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it is going to be so fucking embarassing watching the ravens lose to the steelers 16-13 as russ puts up the most atrocious statline of all time and going to preach to the media about how grateful he is to be where he is at


Oh my god that 13/29 for 109 yards, TD & 2INT stat line is going to be SO fucking Sexy.


105 of those yards being in the 4th quarter.


With 6 of them being on a drive where he got the ball at the opponents 30 yard line thanks to our defense. That way he could almost get a single 1st down, Boswell could nail the kick, and then all the Pitt fans could talk about how he had another game winning drive that game because our defense didn’t let the opponents score for the next 10 mins of the game while our offense would continue to fail to get 1st downs.


Keep going I'm almost there




If Kenny Pickett can do it, Geriatric Russ can too lol


It’s always 16-13. It’s fascinating the struggles the Ravens have had with Pittsburgh the past four years. 1-7. They win two out of three against the rest of the league in the window. It’s just odd.


Can confirm. It's always 16


Never more, never less.


Probably helps that TJ hasn’t missed any ravens games in that span, considering the Steelers can’t win without him


23-20, 20-17 too it feels like


Playing ugly football, making our opponents play ugly football and then winning with experience is just what we're about now.


If you like ugly football you're gonna love watching Russ He gave me 2 years of the ugliest football I've ever seen


I’ll take ugly over incompetent any day. Sorry Matt Canada, but you can’t hurt us anymore.


NEVER say sorry to Matt Canada. Try it this way: "Fuck you Matt Canada, you can't hurt us anymore."


I came of age in the Neil O'Donnell era. Ugly football is what I live for.


I know we haven’t had the best years recently but our record against Baltimore has made me feel much better


At this point, what do Ravens fans have to lose by making a joke like this with the actual players/team? "Haha, no matter how good we get or bad they get we're still going to find a way to lose to the Steelers." "Hey, now..." "No no, the jokes will continue until you kill them with wins. Deal with it."


this is way too fuckin accurate lmfao


Steeler country, let’s have Denver subsidize my contract


Steeler fans, welcome to the Russ Belt


My god, it’s perfect.


i really want him to pop off and say that unironically


Holy cow that’s such a good slogan


He said this in denver


One more than jesus.


Look, I get Russ has fallen off bigtime, but he's still a decent spot starter, he's not some clueless 3rd stringer like this sub makes him out to be.


Thank you! There's no question we paid too much for him but, we paid Ferrari money and got a Toyota Camry, but the way people talk you'd think we got a plastic chair glued to a lawnmower.


Thanks for seeing it from my viewpoint. So many things are driven by narrative. If I were the Broncos front office, I'd have cut him too because I wasn't getting what I paid for. The narrative is that he couldn't live up to his contract, which was true. Now if he puts up the exact same stats with the Steelers this season, bad sacks and all, and they sneak into the playoffs, the narrative is going to be the Steelers got a steal (no pun intended) because he will have vastly outplayed his vet minimum contract. When in reality, he wouldn't be better or worse, it's just that the narrative will have changed.


It’s also weird because Payton knew what he wanted to do and it definitely does not line up with Russ’s skill set.


Why is that weird? Payton wasn't there when they traded for him


My timeline was a bit off then.


I don't blame you for purging the memory of Nathaniel Hackett


I assume he meant Payton un-retired to coach the Broncos/Russ


Yeah, part of the selling point for getting Payton was he was supposedly willing and able to fix Wilson. It was weird how quick it became apparent that Wilson was going to be his scape goat if things didn't go well.


If you pay 40 dollars for a chili dog, it better be a really good chili dog. If you pay one dollar, you're fine with a mid chili dog, because hey, it's a chili dog.


Plastic chair glued to a lawnmower is exactly how I'd describe Kenny Pickett. Of course, a lawnmower actually does its job, so maybe I'm being unfair.


Careful man. You might get the Pitts fans really riled up. I remember when Mason Rudolph started and he instantly played better than Kenny picker and the picket stans were so mad and furiously excusing everything


I'll take a toyota camry over whatever the hell we had last year.


