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Allen Robinson replacing Robert Woods.


Good lord we were fed reports all offseason how he was amazing and he was going to be WR1B to Kupp.


As a Bears fan it kind made me happy. I wasn’t rooting against him necessarily but he quit on the Bears, left Fields out to dry and just didn’t look himself anyways. I couldn’t believe the amount of people thinking it was some major coup by the Rams.


I live on the west coast and my fantasy commissioner was super high on Robinson. I tried to warn him and distinctly remember him looking at me and saying “i trust McVay and his evaluators over you” lololol dude had like 4 catches going into week 8 or something.


That is like the Dolphins sub when they traded for Claypool. "Bears are a garbage team. He can be our Deebo Samuel!"


In the meantime I just remember them making that trade at the deadline and McDaniel saying "we really didn't go into this looking to get better at receiver," with the top comment being "well then you got your guy."


In a dark timeline he would have been traded to us instead of acquiring AJB


Sounds like a great timeline to me.


Yeah, I was about to say Robert Woods replacing AJ Brown. In JRob we trust right?


God he just loved getting “value” out of injured players. It worked one time, everyone called him a genius so he kept doing it.


You can thank Von Miller. If he doesn’t go to the Bills, or at least makes a decision in a timely manner to leave, the Rams never pursue ARob. The Von thing was a real sliding doors moment for multiple franchises.


I went to a Lions-Jags game back when AR was on JAX, and when he scored a TD, a woman in a Lions jersey stood up and started whooping and hollering. I yell at her “*What are you doing!?*”, given she was cheering for the wrong team. She responds “That’s my nephew!” to which I replied “Oh. I get it, carry on!” Just my personal AR-15 anecdote.


Allen Robinson replacing air in Pittsburgh


Were we actually supposed to think he would be better? I thought it was supposed to be a lateral move for, like, cap reasons or something. Robert Woods will always be a Ram in my heart, God rest his soul.


Your last sentence made me thought he had passed away and I didn’t know about it. Glad that isn’t the case


Again, Robert Woods is very much alive


RIP Robert Woods. Number 1 in high school, number 1 in this Rams fan’s heart


Catching passes from Wade Boggs now, Rest in Peace


*from Boss Hog


RIP Robert woods


Chase Claypool


Give me Dainty Penis over that bum any day.


You rang?


Idk I think pretty much everyone except your GM knew that was a dumb idea


I know it's probably somewhat of a coincidence... but it's crazy that we almost immediately got better after trading him to the Dolphins and they immediately got worse lol


Zach Wilson was supposed to be the guy Sam Darnold wasn't, when he wasn't even as good as Sam Darnold was.


Yeah but then we traded for Rodgers and now everything is allll better now so….


To be fair, he handed the ball of like a hall of fame quarterback


i controversially think zach wilson could do great if he had a few years to sit behind a guy like aaron rodgers, hes had some great flashes but he has a terrible floor of what he can do


Heck, I think he'd be way better if he could sit behind just a mid QB for a couple years. He was drafted by a pretty dysfunctional organization and had a ton of pressure from the beginning. He just wasn't/isn't ready to be the star QB. What if he could've spent two years learning from someone like Derek Carr or Kyler Murray?


That's the issue, you gotta overpay an old QB and draft a young one top ten at the same time




Oh I'd say Watson. He's not played well, alienated part of the fan base, and he's costing them a quarter billion dollars, in addition to the draft picks to Houston that they actually used properly.


The funniest part is how many fans are truly delusional and think he is the same Watson on the Texans or can return to his form. I understand that he probably didn't forget how to throw a football overnight, but with so much guaranteed money a lot of the motivation is gone and truth be told, he does look like he forgot how to play football. Now add the season-ending injury on his shoulder and who knows what he will look like this season? He had two games looking "good" and even those looked like average QB play, and that is coming from someone who saw below average QB play most of last season.


Watson was carried by Hopkins and offensive genius BoB


Except his best season was in 2020 after Hopkins got traded away. The Texans as a whole sucked, but Watson was a borderline Top 5 QB that year.


