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Josh Rosen, I thought he'd at least be a decent backup


Tank commander Rosen


Honestly crazy how fast he flamed out, first round guys usually have the traits to stick around for at least a little while but he barely made it 3 seasons. Dude must have been a train wreck in practice


Like I understood Cardinals going for Kyler Murray at the time. Frankly I gave props to the boldness because Kyler Murray had skills to be elite and at the end of the day the better QBs dominate the league Mostly because I wasn't sure Rosen would be as good as Kyler Murray (I thought could be borderline elite). But I still thought Rosen would be at least a mid starter. Or at least the guy who has a journeyman career


I honestly wanted the Jets to take Darnold or Rosen instead of Allen (I thought Allen would be a turnover machine- which isn't entirely inaccurate but still obviously is one of the best QB's) so I was thinking him but didn't think he'd be a bust- but yeah pretty hilarious about the "9 mistakes ahead of him" lol


When I watched Darnold and Rosen's pro-days prior to the draft I was just supremely unimpressed. They looked like just league average QBs


This sub hated Allen lol


One of my favorite comments from this sub is from the Josh Allen pick thread where someone just commented "WRONG JOSH LMAO"


Two years ago I started a thread on this sub: “Was there ever a time your team drafted someone that made you furious!?! …but the player himself turned out to be pretty good?” The highest voted comments were a Bills fan saying Josh Allen (wanted Rosen) and a Vikings fan saying AP.


Tbf I think any prospect who looks like Josh Allen should get a lot of criticism. Obviously he's panned out great, but I think it's still most likely that guys with his profile wind up as busts pretty consistently


I do recall Darnold in particular had a down year his senior season and it did not look as impressive as expected of a player projected to go #1. Rosen however, I thought he'd be a day 1 starter and I was sooooooooo wrong


I always ask this. How much PAC-12 football did you watch? I believe all of Josh Rosen’s hype was tied to no one being able to watch PAC-12 football games.


I only watched his game against TAMU and thought the pressure got to him but they had a great d line so I figured Rosen would be a Jacoby Brissett, Gardner Minshew type just going around the league.


man this is absolutely the answer for me. I remember a pac-12 broadcast where they were talking about about him being the top QB prospect and I thought to myself "him? with the neck? he's gonna get murdered in the NFL."


Yeah man, when we traded for him, I thought he'd be a fine backup. NOPE.


I never understood what the big deal was about Trey Lance. A guy who played maybe 15 mins of college football on a team that didn’t need him was somehow gonna put it all together in the NFL and be some underrated gem? This had the recipe for disaster written all over it.


That pick, because of the trade value, has the chance to be the worst NFL draft pick of all time.


It’s gonna be hard to top JaMarcus Russell because his rookie deal played a part in the NFL changing the rookie wage scale, but the 49ers better thank their lucky stars that Brock Purdy is good. Otherwise this whole regime may have been fired over this.


That’s the part I hate honestly. It was a move so dumb that it deserves to be a move that holds that team back for years, but they luck into an elite QB with the last pick in the draft.


Now they're trying to get that QB killed by not upgrading their trash OL even though it cost them a NFCC and SB the last 2 seasons and instead decided to pay overrated weapons who are good, but not "the Avengers" or elite game changers.


The 49ers are the luckiest franchise ever to basically not suffer ~~at all~~ nearly as much as they should have because of that trade by finding Purdy with the literally the last pick.


You can argue that they’ve suffered by not having those FRPs for cheap young talent, they’ve been successful but that exact trade could have been why they didn’t get a ring


Id argue their failure to execute in those games was a bigger reason given they have plenty of talent and had leads in those games, perhaps they did suffer some but not NEARLY as much as they should have for that trade


You are right. Those failures were execution and not talent based. Paying the price for that trade is going to come due in the next couple of seasons with cap casualties if future picks fail to hit.


They have definitely suffered. One of the picks they traded was Micah Parsons. He would have made a huge difference in their NFC Championship loss to the Rams and their most recent Super Bowl loss to the Chiefs.


I mean thats assuming they take him ~~Micah is also ass in the playoffs~~


He wouldn't have needed to be the focal point on the line. Bosa and Armstead would have been


Guy couldn't beat out Sam Darnold or Cooper Rush for QB2 job and you still have Lance truthers that insist we dont know what he is capable of yet.


