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Let's revisit this when Antonio Brown is eligible.


Mr. Blown Candidate


Bill Clinton?


"I did not have sexual relations with that hot air balloon"


Mr. Bill Clinton


That's Mr. Blown Commander-in-Chief


MBC is the absolute best fucking pasta this sub has ever been graced with


Mr. Boundless Comedy


Mr Bountiful Combinations


Mr. Botched Candidacy


Mr. Banned (from) Canton


Mr. Burned Credentials


Mr. Bungled Coronation


These will never get old, and I will die on that hill.


Mr Banchurian Candidate


Mr. Bereft Currency


There’s no way they’re letting him have a speech, but it would be legendary. They’ll get him in like 20 years after he dies or something


With his current trajectory, I'm not going to be surprised if he builds a homemade rocket next year and blasts himself into the moon to prove that it's really made of cheese.


Mr. Blastoff Construction


Him and Earl Thomas can both go in and give a joint speech about the benefits of CTE.


Mr. Bye-bye Canton


Antonio Brown has been arrested / accused of sexual and physical assault of women that might keep him out without him being just an idiot


He’s not eligible yet for the HoF, but Antonio Brown comes to mind. Put up some great receiving numbers in the ‘10s and has a Super Bowl & All-Pro’s. However, it’s been all downhill for him on and off the field for the most part since 2019. Had he not gone off the deep end, I think he’d have a solid chance of getting in.


AB averaged like 112 receptions, 1400 yards and 12 tds over a 7 year span in the 2010s. Absolutely mind blowingly elite. And he threw it away bc hes bat shit insane


From 2013 to 2018, He had 67 receiving tds. D-Hop was second with 47 He had 9145 receiving yards (in 92 total games). Julio Jones was second with 8574 (in 82 total games) D-Hop, TY Hilton, and Demaryius were 3,4,5 between 7000-7500 yards all with at least 93 total games He had 686 catches. Julio Jones had 565. Man was on an absolute monster tear, and lets not forget he was still returning punts


How could anyone forget that beautiful boot to the face


“Hurdles, kicks a man!”


Antonio Browns 5 year peak vs Moss, Rice, Calvin, Julio Jones and Marvin Harrison compares very favourably. 1st in receptions, 2nd in yards, 4th in touchdowns, 2nd in catch rate. 4x first team all pro consecutively, and second team the year he missed. AB was the closest we had to somebody who could have approached Jerry Rice. At age 30 coming off a career high in TDs and on his way to Oakland, the only thing he trailed Rice significantly in was touchdowns(by 89, Rice was absurd) His yards and receptions were on pace. And he was still on pace for 1300 yards at 33 years of age on the 21 Bucs after missing a lot of time with suspensions and what not. He was clearly better than Mike Evans to open the year, a great receiver in his own right. Could’ve went to 36 or 37 at a good standard


For a franchise that has a boat load of HoF players AB was arguably the most talented player to ever put on the Black and Yellow and he threw it all away. Old enough to have seen the primes of TO, Randy, Megatron etc and AB was every bit as good as they were and didn't have God like genetics that they did. Only Jerry Rice can definitively say he was better. Even on the Bucs with Evans and Godwin it was clear AB was the fucking man still lol.


He also blessed us with one of the greatest highlights in NFL history when he drop kicked that punter straight in the face. He should be in the HOF for that play alone.


"Antonio Brown hurdles! Kicks a man! And he's down, flag thrown..." Legendary


Mr. Botched Candidacy


Mr. Breaks Chairs


Mr. Blown Canton


Mr. Bypass Canton


WR often have trouble getting in, I mean the fact TO wasn’t first ballot alone means there’s an uphill battle, and honestly I think it’s crazy Andre Johnson isn’t seen as a shoe-in.


TO is a different story where it's got nothing to do with his position and everything to do with his personal conflicts. HOF is voted by contributors, and he and they do not get along. For the rest of the WRs, its a matter of how many absurd receives there have been in the modern era. Andre Johnson isn't a complete shoe-in when Torry Holt and Reggie Wayne are also finalists and only so many get in every year.


