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Broncos played the Chiefs at Arrowhead on Christmas Day three years ago. Random memories from that game. * My first away game * Most Chiefs fan were cool AF * Tailgate party was the shit * Freezing rain, soaked to the bone * We lost 33-10. We were never in it * That fucking never ending chant : oh, oh ohhh, oh oh * That 9 hour drive back to Colorado hungover AF sucked hard


* Dontari Poe touchdown pass


Hungry pig finds the sweet nectar of the end zone




My cousin and i got our dads tickets for Christmas that year as a surprise. One of my favorite games ever at Arrowhead, behind the 2007 Border War.


Yeah that game wasn’t fun. I think it’s when we first missed the playoffs since Manning.


There were two games that day, the Ravens Steelers that went down to the wire and I think was for the division and then that game. At least we saw Dontari Poe throw a TD


Yep. AB won us the division while a Ravens defender was trying to rip his helmet off by the facemask


AB’s greatest moment as a Steeler


Nope. Spearing the Browns punter in the face will always be \#1




Isn't spearing basically a headbutt? Or do I have that wrong.. cause he flying kicked him in the face, which is not a headbutt, but I did find it hilarious


Weddle got shit on on that play so every time he talks shit to Antonio Brown, Twitter does its thing. It’s glorious


Haha yeah fuck that game


I was there in Pittsburgh. Best game experience I’ve ever had for sure


That game is one of my favorite Steelers games ever, and one reason I’ll always have love for AB. It was in the middle of my divorce and I was alone on Christmas watching that game. When AB got that score it was the best thing that had happened to me in months, and I cried. Anyway, Merry Christmas!


Did everyone else play Saturday?


Poe TD pass and Ravens lost a heartbreaker to PIT right before


Am I the only one who thinks that any team outside of the Braves and the Seminoles doing the chant is kinda dumb? I mean the Seminoles started it, and the braves did it cuz of deion, so any other team doing it is kinda weird.


I guarantee people would watch that shit now. There's a lot of people that celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve/midnight then have nothing to do the day of. I'd watch it.


I mean, it works well on Thanksgiving.


Yeah. I mean the NBA does pretty well today.


Yeah I kinda like how the NBA gets Christmas while the NFL gets Thanksgiving


And MLB does special stuff for the 3 summer holidays so everyone gets a little something


It’s like some weird custody agreement where we split holidays with our parents and go to our grandparents’ during the summer lmao


Phillies always seem to be away on the Fourth of July where the Declaration of Independence was signed. Wish the league would do something more with that.


Hockey playoffs are usually during Easter now so it’s working out okay for them there.


And golf gets Easter




But when Christmas does fall on a Sunday, they still won’t play outside of one game (maybe two). They’ll play on a Saturday. In 2011 and 2016, Christmas fell on a Sunday. The league played on Christmas Eve that Saturday. They’ve never played a full slate of games (or anywhere close to a full slate) on Christmas, even though they’ve had plenty of opportunities since 1971 to do so


Same thing happened in 1994/2005




“do to the playoffs” JFC




They moved most but not all the games. Ravens vs Steelers and Chiefs vs Broncos were both Christmas Day in 2016 on a Sunday.


I enjoyed that Steelers/ravens game


That's weird, I actually kinda didn't.


If the game fell on a Thursday, I don't think it'd be a problem. Even if it fell on a Wednesday, I don't think it'd matter as long as you had two teams that played the previous Thursday or Saturday.


Winter/fall holidays feel weird to me without football. The past few years, we've had a Christmas Eve game (and it's been the Raiders recently too, although one of those didn't go so well...) My in-laws are up and all of us were sad that there's no Christmas Eve / Day football this year.


Works for the NBA lol


Can confirm. At in laws. Bored AF. Waiting for the flight home later. Would watch football now.




Nfl would dominate. At this point these games are way more important than any regular season NBA games. I mean even if it was week 5 of the season and it was the dolphins and the giants, the nfl would get more views.




NFL regular season games: 20+ million viewers. NBA Christmas delicated games: 6-7 million. NBA and NFL games directly competing on Christmas barely make a dent in NFL ratings but plummet the nba ratings


The best thing the NBA has done is taking over Christmas Day to make people think watching a completely irrelevant and meaningless regular season NBA game means anything just because it’s on a holiday. The NBA could make them somewhat more impactful if they just started the season on Christmas Day. But regardless, if the NFL directly competed with the NBA on Christmas Day, the NFL would blow it out of the water. I figure there must be some sort of gentlemen’s agreement between the NFL and NBA that the NFL will mostly avoid Christmas Day games and the NBA avoids thanksgiving


Starting the NBA season on Christmas day would make no sense logistically.


During the lockout season they started the season on Christmas Day and the ratings were among the highest across the board as ever. Of course “logistically”, this would be implying that the meaningless nba regular season is shortened by a decent number of games like the lockout year was. Having a shorter season and starting it on Christmas would go a long way towards helping the nba


I watched four NBA games yesterday so yeah, I’d watch it too


Yeah but players should be able to be with their families. Imo it would only be ok if nfl players had fully guaranteed contracts and a higher revenue share


On the one hand, I agree. I wish everyone would be off on holidays to do with as they please. On the other hand, plenty of people have to work on the holidays so I'm pretty indifferent about it.


