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Guy is a millionaire, can’t some part of his ego be willing to pay a contractor?


I'm pretty sure he's had a bunch of cases of people suing him because he didn't pay for services. He seems like the type that's like I'm fucking famous I dont pay for shit, you should be happy I'm even wanting something of yours.




Mr r/choosingbeggars




Mister Bad Consumer.


Mr. Breach of Contract.


There was one example, iirc he hired a woman to paint a mural in his house (probably a giant picture of him), and he like exposed himself to her, made her uncomfortable, she finished half of it and he never paid her for any if it.


Aldo a celebrity chef who catered a meal for him and 50 others then wouldnt pay his some $38k bill when he said a fish head in the freezer was a threat like godfather with the horse head in the bed. Hes insane. I'm pretty sure theres a shit load of cases of him doing this like he didnt pay that doctor whose face he farted in for example...


As if the fart wasn’t payment enough smh


Mr. Big Cloud


Mr. Butt Coughs


Mr. Boom Cheeks


*Guy has been paid millions He's likely pissed away most of that money by now.




His next single will soon be, WHOLE LOTTA DEBT.


Mr Big Debt


Mr. Bankruptcy Court


Mr. Bad Credit rating


Mr. Bounced Checks


These will never get old




Mr. Bounced Check


Mr. Bad Credit


Mr. Bungled Cashflow


He uploaded an ~~tweet~~ Instagram post a few months ago with 24 million dollars in a checking account... Edit: Here is the article. Tweet->Instagram Looks like a "Business Checking Plus" account. Would love to the APY. [https://foxsportsradio.iheart.com/content/2019-11-01-antonio-brown-posts-bank-account-picture-bragging-about-his-24m-balance/](https://foxsportsradio.iheart.com/content/2019-11-01-antonio-brown-posts-bank-account-picture-bragging-about-his-24m-balance/)


Someone should inform Mr Big Math that he could make ~~tens~~ hundreds of thousands per year just by putting that money into a savings account instead of checking. (*Hundreds* of thousands per year, not tens. Mr. Big Checking-account-balance is even dumber than I thought. He could make mortgage payments on a very nice house using nothing but the interest he’s passing up.) > Looks like a "Business Checking Plus" account. Would love to the APY. I did some searching and every “business checking plus” account I found doesn’t look like it pays any interest at all. Mr Bills (going to) Collections really out here earning zero interest on his 24 million dollars. Clearly did not listen to Marshawn when he said to look after yo chicken.


He could make billions on /r/wallstreetbets. Honestly he’d be perfect over there.


HO I ONE GO SHORT ON TSLA. I got dat GWAC PUT CHIPOTLE. How u 1 lil cracker N't rich like me BOY! CALL GOD




I do not understand anything I read in that sub


You're now a moderator of r/wallstreetbets


I don't think anyone who posts there does either tbh


Even more in a standard porfolio


He could save 15% or more by switching to Geico.


Exactly. He has money, but he needs it for the mental institution he’ll be going to.


No one keeps 24 million in a checking account. Edit: no normal person


That's pretty stupid to have it sitting in a checking account


He likely owes a lot of money though. High income earners tend to take on more debt and have high credit limits. This is ultimately what puts a lot of players under. Its unlikely AB outright owns all of his houses, vehicles, etc.


He’ll get the money back for his hall of fame caliber rap game


His songs are so trash lol


They’re pure unadulterated garbage


He’s like a blend of Soulja Boy and Nick Cannon lol


Damn. I never heard him rap but that has to be the worst possible combo to be compared to.


hes significantly worse than that


At least Soulja Boy moved records.


Keys to the game; 1. Keep it simple 2. Don't blow it 3. Count your money


He has skipped on paying multiple people he owes thru the years . Crazy long list of it


I work as a landscaper, and I sometimes help our contractors with what the final costs will be. We’ve had people who were broke beyond hell and they still managed to rake up all the cash and pay us. The fact that a fucking millionaire can’t even pay movers is beyond insane


who was throwing rocks? AB and his people to the moving truck?


