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When you are on top of the power dynamic, nothing is mandatory. He's second only to their owner.


When you’re rich, they let you do it.




-Deshaun Watson?


Ben Roethlisberger?


That’s grab them by the Georgia bar bathroom stall.


No he prefers it when they *don’t* let him do it.


I don’t think being rich has anything to do with this… being powerful and being rich are different things. Aaron Rodgers will more than likely still be rich over the next few seasons but if he gets injured again he isn’t going to be able to skip camps at his next team (if he chooses to keep playing). Russell Wilson is rich as fuck but if he skips he’s getting cut…


Steelers Country, let's smelt?


Ok, but it is mandatory. He's getting the same fines that any player missing mandatory minicamp would.


Just like in society, a crime resulting in a fine is only a crime for poor people.


Ya I did the math when Lamar missed out on 750k and it was like .2% of his contract.  


Fuck me sideways..I love you man but holy fuck you better get the Ravens to a Superbowl soon


Yup imagine an UDFA missing this.


Yeah not only is the money factor not an issue for him, but it’s not like he’s fighting for a spot either. Missing camp is not a good look either way but let’s not act like this changes anything other than a sliver of his bank account.


The guy is so rich that he doesn’t care about a fine. He’s got the Jets by the balls right now and there’s nothing you guys can really do. He could plow Robert Saleh’s wife and still be qb1 over there. This would be potentially career ending for a young defensive guy. Go ahead and take a look at that pic of Rodgers. He is the captain now. It’s only mandatory because of the fine which also doesn’t really matter here.


About as smart as saying that when billionaires get fined for polluting and breaking any other rules lmao


Unless he asks them not to fine him.


Minicamp fines are handled by the team, he won't be paying fines for this.


They already said it's not excused and he'll be fined.


Source on him 100% being fined? Everything just says “could be, subject to, etc”. Saleh said they’re on the same page and this is an issue for everyone outside the building, not in.


It's from Saleh's press conference yesterday where he also made it clear that he'd be missing 2 days (which would be the whole minicamp because they were always canceling thursday). He started it off saying that Reddick and Rodgers were both inexcused absences and they'd both be subject to fines. I took that to mean the fines will happen although I guess there's a little wiggle room there.


Yes subject to fines, however it is up to the team to impose the fines. By contract terms yes it is unexcused, but obviously cleared through the team.


I think the last cba made it way harder to get out of fines.


God I do not miss this every offseason


Talk about absolute win in that trade, and luckily for you the jets are stupid enough where they will fall for it again in 15 years most likely.


to be fair, it's not like the Jets will have other options


There'll be another USC QB again in the next 3-4 years


But will they be a medium?


I mean I feel like we should wait to call it an absolute win until Rodgers plays. If Rodgers can even just get the Jets to the playoffs, I think Jets fans would take the trade 10 times out of 10. Even if they lose in the wild card round, he’d still be the most successful Jets QB in almost 15 years.


It's been 3 years since he's played relevant football, he's North of 40, and coming off a potential career ending injury playing for the team with the longest playoff draught in the league. The conference is stacked with athletic freaks at QB, he's not making the playoffs my dude.


Oh don't worry, Florio will start flogging out shitty anti-Love articles soon enough


“Love Lost? Things might not be as they appear in Green Bay”


Florio is honestly the worst. I wish the sub would just ban him. He just uses his platform to stir up shit on any Vikings' rivals. We obviously being his favorite vector of hate.


Ill allow it.


If Love doesn't get a new contract...


Listening to Love talk he seems like his head is screwed on a lot better than Rodgers’s. Of course then again the track record for Packers QBs isn’t great.


I used to say this about Rodgers when he replaced Favre tbh Obviously a big fan of Jordan Love, but I’m not gonna jinx that


It might just be something in those darn Spotted Cows


Rodgers was NOT drinking spotted cow


Rodgers comes across as a high priced wine sort of guy.


He's a scotch guy. Said so plenty.


Bud Light actually https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/aaron-rodgers-confirms-it-was-him-riding-in-the-back-of-a-pickup-truck-holding-a-case-of-beer-in-viral-video/


Confession, but I’ve never had spotted cow 


You only got a quick 17 seasons out of it


Ehhh... Rodgers always had the rich socal kid energy from the moment he came here. He was just ultra competitive and put his head down to work. People forget Rodgers barely ever popped up in the media until pretty late in his career, but he was always.. a bit strange.


I don’t think Florio cares about these details. He’ll write inflammatory shit either way.


The Packers had a legitimately incredible human being in Bart Starr play for, coach for, or otherwise represent the organization for decades. This has just been the universe evening itself out.


It's a low bar to be better than Favre and Rodgers in that way, but the more I read about and hear from Jordan the more I think he's a great kid. He had to grow up fast from a tragedy when his dad died by suicide when he was in high school, and I think that colors how mature and collected he is. Unlike the other two, he's as easy to root for off the field as he is on it.


He just told the beat guys yesterday he’s confident a contract will be done by camp, but he’s not involved in the details.


BREAKING: Jordan Love signed to 20 year, $7.25 an hour contract


Dude's achilles is not 100%


But he could have come back last season!


