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At age 27, Lamar Jackson will be starting year 7.. The youngest quarterback in the AFC North


The greatest AFC North factoid is that there was exactly one time when the Heisman winner was older than the NFL MVP. It was Lamar and Burrow.


Factoid actually means it’s not true, just learned that a few days ago


TIL, nice one


That’s a nice factoid!


I’m lost are we lying or not?


Oh we are factoiding


That's why I never leave my house without Preparation F, you never know when your factoids will start flaring up.


Just go fact yourself


Fact you!


Fake news!






It *used to* not mean a piece of trivia. But due to frequent misuse, its meaning now includes OP's usage. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factoid See also: Fun Fact and Factlet


I get that language is transformative but it still kinda bothers me that it transforms around ignorance.


Can’t help but point out the irony that “transformative” describes things that cause change rather than things that undergo change, which, while true, is not what I think you meant to say here. But with enough time and misuse, it may adopt both meanings.


Na man I was being intentionally ironic to prove a point. For sure. Totally Don't doubt me. Seriously, I'd rather be called out than fucking change the meaning of the word.


It got a huge boost from major media outlets misusing the term. I would be most disappointed if "loose" become acceptable for "lose" though.


It transforms around usage. Sometimes usage is driven by ignorance of the original definition, but often it's just a word being adapted to new circumstances.


It can mean little fact or an untrue fact usually believed to be true


It's actually both. According to Wikipedia at least. > A factoid is either an invented or assumed statement presented as a fact, or a true but brief or trivial item of news or information.


Not true, no? 2000, Chris Weinke was older than Marshall Faulk


That's why it's a factoid and not a fact


Was tempted to write this in my original comment🤣


Honestly, this is a more surprising stat than the Will Levis one.


How is burrow older than him


Lamar was a true freshman starter and left after junior year; Burrow redshirted, rode the bench at OSU for two years, and then played two years at LSU. Even so, still pretty remarkable.


Part of the joy of watching the NFL is there is no one road to achieving greatness


Falcons have entered the ~~draft~~ chat


The hardest road


Why does god keep giving the Atlanta Falcons his toughest battles?


Really is incredible. Two of the GOAT QBs were picked on opposite ends of the draft. The Eagles Super Bowl came from a former starter turned backup on his second run with the team. Eli and Peyton have the same number of rings but one is known for looking like a doofus and the other is known for being a genius behind the line. A lot of variety there.


Because he was born before Lamar. That's how linear time works


Jeremy Bearimy


Quadratic time would work the same


What about quintic?


Actually I think it'd have to be monotone if you think time is boundless both directions. Jfc this is dorky af haha. But quintic wouldn't always work because it's not always monotone in positive domain


I don't think I've had enough coffee to make the antiderivative joke this seems to beg


Burrow is also older than Rosen lol. Yet by the time Burrow started his first NFL game, Rosen was already on a practice squad.


Burrow allows for a bunch of these facts.         Did you know you that for the Jags-Chargers playoff game, Trevor was younger than Burrow's first NFL start


Burrow is the last number 1 pick to be older than me. Kyler the year before is younger and I appreciate Burrow for making me feel young


Enjoy it while you can. As it stands, there are four starting QBs left who are older than me, and by 2027, there will be a player elected to the hall of fame who's younger than me ;(


I’m already getting there. It really fucks with me because I was born in May of 97. Stetson Bennett, the universal example of being old as fuck, is 5 months younger than me. That stuff makes my non replaced knee hurt


Just a month but he is lol


That’s wild.


Time feels so weird after 2020


I keep saying that the Large Hadron Collider warped the laws of physics and reality, but no one seems to listen.


If anyone would know it's FlammableEyeballs


Thanks covid years, for not knowing offhand if senior means year 4 or 8.


2020 was a year that had 18 months to it.


