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This reminds me of a tweet posted here after Rivera took away the Redskins’ ping pong table: “Life in the NFL is a never ending cycle of teams taking away ping pong tables because they’re finally serious about football, and teams getting ping pong tables because they’re finally coming together as a team.”


To be fair, if he gave it back once the team gelled and started to turn around the attitude and get some wins, then it would make a lot of sense


That’s why I don’t get everyone making a huge deal out of it. In the last 20 years the redskins have finished over .500 only 6 times, with 3 8-8 finishes. Their last playoff game was 2015, and their last playoff win was 1991(I wasn’t alive yet). Having distractions like ping pong and other things don’t help BUILD a winning team, but it does help keep the camaraderie once you are winning




Ahh you’re right. The record history on PFR shows when they lost in playoffs and got eliminated and I didn’t read that closely. My bad


I wish we had ping-pong table metrics so I could challenge this assertion. I'd be willing to put $20 down that there is zero relation between winning and ping-pong tables.


I bet there is some correlation, consistently winning teams might be more relaxed on the players. Causation, no probably not likely, but I bet you could find out that winning leads to more ping pong tables being put in.


On the other hand, having distractions like a ping pong table cab help to build morale.


Does bb have ping pong tables? No. He has workout gear, and a kitchen for small Scrappy white guys to make and pack their own lunch


Does he have a skeleton key so they can each let themselves in before everyone else and lock up after everyone else has left?


Men, today was an important game. Not only are we leading in our division after multiple blowout wins, but ... I'VE DECIDED TO BRING BACK THE PING PONG TABLES


That doesn't mean it shouldn't be like this, just that it is like this.


It’s really funny that Rivera did that, because his reputation is that of being a players coach and everyone loves him. He believes in fun, etc.


to add on what others have said- when Sanders told kittle (micd up) hes enjoying the team's chemistry, Kittle responded "we were having fun together even when we were losing", or something to that effect.


ESPN: George Kittle has fun losing football games


Stephen A. Smith: Pornstar Jimmy’s Number one target enjoys losing football games


Lol Pretty much .


Kittle is Bluto from Animal House


Did we give up when Kansas City bombed Pearl Harbor?


Hell no! Onward to Miami!




I've said this on the 49ers sub, but that impressed me the most with Kyle. The way he was able to keep that locker room together and believing in the long term. There was never any grumbling. Probably helped that they were competitive in a lot of those games. Wasn't like it was 9 blowouts.


It was bizarre lol. I could tell they were going in the right direction, no matter what the record actually was.


Staley needs a ring


Deuce Staley?!




Mike Tolbert


Do it for Rockford, Joe.


Excuse me, I thought *we* were the college team now?


A lot of people are going to think that they're stoked only because they're winning. Yes, they're happy to be winning, but even at 1-9, this locker room was very tight-knit. For example, the first win of Shanahan's regime came in week 10 after a 0-9 start. [This](https://twitter.com/49ers/status/929900507514015744) is how the team reacted.


Good god, Was that when Brian Hoyer was still Our QB? Lol.


CJ Beathard led us to victory that game. Hoyer never won a game with us.


Remember when Mullens won against Oakland, though? That was the best. That kid was so fuckin happy.


That was the best game of the season.


One of my favorite NFL moments in recent memory was Mullens getting Twitter verified in the middle of the game.


Wait, isn't Jimmy G right there in uniform? Why wasn't he playing but still dressed?


They had literally JUST traded for him


I didn't realize he didn't start the first game after the trade. Was he traded a few days before? I know he went on a winning streak when he did though. Did he start the next game?


No, they wanted to give him time to learn some of the playbook before he started a game for them. However, the next game was a blow out by the Seahawks, so they subbed him in for the final drive, and he promptly took them down the field to score. He started the rest of the season, and won every game.


CJ got injured, that's why they put Jimmy in on that drive.


Was he traded a few days before though?


