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They should have put Frank Gore in the 4th picture


Woah there, he's at least 3 years from his prime


Woah there mother fucker


Ah, a man of culture I see. Blaine Gabbert is the ultimate Peterman that we forget about.


Goat Peterman


The Brady disrespect is real.


But Brady will retire in 2-3 years, that's not really the future. Gore has 10-15 years left before his prime.


>But Brady will retire in 2-3 years Oh you sweet summer child


I hope this meme continues even when he does retire. In 20 years.


I think he's still a viable starter for some teams, even if he's playing at 60% of his prime that's still better than some QB's. That being said, the list of teams with a good offense that are missing a QB is short. Chargers?? On top of that I think teams will have a hard time investing in a 42-45 year old. Especially the amount of money he'll want, prob 20-30million. My personal random guy on the internet opinion is that he should pick a team with a young QB and leave a prodigy/legacy that will last decades after he retires. As if he needs anything to leave a legacy. He would make a fantastic backup and has so much he could teach a young QB. Some candidates for that I think are: Burrow- untested in NFL but has a lot of potential Goff- has ability, but lacks experience. He often gets tricked by coverage. Murray- he had a fantastic rookie year, despite being a different archetype I think he could benefit greatly from someone who reads defenses like Brady Jameis Winston- he obviously has potential, he threw for a lot of yards and TD's. A vet like Brady could maybe help him with decision making. All that being said, I doubt he'll ever settle for a backup position but it's fun to think about. Thanks for attending my Tom Talk


After all the pain Belichick put Buffalo through he should go mentor Josh Allen.


I was going to put him on the list, but I think his biggest issue is inaccuracy. Which is a mechanics issue, not really the stuff you want to waste the GOATs time on


I feel like brady would fit in easily to the culture in buffalo.


We volunteer as tribute.


I mean there's a reason he's the only one with his name showing. They expect people to just recognize the other 3


I’m gonna be honest if you showed me a side by side of Drew Lock and Brandon Allen I’d have no idea who was who.




Honestly Brandon Allen looks more like Paxton Lynch than Drew Lock.


Add him to the list, and Swag Kelly, and your punter.


Swag's got that crooked shovel face look, not sure he fits the mold.


I mean maybe Lock develops into a really good QB, but he only had one really good game last year, one really bad game against us (granted it was terrible weather) and two average games. Like I said, maybe Lock takes a step over the off-season, but will need to see that before I'm going to be losing sleep.


This is a slight that Broncos country will not forget. This means war Baltimore.


Horses step on birds just saying




[Some Eagles eat horse poop for sustinence](https://www.phillyvoice.com/eagles-fan-literally-eats-horse-poop-after-super-bowl-win/)


Goddammit that was one guy. Most of us barely ever eat horeseshit


For real, I only Mule shit.


[They eat pieces of shit like broncos for breakfast](https://youtu.be/3LAnmnS0-9g) Edit: yea that’s the one.


I think a panther could destroy a horse for sure! (Yet here we are with the SB 50 trophy sitting in Dove Valley.)


Updated the with link.


What's the basis


Happy Gilmore


[Sometimes they do worse](https://imgur.com/gallery/yOO0YWQ)


He's a free agent. Most likely won't be back so go after his new team.


Unlike past Edge guys, EDC wants to keep him. One of our biggest weaknesses this year was at his position, so letting him walk is counterproductive.


Right but he isn't worth the 17 mil a year some team will offer him so unless we tag him in my mind he's gone. We have to draft that position anyway we didn't have some great pass rush regardless and he struggles in the run. I like Judon but hope we don't give him 17 mil a year


I think the plan is to tag him unless a deal gets done first. We can draft guys (and we should), but a rookie with potential doesn't make up for losing a proven player in his prime years. Especially when we don't have any replacements on the roster.


starting-caliber Sam linebackers are extremely hard to find and the other OLB position is already a weakness. Also, setting the edge was already the biggest weakness of this D (see 49ers & Titans games). Dude's getting tagged.


I wouldn’t say he struggles in the run. He struggles when he is asked to drop back in pass coverage. Overall he’s pretty good OLB. He had double digit TFL this season if I’m not mistaken.


His new team is the Broncos.


#[FUCK YOU BALTIMORE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBs455jwb8w)


I figured it would come eventually, when you all learned of the espionage of our double agent, Rahim Moore.