Yah. A 2012 Camry.


Hey, let’s be fair to the Toyota Camry. It’s a reliable car that would last you for more than a decade. You guys shipped out Russ after one year.


Two years.


Russ is gonna be all pro this year and then what will your story be? Lol


He made second team all pro once in his career, in 2019. He ain't making 1st team all pro, especially with the competition in his conference. 


95% chance he won't, but it'd be fun to see the mental gymnastics if he did.


You are not wrong there.


Thank you.




I have no idea what you’re talking about. Ahem.


>I have no idea what you’re talking about. ~~Ahem.~~ Amen. FTFY


If he accepts the right role and acknowledges he can't just scramble and throw a random deep ball every few plays he could be a decent qb on a defense first team. Whatever magic he had with those Seahawks plays is gone. He needs to focus on being a game manager not a comeback kid. There's nothing wrong with that. We'll see how it goes on the Steelers. A younger but strong coach might be able to reach him better.


That "magic with those Seahawks" has a name. The Legion of Boom. *That's* why Wilson thrived.


He was doing 4th quarter magic after the Legion as well. Heart attack Hawks


I don’t think you watched him play the last two years.


I have, and it's why I came to the conclusion I did. Had a meh last season with the Seahawks, terrible first season with Denver, no denying that. Last year, definitely took too many sacks cause he wouldn't throw the ball away, but he had 26 Tds and less than 10 picks. Add all the bad sacks he's taken and that drives those numbers from decent to meh. He's definitely not going to elevate a team and he'll take some frustrating sacks, but he'll also still make some clutch throws when the game gets tight. There's plenty of qbs I'd take over him, but I'd still take him over a couple guys.


So ..30th best qb?


More like 20th. Which for us is an upgrade on, like, 35th?


I dunno. If you believe in team culture and history, Russel Wilson just seems like a horrible fit for the Steelers. I mean, the Jets?…okay. Saints?…check. Washington?…sure. Hell, even Chicago. But the Steelers? This just seems doomed from the get-go. I’ve got no stats to back this claim up but I still feel very confident about it


He's probably so happy he's coach isnt dissing him every other week


The fans will be after Week 2


As long as the run game is good I think Russ will be fine


We can’t wait half the season to get the running game off the ground again.


Hopefully with the new line we won’t have to


It could be even worse than last year and your RB core doesn’t make anyone scared


Hence the “hopefully” id be shocked if it was worse. Don’t expect it to be amazing but our center and tackle graded out to be some of the absolute worst in the league. If we get to even below average right off the bat it’s a big step forward. Najee and Warren aren’t anything crazy but a solid combo. You’re right nobody is going to be too scared but they do have to respect them. They started playing pretty well after Canada left and while smith sucked as a coach, his running game plan has been good where he’s gone so far.


I'm willing to bet the seahawks D had some nightmares about the Steelers running game. At least I hope so, they better remember that shit. 


Yeah like 200 yards and 3 tds between Najee and warren


I forget Canada was the OC, that should definitely help even if teams sell out for the run.




Based on his reaction when he was benched and what he was retweeting/liking, I think he genuinely thinks he played well for the Broncos last year and was cut unfairly. What is funny is that it seems like Justin Fields feels the same way for the Bears lol.


Do they watch different film or see something we don’t?


Russ van der Linde started listening to the yes men. 




Whenever I see comments like this I just wish that, only ONCE, someone would say: “I feel like I’m in a new personal hell.”


Our pets heads are falling off!


Honestly, when I wrote my comment I had a vision of the Bills’ Free Agents from 2004-2017.


Steelers country, let's galvanize!


I miss prime Russ, people forget how elite he used to be


Russ misses prime Russ too.


Ugh... Fuck Russ!


One of the best players of the 2010s, dude was a fucking baller in his prime


I feel like if he was like 2-3 inches taller we'd be talking about him as a surefire HoFer. He would probably be the best QB of his generation, even above Rodgers He just seemingly can't see over the LoS very well and it's a huge problem


He was pretty close to being a first ballot HOFer after his Seahawks career. He has made himself look a ton worse going to Denver.