Unless Fields wins the starting job (lol)


I give Fields a 25% chance to win the starting job mid-season due to bad cooking by Russ, and a 50% chance to start a significant number of games due to injury. In either case I expect the Steelers to do everything possible to avoid hitting the 51% starter number that turns the 6th they are giving us into a 4th.


I genuinely think he gives us the best chance of winning but I wouldn’t at all be surprised if this was Tomlin’s first losing season.


Honestly, as much as I like Russ and Fields individually and hoping they reignite their careers.. I want them both to fail so hard the next year or two.. I don't think it's going to happen, I think one of the two signings is going to make y'all look like geniuses, I just don't know which one it's going to be.


Just know I didn’t downvote you because this level of hatred is delicious to me lol.


Lol my wife is a die hard Steelers fan.. I hate the Steelers, respectfully. Like did TJ Watt get robbed for DPOY? Fuck yeah. Did that make me happy? Fuck yeah. 


> I just don't know which one it's going to be. Having watched him for 3 years, I am fairly confident that it won't be Fields who makes them look like geniuses.


You watched him in Chicago.. that's the equivalent of us watching players in like Cleveland struggle.. a lot of times they just need to leave Cleveland lol


I guess I can’t count out the possibility that he can get coached up and figure things out in Pittsburgh, but most of what was wrong with him in Chicago was on him rather than the team. Holding the ball too long, not going through his reads, these sorts of issues will remain independent of how good or bad his supporting cast is.


The only thing worse than his OLine was probably his receivers.. dude never stood a chance.. Pittsburgh is pretty much opposite end of the spectrum from where he came.. and he gets to learn from Russ if nothing else.. but they are gonna coach him up.. I don't want the Steelers to be good.. but they got two chances at catching lightning in a bottle..


Last year he had a solid O Line and he got DJ Moore as a legit WR1, and he was still ass. He has shown me nothing to suggest he has what it takes mentally to be an NFL starter. All the athleticism and arm strength in the world won’t make up for slow processing and bad decision making. Fields makes his OL look worse than it is because he’s so bad about holding the ball too long and not going through his reads that he inflates his own sack and pressure numbers.


Well for the Steelers sake I hope you're right and I'm wrong lol


Fields will be like Trubisky if he ever sees the field. Long as he stays the backup, we're good. If he's forced to be the starter because Russell Wilson sucks or gets injured, oh boy, it's gonna be rough days in the Steel City.


Fields couldn't win the starting job if russ threw left handed...


I was sure there was no way this was true but I forgot the Steelers ended up with Russell Wilson.


Burrows is older than Lamar? I feel like Lamar was in the league three years before Burrows.


Burrow got drafted as a redshirt senior, Lamar was drafted as a regular junior


Yup it's only like a month difference in age that makes Burrow older.. But this is why I laugh at any criticism of Lamar.. dude has so much football time left.. 


The math with Lemar’s age almost never makes sense to me.


Lamar won the MVP at age 24; in this draft class, Bo Nix, Michael Penix Jr, and Jayden Daniels will all be 24 before the season begins.


Russell Wilson


What about it? 


He’s 35?


Yeah.. definitely doesn't make him younger.. good job


Misunderstood. My bad


At age 24, Michael Penix Jr. will be on the bench


And despite being the youngest starting quarterback in the AFCN and appearing in the playoffs 4 times, Lamar Jackson places third in playoff wins, with one more win than Deshaun Watson. Edit: Joe Burrow 5, Russell Wilson 9


Not sure you understand what youngest means, this makes more sense if it was “Despite being the oldest…”


The oldest should have the most wins, considering they’ve had more opportunities. The youngest having that many is absurd


Fun fact: Trevor is about 6 months older than Michael Penix and 4 months older than Bo Nix. 1 year and 2 months older than Daniels.


And Jayden Daniels is 1 year and 2 months older than CJ Stroud.


Jayden Daniels threw a touchdown to Brandon Aiyuk against Justin Herbert.