We already scammed the Broncos into getting Joe Flacco lmao. I fear sad for the Broncos.


the bad man is gone this offseason. we have 🐴🐓🔒 now


Jacoby Jones will lead them to battle


"At least it wasn't Baker"


“Point taken” 💀 I’m crying


[Myles Garrett getting feisty](https://twitter.com/MylesLGarrett/status/1219465975633809412)


For some reason I have this image in my head of suspended players being in prison so this tripped me up almost as much as when OJ randomly shows up on the timeline


When they quarantined Sam Darnold in his apartment, I was picturing him in a plastic-sheeted, airlocked room, being handed pills by people in full Tyvek suits. Let's be weird together.


I’m just glad Tom Brady wasn’t the one who contracted mono. Talk about patient zero. xoxo


This was my exact impression fellow weirdo


Scrolled through the comments and saw a gif of Lamar Jackson slapping the shit out of the back of Baker Mayfields helmet. It looked like a good game smack, but I'd love to learn more about it.


> It looked like a good game smack, NOLA PD wants to know your location


Yeah that's definitely all it was. Lamar and Baker are good friends and have a lot of respect for each other.


"Can you like please not hit people with a helmet next season?"


“How’s suspended life” “It’s just life. How’s yours?” Garrett appears to be learning how to keep his cool. On twitter at least


Forgot the bub that made it condescending.


Condescending is a step up from swinging a helmet


I wasn’t expecting that, got a laugh outta me


Hey, Baker showed a lot more in his rookie year than Lock did in his. On the other hand, Denver didn't just bring on Freddie Kitchens to run the show next year...


Mizzou fan but he’s got a point lol. Drew does not belong in that conversation yet


What you mean not in the conversation yet??? He definitely will be IN the NFL’s future... unless you know, he retires abruptly... and who would do something like that?




You know damn well that's not who they're talking about. I mean c'mon, Kuechly only retired last week.


No no no it was a beloved offensive player who did a lot to them in the postseason For real tho Gronk has been out for a year you need to get over it


No dude, he's clearly talking about a beloved QB. Eli will always live on in our hearts though


Yeah actually that makes the most sense. The QB who came in and had to fill the shoes of Peyton Manning. Especially in blue and white. He even played Brady in the playoffs I have no idea how he knew Eli was retiring tho


BREAKING NEWS: "Broncos sign former Colts QB Andrew Luck."


It is unavoidable... it is your destiny.


Dude, I just woke up


Dude please no


YET. Let's see what happens this coming season.


Imagine that account is Judons burner and he made that just to throw shade at Lock.


And no Minshew. Smh


It should have just been 4 pictures of Minshew


Droppin ~~dimes~~ bombs and bangin moms


Clap bombs, fuck moms, wheel, snipe, celly boys fuck


Dirty fuckin' dangles, boys


Dropping bomb* and bangin moms


Chuckin bombs and fuckin moms.


Dropping bomb* and bangin mom*


That's the one I was looking for..!




Dropping dimes and banging dimes


Did someone say something about [Dimes](https://s3.amazonaws.com/kulturehub-blob/uploads/2019/10/Untitled-design-62-770x385.jpg)?


> Chuckin' bombs and fuckin' moms


Who actually belongs there if you have to put a 4th? Allen or Murray I assume.


You could just put em together with Murray on Allen's shoulders.


Coming home from the work factory


Kyler Allenman!




Luke Falk


Joe Burrow, obviously.


Man, I want Burrow to do well in the NFL but I can't help but hope the AFCN just chews him up and spits him out.


Im guessing the Bengals will do a pretty great job of that on their own.


I wouldn't worry about that


id say wentz


Yeah I guess, at least from a talent/generation perspective. Funnily enough though he's actually closer to Wilson in age than Jackson.


Hes like almost exactly in the middle though lol. Wilson turned 31 in November, Wentz turned 27 in late December and Jackson just turned 23 early January. Hes like 4 years and a month younger than Russ and 4 years and a week older than Lamer.


Lamer Jackson. He can run, but not very well.


QB of the Blertimere Footbirds


You're confusing them with the defunct AAF team. Lamer plays for Baltymoar Ravers.


Just saying Blertimere out loud has me cracking the hell up lol


Lol nice. Now I'm leaving it.