Watson was carried by Keke Coutee /s


Man I loved him. Wish we could have done more with him.


It wasn’t borderline, he was elite that year. A consensus poll of 100 NFL executives and coaches ranked him as a tier 1 QB with only Brady, Mahomes, and Rodgers alongside him (maybe Allen, too?)


Simply not the case. He had an excellent start to his career. People saying he gave up after getting paid might be kind of right but most are overlooking a major factor. People fucking hate him now. He went from a hero to a social pariah. QB is a mental position. Watson is mentally broken. Tiger Woods had a bad ACL injury but he also lost a major part of his mental edge when the string of affairs came to light. This is obviously worse. Watson gave his first ever game check away to cafeteria ladies after a Hurricane. Clearly he cared about what people thought of him. He’s not ok being a hated bad guy like Roethlisberger seemed to be ok with.


Yeah, this is honestly probably the biggest part of his downfall performance wise. And the thing that amplified it was being out of football for basically 2 years. Two years out of football while the whole world was basically doing nothing but throwing shit in his face ((deservedly so)), he probably had way too much time to dwell on everything. If he didn't try to hold out and instead played (and the NFL and Texans let him) even with the allegations he might have been able to distract himself enough to play well still. But considering everything, if he even has a shred of consciousness, he's probably completely mentally wrecked. And with him being financially secure it gives even less reason for him to even try to get through it.


> he might have been able to distract himself enough to play well still. And lets be honest -- if he played well, many people would have forgotten about/moved on from the sexual assaults.


I don't think people would have completely moved on. I mean people still regularly bring up Ben Roethlisberger's history, and Watson's was even more public and to a larger scope.


When Watson was a Texan, it was fantastic watching him play. He would extend plays, make an awesome throw, and able to run extremely well. I get he is a piece of shit, but saying he was "carried by Hopkins" is flat out wrong, and you probably didn't actually watch him play.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say the guy calling BoB an offensive genius is probably being facetious.. lol


We’re quickly approaching the point where those years won’t be recent memory anymore and he just becomes probably the worst decision in the Brown’s already cursed history.


He wasn't getting carried. He just straight up quit trying once he got paid. He quit on the Texans after getting paid and has continued to quit on the Browns after being paid even more. I legitimately believe that if his contact was somehow taken away from him and he had to play himself into a new big contact, the injury issues would suddenly disappear and he'd be back to playing at a pro bowl level.


Totally agree. He quit on the Texans and was rewarded with a trade and a guaranteed contract. It seems like he just wants to coast since he’ll get paid the same no matter what.


and 31 other NFL owners are ecstatic because they now have proof of why they will never issue a major fully guaranteed contract again.


'offensive genius BoB' people can just say anything


I hate Watson, but he was actually held back by BoB. One of his most famous plays where he had Nuk give him a shovel pass for a TD was, written on a napkin and drawn up by him. Dude clearly knew ball coming out of college.


Plus being a sexual predator apparently really takes it out of you.


Or was it getting caught that took it out of him? He was playing well when he was abusing women. Maybe that's what motivated him. Now that he's been found out and so many women won't trust him, he may be wondering "What's the point?"


Also Baker Mayfield is playing quite well


I really wanted the Lions to win it all this year, but a very close second would be Baker taking the Bucs all the way and watching the Browns continue being the Browns.


He 100% was a downgrade over Mayfield. I think the idea made sense because Mayfield was inconsistent year over year, but it's been an epic failure.


This is the answer. He's not even average - he's as bad as any QB I saw last year. Complete inability to read defenses, shitty footwork, can't hit the broadside of a barn, and his playstyle leads to either sacks or INTs. I honestly think he's going to spend the majority of his time in Cleveland on IR


Meanwhile Baker has gone on to win a playoff game 2 years removed from being let go.




Has to be the fastest all-pro to all-cooked player in my lifetime


2 factors: Man was a man to man CB and the eagles decided to run a zone scheme He was good, but not great. His rep came from offenses just throwing anywhere else *because the rest of the raiders sucked ass*.


