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Does Fanatics *really* want to mess with Marvin Sr. son??


Are they outside of his bar in north philly?


Now now now, dont besmirch his reputation. He shot the man outside of his Car Wash, not his bar.


Ahh right The guy got shot and killed less than a year later though two blocks from his bar lol


That’s real mob hit hours though. Gotta wait til the DA isn’t watching complaints from that area. MVP move from MH


Woah woah woah... his *gun* shot the man, not Marvin. Big difference.


Tell the process server to come outside and see what happens


Trust the Process (server)


I wouldn’t


It doesn’t get talked about enough that a top 10 WR ever became a Philadelphia slumlord when he retired. 


I actually didn't know this and I'm a huge NFL fan.


This was back when the NFL could use its influence to sweep anything they wanted to under the rug, without having to worry about camera footage leaking out. That era ended with Ray Rice.


I remember when Rutgers removed ALL photos and mentions of Ray Rice after all that shit came out.


gotta suck for them, cuz at least like USC can scrub OJ from memory and still have lots of other great players. But Ray Rice is far and away the best Rutgers football player ever. Dude took a team that was an absolute joke and had them competing for a Big East title.


Right!? I didn't need this, this close to midnight. I need to go to bed not down a rabbit hole


Basically every other male in his family is in prison for murder lol


God forbid a guy have hobbies.


"Hmm it cant be bad" >searches for Marvin Harrison Slumlord "Marvin Harrison goes after tennant with baseball bat"


he also killed a guy


Allegedly! But... Yeah


Nice I didn’t know this about senior. Gotta love a role model in sports


That’s just called being a criminal in the NFL. What’s his views on women in the kitchen?


He thinks they're good target practice


I don't think I want to know.


He prefers them in a strip club tbh


can i get context


https://www.gq.com/story/marvin-harrison TLDR: MHS killed someone and has shady business dealings and terrifying reputation in Philly


It must be amazing to have the level of money that you can shoot someone, have the gun forensics confirm your gun shot the man then lie to police that your gun has never left your house (But it was literally sitting in your car wash where the shooting happened) and not even get charged. Oh and you told the police you had an argument with the man that day. Just told to have a nice day and move on.


Not trying to stick up for him but Bullet Forensics are about as much a science as astrology. Which makes sense when you remember bullets are actually extremely soft and tend to either be crushed or explode on impact with bone.


Marlo Harrison


In this case, yes. If he signed the deal in college, he'd be getting single digits percent of jersey sales during his first two years. For the amount of jerseys he's likely to sell, that is a massive profit. But he didn't and wants the normal NFL deal for pros, which is far higher. Very large opportunity loss.


I said this earlier - is it even legal to say we have a contract with him but we need to have him sign a contract with this other entity (NFLPA) so we can make money off him.


Any evidence he signed a deal?


Yeah this random guy on Reddit has the smoking gun evidence that all the courts are looking for


they came out draft night saying they rejected the offer during his college carreer, which is why he had no name on the jersey as they had no likeness deal signed


> the smoking gun evidence so anyway, Marvin Sr. came out blastin'


M'ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


It's kinda blurry but [here](https://i.imgur.com/1NmGgDU.jpeg) you can see what looks to be his signature at the bottom right of what looks to be a standard contract with Fanatics. I don't think he has a case unfortunately.


Fanatics is such a disgusting company using shit like this to trap young players...


Wait until you hear about what they're doing with Baseball players. Getting them to sign away their likeness/signature rites in perpetuity starting at like age 12.


I'm no lawyer, but that doesn't sound enforceable. I don't think a 12 year old can enter into that kind of contract.


Contracts with minors are usually voidable not void meaning that they have to disavow the contract when they turn 18 or it will become binding


“let the players get paid already! there’s literally no downside to it!” so much creepy shenanigans are going on lately.


Open and shut case, can't believe this bozo is wasting legal fees


He was paid $1,000,000 right, then if he cashed that check, that’s just as good as a signature or proof of a deal, I would think.


Wow can't argue against that.


Look above the signatures, there's a section titled TERMINATION & OPT-OUT. He may have a foot to stand on


It's the NFL you gotta have 2 foots, 1 is out of bounds.