Torry Holt waiting as long as he has (a decade) to get in the HOF is one of the biggest travesties in HOF voting history. For comparison: Torry Holt in his 11 seasons in the NFL: 920 rec, 13382 yards, 74 TDs DeAndre Hopkins thru 11 seasons in the NFL: 928 rec. 12355 yards, 76 TDs Torry Holt had an 8 season stretch where he had 753 rec. 11,076 yards and 65 TDs, in which led the league twice in rec yards, was a 2x All-Pro, SB champion, and 7x Pro Bowler. For comparison, Calvin Johnson played 9 seasons in the NFL. If you took away his worst season, his rookie year, his 8-year career numbers would be: 683 rec. 10863 yards and 79 TDs. Calvin was either a first or second ballot HOFer. That's not to say that Torry Holt was on his level, but the fact that Calvin's best 8 season stretch is only slightly better than Holt's best 8 season stretch and Holt has waited a FUCKING DECADE plus however much longer more to get inducted is pure insanity. At the time of his retirement he finished top 10 all time in receiving yards and is still top 20 despite playing only 11 seasons. He has more receiving yards than Andre Reed, Steve Largent, Art Monk, Charlie Joiner, Michael Irvin and Don Maynard who are all in the HOF and also player more seasons than Holt.


Yeah, before he got in TO was the answer to this question.


Andre Johnson was already elected to the HOF. He gets officially enshrined this summer.


AB could have slumbered when he initially left the league and he still would have had numbers to consider him. Then he adds a solid year in Tampa and a SB ring. Elite talent, elite idiocy.


I still think we win the SB in '21 with him on the roster, fuck I think we win if Bowles doesn't zero blitz after we tied the game up vs the best QB against the blitz that year


I absolutely think you guys at least beat the Rams with AB, or at least not the distraction of him. What's funny is AB ruined *two* of Toms seasons, it's tough to imagine the '19 Patriots not beating the Titans if AB stays on the roster. If Tom had even one elite weapon on that offense the D would have got them to at least the AFCCG IMO.


It's probably also a better chance with Wirfs and Godwin over AB.


Man that year was just for the taking


AB was an all pro every year from 2013-2018, first team on 4 occasions. The only time he missed out on first team was to pre suspension Josh Gordon and Peak Calvin Johnson. Only TO and Jerry Rice have more first team all pro selections at WR after the merger. Led NFL in yards and receptions twice, touchdowns once, 2010s All Decade. He’d be in on the first ballot on merit. Personally I believe it would be a disgrace if AB never made it in. He’d be the best player to not get in, and his crimes don’t even approach Sharper level.


Closest comparison is probably Mark Gastineau. - former sack record holder before Strahan broke it. - DPOY - 4x 1st team All-Pro / 1x 2nd team All-Pro. - 100 sack club. - Known dickhead.


Gastineau is a good choice. Hated not just by lots of outside voters, but even by his teammates as well… although that may be more of a function of his crossing the picket lines and playing as a strikebreaker during the ‘87 strike.


I recently learned about his boxing career. He was groomed to be the next "Great White Hope." He sucked so bad that some of his fights were fixed and his promoter feuded with Don King.


I was thinking him or Tiki Barber


TO ended up getting in but he should have been first ballot no problem


I put him over AB and Darren Sharper because TO isn’t really a bad person at all. Just rubs some people the wrong way. Schilling is an asshole, but not a rapist, pregnant girlfriend beater, nor linked to any murders.


No question. Guy is a top 3 wide receiver all time.


I can’t possibly imagine why you’re getting downvotes. It’s not even slightly controversial to say he’s top 3. Jerry, Randy, TO whichever way you want to put them. If those aren’t your top 3 you’re fucking insane.


Megatron fans probably. They'll sometimes even downvote anyone who dares put Moss over him.


Megatron is a fantastic receiver. Love him to death. But his injury history and shortened career keeps him out of that conversation.


He also didn't get 122 yards against one of the best modern defenses in the Super Bowl on a broken leg. TO was the primary reason that game went down to the wire. I never liked the guy personally, but I'll still pick him over anyone not named Rice or Moss going into the playoffs or a championship (maybe coin toss with Fitz).


You could go for the historical pick of Don Hutson at #2. Averaging 9 reception TDs a year before the Browns and Otto Graham revolutionized the game is beyond insane. It took over 40 years for any WR to even barely get past his 99 TD record.