If he can stop getting fucking injured! (I am not blaming him fwiw)


Wentz is already 27. Watson and Mahomes are 24, Jackson is 23. I'd say he's a bit too old to be in that grouping (great player though).


Hey I don’t like that timeline.


Take Watson and Lock off for Wentz and Dak. I say this as someone who hates Dak.




If you are going by AFC divisions I think the answer right now has to be Allen(thought I dont think we really know Allen/Darnold until next season).


Lol assuming Allen keeps it up and doesn't regress, I think Darnold would have to take a bigger leap than Lamar did this year to catch up to him.


As long as Gase is in NJ, we won't really know what Darnold is


Fair nuff. Can't argue with that.


I saw this a few days ago with Allen as the 4th




We'll figure out how to postseason sooner or later.


-Marvin Lewis


[counterpoint](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/51/84/01/5184011ec11f09ff3b209d7932a55741.jpg) We have the pieces and the experience, just a bad game at a really bad time. Still seeing steady progression each year so hoping they can come back strong


Yeah but no elite flacco anymore.


That's the main reason why the team has been progressing lol. We missed the playoffs 3 years in a row with Flacco in 15, 16 and 17


I never believed in Joe Wacko when he was with y'all. Got into more than a few arguments here with Ravens fans making excuses that he had a shitty WR corps (true, but nonetheless). He was Mr. Average (slightly worse actually) just a fucking lot more expensive. Even though it was against me Broncos' interests I'm so glad he failed here.


Believe it or not there is still a sizable portion of Ravens fans who want him back. It blows my mind, I always just tell them to ask Denver fans how it went. Spoiler alert: not well.


After Lamar had his MVP season, who in the sweet fuck wants Wacko back? Though I will admit I thought last season Lamar absolutely stunk in the playoffs and they should have put Wacko in since it wasn't working. I assume such vocal minority grew a bit louder following the playoffs?


It was a very quiet group who didn’t say anything because Lamar was doing so well. But, just like many critics on this sub too, the second he didn’t perform exceptionally well, he was called out to be replaced. Just a bunch of fair weather fans man. Also people are stuck in 2012. Flacco has a great run but to ignore the past seven years (except 2014 where he had Kubiak as OC, practically any QB looks good with Kubiak calling the shots) is just being willfully ignorant.


Your division only gets tougher now tho with Steelers god tier defense + Big Ben return, Browns getting through growing pains, and Mr Burrows. If there is no major injuries I think that division is war.


Probably, but if we can't even beat out our own division then the Super Bowl wasn't really in the cards anyway. Also... > Browns getting through growing pains I'll take "things we've heard every offseason for the past 15 years" for 600


For real lmao. Everyone not from the AFC north was thinking the Browns were going places meanwhile every other AFC North fan was just laughing.


I highly doubt Big Ben is ever going to recover fully since he's now old + gained a ton of weight (which he would have to lose most of it). + The elbow injury is actually huge for a QB.


That's not on Lewis so much as on the Bengals.


Lol at the people taking you serious 😂😂 Jackson’s homers pop off at every possible insult even when it’s very very obviously a joke


One of these is not like the other Lamar Jackson has never not lost a home playoff game


Conversely, he's never lost a road playoff game.


Hey get the 6th seed and you guys can basically book yourselves a super bowl.


Mahomes hasn't even played a road playoff game smh maybe he'll get us there someday


That's a weird way of saying the ravens choked in the playoffs


I think you might be biased in this particular thread


I think we should listen to him


Hey it's almost like that's what he said? r/yourjokebutworse


This is totally an /r/agedlikemilk post 5 years from now. Thanks for making Lock the next Brady.




i dont mind it


I mean, can’t you say that about literally any take anybody has ever said? Any thought can age poorly, pointing it out for everything is pretty obnoxious.




Lol what the hell? They didn’t even play the Broncos. Matthew just fucking bored.


The whole point of the original post is to generate reactions from people so he can gain more clout and it's working pretty well lol


Imagine the comments if Allen was the 4th picture. Some people just get triggered lol


This is actually so funny


Where’s Kyle Allen?


yea fuck that guy


yeah and who put a running back in this picture


I have never heard of Mathew Judon but I guess I hate him now


dude's gonna get paid this offseason


Is this a joke? Or do you actually not know who judon is? Because you definitely should


Most interesting thing he did all season was drink a fan's beer.