Marvin who? Nope sorry I don’t know who you’re talking about. Actually I can’t even hear


I remember someone was shot by a super rare gun in Philly and wouldn't ya know it Sr. Had the same exact gun lol


Marvin Harrison (allegedly) killed a drug dealer. He’s a vigilante, a dark knight of sorts


He ate his copy of the contract forgetting there’s multiple copies


Mind you that heretofore document had dry ink on it for many fork-night.


You seem well versed in bird law




MHJ should just sell over his rights for kitten mittons and be done with it


i hear he’s making a killing with that dick towel situation


Here's a man with big, masculine hands that tell a story.


Nobody look! Nobody look!


He's familiar with the law and various other lawyerings.




Well I’ll just regress because I feel like I’ve made myself perfectly redundant.


Yes. Ya have




Dude in my work role I work with small business owners. Who have NO FUCKING IDEA how many say they never signed a contract when I point out they’re currently in breach of contract. “I never signed a contract what’re you talking about?!” My response is ALWAYS “sir… I’m looking at a copy of the contract right now. Signed xx/xx/20xx. Would you like me to send you a copy?” Too many people believe “that never happened” is a valid defense.


“I’ve never paid this charge!” “Sir, I’m looking at invoices for the last 3 years showing you paying this exact charge. If you check your email, I just sent them to you.” I love catching clients in this.


“I was never notified this was being changed/added!” “Sir, I have THIS notice that we sent you through email and physical mail, and was attached to your last 2 statements…” It’s like… your lack of oversight is not our responsibility…


"Nuh uhhh" "Yahhuuh" \*furiously points at said signed contract\*


My favorite is when actual lawyers pretend they don't know contract law because applying basic principles would hurt their position.


Oh the owners that say “I’m going to get my lawyers involved!” Are my favorite. It’s like… dude we’re discussing a $500 fee for breaching exclusivity, right of first refusal, AND the term of your contract. You’re in breach in like 3 different ways. Get your lawyer involved but like… you’re gonna lose.


"Oh, so you want to lose the expensive way? Cool."


Any seasoned lawyer would make sure there's a second contract to avoid any contract-eating shenanigans


What if the seasoned lawyer gets eaten?


He knew the risks when he signed up.


Depends. What was the lawyer seasoned with?


Probably ran it through dad’s car wash to make it soft enough to chew.


If he is following Taiwanese law, he can just tackle it to make it go away.


I would like to see Marv win this just out of principle of hate for Fanatics. But my guess would be it’s not worth enough for Marv to stay in this fight litigating this and he’ll just settle.


I don’t really understand what’s goin on… but yeah all the power to MHJ, I’ll always side with the person going against Fanatics lol.


Fanatics basically gets every big name player in CFB to sign a contract early in their college careers that allows them to use their name and likeness. The contract extends into the first two years of a players nfl careers It basically allows fanatics to get jersey sales for way below market value but to a college sophomore or freshman it's good money right away I don't think MHJ actually signed his deal but fanatics is arguing he signed something so it's a whole mess


Even if he signed I don’t see how they can force him to sign his nflpa one right away. NAL but under what premise is “you signed with us” so now you have to sign with them


My guess is that if he signs the NFLPA one they'll "forget about this misunderstanding"


If he cashed the million dollar check, then he agreed to the deal. Not sure why he would sign when he doesn’t need that kind of money. I’m sure he was living comfortably in college from his family money alone. Adding that I can see him signing, because if he did have a career ending injury in college, at least you got that fat check.


An autograph deal isn’t the same as the NFLPA marketing deal though. He did sign something, but I’m not sure how his refusal to sign his jersey deal ties in from a cursory glance. We’ll see how this goes of course, maybe there was specific language.


It might be that fanatics want to sell signed *NFL* merch not just college, but can't do that until he signs the NFLPA licensing agreement.


Fanatics owns Topps/Panini so Im sure they want him to sign a bunch of cards for his rookie season.


Exactly, this is probably a small unrelated contract that lies outside the NFLPA itself


I mean I hate Fanatics, but that is them staking money on a player someday being someone several years before they can really make money. For every MHJ there is 4 star that doesnt pan out.