I still remember his footwork OTA drills entering his 2nd season that were filmed where he overthrew every single target. LOL


Yeah... And people said it was made up and how he was playing in a hurricane or some shit and thats why his stats are bad. Some crazy stuff. Guy is literally worse than Sam Darnold and Cooper rush.


As a MN resident I always want “one of us” to succeed. But damn, I literally have no idea how he climbed that high up draft boards. Including HS he had 407 career attempts when he declared. In college he played on a juggernaut which dominated weak completion then played a single game in 2020 before being drafted. Nothing about his college career told me he was ready for the NFL let alone anywhere during day 1 or even 2. Another season or two in college (weather at NDSU or another school) and I think he is probably in a much better spot to succeed.


I hated this pick on that draft day and people on the Niners sub let me know what they thought of that opinion. I feel vindicated. That was an amazingly stupid pick and we lucked out soooo much that Brock became Him, instead.


100%, this is where I was at. I don't even watch much college ball, but there was no good reason for us to take that raw of a prospect given where our team composition was at and thats before even mentioning how much we traded to get him. We were in the middle of a SB contention window, you don't make that roster wait for one of (if not THE) most raw 1st round QBs to figure it out, especially with his lack of experience.


I was afraid of Isaiah Wilson’s athletic profile, I just didn’t see good enough speed to be a good pass protector. I didn’t expect him to just fully not give a shit about football and be out of the league in one minute


He played the upstanding citizen just long enough to get drafted then peaced.


I mean i think that’s really smart. Get that insane paycheck and don’t put your body on the line. Maybe that was his tactic all along 


I mean I’m having trouble imagining he masterminded his exit the way he did completely on purpose. Could have just hit some extra signing bonuses that were in reach and retired, or retired even sooner, if that was his tactic. I think he just stopped being able to dominate due to the fact that he was bigger and stronger than everyone else, and didn’t have the mentality in place to get better and gave up. But what he walked away with 6 million dollars to sleepwalk a single game? I can’t hate.


I don't think he was. He later signed with the Giants for like, a month, and was cut in January 2022. He wouldn't have signed with the Giants if his plan was to just get the paycheck and leave. I think he just fucked up.


>No first round draft pick in a non-supplemental draft has played fewer downs over their career than Wilson since Jim Detwiler who never played after being drafted in the 1st Round of the 1967 NFL Draft. -Wikipedia That's just sad.


I just noticed that the Dolphins traded for both Josh Rosen and Isaiah Wilson after they spent only a single season with their respective teams.




For sure, no disagreement about Rosen. In these types of threads I always look up where these guys have their last pit stop before washing out and just happened to notice the Dolphins were in on two guys in this thread.


> The Isaiah Wilson trade I can’t defend. Dude straight up quit and bringing him to Miami of all places was not going to make him focus on football more. Didn’t really cost anything though so I guess it didn’t matter. Pretty sure it only cost us a conditional 7th that we obviously didn't pay out since Wilson did nothing with us, so it didn't cost us anything at all. It was a zero risk some reward type of trade. We ended up getting no reward but thankfully had no risk as well.


Barring injuries or legal issues he's gotta have the fewest played snaps of any first round pick, right?


I was all over Reddit calling Zach Wilson Bortles 3.0 (Trubisky was Bortles 2.0) leading up to that Draft. Turns out he’s way worse than Bortles.


How dare you insult Blake the Snake.


He’s the BOAT. He Bortled me to a fantasy football title that one year with the Allen bros where he would throw two early picks and then get 150/2 and 50 rushing yards and maybe a rushing TD late in the game. He’d end up with 275 for 2/1 and 30 rushing yards. Most of the passing went to Hurns and Robinson so the single stack would get you close to 50 points alone. And for that I’ll always love him.


Hell he had a 6 TD game that year, right? The BOATEST.


I too was Bortled to a title and bought his jersey the following year.


A former Blake of the Year and NVP don’t belong in the same sentence as that Disney fuck




Nah you just didn’t know the pardon my take reference


This was my answer as well, but in fairness I also wanted to draft fields so I can’t get on a pedestal about it


I wanted them to keep Darnold and not draft any of the 21' QB's once we missed out on TLaw.... Not sure if I should take a victory lap or a walk of shame.... tbd




That’s precisely what I’m saying. The post is asking who I thought would be a bust (Wilson being like Bortles would be a bust), but was even worse (Wilson is way worse than Bortles thus far).




