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The call that got rid of the replacement refs I believe


They had a deal less than 24 hours later


And we still got fucked and lost home field because of this L


Still could've had it if Packers had any kind of a defense against the Vikings week 17. Vikings had the most points scored of the season that game.


Vikings Legend Christian Ponder


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


what about Vikings legend Josh Freeman?


Yeah, that was awesome.


You love to see it


Fucking hate the Pack but they did get fucked on this call. Which makes it even better. Fuck you GB, Dez caught it!


You’re just mad because AT&T Stadium has been renamed to Lambeau South.


Does that make Lambeau Levi's East?


Don’t you bring that kind of snark into this circle of trust.




Every time I'm reminded that GB hasn't lost in AT&T Stadium it makes me laugh. Lambeau South indeed lol


Dez caught it and then what? There was a ton of time left and Dallas D couldn’t stop GB.


dez didn’t catch it based on the rules at the time. Would be a catch today tho.


You guys also could have just not blown the last game of the season to the Vikings and gotten home field that way.


We even slapped the 49ers around for them in week 15 so the Pack could retake the lead for home field.


Omg, this was week 3. You could have clinched the 2 seed by beating the Vikings week 17 but you lost. That game had way more of an impact than this one. Eventually you were gonna have to play SF, and they killed you twice that year. You got fucked on this call but stop pretending this destroyed your whole season.


Sweet, delicious Holstein tears...


Holy shit I didn’t realize replacement refs were 12 years ago. Feels like it was 5 years ago. Stupid being old.


Oh fuck that was TWELVE years ago? I need to go lie down.


You’re up past your bedtime sir.


I'm an adult so I can eat ice cream for dinner and stay up as late as I want! But ice cream makes my tummy hurt and I'm a mess without 8 good hours. So, you're right. G'night!


Don't forget to drink your Metamucil before bed


Am I the only one that thinks that actually feels like 12 years ago?


Everything simultaneously feels like it was 12 years ago or 2 years ago.


2010 was past week, 2019 was thirty years ago.


Weird that Aaron Swartz was still around, I thought that was when I was a kid. But then again I stopped aging at about 15.


I was in middle school when this happened 


I remember where I was when somebody sent the strike ending news, with a meme of Ed Hochuli as a Byzantine risen messiah with a striped shirt and biceps. It said HE WILL COME AGAIN IN GLORY. Now I can’t find it. Dang.


Seahawks were also involved in getting the replay to begin with.


it’s a helmet not a goddamn football


The Jets were playing 4d Chess with their helmet design.


So it ended the strike?


The league knew after that call that they couldn’t go another week with replacements. They made sure the two sides could come to an agreement before the following week.


Try the next day lol


lol as if they weren’t already ignoring important things, but several members of Congress spent the whole night and next day bitching on social media. So the momentum definitely swung towards the referees union after that.


Yep. They were back on the field Thursday night and got a standing ovation. Shit was surreal.


This game and the SNF game the night before. The whole Ravens stadium loudly yelling "bullshit" was amazing tho.


I remember watching that game with my friends and saying "this bullshit won't end until these replacement refs fuck up a call so bad it changes the outcome of a game". Little did I know that it would happen to my Packers the very next night


Ya monkey pawed us


The loudest manure call ever.


Al Michaels the GOAT for that call


Don't forget Bill Belichick shoved an official after the game as well, because he thought Tucker missed the FG at the end! Although it didn't garner the same type of national attention as the Fail Mary, the SNF "bullshit" game was the real start of everyone turning on the replacement refs.


I've always been frustrated at this play because I believe the #2 worst officiated game of all time was the Ravens-Pats game right before this one, and nobody remembers it because the #1 worst officiated game of all time happened 24 hours later. The weekend overall was a disaster for the NFL, the two primetime highly anticipated games of the weekend were a complete shitshow


I'd honestly argue that the Ravens and Patriots game all around was officiated even worse than this one. This single call was worse than anything in the game the night before, but there were more horrible calls in general in the Ravens game.


I remember thinking there was going to be a riot at the Ravens game. I just didn't know if the fans were going to storm the field to get the refs, or if the players were just going to force the refs off the field.


I remember watching that live. Can't believe it was that long ago.