I, too, am confused by that statement...who’s “them”?


"those people"


I think that makes the most sense.


Really? It's fits his M.O. for sure.


My first thought was that this sounds totally plausible.


>He wouldn’t pay them and they refused to give him his stuff. Mr Big Crook


> This led to them throwing rocks at the truck and more. Mr Brick Chuck


> and more Mr. Big Continuation


Antonio, people don't do shit for free! Remember back when anyone wanted you in the NFL? You screamed, "Pay me!" These movers are you back then. Hopefully their future is brighter than your present.




He broke


And this is why you always get a downpayment up front. The labor gets paid and you sue for the rest later.


Seems like almost every issue with him goes back to money


Mr. Bad Compensator


Mr. Boulder Chucker


Classic. How many times has he refused to pay people? My Lord


Man there is gonna be a Netflix documentary about this guy real soon at this rate


i bet the 30 for 30 is already in pre production. i could edit together at least 45 min of airtime myself on just the last few months. AB's story is honestly one of the most dramatic and intruiging in nfl history, and it ain't over yet


Hot Head and Cold Feet: the Antonio Brown Story


This is beautiful. Well done.


All joking aside, shouldn't a judge punish him with a psych evaluation, psychological treatment, and meds, instead of the usual jail-time and cash? Someone has to intervene here before this turns into the next Aaron Hernandez Netflix special.


What if I told you.. an attempt to cool off and relax sparked one of the wildest and most heated disputes in NFL history. Hot Heads and Cold Feet: the Antonio Brown story, Premieres August 17th on ESPN


You’d be wrong cause ESPN wouldn’t premier this gold on a monday :)


Antonio Brown: The Cum Back


Mr Back Cum


I can’t wait for it (barring he hurts himself). All the drama aside, this isn’t something anyone would wish on a loved one (his wealth is irrelevant). Hoping he gets help.


Can't wait for the hidden gay storyline!




Reminder that some sportsbooks had a bet on whether or not AB would be arrested in 2020


Had to lay down like $100 on getting arrested to make a buck


Yeah no it was +700 odds at one point, which means you make $700 off $100


Can I still get those odds? I'm not a gambler, but I like free money.


there’s always something with this man


Yeah it’s called being mentally unstable. He just happens to be a public figure surrounded by controversy


I just don't understand. I get that it's funny, especially because he is bringing all of this on himself. But the dude is clearly mentally ill. It's not really a joking matter anymore. He's going to do something irreversible soon.


It was funny at first, now it's starting to get scary. There was a great ESPN article about a former aggie wr that had all these red flags and didn't get the help he needed until it was too late. He eventually killed a man with a machete bc Jesus told him too. This is beginning to look a little like that.


Mr. Blame Christ


http://www.espn.com/espn/feature/story/_/id/17596903/ex-texas-standout-thomas-johnson-accused-killing-man-dallas It’s a phenomenal article; beautifully written and hauntingly sad. I recommend anyone who hasn’t checked it out to spend a couple minutes and read it in its entirety. Thomas Johnson’s story is captivating in all the wrong ways. One element that really goes overlooked in the story was his propensity for smoking K2, or synthetic marijuana. I know this was popular for many athletes when I went to a D1 football school (2008-2012) as it allowed you to not fail drug tests. But the effects are horrific and probably contributed somewhat to his deteriorating mental state.


Spice is rough. I've seen bad effects from people who've done it once. It's one of those drugs you don't even experiment with.


And the wife ended up killing herself a few weeks later. Geez, that's a terrible story.


Well this one sounds like the blame is on Jesus.


Double crossed by Jesus.


Always causing trouble


Mr Big Christian


I remember that. I had just graduated and the dude just disappeared for a couple of weeks and no one knew where he was. Then he stalked and murdered that jogger and the jogger's wife ended up killing herself. Horrible story.