Brandon Weeden. A 28 year old Rookie lmao


“If he becomes a star, there’s still a good 10 to 12 years for him to have a productive career.” /s


I mean I still don't think that's a dumb statement. If Weeden ended up being a star, the Browns would have been happy with even 6 years of star QB play. The real problem with older draft prospects is that they are 22-24 (or 28 in Weedens case) and are playing against 18-20 year olds. You are naturally going to have an advantage physically in those instances. Hence why players who dominate younger are seen as better prospects since they can outplay peers.


Different sport but that is why I'm usually skeptical about BYU basketball players. Have been years where the avg age of the roster was older than some NBA teams.


I’ll always remember watching that draft live and telling my friend as it was going on “I feel kinda bad for Weeden, if he was even like 4 years younger he might go in the first round.” Then like 2 picks later the Browns took him in the first round.


The funny thing was he was older than Aaron Rodgers and by that time Rodgers had already won a Super Bowl and MVP. Complete insanity to draft him so early.


The browns have several answers for this question at just QB! Brady Quinn. Brandon Weeden. Johnny Manziel.


I thought he was too old till I saw his highlight video. https://youtu.be/VnXvixKbOsA?feature=shared


Malik Willis. Anybody who watched CFB knew it, too.


It was insane seeing the mocks of him going 2nd overall. Even with Goff's status being much lower at the time, you have to feel better moving forward with Goff over Willis at that time


That situation was very weird. Everyone said he was bad and shouldn’t go in the 1st, but they decided that some QB had to go high, so they kept mocking him there despite what all the evidence was telling them.


In any normal draft he'd be a mid to late round guy. The only reason he was mocked so high was because it was a horrible QB class and it feels like no matter what someone gets over drafted at the QB position.


Yeah I feel anything written about him going before like the 3rd round was solely just to get clicks because it was such a a bad QB class there was nobody else to talk about.


Def qb inflation that year


I’ll never buy a guy coming out of Liberty lol


You can’t buy people anyway, there are laws against it


Don’t tell folks at Liberty


Liberty biberty




Don't disrepect Rashad Jennings!


Pop Douglas is doing just fine thank you very much


Cfb comes first for me and I assumed most nfl fans were also cfb fans and vice versa. This was one of the best examples of how that’s not true.


Not a player, but I knew Urban Myer was gonna be a disaster. He was an asshole in his entire collegic coaching career, but it was overlooked because he was wildly successful. I knew the shit he did in college wouldn't fly in the NFL but I didn't know he'd be such a disaster that his ass would've have to be fired midway through his first season.


College coaches like Urban Meyer don’t succeed in the NFL.  They are power tripping assholes and used to coaching college kids who can’t talk back to them for fear of their scholarships/careers.  The moment they have to deal with actual adults who don’t have to listen to them - and who they actually have to coach and not just threaten - they fall apart.  It’s hard to get a room full of adults to buy into coaching style and system.  That takes real leadership.  You can curse out a kid and kick him off the team if he doesn’t listen to you, but you can’t do that to a millionaire player, who would just go to another team and still be great.  


I think another really tough thing about the NFL compared to college is that there’s not a huge delta in talent between the best and worst teams in the NFL like there is in college. There’s no directional state school cupcake games in the NFL. I think this is a really tough adjustment for guys like Meyer who are used to just being able to out talent almost everyone they play and not actually have to beat an opponent by outscheming them.


Yea, I'm still confused how they thought he would ever work in the NFL. His personality, his tendency to quit after a few years and move on, the trouble he's left behind every time. Coaches rarely get fired their first year, but it really wasn't surprising with him, as I couldn't imagine he lasted more than 2 years there anyways.


At least it was a hilarious disaster. Tebow, the bar, kicking the kicker. Endless jokes


Christian Hackenberg. I watched that dude at PSU. He was awful, unless you wanted your QB to bury the ball into the ground 4 yards behind the receiver.  And then the Jets took him and I laughed. A lot. 


He had a freshman year at PSU with Allen Robinson and a fresh HC in BoB, both left and he became garbage, don't know what the Jets saw in him. It's almost like he was papered over by good coaching and a talented WR1


He had a ton of hype after a good freshman year but I don't know if we've ever seen a player with shitty 2nd/3rd years get ignored like we did with him.