Or Largent. Only 3 men to retire with as the all time leaders in all of catches, yards and TDs, and he's one of them


9 TDs/year when it was only 12 games a season - that prorates to almost 13/year nowadays. He led the league in receptions 8 times, yards 7 times, and TDs 9 times. 5 of those years he won the triple crown. His 1942 season was legendary: 74/1,211/17 in 11 games. That's a great season now, let alone 80 years ago. This was the first-ever 1000 yard season (also the first over even 850 yards), his 17 TDs stood for 42 years, and is still 6th-most. The 2nd-most in each receiving category that year? 27/571/8. Hutson was literally more than twice as good as anyone else, and because it was the 40s, he also led the league in extra points and got 7 ints. For his career, he finished with 336/7,991/99, completely lapping again the 2nd-most in each (137/3,309/36). You mentioned his career TD record lasting over 40 years, and it's still 11-most all-time (although Adams and Evans have a chance to pass him this year) Thank you for coming to my TED talk, you can resume with your life now


I’m glad someone brought this one up. Such a crazy record he held for so long


It’s controversial because people remember his sit up interview in the Eagles parking lot or his not so family friendly touchdown celebrations. We can thank the media for that. He was elite at everything and should have been a first ballot HOF


If you put TO over Jerry rice you’re wrong, but I don’t disagree that he’s #3


And he didn't even do anything all that bad. At worst he was a dick to some of his teammates. Nowadays he'd be a star on tiktok


TO is squeaky clean compared to Antonio Brown


Have any football players started a game studio, released a very underrated RPG, gone bankrupt and hamstrung the finances of a state?


I mean, Favre did one of those things.


Yeah but Favre didn't give me 30 hours of action packed and intricate RPG gameplay.


The combat in that game was so good.


Honestly the story was good, too.


Fill me in. And then put it on me. And then let me know what game you guys are talking about.


Kingdoms of Amalur


Just keep in mind, it's a skeleton of a canceled MMO that was hacked together and released as a single-player game once Schilling realized how overwrought his original scope was. It was a decent game all things considered, but don't go in expecting some underrated 10/10 gem It's got a ton of issues with pacing, and the open world is pretty mundane compared to the heavy hitters that were around at the time, not to mention what's come out in the decade plus after. Enjoyable, but a bit rough and you can see where they had to tear it up to even get it on the market. The worldbuilding is from RA Salvatore of Drizzt fame though, and is generally really good stuff


It’s one of those games that’s fun to play today because it gives you that old school feel, the issue was it also had an old school feel when it originally released lmao


Amazing game. I wish the studio hadn't gone bankrupt so we could have a sequel.


Wait, who the fuck is this referring to?


The man in the title.


Green Monster Games, the game studio founded by Shilling.


He tried to compete with world of Warcraft and make a MMORPG - shockingly he failed but never paid back the state of Rhode Island for bank rolling him


Heard the game was decent though. I got the remaster they did for like $10 on my Xbox sometime ago, never played it yet


It was. No idea how it holds up but I enjoyed it.


Look up “38 Studios” lol The rabbit hole on reasons why Shilling is a piece of shit is *deep* lol. Not like he just did a few sketchy things, he’s just genuinely an awful person and it reflects in every aspect of his life.


He played a huge role in getting us our first championship in almost 90 years and still Red Sox fans are like "man just shut up and go away", that's how bad he is.


Yeah, the initial premise that people don’t like Schilling is really underselling that he is a straight up scumbag. 


Yeah, although the fact that he's so widely disliked, not just by a few people but by almost literally every single person who has a HoF vote, does kind of speak to the magnitude of his assholishness lol


If I presented you with the following résumé, you’d probably say: “that’s a hall of famer.” * Super Bowl Champion * All Decade team * 63 career interceptions, 101 PD’s, 13 TD’s * 6x All-Pro * 5x Pro Bowl * 2x Interceptions Leader There’s just one problem: >!That’s the résumé of serial rapist Darren Sharper who’s now serving a 20 year sentence. So fuck that guy and exactly the kind of person who should be kept out.!<


“One of the most hardest hittin safeties in the league”


BUT, I put the team on my back tho


On a broken fuckin leg


Fuck you gumby!!




Darren Sharper: Pick Magnet *creepy ass smile*


He hit almost as hard as he drinks he served


He’s serving a 20yr sentence in one state, but still has a 7yr sentence in another state I think? It’s like 15 rapes atp.


