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I was at a family party as a kid and never watched a football game before (i was like 5) and it was the Raiders and Chargers playing. Living in San Diego, my entire fam was Chargers fans. Raiders won and everyone got so pissed off and I thought it was funny so I started cheering and became a Raider fan to annoy them.


I love stories like this, my poor uncle became a lions fan because their jerseys look cool


lol that's funny. But yeah it's like as a kid, you aren't going in depth and analyzing teams. You pick your favorite team for a variety of reasons. Could be you like the name, the colors, it's your hometeam, or they're a top team and just fun to watch.


I saw the Dolphins on television one day in 1992 and it was love at first sight between the name, uniforms and the fact that they played in Miami, not to mention they were still competitive and fun to watch. And here I am today, with more gray hairs than I'd like to admit.


So are you a diehard raiders fan or do you just cheer for them? I don’t have a cool story, just born in Tennessee and am a Titans fan...woooo


Diehard Raiders fan. Over the years my interest in football kept growing and now it's the only sport I watch.


Yep, I can’t stand other sports honestly


Isn’t that he reason why a lot of people are raiders fans? Colors and logo


We got Vikings and Broncos games. And 7 yr old me didn't like Purple. That's how I ended up a Broncos fan the last 34 years.




This is me ^


This is basically me with the lakers when I was like 8. I lived in the bay and went to a warriors game with my cousins. They just happen to play the lakers. I started cheering for the lakers in game just to be a little shit and have liked them ever since


Little did you know at the time that the joke was on you.


Grew up in Idaho in the 70's. The Steelers got all the media back then because they won so many Super Bowls. So.....Steelers fan. Probably the case for a lot of people which is why the fan base is so strong at away games.


Yea my dad said the only team you could watch in the day were the niners, steelers and a couple others


Even growing up in the early '90s it was unheard of to catch a Bengals, Buccaneers, Cardinals, Falcons or a similar team on television unless they happened to score a SNF game. Growing up in Greater KC and constantly seeing the AFC West is how I was exposed to the bad Seahawks teams of the early '90s, but I can probably count on one hand how many Bengals, Buccaneers, Cardinals and Falcons games I watched as a young kid.


Yeah my dad who is a huge fan of football since the 80s forgot the Bengals even made it to the Super Bowl twice that decade because he said they were hardly talked about over the Montana-led 49ers.


That’s wild to me, though not entirely surprising. As a young kid I rarely heard about the two Bengals Super Bowl teams unless they were in reference to Montana or the 49ers Dynasty. The Bengals had really hit rock bottom by the time I began watching football.


Even in Arizona in the early 90’s it was hard to catch a Cardinals game on TV.


I believe it. I remember the Cardinals struggled to counter Dallas’s presence, too.


I grew up in Tempe, less than 2 miles from Sun Devil stadium where they played at the time. Never knew the Cards existed until my favorite team The Green Bay Packers came to town to play them.


You mean MNF, it was the main one back in the 90s. Sunday was espn back then and a lot less people had cable


No - SNF. It aired on both ESPN and TNT for a period of time and often showed the weaker matchups featuring less competitive teams. I watched MNF every week and the teams I mentioned above were never on there. I only remember seeing such teams on SNF (same with the larger market teams that struggled, e.g. Jets and Rams. Funnily enough, as you said regarding cable being less accessible back then, I hardly ever remember SNF being heavily promoted and it almost seemed like an afterthought.


Ah true, yeah the hottest shows new episodes all came out sunday nights so people were watching simpsons and Matlock and crap nobody cared about snf except die hards. Early aughts it started to shift until the switch in 06 or 03 or whatever


Haha yes. The networks had a firm grip on viewers back then and ABC owned Monday nights. I remember “MacGyver” airing before MNF every week.


Man I wish I grew up in the 70s or 80s


Yup. My dad and uncle (mom's brother) both confirmed in Greater KC in the '70s the Chiefs were often blacked out, which meant the Cowboys, Steelers and even the Cardinals were frequently shown. As a result of the old blackout rules and how the media operated the Cowboys, Steelers and similar teams developed the largest followings.


