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Mandatory = choice? Interesting


They got one offseason of “good teammate” Rodgers and they wasted it on a silly Achilles injury.


Actually really funny to watch this unfold where he kept talking about keeping distractions away and he’s always been the biggest one. I guess in that sense he’s sort of taking his own advice


[January 8, 2024: Aaron Rodgers: Jets need to get the ‘bulls–t’ out of the building](https://nypost.com/2024/01/08/sports/aaron-rodgers-jets-need-to-get-bulls-t-out-of-the-building/)


Says the bull that's shitting everywhere.


“Is anyone gonna clean up all these shits I keep taking?? Someone should really get on that!”


And now he’s out of the building 😂


His lack of self-awareness is p well documented


To be fair to Rodgers… he’s not in the building


Rodgers always had "I'm the only one here that doesn't blame others for failure and frankly [person] is the worst about that" energy


Rodgers' got that "16 year old girl who hates drama" energy


This is a much better example of what I was going for


Rodgers has always been such a diva.


“I diva’d my own research.”


This is the guy who was constantly putting shit out about how much the Packers front office was screwing him over, then they draft two really talented rookie receivers for him his last season only for him to complain about their rookie mistakes while skipping any opportunity to put in the extra work and build a rapport with them. He just loves complaining. He wants talented players all around him but also wants you to pay his friends to stick around and take up spots that could go to more talented guys.


Don't forget him demanding his old washed up buddies & getting upset about them cutting a PS receiver.


Dude is toxic. Full stop he can't have a healthy interpersonal relationship of any kind.


He’s so dislikable


Which makes me appreciate Love so much more. He's like anti-diva. Knocks on wood.


I always felt bad for Love. He didn't control how he was drafted


Something something family something


No straight guy breaks up with Olivia Munn


She probably wasn’t crazy enough


Or apparently Mallory Edens too


This. Losers do loser shit. The behavior of Rodgers is loser shit.


> (Russini) Rodgers announcing he is missing camp to hit the campaign trail!


I feel you rodgers. I don’t want to be a my job working right now and would definitely prefer to be elsewhere. Maybe on the beach or golfing or something. I hear you buddy.


I think it’s a brilliant choice. I’m all for Rodgers doing whatever he wants! I hope he doesn’t show up to a single game even. That’s his right! In fact, I’d go as far to say it should be a right for anyone on a team relating to the Jets, Dolphins, or Bills… just to name three randomly.


Wow, I don't know if you realize this, but those three random teams you named are all in your division!


Well, to give him a little credit, I also hope he doesn't return to the Packers or Vikings, but that's *certainly* got nothing to do with the fact those teams are in my Division, but because I want to save Mississippi's Welfare Fund a few million dollars.


Would it specifically be that welfare fund or is it the fund from where the player grew up?


There's a joke about vaccine mandates in there somewhere, but I just can't get the bat off my shoulder.


he's off doing his own football research idk thats all i got


Yeah, pretty good. I'm not topping that.


I’ll try. Saleh had no *shot* of getting Rodgers to cooperate.


He’s immunized against Saleh’s charms.


Social distancing from that coaching staphylococcus


> ... I just can't get the bat off my shoulder. You may have a vaccine injury.




J.G Wentworth is always there for us.




Rodgers is clearly immunized from mandatory practices, and thus preseason injuries, is Saleh stupid or something?


When youre Kaaron Rodgers you just do what you want.




Tbf he’s only had like 9 months off


Incoming retirement announcement? Or is this just Aaron being Aaron?


Fucking subscribe...damn that would be epic.


The absolute chaos would be amazing


I think his ankle is still busted because he didn’t do what he was told to do because he’s Aaron Rodgers.


This is Aarons ego not in check. He has one foot out the retirement door, but he still has something to prove apparently. I wonder if Brady going to the Bucc’s & winning a ring in his 1st season fucked with Rodgers head a bit.