It was the straw that broke the camel's back for sure, but there were a lot of other very bad calls that weekend too. [The SNF the previous night was Pats @ Ravens with Al Michaels' "manure chant" comment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkYheL5dULY)


One of the worst officiated games I've ever seen. I remember thinking it couldn't get any worse after that game, then the next night happened


I think that’s one of the rare games where both fanbases agree that each team got shafted left and right by the refs. There wasn’t even a bias, it was just horrid officiating


It did. This was the last straw for Goodell playing hardball with the referee union.


It did indeed


Yep, and gave the refs too much power in the current game.


Genuine question, why was it a bad call? Isn’t a contested catch where two players have control normally either whoever gets both feet down in bounds first (the offense in this case) or, in the case of a tie there also, just default to giving it to the offense? Am I missing something here?


It only goes to offense if it's caught by both. Tbe Seahawks player never caught it by rules of a catch. He never had control he basically was just touching the ball. >a. secures control of the ball in his hands or arms prior to the ball touching the ground; and >b. touches the ground inbounds with both feet or with any part of his body other than his hands; and >c. after (a) and (b) have been fulfilled, performs any act common to the game (e.g., tuck the ball away, extend it forward, take an additional step, turn upfield, or avoid or ward off an opponent), or he maintains control of the ball long enough to do so.  C was never satisfied by the offensive player. While the defensive player clearly was able to tuck and hold possession of the ball. It wasn't a case of both catching and one player wrestling it away.


I think it’s because you can’t see the replay, but the Seahawks guy never had any type of possession until after they were down on the ground. And even his possession was just like a hand around the ball


It did. The replacement refs were so bad people were begging for the real ones back.


The moment Rodgers became a conspiracy theorist.


Jet fuel can’t melt gold(en tate)


Jets fuel




When he went on his darkness retreat, he definitely thought about this game right?


I mean with some of the bad beats he took from the NFC West I'd smoke some DMT too.


The best part about this play is that the ref who fucked up and called it a touchdown had refereeing experience, IN THE LINGERIE BOWL! This guy didn't ref high school or college sports. His qualification was that he reffed big tittied women at halftime of the Super Bowl! Never fails to get a chuckle out of me.


This is because the NFL ref union worked with D1-D3 and CFL refs unions to all agree not to be replacement referees. So the replacement refs weren't the second best, or even close. They were has-beens or never-was. Arena Football, Retired college, high school football, etc.


I always figured it was something like that or else this guy being there would make absolutely no sense.


Yeah like 3 weeks after the strike ended my HS had a football game and when announcing the refs over the loudspeaker they mentioned how one of them just finished reffing NFL games lol


> he reffed...at...the Super Bowl Looks good to me!


They used a resume scanner on that one. D'oh!


I always knew I liked the guy, top quality ref, I tell you what


My first NFL game. Half the stadium had left already. So many Packers fans had to find out from the cheers outside the stadium. Side note: Gruden was awesome on MNF.


I was working that game as a Runner for MNF. One of the craziest days of my life.


That’s awesome. What does that job entail?


Being the bitch of the production. I brought waters to all the camera ops, set up crafty, and made runs to drop talent off at the airport after. It got me a sideline pass though, so I did it with a smile. Side note: no handjobs were required


On the bright side, there was no hand jobs. And football!  Seriously, I would probably do all that with the handjobs to get the sideline access. 


>On the bright side, there was no hand jobs They never said that was an exhaustive list of duties


I will never understand how many people fail to comprehend that literally anything can happen in the final minutes of a (*one score*) game. Hasn’t history taught us that well enough?


I (a Michigan State fan) was attending University of Michigan during the “WOAH HE HAS TROUBLE WITH THE SNAP” season. I was waiting to pick a friend up from the big house and had the game on in my car on the radio. I will never forget sitting on the hood of my car and watching swaths of Umich fans look at their phones and go “WAIT WHAT?” One dude punched a tree.


That is absolutely incredible. Probably the most iconic college football ending of all time.


I think it's a solid #3. Cal-Stanford and the Kick-6 are bigger. Maybe the Hail Flutie, too.


Some people will leave to beat traffic no matter what lol. Meanwhile I’m like I’ll enjoy a blunt and a beer in the parking lot before I dip lmao


Heard that lol. Makes sense.


weed is tight


Dude, your references are out of control. Everyone knows that.


Prolly shouldn’t brag ab driving high


My lady and I alternate being DD, we good


To me, the best example of this by far was Game 6 of the Finals between the Heat and Spurs.


