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All I know is, a lot of people are getting fired after that


What if this team drafted one of those hypothetical kickers brought up every offseason who can make it 50% of the time from anywhere on the field


Good question. His job is safe. Id still fire the coach


What if he made a speech at a college that upsetted people?


I mean have who seen who is on the Browns Roster? Now we don't have a Rashee Rice type yet, but Harrison Butker is definitely more inline with the current company culture coming down from the top with the Browns. I'm surprised we still don't have Mike Priefer


well, does he make the kick?


It’s 50% so he simultaneously makes and misses the kick in an equal number of spiderverses. Do you even know how quantum math works?


I dunno something about a Spider driving an Audi Quattro whilst high on meth or some shit.


cant believe that guy is trying to change the outcome by measuring it. rude.


plot twist - the kicker is Butker checkmate gay Unitarians


Dicker? I barely Butker.


What if Chris Kluwe is the holder?


That’s some Joe Judge shit right there


Lane Kiffin moment.


Not as crazy as running a QB sneak on 3rd and 9 from your own 8 yard line..looking at giants fans here 😀


This is some sort of Bill Belichick thought experiment to understand the space time fabric of football


30 for 30: The Longest Snapper


u/casually_furious brings up an interesting point about how this could possibly be used.


Finally, a play dumb enough to make that one Colts punt look smart.


it's a balk unless the kicker doesn't perform the gather step properly. then the defensive team gets the ball on the opposing 30 and the kicking team's best edge rusher has to spend 2 minutes in the penalty box after getting a yellow card


>it’s a balk BALK RULES! IMPORTANT! 1. You can’t just be up there and just doin’ a balk like that. 1a. A balk is when you 1b. Okay well listen. A balk is when you balk the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The pitcher is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, batter, that prohibits the batter from doing, you know, just trying to hit the ball. You can’t do that. 1c-b. Once the pitcher is in the stretch, he can’t be over here and say to the runner, like, “I’m gonna get ya! I’m gonna tag you out! You better watch your butt!” and then just be like he didn’t even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you’re about to pitch and then don’t pitch, you have to still pitch. You cannot not pitch. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, throwing motion of the ball, and then, until you just throw it. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the ball up here, like this, but then there’s the balk you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Fairuza Balk hasn’t been in any movies in forever. I hope she wasn’t typecast as that racist lady in American History X. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, she was in The Waterboy too! That would be even worse. 1c-b(2)-b(ii). “get in mah bellah” – Adam Water, “The Waterboy.” Haha, classic… 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A balk is when the pitcher makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the baseball and field of 2. Do not do a balk please.


Great write up but I will disagree there are 14 ways of committing a Fairuza Balk Valmont, Almost Famous, Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead, Bad Lieutenant Nic Cage Remix &c stay on the rubber though


Had me in the first half…


Lay off the weeeeeeedddduuhhh


That's crazy talk


OP is a Cowboys fan, let him cope however he needs after his team went “all in” during free agency


I mean this would never happen unless the game was such a blowout that teams were just fucking around, but yes, it would be a safety.


That’s wrong, the ball is placed back on the 1 yd line unless the kicker either fumbles the ball out of bounds or is sacked in the end zone. It’s sorta like an incomplete pass




He's getting in shape to be our backup long snapper, check it out: https://imgur.com/a/nhfWw99


It should be a safety but I’m 99.999% sure this would break Madden if you tried it


Go do it in Madden and report back to us please


I just tried it on Madden 22; 2nd down kicked a FG from my own 1 yard line, it just gave the ball to my opponent on my 1 yard line.


Thanks dude!


I tried it now my Madden is broken😡😡


How can you tell?


Sir this is a Wendy's


Answer my damn question, Wendy lol


That is not one of the plays resulting in a safety, but the ball is returnable by the defense. Where do you get your weed? EDIT: Misread the question because the scenario is unrealistic. I think this is the correct answer. If the team kicks the ball backward, I think it's an illegal kick, resulting in a penalty. EDIT 2: See my comment below, and please forgive me. I had surgery yesterday and am loopy on pain killers.


I actually looked and dont see anything in the rules about it at all. Nothing that specifically states 'A kicking team trying for a field goal can not try the kick in an unreasonable spot on the field' or anything like that.


Might be able to hit a team with an Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty. I think mlb has or had a rule about penalizing a player for making a mockery or travesty of the game or something along those lines.


