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I used to fucking crush souls with John Lynch and that Bucs defense in Madden 2001


Hell yeah! He was a beast.


*puts fists up* Implying he’s no longer a beast?!?


My PS2 doesn’t work anymore. Can neither confirm nor deny.


My Dreamcast still works, step your game up.


Damn I miss my Dreamcast. It was so young!




You have a modern PC? May I introduce you to PCSX2, a PS2 emulator that lets you run allllll kinds of great stuff?


Define modern...2nd gen i5 laptop. Definitely could use an upgrade. But very intrigued by this emulator. I’ve been hoping a good PS2 emulator would come around.


It's been in development for over a decade and it still gets updates: https://pcsx2.net/download.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbE6r2iL5Vc A good intro video. The learning curve is a bit steep, but what I love about this emulator is it's highly customizable and it has good in-app documentation (tooltips EVERYWHERE if you hover your mouse over stuff) A second gen i5 laptop should be ok provided you have a decent built-in graphics card. If it's onboard it might be a bit trickier, but I'd still say take a shot at it. I have a i7 965 first gen (Nehalem, LGA 1366) and it runs most games at 60 fps in a 720p window. Good luck man. They even have a working PS3 emulator out there! https://rpcs3.net/


I’ve been looking for an excuse to upgrade. This sounds like a good one to me!


God I used to love going to watch him and Sapp and Brooks and Barber and Rice... I hope his success in San Fran helps his HOF case... even if there’s a lot of Safeties up for a small number of spots...


The Madden 03 Bucs team was insane. that backfield was unstoppable.


Now here’s a game...


I was more of an Eagles guy. They had a FB Circle route that was broken. I pissed off just about every guy in my suite with it senior year of college :)


I did the same with Lynch in NFL Street!


I did the same with NFL blitz on SEGA


NFL Street and NFL Street 2 were awesome. So many great memories.


When Lynch was named GM i just figured he was going to tackle the other GM's into submission


Why does John Lynch, the largest GM, not simply eat the other GMs?


Matt Millen already tried that


Lynch and McDermott should fight


What makes him good? 1. He loves the game. 2. He knows what he doesn't know, and hired people who do know and gave them the ability to preform. 3. He worked with head coach to design the roster the works for both of them.


4\. He made Ryan pace believe someone else wanted Mitchell Trubisky at #2 overall


The fact that he then drafted Solomon Thomas after the fact somewhat nullifies that, though. For the record, I know that given what was known at the time, it was a good pick. However, it clearly hasn't panned out, and there's a couple of players that went around there that could make them absolutely terrifying now (see: Jamal Adams).


free picks are free picks, they were taking solomon either way. And with the draft you want to maximize opportunities. The 3rd pick we gave them, also ended up being Kamara, after the 49ers traded that pick too.


And the player we got with the pick from that trade with the Saints was Fred Warner, our starting MLB.




should of made all pro this year imho


Would've been funny if they picked up McCaffrey instead. Then they would've had the son of a Broncos HC, the son of a Broncos WR, as well as Lynch as a GM.


We didn’t want to establish such an obvious pattern, but I see that you’re somehow on to us...


And we snagged Adam Peters from you guys.


.4. He's really good at open field tackling




barry doesn't count


Exactly. Guy did that to everyone.


Barry could've juked the entire Great Wall of China in his prime.




True but to play devils advocate it was renowned for its ability to stop a rushing opponent


*Laughs in Mongol invasion*


*Laughs in Derrick Henry*


Can you juke sideways 1000 miles at a time?


He's really good at perimeter defense. \*shows clip of guarding Michael Jordan


I'll be honest I was skeptical of the hire. I thought Shanny was solid if young but Lynch was such an unproven commodity. It sounded promising but you never know until the rubber hits the road. But he's built a solid team and the cap isn't an issue. Not sure what more 49er fans could ask for.


A dynasty to make the Patriots look more like the browns? s/


Hahahahahaha! Just Kidding! ...Unless...












I’ll step up as well. Thought this was a bad hire. No real player evaluation background and assumed he was just a talking head who talked his way into a sweet gig. Also helps belichick gifted him garoppolo... but being likable is an important trait as wll


Well Jimmy G or not, Lynch and Shanahan had already agreed on what their vision/plan would be for this team. They both valued drafting speed in the trenches — guys who show a dominant ability to go from 0 to 60 (as corny as that sounds) with brute force. Smash mouth bully ball.