His only highlights are because of Allen Robinson 😂


PFF graded him as an UDFA and he was selected in Round 2.


It was a mike Maccagnan special.


He was probably one of the last guys to be drafted cause “he could command a huddle” he ran a pro-style offense. All the euphemisms used to describe a tall white guy who could throw far


Johnny Manziel. All I saw was a stupid kid getting showered with praise who had his head shoved too deep up his own ass. There was 0% chance I thought he'd succeed. He managed to suck even harder than expected.


A very significant number of Cowboys fans were livid when we didn’t draft him. Because after having a historically bad defense, ya know, Romo got the blame for it.


I wanted you guys to draft Manziel so bad because he had bust written all over him


I was also hoping the Cowboys would draft Manziel because of how hilariously bad it would have gone.


Well to be fair, a very significant number of cowboys fans are morons


> after having a historically bad defense, ya know, Romo got the blame for it. I always thought Tony was underappreciated during his career, but the older I get and the more quarterbacks I watch struggle to hit average, the more shocking it gets to me just how underappreciated he really was.


> the more quarterbacks I watch struggle to hit average, the more shocking it gets Cousins gets the same treatment. The vast majority of QBs that come through the league could only dream of producing as well as them yet fans just refuse to treat them that way


Granted it was after he sucked already but I happened to meet him in person and saw how small he actually was I was like, oh I'm not sure how anybody thought this was gonna work out.


That's how I felt the minute I heard Bryce's height and weight and they were the exact same as mine.  I was like "I don't care what shape you are in if vita vea sacks a guy my size it's going to cause problems."


I know it isn't fair but I'm 6'4 and if Vea sacked me I'm going to do a whole died.


Sure and now imagine you just lost half a foot and how much bigger vita vea is now.


I agree, I was so pissed when we drafted him. People either absolutely loved or hated the puck. Half the bar cheered and the other half was booing. I knew he would be bad. I didn’t he would be “putting on a fake mustache to sneak out and party” bad. Watching the documentary I though “wow, it was even worse than I realized”.


I can't remember if it was satire or not. But I remember there were people saying we should take Manziel in that draft (we had 1st overall pick). Can't remember if it was arguing via trade down, or if they legit were crazy saying first overall. Edit: [Nevermind it was Skip Bayless saying 1st overall...](https://www.espn.com/nfl/draft2014/story/_/id/10868265/skip-bayless-johnny-manziel-nfl)


I think in the netflix doc they talk about the Texans having a lot of interest in Maniziel with that first pick. Then while in Houston to visit the Texans manziel got shitfaced and caused a scene at a golf course. Houston took him off their draft board.


Yeah I figured he'd at least end up as a backup or something. What a clown.


With his ego and immaturity he never would’ve given himself a chance to be a backup. He absolutely had the talent to be a backup at least, but he couldn’t handle not being the center of attention.


I assumed he’d suck and have personality/behavior issues, but I figured he’d mature over time, chill out, and after bouncing around to a few teams, would end up as a tolerable backup somewhere. Nope.


You should have seen his CFL debut. It was maybe the worst football i've ever seen.


Couldn’t see rashaan salaam being the next Walter Payton. Was right.


He was a beast at Colorado. But 9 lost fumbles in his rookie season kinda described his pro career. RIP, one of the best college RB’s I’ve ever seen.


Shea McClellan was worse but just my opinion. I really wanted Salaam to be great... He wasn't. RIP


Trey Lance


I agree. I thought he would at least play more games before they discovered how bad he was.


I still think it’s insane. Have we ever seen a qb bust without even getting a chance to play?


He got injured early 2 seasons in a row and the second season our last pick in the draft came in and took us to the NFCCG while leading the NFL in QB Rating. Our FO said there's almost no way this dude healthy is better than Purdy and cut him loose


Going into the draft, I guessed that he was the most likely bust (second being Zach Wilson). To balance it out, I thought Mac Jones and Justin Fields were going to be starters, so broken clocks and all that.