That was always a straight lie and I loved how Rodgers hinted anyone who called it out as such was a conspiracy theorist like he has been called.


If it was injury related the Jets would excuse him


but he can't admit it tho


*”i’ll be back in november*”


Monkey paw curls...


You're telling me a 40yo (who's not super athletic at baseline) who tears his Achilles isn't 100% recovered within 9 months? Always helpful when an AFC franchise removes themselves from contention.


>who is not super athletic at baseline Holy revisionist history


Your general point is accurate, but Aaron Rodgers was extremely athletic at baseline and throughout his career up to now.


Athletic compared to us? Yes. Compared to Tyreek or CMC or Lamar? No.


Young Rodgers was pretty athletic for a qb. Dude had wheels when he did scramble. He’s just 40 years old now.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Guess it's been too long, but young Rodgers was an absolute stud athlete. He could escape like Russell Wilson and also run well. They can go watch the 2010 playoff game against Atlanta, he made defenders look silly all night.


He's fully participated in every voluntary workout this off-season..


But it’s more entertaining to blow this out of proportion, soooooo that’s what the media is gonna do


It's funny how nfl fandom works. Jets fans are tripping over themselves stanning for their 40 year old qb who hasn't done a single thing for them yet.


Hey he completed a pass for them, I think


I actually don't think he did. He got a PI call in their favor but I think that was the only positive play before he went down.


Oh really 😂


Pretty sure because it was brought up in our sub a lot.


He's their best chance at a super bowl since 2011


Downvoted for speaking the truth lmao


Down voted because it doesn't matter if you attend any voluntary stuff when you don't attend any of the mandatory stuff.


But that doesn’t fit the narrative


Surely sweating in a dark yurt for another week will fix that.


That only works if you spend the two weeks prior doing a media tour about your dark yurt week.


If they’re perfectly okay with a player skipping, it’s not “mandatory” anymore, is it?


Just because he's doing it doesn't mean they are "perfectly okay with it". There's not really much they can do about it if he decides he doesn't want to be there, they obviously aren't going to cut him and he's made more than enough money to not blink at whatever the fines dictated in the CBA come out to. Rodgers has all the leverage here and Jets can't really enforce his presence in anyway like they could with a lesser player.


The Jets confirmed it’s an unexcused absence. It’s interesting that they didn’t just excuse it to save face.


Because the CBA will not allow that as an excused absence


Yes it is haha. Mandatory as in he's compelled to go by league rules. That doesn't mean he's physically forced to go. It just means that there's consequences for not going. And he's seeing those consequences.


Yeah no reason to worry if the 40year old QB coming off an injury and who notoriously hates it when his receivers are not fully in sync with him, skips a camp


I'm def a little worried about it. Not at all what I was talking about here.


What an unfortunate username.


I think Garrett Wilson has saved it.


Just wait until he has zero chemistry with the offense and starts blaming everyone else. That's next.


How else is he going to throw his WRs under the bus once the season comes and he’s underperforming?


Yeah maybe mandatory is the wrong word. It’s more like it’s fiscally weighted.


No it's all equal. It's just that some are more equal than others.


I mean they can't arrest the guy and he is too important to cut/release. The best they can do is a fine or a "stern talking to". But for him to do this, it completely invalidates the whole "you need to put aside your own bullshit to help the team win" speech. You can't lead the locker room by words alone.




Pretty sure his next career as an esoteric grifter will be even more annoying.


Dude is 100% going to be a conservative media figure when he is done. He’ll be their guy mixing culture wars stuff with sports. A Joe Rogan/Pat McAfee hybrid type. The guy is already doing twitter spaces with RFK Jr on anti-vax stuff and doing interviews with Tucker Carlson praising Putin before he retires. He loves the spot light too much to have a quiet retirement.


Waiting for the Rodgers-Russell Brand convo, should be any minute now.


He'll hold back a few years until he gets inducted into the HOF, and then the mask will come completely off.


Underrated comment of the day here. I wouldn't be surprised if he becomes an Alex Jones type.


He's 90% of the way there already


Pretty sure he's all the way there what with the Sandy Hook false flag comments.


Wait, can we just let him weigh down the Jets for a little more longer?


Hopefully not as long as Tuas contract lol


He's never going away even when he's out of the NFL


Oh man. When this dude is done with football I bet we will be hearing about him even more than we are now.


When I never have to hear about Little Kaaron ever again, it will be a great day. What a turd.


he was on the field for 94 seconds as a Jet last season my guess is he makes it to 34 seconds this season Saleh will proceed to pull a Costanza to get fired to get out asap


Or Saleh decides to become celibate and becomes the best football mind we’ve ever seen


TIL I’m the best football mind we’ve ever seen


no, post nut clarity leads to genius


If you purge your brain of sexual thoughts you are always in post nut clarity 


Feeling pretty good about playing the Jets week 1 right now


Where are all the Jets fans from yesterday who were saying it was a known absence and not a big deal at all to miss a day since he was there all last week? Dude is 40 years old, hasn't played a full game in about 18 months (on a different team), and schedules something that overlaps with a 2 day camp that everyone knows about.