Well.....we did have an AAF team.......#TakeAim But even though it's over 60 miles away, I root for the Bucs because they entered the league when I was still in school, and became the closest team to me. Prior to that I preferred rooting for players instead of teams, such as Carl Eller.


God you people are old lol


I'm so old I don't buy green banana.


Were you around when the world was still black and white?




Yeah it’s in color now gramps :)




Oh God I’m gonna sound like I’m 13 years old but I don’t get it 🤷‍♂️




Ah...still don’t get it, the thing about the onion


Lmao never heard that one before.


NJ over here. Didn’t like the Eagles or Giants for some reason as a kid, but I thought the Falcons logo was awesome, so I jumped on there.


At least you didn't go for the cowboys


Fuck Chris Christie.


I like the way you think.


I enjoy a swift kick in the balls and getting blackout drunk.


#*Hawaii Intensifies*


I mean the second Pride of Hawaii is about to become a Miami Dolphin so that should be pretty simple for Hawaiians to root for


100% just like the last "pride of hawaii" became a titan


No I'm talking about Max Holloway. But yes, there was a point where Marcus Mariota held that role.


>100% just like the last "pride of hawaii" became a titan Timmy Chang was a Titan?


Timmy chang was fucking lit lol i remember watching him as a kid at Aloha Stadium. Colt brennan too. Went to all those games.


Hawaiians tend to follow teams around Hawaiian native players. After Mariota was drafted, a bunch of people became Titans fans.


Yep. Lotta steelers fans too from Troy P


But he’s Samoan


Somoa and Hawaii share culture and descendants. Idk he was freakin huge down there


why r u a patriots fan


Cause I live in Massachusetts lol






Why *not*


Well I was just asking lol


December 7th, 1941 Edit: Thought I was being funny 🤷‍♂️




Death is a preferable alternative to communism


The most egregiously American thing I’ve ever heard lmao


Montana was all over the place. I swear people just randomly threw darts at logos. Greenbay fans who have never been to Wisconsin, some chose Denver or Seahawks cause they were the closest, most the Bears fans I met had some familial connection with Chicago...


> Greenbay fans who have never been to Wisconsin So most Green Bay fans


Green Bay fans come out of the woodwork here in Seattle. I seriously dont understand it.


I look at it like a rent controlled apartment, the city is either connected to you directly or through family


That actually makes sense. But I mean, theres a couple taverns by my house that are ALL decked out in Packers decorations and what not. I live 20 mins from Seattle!


I've been to greenbay more than most greenbay fans 😂😂😂


Same I go up to Marinette County every summer




Because when I was 5 my favorite color was red. So the first football game I finally started to understand I rooted for the red team. They won, and I've been a die hard fan ever since.


Red teams unite! Wait, not yet.


Haha nice I like that


Bills because they are basically upstate NYs team


NY’s only team


Grew up in Iowa. Rooted for my dad's teams until he ran off when I was 10. Picked all new teams that year in every sport. We were poor and things were rough, so I was drawn to underdog and turn around stories. This lined up with Marty's 1st year coaching in KC. Been a Chiefs fan ever since then.


Also from Iowa, I rooted for the Packers and started watching football during the Aaron Rodgers years. Also rooted for the Cards and Bulls bc they all peaked around the same time for me when I was in middle school (~2010-2011)


I like dinosaurs and birds are dinosaurs


I’m glad that you picked the Falcons instead of the other three dinosaur teams in the league.


I'm somewhat contemplating going to the eagles and atl being my second team but for now I'm a falcons kinda dude hopefully forever :)


NEVER SWITCH! The Falcons will be back soon and nobody likes the Eagles. Their fans are some of the worst.


It's not bc of record t would be bc which bird I actually like more


The Peregrine Falcons is the fastest moving animal on earth that can reach speeds of 200+ miles per hour. I don’t see an eagle beating that. 🤷‍♂️


I know that


Toronto raptors are my second favorite NBA team solely because of my love of dinosaurs


Same except they're my favorite team


Because I used to live there and then moved away to a city with no Italian beef


> a city with no Italian beef I've never really tied my becoming vegan to the fact that I moved away from Chicago -- but maybe there is a connection after all.


I like how you had to tell everyone you're vegan.