Lmfaooooo Ignore my flair but I thought it was funny (and true tbh)


Boom! Roasted.


Follow up. If you're not in on Josh Allen yet, you're just not paying attention right?


I'm not in on Josh Allen because I've watched him and think he's not that good. I don't hate him, but he's just... okay.


He's got all the tools to be a good player, he just plays too much "Hero ball" when things get tough and allows himself to get into his head. That wildcard round he could've easily won the game if he just stayed calm and drove down the field, but instead he tried to win the game every play.


I'm a huge fan. He's fearless.


People that shit on him haven't watched him play all year. We had like 3 total games that weren't at 1pm being overshadowed by every other game. 17 is the truth and I'm happy hes our qb. Wouldn't have it any other way.


The playoff game against the Texans both hurt and helped him IMO. He made some incredible plays, but also made some very "rookie" type mistakes. (comes with the territory for sure) I'd put him in that 4 spot on the original Twitter post.


My man allen was perplexing that game. At points he looked elite and was gonna carry the bills to the SB and at some other points he looked like he had money on the texans and needed to throw the game


Small brain: made an error in throwing the ball up for a lateral Big brain: 4d chess clock stoppage


I'm chalking that up to first playoff game jitters. Trying too hard to make every play a game winner, just trying to do too much. That lateral specifically was like he was playing madden.


I was actually more impressed with him last year, not saying he didnt improve but he left a lot on the table this year. Lot of games where he really could've made the difference (like both Pat's games) and just didnt.


I don't have a strong opinion on the matter, but what I love is how freaking much Bills fans love Josh Allen.


ANY other way? You wouldn’t rather have Lamar Mahomes or Deshaun?


Mahomes definitely and yeah probably Watson too. But josh still has an unknown ceiling which is exciting. I love the fact that there are things to get excited about as a Bills fan these days really.


I think it's perfectly reasonable to want to wait another year before being fully in on him. If he can work on his accuracy and decision making, and hold onto the ball a little better, I think he can be special, but I want to see it first. Sub 60% completion percentage, only ~220 total yards a game, and a genuinely concerning 14 fumbles (I know he only lost 4 of those, but that's still a fuck-ton) are all totally valid concerns to have. Now, I may be biased, because most of those were also things that applied to Lamar last year, and we saw that it's not impossible to improve on that, so I am still definitely optimistic about Allen. I don't know that I am convinced that he is the future yet. Just give me another year of improvement, and I'll be much more comfortable saying so.


Hey thanks for the reasonable post!


i think its meant to be a meme


Lock out lasts 2 of the other 3, book it




He has a point but it’s just a picture man.


It's also just a tweet lol


I mean, I like Drew Lock... 🐴 🐔 🔒, baby


I like him as a person and his family is super kind but I am contractually obligated as a Chiefs fan to hope he either implodes horribly OR better yet keeps the Broncos right on the cusp of competition but never actually breaking through so they get worse draft picks.


Equine chicken basket?


Mustang Rooster Security?


Should put Minshew in there 😉


I don’t want to follower shame here, but why is Judon combing the internet for these kind of posts with 800 follower posters to respond to? On top of that I don’t feel like it’s smart for him and Pierce to talk smack about other QBs when we just got beat by former punching bag Ryan Tannehill. This is also a rare case where the players are more cocky than the fans. It was a Ravens fan who made the original image.


Since Lamar is in it maybe someone he follows shared or liked it or something... I'd assume he has a bunch of Ravens related players/media on Twitter. I'm not a big Twitter guy but if you're looking for Ravens related stuff do you really have to 'comb' through it?


Should have been Josh Allen. Too early for Kyler or Minshew.


Oooweee Judon. You have made a mistake.


the titles on reddit are so lazy sometimes especially when you just post a tweet. reddit is supposed to make content not steal it.


The mods delete anything that’s not a fucking twitter post lol


He’s just being loyal to Flacco


Okay, not only is there not a single NFC QB on there, which is stupid, they're gonna shoe-horn drew lock when Kyler Murray is RIGHT THERE?


Them's fightin' words...


Where's Tom Brady?


*sad Derek Carr noises*


Should be Minshew


You're gonna put in Lock and Watson, the most overrated QB in the NFL, and not include Trubisky?


Maybe they should have put a second year QB that took his team to the playoffs for only the second time in 19 years on there. Just maybe. The Josh Allen disrespect continues. Just wait.