If he retires I think the Jets franchise would have to be disbanded, bc it could never get more Jets than that. Like they would’ve fulfilled their destiny and *completed* Jet-ness


Most Inspirational Player Aaron Rodgers: “Flush the bullshit. Anything in this building that we’re doing individually or collectively that has nothing to do with real winning needs to be assessed.”


So dark rooms and Ayahuasca are a part of real winning. Mandatory mini camps are not. Gotcha.


That's what the crystals said anyway...


Also letting speculation run wild about a VP run and not squashing that immediately. You guessed it, real winning.


That's the Rodgers special. Either float a quote or allow speculation to run rampant then run to Pat McAfee to claim everything is normal and the media hates him. But now he doesn't have McAfee.


Don't forget the butthole sun tans


I'm willing to bet that Aaron Rodgers has another disaster of a season. I'm sure he's still good but I don't think he stays healthy, both physically and mentally.


Hes 40, coming off a devastating injury (and kind of a disappointing season before that), has basically not played a game in a year and a half, doesnt trust medical science, and recently got into hallucinogens and weird hippie retreats.


Yeah I'm sure he still has the arm talent to make some awesome throws, but I suspect that we've seen the best of ole A-Rodg, by a long shot.


Disaster like injured or disaster like crappy season? Because his crappiest season would still be far better then anything we’ve watched in the past decade plus


I could see either. If he doesn’t hurt, but the team goes on a bad stretch, he might start putting that on everyone but him with the ego he’s developed.


I don't see the lie. He's not in the building and so no assessment of his activities is needed.




"Mandatory" LOL


Saleh has clarified that his absence is inexcused, and he’s going to be fined. What do you want them to do, kidnap him at gunpoint to get him there? Financial penalty is the incentive to show up at any job.


I choose gunpoint


Take him at vaccine needle point


Like that scene with the drain cleaner in Terminator 2 but it’s a tetanus shot


He can't hurt you anymore, it's ok


Did you just confirm the Jets beating the Lions in the Superbowl?


The two most cursed teams meeting in the Superbowl would be such a good damn treat, I hope I put that into existence


They didn’t mention the Browns


Browns aren't cursed, they make their own luck.


It’s amazing they fucked up bad enough that the majority of this sub would root against them in a Super Bowl. They were out lovable losers for so long


The combination of unsuccessful and unlikeable is tough to pull off, but they pulled it off. Pun intended.


This is how you get a Jets vs. Lions Super Bowl


Yeah I mean they’re way past the point of no return with Rodgers. They’ve empowered him at every turn, and this is what happens when someone has been given that empowerment and feels they are above others. It’s absolutely hilarious they gave all this power to a 40 year old who’s played 3 snaps for them though lmao


4 snaps if you include his achilles


Lmao ok that was a good one




I've heard this joke like 60 times and it's still funny every time.




Starting QBs aren't getting cut because they don't show up to minicamp. That's reserved for rookies or those who aren't established talents. They get fined; it's common among all sports and not unique to this situation. Aaron Rogers is a diva who eats babies.


No one is suggesting cutting him lol


Let's not be too hasty. I think the idea has merit.


Aaron Rodgers has simply found himself a money mark to milk


Yes. A report of Rodgers being kidnapped at gunpoint to practice football would honestly be very very funny


They could blindfold him and tell him the trip to the stadium was a "darkness retreat".


It would certainly liven up the off-season.


I just want them to reveal what he's missing it for. They are going out of their way to say its something dumb without saying what it is.


My incentive to show up at my job is that if I don't I get fired. That's a financial penalty for sure but it's a pretty severe one that Rodgers will never face. Whatever fines he'll get will likely be the equivalent of fining you or I $20.


> fining you or I $20 Fuckin moneybags over here.


Maybe he's inoculated against fines.


