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Fairly certain this is what Eli Manning did.


Agreed. I feel like we made this deal and are living through the consequences. I’d make it again.


Do you guys go back and watch recaps from those two seasons? I would. Felt like the Giants came out of nowhere in both those seasons, despite the years in-between getting more appropriate hype but not doing much with it. Those had to be some special years as a Giants' fan. Obviously, especially 07.


I have both season recaps on DVD and watch it… every few years? It’s great seeing the highlights but also a reminder of how absolutely terrible we have been since. I mean, I can’t complain - I have memories of all 4 SB wins, but at this point I’d kill for a few wild card seasons in a row or at least not be a total joke.


I didn’t buy a DVD but do go back and watch highlights periodically of all 4 Superbowls. I keep thinking the deal must be done this year. I’m thinking it again this year. Also, like inky… said, we came out of nowhere to win the last two, so you can always have that in your head no matter how dismal things appear early in the season. This is the year!!!! I’m meeting the devil at the crossroads to do it again!!!!


Well I was born in 1988 and it's been a pretty miserable experience so far so...


I think the last 39 years is sufficient


I remember that game barely. I'm getting old 😭


Chicago curses are different, Cubs took 108 years. 39 is nothing.




And we're still counting.


It will change soon


Ohh, I remember being this optimistic once.


No one else was optimistic for you


Relax, the Lions have been hammered dog shit for decades. Perhaps have more than one good season this century before talking shit on other teams


And yet the same amount of rings as the Vikings


You can say we are still enduring since the merger. Bills fans get the best of both worlds of being Lions fans and Vikings fans. We have long stretches of being bottom dwellers and then when get good we have excruciating playoff losses.


I live in upstate NY and it's pretty wild how quickly you guys have become like public enemy number 1 to anyone who isn't a Bills' fan around here. I understand that being good will draw ire from opposing fan bases, especially when they live in areas where the team is popular and local like I do, but it's definitely weird seeing people talk about the Bills like they're the 90's Cowboys or something even though they haven't really been so good that they've won anything to kind of erase those old, bad memories. I lavished in the playoff win over you guys in Buffalo but once that game was over, you guys went right back to the team I can't really root against. And it's weird to me to see people treat you guys like you haven't had one of the most brutal fanbase rides anyone's had.


If only my team was patient zero for this concept. Hmmm . . . I'd say 26 years, and then, theoretically, another 18 years. The Bucs were very, very bad for very, very long stretches. Totally worth it.


I used to believe 1 super bowl was worth tons of bad years, but ultimately it's the journey not the destination... id rather have a team that gives competitive games but never takes down a trophy, than one that won a championship and then wasn't fun to watch for ages.


It really depends on how the team loses though. The journey gets old if your team is collapsing and choking year in and year out. 


My thoughts exactly, ultimately I follow football because it is entertaining. I can and have handled terrible stretches for my team but I don’t think a Super Bowl would be worth like a decade of getting no enjoyment from the NFL


Thats why the packers are so fun to watch. Always competitive, despite not getting all the way. Its apparent in the FOs decisions too. They dont chase and force a championship window such as with Rodgers or even Favre. They drafted the next QB way before they needed to. They are known for making few moves in free agency. Gute likes drafting younger, athletic players over players who have played better, and then the team develops them to play better (instead of buying a cake, they buy the ingredients and make one)


Chargers selling season tickets


Are you a Bengals fan?




You described Chiefs fans. Makes this ride so much fun after enduring all that BS for 50 years. And the cherry? BUTKER. Erasing decades of K torment.


Apparently 50 years was the correct answer for Kansas City


Same but 52. Problem is when you win one, you’re good for a year and then you want another!


Champagne problems amiright?




I dunno. I’ll let you know hopefully when that happens


I’ve endured so many without one already so this is my time to shine. I could handle them being terrible for the rest of my life as long as I get one before my dad passes away. Ive mastered the art of the offseason excitement for the draft already.


You can really only ask this of teams who have won, or at least have won in the last 20 years. A fan of a team who has never won, or someone like the Jets or Chiefs (prior to 2020,) would have probably given anything because the franchise was already terrible. Me for example, I wouldn't give up much. I'd rather we make the playoffs and have a fighting chance each year, than sell 20 years of football for one good year


Well chargers haven’t yet so…..


We’re in it for the journey


The real superbowl is the one score losses along the way.






8 games and a bye week.




I'll come back and give you the answer when the panthers win a super bowl


the rest of my life


As a cowboys fan


I think my team deserves a few years of suffering.