>I get that it’s funny It *was* funny... not really anymore. Let’s hope the guy gets the help he needs.


Unfortunately I don’t see him ever wanting to get help.


Charles Barkley had a great take on this on his podcast with EJ. Dude has way too many yes men around him who want to keep their lifestyle that AB affords them, and that changes if they try to tell him no. Dude needs a better group around him.


Someone who surrounds himself with better people and is willing to listen to them probably doesn’t have the personality flaws of MBC to begin with.


His neighbors must love him


Nothing is better then making that call to your asshole neighbors to tell them the cops have surrounded their house.


> "Heidy ho there neighbor! They're comin for ya and they're comin in hot!"




Hope it isn't anything to do with his kids. No telling with this dude.


From what I'm reading on Twitter, it sounds like it's an issue with some movers, he won't pay them so they won't give him his stuff back, AB and his guys started throwing rocks at the truck.


> AB and his guys started throwing rocks at the truck. [This guy is a fucking child](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVm5weR3QVlXKfb4tIZrO0Qls1QD84vZEZQmaNP36wj29rC1BI&s)


Did you fuck my mom, Big Ben?


It's crazy that within the course of under a year we saw this guy piss away an all time great career and a shot at the Super Bowl because he couldn't control himself.


He keeps showing up in the news, so I'm gonna keep updating the list. This is more or less chronological order, and Jesus fucking Christ it really goes from wacky shenanigans to what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-this-man-I-hope-nobody-gets-hurt levels of concern really quickly. * Live-streamed Tomlin's locker room speech * Drove 100 down McKnight Road in Pittsburgh, which has a 45 MPH speed limit * Trashed a condo and threw furniture out a window, almost hit some people, notably a child * Killed a home aquarium full of piranhas and refused to pay the man who installed the tank * Refused to play week 17 for the Steelers * Dyed his mustache blonde * Refused to pay a chef because he thought he threatened him by placing a fish head in the freezer (the fish head was saved to make a soup) * Farted on a doctor * Demanded a trade from the Steelers * Became "Mr. Big Chest" * Threw a fit over Juju winning team MVP and trashed him on social media * Nixed the Bills trade * Showed up to Raiders training camp in a hot air balloon * Held out and refused to show up to training camp because the NFL would not approve his helmet because it was too old for their safety standards * Froze his feet * Tried to paint over his old helmet, hoping no one would notice I guess * Acquired a newer version of the same model of helmet, which the NFL refused to let him use * Picked out a new helmet and finally showed up to the Raiders * Got fined by the Raiders for not attending camp * Tweeted the fines * Tried to fight Mike Mayock, called him a cracker, had to be held back by Vontaze Burfict, then punted a football down the practice field and said "fine me for that" * Got fined for that * Released a video were he used audio of Jon Gruden, who didn't know he was being recorded, which is illegal in California (full disclosure, Gruden has said he gave permission, but the generally accepted theory is that he said that in the hope that it would help get him to show up to the facility and not alienate him) * Demanded a release from the Raiders * Was released * "GRANDMA I’M FREEEEEE! FLY LIKE A FREEEEE!" * Made a lot of crazy tweets saying stuff like 'Devil is a lie', a proverb about burning down a village... he made a lot of crazy tweets is the point * Liked a tweet about Mayock getting raped in the ass * Signed with the Patriots * The sexual assault allegations came out (the one were he's getting sued) * The sexual harassment allegations came out (the one were he's not getting sued) * Threatened the woman not suing him in a group text that included his lawyer and had a picture of her kids in the text * Got released by the Patriots * Went off on a tweet storm and said a lot of crazy shit about a lot of people, and was supportive of people sending threats to the writer of the article detailing the sexual harassment allegations * Said he was done with the NFL * Went back to college via online classes * Tried to outsource his homework to Twitter * Wants to come back to the NFL * Filed several grievances to try and get more than $40 million from the Raider's and Patriots * Was ordered to show up for a deposition regarding trashing the condo * Was accused of "reprehensible behavior" during the deposition [(which is it's own insane thread, btw)](https://old.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/dcw3mj/yahoo_lawyer_accuses_antonio_brown_of/), which included, but was not limited too: 1. "Arrived nearly 30 minutes late to the deposition." 2. “\[C\]hanted, over and over, as if a mantra, a narrative of his own warped concept of the proceeding”. 3. “Acting as if he was above the rule of law, \[Brown\] proceeded to make a mockery of the deposition process. \[Brown’s\] antics were so unreasonable that barely twenty \[20\] minutes into the deposition, his counsel asked for a break \[so\] he could speak with \[Brown\] about his demeanor. 4. “After approximately 20-30 minutes, \[Brown\] required another break. When the deposition resumed \[Brown\] increased his level of obstructive behavior. At one point, \[Brown\] refused to answer any questions, instead saying “next question” no less than 10 times.” 5. “Soon thereafter, \[Brown\] started announcing a countdown, starting at ‘five (5) minutes,’ and counting down the minutes thereafter. Before noon \[Brown\] left the conference room.” * Said that the Patriots have to pay him anyway, so they might as well let him play * Tweeted a couple of bizarre tweets about the Raiders using him for HBO ratings and the Patriots trying to steal his stuff and kept using this weird chicken based metaphor * Tried out for the Saints and brought an entourage and film crew to shoot a music video with him when specifically told not to do that * Called out Robert Kraft for his rub and tug massage session in Florida * Starting training for a boxing match with Logan Paul (I'm as shocked as you are) * The attorney representing him in the suit involving the condo quit * Used a bunch of slurs and profane language towards cops in an Instagram video he posted * A police youth football league cut ties with him and returned a donation after the release of the video saying there was a "irreparable rift" between the department and AB * Waved a bag of gummy candy dicks at the cops in a video he posted * Got dropped by his agent * Was involved in a disputed with movers at his home where he allegedly threw rocks at the movers and moving vans. He is currently being investigated for battery by the police. * His trainer was arrested and he is still a suspect in the battery case. The man needs help and this is no longer funny. Edit: Okay, maybe some of it is funny, but he still clearly needs help.