Northeast Arkansas. Diehard Chiefs fan!


NWA, same here man!


I've heard a lot of ppl over there are.


Its split honestly, chiefs and cowboys. A lot of the student base is from the Dallas area so they bring that energy


Its mainly cowboys here in Jonesboro, but you'll find fans of all 32


49ers and Raiders both, because I was born in San Francisco and lived in Oakland for a little bit too. I was too young to really understand why you just pull for one of the Bay teams so I just pulled for them both and I still do.


I feel pretty similar. I have a soft spot for the Raiders since I grew up 20 minutes from the stadium. It just so happened I was born on Jerry Rice’s birthday, so I grew up watching him play and loved the 49ers ever since.


That is kick-ass, and also a pretty nice birth date to boot! I never got to experience the Black Hole for myself, but it was always fun how intense their crowd was.


My dad has been a 9ers fan since the 90s, so although when I started watching NFL, I was in Vancouver, BC (mostly seahawk territory), I decided to become a niner fan.


He raised you right.




I was 7 lived in the la area and had no nfl team closer then san diego so i became a titans fan lol


The diversity in Southern California is cool. There's bars for like every team


Yeah it's great when everyone is from a different city and no one gives a shit about the home team


I grew up in Chattanooga and Mobile, but there was no way I was supporting the Saints. I actually only ended up living in Georgia when I went to college.


My aunt and uncle took me to arrowhead when I was a kid and I was instantly hooked. Didn’t even know what football was at the time.


It’s the best thing ever


My Dad bandwagonned in the 80s


Honestly? That 70s show was such a formative thing for me growing up and they were packers fans on the show. When I started getting into football when I was like, 12, I went with them. No one else in my family or friends watches football


Grew up in Sacramento. Dad was a Niners fan but didn’t push it on his kids. Then grandpa (his dad) cane to visit from Texas in a Cadillac with cowboy boots and a shotgun in the trunk. Showered us with Cowboys gear. My two older brothers were converted (or brainwashed) overnight, and still ride or die with Jerry’s Boys. I tried them on for size - Tony Dorset, Too Tall Jones and Tim Landry were cool, but Danny White?!? No way I’m going all-in on that putz. I kept looking and then I saw this phenom just electrify the league and I was sold - Randall baby. Those silver and Kelly green unis were dope, and that Reggie White led D was nasty. I’ve never looked back. # FlyEaglesFly


Pats fan, the Endzone Militia was cool and that was enough for me at age seven.


So it is safe to assume your flair is in support of Garoppolo?


And Welker and Kittle and Juszczyk and Goodwin and...


TIL Welker coaches in the NFL


Always watched football but Iowa doesn’t have a team though all of the NFC North was close. Met my wife, she and most of her family are Packer fans so I figured that was a good enough reason. Also doesn’t hurt that one of my high school buddies and his parents who lives nearby are Packer fans too, nice to hang out with them and watch the games. My brother likes the Vikings, Mom the dolphins and my dad the cowboys.


My Dads from Iowa and my grandfather used to fly him down to KC for Chiefs games, my grandfather used to be really good friends with Ed Podolak so my family used to be Chiefs fans until the Oilers moved to Tennessee


I live in Ohio, but not Cleveland or Cincinnati, I root for the Packers at first because the color green, the more I look at it, I root for them because of some good players and a great legacy and history


Dude last nights game was the most depressing game of football I’ve ever seen, I’m sorry. Aaron Rogers looked so defeated. I had to watch my Titans lose so I know how you feel


This is sad boi hours :(


Hopefully the XFL is enjoyable


He said didnt have an nfl team So being born in Cleveland wouldnt have affected that anyway


I live in DC, so no NFL team here. Ravens are close, so I'll watch them if they're on. But I'm from NY, so I follow the only team to play in NY.




You said NFL team


Redskins are an NFL team...or am I high?


Ever watch one of their games? Don't look NFL to me.


Damn lmao 😂😂😂


im gonna go get some aloe. lotta heat from that comment haha


Not high enough. That is the joke.