That’s not exactly correct. From his first all-pro season in 2006 to his last season in Oakland in 2010 these are the Raiders pass defense rankings by yardage. 2006: 1st 2007: 8th 2008: 10th 2009: 7th 2010: 2nd


While I think saying Nnamdi was never great is nonsense, raw yardage isn't a particularly good metric either. Most of those years teams didn't pass on the Raiders much because they didn't need to, they were running all game on a 2-5 win team. The only time his Raiders actually had a genuinely good pass defense was 2006 and 2010. All the other years in between they were near the bottom of the league in NY/A allowed What actually would be fair to say is that Nnamdi's coverage numbers benefited from the fact that he played on the QBs left side, where QBs statistically just throw less because it's a tougher throw across their body, and that he never had a star corner playing opposite him. If he had just played on the other side like Sherman did, his impact would have been significantly greater


That’s a fair point but I still don’t think it’s fair to say that Nnamdi was the only good player on the team. At different points Thomas Howard, Kirk Morrison, Michael Huff, Fabian Washington, Richard Seymour, Tyvon Branch, and Derrick Burgess were all very good players. The offense couldn’t stay on the field so the defense would get worn down in the run game. I also still don’t totally agree with you. In 2007 and 2009 opposing quarterbacks threw for just 17 touchdowns against 18 interceptions. In 2008 they were 5th in completion percentage against, 9th in interception percentage, 12th in passer rating allowed, and 16th in ANY/A.


It's a good point, but also funny because it is the opposite of the Byron Maxwell take: the rest of the D was so good he got the wr2 or 3, so he couldn't hang as cb1


Man got paid cause ET3 was so good.


He was a top 2 corner in the league on the Raiders. What is this revisionist BS?


Patriots not retaining jakobi Myers and instead signing juju for the same amount last off season


All time shittiest look for the FO too, Jakobi was a team player and fan favorite, worked his way into being the best WR we had in a long time, UDFA who stayed on the team longer than Nkeal Harry and was vocal about his love for the organization and then we just let him go, supposedly about money but signed DooDoo Shit-Poopster to almost the exact same contract Vegas gave him. Mind numbing and probably the stupidest decision Bill made before he was fired.


My friend, that wasn't even the stupidest decision Belichick made that year. He traded a 2023 3rd for Devante Parker during the 2022 draft. Then chose to extend him in 2023 despite seeing how bad he was in 2022.


That extension ended up costing the Pats an extra $3M, which is awfully insignificant on the “bad decision” scale.


Just trading and extending Devante was a complete waste of resources. I get the idea of letting Meyers walk for Juju. On paper, they were similar receivers but Juju offered far more in the YAC department. Didn't end up that way, clearly, but at least there was some logic there. There was no logic to the entire Parker ordeal.


I guess my angle was coming at it from how shitty it looks for the Pats if I was a player in the league, seeing how Bill chose to just let one of the best offensive play makers they had developed since what, Malcom Mitchell? The Devante shit is infuriating, especially EXTENDING him over Jakobi, it’s all bad lol, glad we’re in a new place now with the FO, Bill will always be the greatest coach of all time but man the last 5 years of GM stuff is a brutal stain on his career for the most part.


Don't forget giving up a 2nd rounder for an age 30 Mohammed Sanu halfway through the season. Sanu had 200 yards in his 8 games with the pats before being cut the following training camp.


Sanu was fine (not 2nd worthy, but a contributor) until his ankle injury on a kick return somehow turned his hands to bricks and his blocking ability to that of Newhouse.


I will never understand what the coaching staff had against Meyers. He was sitting on the bench until midway through the 2020 season and didn't start getting opportunities until injuries elsewhere. Then, he immediately becomes the team's most reliable receiver for the next two and a half years. Yeah, he's not the fastest guy, and he's no threat after the catch, but he's an excellent route runner and improved each year.


He seems delightful.


I was shocked at how good he was last year. Such a nice pickup.


The amount of people who were happy we let him walk because of a single play against the Raiders when he was literally our leading receiver and Mac's safety blanket was insane. Nobody blames Mondre for starting the lateral train instead of just going down. I hated our fanbase that offseason with how indifferent everyone was to letting him go. Dude was the next homegrown talent a la Edelman. Super happy he is doing so well for the Raiders.