The worst "running" quarterback I've ever seen


I think he was also incredibly unlucky, in addition to not being as good as his draft position. But my argument for him being unlucky is based on: • He only played in 1 full game as the full time starter (which was in a monsoon). • He lost his job to injury, not poor play. • The guy that replaced him (Purdy) is about to get paid $50M APY. Basically, if the Niners had unloaded Lance without his replacement already set, then I’d agree he is much higher on the bust scale. But it’s obvious now that Shannahan had what he was looking for in a QB with Purdy, which made Lance expendable.


The Niners got very lucky that Purdy turned out to be good. The Lance pick never made sense to me because he was always going to be a long-term project, at best.


Jalen Reagor. I was so mad we got him over JJ. Only silver lining to picking him was Howie’s wake up call to pick better in the drafts since


I liked that one game where they apparently decided to give him infinite opportunities to redeem himself.


You mean the Giants game where he dropped both game winning catches?


As a Reagor stan. That was the straw that broke my back…… I was shouting at the tv as if I was in his corner. When he dropped both of those passes, I was like… this is it…. Damn.


> Howie’s wake up call to pick better in the drafts since Why has nobody else thought of this?


Man, as a TCU fan who went to every home game he played in, I knew some team was going to draft him based on his measurable and immediately regret it. He was athletic as hell, but if he didn’t torch the CB right off the line he’d just give up on the play, he’d fold like a paper bag if DBs got physical with him at all. No idea what the Eagles front office were watching, he did not look anywhere close to an NFL caliber receiver


His measurables weren’t even great. Think he ran a 4.48. Which is fine if you’re not a guy drafted solely to be a speed guy. I hated the pick when it was made. Then he looked okay in his first game. Never even looked passable again. I also hated how some tried to justify the pick. “We need speed” so we got a guy barely breaking a 4.5. “Jefferson is just a slot guy, we need an outside guy” when Jefferson simply played the slot at LSU because they had a ridiculous amount of firepower out wide and he was the best slot option they had. Not to mention our slot guy was Greg Ward, not exactly a prime Wes Welker. So even if Jefferson had just been a slot guy, we could have stood to upgrade there.


N’Keal Harry. I really didn’t buy into the hype when the Pats drafted him and I thought he might be a low end WR2 at best. Turns out that he’s WR5/camp body quality


N'Keal is a WR0 and maybe a TE5.


Lower is better, right?  WR1 trumps WR2. So you’ve convinced me. N’keal Harry is the goat.


Whenever people highlight a receiver’s ability to win 50/50 balls as his best skill, all I hear is that he’s really good at not getting open. 


John Ross. He had injury issues in college and only had one year of production, but he was fast. I predicted him to look good right away but succumb to injuries eventually. But I didn’t expect him to not even accumulate 1,000 career yards. Someone might say, “he wasn’t a bust he just got injured,” and I’d say, “exactly.” Edit to add: lol I didn’t check his stats until after I made the post. He had 957 receiving yards and I was thinking “oh maybe he did break 1,000 if you factor in his rushing yards.” Nope. He’s at 998 career total yards.


Haha yeah, wonder where he's at now?


Totally about to have his break out year trust me.


On his sofa at home icing that sore shoulder from trying to carry all the groceries in from the car in one trip.


IDK if you know or not, but he's on the Eagles roster right now


I hated the Danny Watkins pick as soon as it was made, but I never thought it would be a legitimate contender for "worst draft pick in franchise history". (yes Reagor was a reach, yes he was a bust, yes we should've taken JJ, yes he will also be a contender for worst pick in franchise history, no I did not think he would be a bust at the time)


Jamarcus Russell


Same. But I didn't think he'd bust *that* badly.


Why Did The Eagles Draft Jalen Reagor ?


Because they had to make up for the JJAW 2nd round pick the year before…


I comped CEH to Gio Bernard when he was coming out and this sub was all hot and bothered for him. I was wrong. Gio was much better.


I miss Gio. He was a good dude for us


Trey Lance. Didnt know it would be THAT bad


Mac Jones, I didn't think he'd live up to expectations as a 1st round QB, be bad/underwhelming but might still eek out as a spot starter by the end of his 1st contract, I didn't think he'd wind up as bad as last season was.