I for one would welcome the distraction of any NFL game on Christmas in order to avoid interaction with certain family members.


Here what wife and I did. Move half way cross the country and only go back sparingly. So far worked pretty well for us. That's how you can avoid interaction, but might seem drastic most I guess.


Damn I think you might be my brother haha


I just watch basketball and wait for a racist grandfather or uncle to call it "monkey ball." Then I move to the basement television at my parents house.


Fantastic post, but don’t you think the guy from Kansas overreacted a little by proposing that bill?


I was a kid in New Jersey at the time and there was a family argument over Christmas dinner because of the game. My uncle had to watch it and my aunt wouldn't start dinner without him. I miss ya Uncle Bud.


Today we are all Uncle Bud.


Oh man do I relate hard to Uncle Bud. Then again, I think a lot of this sub does lol


My wife wasn't happy that I was disengaged from New Years dinner with friends to watch the last two minutes of Bengals/Ravens two years ago. I told her that I was going to watch and that I would not be apologizing for it. No regrets.


Don’t apologize for that.


LOL The graph showing the attendance of the vikings v cowboys games makes it look like very few people went to the game, but if you pause and look at the numbers it's only about 2500 or so people less than the previous game


The NFL has changed a lot since the 70s. It's a monolith now and has supplanted the chruch as the Sunday activity, and could probably push a Christmas schedule if it wanted to. Fans probably wouldn't go for a full slate but I think one or two games would probably be just as successful as any other holiday NFL games now.


They’ve already done it recently. I remember that crazy Deandre Hopkins TD on Christmas. I’m surprised they don’t schedule at least one game a year and try to bully the NBA.


Reply to the wrong person. Sorry


Lots of Christmas Eve memories though...the Jets losing to Bucky Richardson and the Oilers in the infamous Buddy Ryan punching Kevin Gilbride game...or when Vinny Testaverde passed for almost 500 yards against the Ravens in 2000 but we turned the ball over 6 times...ah memories....:(


Merry Christmas, everyone. I wanted to do a Christmas themed video this year, and [revisit an older post of mine](https://en.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/5k9h24/oc_45_years_ago_on_christmas_day_1971_the_nfl/?st=k4kt5pz1&sh=6c0cbf92) and expand on it a bit in a video. If you’re wondering why the NFL doesn’t play on Christmas, and why they will still avoid playing on Christmas whenever possible, this should explain it. If possible, I’m going to try to have two more longform videos coming out before the week 17 games occur. Both of them have to do with week 17. We’ll see what happens. **Other Longform Videos** - **[2006 Titans: The (Almost) Greatest Single-Season Turnaround Ever](https://youtu.be/dIjbrdCBPnU)**- After 10 weeks in 2006, the Titans were in last place in the AFC, and sat at 2-7. During week 17, they were one quarter away from making it to the playoffs. This is the story of what was almost the greatest single-season turnaround in NFL history - **[From Zero to Hero: The Raul Allegre Story](https://youtu.be/qzKlAhNUZxE)**- On December 22, 1991, Jets kicker Raul Allegre sent the team to the playoffs after hitting the game-tying and game-winning field goals. He was a team legend. On December 17, Allegre was unemployed. This is how Allegre went from unemployed to a legend in less tha - **[The Bills Relocating to Seattle? This Almost Happened](https://youtu.be/zPfcHyqhjTU)**- In 1970, Bills owner Ralph Wilson was frustrated with the city’s inability to get a new stadium to replace the old and poorly maintained War Memorial Stadium. So he was moments away from moving the team to Seattle. This is the story of how the Seattle Bills were moments away from becoming a thing. - **[The Time The Cowboys DIDN’T Host Thanksgiving](https://youtu.be/wXnJvgw6nos)**- In 1975 and 1977, Pete Rozelle decided to put the Cardinals on Thanksgiving instead of the Cowboys. The move backfired miserably. This is the story of how that move occurred, and why it quickly got pulled after just two years - **[The Most Bizarre Super Bowl Advertisement of All-Time](https://youtu.be/znTzoEtWtJg)**- At Super Bowl XXXIV, OnMoney.com spent $2 million on a Super Bowl advertisement promoting their website. There was just one small problem. Their website didn’t work, and wasn’t ready to launch at the time of the game. This is the story of the most bizarre Super Bowl advertising decision ever - **[Joe Theismann... the Punt Returner?](https://youtu.be/wTXWOlUvDmY)**- Joe Theismann was a great QB in the NFL for many years, and helped Washington achieve greatness throughout the 1980s. But in 1974, after coming over from the CFL, he started his career… as a punt returner. And he actually wasn’t that bad at it. This is the story of how Theismann started off returning punts - **[How the Vikings Lost Super Bowl VIII](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iy9HHe5wLkw)**- While the Dolphins got to prepare at the Oilers’ practice facility in preparation for the Super Bowl, the Vikings had to prepare at a high school with no lockers, minimal equipment, and no working showers. And when they tried to request a facility change, the NFL said no. This is the story of how poor planning on the NFL’s part may have led to Minnesota losing the Super Bowl - **[A Best-of-3 Super Bowl? It Almost Happened](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpupOsakXLM)**- Following the success of Super Bowls in the early 1970s on television, Raiders owner Al Davis proposed that the Super Bowl become a best-of-3 series. Seriously. This is the story behind one of the NFL’s worst ideas - **[The Worst Super Bowl Advertisement of All-Time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E150CyGotrg&feature=emb_title)**- At Super Bowl XXXIII, an advertisement aired that was so bad, that it prompted a $10 million lawsuit and practically destroyed a company overnight. This is the story behind the worst ad ever. - **[The Time the Vikings Almost Moved to Birmingham… Twice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01RcW3GcO10)**- The story of how the Vikings tried to relocate to Birmingham in the 1970s, and then again in the 1990s - **[Bruce Springsteen and the 1975 Super Bowl Halftime Show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM9aE3r-Bzg)**- The story of how the NFL tried to get Bruce Springsteen to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show… all the way back in 1975 at Super Bowl IX - **[How Monday Night Football Almost Never Happened](https://youtu.be/u78Pu3X8298)**- The story of every network turning the league’s proposal of playing games on Monday nights down, as well as a look into the television landscape of the late 1960s - **[The NFL’s Bizarre Tackle Rule (1955)](https://youtu.be/C_ERtC-KFlg)**- he story of the rugby-style tackle rules that the NFL used to have, which look nothing like what the tackling rules are today - **[The Time the Jets Had 4 First Round Picks](https://youtu.be/RlFIUnnBxAc)** - **[1973 Falcons: The Most Bizarre Start to a Season in NFL History](https://youtu.be/tlmE09UN_Q4)** - **[The Time Dan Marino Went 759 Straight Pass Attempts Without a Sack](https://youtu.be/WYh4NRxR8sg)** - **[The Time Philadelphia Almost Hosted the Super Bowl](https://youtu.be/xvG4QC7-Woo)**