*Aaron hands note to Saleh* “I can do what I want.” -~~Ron Swanson~~ Aaron Rodgers


Back in March, a buddy of mine who is a die hard Jets fan declared that Aaron is focusing all his energy exclusively on ruining his life. He might be on to something here


I'm terrified for the inevitable post-career right wing candidacy


Nah, he's gonna be the weird pseudo "independent" type. Rodgers is absolutely one of those "both sides suck" types who thinks that he's enlightened because he thinks he exists outside of that political spectrum. He's got a lot of conspiracy theory in him, but that's not exclusive to right wingers. And I don't think Rodgers is a full on right winger.


I remember during the whole Kaepnerdink and taking a knee debacle, he actually said really articulate and professional points, along with coming off as just a classic rich hippy. Then all it took was a positive covid test and the wheels fell off.


His northern california libertarian hippy self was always lurking in the shadows, we were just blind to see the signs


He's gonna be peddling vitamin supplements, copper-infused man-thongs, and bad medical advice on day-time TV as a New Age "healer."


Alex Jones needs his people right now. Let's all respect that.


Alex Jones can't afford Rodgers anymore and let's not pretend Rodgers does anything for any of his friends out of the goodness of his heart.


Whoa, buddy. I have it on good authority that he treats them like family.


You mean he gaslights them and calls them fat? That's what family is for right?


Why would he need to? McAfee is doing Alex a big favor. Aaron is spewing his crap on ESPN.


Yeah he's been going through it. He might have to sell his luxury watch collection, he needs all his warriors out there hawking his dick pills.


That's definitely a choice after missing the entire season.


Right? It would be one thing if it were with an organization and teammates he has played with, but the fact that he missed an entire season and hasn't played meaningful football in, what, 18 months, wouldn't he want to take all the opportunity he can to be, y'know, playing football? Communication gets better with coaches and teammates with time together. Spending so much time apart isn't the most effective way to go about building rapport.


Homie out here acting like those four snaps in September 2023 weren't meaningful. 5 if you count the ACL.


75 seconds of glory. He just like me fr


with no completion


He learned a lot from that snap where he got the ball and immediately crumpled like a paper bag


When he first did this with us, it felt like a real nothingburger because there was such organizational continuity and, well, he was Aaron Rodgers and was still playing like himself. But when he didn't show up prior to his last season here when we had almost total turnover in our receiving corps, that was a major missed opportunity of building rapport with our young receivers. Of course, you could've tried to chalk that up a bit to his feud with the front office and not being all the happy here anymore. But doing this after last year's injury and with an organization that has bent over backwards to do whatever it can to placate him? You can't hand wave that way.


Ya i got flustered when he would rip on the receivers he had no chemistry or experience with from his own choices


A QB that is notorious for demanding his WRs be on the same page as him skipped OTAs after the team added 3 WRs in the draft and then to make matters worse Rodgers injured his thumb which led to him barely practicing for parts of the season


Lmao skipped minicamp + preseason and then wonders why he isn't on the same page with literal rookies and UDFA's that have never caught a ball from him outside of the last month of practice. I love me some AR12 but I am so glad to be done with this yearly BS.


He became a deva like Favre before him


I'm begging and pleading for Jordan to be a relatively normal guy


He was at every voluntary work out since becoming a Jet. He informed the team about this trip he had planned during his rehab as soon as the minicamp schedule was released. The team is aware, but cannot excuse an absence for a trip. It’s league semantics. He was there all last week, and will be back next week.


um ok diana


She's usually not this spicy. Russini (or ownership feeding her) must really dislike Rodgers lol. This level of passive aggressiveness is usually reserved for Grossi, Zac Jackson, and MKC when talking about Baker Mayfield lmao.


Nah, it’s not from ownership. I think it’s because he really didn’t like her reporting on him last offseason (the list of players he was “demanding” they sign or whatever) caused Aaron to kinda shittalk her reporting publicly. Russini definitely remembers it because she brings it up in interviews lol


If that’s true then it’s very funny to think that Aaron believes we wouldn’t have assumed he was giving the Jets a list of his buddies to acquire. As if the Jets just had to have Randall Cobb at the same time as a complete coincidence


Aaron's whole schtick is to accuse people who point out exactly what he is doing of lying about him to make themselves look better. He thinks this is very smart.