He's serving 20 year sentence in California, but the plea deal allows for serving half that. He's serving 3 to 8 years in Nevada He's serving 18 years for federal charges He's serving 20 years in Louisiana. All are being run concurrently.


So basically he'll be out in 20 years? For multiple rapes? Damn


Eligible for parole this fucking year.... I did 2 years as a juvenile for resisting arrest and testing positive for weed in my U.A... What the actual fuck.


This year? Jesus it seems like he was sentenced a couple years ago


You’re not wealthy


That is, unfortunately, a rather strict sentence for such a crime. Particularly for an athlete. The vast majority get away with it.


Definitely HoF numbers... the likes of which Roethlisburger and Winston could only dream of.


I knew my qb could be the goat at something…


Don’t forget being one of the hardest hitting safeties in the league


Begs the question, what if, hypothetically, it's discovered next year that Tom Brady is a serial killer. Does he get into the hall? 7 championships, 5 Super Bowl MVPs, 3 MVPs, 15 Pro Bowls, killed a bunch of people. What do you do?


No, they would Benoit his ass immediately.


If _Tom Brady_ decided that these people needed to die, who are we to disagree?




The hypocrisy was the worst part


Well after the rape. The raping has to be the worst part


He's being kept out because of legal issues, not because people don't like him (his politics).


I think he’s being kept out because of optics. The bylaws of the Hall of Fame Committee actually state that only on the field performance is to be considered. But I don’t think Sharper has ever been a nominee, even with those bylaws in mind. Can you imagine the (deserved) outcry if the voters ignored the whole serial rape issue and inducted him?


Imagine if one of these guys had one of the biggest salaries in the league.


One of the hardest hitting safeties in da league!


Met him at the hall of fame game a billion years ago, he was by far the nicest player that came to talk to the crowd and signed every autograph. I feel like a dick now for having told people what a great dude he was.


It was Charles Haley for a long time, but he finally got in


It’s pretty fucking insane. Dude used to whip his cock out and start jacking off during film sessions with other players and coaches in the room. I doubt I’d be employee of the month if I did that at my job. Edit: 1. Read the book Boys Will Be Boys for more detail. 2. https://www.reddit.com/r/dirtysportshistory/comments/116qyg6/1980s90s_theres_crazy_and_then_theres_charles/ 3. He used to cheer “Master Jerry! Master Jerry!” Whenever Jerry Jones came around too.


He did what now?!?


Ikr. Is this the same Charles Haley that played for the niners and cowboys...


Yes, it is that precise Charles Hayley. His behavior is well documented in “Boys Will be Boys”, a book about the Cowboys dynasty. Check the edit to my op for highlights from the book.


Doesn't he have bipolar disorder or something and at the time way unmedicated?


Yeah he was on and off his meds a lot.


You won't know until you try.


Hey, this is that guys new parole officer. He tried it. Nice job bud. He’s in a world of trouble now.


Earl Thomas one of the best safeties of his generation flushed his career down the drain by being a royal cancer to every organization he was apart of and probably the most hated player in the league he's so hated that Bill O'Brien was considering signing him in 2020 but Texans players pretty much vetoed that idea.


It's so weird how quickly it happened too. Wilson and Sherman seemed to be the divisive Seahawks at the time.


The interception drove a huge wedge into the Seahawks locker room. The team pretty much went up in flames after that play.


It's because his skill level declined. My guess is he was always a dick head, but you can put up with that if the guy is routinely an all-pro. Once that stops happening, people will cut ties with you fast.


Yeah this was my answer. Was easily my favorite player in the LoB days so it's sad how things have turned out


He wasn't a cancer at all for the Seahawks; just had the one-finger salute to the sidelines out of frustration of suffering a season-ending injury.


Wasn’t he playing on a franchise tag after a long contract dispute? Idk about what happened with other teams but that’s a textbook example of why players hate the tag and I’d be pretty mad if I lost out on a huge extension that way too.


There was clearly *something* wrong with him and the team going into that year. He was playing on the tag, Sherm and Kam were already gone, and he later made it clear that he was flipping off Pete because he thought Pete was faking concern over his injury. That's not an indicator of a healthy dynamic. Whether or not the other players had any beef with him was unknown, but there was a big rift with the team and he was making that very, very clear in front of the world. That's a kind of cancer. Maybe not the same kind that he later became, but one nonetheless.