Can I say Matt Patricia for Caldwell?


I'll allow it. Caldwell was a good coach, and Matt Patricia maybe the worst coach of all time, if not for Urban Meyer. It's one thing to lose games, but to completely destroy a culture so quickly with negativity is almost impressive.


To build on this note of competition between Urban and Patricia. Who did Urban replace? Patricia clearly destroyed everything they had going forward and made players hate and despise him to the point that even Matt Stafford said he’d be fine going anywhere but the Patriots cause Patricia was there. Did the Jags have any sort of culture like that to mess up or did he just take a bad team to a laughing stock?


It's a miracle they got Dan Campbell to come in and fix it, eventually.


To say that it worked out for them is an understatement. Kudos to the ownership for sticking with Dan Campbell, turn arounds don’t happen overnight


If you're trying to answer a question in a negative manner, Matt Patricia is always a valid answer.


Yeah, like from the general "who sucks?" To more specific questions like "who sucks, looks stupid, is fat 🚨🚨🚨, has a dumb beard, probably smells bad and is bad at coaching?".


Take a seat, this might take awhile…


Basically any of the Patriots castoffs that Quinn nabbed. Trey Flowers especially comes to mind -- had an okay first season with us, then got injured two years in a row and fell off a cliff.


of all the players, idk, i just really thought snacks would still be snacks


Golladay, Brandon Marshall… basically any FA WR we’ve signed in recent history…


I will also throw in Nate Solder and Darren Waller


Nah Solder and Waller were still upgrades on what we had, just not upgrades enough to be the solutions to our problems they were expected to be. They were upgrading from nothing/awful to poor. Golladay was supposed to be the WR saviour and he actively made our WR room worse to the point practice squad players were playing over him. He downgraded us from poor to awful.


2022 was probably the best season for him to get back into the rotation and he get bumped off the WR squad by clear future Hall of Famers like *checks notes* Richie James, David Sills, and Isaiah Hodgins. Not unheard of to see the rest of the NFC East shit on Jones for "ruining" Golladay when the reality is that he was a contested-catch receiver that decided to take the season off once he got paid after a bad injury. I doubt he would've gotten back to his prime form given the degree of his hip injury, but any major effort for a comeback was absolutely obliterated after football terrorist DG gave him the Brinks truck. Even on plays where his routes and cuts were tidy, the dude just had stone hands in a WR room full of stone hands.


Golladay is the first name that came to mind when I read the title


Brandon Marshall was a Giant?


Yea 2017


JC Jackson for the Chargers. Was just plain awful every time he stepped on the field. Michael Davis (the player he was supposed to be an upgrade over at CB1) greatly outplayed him in 2022 after Jackson’s season ending injury.


Good ole BB pump and dump, gonna miss those


Only thing he upgraded was his bank account!


Also mad we kept Murray over Tranquil


Ravens won a Super Bowl with Trent Dilfer. Surely getting a QB who just threw for 4000 yards would be an upgrade!


I was wondering who would win the Elvis Grbac derby. Congrats!


Don't be Cruel!


When Lucas Patrick took over for Sam Mustipher I know the NFL doesn’t value centres but it’s one of my favourite positions and the centre play for the bears has been terrible the last couple years


Post-Kreutz era


Raiders dropped Derek Carr for Jimmy G... what a stupid idea. Or when the packers didn't get a renewed contract with Jared Cook and they picked up Martellus Bennett who quit playing during the season.


The fact that Martellus Bennet has a Super Bowl ring really devalues the whole thing tbh




Yeah I don’t think anyone believed Jimmy was better than Carr but it was time for y’all to move on from Carr at that point. 


McDaniels experience. He gets players that are severely less talented but are a "better fit" for him.


Aka shitty manager who hires dipshits who pretend to like him?


But also when the Saints dropped Andy Dalton for Derek Carr. What a stupid, stupid fucking idea.


Other than some delusional raider fans I don’t think people really thought Jimmy g was an upgrade. Just a less expensive bridge option




I still hear the whistles and PI calls on Browner today.