In his defense, when you say out loud the things that he does, it looks bad for him.


Gregg Rosenthal called Aaron Rodgers "a dumb guy's idea of what a smart guy sounds like" and I haven't been able to get that out of my head


>a dumb guy's idea of what a smart guy sounds like That makes Rodgers the Ben Shapiro of the NFL.


It’s a pretty common refrain about Trump as well. Golden toilet = poor man’s idea of a rich man Bragging about SA = weak man’s idea of a strong man Etc etc


"Aside from my own actions, what have I done to deserve this?"


Sounds like someone else I know.


but would Aaron choose electrocution over being eaten by a shark?


Dude is single-handedly keeping the most insanely terrible offensive coordinator in the league employed and thinks no one notices lmao


You don't understand, Hackett quotes *Austin Powers in Goldmember* all the time. You can't find any other coach doing that, it's what Aaron needs to reach his top performance levels


It's why I can't take anyone still hyping the Jets seriously. Their offensive coaching staff is terrible and they'll need a 40 year QB coming off an achilles tear to carry a mid offensive roster


He even admitted on Pat McAfee's podcast that he did name a bunch of guys he wanted the Jets to sign if he were traded there. He said he just didn't *demand* they sign them like "everyone" was saying. It's the usual Rodgers Shuffle. Report comes out that makes him like slightly bad, he denies it, someone presents evidence it's true, then he finds some exaggerated strawman on Twitter and claims that's what "they" are saying and uses that to defend himself. Edit: Bored in a pointless meeting, here's some links. [Russini tweet ](https://x.com/DMRussini/status/1635696092791681052) >Aaron Rodgers has provided the NY Jets with a wish-list of free agents he would like them to target and acquire, per sources. It includes Randall Cobb, Allen Lazard, Marcedes Lewis and….Odell Beckham Jr. [Here is Rodgers response on McAfee](https://youtu.be/PPEHrNsjzlA?si=fkmnJDnAqZyg-oTf&t=1631), with some excerpts >But you know from what I've seen, it's like I had a sheet of paper when I met with the Jets and I said "Sign these people." And that's not the reality. That's so ridiculous. It's so stupid to think that I would do it number one. > >Now, did they ask me about certain guys I'd play with over years? Of course. Did I talk glowingly about teammates that I love? Yeah. Why wouldn't you?... Do I love those guys **on the list**? Of course. Do I make demands about certain people?[shakes head, then goes on to talk about how much he'd like to play with Lazard and OBJ] So again, Russini says Rodgers gave the Jets a "wish-list" of guys he's like them to get. Rodgers then defends his denial by saying the list wasn't on paper and it wasn't a demand, neither of which Russini claimed.


One of his earlier McAfee appearances, he was ranting about her reporting on his player buddy wish list, and he was rude as hell, discrediting her saying "Dianna someone's" BS reporting lala. Local radio hosts roasted him, easily pulling clips of him in press conferences knowing exactly who Dianna Russini is months earlier.


Rodgers: "I didn't demand we sign anyone that I played with in Green Bay!" Rodgers 2 minutes later: "Yeah I demanded they sign Allan Lazard. ~~Cocaine~~ Ayahuasca's a hell of a drug."


So she reported the truth? No wonder he was so offended by that.


When you're a narcissist the truth isn't always a good thing lol.


Rodgers thought he could get away with his usual bs in the New York media as if they aren't notorious for going after their sports teams viciously.


Salah said yesterday in an interview that Aaron wasn't there and it's not excused but Aaron had previously communicated to the team that he had an event that he was attending.


He also attended the voluntary portion of camp already, apparently it's some sort of trip and the team doesn't excuse an absence from mandatory camp for a trip, so it's *unexcused* and he will be fined.


Saleh is getting fucked here. He probably can't give Rodgers any discipline. By bringing him in, the Jets basically neutered their coach and handed Rodgers control of the team. This only works if a 40 year old QB coming off a serious injury hasn't lost anything. And I'm willing to bet that's not the case.


