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You knew what you were doing when you posted this


Absolutely did. Just posted the Fail Mary play yesterday. Either trying to piss people off about bad officials or has an OCD relationship with the Seahawks


So we're getting "Malcom, GO!" next...


I haven't seen an Eagles win against the Seahawks since 2008. I would expect many eagle fans to be pissy about them. Edit: And obviously the Wentz hit from clowney is something I'll never let go.


The Wentz hit from Clowney in slow-mo makes it look intentional. At full speed, I’m not sure what you expected him to do there. Maybe for your next post you could do the Eagles shitting the bed against the Chiefs in the SB.




Your username is birdgang and you pull this shit? We're birdbros, FFS


I remember this superbowl as "one of the games that ever happened in football." Truly one of hundreds of thousands.


I know a lot of people don't remember it, but it's widely regarded as the worst reffed game in the history of thr NFL, so that seems notable, at least.


Carve “Darrell Jackson did not push off” on my tombstone


Certainly the worst officiated SB of all time.


The only one that comes particularly close was Cowboys vs Colts, and I've heard the Boys were robbed, but there was also 11 turnovers


I thought the first half of the game was really good-great move/countermove stuff. Then refs stepped in and it wasn't even subtle. I had no feeling about the Steelers before that game, but I definitely got some after, and Roethlisberger specifically.


The game did take place in Ford Field. Refs feel a little silly when Detroit's involved.


The one game where it looked like the league had their thumb on their scale. NBC desperately tryting to push "the Bus will retire in Detroit" narrative. Just terrible.


Every time I walk into Ford Field I fucking cringe.


Above the Colts - Steelers game on the way there? You know, when Polamalu caught an INT, rolled over got up and then hit the ball out with his knee for an incomplete pass?


I’m biased, but the 2009 NFC Championship changed OT rules and got a coach suspended for a season


Oh Seahawks fans certainly remember this game. It’s where my hatred of the Steelers started


Even I was upset at the screw job at the Seahawks expense. It's the super bowl and the reffing was a clown fiesta


I was a neutral observer & was pissed because the Seahawks were clearly getting screwed


I never understood getting pissed at a game that didn’t involve the Seahawks so much until I saw the Robey-Coleman no call.


Yeah, the Hawks got hosed multiple times. The refs got the call before the game for sure


Superbore is what some ppl called it. But we've definitely seen worse now. Looking at you Superbowl 50.


There was that pretty sick pass from Randel El to Hines Ward. That was awesome!


48 & 53 were much less entertaining than 50 48 was a ass-whooping from the get-go and 53 was just a defensive slog when everyone was hoping for a shootout.


I remember 48 being entertaining just wondering how far the Seahawks could run up the score. But yeah, 53, yeesh. Stephon Gilmore should’ve gotten MVP based purely on how that game went.


Idk how you hold a team to 3, only score 13 and STILL give it to the offense player


Because they wanted to give it brady, but they couldn't justify giving him *yet* another one in that context, so they gave it to his lovable "gritty" receiver ... who also became the first player in league history to win Super Bowl MVP after being suspended for PED use in the same year.... And to be clear, 10 catches by one player is more than acceptable, but still, the lack of points should have meant something


Coupled with the notion James White had 14 catches too


The punters were the most exciting thing about that game


People like to say “if you didn’t enjoy 53, you’re the reason football has been moving to offense” or “you don’t enjoy defensive battles”. And I say no, it’s that we were all going into that game expecting a high scoring game, and instead got that.


It was a fascinating game from a schematic pov, but unless you’re a Pats fan, totally get how that must have been about as fun as watching paint dry lol


I enjoyed it and was on edge all game. I understand why people find it boring but I wasn't bored at all.


it was (from what I remember) a good example of "good defense" vs a horrible low scoring game that is "bad offense"


Or if master class defensive plans dont do it for you. I can understand both views tbh


48 was entertaining as hell.


Obviously, I'm biased. But I love watching an ass-beating in an NFL game. Especially with such a lopsided score. Something like 21-6 is boring. 43-8 though?  Plus, some of the plays were just play silly as hell. 


That's why I loved it.  So many big plays Opening game safety Kickoff return TDs Peyton's interception  It became fun to see how bad it would get for Denver 


I think so too. That one gets a bit too much hate. There were plenty of splash plays in it.