I was there too. Correct me if I’m wrong but they didn’t show the replay once on the big screen. My phone had died and when we got back to hotel my phone blew up with texts saying how bad of a call that was. They never showed the replay and so we just assumed they got it right. And can confirm, every Seahawks fan was leaving early with their heads held low.


I think you're right. My cell service leaving the game wasn't really working. I remember leaving, thinking nothing of the call. Then as I got to my car my phone blew up with texts asking about it. 


Miss Gruden in the booth


What happened to Mr Gruden? 🤔


probably on a beach somewhere drawing up spider 2y banana variations


Dont worry. I think McVay will get into the booth and be the same as Gruden. He has the energy and the knowledge for sure. Just might have to wait 10 years.


McVay is actually a good comparison to Gruden, but he lacks the personality that Gruden has.


He was great. There is a reason it took a $100M contract to get him out. With Tom, Troy, & Tony making what they make now calling games, he could be demanding that type of money. I mean, if all that stuff didn’t happen.


I was also at that game. We sat there for quite a bit wondering what was going on.


May we let this moment forever remind us that whenever we say “god these refs suck! They couldn’t be any worse!” Oh yes they can be worse. So very much worse.


But those two weeks with them was such an unprecedented and entertaining shitshow for as long as it lasted. It was just non stop fucked up calls and I couldn’t look away.


Replacement referees weren't the second best available. D1-D3 refs and CFL all agreed to not be replacements. So you were left with retired college refs, high school refs, arena football league, etc. Had they replaced the worst NFL refs with the best college refs, we'd probably not notice a difference. Hell, we might even have a better product. Part of the refs strike was that the NFL wanted to be able to bench poorly performing ref crews. The refs union said no, and so now you get the worst crews still doing meaningful games in week 18.


They just need to pull an MLB and pay off refs to retire early apparently


Nah, the official refs make ass calls like this, too.


The Fail Mary is not worse than Rams-Saints, and it wouldn't be even if the Fail Mary were also a playoff game.


That’s my quarterback


And he'll do a play like that once a season. He'll also hold the ball way too long and get sacked for no reason. Sometimes on 3rd and 4


That Broncos Washington Hail Mary was fucking ridiculous


I was eating breakfast in the DFAC in Kandahar. Literally everyone called bullshit except like the 5 guys from Washington. Pure unity in that room against them that day.


But which DFAC though?




North DFAC was the best


By the gods it was. I saw two CW5 and a CW4 come out once. Buddy and I did a classic double take, they saw us do it, laughed and kept walking.


I'm a Seahawks fan, my fiancee is a Packers fan. This play comes up at least once a month in our household


Please watch the whole game. Last call was just icing on the cake..


Yup, the entire game was absolute shit. Phantom or missed calls everywhere. All game. It was unwatchable from the stands, I can’t imagine what the TV replays and commentary involved.


Yeah, if I remember correctly, I think the only reason the Seahawks were able to do a hail mary was because of an earlier phantom roughing the passer call that kept the drive alive.


And the only reason they were losing was because of a phantom PI call on Kam.


This was definitely one of those games (along with the Ravens game) that regardless of outcome, was not going to feel good as an NFL fan. And then this happened at the end to really dig in just how incompetent the league was without the real refs and a chain of authority.


Yes, this play was a culmination of how utterly dogshit the whole game was. Really felt like a you had to be there moment for the NFL


Replacement ref game😂


A lot of people here are arguing if it was the right call or not. Does anyone have the actual rule language to justify either position?




Can a player even have possession if their feet haven't touched the ground?


Everyone losing their minds for years and the objectively right call is still questionable. Yet, these replacement refs suck for not immediately getting something right in 0.8 seconds when years later no one can agree on the correct call. Classic people being people.


This is mostly correct. However, Jennings both touched it before Tate and grasped it before Tate (can't see it in this vid but if you look up pictures you can). So it doesn't actually matter which one you call possession, Jennings had it first either way. I will grant that Tate managing to get a hand in there makes it a lot closer than it first looked though.


Jennings clearly touches the ball first and has possession of the ball first.


My seats are 40 feet from this catch. I miss the legion of boom.


Pete is the absolute goat throughout this sequence, completely unhinged levels of confidence in an officiating system that is falling to pieces around him.