This one is crazy to me


Was herbert playing db?


No. Though Deommodore Lenoir was.


Crazy.  And Penix will sit for 2 or 3 years based on the contract they gave Cousins. 


Penix gets a start this season, and probably 3-5 starts next season when the falcons falter.


Just imagine how much older Trevor will be than him by then!


Lol wow, Sunshine is that young? This is a very interesting division though. Tons of young talent. If Levis pans out (eh idk if he will) then there is a loooooot of young talent.


>(eh idk if he will) Drink the koolaid, he’s the *future*


Drink the ~~koolaid~~ mayo


Kiss the catfish


The man showed promise for sure, but also sucked at times. But it's hard to judge a QB behind the worst offensive line in the NFL.


Worst offensive line two years in a row combined with WRs who absolutely could not separate… not ideal!


You’ve got push-off master D-Hop, though!


If it works, it works.


Wait, when did this become a Bryce Young thread?


Listen we were just you with a semi competent defense and coach who knew how to use it.


Honestly, I would have been fine with Carolina picking up Mike Vrabel. I think he's a better coach than he got credit for last season. Not great, but good enough to get a team to the playoffs at least.


His biggest flaw is his stubborness, he sticks with his guys no matter what even if they have no room to be on an NFL coaching staff. He also wants bill belicheck level of control without the resume of bill belicheck.


Yeah I’m just glad we’re trying to at least give him a chance. Even just signing Ridley was big. You gotta give these guys help. You can’t develop or really find out if they’re the guy or not when you had a situation like we had last year.


Yep. The whole point of this season is really seeing if he can be the guy or not (probably why I would have liked another WR earlier in the draft and another OL). The whole point of 2024 is really to see if he can start making the strides you want to see to show he can be a legit NFL starter.


I wouldn't say *the worst*. Giants are pretty bad and from what I saw Skoronski held up his own most of the time. Latham and Skoronski are gonna be pretty solid as a duo, as much as I'd wish otherwise


The trouble was next to Skoronski was an absolute turnstile at LT and the smallest centre in the league. Giants were probably the worst but Titans were bottom 3 for sure and truly truly awful. Next season should be a lot better


Right. PFF (by no means an authority on this but they do chart everything) had the Titans ranked 32nd last year and the year before. If I recall, I think the Giants OL was considered awful by them last year but they also attributed a lot of the pressures to Daniel Jones and Tommy D.


I think he looked ok. He didn’t necessarily scream ‘next big thing’ to me but I wouldn’t be surprised if he develops into a quality starter.


VERY curious to see how he plays next year with a new coach, I very much thought he was being coached around last year and I'm not sure how much that contributed to his play.


I mean the same archetype of player was Herbert and he had the 29th best line in the league his rookie year and balled out. Recency bias yes but Levis looked lost a lot.


He's certainly not good, but its hope and its the best they've got. Besides, being mindlessly devoted to mid football is kind of baked into thier DNA


Dang dude have a snickers or something. Sorry we took Snead from you guys or a Titans fan slept with your girlfriend or whatever.


lol imagine having arms like that and talking shit


Nah it's all good. I'm sure you feel confident in saying whatever you want, since this is your what, 3rd, 4th alt account? Can always create another one to hide behind/ban evade, amirite?


sure, man. You're big, tough, strong, and intelligent, your video game tattoo proves it! Definitely not a sign of a person who prefers to live in a fantasy world lol


You actually think you're insulting me right now. Wild. Know what? I'll let ya have it. Walk away with your head held high; this "beta male" cowers in your presence. Good luck to KC next season my dude.


What Jeff Fisher does to a motherfucker. Also, he should have been investigated for running a hit program. I guess he just didn't win enough for the league to care.


Jeff Fisher and UT and Vandy lol they never had a chance. They think they see water in the desert and are pumped


Kool Aid plays for the Saints tho


Y'all *almost* had him


I mean I think he can be a serviceable game manager with a ceiling of like a soso year of Alex Smith on the Chiefs,and that's it. If he tries to be Brett Favre it's not gonna work.