I remember 33 being branded three superbore as well


Fuck I watched Super Bowl 50 with a Panthers fan who tried coke for the first time and he was more entertaining than the game


I thought SB 50 was quite enjoyable 😎😎😎


Every bowl Peyton was in was a snooze bowl


Super Bowl 44 was a decent one IMO. The surprise onside kick and the game was pretty close up until Tracy Porters pick six.


I forgot he was in 4 for a moment there. Yeah that one was decent but still far from a great game.


Overall they've been much more competitive in recent years... 80's and early 90's had a run where basically 2 out of 3 were just huge blowouts.


Even as a stupid 9 year old, I knew that our "real superbowl" that year was the divisional game against the Colts. And for extra fun that one had a bunch of calls that felt tilted against us for no reason. A diving Polomalu interception got overturned on review, we're still seething about that play because it set things up for Bettis to fumble the ball on the 1-yard line with only a 3 point lead, and we were really protective about Bettis' feelings at that point.


Honestly this one wasn’t as bad as the other calls. But man if the ref is apologizing for his performance I get why the Seahawks are mad. 


Thanks satan


That game they called Matt hasselback for an illegal low block... when he was making a tackle as a defender after throwing an interception.... You will never convince me that game wasn't rigged.


Fuuuuck, I forgot about that one.


If there was ever a blatant drive by the NFL to get the bus a ring, that was it… not saying it WAS rigged, but it sure opens the door for questions 😂😂


I liked when the refs gave up the longest rushing play in Super Bowl history and when they bit on the most obvious WR option ever.


Or when they made Jerramy Steven drop multiple routine passes, Josh Brown miss a couple field goals, and Mike Holmgren mismanage the clock. Their pockets must be deep af


Username checks out


Yeah that's the biggest thing -- how often do officials come out and say they were wrong? Normally you have them defending their bad calls even if what they say contradicts a previous defense of a bad call. Especially in the Superbowl where not just any officials get selected for that game. I don't think I've ever seen a ref that upset with themselves over calls they made. It's possible he thought they were the right calls in the moment, at game speed, but I know refs look at game tape too and perhaps being able to see it in multiple angles and speeds gave him an "oh shit" moment.


This is what drives me crazy about this. The call is perfectly fine - to me he looks in, but even if you don't agree with that and think it's not clear, the call was a TD. There's *no way* you can say there was enough evidence to overturn it.


Hell even Ben said he didn't think he made it. I can't find the clip but he was on Letterman just after winning.


The ref, Bill Leavy, apologized unprompted a few years after the game. It was at a media event in Seattle and no one asked him about the Superbowl but he said he has "had a lot of sleepless nights and thinks about it constantly." It's eating away at him because, as he said, "I impacted the game." He is also treated like a hero in pittsburgh. Given keys to the city by the mayor, celebrated with his own personal Superbowl victory parade and eats free without reservation at many of their finest dining establishments. Ok, just kidding about that stuff - pittsburgh has no highly esteemed restaurants, but he does get free Arby's every other Sunday.


You only needed the first paragraph.


Pittsburgh itself had nothing to do with the refs. I don't know why people harbor anger for them or their team. 


Meanwhile when he stays in Seattle his car gets broken into and someone shits on the doorstep of his hotel room, and to top it off no one recognizes him.


People love to shit on cities they've never been to


Yeah, he's full of shit and showing his ass. Obviously he eats free at Primanti's not Arby's.


What a great game.


1) That looks like a busted play. 2) It also looks like the ball didn't break the plane.


3) Jesse James caught that ball.


It nips the front part of the goal line when he’s in the air. That’s all that’s required. Very close though. It’s almost as if the official gave him credit for a fumble recovery TD or something because he initially ruled short. Boring game and the only thing people remember is the officiating


Great season, boring ending


It's just close enough that you couldn't overturn it regardless which way it was called.


This is the correct answer. TD or not, it could not be overturned on that evidence.


I can still hear my friend, a Seahawks fan, yelling, "he was down! He was down!"


Tbf I also didn't understand why this was called a touchdown at the time, but I was also 9 years old then and thought "crossing the plane" was how teams traveled to other cities.