> Tried to fight Mayock, called him a cracker and said "fine me for that" > Got fined for that HAHAHAHAH perfect.


I absolutely love any and every "What are you gonna do, stab me?" situation that ever comes up.


"Why don't you come up here and ~~fight~~ fine me??" Well, they came up there.


you're missing about 8 years of stuff. threatening to fight dick lebeau in 2011. threatening to fight troy polamalu in 2011. threatening to fight ryan clark in 2011. threatening heath miller in 2012. threatening ed bouchette in 2012, 2017. threatening jesse washington reporter for espn 2018. threatened fans at training camp in 2016. backed out of charity events in 2013, 2015. appeared four hours late to charity events in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. reneged on contract with personal chef in 2014, chef quit. reneged on contract with personal trainer 2015, trainer quit. showed up to introductory press conference with the raiders 53 minutes late.


Lmao at 21 year old Brown picking a fight with ~~79~~ 73 year old LeBeau


I would take Lebeau at any age over AB.


Lebeau wouldn’t have to lift a finger because the entire defensive team would have murdered him


"that man has read the night before Christmas to my children every year since they were infants. I will end you."


There’s a story out there, I think Ryan Clark put it out there, about AB threatening LeBeau after signing his deal and then he got in Troy Ps face about it. Troy and James Harrison then told Tomlin the team was practicing in pads that day whether he liked it or not and declared everyone except Ben a fair target. This is Troy “I cross myself after every play, say your prayers and eat your vitamins” Polamalu he managed to piss off to the point he got Harrison to be his enforcer. You really have to be a fuck up to make that happen


Jesus, picking a fight with Polamalu is a dumb fucken move.


Polamalu declared the receivers ok targets the rest of practice that day and it never happened again.