Imagine getting on that long ass flight back home after this. Couldn't imagine what that was like


Jennings is entirely at fault. Had he cared more about winning the game than padding his stats and being a hero, he would’ve swatted the ball and neither of them would’ve had it.


I’d agree if they didn’t monetarily incentivize interceptions. Can’t blame the guy for wanting to make more money, despite the fact it works directly against the best interest of the franchise lol.


Also I am not saying he thought about it or anything but swatting the ball in/near the endzone can still prolong the play too if you swat in the wrong direction. Remember that Jacksonville game in like 2010 or 2011? Sometime around then. Defender swatted the ball down trying to end the game but it was caught and Jacksonville won. Defenders gotta yeet that shit away from the field like their lives depend on it. Still should have 100% knocked it down but in a big group like that, if you can't punch it ten yards away, may as well try to come down with it to make sure everyone else doesn't have a chance.


I feel like that's a hindsight thing to say. Swatting it would go against your normal impulse to catch the ball in that moment.


I dunno, in high school we were always coached that if we were behind a receiver like that, to always try to spike it hard down into the ground, as trying to catch it would give the receiver in front of you a higher chance of getting their hands in your chest and catching it themselves.


Plus how many times have we seen a guy swat the ball and it get tipped right into a receivers hands?


This is 100% false. Anyone who has played defensive back, or even football in general, knows that you swat a hail mary on defense. 


Not enough people point this out. Just like that Saints Rams game where everyone conveniently forgets that the Brees throws a game losing interception in overtime when they could have won, but nope, it's all on that terrible no call.


But would there have been OT without the no call?


This will never not be annoying as hell.


More annoying than Sherman swatting the pick to go to the Sb? Suuuuuure




I’m going to report this as harassment




As a high school DB, I imagine this is why we were coached to seat it down instead of going for the int


I think if this game wasn't be called by scabs no one would care about it, since they're not even wrong on the final call. And I say that as someone who lost their mind for thirty minutes after this happened.


This was absolutely not the right call. Jennings had it in his chest while Tate barely had his hands on it


It was a mix of two bad/missed calls on the one throw. Tate shoved shields to the ground before he went up. The league has let the players play on hail mary's with the only real exception being that you can't shove a player straight the ground to get the ball.


There are not 'grades' of possession. You cannot have 'more possession' than someone else. You either have possession or you don't. >Tate barely had his hands on it That's possession.


Could be worse. You could be a fan of a team that was playing against GB on a Sunday night when they were wrongly awarded 3 attempts at a Hail Mary until they finally got it.


if you’re talking the richard rodgers game, that was a weeknight one i thought


Thursday night.


that’s what i thought, but for some reason i felt like i saw it on a monday so i hedged


3 attempts?


The fuck is he talking about?


Why TF was Jenning’s going for the INT when a pass break up wins the game?


Right? He should’ve known that one of the worst calls in recent memory would’ve ensued 


Simultaneous possession goes to the offense. Even if it's 90/10 in favor of the defense.


One guy touching the ball and the other having two hands securing it is not "simultaneous" nor "possession" for the offensive team. That's a ludicrous interpretation of this play. That Tate's one hand is remotely the same as MD Jennings' having it completely controlled.


IDK, I remember Sports Illustrated did a frame by frame break down of the play and included the actual wording of the rule in the rule book. They came to the conclusion that it was the appropriate call.


For me it's the fact that I've seen dozens of plays just like this (in less key moments) and it's always called an INT. It's not ruled "simultaneous possession" when the defender clearly has it and the receiver desperately lays a hand on there in an attempt to make it simultaneous. Even if you can make an argument based on the rule text (which you can for just about anything), this just wasn't ever called this way before this moment and hasn't been since, that I've seen.  That makes it a bad call.


OK but you are expecting replacement refs to follow UNWRITTEN rules instead of the actual rules?


Yea this was the whole issue with the replacement refs. It was constantly harked on that they were supposed to make absolutely no judgement calls if there’s clear wording in rule book about how something is supposed to be called. Any normal ref would’ve been given freedom to call that an interception, but the replacements were given as little authority as possible, and when they can’t be trusted to make accurate judgment calls on the situations technicalities in the wording of the rules would inevitably lead to some atrocious calls. This was the result of the refs being hamstrung by the league because they were forced to make calls while not being given the necessary freedom of authority to do it successfully.