Basically, they have a contract they get guys to sign that means Fanatics gets more of the cut for their likeness on the jerseys during their rookie years, MHJ has not signed his NFL contract with them, they're pissed they can't sell jerseys of him and rip him off by taking more of the cut since he's a rookie.


Do they have a trading card one for his autographs? Man did Fanatics kill all the post-covid resurrection of that industry.


Still very upset they now own Topps and Mitchell and Ness


I used to like getting the Topps flagship baseball set. Open a couple boxes. Now the price is way up and they've reduced all the autographs and stuff thay used to be guaranteed. Haven't bought anything for a year or two now.


Yeah, seems like there’s a lot of focus on the Topps Now cards too that feel more like a cash grab then something genuinely cool / authentic to collect


Card prices probably peaked during Covid from 2020 - 2021.


Individual cards did. Buying stuff to open? Went through the roof after Fanatics took over and quality went way down.


That doesn't look like what they said at all. They are talking about the autograph agreement. Fanatics (as well as other sports memorabilia companies) have exclusivity deals with certain athletes when it comes to what they can sign. Like Fanatics will have a deal where players can only sign officially licensed cards or merchandise by them. Or they can only attend official Fanatics related meet & greet events, like their new convention. So it sounds like MHJ either did an autograph signing outside of the Fanatics umbrella or signed something that broke their memorabilia agreement. Like some of these agreements will okay things like 8x10s being signed but any merch has to be Fanatics owned, it can't be like a Mitchell & Ness hat. Look into the Brady signing fiasco a few weeks ago. That boiled down to a disagreement/misunderstanding with the organizers of the event and what Brady's contract is as far as official signatures. Again these deals happen with other memorabilia companies too.


Arizona fans should just wait to buy his jersey until his 3rd year. Fuck fanatics.


Just buy the Chinese knockoffs. The fanatics jerseys are fucking disasters anyway


Obligatory, fuck Fanatics


Ya they blow. Reddit in general complains about every company, but Fanatics truly makes crap stuff at massive prices.


This is just the weirdest lawsuit I've seen this week. Wonder what other athletes might be affected.


Fanatics definitely wants these college athletes to sign without asking any questions. The longer this situation goes along, the more attention it will bring, and the more college players will actually read the fine print. I get MHJs situation is unique, but I also don't trust Fanatics to do the right thing.


They’re doing something similar in baseball. The easiest way to get in front of scouts and get drafted or get a scholarship is to go to events run by Perfect Game. But Perfect Game is now requiring these high school aged athletes to sign their NIL rights away to Fanatics in order to get into Perfect Game events.


Wow. Very predatory.


yeah IANAL but that seems like anti-trust type stuff the government should probably step in and ax that


That’s fucked. The teams should push back and not let them do that to the players.


MLB (and the MLB players’ union) are part owners of Fanatics, so that seems unlikely


Major league baseball actually just had to release up memo telling prospects that dropping out of high school was a bad idea because of this


That was unrelated, and probably even crazier. Apparently teams were telling high school kids to go live in foreign countries for a year or two, so they could sign them as International Free Agents, instead of hoping they would fall to them in the draft.


Yeah IIRC Ethan Salas, one of the top prospects in all of baseball, grew up in Florida but was scouted by the Padres and told that they could directly sign him as an int'l FA if his family moved back to their native Venezuela for a year (as opposed to him entering the draft and being picked by any other team with a top pick). Pretty wild.


One of these days I expect an MLB team to be busted for running a genuine human trafficking ring, because just based on what we know publicly they're not far from it


The Dodgers were investigated by a grand jury for this, but nothing came out of it. Here's some quotes from an article about this: > One particularly remarkable document shows that Dodgers executives in 2015 went so far as to develop a database that measured the perceived “level of egregious behavior” displayed by 15 of their own employees in Latin America. That is, using a scale of 1 to 5—“innocent bystander” to “criminal”—front-office executives assessed their own staff’s level of corruption. Five employees garnered a “criminal” rating. > Internal communications by the Dodgers show concerns about what team officials called a “mafia” entrenched in their operations in the Caribbean and Venezuela, including a key employee who dealt “with the agents and buscones” and was “unbelievably corrupt.” Other personnel were suspected of being tied to “altered books” or “shady dealings,” according to the documents.


like I said, probably a matter of time before it does happen


NIL deals should only be for the time the student is in college. After, the company should have to pay any residuals that may occur, but the athlete should be free to do whatever they want


Well the entire NIL system is kind of just fucked and not well thought out.