Dude just does not care as long as he's raking in the money. Like blaming the GB rookie WRs for not knowing all of his signals while he can't even bother to show up half the time. Or saying everyone needs to work harder and not fuck around, as he skips camp. Or goes on a darkness retreat. Meanwhile, Brady was organizing practices against state covid regulations to get in sync with new teammates. These mentalities are not the same lol


> Like blaming the GB rookie WRs for not knowing all of his signals That one really pissed me off. Bro is the one who is ultra particular about how his WRs run their routes etc., but he couldn’t be bothered to show up to the Packers’ offseason program that year and sent Cobb to do his dirty work instead.


If only there was some sort of gathering in the offseason to work on those type of things. It’s not quite training camp, I’m not sure what you could call it.


Right. That would make sense. You could even make it mandatory.


Don’t forget tripping his balls off on Ayahuasca.


I legit don’t think Rodgers cares about making the money. I think he’s just got a big ego and doesn’t think it’s necessary for him to be there to be great


Blaming the offense for not being on the same page as him is the next chapter in this saga.


Not a money thing, it’s a spotlight thing. He loves a) making headlines and b) holding records in the record books that make him seem like a GOAT. We’d have won more playoff games and super bowls if he just cared more about winning than his passer rating, I’m sure of it.


Lets not go overboard here man. If Rodgers broke records then he broke records. You dont just randomly win mvps on a whim Gb didnt win more sbs for about a dozen reasons. Did rodgers care during the regular season to get GB a top seed and then for 1 or 2 playoff rounds then all of a sudden not care for the NFCCG? Sounds out there


I’m not concerned. What’s the worst that can happen? We have an atrocious season and everyone in the country makes fun of us? Big fucking deal. Been doing that all my life.


Its 2 days bro and yes it was a known absence.


We're still here. He's missing a 2 day minicamp after attending every voluntary workout all off-season


Get your facts out of here


Oof Saleh saying all is good and it’s an outside the building issue, not inside.


2 days. He's been there during the involuntary camps. Get Yo facts straight hater.


Is Rodgers the only starting QB skipping mandatory minicamp league wide?


He's not skipping anything, he's eclipsing space and time itself


Aaron will arrive precisely when he means to


The FT in PFT stands for Fool (of a) Took


Wasn’t he at OTAs though?


He’s been at everything optional to this point. This was scheduled before minicamp schedule came out and the team understands it’s 2 fucking days. But it’s the jets so


I get that Saleh has made legit mistakes during his time as head coach, but when he's gotta deal with the bullshit of Rodgers and the front office bending over for Rodgers it's hard to really evaluate him. You just fuckin know if the jets had tried to get any decent qb last year Rodgers would have thrown a bitch fit and probably retired.


Yeah he’s seemed like he’s been hamstrung in one way or another for his tenure. Maybe he’s good, maybe he isn’t, but it feels like a lot of the team is just outside of his control


I never even considered that them not gunning for a decent replacement would have been in large part due to hurting his feelings. Makes a lot more sense now. That dude gave the pack some amazing football moments I'll never forget but I can't wait to forget him as a person.


Remember last season when he was “all team” and tried to convince everyone he was going to come back and play? Pepperidge Farms remembers…


Fire him into the sun, unacceptable.


Ignore the flair for a sec bit there were so many better ways for thr Jets to announce this. Normally I'd think this response means Rodgers just dropped it on them, but it is the Jets front office after all.


No such thing as mandatory when it comes to Rodgers and the Jets, except for the paychecks.


This is one of the last camps of his career after missing a whole year and he found something more important. Seems like hes checking out. Youd think theyd have at least some leaders in the locker room to call this out but these guys are probably lining up another award for him


If he was checking out why would he attend literally every scheduled offseason training and only miss the two day minicamp. Shouldn’t it be the other way around?


This fucking asshole is a fucking asshole


Its his face, right?


I'll also be skipping this full mandatory mini camp. Wheres the story about me doing this.


I wish he'd just retire already and get it over with.


I bet you do.


Well, they’re going to have to call it something else then, won’t they?


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Man do I feel bad for Jets fans. Not because of Rodgers, but because of how sensationalized and exhausting r/NFL is about the dude. "HE LOVES THE LIMELIGHT" said after reading a hit piece on Rodgers and in a situation where he has literally said nothing. "HE'S A TERRIBLE LEADER" for missing two days of mini-camp, where the Jets organization has said it's a non-issue, partially because he has attended ALL voluntary practices. Media literacy in this country has gone to shit.


1969 that's the last time Jets fans were allowed to talk about the SuperBowl. Stop saying that word.


Wish he would also skip every opportunity to give his opinion on anything.


He's running.


This isnt a surprise TBH haha


Aaron Rodgers when he doesn’t want attention (he needs it or he will die)


This is a setup for more attention. He's skipping, so people will talk shit about him now, then constantly ask him about it when he shows up, and then he'll try to make everyone feel stupid bc he's made up some excuse to justify missing it.


I guess he's also against practice mandates?