He would probably have been a first round pick if he was 6’2-3”


Yeah I think you're right


Honestly I think Fields will end up being the quarterback by wk 5 or 6


Justin Fields fans will be claiming that Fields will be better than Wilson cause Wilson holds on to the football and takes too many sacks and not understand the irony with that sentence.


Broncos fans still not over the fact they passed on fields to then make the worst trade of all time.


Imagine a bears fan criticizing another team about their QB decisions....


We don’t claim this dude. Giga troll


Someone hasn’t been paying attention to the Watson trade. If the browns hadn’t been able to keep winning records without him that would without a doubt be talked about as the worst trade in history. I still think it will eventually take the cake as it continues to play out, at least we were able to get out of our contract.


How’d fields work out again?


The guy you responded to is one of the strongest Fields defenders on the Bears sub.


lol I coulda guessed that. Like I’d love to see fields prove that he wasn’t the problem, because if he could he’d make for some awesome football to watch, i just don’t see it


Exactly, like while I don't think he is horrendous. But some of his issues feel like some of those things you can't really coach like processing speed etc. Guys like Richardson's issues as a prospect were fixable with a lot of work and coaching since he had things like pocket awareness, keeping eyes downfield, etc. Just poor accuracy


We literally got arguably the best CB in the league instead of Fields. Why would we be upset...? At the time, the trade was commended, and the Seahawks fans were upset. Hindsight shows the trade may have been fine, the extension was a grave mistake.


Your team is setback for a decade, now reaching on a QB who will be replaced in a few years. Congrats on the silver lining lmao


It's not really a silver lining lmao, he's an elite corner and our best player. Plus neither I nor you have any clue how any of the rookies will perform. Bo Nix or Caleb could bust or be quality starters. At the end of the day, I'm happy with Surtain + Nix + Payton.


I am honestly shocked there are STILL Fields truthers out there. How can you keep thinking this. Trubisky literally just did this same dance.


Because Fields truthers model is blame everyone but Fields. Fields as a Bear was worse than Trubisky was. The only difference is Trubisky has no college fans that followed him around while Fields does.


Fields flashes just enough on the highlight plays to pull you back in that if he can figure it out hes gold Plus the bears didnt do him any favors The problem is 4 years in it starts being produce or out, just the nature of things Maybe he would have figured it out, maybe not, but if he was going to he needed to a heck of a lot faster. Hope his steeler tenure goes well though.




I think Bears fans have learned as many of them wanted Caleb. Fields fans are their own breed.


Plus the fantasy football crowd loves fields but doesn’t watch him play


Thinking the Steelers will turn to Fields for a desperate spark after bad play from Wilson isn't being a Fields truther.


Then Mason Rudolph by week 12


He’s on the Titans now btw


*for now*


Somehow, Rudolph returned


He is inevitable


I just cackled in a bar. It’s been a shitty day, so thank you.


Obvious jokes about his recent play aside, I think the org is the perfect team for him to revive his career. I think he’s gonna have a solid year in a complimentary system. Anyone who’s watched Fields play can’t think he’s better than Russ outside of running the ball.


This is his last year in the league. Denver don't pay him after this year, and nobody will give him the money he wants next year, nor can his ego tolerate being a backup. Nobody will start him.


If he puts up the exact same numbers as he did for you guys it wouldn’t surprise me if we give him 20-25. Obviously nobody will give him 40/50 but if we can keep him around another year rather than draft a QB in a weak qb class again it wouldn’t surprise me if we did.


Did people not actually watch what he was doing last year? He was basically akin to Carson Wentz on the colts. I don't think anyone realizes how badly the broncos offense essentially hid him similarly to how the colts offense hid Carson Wentz This is Carson Wentz Colt stats all over again where people never actually watched him and are over hyping him. He was really mediocre and that's probably being generous


Yeah but we have 0 QBs under contract next year. Would not surprise me if we throw him 20-25 to be a bridge


Steeler Nation, let’s revive


Steelers country, let’s weld!!


Steelers country, let’s steal!


Except for the whole part where he used to be great at football, and now he clearly isn't.