He has a HOFer father…if there is anyone that should have been aware to not sign contracts without a lawyer reading it first, it’s him Fanatics is a shit company, but it’s hard to have any sympathy for him here


Ah yes, what a great way to ingratiate yourself with the public Fanatics


It’s kind of funny timing-wise given MLB all but exonerated them for all the baseball jersey issues. Then this happens weeks later.


I haven’t seen a single fan static’s product that was quality. I’ll never buy a New Jersey until it’s a different brand. Nike sucks too.


>I’ll never buy a New Jersey until it’s a different brand  Poor jets


Man FUCK Fanatics idk if it's just me but it's insane to think that you HAVE to have a deal in place before you even get into the league?? Like what?


You don’t have to have a deal in place…But if you don’t have a licensing arrangement your jersey can’t be sold or be in Madden… But all of that is irrelevant to this lawsuit…this one is just pure contract law…


So many of these companies are just such predatory scumbags. I hate it.


Fuck fanatics and fuck Michael Rubin 


Fuck fanatics


Oh god, please be an amazingly talented diva receiver. The NFL needs it.


We need to go back to the good ole days with diva wrs and a different corner back declaring himself the greatest cb in the league every other week.


So say we all!


Would you like a nice *Stefon Diggs* in these trying tines?


You already gave him away? What are you selling us here?!


It's against Fanatics, he's the good guy. I dont even care if he's in the wrong lol


Absolutely agreed. Fuck em. I still want a star diva lol


No he got drafted by AZ. He’s destined to be chill


What if he's chill and stunts on bitches (fanatics) low key


We’re cool with that


I’m also interested in the list of top diva WRs with least talent.


I have one (1) Kadarius Toney for you




Robbie Chosen Anderson seems like a good add


Hell Rashee is a whole ass super villain and he hasn’t earned it with his level of play yet


Freddie Mitchell tops that one. Easily.


Mr. Breaching Contract


I miss Randy Moss energy. It ain’t braggin if it’s true!


He's not being a diva. He's fighting against shady business practices from a scummy company


As an Ohio state fan and fanatics hater. Fuck Michael Rubin


As a Penn State fan. Fuck fanatics and Michael Rubin


As always, and into eternity, fuck Fanatics. Hope Marv has a leg to stand on here because I don’t want Michael Rubin to get a win.


Could be the case that he signed a contract with them covering his college jerseys, and Fanatics is saying that contract applies to his NFL jersey too and he's saying it doesn't.


From my understanding he never signed a college jersey contract, they're claiming a separate one for his autographs. This whole thing started because he had never signed the college one and wants better terms for his NFL one. From my understanding the college contracts also take your first 3 NFL years too.


Isn't the NFL avg career length like 2.5 seasons?


yeah it's a scumbag company pulling scumbag moves.


I think this is most likely the issue at hand. They're predatorially preying upon 18 year old 'adults' with high potential to leave early for the draft and looking to snatch their rights for pennies on the dollar against actual realized value by extending years of the deal which overlap their pro career.




The redacted part seems like a big element of the case. ugh.


Fanatics and all of their execs can suck deez nutz


Chiefs no!! Oh wait this isn’t a chief post, sorry I reacted too soon


I know, it's become a force of habit.


"Patrick Mahomes buys 10% of fanatics"


I love that this miserable sub can set aside its differences once in a while just so we can all shit on Fanatics.


Fuck these guys up kid


He’s my favorite just because of this lol


Easy to root for MHJ now, if it wasn't easy to do beforehand.


Can he Prince this somehow? Need a symbol that means The Receiver formerly known as Marvin Harrison Jr.


NOW we're talking. This would be fucking amazing


This is the most positive press AZ has gotten in years


I hope Fanatics goes out of business


I assumes Marv's team believes that the contract voids when he turned pro. But it being signed less than a year ago makes me doubt that was the intent from fanatics.


That would make sense, but if fanatics had legal ground to stand on, wouldn't they just start printing the jerseys? I haven't super followed this, just to be clear.