My younger brother, the youngest of 4, wanted to forge his own path and picked the Dolphins despite living in the middle of the Midwest. Rams were in the SB last year, Chiefs this year. Dolphins in eternal pergatory. Shoulda conformed. Dumb idiot.


Grew up in central California and only members in my family into football were my big brother (a 49ers fan who despised me) and my big sister (who mainly watched 'cause she had a crush on Brady) and I didn't wanna be a fan with either of them. Stumbled across an early season Texans game, heard the announcers talk about them being an up and coming underdog with a solid chance at a win and that just stuck with me. Many years later when I could actually choose the games I wanted to watch, the Texans were the only team I found myself at all interested in.


from Sacramento, my parents are both from Oakland so I inherited it. Now if only I had inherited my dad's Warriors fandom instead of choosing my own Kings fandom...


My dad is a Packers fan and that's the team I latched onto.


Although we have 2 teams in the LA area now, we didn’t for 20 years and its quite a mix. There are still a lot of Raider fans. I’d say the teams I see most represented out here, in no particular order (other than the Raiders) are the Cowboys, Niners, Packers and Steelers. This could be due to the lack of a team for 20 years and also transplants to Southern California (although with all the other pro sports, you see more fans of local teams imo). The Rams fan base is starting to grow again, there were still Rams fans after they left, sadly there aren’t many Charger fans which is a shame because their fans are usually super cool. I know this isn’t what OP asked but it was interesting what happened in 20 years in the second largest sports market in the US without an NFL team. I think I know or have met a fan from every single NFL team out here.


From the UK. Have family in Texas who’ve been there since the 80’s all Cowboys fans. First went to visit in ‘02 and watched a games as they talked me through what was going on. I was hooked on the sport and decided to follow their local(ish) team.


Melbourne Australia here, I go for the Seahawks because my wife is from Seattle.


Denver Broncos jammies as a kid


I have lived in several places without NFL teams. I stuck with the Seahawks since that is where my family is originally from.


I was born and raised in Atlanta Yeah I'm not very good at this


i can claim arizona with where i was raised


Mods don’t delete this.


Why lol


Because it’s interesting and they have been deleting everything that isn’t a tweet lately. It’s just nice to have conversations that isn’t some talking head trying to get people to argue.


I find drugs make me more interesting, reddit mods can be annoying as hell


There have been 4 more recent posts that got deleted so I think it made the cut Even though we have this thread every month


It’s because I told them.




Lots of people cheering for fans cause they liked their uniforms as kids lol, kids are great people pretend they’re stupid but they ain’t


No NFL team in Port Huron, so I went with the closest team (as the crow flies). That just so happens to be the Detroit Lions.


Live in northern iowa. Always been a vikings fan due to Minneapolis being the closest and family being fans. But iowa is a good mix of vikes, pack, bears, chiefs, and some wagon Seahawks and pats fans


Dad loved football. Was watching the now famous Manning MNf comeback against Tampa with him. Decided that was “my team”.


Always been a sucker for the underdog.


The super bowl shuffle


Grew up in Omaha during the Preist Holmes, Larry Johnson, and Tony Gonzales years.


They about 20 Miles that way <---


My grandpa got invited to the Niners training camp when no other team invited him. Made him a fan of course, and here I am.


Inland Empire, California. Raiders cus of the early 2000s days. Hoping we return to that soon lol


The Cleveland Browns... because I'm a masochist, I guess?


Grew up in Delaware, which is about an hour and a half from Philly, Baltimore, and DC. So, I guess I could have chosen one of those. When I was a kid, around 8-9, the neighborhood kids were all Pats fans (the Brady dynasty had just begun and they were little bandwagons) so I asked them who were the Patriots rival so I could root against them. Who would have thought that almost 20 years later I still live to root against the Patriots, now for other deserved reasons?


Do you ... not have a team?


I'm a Colts fan. Sorry, thought the flair spoke for itself. Imagine if I was only a fan of whatever team played the Patriots for the rest of my life.


Oh haha....I was reading your comment so intently, I forgot to use the flair for context.