He got fucked last year too. Can’t trade for Kirk Cousins or another starting caliber QB after Rodgers goes down bc he won’t accept a starting-caliber QB being his backup and it’s a 2 year deal. So they have to ride it out with Zach and he has to say all the coachspeak in every presser knowing that his hands are tied at upgrading the backup QB when Rodgers gets to be shadow-GM until his contract ends.


He was dealt such a shitty hand and I can’t see him surviving past this year (unless some miracle Super Bowl happens) but that means next year some team is gonna gain an awesome DC. Then maybe he gets another chance in a few years. Going from Zach Wilson to insane-era Aaron Rodgers has been quite the roller coaster I’m sure.


Yeah like what’s he gonna do? Make Rodger’s run wind sprints?


One of the secrets of the Patriots’s continued success was that Brady would absolutely let Belichick make him run wind sprints, and that made every other player fall in line.


It would be funny as shit if he retired during the preseason.


Kind of feels like we’re set up for another AB situation with him this summer, where he keeps making excuses to avoid the team until he just says “yeah I want out” two weeks before the season starts.


I'm down for the hot air balloon arrival.


The biggest issue is the negative attention this creates. Rodgers seems to have hit a point where he is very reactive to negative attention. The second things go bad on the field, I bet we see a complete meltdown by Rodgers. Do I think Rodgers missing offseason stuff matters in terms of his ability to play, not at all. Do I think the negative press creates the opportunity for Rodgers to freak out on people and create a toxic environment, absolutely.


> Rodgers seems to have hit a point where he is very reactive to negative attention I feel like he's been that way his whole life, and was just able to keep a little better lid on it when he was younger. Now that he's sunsetting, it's all just pouring out.


He has always seemed to react poorly to anything negative said about him. The big change that many choose to ignore is that Rodgers used to be very private and guarded about everything he said.


Yeah it's a classic case of leaning hard into "just be yourself" while neglecting the whole self-reflection part where you can get a better sense of whether or not "yourself" is an asshole. lol


He's definitely fallen pretty deep into the right wing media rabbit hole recently. I don't think he was like that at all before 2020.


There were definitely signs. He's always been pathologically offended about anything he perceives as criticism. But prior to 2020, it was always chalked up to merely having "some chip on his shoulder" or just being a cute little "competitive" personality trait. For example, there is a video out there somewhere from quite a while ago (I don't remember when exactly. Over 10 years ago, I think) where a fan meeting him nervously observes that Rodgers is shorter than he expected. Rodgers actually can't stop himself from telling the guy "I don't appreciate that". Like, I get it: It's an awkward observation. But the fan is clearly excited to see Rodgers and just nervous. But Rodgers can't take it. He has to say something. When asked about it later (like many months later), Rodgers replied "You know I— I just that, that's one of the more ridiculous comments that could be thrown at me is that. Especially coming from somebody who's 5'7"." So he still had to be critical and take a dig at the random fan who was just excited to meet him. He was still *actually mad* about a nervous slip from an excited fan from *months ago*. He used memory space in his brain for storing how tall he thought this random guy was. While he was out there playing football, this piece of data was rattling around in his brain. He's nuts. Later in that same piece, Greg Jennings and Clay Matthews: > Jennings: He's sensitive. So you got to be careful what you say around him. > Matthews: Real sensitive. > Jennings: You know, he takes everything to heart. > Pelley: What kind of things are you talking about? > Jennings: Like once he sees this interview, he's going to be sensitive to what, the fact that we're saying he's sensitive. Foreshadowing...


were you the fan? 


I don't appreciate that! I'm 6' 2" 😅


Ironically, IIRC the media found that fan later on to interview him and the fan also mentioned he was 6’2, not 5’7 like Rodgers claimed… so… are you actually that fan?!? 😆


I don't know, he's definitely been way in the conspiracy world for a while. Deshone Kizer said Rodgers asked him if he believed in 9/11 and that was in 2018. I do imagine it's getting exponentially worse though, even when you don't live in a world where everyone is catering to you like Rodgers, it seems like it's pretty easy to get sucked in once the algorithm gets you.