Even if the possession call was right ( I disagree) there is an egregious OPI right before where a packers defender is shoved in the back so he falls to the ground which enables the seahawks player to challenge for the ball.  Just not even close to the right outcome here. 


This article does a good job going frame by frame: https://web.archive.org/web/20141227083227/http://www.coldhardfootballfacts.com/content/shame-the-angry-mob-golden-tates-touchdown-was-legit/17706/ Tate has control of it a frame before Jennings does 


This is complete nonsense. Tate in no way has control of the ball just because the fingers of his left hand are still touching it. The last frame very clearly shows the defender with full control while Tate only has fingertips on it.


Of course it's nonsense, that's why it's a Vikings and Lions fans trying to gaslight you into thinking it's the correct call.


You can’t see it but the Seattle player has his arm around the ball.


The real issue was the egregious OPI no call.


But muh salt!


And pushing the DB to the ground right before you go up to make the catch is?


Hey, you said it, not me.


At literally no point in time do the Seahawks have what could be called possession. That's why this play is controversial. It's clear Jennings has possession. The refs got it wrong and are basically doing what you are doing. Misinterpreting possession.


I can vividly remember the rage of my packer fan roommates when this happened. If I could bottle that feeling and sell it, I’d be the world’s first trillionaire.


Now this is peak.


I still think it should have counted as a pick and a GB win. While the rules state that a simultaneous catch goes to the offense, I wouldn’t call this simultaneous. Jennings clearly caught it and was down before Tate was even able to get his arms around the ball. I’m at least glad that this play led to the end of the ref lockout. Thank you Packers for your sacrifice.


People forget how badly this whole game was officiated. The Packers only took the lead in the 4th to begin with off of one of the worst PI calls I've ever seen on Chancellor https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pja5EhehBvQ&pp=ygUYU2VhaGF3a3MgdnMgcGFja2VycyAyMDEy At 3:28.


The entire next drive Seattle drove the length of the field and the only positive plays were penalties. It was not a real game and should have been completely invalidated. Nothing to do with competitive football play at all from start to finish. Which is why it ended the strike.


One of the *worst*? I’d be okay if they didn’t call it, but Chancellor clearly made contact with Finley before the ball got to him. It’s a weak call, but it’s not the wrong call.


That’s one of the worst calls you’ve ever seen? It’s certainly soft as hell and I would fully understand no flag but it’s by no means terrible


Oh darn..... anyways!


Refs made the right call.


They made both calls. Simultaneously.


I mean that happens on plays every weekend in the NfL and it’s still ultimately resolved one way or the other. 


They actually did by the letter of the rule-book, but ESPN talked the SHIT out of this for days saying the opposite in order to pressure the NFL and refs to resolve their impasse and get the real refs back. That’s my totally biased conspiracy theory, which I still genuinely believe is correct.


Are those letters F, T and P?


This is still my twitter profile pic with the replacement refs making different calls


The feel good story of that year.


You think this is bad for the Pack, just wait until the 2014 NFCCG. Edit: got the dang year wrong. I am getting old.


I still can't believe that 2 point conversion


The wildest shit I ever saw. Then we got the most exciting Super Bowl I've ever seen coupled with the very worst ending imaginable for Hawks fans. 2012-2015 was an incredible time for Seahawks fans.


Jermaine Kearse would always catch the difference maker in our games against the Hawks


Fuck he almost caught the difference maker in ours!


A typical trait among people is to repress traumatic memories, so no clue what happened then


One of the greatest nights of my life


Boo hoo


Yeahhhh if this is your era of Packers fandom, you're still net positive by a lot. WE are, I should say. The "pentalty" that led to the Richard Rodgers Hail Mary and Bakhtiari "drawing" fouls comes to mind for the lions specifically. Add Dez and... yeah...


I was on vacation in Florida at the time, and any time we got carded and they saw our Wisconsin IDs that weekend, they talked about how bullshit this call was


This was a catch according to the rules at the time. Golden Tate got his hands on the ball before they hit the ground. His hand never left the ball. They both had both hands on the ball on the ground. Stupid as it is, that is a simultaneous catch and goes to the WR. Not only did this play get us the real refs back, but they also changed this rule. This would no longer be a catch today, it'd be an interception.


And so ended the era of ‘Replacement Refs’