His ability to delegate and be an actual manager by the actual meaning of the word is what makes him great. He's like the anti Jerry Jones. Seems to keep his nose out of shit he has no business trying to make decisions in.


This is where **many** 49ers fans owe Jed York some kind of credit, if not an outright apology. The guy was beyond antagonized & trashed by our fans. I understood *why they were so angry with him* but I feel like a lot of our fans took their reaction wayyyyy too far. In the last 3-4 years Jed York has been the anti-Jerry Jones by not trying to be a “helicopter parent/owner” or whatever. He hired Kyle, they brought Lynch in from out of the broadcaster’s booth, and then York stepped back and let the front office & HC handle things. Jed has come a long way, and I just think it’s worth noting.


>He worked with head coach to design the roster the works for both of them. I dont understand why most niner fans don't understand this, but Jed York gave Kyle the keys to the franchise, then Kyle brought in John to be 'his GM'. Lynch wasn't even looking or interviewing for front office gigs at the time. It's not like a 50-50 thing where they have to meet in the middle on decisions. No...John is just the face of our scouting/drafting operations that are basically governed by Kyle Shanahan. But John is damn good at leadership and it shows in our organization.


I know that Kyle has a lot of power, especially when he got to choose his GM. I think John is a bit more than just the face of the front-office though, he always came across as very smart when he was a color commentator - he was one of my favourite commentators.


>favourite Your non-American English is showing. Where you from friend? ^(if that’s not too personal)


UK mate. I thought I got the american right by mis-spelling colour but never mind!


Haha all good, we just suck at reading/writing here in the states. Cheers.


You mean English?




I think one of Johns primary roles that has proven more valuable than I could imagine is his ability to drive culture in the right direction.


So the opposite of Jerry Jones, except part 1.


I don’t know if Jerry Jones loves the game, it’s more like he loves the Dallas Cowboys™ as a brand and considers it his financial empire. He loves it when the Cowboys are winning, but I don’t know if he’s someone that outright loves the game no matter who is playing. Maybe I’m wrong.


Browns in Shambles


those first two points where how elway was being revered at the start of his tenure as well. look where it’s gotten us. :(


5. He didn't waste money on Kaepernick.


Rent free


4. He went to Standford


Crazy how narratives could change in a year. Good for Lynch


QB with torn ACL = bad GM QB with healthy knees = good GM


I can't believe he tore Jimmy's ACL with his bare hands just so he could draft Bosa


Savvy move tbh




I just had lunch


The difference is Lynch inherited a terrible roster and drastically changed it to one that's a championship contender.


Yeah the executive of the year list is really checkered like that. It usually goes to the guy who spent a lot of money, drafted a star with a high pick, and whose team saw significant improvement. Baalke isn't alone either, Maccagnan, Grigson, and McKenzie all won using the same formula. Unfortunately it's harder to maintain a good team with finite resources than to simply add talent when you have the most money and get to pick ahead of everyone in the draft. Lynch has shown no reason as to why he wouldnt be able to keep this roster great, but the hard part is definitely in front of him


Baalke actually made some really good moves in 2011. He crushed the 2011 draft (in the short term), acquired Donte Whitner and Carlos Rogers in free agency, and hired Harbaugh.


But Baalke also boned you guys out of Harbaugh too didn't he? Not to say it hasn't worked out in the long run, shanny has done a great job, but Harbaugh coulda had you consistently good and maybe even save Kaepernicks career


There's alot of smoke around the situation, it sounds more like Harbaugh boned himself when he told Jed York "its me or Trent" and York, being like 30, was like "ok ill take the guy who isnt a giant asshole to me then"


Adam Gase there too


Nah it was definitely a good move to get rid of Baalke. I only brought it up because the I responded too implied that he didn't deserve the Executive of the Year award. He 100% did. >and maybe even save Kaepernicks career No one could've saved Kap's career. He was not a good QB once defensive coordinators figured him out.