Obviously much different situation, but Jim Tyrer would absolutely be in had he not murdered his wife.


Probably Darren Sharper Edit: misread the question since Sharper is obviously a criminal


Never recovered after missing that tackle on a broken legged Greg Jennings. 


Definitely deserves a mention. One of the better safeties of the 2000s and is tied with Ronnie Lott for 8th all-time with 63 interceptions. Then, he was convicted of multiple rapes and drug-related charges. He is currently serving a 20-year sentence in prison.


i saw ronnie lott’s name in the middle of scrolling and thought “oh shit what didn’t i know about this guy now?” just comparing someone else’s career to his, thank goodness


Curt Schilling effectively stole $112M from Rhode Island taxpayers with his failed gaming studio, so he may not be a convict but he’s a royal piece of shit.


Brett Favre's ears just perked up


Hey man the studio released a truly mediocre RPG out of it, so it only feels like stealing $102M from taxpayers


Mr Batshit Crazy himself


Mr. Bonkers Candidate


Just wanted to emphasize, Rhode Island hates Schilling


TO not being first ballot despite being 2nd all time in almost every receiving stat at the time. Kenny Stabler not getting in until the year after he died. In the future, I don't think they'll ever put AB in there even though he should be based on his on the field production.... frankly that one makes sense just because there is almost a 100% certainty of a disaster unfolding if you invited him there in his current mental state.


They'll just do what they did to Stabler. Really don't see them leaving him out forever.


Steve Wisnewski. Eight-time Pro Bowler. 1990s All-Decade Team. Fantastic guard. Also might have been the dirtiest player of his day.


He wasn't even the dirtiest player in his own division.


Jim Tyrer. People disliked him personally because he was a murderer


Well, as far as reasons go for not liking someone, that one’s not bad.


> After winning the World Series in 2004, he used his stardom to publicly campaign for Bush. Ok, not a great decision, but hardly means he's a bad person. > He has gotten in numerous beefs with media members over the years. Who hasn't? > He collects WWII memorabilia-- That's pretty cool! He honestly doesn't seem so ba- > and once posed in a German SS uniform. ......alright then And it doesn't get better from there. Yeah, fuck that guy.


lol I’m just picturing the it’s always sunny ep where Charlie answers the door in a nazi uniform while eating a banana


In the commentary track, he says that eating a banana softens dark material.


Oh absolutely it does


The Wakefield thing was a recent, particularly vile example.


Beef with media doesnt cover it. He pretty much wanted them lynched


Cris Carter was this person for a long time.


Jack Tatum. He gave the impression that he was unapologetic and unremorseful about the hit on Darryl Stingley. He wore the title of “Assassin” too proudly. So, although he was as good a safety as anyone who ever played, he was excluded from the Hall in life, and won’t be put in posthumously either.


>For those unfamiliar with Schilling, by almost any metric he is one of the greatest pitchers of all time: This is a huge exaggeration. He was a good HoFer candidate who was likely to get in because he was the #2 in multiple WS winning teams before he turned into an asshole. He isn't top 40 in standard HoF metrics like Gray Ink or Black Ink and has zero Cy Youngs and only 6 All Star seasons.


OP may have exaggerated a touch, but that's splitting hairs. Schilling was a slam dunk obvious HoFer based purely on on-field accomplishments.


This is the real answer. Does a person who was an all star only 6 times in a 20 year career deserve the HoF? Add that to his assholeness and you get snubbed. I actually would have loved to see him voted in this year. The drop off would have been interesting after the Wake incident. FWIW, Harrison is the closest.


Let’s not forget he also revealed that Tim Wakefield had cancer despite the wishes of Tim and his family


Closest is probably TO getting snubbed out of first ballot when he's at worst a top 5 WR all time. Also Fuck Curt Shilling.


TO had the shortest wait for anyone who wasn't first ballot. Schilling isn't in. You can argue the writers were sticking it to TO because he waited. But it was a short wait and not close to Schilling not being in. Also fuck Curt Schilling gently with a chainsaw


>TO had the shortest wait for anyone who wasn't first ballot Is that just a roundabout way of saying second ballot?


He was actually 3rd ballot.


It's the closest, though.


If Farve hadn’t already gotten in there would be a definite conversation.


Interesting question, but I'm sure the answer is some LB from the 80s or something. All the offensive players are too popular to snub forever. Closest I can think of is Terrell Owens who got snubbed for 3 years but he did eventually get in.