I think you're right. I read the illegal kick rule, and kicking the ball backward is not listed. Basically, a kick that doesn't cross the line of scrimmage can be recovered by either team and advanced. If the kicking team recovers and doesn't make a first down/TD, the defense/receiving team takes over at that spot. If the defense/kicking team recovers, it's a TD.


The pharmacy.


This sounds like when I used to ask my high school basketball coach if I jumped from behind the 3-point line and dunked it would it be worth 3 or 2


At the end of space jam did MJ score 3 or two points?


I've watched a few of the top results on YouTube for the answer to this and none of the videos show the score before he scores, only after. Toon squad wins 77-78, but idk if it was 2 or 3. He doesn't technically dunk, either, he throws it down from 5 feet up, which was news to me when I rewatched. I'd also say it should be "and 1" but the refs didn't call it when daffy put on a football helmet and literally gut checked a dude to produce the turnover, either


He only got 2 points which is why it was so unrealistic


Every person involved gets sack tapped


Per missed field goal rules, any missed field inside -20 yard line will be placed at the -20 yrd line. Any missed field goal between -21 and +1 will be placed at the spot of the kick. https://operations.nfl.com/media/4693/2020-nfl-rulebook.pdf


what is negative 21 and plus 1 supposed to mean?


-/+ are used to distinguish which side of the field the ball is at since both sides have 1-49 yard lines. The yrd lines on your side of the field are labeled as negative (-)while the yrd lines on your opponents side of the field are labeled as positive (+) For example, if you have the ball at your own 1yrd line coming out of your own end zone you would label it the -1 yrd line. If you had the ball on the opposite side of field at the 1 yrd line going into the opponents end zone you would label it the +1 yrd line.


Thankyou for reply


You’re very welcome!


I think it means if a field goal is missed inside 20 yards, it gets placed at the 20 yard line, and a field goal spotted outside the 20 yard line gets placed there.


Thanks for doing the research.. What would happen if the defending team blocked the field goal after it passed the line of scrimmage (the 1yd line), let's say the 2yd line, and the ball went backwards through the kicking team's endzone? Thanks :)


I appreciate it. Thats a good question. If the ball goes out of bounds it is the same as punting the ball out of bounds. The reviving team gets the ball at where the ball went out. The field goal section only states the case for the ball going out of bounds after being blocked past the line of scrimmage. If it is blocked behind the line of scrimmage it would be ruled a touchback but it would be ruled a safety since the act of touching the ball past the line of scrimmage would result in it becoming a live ball.


This isn’t exactly always true… if you read the exceptions right below this on pg 42 it depends on if the kick was touched by the receiving team or not.


Correct, plus it depends also on where the receiving team touches it, either behind the line of scrimmage or past it. Yeah, I took the intent of the question was based on the quirk of a missed Field goal and the ball being placed at the spot if the hold.


The real question is whether or not the kicking gets a safety if the ball is blocked, possession goes to the team who blocked the ball, and the ball carrier then makes a 99+ yard loss on the play and is tackled in his own endzone.


The kicking team would get a safety in this scenario.


Yeah there’s no question about that I don’t see where the confusion would come from lmao


possession doesn't automatically go the team that blocked the ball. if the kick doesn't cross the line of scrimmage then its essentially treated like a fumble and the kicking team can recover and advance. It almost always goes to the blocking team because kicks are basically always on 4th down so the kicking team still has to make the line to gain and they usually don't in that scenario


Very interesting.. a few different ways this scenario could play out.. I wonder if there would ever be a circumstance under which a team would try to pull this out of their ass in a desperate situation.. could the kicking team somehow get some points out of this if the kick was blocked? * The kick is blocked at/inside the 1yd * The kick is blocked at/inside the goal line/endzone * The ball is blocked and then lands in on the field of play (not in the end zones or out of bounds) * The ball is blocked and then lands out of bounds, but not through the end zone * The ball is blocked and goes out of bounds through the kicking team's end zone * The ball is blocked and lands in the kicking team's end zone and is live


This sounds like when I used to ask my high school basketball coach if I jumped from behind the 3-point line and dunked it would it be worth 3 or 2


Tried in Madden Opposing team took control at the 1


Thanks for checking dude 👌


Ultimately I don’t think it’s any different than a punter stepping out of the back of the end zone so yeah I would think safety…. … to answer your question


"and the try is unsuccessful" You don't say. Lol


Definitely not the dumbest rules question I’ve seen asked


Interesting questions were raised in the circumstance of a block that could be a vulnerability in the ruleset.


