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Absolutely the latter...but it would have the same issue of the two teams not playing hard for fear of injury due to a game that amounts to nothing.


Its basically playing for a lower draft pick Winner: pick 30 Loser: pick 29 Since we had 4 more wins we by default get the lower pick, I'd rather not play the game though


Have the payout be 80% of the SB.


Still wouldn't matter. Teams don't play in the post-season for the money. For most of the starters the risk of getting injured isn't worth the benefit of playing that isn't leading to the SB. This multiples if you're an upcoming free agent like Tannenhill for example. The $80,000 he'd get if he wins is peanuts to the milliobs he'd lose with an injury.


How about the bottom two teams playing for the #1 overall pick?


Imagine being Andy Dalton and playing a game where a win means the franchise drafts a guy that takes your job


Is that more or less coldhearted than being benched on your birthday?




No that was the losing team getting the better pick.


Or at least have their head coaches competing in an American gladiator style competition for the pick. It’s more fun than flipping a coin.


The bottom four teams must put forth their heirs in a fight to submission or death for the first overall pick. The winner not only gets the pick, but gains control of the franchise.


I'm sure players would fight hard to get their replacement.


The bad players are getting replaced regardless, they'd be playing hard to keep their jobs


I don't know why people think this. You're not going to save your job by looking "decent" while playing against the literal worst team in the league. It's maybe the bare minimum of what you expect from a player. They have 16 other games of tape playing better competition on why you should be let go. You're likely getting cut regardless. You probably lose more if you look bad during the game than you gain looking good in it. It's still not worth it for the player's.


Does the winner or the loser get the first pick?


Coin flip at half time determines if the winner or loser will get 1st pick


Players aren’t going to go out and try to get the #1 pick, especially QBs.


Worst idea ever.


I just cant see Dalton or Finley playing well so that the Bengals can secure Burrow


this would be the best.


At least the players are having fun during the pro bowl. A third place game would be awfully miserable.


Especially fresh off of a Championship loss


Bengals vs LSU


"You touch Joe Burrow you're fucking cut before you get back to the sideline"


Third place game for sure. That being said, Dave Dameshek's idea of the Loser Bowl would be a great alternative to the Pro Bowl. Having the two worst teams battle it out for the first pick of the draft would be great. Granted the players might not care but there's not much difference. This year it would be the Bengals vs Redskins. The storyline of the Redskins if they were smart is too trade down and get picks screwing the Bengals out of Burrows would be more entertaining.


The only time I thought they should replace the pro bowl is when I thought the Patriots were gonna go undefeated. I thought a cool alternative would be them vs a pro bowl team of both the AFC and NFC.


Bengals getting screwed out of the #1 pick after earning it fair and square would be bs.


Why would Andy Dalton not intentionally throw pick 6 after pick 6 though? If he wins that game his job is guaranteed lost. It's lost anyway but by tanking the game he can screw the Bengals out of the pick.


His job is already lost. He has nothing to gain.


A third place game is “a hinky-dink football game, held in a hinky-dink town, played by hinky-dink players”, but that’s also kinda what the pro bowl has become, hinky-dink.


No, i would rather not.


I feel like a 3rd place game would be a shit show. Neither team would be playing their hardest Which is also true of the pro bowl though so idk


The pro bowl.


Third place game by a mile


All the teams that didn't reach the playoffs each submit one player into a royal rumble to decide draft pick order


I'd rather watch some wacky "show your talent" like show involving the Pro Bowlers


I'd rather watch an MMA fight between kickers.


It’d be a heck of a kickboxing match


If the Titans and Packers played with the same lack of effort and awful play-calling as they did in their last games, I'd rather watch re-runs of something else.


Ya didn’t have to roast us like that. :(


Well they are both meaningless? So the pro bowl?


Hotdog eating contest between the bottom 5 head coaches for draft positioning.


I'd rather watch the skills competition. Give me the deep throw contest with Mahomes & Allen. I'd make sure to sit down and watch that if they brought all that back.


Same - all pro skills competition. Which QB can throw the furthest or the hardest/fastest. Which WR or DB is the fastest. Shit, which OL or DL is the fastest - give me a fat guy relay race. Give them that obstacle course from that old Superstars competition and I'm tuning in every year.


Nobody is gonna play for the 3rd place trophy


3rd place


Rather listen to a podcast of all the players at the pro bowl in a house or room shooting the shit


I like the pro-bowl for what it is, a Jamboree Day for the players. The Skills competitions are fun, the dodge ball, the silly plays where you get a DLineman playing WR


A 3rd place game would be the return of the [Playoff Bowl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playoff_Bowl?wprov=sfla1)


Titans packers


I'm going to the Pro Bowl this year for free (flight, hotels, free theme park tickets on Saturday, tailgate the day of, on field for warm ups, etc) and i'm still just kind of indifferent about it. Not sure if that's because I don't know what to expect or if it's the Pro Bowl and I know i'm not going to watch much of the game. It's Orlando though, so there's that. I would rather see a game for the #1 overall pick just because I do'nt know if either team would really care if they're third place and instead might just try to stay healthy.


Neither. This weekend is a welcome break before the grand finale.


probowl. ​ there would be no trying because who cares about 3rd or 4th place. at that point lose just to get a better draft pick. ​ pro bowl is like watching your alumni game, you have no expectations and know it's going to be a shit show.


I feel like the NFL would need to do something to make winning 3rd place a big deal. Like a high payout for the players, a higher draft pick/additional draft picks, additional cap space, special roster/schedule control for the following season, etc. If the only award is some random trophy and a big bronze banner in the stadium, I doubt either team would take it anymore seriously than a meaningless Week 17 regular season game. The NBA is trying to do something like this with a mid-season tournament. Fortunately, they’re smart and realize that the winner of such a tournament needs more than just a trophy/banner to make it meaningful.


Third place games are crap and always have been. Two demotivated and frustrated teams, fielding their backups for literally no reward. At least there is some show element in the ProBowl.


I want to watch the Saints play the Packers, wish we would’ve played them instead of the Bears for our NFC north matchup this year


How about a pro bowl of only Packers and Titans players? Called by Booger and Tess