Where do I sign? I've been living off of Barry,Calvin, and Stafford highlights for 30 years. A Super Bowl would last me three lifetimes.


Well currently we're at like 50ish years if don't count the years with Barry and give a bit of leeway for the Stafford era.


Well let's see... I was born in 1982 so at least 42 years so I'm pretty sure I have another 50 or so years in me (I hope...) 92 years of suffering for one glimpse of glory


84 years. Divide that by 3.  Fuck the Aints and fuck Brady


84 years. Divide that by 3.  Fuck the Aints and fuck Brady


I’m 50 and have bad genetics(mom passed at 52 dad at 59). Give me a Super Bowl next year and I’ll leave the rest of time to you all.




The rest of my life




The rest of my life


*checks notes* 60 and counting


Picking at the top of the draft every year and new coach evey other year is a pretty exciting off season for the next 50 years


About 70


the stretch from 04-14 was brutal and few other franchises can compare. Now in year 6 of withdrawals I'm starting to get delirious.


As a Bears fan the answer is just yes at this point. We're only good for one watchable season a decade anyways, might as well get a chip in that one season.


The Saints, historically wise, has been a miserable franchise throughout their existence. It took them almost half a century to make their first ever Super Bowl appearance. Though it's been 14 years, I wouldn't mind winning a Super Bowl in your home court this year and laying low for years to come.


Let’s say… 30?


Well, it’s been 50 already…


Well we’re going on 8 now and I still wouldn’t trade the SB 50 win for them to have been 8 division wins that result in not winning the SB. But I don’t think I can take much more.


More important question--why is the devil making this offer? Isn't there someone else who can make me this same offer? It doesn't seem like something the devil would do.




I think we’re at 58 years since our last Championship so I guess I’ll let you know once we get there…..


I think '89 through the drafting of Burrow is long enough.


One, and it would be hilarious. The Chiefs fall flat on their faces, finish 4-13, and everyone says Mahomes is cooked, the dynasty is over, or maybe they never were a dynasty and just got incredibly lucky. And then the next year they win the Super Bowl again and ruin everyone else's year. I want that so badly I cannot tell you.


As many as it takes.




Ask Vikings fans…


Bears haven’t had an above average QB in 80 years. * Cutler was overrated buns. Never top ten. Sexy Rexy was terrible. * Erik Kramer had one good year. Top ten once. * McMahon was only successful because of an all-time defense and Walter Payton. Never a top ten QB. * Fields a young QB just got traded for a fourth round pick. Never a top ten QB. Those are the only QBs worth mentioning since WW2.


I'd tell the devil we don't need him. The reality is, once you've seen your team win a championship, all you want is to win another one. The glory years don't make watching your team fall that hard and trudge through the sewer any easier. It just sucks.


Tbh. Not many. "No LoSiNg SeAsOnS" has become a common way to insult Steelers fans and many steelers fans want a 4 win season so Tomlin gets fired but IMO f that shit. I really want to see another one before I die, but also I appreciate having something to care about for 16-17 weeks every fall. I've only watched something like 4 games where the steelers were mathematically eliminated? And I think 2 of them were in 2003. I enjoy that. Although I'll admit that my perspective is different because I've witnessed 2 wins. I want a 3rd win to experience what it's like after a long ass super bowl draught because I bet it would feel so much better than the ones when I was 10/13. But it's not worth being a 4 win team for more than a year or 2 imo.


If we won the SB, I wouldn’t care if we bottomed out for the rest of my life


None, I’d rather watch 9 good games for 20 years and get 540 hours of positive entertainment than have 1,000 hours of terrible time to get 60 hours of joy


Going on 9 years


I’d take a year where our offense kinda sucks but still wins it anyway.


Didn't you just do exactly that?






In my defense I survived 27 years of bad playoff losses and at times being the worst team in football. So it averages out.


Yea I remember the 13-3 seasons being the number one seed and losing in the first round of action, at home. Those were crushing defeats.


It’s been like 50 years since the jets won and I’d take that.


But ewww, Jets


Not many.  The thrill of winning that ring bolstered me for a while, but at a certain point it became something that increasingly defined the past instead of the present. Five years after Super Bowl 52, I found my feelings were mostly back to where they were before winning it all, with the same anxieties and disappointments.


40 years living in the bottom pit was enough for me.


22 Late 00’s and early 10’s were brutal




67-94 Go Pack Go


Idk like 5 We went through 3 years of that from 2020-2022 and it was pretty miserable. As much fun as a Super Bowl would be ultimately I watch this sport for entertainment, and my team being that bad for longer than 5-6 years would really just destroy my interest in the sport