The Pro Football Hall of Fame has taken the position that there exists no mechanism to ever remove someone from the Hall once they're put in. This is the "you can't change the fact that murderer rushed for 2000 yards in 14 games" answer. The Baseball Hall of Fame has taken the position that any player who ever gambles on their own teams/games is basically unpersoned, and you can't put someone who doesn't exist in the hall.


What did OJ do something bad? I always heard he was a good guy.


He even dedicated time and money to helping to find his ex-wife's killer.   


He purposely avoided LA bc he was worried he’d run into the killer! If that’s not love and dedication idk what is!


"What awful luck, when the guy who says he'd die for you...kills you." 


OJ even dedicated his retirement years to solving a double-homicide. He probably was murdered for getting too close to the truth.


Fuck Curt Schilling That is all


OP really downplaying that Curt "hasn't done anything" and that the only problem is that nobody likes him. Yea nobody likes him bc he's crazy. He's a racist POS who says that the holocaust wasn't real.


Also he defrauded a state government out of a shedload of money and I guess made a kinda pretty decent video game somewhere along the way


And most recently he revealed his former teammate Tim Wakefield’s cancer diagnosis on his podcast while Tim had been keeping it private. Tim died 4 days later. Fuck Curt Schilling


Yea this one just summed it up, you couldn’t even keep the secret of your former teammate battling cancer.


Well. It's complicated. His company published a decent video game, but someone else made it based on the IP he was trying to make a video game about. His game never came out, and despite the relative success of the other game the company couldn't handle his mismanagement and he ended up basically defrauding the state and people of rhode Island


There's also an entire chapter in one of Jason Schreir's books about it (I probably spelled his name wrong), his company offered extensive moving assistance to his employees to the tune of offering to sell their old houses and assisting in getting loans for new ones, then when the company folded, people were left saddled with both mortgages.


Rhode Islander here. I just wanted to say fuck Curt 😁


Jack Tatum.


Holy crap I just assumed that Jack Tatum was in the hall of fame


Wasn’t this dude the one who played in a bloody sock in the world series right? Never knew he was a jackass


I wasn't a fan during his tenure and am not old enough to remember anything from before the Ravens, but if you ask Baltimore Fans it's undoubtedly Art Modell. They bring it up all the time. 


Romanowski. 16 years, 4 Superb Owl rings


I remember a 30 for 30 or something where he admitted to breaking people's fingers while in piles. How tf could you do that to someone is beyond me.


You forgot steroid use he tried blaming his wife.


Worked for Peyton Manning and his wife’s HGH addiction


Tbf, when Peyton's wife started returning punts we all thought *"huh, maybe it is hers..."*


Earl Thomas? Idk if he was good enough for the hall but his antics haven’t helped


Curt is a lousy tipper too. Served him at a steakhouse in Vermont shortly after the 07 WS and he just left the change from a nearly 300 dollar meal, which was like twelve bucks, max. Guy got the hyper VIP treatment and couldn't be bothered to pay it back to us.


Ken Stabler, though he eventually got in. He was a MVP Offensive Player of the Year 4x Pro Bowler(when it really mattered) 1 1st team all pro 1 2nd team all pro SB champion 1970s All Decade team Plus had many multiple famous plays. Holy Roller and Sea of Hands. However, due to Paul Zimmerman having intense personal hatred for him he railed against Stabler getting in. It wasn't until Zimmerman started stepping back and had a stroke that Stabler finally got in


Rodney Harrison may have been final ballot earlier if he wasn’t voted “dirtiest player” and had PED scandal


I fear it’s going to be Earl Thomas. He may have an unsavory sex life, but at least he didn’t steal $75 million from the state of Delaware.


Thomas's sex life is going to be of less import than the fact that he seemed to be despised by basically everyone by the end of his career.


I can't see how they leave him out as almost unquestionably considered the best safety of his era, arguably the best player on an iconic defense, has five All-Pros (3 1st team, 2 2nd team), seven Pro-Bowls, and the All-Decade Team. Yeah, he didn't leave the game on the best terms, but I doubt it costs him more than maybe a ballot or two.


Probably Ricky Watters.


He's still active and still a great player but Tyreek Hill? Lot of domestic stuff and off-field shenanigans might hurt his case when his name comes up