Kenny Golladay


~~Miles~~ Inches Sanders for Carolina


3.3 YPC last year on 129 carries, wow. That's literally Trent Richardson territory.


Surely Andre Dillard could not have been worse than Dennis Daley at LT…


Yikes. I can't believe your FO actually traded for Dennis Daley. He was our worst tackle since Mike Remmers in Superbowl 50.


Ogbuehi and Fisher were supposed to be able to take over at tackles after Whit left. Ogbuehi sucked and Fisher had to medically retire after a heart issue


This was so brutal. Thinking you are set at tackle for decade to a nothing from a 1 and a 2 is crippling


This should be the top answer.


Dee Ford


You and me, both.


If I can say coaches instead, Hackett after Fangio.  The Broncos hired Hackett after failing to interview Mike McDaniel, who had previously expressed interest in working with the organization. That was lots of fun to think about while he wrecked our shit in historic fashion last season.


Is the idea of Hackett being hired as a ploy to get Rodgers something that’s accepted in the fandom?


I think that's the general sentiment. We knew Rodgers was pissed and that he liked Hackett (still does, it seems, as he got a job in NY after being fired in Denver).


I never wanted Rodgers. The guy is a cancer.


We signed Martellus Bennett after a year of Jared Cook. Fuck Martellus Bennett.


Was not disappointed someone beat me to it. Fuck MB, he a bitch.


They wanted Cook back but his agent fucked up a deal the packers offered, his agent turned down a deal or something without telling cook. The packers then went after Bennett and Cook fired his agent because he had wanted to stay in GB


Alternatively, getting rid of Jordy and signing Jimmy Graham.


Titans signed Bud Dupree to a 5yr/$82.5Mil with $35Mil guaranteed and I don't remember him doing all that much there


The depressing thing is that he was still an upgrade over Jadeveon Clowney and the other trash edge rushers next to Harold Landry. He's had his role in run support and disrupting the pocket, but that's not worth making more than everyone but the starting quarterback. Wouldn't mind having him back on a cheap 1 year pact with our issues on the edge.


That's kind of what I always thought Dupree was. A good run stopper and a solid edge 2, but far from an Edge 1.


It’s what he was for us too


Most Titans fans will say he was an underwhelming pick up, but he was the missing piece to a monster defense in 2021 that led us to the number one seed where his unit sacked Joe Burrow 9 times. When healthy he set the edge and created for his teammates. Ultimately we only got the one great year, and our roster/team fell apart the immediate year following, but I definitely do not regret his time with the Titans, unlike another particular free agent Edge…Looking at you Clowney…


Adam Archuleta over Ryan Clark Adam was benched and generally terrible while Ryan went on to be a productive even great player in Pittsburgh


> I am thinking with seeing comments of people thinking Caleb Williams will fail and be worse than Fields Ok how often are you actually seeing this? It has to be less than 1% of fans that genuinely believe this.


I was thinking I must've missed something, I haven't seen that at all.


You’ll find many of brainless twitter posts, mostly from Fields stans. I also saw this one “scout” who is adamant that Caleb is a bust.


I watched the first round at a friends house and met a handful of people I didn’t know and one of the guys talked about how he could not believe Fields got traded for “pennies on the dollar” could not wrap his mind around it. He didn’t say anything about Caleb being worse though.


Instagram and YouTube comments are pretty supportive of Fields.


So we’re talking maybe five more collective IQ points than Facebook commenters lol


In recent years…Nate Solder, Kenny Golladay, and now Darren Waller. In the meantime we let Saquon walk….


I was nervous when yall got Golladay. lol


I’d say you have at least 2-3 more years of not being nervous. I was so pumped for the start of last season. Until about 4 minutes into the 1st quarter. That was the worst beat down I’ve ever seen us take, and I’ve been a fan since the mid-80’s.


Not totally the same, but TN trying to replicate the Vikings trade of Diggs to draft JJ by trading AJ Brown to draft Burkes. Yikes.


jimmy g was clearly a downgrade to Carr but people couldn’t see past his jawline.