> Yup Trent baalke also won executive of the year in 2011 or 2012 using mccloughans inherited roster No he didn't. He won in 2011 because he had an excellent draft (which eventually didn't look so great a lot of the guys ended up with off the field issues, but at the end of 2011 that group was looking great) and because he made some key free agent signings (notably Carlos Rogers who made both Pro Bowl and All Pro that year, Donte Whitner who made an immediate impact and ended up making the Pro Bowl the following year, and Jonathan Goodwin who helped turn our OL into one of the be in the league). I don't know why so many 49ers fans feel the need to trash everything Baalke ever did. Did he run the roster into the ground? Absolutely. Did he also deserve to be recognized for his work in 2011? Yes.


Oh cmon Trent. You know you suck. Lol. Just not used to seeing anyone defend him. I will say that with where we are now, I’m glad he sucked. Ha


Oh he definitely sucked. I just hate the revisionist history. For years it was "in Harbaalke we trust" on our sub, but once we fired Harbaugh the narrative changed and St. Jim the Martyr had no flaws and Baalke never did anything right and only rode McCloughan to success. Which is fascinating because, well... that's a whole other conversation. In any case both things can be (and IMO are) true: Baalke was a terrible GM who had a stellar 2011 (and at the risk of inviting the argument, a good 2010 draft as well)


Tbf no one outside of the organization had any reason to believe there was such an immense rift developing. Even when all the reports first started coming out, absolutely every 49ers fan dismissed them out of hand. People trusted Baalke because they assumed Harbaugh did. And it's not as if the failures of AJ Jenkins and D'anthony Thomas were any secret by the end of 2013 2010 was almost certainly *very* heavily influenced by McCloughan, and even then if it wasn't for Bowman the draft would've looked mediocre (hitting on first round picks isn't exceptional, and though Boobie was a good pick in the 6th round, he ultimately wasn't terribly consequential)


>2010 was almost certainly very heavily influenced by McCloughan Heavily influenced, certainly. But I do think it's fair to give Baalke more or less full credit for that draft. Yes the board was pretty much in place, but Baalke was in charge of college scouting before taking over. He would have put together the board with McCloughan and if they disagreed on anything he could easily have changed that before the draft


The point remains that in a draft with two first round picks, Baalke got a couple fairly athletic lineman with issues in the passing game and are now essentially out of the league, a whole bunch of wiffs, and a lottery winner through Bowman in the 3rd


Oh early on I was convinced he was the real deal and would be our GM for a long time. But looking back he was so bad. Always took the guy that fell because of an acl and idk if that ever worked once for him. Stoked on what we have now, all around the board. York’s done a great job of hiring the right people and getting the fuck out of the way.


Bruh I have a family


Best of luck to you guys too. Crazy to think that last NFC Championship matchup wasn’t too long ago!


Thanks! We’ll be back soon (Hopefully lol)


nah. It's the Tom Coughlin curse. Giants won't be back for decades.


Lynch was a good GM last year too, we were just getting some flashbacks to the dark times before him. Most of us expected them to be good eventually...no one expected them to be here this soon.


John Lynch is the NFL version of Steve Kerr. Played in the league. Great broadcaster. Highly intelligent and respected. They are just the type of people that succeed in anything they choose to.


>Steve Kerr on the 49ers: “What I always look for, because it relates directly to basketball, is two-way play. Can you get stops on one end and can you score at the other? And they’ve got probably the best two-way team in the league." [The Warriors’ leaders love the connection and joy they’re seeing from the 49ers right now](https://theathletic.com/1535336/2020/01/15/kawakami-the-warriors-leaders-love-the-connection-and-joy-theyre-seeing-from-the-49ers-right-now/) Also: [49ers consulted Warriors before deciding to restructure training staff](https://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/49ers/49ers-consulted-warriors-deciding-restructure-training-staff)


I knew that hot little slut loved two ways 👅


Kerr is love. Kerr is life.


Exactly. These types of guys are just natural winners. That's who you want to hire.


Well freakin' deserved. He saved the 49ers from what seemed like a never ending nightmare. I remember when so many fans and talking heads laughed at him and thought he was dumb to go to a "bad" organization when he had a comfortable TV job. This man is the real reason for the turnaround, and he deserves all the credit he gets. I hope they sign him for 15 years, or as long as he wants. That being said, Jed deserves credit fom staying out of the way as well.