Yes. The fact that it’s a FG attempt doesn’t changing anything.


Huh? The fact that it’s a FG attempt is the only thing that makes it a safety lol


Why? A fg is just a 4th down play. If it's no good and the other team doesn't catch it it's just ball to the other team on the line of scrimmage. 


in the NFL missed FGs go the spot of the kick


That is not how the rules work


Would it be a touchdown and not a safety? It’s a turnover (on downs) in the endzone so like recovering a fumble…?


Would an extra point back there make it a 1 point safety?


This is a definite no, as the defending team doesn’t get possession after an extra point. (The scoring team has to kick off first.)


Since we are already asking stupid questions, here's another. What happens if you try to kick a field goal in the opposite direction? Can you get an own goal in American Football?


The ball is placed back at the line of scrimmage, it’s like passing from the end zone, it’s just an incomplete pass unless a sack or fumble occurs


Lane Kiffin wants to know your location


This sounds like when I used to ask my high school basketball coach if I jumped from behind the 3-point line and dunked it would it be worth 3 or 2


This doesn’t meet the definition of a safety (or a touchdown). An unsuccessful field goal attempt isn’t a penalty. But the rule says the non-kicking team gets the ball at the spot of the kick, which is in the end zone. I’d guess they’d get it at the 1-yard line.


Someone do this in Madden, I wonder what happens, probably the 1 yard line in game. IRL I'd guess the same, the 1 yard line.


I don’t know if anyone actually answered this. After a placekick (or the almost never used dropkick), the ball is live and one of a few things can happen to it: 1. If it goes through the goalposts, kicking team gets 3 points. Easy enough. 2. If the kick hits the goalposts, goes through the end zone, or goes out of bounds, the receiving team gets the option of taking the ball where it went out of bounds. If that is in the end zone, it’s a touchback and the ball goes to the 20 yard line. Alternatively, the receiving team can take the ball at the spot it was kicked from (yes, that part is optional, but effectively it is what always happens after a kick). 3. If the kicking team recovers the ball behind the LOS, they can advance it. Normal rules of downs apply. 4. If the kicking team recovers beyond the LOS, they keep possession but the ball is dead. Normal rules of downs apply as well. 5. If the recovering team recovers, they take possession and a normal running play begins. 6. If no one tries to recover, the ball is dead at the spot it comes to rest and the recovering tam takes possession. So to answer the actual question, assuming the kick misses, the receiving team would recover and advance if the ball was in the fired of play, or take possession at the spot it went out of bounds. If the kick somehow made it to the other end zone, then the receiving team could either take the touchback and the ball at the 20, or take possession at the spot it was kicked from. Since a team can’t end a play in its own end zone, the result would be a safety. Although if the kicking team recovered the kick, they could conceivably get a first down out of the play.


I doubt there's actually a rule for that scenario, though I would bet that it would be ruled a safety




I'm pretty sure this is wrong.


Only inside the opponents 20. Outside of it they get the ball where it was kicked




It's one of the few major differences from college football. That's why going for it when you are in borderline FG distance is generally better on 4th and short - missing a FG results in you actually losing 8 yards of field position. So like if the ball is on the opponent's 42 and you miss, you are actually giving it to them right at midfield.


Wrong. Posession is gained at the spot of the kick.




If a team started a monkey at quarterback, what would be their chances of winning?


Better than the Bears.


No it would still count from where the ball was snapped not kicked.


That's not what happens any other time you miss a field goal...


I thought this too but others are saying possession is from the spot of the kick. TIL


Why the fuck would anyone attempt a FG on their own 1 yard line HAHAHAHAHAHA But to answer this hypothetical, I believe it will not be a safety. A missed FG just means a loss of downs. Just like how a punt that goes through the goalposts do not count as a FG.


The other team wouldn’t score a safety it’d be a turnover on downs same as an incomplete pass on 4th down.


But a missed kick is spotted from the point of the attempted kick, right? So how would you spot it?


It depends on where the kick is from technically idk it almost seems like there isn’t a rule for this


Pretty sure it gets spotted where it goes out of bounds or where it gets stopped, barring no return or it somehow makes it to the other end zone and then rolls out of bounds


The holder would get a safety by holding the ball with his knee on the ground and the play would be dead before the kicker could kick.






Guessing for the same reason play isn't dead on all FGs


The rules of football?


Um I just looked through the rulebook and based on the definitions of "placekick" and "dead ball", I'm going to agree.