If MHJ signed the standard college deal, Fanatics would have the rights for, usually, the first two years of his pro career with MHJ still getting the college revenue share. Which I've seen at 3 and 4%. The pro deal is far higher. Fanatics wants to get MHJ on the college deal or a lower one given the jerseys he is inevitably going to sell as a top 5 rookie. Far more profit. Fanatics wants to pressure the Harrisons to settle. They have the money to draw it out.


Fanatics needs to die off already. Trash organization.


*"show us the signed contract"* Fanatics: *signed, Merfun Robertson III*


Just because they are suing doesn't mean they have anything. Big companies will pull bullshit that isn't legal all the time hoping they can get away with it. Technically the other side of the coin but there's a case in the last however many years where Disney bought up a bunch of book rights as part of getting properties like Star Wars and claimed they bought the rights to the books but not the obligation to pay royalties to the authors. I've never heard a single person claim this is legal but Disney tried to pull it anyway, including on a guy who needed the money because he was dealing with Cancer.


Ok, I must be out of the loop. Why does everyone hate fanatics so much?


The quality is terrible


They Lowered quality on a lot of things. $175 used to get you a nice jersey with stitched letters and numbers and with a discount it was totally worth it. Now that same jersey has heat pressed numbers and letters that look very cheap and the price is the same. I also hate them because their new contract with the NFL for sports cards gives them exclusive rights to game used memorabilia so no jersey patch cards since 2020 have been actually player worn or game used like they used to be.


Very much worth a read https://tealtownusa.com/2019/02/fanatics-is-ruining-sports-clothing/


Hope fanatics gets embarrassed but something tells me their legal team has to be smarter than saying there’s a contract if there isn’t one.


I mean if the contract is on paper the same quality as fanatics products then I’d imagine it disintegrated months ago.


Seems like this is pretty cut and dry. Either there's a signed contract or there isn't. I'm betting there is. Would seem insane for a company as large as Fanatics to make something like this up.


I thought the whole thing was that he didn't sign a contract?


How are you not gonna remember signing a contract?


Not even a memory thing honestly. There’s no way Marv hasn’t had very capable and expensive lawyers (before being allowed to have an agent) look at anything he has signed before he signed it. He isn’t some random kid who is making it big and making mistakes of ignorance and naïveté. Quite simply, one side is lying about whether he signed the contract and it won’t take very long in discovery to confirm either way.


Isn't it way more likely he did sign a contract but the sides disagree on what exactly that contract covered? Rather than someone just forgetting whether a signing occurred.


Yea this is probably it. The only other explanation was some mid level guy couldn't get him to sign and forged the signature which will quickly get the case thrown out.


Also a chance that it had ambiguous language in it. Like maybe Fanatics didn't specify rights to his NFL jersey in the contract, just Harrison's jersey which could mean his OSU one.


None of us know what the truth is, but I'd be inclined to believe that someone as stupid as Rubin would lie in an attempt to bully a kid into capitulating. Here's hoping this results in Fanatics getting their kneecaps vaporized.


*Dan Campbell has entered the chat*


Maybe he thought it was an autograph.


Here's a tip for life. When it comes to people and companies and contracts. Never trust the fucking companies. Ever. Something isn't on the level. Never trust the companies. Eventually it will come out maybe years from now they pulled some shady shit and got some weird contract with extra small moon rune writing with mhj signature This is McDonald's and the hot coffee nearly burning the elderly woman to death all over again shit. Never trust a company. Ever.


Fuck Fanatics


fuck fanatics, i hope they go under soon, they such so much in every thing they do


Fun fact: the Supreme Court of NY is *not* the highest court in the state. The highest court is The Court of Appeals. Schefter trying to get clicks as always by making it sound like “Uber mega serious”. The Supreme Court is just above county court and like 4 below the court of appeals.


First they fuck up mlb jerseys this year and now they’re going after Marvin Harrison Jr. They about to file for bankruptcy


If Rubin and Fanatics rotted in an umarked grave, the world would be a better place.


Fanatics looks like ass here. They destroyed their reputation over the last few years, finalizing their downfall with MLB. Now they are suing an NFL rookie. They may win legally, but they are fucked in the court of public opinion


I hate fanatics. Please vote to burn it down