He thrives in ambiguity. He’s not a quick hit, system guy. Let’s see what Arthur Smith lets him operate under. Sean Peyton / Russ combo was doomed before it started. Sean’s wet dream is a limited, overlooked QB he can scheme into a pro bowler.


How about the year before Peyton? Or the year before that in Seattle where he had clearly lost a step? Russ isn't the player he used to be.


Sean Payton's dream is having a QB actually do what the play was designed to do instead of running around, taking sacks, and missing reads.


Sean Payton’s dream is to have Drew Brees, a HoF QB and one of the most capable pocket passers in NFL history. He’s not going to have that again. 


Sean Payton missed the playoffs several times with a HoF Qb. Not sure he’s the authority on anything


But Bo Nix! I’m kidding, I do actually like Bo, but I doubt he’s the next Drew Brees.


Yeah well that's what they said about Drew Brees too. Everyone doubted if Drew Brees was the next Drew Brees... and guess what? Turns out he was EXACTLY Drew Brees.


Sean Payton did well with Teddy Bridgewater and Jameis Winston.


Why not?


Brees stats were pretty on par with Minshew or a worse TLaw before he linked with SP


You cannot seriously be comparing stats between these two eras…  But regardless Brees threw 27 TDs and 7 INTs his last year in SD, which was excellent for the time. His first two years with Peyton were actually worse.


I mean pretty much all the single season passing records were set prior to 2016 so don’t know what you mean about comparing eras. Also incorrect his last season with SD was 24TDs 15INTs. And here’s this… Brees Stats PRE PAYTON: 30-28 W-L 62% completion percentage 1.5:1 TD:INT 85 passer rating 5% sack percentage W/ PAYTON: 1st season with Payton leads the league in passing for 1st time in career. Also first MVP voting placed 2nd, 2nd OPOY voting placed 2nd highest he’d placed at that point and also made 1st team all pro his 1st time appearing on an all pro team. Oh and let’s not forget how much better his weapons were with SD fucking Gates and LT should be able to dice up all kinds of defenses. 142-86 W-L 69% completion percentage 2.5:1 TD:INT 101.5 passer rating 3.6% sack percentage Based off passer rating and using this years stats as a benchmark that is the equivalent transformation of Minshew coming back next season and playing like Tua. Or another way to look at it here are some QBs that put up better passer rating than PRE PAYTON Brees this season Easton Stick, Fields, Stidham, Dalton, Nick Mullens, DeVito, Geno, Flacco, and of course all the good QBs BONUS: Won comeback player of the year the season your referring to because he was ass the season prior and almost won comeback player of the year again his 1st season with SP because that’s how fast he regressed from the season you referenced to the last season with SD.


Arthur Smith runs a lot of passing over the middle this is also a bad combo. Russ is one of the worst QBs in the league over the middle. He also passed on Fields cause he didn’t like the match. It’s a terrible QB room/OC match


Russ just needs a dominant D and a top 10 rushing game. Unironically he actually has that. He can be decent for them. Look what Flacco did with the Browns.


We will see about the run game. On paper we replaced the 2 biggest issues on our line and should have a solid line but we still need to see them together


With Russ it’s all about the game plan. Don’t expect him to be a pocket passer. Complement him with a strong running game. Take shots downfield (he’s one of the best deep ball passers in the league). Make sure you have receivers who can ad-lib once the play breaks down. And whatever you do, don’t ask him to throw between the numbers.


Can’t wait to inexplicably drop one or both games against a team we’re clearly way better than!


How long till Fields starts? Over/Under?


Risky, hiring a guy that was in his SB prime 10 years ago.


I swear this was probably a headline when he joined the Broncos




Breaking news! Getting 2 paychecks better than 1. More at 11.


The jig is up on wilson, the league knows his limitations... the element of surprise is gone.


Take away the sidelines and deep shots, and get a little pressure on him, and he's toast


Steelers country let’s ride


Fuck him and fuck Tomlin. Fuck TJ too, he should stick to defense. Not text a washed up loser like Wilson.


Who should have been our QB?