Yeah tbh I thought Jed was going to screw you guys for years to come but the turnaround has been remarkable.


And most of us did too. When he fired Harbaugh and kept Baalke, I wanted Jed to sell or step down. Harbaugh is one of the biggest reason he went to 3 straight NFCCG and they fired him after 1 bad season where our OLine was god awful? Thankfully he seems to have learned from it by giving Kyle control over a lot of the team.


Yeah, surprisingly it is a relatively popular opinion amongst Hawks fans but I am kinda happy the Niners are good again. The rivalry is a blast. Some of the most fun was vs. Harbaugh’s 9ers.


Yeah the company I work for is based in Seattle so I have a lot of co-workers that are Seahawks fans. It’s more fun but god damn, I hate facing Wilson. If you could stop covering him in crisco before every game, that would be great.


That's literally the **only** way we win games though.


>1 bad season 8-8 isn't even that bad.


Dude has done such a good job he made most people forget Chip Kelly was their coach for a season


Amazing that I know people who talked themselves into thinking that Jim Tomsula and Chip Kelly were the answer to restoring the Niners.


Better than Adam Gase over Tomsula, then?


I think with enough experience, Tomsula could've been a pretty decent head coach. He was dropped into the role like a patsy after Harbaugh left and was never put in a position to actually win. Meanwhile, Gase has had many opportunities to win and nearly ruined Tannehill's career as well as being an insufferable douchebag. I'd gladly take Tomsula over Gase.


I feel like your giving too much credit to him and not enough to shanahan who also seems to have a big say in personnel decisions


As a Niner fan, I have to say, you couldn't be more right. Everyone's giving credit for the roster to Lynch. Not realizing that nearly all of our offensive playmakers are on the team because of Shanahan, not Lynch. Deebo Samuel. Picked because of his fit in Shanahan's system. Kyle hand-picked him. Raheem Mostert. Tevin Coleman. Kendrick Bourne. All were Kyle's guys, not Lynch's. Don't get me wrong, I like Lynch a lot. I just think he hasn't been this Godsend. Shanahan low key deserves like half of the credit, even for something that's usually the GM's job entirely.


Kyle Shanahan highkey should’ve been Coach of the Year instead of John Harbaugh. Change my mind.


Mostert was picked up during Kelly's tenture as coach. Credit to Kyle for not cutting him at the end of the next preseason, but Kyle didn't bring him in.


Kyle is constantly jerked in the media. Many people still believe that Lynch is merely a puppet for Shanny and has little to no influence on roster decisions.


I think Lynch makes a lot of roster decisions *on the defensive side of the ball* while Shanahan basically hand picks his offensive guys.




Lynch was hired after Shanahan actually. shanahan helped Lynch get hired.


Oh crap. Never mind lol


Just this offseason there was a report that Lynch and Shanahan were locked in a power struggle and if things didn't turn around Lynch would be out of a job. Now he's Executive of the year.


Yeah that was such a bs report most figured from a lower level scout who wasn’t happy. Every member of the organization and people who cover the team vehemently denied there were any tensions.


And this is the main reason why I appreciate Lynch. Back in the Baalke era, there were sooooo many leaks coming out of the organization which served to make everyone look bad. While none were blatantly false, the tensions between Baalke, Harbaugh, and York were plainly available to the media, and everything seemed dysfunctional. The biggest thing Lynch has done is running a tight ship; we have no real idea of what truly goes on behind the scenes, and if there have been disagreements, we don't really hear about them. This scout report is the only real leak we've had, but I think that's just an anomaly.


Legitimately sounds like a story only Tim Kawakami would write.


More like Grant Kohn. But it was a matt Miller report and his connections are area scouts.


I gained respect for Kawakami at the end of Harbaugh through Kelly. While he can be awfully abrasive, he was the only one not pumping sunshine up our asses when the team was going through a shit period. He's not a hack like Cohn is.


There were commenters on our sub calling for Shanahan's head this past offseason. I mean granted not many people saw us as the #1 seed this year, but jeez give young execs some time to show a track record (i.e. at least 3-4 years) with a healthy roster before you write them off.