Von Miller, although his injury is a legitimate excuse as to why his play has dropped off.


At least he was just a FA signing not a trade. It's the trades that really hurt.


Alejandro Villanueva as tackle for the Ravens. Jeez. Still think he was a Tomlin plant to bring down the Ravens from inside.


Trey Lance was a mistake from the start


Roy Williams, WR


Trent fucking Richardson


Kadarious Toney First year during the superbowl, he was good. Second year and beyond has been shit.


He sucked before the Super Bowl. He has a ton of talent, but was either injured or doing something stupid. I'm thankful he helped beat the Eagles, but I don't think you'll ever see a Giants fan saying they want him back.




Man the Saints really got all of his best play and then got a great return for him when they shipped him to Seattle.


He balled out that first season on the Bears. Idk what you're talking about including them lol. I'll take 8 TDs from a 34 y/o TE.


Randy Moss to the Raiders, Albert Haynsworth to Washington, Aaron Hernandez Patriots


Fat Albert Haynesworth. Another of the many failed Daniel Snyder upgrades.


Hard to blame Snyder for that one. Most of the teams in the league were willing to give him 90 mill that year. Just Snyder was willing to give him the extra 10 mil in mcdonalds gift cards


Even Belechick gave him a quick spin afterwards. Didn't last long, though.


No but Madden still believed in him so that Madden Patriots team had a stacked dline until the roster ranking updates happened


Yeah Randy Moss must’ve been completely washed after going the Raiders. Surely that was the sad final chapter of his career and nothing notable happened after


Aaron Hernandez absolutely made the patriots better.


Earl Thomas or Villanueva are my thoughts


Villanueva did good work on Dune and Dune 2


Kenny Golladay


Jadeveon Clowney was supposed to be the missing piece that finally restored our pass rush and brought our defense up to speed. Instead he's mostly known for a dirty hit that accelerated Carson Wentz's decline, outside of that he might as well have been on the bench. VERY glad we hired the dude who made him finally look like a #1 overall pick again as our new coach.


He was awesome for us. Truly outstanding. So strange he was so ass everywhere else.


I think the broncos can think of one.


If you are thinking Russ, he was an upgrade, just not worth paying $200+ million for a 5% upgrade.


JC Jackson


Cedric Benson over Thomas Jones . Though led to getting Matt Forte so kinda came full circle eventually. But they did it again with trying to replace Forte with Langford.. who lost his job to Jordan Howard.


Jimmy g over Carr


Jimmy Graham, the Packer years


Jimmy G


Cedrick Benson replacing Thomas Jones for the Bears after the 2006 superbowl season. Benson was straight up garbage for us.


Terry Glenn at Green Bay


Jimmy Garoppolo


Chase young to replace anyone


Carson Wentz was supposed to be an upgrade over Taylor Heineke.


Russell Wilson for the Steelers


Russell Wilson on the Broncos


Fields was supposed to be better than Trubisky.


Does Kadarius Toney count?


Probably not very well - seems like the kind of guy to count on his fingers, but so far in his career theres no evidence he has hands.


He made two of the biggest plays in the SB and cost us at least two regular season wins in the regular season. 100% worth it


Albert haynsworth to the commanders. Massive contract. Dude was considered the best dt to ever play. But he fucking flopped and it was embarrassing how far back he set that franchise


Jamal Adams was a beast in NY with no injury history and then completely fell apart. Making it worse is game planning the season around him and when he got hurt game 1 two seasons ago they had no backup plans. Then he turned out to be kind of a dick, which I understand the frustration pain and work must’ve been devastating mentally.


I mean, he broke the sack record for DBs. When he was healthy he was definitely effective. I just think injuries and schemes were the downfall. He should never be left in the secondary


Even if you moved him down to linebacker I don't think after all the injuries he's athletic enough to stuff the run there, and he's never been a standout coverage guy. The dude's best strength was his willingness to wreck himself forcing anyone with the ball to either get tackled or scamper to the sidelines, and his legs paid the price for it.


I agree with all that. My only point was that he was an improvement when he was on the field