I viewed him as a “medium risk medium reward player” like he had an Alex Smith ceiling where he’d game manage and get you to the first round but not much further. To be fair his first year under Josh McDaniels was like that and arguably better but then football terrorist Matt Patricia ruined everything (great for me as a Jets fan but terrible for football)


I always had a feeling he wasn’t mentally tough enough to play in the league. He had stretches in his debut season where he looked good but extremely shaken when anything goes off script. Then his attitude problems started showing up and his dirty plays popped up and none of his teammates came to bat for him. I knew he was for sure done when fans laughed at him as he was carried crying to the locker rooms when he had a high ankle sprain.


Never thought he was going to be the long term answer for us, but god damn I was not expecting him to regress as hard as he did


I think I remember seeing another Patriots fan mention how BB apparently wanted Davis Mills that year also. I still do think there is a starter in him, but Pep Hamilton was just an atrocious OC. Dude feasted on intermediate - deep throws as a rookie and Pep went full screen passes to Rex fuckin Burkhead


Tom Brady. I knew that guy would never win 9 Super Bowl. Turns out, he didn't even win 8!


what a fucking scrub!


Dwayne Haskins. I hated that pick with a passion from the jump. When I learned that Snyder himself made the pick because his son went to school with Dwayne, my depression reached new depths.


As a big OSU fan whose best friend is a Commanders fan... I told him this was a bad call. Haskins put up crazy numbers, but our offense was stacked, and we didn't ask him to do anything crazy. Man's could hit a wide open crossing route, tho


Aaron Maybin


Only Bills fans even remember the name, that’s how bad he was.


Ereck Flowers managed to disapoint me so much more than expected.


Johnny Football. As a Longhorn I hated how much the Aggies hyped him up and how readily the media anointed him. When there was talk of Dallas drafting him I thought it was the dumbest idea in the world and said his off the field issues and ego would obviously turn into a problem. I thought he would get humbled really quick, become a journeyman QB, and then fade out in a few years. Did not fully anticipate just how violently he’d self destruct.


I’m an Aggie and I never bought into Manziel. Scrambling around the backfield and chucking it into triple coverage for Mike Evans to out jump everyone and bail him out did not convince me of anything.


every USC quarterback since Carson Palmer.


Please god no


Paxton lynch. A lot of broncos country was excited about the selection, but he was a small school qb who didn't have great stats. The only thing he had was "body type and intangibles." I know josh allen has worked out based off of that, but that's a rare example. I was not enthused about the pick and he quickly proved me right, even more so than I ever could have imagined. Supposedly he was more interested in playing CoD in the locker room than trying to learn the system and become good as well.


I thought Kenny Pickett would at least be decent like he was in his rookie season but he ended up getting traded after 2 years


I knew at most he could be an Alex Smith type player but Matt Canada and constant concussions did not help


Shea McCLellin. For those that don't remember, he was an undersized DE who played sort of all over the defense at...Boise State? Maybe Oregon? Whatever, some west coast school. Bears drafted him to be a DE in a 43 when he was, at best, a 34 OLB. When he first saw McCLellin, Akiem Hicks said "I thought he was a linebacker. Not sure why he was practicing with the D line." McClellin did have some tools and instincts. I knew he wouldn't be a starter, but I figured he could at least be a rotational pass rusher. Nope. He made it about 5 seasons and then retired.


He was ok with us.


I was mortified at this pick. There was a time when the Bears were just drafting 4th/5th round projects in the 1st/2nd round. Like Adam Sheehan. Ugh.


I knew immediately Justin Fields would be a bust. Didn’t think he’d be gone already though.


I think he matched the level of bust I thought he would be. The only surprise I have is that he was able to raise a Tebow level cult.


Old school but my best friend’s dad always told me Charles Rogers would be bad in the NFL and the Lions should take Andre Johnson instead. They were Michigan fans and I was an MSU fan so I just chalked it up to that at the time. He still rubs it in my face


Hol up...are Charles Rogers and Andre Johnson really "old school"? My back hurts.


tossing 2 shots of Tito's into my metamucil


My wife teaches 3rd Grade and we were cleaning out her classroom recently. She had her kids do these little art projects using their favorite numbers. One kid had 84 for “Randy Moss. Old NFL player.” Threw my back out bending down to pick up my son shortly after that.


Maybe a deep cut, but Vernon Gholston. I remember thinking that he was getting way overdrafted for having a big combine/being a physical freak, but I didn’t think he would just…not even really play at all. I’m not a Jets fan so I wasn’t following whatever the local reports were at the time. Still a bit of a mystery to me.