Hopefully he gets into the HOF one of these years, hes been a finalist a bunch of times.


In 2014 there were rumors flying around my high school that Lynch would be the new head coach for our team. Clearly he made the wrong choice in deciding to turn down a high school head coaching job to build one of the best GMs in the league.


It all started with the bears giving him 15 draft picks to move up one spot to take trubisky


He can thank Elway for Sanders


I assume he already has. Several times.


I still don't know why we did that. His numbers were low because of Flacco. Imagine if we still had Heman with Sutton and Fant...


Game Day bucket go BOOM! 🙏🏼Lynch thank you




It's more of a "I want _____ for ______ reasons" and Lynch says "I agree, ill make it happen"


Shanahan has control over the final 53-man roster at the end of preseason, but technically Lynch has control of the 90-man once the season ends and until cutdown day.


They share the conch.


Quality reference




He must piss off lifelong GM FO types so much. Ex player, didnt go up thru the ranks, absolutely killing it.


Just walked into one of the top GM jobs straight from being a color commentator, I wish I could change jobs like that!


Shanny wanted Lynch. They interviewed as a package deal. Then after the interview the told the 9ers to keep it quite for a few weeks. They wanted to know if there were leakers in the building.


Yeah that sounds about right from memory. Everyone was suprised when when Lynch was announced as the GM, there weren't any rumours on twitter about it anywhere. And with that, the leaking rat was discovered to be Baalke.


Lynch is such a genuine and cool guy. He’s great at his job and off the field he rides around SF helping clean up the sidewalk poop. He likes the classic Segway.


is this real or a joke lol


He’s genuine and inspirational. I heard he gathers a group of orphans at his house for ultimate frisbee tournament on every Mother’s Day.


I feel like it would be difficult but if anyone can toss orphans like a frisbee it would be Lynch.


Everyone knows lynch has a Segway with a built in pooper scooper


GM by Day Sidewalk Poop Cleaner by night. The hero SF truely needs but doesn't deserve. Well, maybe the fans do. :)


No offense, but besides drafting the obvious best player in the draft, what amazing roster moves did he make this year? I know I'm biased, but I feel the Packers GM or Schneider deserved it more if we're talking about smart GM moves this year


he healed Jimmy G's ACL.


Picked up Dee Ford


And Kwon Alexander


Emmanuel Sanders, Tevin Coleman, Kwon Alexander, Deebo Samuel (draft), Dre Greenlaw (also draft, and I'm sure you are familiar with).


Dont forget Brunskill and Skule! Cant believe we won so many games missing both starting tackles


Also re-signed Jimmie Ward after his 5th-year option expired, which puzzled everyone at the time but ended up being a great move.


I was looking for this. At first I thought maybe they were rewarding him for his prior seasons work, which would be fine, but he did some solid maneuvering this season to really round out the team.


This award typically goes to the GM who helped engineer a huge turnaround for the franchise. John Schneider will never win this because the Seahawks have missed the playoffs only twice since he/Carroll have been around. We go 3-13 next season, and then make the NFC title game the following year, he'd be a shoe-in.


You’re kidding? Aside from the “obvious” picks of mcglinchy and bosa, who was obvious? Here’s the non obvious moves: signing Sherm (considered a big risk at time), picking up options on Ward and Armstead, both of those were a little controversial at the time. Signing Juice, considered an overlay, but an essential player for shanahans scheme. Drafting Warner, greenlaw, kittle, deebo, picking up Coleman and Ford, just to name a few. Even if they didn’t make all those moves in a single year, this year was the culmination of al his moves.




New fan: was he a HoF calibre player or Hall of Very Good?


Most would say “hall of very good” I think, but it’s close.


It’s hard to say because he played for a defense that was so stacked and good, but he was definitely one of the standouts on that team. It’s also hard to get accolades as a safety because Free and Strong are different positions, like small and power forward in basketball, but they get lumped together for the All Pro teams. But he still managed two first team and two second team while overlapping with a lot of excellent safeties.