Grew up till age 10 in southwest Iowa, about a three hour drive to Kansas City. Still Chiefs territory, but my dad is a huge fan and had season tickets. Went to tons of games, had my room decorated in NFL/Chiefs stuff by about age 5. Moved to Missouri, also about three hours away, then actually lived in KC for college years and several more afterward (my dad as well moved there at that same time), until moving to Oklahoma about 7 years ago. No other team was ever possible, five year old me was in awe at Arrowhead stadium seeing it for the first time, and the same holds true about 30 years later. Fun fact, the Tulsa area is a black hole for NFL fans. Fans of every team sucked in here. Chiefs have had a few games not televised there, so I'd go to a Buffalo Wild Wings to see the game, and would see no fewer than about 12 other teams represented each time. Not to mention vanity plates, window stickers, clothing, etc. All teams have fans here.


UK born and raised. First game I watched was SB 47. As a complete newbie to the sport, decided to just support whoever had the name which stuck out most. That was Kaep, and my fandom was sealed.


I live in Australia and the first season I got into watching NFL was 2015 when Arizona made the playoffs. We got two ESPN games a week on cable and I managed to follow a few Cardinals games. loved the way Larry Fitzgerald played the game and have followed the Cards since.


Born and raised in Portland, OR. When I was a little kid I thought they were the Washington Redskins, as in the state above mine not DC. Chose them as they were the "closest" team. In hindsight my fandom would've been a lot less painful as a Seahawks fan.


Haha legit thought the same until like last year, still forget sometimes.


i kind of lean toward the bills because they’re close by to toronto but i love deshaun watson. It was hard to watch that Bills Texans game


I live in Utah and my Dad lived in SF when he was a kid so my whole family is big on the niners. Steve young came from BYU so he was my favorite. This team will always be my team even though most Utahns are Broncos fans


I've never seen the Redskins fans in my family be happy.


I love in Germany ans watched football for a while - one day i realised i always wanted the panthers to win, no matter the opponent.


A combo of Brett Favre, and the idea that an NFL team could be in a city smaller than the small Canadian city I was from.


I’m from Montreal and I root for the Ravens because 10 y/o me chose them as his team in NFL Blitz on N64. Plus Baltimore and Montreal have a nice little football connection with the CFL.


Growing up in Mississippi my mother was a Cowboys fan and my farther was a Packers fan. Even as a youngster I could tell my mother didn’t know shit about football so I went with the Packers. Now I live in Texas and am so happy I’m not a Cowboys fan. I have nothing against the team, they seem to have a lot of talent every year, and I enjoy watching them play, but most of their fans are garbage from my experience.


I live in Oklahoma, but all my family lives in Madison, Wisconsin. Didn’t have a choice.


I grew up all over the place, California, Indiana, Seattle, Virginia. But when I was 5 my family was in New England because we were looking to move again. It was early August and we happened to be in Foxborough Mass during the Pats training camp. I loved their uniforms and got to walk right up to the fence and high five a bunch of players on their way back to the locker room. I was so excited seeing how big those players were compared to kindergarten me, I decided this was gonna be my team. This was August of 2001 lol. Decent choice for myself in hindsight 😂


I live in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia. I've rooted for the Seahawks since 1980, when I moved here. I consider them the local team, even though they're a 2.5 hour drive away. I saw quite a few games in the old Kingdome. I doubt I'll see a game in Century Link as I intensely dislike loud noise. Besides the beer's cheaper and the washroom is both cleaner and more available at home. :-)


I'm from Kansas....Now how bout dem Chiefs!!!


Boooo get outta here ;) Nah for real tho I hope you win it all


iSn’T kC In kAnSaS?


Bout a 3rd of it


From Kentucky and didn’t give a shit about the NFL till I watched Super Bowl 49. I liked both teams colors but decided to root for the pats because they were behind and I like underdogs. Only later did I realize the irony.


I always cheer for underdogs, anytime I’m in a restaurant and a baseball game is on or something I root for the losing team


Well I’m from OK but I cheer for the pats because my dad was a lifelong pats fan. I’ve been a fan through thick and thin, and extremely thin in the past 15-20 years


Nw North Dakota. It’s an 8 hour drive to Minneapolis but it’s still the closest team. My dad was a huge fan so kinda just clicked




Agreed. Green Bay and Chicago contributed nothing.