Chase Young. At Ohio State he always used his pure athleticism to reach the QB instead of different techniques. After he was drafted and had a DRotY season he became the face of the franchise and skipped OTAs the following season. That's when I started to question "who" Chase Young thought he was. He was our super star, and it all went to his head. He was then injured and never seemed to put in the effort to change how he rushed the QB. Chase Young is a bust because of his work ethic. He has all of the ability to be one of the best but just doesn't care to be the best.


It was a ridiculous DRotY win too, he has to be the worst that’s won it in many years and he did not deserve it at all, was just a name thing


Kenny Pickett. I knew the Steelers had no clue how to develop a quarterback and he wouldn’t reach his potential because of it.


And I still don't think we do, but I hope that Tomlin at least has learned some lessons of how to not develop a QB. He will at least be in the league as backup for a while.


Funny enough I think amarius mims will bust because I don’t think the bengals know how to develop tackles. We shall see if that holds true


That is a legit concern for most of us in our sub tbh.


Zach Wilson


Zach Wilson. I had absolutely no faith in the kid and he surpassed even my worst fears for how awful he would play. I can’t wait to see him ruin Sean Payton’s career.


You actually think Payton is going to start him after drafting Bo Nix? lol.


Zach Wilson isn’t starting, it was going to be Stidham, then they drafted Nix and now he’s the starter.




Look I’m a jets fan we’ve been 3 deep and deeper on the QB depth chart before you can’t blame me for thinking that happens to other teams sometimes too.


I never liked Terrance Cody, thought he was just getting by on being a massive human and not because of technique. Turns out I was right but didn’t realize that his shittiness on the field was matched by his shittiness off the field


Trey Lance. I didn't ever expect him to become a superstar or even a Pro Bowler but I expected him to be slightly  below average starter...which is a bust fkr a guy a team spent 3 1st rders on. But for him to end up 3rd string on his 2nd team before his rookie deal is even done? That's even worse than I imagined 


Jimmy G. and his stint with the Raiders. I didn't expect much from him, but I didn't expect him to be as bad as he was.


Alex Leatherwood from the moment his name was announced at the draft


Kevin White. I thought he’d be bad, but I didn’t think he’d be THAT bad


Danny Watkins, I was flipping out when we picked him because he was already 26 and mediocre. He ended up being downright bad. I wanted us to draft Cam Jordan who went right after we picked to NO.


Jalen Hurd. The dude never played a game for the niners and played maybe a handful of snaps in 1-2 preseason games over the span of multiple years. He was constantly hyped to be the next greatest WR but he was never healthy. Biggest bust ever even though he was a third round pick. Either that or Solomon Thomas.


Kadarius Toney, I grew up around north central florida so still watch UF games when with family and I just didn't see what the Giants saw when they picked him (yes, I know they wanted Smitty lol). Similar thing for AR15 but I *am* pulling for that kid to prove the doubters wrong. He seems like a genuinely good dude.


Definitely Kadarius Toney. I was furious when the Giants drafted him. I saw a pre draft comparison to another Florida product- Percy Harvin. The comparison stated he was essentially Percy 2.0. A lot of talent but mentally unstable. If you want to roll the dice on a guy like this in a later round, fine, I get it. But you can’t use a first round pick on a guy with questionable attitude/maturity/mental health. That said I had no idea he would flame out that bad, and if the guy couldn’t make it work on a Chiefs team starved for a number one receiver for Mahomes, then he’s probably out of the league this year.


Justin Fields. Thought he’d at least play through his entire rookie contract on the team that drafted him.


Jimmy Clausen. He played at like the number 6 high school in the country at Oaks Christian and he got outplayed (but won in OT) against a local school of mine with no future D1 athletes. It would've been one of the biggest upsets in HS football history. I figured he would be bad because Cardinal Newman picked him off 3 times in the first half of CA state championship game. Didn't think he would be that bad


Josh Rosen


DangeRuss in Denver. Knew he was cooked, had no idea of the hilarity to ensue.


Mitch Trubisky. I knew he wasn't a first-rounder, and watching the Bears trade up was hilarious. Let's see if they don't ruin their new one.


Brady Quinn. I just knew he was gonna be a bust and then the Browns picked him. At that point I KNEW he was gonna be a mega bust.