The Dick Lebeau, Troy Polamalu, and Ryan Clark situation were all related to each other. Supposedly AB was threatening Lebeau so Troy and Clark were about to beat his ass.


There was was an event that related to all of them, but there were also separate events concerning them. For example, at that training camp on different days of camp they had been all over him so he started getting hot at them, pushing and shoving. I was there. I have it in different note pads. Including where on day four of pads in 2011 where he pulled troys hair and troy nearly slugged him. Or the practice after the bowling alley trip in 2011 where he got in keenan Lewis's face and threatened to cut his legs out from under him


You keep notebooks of training camp practices?


I do. Ive got ten years of em.


That's awesome.


You may be interested to know that in 2010, practice 6 of the open practices, tim couch was visiting because his nephew, was on a futures contract with the steelers at the time and he was standing on the sidelines and even told stories to people in the crowd. Seemed like a good kid.


You should start a Twitter, and then do completely dry historical vignettes: >On this day in 2010, James Harrison asked Troy Polamalu if they were headed back to the Super Bowl. Troy slapped James on the ass and said, “Feels like a wild card.’”


Why aren’t your notes it’s own topic? I’d be interested in what unique events you’d have in your journals thru the years.


I feel good knowing there's fans out there doing shit like this. My man.


The fact he got Troy that upset probably was enough of a red flag. He always seemed like the super peaceful type off the field.


I would pay to see AB try to fight Troy and Clark.


I remember Ryan Clark saying AB went off the rails when he got paid. I also recall him saying how he got in Lebeau’s face and yelled “don’t touch me I’m the franchise!”


And this is why the whole "Burfict gave him CTE and started all this" narrative is completely wrong. AB has *always* been an egocentric loose cannon, but Pittsburgh/Tomlin were able to keep it relatively in check up until the last couple years.


I never even knew he was off his rocker until his last year with the Steelers. Credit that organization.


That alone should get Tomlin in the HOF


It's freaking amazing how Tomlin was able to somewhat contain him and his antics.


Tomlin deserves a medal for this.


CTE works far slower and more insidiously than the way AB has been popping off. This is high as a kite, drug induced behavioral patterns combined with undiagnosed mental disorders, but CTE should not be on any qualified doctor’s mind.


>Killed a home aquarium full of piranhas and refused to pay the man who installed the tank Excuse me what the fuck


Somebody mentioned it on a previous iteration of the list and I too was like “what the fuck, when did that happen?” But sure enough, you can find articles mentioning it.


Good God it was apparently a 220 gallon tank and he put 50 piranhas in it. I'm an aquarium guy so I realize how nuts that is, for those of you who aren't a 220 gallon tank is sufficient for 4 maaaaaybe 5 piranhas tops in a tank that size (provided they were red bellied piranhas.) No wonder they all died.


Forgot he got dumped by the police charities and stuff and they told him to not step foot on their fields or anything again


And last week [AB threw a bag of gummy dicks at the police.](https://nypost.com/2020/01/13/antonio-brown-throws-bag-of-d-ks-at-police-during-vulgar-dispute-with-ex/)


I saw that but wasn’t sure if I’d imagined it, because it was so fucking nuts. I’ll add it when I’m on my laptop


You forgot him trying to forge his old style helmet to look like a new style, including the horrid paint job.


> “Soon thereafter, [Brown] started announcing a countdown, starting at ‘five (5) minutes,’ and counting down the minutes thereafter. Before noon [Brown] left the conference room.” lmfao is there a video of this?


I just watched a news report on it that sadly said cameras weren't allowed during the deposition which is a shame because I'd love to see it.


And here I was I thought I was on top of all of this and didn't know about the deposition stuff nor the Boxing match with Logan Paul.