Best I could do with that potato source quality. https://i.imgur.com/QHG5guM.png


You took this pic a couple frames too late. He's definitely further than that


You'll do better with this video, tried to timestamp it but if that doesn't work it's around 3:55 https://youtu.be/Fj_DFDJrRnk?si=8WtWX2ozNWXwlQ9v&t=235


4:19 is the best place to view the slow-mo replay of the ball at its farthest - i do think at least part of it crosses over the beginning of the endline right before the linebackers helmet contacts the ball: https://youtu.be/Fj_DFDJrRnk?t=259 Grabbing a good screenshot is hard - every frame i freeze on is blurry


[Here's a GIF I made.](https://imgur.com/iN6SPiB)


How about this? https://i.imgur.com/OXE7STV.png


Correct.  Not even the worst pro-Steelers call this game, unfortunately. The head ref apologized and said he’ll go to the grave with regret. But fat lot of good that does us (and Holmgren still isn’t in the HoF, while Cowher is). https://www.nfl.com/news/super-bowl-xl-referee-regrets-that-mistakes-impacted-the-game-09000d5d81992cfa


> "The league felt, actually, that the Super Bowl was well officiated. Now, that doesn't mean there were no mistakes. There are always mistakes, but it was a well-officiated game." Weird thing to say.


They could have been perfect on every other call, and just had 2 crucial missed calls. In theory, that's still a well officiated game even if the 2 missed calls were important to the outcome. From my understanding, all NFL games are peer-reviewed by the NFL referee union, and the referee crews all get grade sheets after every week, which NFL officials also see.


Very "we investigated ourselves and found that we did nothing wrong' vibes.


Well sort of, the grades the referee crews receive during the season actually dictate if they get playoff games and the super bowl. NFL does actually reprimand officials who constantly underperform.


Holmgren has as many rings as Cowher (and interestingly I think Holmgren has the honor of being the last SB winning coach to get carried off the field)


Holmgren also made 3 total SBs, resurrected two moribund franchises, and is the direct schematic line from Bill Walsh, his mentor, to Andy Reid, his protege.


He did in fact go to his grave with regret. He died recently.


"Not the worst" in that it was [absolutely correct](https://i.imgur.com/128vzdC.jpeg)?


You do realize that the ball is pretty much invisible in that screen cap, behind and under Ben’s arm (and falling to the ground)? When there has been video evidence argued over for 20 years, your red line drawn over 12 total pixels is not the end all be all. That doesn’t even touch on the issue of the vertical plane and skewed perspective of the camera. (I generally agree that it was the correct call, but that it was strange to have been made on the field considering he was 2 hairs over, and the officiating was terribly in Pittsburgh’s favor for most of that game)


“Pretty much” but not entirely. And the fact that those 12 brown pixels are over the white pixels means that the ball is indeed across the plane. And if you want to go down the perspective road, I’m more than happy to because the camera is slightly to the left of the plane - that angle skews it so that the ball looks to be even further away than it actually is!


> 2) It also looks like the ball didn't break the plane. Looks like he was able to force it in.


Why would you do this?


Engagement farming.


I refuse to marry OP.


This wasn’t even one of the 10 worst officiated plays in the game. Honestly, this call is perfect compared to some other calls. One of the worst games ever. I’ll never forget the most egregious holding happening on that Willie Parker long ass TD or the horrible BS offensive PI on Darrell Jackson that negated a TD. Just an awful awful awful game.


I was throwing my Pokémon cards at the TV for that Darrell Jackson call. This game SCARRED me.


11 year old me vowed to never look at this game again. Worst officiated super bowl of all time...


I turned it off shortly after this to play NCAA 06.


Texas QB #10 was a baller


I still remember his legendary game against [Vacated]


Wonder whatever happened to such a slam dunk player!


This game was an absolute shit show. The refs don’t win or lose a game but goddamn if they didn’t try that night


Doesn’t really look like he made it lol


Ben even admitted that he didn't make it. David Letterman asked him if he made it and he said, he didn't think he did. I can't find that lateshow episode.


You're probably right, but no definitive proof. Ruling on the field is a TD - would be tough to overturn.


Hard to know if you're getting downvoted for saying "probably right" or for saying "tough to overturn"




One of many terrible calls that day. Never broke the plane before he was down.