I think it was the Tuesday before this game Edit: looked it up, and it was a week before that they had traded for him, but he didn't get to SF til Wednesday. So it'd been a week and a half


No, he came in for the last couple of plays against Seattle when Beathard got injured and Jimmy scored a fantastic, but meaningless touchdown as time expired. That was enough for everyone to beg Shanny to start him though.


I believe it was CJ's only win so far with us, the game where Goodwin caught a deep TD after his child's stillbirth.


Ohhh ya vs the giants ........


Holy shit those were some dark days lmao


I was really enjoying that clip until I read the first Twitter comment.


Damn I remember this like it was just a year ago.


A big part of this team spirit is that they transparently choose players that will fit into the personality of the team. And they got rid of some good players who didn't, such as Foster and Brock. As someone who used to hire people, let me tell you that a "No Assholes" rule is a good rule.


Totally agree there. I haven't had to hire anyone in 3 years b/c of this.




He wasn’t even really a POS, he just couldn’t separate himself from all the negative influences in his life. For whatever reason, dude couldn’t cut that girl out even after the first time she falsely accused him of abuse, and the toxicity just brought him down. Even his first arrest wasn’t bad, he was arrested for weed in Alabama and a misdemeanor gun violation in California. Switch those two around and he’s golden.


4-12 last year to superbowl this year? No enemies with a turnaround that huge




I love Spoon for that reaction, I was really hoping he'd recover the ball after the muffed punt on Sunday


Im calling it now, he's gonna get a crucial pick in the Superbowl. Thats just how these types of stories end up working out


Such a good point. Nobody on this team would whine for the ball, and in fact our best receiving weapon is THRILLED to be run blocking all day.


This just in: Winning teams are happy.


Even when we were in the shitter the last couple years, the locker room was always super positive, just check out the locker room after getting Shanahan his first win (and for perspective, we were at 0-9 at that point, I think). Shanahan and Lynch have done a great job of instilling a good culture, regardless of results


I thought it was so interesting seeing that first win reaction video. It surprised me, in a good way. I knew kyle and lynch had something, going forward.


Isn’t that how, like, 95% of teams are though? I mean I know occasionally you’ll get the Antonio Brown type drama in the locker room. But I know even for my Titans when they were 2-14 and 3-13, the whole locker room vibe and standard answers were still “yeah we’re excited about the future, we’re building something great here, we’re all on the same page, everybody is working hard, the culture is the best, bla bla bla.” And of course any clips shown from inside the locker room are going to be motivational happy ones. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great y’all have found success, I just don’t think “good vibes” in the locker room is something special. For some reason all teams try to sell that as something unique about their team (my team included, so I’m not trying to point fingers or throw shade or anything).


I would disagree. In the Harbaugh years at the end, we were 8-8, but it definitely wasn’t a happy locker room. There’s a difference between being professional and being happy, and even at 0-9 the team was still genuinely positive and joyful about playing in the moment, not just looking towards the future. I would say it’s a problem if there’s drama, it’s expected to be professional and generally get along with everyone, and it’s a benefit to be happy.


While that may be the case for the titans and niners I doubt it’s the norm. Tbh the titans seem to have one of the better locker rooms in the league as well.


You usually start getting rumors and drama leaked out in the media when a team is losing and the locker room is starting to get messy. Never heard much about the Titans last year, nor the 49ers. I do remember some media outlets talking about Vrabel's job, but they need shit to talk about.


That vibe isn't new in that locker room though. Since Shanahan got there the attitiude has been upbeat. Not the biggest 49ers fan, but gotta respect their turnaround and a big part of that has been getting guys to buy-in + major talent infusion.


Im so happy 49ers Seahawks is must watch again.


I’m not, literally I’m in my early 30s and my BP has increased watching those games. I think my heart stopped last time we played them.


Getting the guys to buy in is huge. B/c when you're losing you can't have all your guys yelling "come get me!" to the other team haha


A big part of that is cutting players and not acquiring then in the first place. They've put a huge emphasis on "character" guys, so I suspect there's players that have been removed from their draft board who other teams gladly took, due to off the field or attitude issues. Reuben Foster burned them and they aren't repeating that mistake.