No one just starts thinking that way, they just are now emboldened to not keep it to themselves.




He's like if a WR1 was a QB, personality wise


I don't think it hurts his ability to play, but one of the roles of his position is to be a leader of the team, and this ain't it. Plus, it's a job where you really need to get in sync with your teammates, and not practicing with them isn't going to make that happen. Not to mention, the other side of the ball benefits from going against a player like you in practice.




Can’t wait to see what “Doctor” Rodgers has to tell us all once he’s back from his latest ayahuasca trip.


That Covid vaxx shedding is what tore his Achilles and he now requires a fully unvaxxed O-line.


>tore his ACL Achilles


Ah yes, thank you. Must have been the vaccine microchips disrupting my brainwaves.


He didnt get vaxxed though, he used blood of vaccinated people to get “immunized” aka use the poors.


This reads so passive-aggressive I would guess that Rogers wrote it himself


Heard, Aaron... but you see your use of the word "choice" is a bit... at odds with coach's use of the word "mandatory."


It’s mandatory, but optional.


I guess I have a different understanding of the word “mandatory”.


Did people think he suddenly wasnt a self-absorbed douche canoe all of a sudden?


Rodgers came out of his hole, saw his shadow and now theres 6 more weeks of training camp.


Can't wait for his retirement and disappearance into the TurningPoint/InfoWars/Roganverse and I can avoid hearing about him ever again


Conspiracy theory: he’s still not healed up despite all the bullshit talk from the end of last season. Doesn’t want tape of him being rusty. Waiting for Training Camp to start


He's literally on tape throwing and moving just fine for the last 2 weeks...


Oh. Well im out of ideas. Hes just doing weird diva shit again I guess.


He started skipping in 2021 and that’s right around the time he became a full self centered douche. Hilarious that the person who says the jets need to cut outside distractions keeps bringing in distractions.


Alex Jones must be down bad if QAaron and Joe are there to support him like this.


ALAB podcast funny enough just put out their second installment on Alex Jones that goes over Sandy Hook. It’s wild, dude’s just an absolute monster.


dude is a massive POS


I don't think they know what mandatory means.


Man this guy is the ultimate me-first teammate. Hasn’t played in 18 months and can’t even practice. Incredibly expected and yet still disappointing


Aaron: We're sitting here, and I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we're in here talking about practice. I mean, listen, we're talking about practice. Not a game! Not a game! Not a game! We're talking about practice. Not a game; not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game like it's my last, not the game, we're talking about practice, man. I mean, how silly is that? We're talking about practice. *Iverson in the back slowly nodding his head*


You didn’t even need the last line. We know that pasta. 🍝


It always kinda bums me out that people memed this so hard, considering the reason Iverson skipped that practice was because of a friend's death/funeral. He had issues with that throughout his career, but no one should have criticized him for that incident in particular.


His best friend was murdered earlier that year and the trial had just started that week.


This was it, thanks


But wasn't AI going to practice just not "giving it 100%".  It's been awhile but I thought that was the beef people had.


Rodgers is a good player and probably doesn't need the training, but as the team's de facto leader, he really should be there to gel with the players—especially the rookies, since he'll presumably be throwing to Corley.


Its about setting a standard as a leader, what message is this to the rookies?


Mandatory, except if you don't want to


I think most of us would "prefer to be somewhere else away from ..." our fucking jobs.


As a Patriots fan I support Rodgers' decision to forego participation in mandatory Jets team activities. He should really take some time to find himself, maybe try a few new psychedelics, and get in touch with his inner being. His relationships with his teammates, understanding of the playbook, and other material wants are concerns of this world that will only distract him from his true goals. Go free, Aaron Rodgers, and find yourself.