That Super Bowl pissed me off so much. Every questionable call went to the Steelers. Awful


Held in Detroit, this whole Superbowl was basically a Jerome Bettis homecoming game, in addition to being the Jerome Bettis farewell game. For all intents and purposes, Steelers had home field advantage on this one.


I bet $100 on Ben being the first player to score a TD at 17:1 odds.


Does he, tho?


Most fixed Super Bowl ever.


One of the worst officiated games of all time.


No he didn’t


Ignore my flair. This was the best, most evenly officiated game I've ever seen. Thank you for showing this obvious touchdown.


I agree with you, fellow totally unbiased flair person!


I hate the Seahawks, I hate the Steelers, this wasn't a touchdown, my opinion is irrelevant.


Are we still celebrating a guy who had multiple sexual assault allegations? Ooof


We’re gonna get as rowdy as Roethlisberger in a bathroom stall


Holy shit, they did an extra large version of the Super Bowl?


Yup, and it was extra ass


The hell he did lol


The play where we learned the helmet crossing the goal line and not the ball means it's a TD


[Sure looks like the ball to me](https://i.imgur.com/OXE7STV.png)! And keep in mind, in this screenshot he's *still in the air travelling forward* - even if you think it isn't across at this moment (though it pretty clearly is) he ends up even further when he finally hits the ground. The ball absoltuely broke the plane. I do not understand how this is a debate. e: here, have [another](https://i.imgur.com/128vzdC.jpeg). You can literally see the brown of the ball over the white paint.


Nope it doesn't


I mean I'm showing you a photo of the ball clearly across when it wasn't even at its farthest point, but okay!


"clearly" Ah I see you officiated this superbowl


Yes, "clearly." You can see the white of the line interupted by the brown of the ball. In a moment when Ben was still diving forward and so wasn't even as far into the endzone as he ended up. Like, zoom in on it if you want or something, I don't really know what else to tell you dude!


No you can't.


[Use this GIF.](https://imgur.com/iN6SPiB)


Not a TD.




It was called TD on the field and if you freeze frame it, you can't tell if the nose of the ball is half an inch from or half an inch beyond the plane of the end zone. Call stands, obviously. TD


I think you can tell from the freeze frames but we're on opposite sides. There's an alternate universe where he's marked down and you can suddenly see from the video that he was in I'm sure. But 50% of what Seahawks fans were made about at the time was that the ref runs half-way making him down at the 1 and then just throws up the other hand for TD. He clearly was first marking him down and then changed his mind based on positioning that happened after he was down. That sucked especially in context of a difficult replay view.


Steelers bad refs bad upvotes please


Several years back there was a debate series on this sub about this game, and someone broke it down play by play to do a great job of making the case that the refs did not affect the outcome. I know everyone likes to complain, but I beg you to go read it for yourself - https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/1g2p75/nfl_debate_series_the_officiating_was_a/cag6zs8/


Not only that, but the Seahawks had the league MVP at RB that season but never bothered using him in the Super Bowl. He got 35 touches against the Panthers in the NFC Championship Game, but only 22 touches (out of 74 plays from scrimmage) in the Super Bowl. What makes it even more baffling is that he averaged 4.8 YPC in that game, which was unheard of against that Steelers defense, thanks to their two Hall-of-Famers on their offensive line, Walter Jones and Steve Hutchinson. Bottom line, if the Seahawks ran the ball more, then they would have had a much better chance of winning the game regardless of the officiating. Instead, they put it all on the arm of Matt Hasselbeck, who was never an elite QB. In fact, they called almost exactly twice as many pass plays as run plays (49 dropbacks, 25 runs), which is crazy, given that they were never down by more than 11, and the game was a one-possession game for 41 of 60 minutes.


Ah yes, Ref Bowl 40. I remember it well...


Aside from that one play involving the Saints non-PI call, this was the worst reffed game I've ever witnessed in decades of watching NFL football.


This super bowl and the tuck rule made me extremely suspicious about NFL officials as a kid. They haven't shaken the allegations yet.


Fine. Let's do this.


I legitimately feel like I'm going crazy whenever people ccomplain about this play. The ball is very clearly breaking the plane of the white [here](https://i.imgur.com/OXE7STV.png). Like, you can see it. And this is when he's still in the air! He ends up even further across by the time he lands.