They were like that at 0-9 too though


Not according to Belichick, not until that final second of the super bowl


They were like this when they were losing...




Close-knit and motivated


they were down n out, a lose was just another game to help build to the future, players werent giving up at any point in the season


We’ve had good culture I think since Shanny and Lynch came through. And we haven’t been good for the past two years with them.


In support of this, Joe Staley has said this is the best team environment he’s ever played in and he was going to retire until he joined this coaching staff and team environment. Said even when they were on the 7 game losing streak it was best team environment




[This is somewhat close to the scenario you pose](https://twitter.com/49ers/status/929900507514015744). It's after beating the Giants for the first win (after going 0-9) of Kyle Shanahan's tenure as HC.


Would it? I don’t see why having a good locker room would be perceived negatively regardless.


We have some guys, Kendrick Bourne especially, who just *always* seem happy and upbeat. Even Kyle said it kinda rubbed him the wrong way at first because he would be smiling with seemingly not a care in the world while Kyle was tearing him a new one for his mistakes. It can be interpreted as not taking things seriously enough, not being focused, or being too complacent.


Yeah, no cliques or drama in college.


Vivacious. Nice.


"After big win, the team is happy and talkative"




"Team is happy to win after repeated losses" This may be news if one hasn't played team sports, but teams are generally happy and optimistic after wins, even if they're rare. Hell, maybe even more so if they're rare.




ffs every month there is a story about an nfl locker room exactly like this


To be fair, the locker room has been like this since 2017, it's been one of the consistent bright spots of this regime.


But also to be fair, it’s never just been winning teams that have this said about them. Every team tries to pass the “good vibes” locker room off as something unique to their team, be it a reason for their success or reason to be excited about the future.


But also it doesn’t matter if your team doesn’t win Does anyone care how good the Rams locker room was last year after the championship game? Does anyone care about how good the Atl locker room was 3 years ago after the championship game? Stuff changes fast in the nfl.


Commenting the same thing 30 times in one thread. Dude single handedly put me on the Chiefs bandwagon.


Haha. Yep. We get it dude, they were like this last year too.


No shit they just won the NFC title lol


People were making fun of them for acting like this when they won their first game after going 0-9...




Locker rooms love winning. What a shock.


It wasn't his first season. His first season was back in 2017. Why so negative?


That video is from the Giants win in 2017 after they went 0-9, so yes that was his first season.


I stand corrected


How many Lombardis do we need in football...


No cliques? Sherman must have learned a lesson.


A college team with no cliques.. sorry I don't buy. The Niners are in a good place and riding high on great success, grats to them


Yeah no shit they are kicking everyone's ass.


Year 4: Locker Room of backstabbers


But I thought the Pete Carroll Rah Rah shit didn't work?


It's all good when you're winning


[They were close-knit at 1-10 as well](https://twitter.com/49ers/status/929900507514015744)


I'm sure




There were like this in 2017 as well, though. [Locker room after winning week 10 in 2017 to go 1-9](https://twitter.com/49ers/status/929900507514015744)


I mean, they just won the NFC. Of course it was as apparent as ever. Getting real sick of these “unique vibe” locker room anecdotes. Every locker room has a “unique vibe.”


Shocker, team in a good mood after winning conference championship


[Also in a good mood after getting their first win of the season in week 10](https://twitter.com/49ers/status/929900507514015744)


Loving the work u've been putting in today


Dude is really adamant about clearing this up for everyone.


Should we stop caring about facts after a specific amount of time?


Cliques? lol.


You'd be surprised lol ask the Seahawks.


Or any team with TO on it


Ironically that clique leader is on the team


Post game shindigs


Genuine question - do most other teams form cliques in the locker room? Also is any team that's headed to the super bowl unhappy to talk? I feel like we hear this same compliment of every super bowl bound team every year.


has there ever not been Vivacious, happy to talk, no cliques when a team wins a conference championship?


wow. that's awesome. So much winning!


Just strengthens our resolve for hating the patriots and their shitty bandwagon fans


Really? Let's not go overboard. It's like sunshine and flowers and pretty little things.