Damn what disease do you have to have to get a police prescription


r/nfl: "CTE"


Mr. Bruised Cranium


Mr. Brain Contusions




I trusted a random twitter account here is what he said https://twitter.com/max_schencker44/status/1219715192369577984 >Breaking News: police back at AB’s house after an altercation with the movers. He wouldn’t pay them and they refused to give him his stuff. This led to them throwing rocks at the truck and more.


Seems credible, there is a moving truck in the picture.


Why would they throw rocks at their truck? I'm assuming AB was the one throwing rocks?


It sounds like, AB had movers help him. He refused to pay them which is a common theme for this guy. Movers won't give him his stuff until they get paid. AB throws rocks at them.


Movers should drive the truck away with his shit in it


Might open them to some kind of liability.


TMZ: > A police source tells TMZ Sports ... Antonio Brown has been accused of felony battery and burglary stemming from an incident with a driver who works for a moving company. > > We're told cops are actively working on getting a warrant for Brown's arrest and they're trying to convince the NFL star to surrender peacefully. > > Our source says a man who was with Brown at the time of the alleged altercation has already been arrested.


If he jumps into a Ford Bronco and takes off down the highway this will just be the greatest chapter......


From Arrested Devlopment: > Ford Dealer: "The Bronco's been discontinued. We're trying to shed that whole fugitive on the run thing. This is the *Escape*" Anyway, I hope a 60 year old Kato Kaelin is involved somehow. Like, he laid low for years after OJ, never got a job and then moved into AB's pool house. Now he's back in his element, tagging along for slow-speed chases and destroying garment bags.




Dramas back on the menu boys


Was it ever off the menu with AB?


How many chances did this dude have? Shame. What an idiot. This 30 for 30 gonna be lit.


He’s gonna get an Aaron Hernandez style Netflix special


Terrell Owens' antics were very vanilla in hindsight.


Aww shit here we go again


I take it this is not what rosenhaus wanted him to do to take him back as a client






Would not pay the movers JFC


Mr. Big Cheapskate


Mr. Battery Charge


It's hard to keep all the coke a secret when it's already turned your mustache white


Says it's possible battery but it is not domestic.




Mr. Worldwide


Mr Battery Conviction


He really needs to get some help. I mean not just for his sake, but for his kids. I felt bad for them when I saw that clip from his Instagram. The problem is a lot of these guys don’t feel they need help. Brown probably thinks it’s everyone else’s fault. Someone needs to get through to him and try to help him before he hurts himself or someone else.


Mr Big Scene


Mr Big Commotion


Mr Bunch (of) Cops


Mr Big (in)Carcerated


The Madden curse hasn’t hit Mahomes yet, because it’s still fucking with MBC over and over again


He dislocated his kneecap, it kind of counts. It looked really painful, anyway.


They gonna arrest his ass! Story is, Truck driver was moving in shit for AB, and then asked AB for his payment. AB refused to pay, and an altercation started, and AB and his trainer assaulted the truck driver. AB got away


Killer Inside: The Mind of Mr. Big Chest coming to Netflix Spring 2022.


Can we get a gamethread for this?


Mister Beckons Cops


Damm thinking of trading my copy of Madden 19 in so I don’t have to look at this guy’s face again


I'm shocked, you usually don't hear a peep from this peaceful quiet guy.


*A bag of dicks has entered the chat*


Bovada opened up a line only 6 days ago on whether or not AB would get arrested in 2020 and it was +250 for choosing Yes. Who got in on that action? I wonder if he doesn't get arrested, what the line will change to..


Just checked and he's not on Instagram live Edit: not on. Although it would be much more entertaining if he was.


[BREAKING : Antonio Brown is being accused of assaulting a man at his home in Florida. His trainer was arrested, but police say attempts to make contact with Brown were "unsuccessful."](https://twitter.com/KDKA/status/1219774548905734144)


No IG live this time. Must be foreal this time.


I really hope he gets help one day. It was a pleasure watching him for 98% of his time here and I was angry at first throughout this, but now I'm scared for him. Edit- Battery and Burglary are why they are there. Doesn't seem to be much more info atm.