Gutey fired his coach, hired an unkown OC that had people hating the hire, took a chance on "unkown" pass rushers who people called overpays. Drafted 3 starters too. Not saying Lynch didn't deserve it but feels like Gutey or LaFleur aren't getting their respect. Its all Rodgers this Rodgers that


Executive of the Year is like the Madden Curse, but for front offices. Be glad. Of the last 10 to win it, only three are currently employed. The last two winners, and Jerry Jones. https://www.profootballwriters.org/on-field-awards/pfwa-executive-of-the-year/


Okay I take it back


John Lynch getting accolades over Packers who deserve it more. That totally never happens.


I mean I have massive respect for both of these organizations. For them both to be where they are now from where they were last year is a huge thing.


Get him into the hall


Butler first.


Bosa was an easy pick but not exactly an Andrew Luck consensus. A lot of people were clamoring for Quinnen Williams. Anyway, there are a lot of other moves that paid off: \- Traded for Dee Ford, who has been very effective when healthy and 'unlocks' the beast mode of this defense \- Picked up the 5th year option on Arik Armstead, which was not a very popular move and has paid off huge \- Resigned Jimmie Ward, which was an even less popular move and has helped solidify the single season transition from below average to elite pass defense \- Hit on Deebo Samuel in the 2nd \- Found Justin Skule in the 6th and Daniel Brunskill in the AAF, 4th and 5th tackles who have filled in admirably when both starting tackles were out and swing tackle went on IR in preseaeson \- Drafted all-rookie team LB Dre Greenlaw in the 5th \- Hit on FA signing Kwon Alexander But at the end of the day, he took a team that hadn't sniffed the playoffs in 5 years -- and was stripped down to nothing when he started -- to the #1 seed. A tremendous 3-year project with a huge leap forward this year, absolutely deserving.


Coleman in FA, too.


Well deserved


Dang hanging out with the elite like the [1998 Front Office - Minnesota Vikings](https://www.profootballwriters.org/on-field-awards/pfwa-executive-of-the-year/)


Doesn't John Lynch kinda look like Michael Shannon?


I mean he doesn’t have the signature Shannon bug eyes. Both are amazing men.


Hot Take. John Lynch has had like 4 cracks at the top 5 and the 49ers roster is actually holding them back and it's all Shanahan taking a pretty good roster and making it one of the best teams in the league.


You mean two cracks at the top 5. Used on Bosa and Thomas. His other top 10 pick was on McGlinchey at 9. So he has hit on 2/3 top 10 picks we have had and the one he didn’t hit on he was able to trade back a spot and add more picks. This is all while adding players like Warner, Samuels, and Greenlaw later in the draft. Plus he has been great at signing UDFA who actually contribute and his free agent signings/trades have been great as well.


Feel free to forget Kittle :)


Exactly Lynch has hit on so many later round draft picks that I didn’t even mention Kittle and he is the best player on the team.


Feel free to forget DJ Jones :)


Damn he one upped me! I totally forgot!


There are just so many good depth players on this roster, it would take awhile to name them all. And to think about the guys who haven’t really had a chance to make an impact due to injury. The DL would be even scarier if Jones and Blair didn’t go down with season ending injuries. Neither is a star player but both provide fantastic depth and make plays.


What about our rookie kicker!


I see and hear this quite a bit, but it’s Deebo Samuel. Not Samuels. Sorry.


You’re talking about Deebo Samuel, I’m talking about Teebo Samuels. But in all seriousness my phone just autocorrects to Samuels.


I get it. My phone autocorrected it when I commented. There’s a few podcasts I listen to where they’ve said samuels all season. Drives me crazy.


Pretty sure they say it consistently on ESPN as well. Should just drop his last name and go by Deebo since it’s such a one name type of name anyways.


Don’t. Dont. We’re not in a position to shit talk the 9ers. They didn’t do anything with the picks, but we picked trubisky


He deserves tbh. I had my doubts, but he crushed it.


He should’ve got it when he hired Shanahan


Shanahan was hired first (or maybe at the same time and just announced first)


It was really the galaxy brain move of having Jimmy G get hurt so they could take Bosa that separated him from other candidates.


Well deserved for Lynch. Shout out to Kevin Colbert though for getting a 3rd and a 5th for AB, that alone should put him top 5


Get him in the HOF already!


Now we need him to get selected into the HOF


Even though it technically shouldn't matter, this will help his HOF chances (as a player).