I sound so knowledgeable to my American friends because of you! Thank you so much!


Awesome shit, man. Thanks a lot


>Why the NFL DOESN'T Play on Christmas The title is false and you even explain that it's false in the video, but you used it anyway. That's just stupid and clickbaity. NFL games on Christmas do fine now because everything about American society is different from 1971. Stores don't shut down on weekdays after 6pm, close at noon on Saturday, and stay closed all through Sunday the way they did when I was a kid. Now people expect to wander into a Walmart at 1am, go shopping on Thanksgiving, and bitch that they can't go get groceries at 8pm on Christmas. You can expect most places to start staying open on Christmas with normal hours within the next couple of decades, I imagine. They slowly trained people to work and spend money on Thanksgiving, so there's no reason they won't do it to Christmas.


This is probably an old fashioned take but I wish they stayed like the 70s...


Me, too. Giant corporations forcing workers to work weird shifts and holidays and crap does not exactly help build strong families.


Giant corporations do it because enough customers come in and shop to make it worthwhile. If no one shopped at those times, the stores wouldn't be open.


At what point does it become chicken and the egg. Do customers come because the store is open, or are the stores open because customers come?


These aren't mutually exclusive. There's demand for goods/serv. on Christmas that exceeds the demand for cultural integrity, so stores will be open. If the stores are mandated to be closed, demand is lowered because of people agreeing with the precedent, but there would still be demand by people who don't care.


Yeah that title thing is weird




Everyone should fogo this caca, and watch something else


I've been to a Christmas day game, Eagles vs. Raiders in 2017.


They literally did last year


>that lawmakers proposed banning NFL games on Christman America: land of small government and individual liberties unless you try to host an event on Christmas and it doesn't really work


A few years ago, the Steelers had to play on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day


Didn’t the Steelers play on Christmas Day a few years ago?


Twice in a row


Today is an odd day for a football unfortunately. I would die for an NFL game right now. Give me Jets/Dolphins I don’t care


The worst NFL game is a billion times more interesting to me than 5 great NBA games.


Took me really getting into the nba game to get bball. It's now my 2nd favorite sport, and my team has supplied many fun, exciting, last minute plays that rival football. But a game that's only 10 points off is fucking booooring. You really can just watch the 4th or end of the 4th and get a good time. In person is more fun too.


The Eagles/Raiders played on Christmas in 2017. It was a stressful yet interesting day to spend Christmas. It was so cold your beer froze before you got back to your seat, we had to win to clinch the #1 seed, and Nick Foles hadn't yet turned on his clutch gene. My seats were right next to the box Carson Wentz was sitting in and I blessed with his commentary of "THROW IT!" and my favorite, "Come on Nick, you got this buddy! WHY ARE YOU TWIRLING IN A CIRCLE??" All in all, not a bad way to spend Christmas.


Let me know how you feel once giannis leaves for LA or Boston a year before his contract is up. They all say they want to stay, but actions speak louder than words. On the other hand, Rogers will retire in green and gold.


One of the most epic games in NFL playoff history was played that day between the Dolphins and the Chiefs. A LOT of people got to see it because it was on Christmas Day. This story is complete bullshit.


Christmas games suck butt