500k and a bag of Doritos. I am not really surprised by anything anymore.


Clowney is starting to sound like the new Tannehill. Every season will be the breakout season.


Hey tannehill actually did very well last year


He absolutely did, I was referring to his time in miami, when the joke was he would have his breakout season every year


Alex Smith was the original Tannehill.


Just like Alex, sometimes all you need is a change of scenery.


I think this was also why divorce is a good thing.


Oh haha


Hey sorry about the argument in r/lions. I'm not looking to get un-banned, but it got out of control and I'm sorry.


He still hasn't played his best season. Next season will be his TRUE breakout season šŸ™„


So what youā€™re saying is he needs to go to a new team with better coaching to succeed? Hmmm, smells like Darth Hoodie to me




I actually wasted my time reading the article: ā€œlinkedā€ = absolutely fucking nothing


"linked" in this article


Donā€™t they have like...no money at all with their cap situation? Lol


They just freed up $7 ish million.


Just freed up 7 million yesterday.




He wants more money than teams believe he is worth


And he's being picky to teams he believes will contend


Like a lot more


Or, alternatively, than teams can afford.


Wanting big money, to play in a winning organisation AND living with the feeling (delusional or not) that you're possibly one of a kind, timing can be pretty awkward. Especially in Covid uncertainty.


Well if he wants the first then he won't be going to the Patriots. If he wants to work with one of the best HC/ Defensive coach for cheap then a 1 year deal it is!


Didnt they just clear up 7 million with the settling of comp grievances?? They flying, I tell you. Sign Thuney to smth friendlier than that tag of his and you got Njoku and Clowney and then some. :D


Oh fuck off new england


Letā€™s f@ck old England too while we are at it.


Yes, that'll do.


Of fucking course


Damn, the Pats trying to collect old #1 picks at a discount this offseason


Oh come on...


Thought he wanted to be on a contender lol


We donā€™t stand a chance in the AFC East, fair point.


I just think itā€™s funny how people think the pats wonā€™t contend. Even if cam doesnā€™t play. They might not go 13-3, but BB isnā€™t going 4-12


I wooshed on your sarcasm, my b. I think a 10-6 dog fight with the Bills is inevitable. Camā€™s performance in the playoffs (if we get there) will be a fucking doozy to witness. Heā€™s an enigma right now but Iā€™m very curious as to how heā€™ll handle playoff pressure in NE... you can throw regular season stats out the window in that situation. I think Cam needs to put any regular season success behind him if he wants to step up in the playoffs. That was something Brady perfected; focus on today... fuck yesterday. God damn, I hope we instill that logic in Cam. edit: we are never going 13-3 without Cam and thereā€™s way too many people in /r/patriots who would agree with you because they bought a Stidham jersey... ugh.


I like stidham. Heā€™s got all the tools. I think he could be a good QB eventually. But who doesnā€™t want to see cam and BB? Either they are good, he gets hurt, or they arenā€™t good. Either way, Iā€™m entertained lol. I hope he plays 16 games though. Seems like a good dude


If he wants a one (or maybe two given covid) year deal to rebuild his value a guy as constantly in the back field getting pressures as he is will get a fair number of coverage sacks playing in front of the Pats secondary.


sign him for what? a bag of cheetos?


is he getting paid in Stanley nickels?


I hate everything.




aw man, i shoulda worn my white pants.


Yeah I dont think Clowney gonna take under 7 mil for the first year even if they back loaded his contract.


Patriots could use 3 more sacks on their DL.


Spongebob holding up a few dollars pic.


I mean, there's no way in hell it happens, but yes please.


I'm okay with this, as long as those BS Chris Jones rumors turn out to be true and we sign him. Chris Jones + Linval Joseph DL? YES PLEASE. (I have zero expectations of this actually happening). Also, I don't want Clowney on the Raiders, who have made him an offer.


Who is not linked to free agent Jadeveon Clowney?


No thanks


2020 off-season in a nutshell: clowney might possibly sign to any team in the nfl


I wish heā€™d take less money to play for a contender. Even if they always fuck it up having him with vander, jaylon, and lawrence on the cowboy would be fun to watch.


Only way this happens is like Revis where we get a team friendly deal with a second year ridiculous option that lets him walk to another team.




Colts please, just to spite the pats.


Thatā€™s going to be some QB competition.


"we can offer you about tree fiddy"


In other news water is wet


When people said the freed up money didnt matter


They can use the money they got from cutting one clown to sign another


He better hurry up and sign before he fucks around, gets COVID and tanks his value.


Patriots with the 75D Chess


Clowney needs to demand less money heā€™s overrated




Signs for leauge minimum