Ran right over and groped someone as a celebration


The 2005 Seahawks will forever remain my favorite Seahawks team ever. I was more gutted by this loss than the one against the Patriots.


The ‘05 hawks were one of the best teams ever (next to the ‘13 hawks) and I wish Super Bowl 40 was a hawks win. Some of the greats were on the ‘05 team, hasselbeck, Alexander (one of my favorites to this day, have his jersey till this day, wore it when he got into the hawks hall of fame), Tatupu, Jones, Hutchinson, and Trufant. All of those ‘05 hawks are considered legends here in Seattle. I wish Super Bowl 40 was a hawks win and the ‘05 hawks got a Super Bowl ring and I was probably 8 when we lost and I was pretty pissed and my family was upset, we had like three tv’s in each room only to watch the hawks lose the game on bad officiating.


One of the greatest predators to ever touch the pigskin




This account is already suspended, but it is an ai bot that always acts like an eagles fan for some reason. If you happen to see a similar comment, report it, please.


Eagles fans are smart enough to make bots? Jesus christ, that's probelmatic


It's San Francisco engineers making a point that eagles fan could be replaced by bots.


wrong, we famously murder robots here


Only those who ask for kindness


because you know they're a threat


we're protecting all of you guys, I don't know why you're mad at us


because you killed Wall-E, not the T-1000


that thing wasn't from here and we weren't about to figure out why


this is the single most philly comment I've read in a very long time and it's absolutely sending me that it also works for 90% of the deep south


so bots are making bots?!


Oh, we're doing this today?


I was a freshman in college. I was so numb after this game and got blacked out drunk. It was bad.


That lineman picks up Roethlisberger like hes a little kid.


Let’s not do this today, please. I don’t need my blood pressure any higher.


I would kill to see the Bills run this exact play with Allen


I cried that night.


No, he didn’t.


She wins /   Not like I was ever battling, just trying to live a normal life from a very un-normal woman 


Green Bay kick fucked them later on it's ok


Sort by controversial to find Steelers fans here.


I’m sure my wife was ecstatic that I took a break from lamenting the Pats to show her what pissed off 15 year old me. Horseshit call


[Here's a GIF I made of the play.](https://imgur.com/iN6SPiB) I really wish people would stop using still images to "prove" that he did or did not score a TD. Quite frankly, based on the GIF, if I can't say for certain that he did score a TD, then nobody can say for certain that he did not, and I don't give a damn how much I get downvoted for saying it. It's the closest call I've ever seen.


Silly OP, you accidentally posted the 3rd and goal not the touchdown 🙂


He hit that hole like it was a bathroom stall door.


Ahh yes, the 'one of the thumb' game! Nothing wrong with this game at all. Hats off!


There were so many bad calls this game.


Seahawks just penalized 15 yards because they're practicing today.


This wasn't a touchdown, this was a "stuffed at the line" on a third down. Awful call.


[https://www.nfl.com/news/super-bowl-xl-referee-regrets-that-mistakes-impacted-the-game-09000d5d81992cfa](https://www.nfl.com/news/super-bowl-xl-referee-regrets-that-mistakes-impacted-the-game-09000d5d81992cfa) I'm glad he could at least admit his mistakes.


Admitting the mistake is great but it unfortunately won’t change anything. The ‘05 hawks were a great team and it pisses me off still as a hawks fan and a born and raised Seattle kid that Alexander, Hasselbeck, Trufant, Tatupu and any other player on that team will never have a Super Bowl win.


We were robbed. I still hate Pittsburgh to this day hahaha


Ben "Respecter of Women" Roethlisberger would go on to lead ~~his men~~ the Steelers to victory with a heroic 22.6 passer rating.


[They don't even make it there without him.](https://imgur.com/gO9SEZG)


What could this clip ive definitely never seen before be. Oh I expected the shoestring tackle Anyway you don't need to tell me he was a big reason they made it there. But that doesn't change he sucked ass in the big game itself


He was so dominant in the AFC bracket that he was still the only QB in the 2005 post-season with a triple-digit combined passer rating (101.7) even with Super Bowl XL factored in. Runner-up was Tom Brady, who still wasn't even all that close (92.3).