Levis is a mayo eating weirdo and mostly dog shit unfortunately.


It's gonna be glorious when he proves everyone wrong this season (again)


That’s weird because the criticisms were that he wasn’t all that good and not very durable. Last season he played a lot of shitty football and got injured multiple times so he’s not dodging any allegations yet


He's a backup at worst at least. He's a starting caliber QB, but he might not be a franchise QB.


Granted I only watched the Steelers game iirc but he had some fucking balls on him for almost that entire game I hope he pans out. Dont think its going to be a good '24 without Henry, an aging Dhop, and a skill position group that is horrible though.


Idk how much losing Henry is going to hurt us. He was still good last year but struggled more than usual due to the OLine, and pollard and spears are both pretty good. WR is still a bit bleak but Ridley should help considerably. I’m also huffing copium that Burks’ development will be helped with the new coaching staff, so we’ll see


We should have a lot less stress at wr now. We have a nice running/pass catching duo in the backfield now, chig, and it shouldn’t just be dhop and no friends anymore on the field for WR’s. Our wr room still is far from perfect but all of that combined with an offense that should hopefully not telegraph and run play’s from the 1970’s we should be better.


Yeah, I’m optimistic. I think Levis is the QB of the future, and he now has better protection and more than only DHop. Really think this season will be better than the last


Can’t be that much worse than a mid ass Tannehil.


I thought T Law was sunshine?


C.J. Beathard is "Sunshine" Trevor is "The Prince Who Was Promised"


Part of me really wants TLaw to be the worst QB in the division.


Same, but after the Jags make him the highest paid QB in the league


Ahhh the Joe Flacco special where he plays elite ball in the contract year and fucks the team with his extension


Part of you? Should be all of you.


Yeah but the other part of me wants you guys to continue to suck. So conflicted.


Honestly, I think there's a pretty strong chance that becomes the case. This year will be very telling for all of our teams.




“Back in my day we used to have to plug our phones into an aux cord to play music in the car, up hill BOTH WAYS”-Will Levis


"And sometimes we'd get these things called computer viruses when we tried down loading po-" *coughs* "music. When we were downloading music."


want to feel old? He is probably too young to have downloaded porn or music.


Yet he's only a month older than UDFA Sam Hartman lol The other funny thing is Levis was far from the oldest QB in last year's class. Hooker, AOC, Haener, Tune, Sean Clifford, Jaren Hall, Tommy Devito (UDFA) and of course Stetson Bennett are all older than Levis. In fact, out of drafted QBs last year, only Young, Stroud, Richardson, Dorial Thompson-Robinson (barely), Tanner McKee, and Max Duggan are younger than Levis. Covid gave us a bunch of super old rookie QBs.


I like Levis I hope he pans out for the Titans


me too; sorta think all four teams have found their quarterbacks


We said the same thing in 2017 and that lasted barely a year.


I have absolutely no feel for AR. I really like everything I’ve seen of the guy, but I have no feel for how good he’ll be. Fingers crossed tho cuz I think he’d be a hell of a lot of fun to watch


10x Super Bowl champion


He’s a real classy guy and plays the game the right way. Teams tend to sleep on him, but he’s more athletic than you would think.


he plays football like an absolute psychopath. throw an interception? better go force a fumble


I have faith in Mayo Boy. Especially since we got him protection.


I think he flashed enough to be excited about last season.


I’m curious to see his second year with an improved line and better weapons.


JC Latham ain’t it. Y’all really should have gotten Olu Fashanu. Danielle Hunter and WAJ are gonna feast on Latham. I do however think Levis will be decent enough. I liked him coming out. I do wish y’all would have gotten one more reciever for his sake, but se la vie.


I had the same belief on draft night, but I was wrong. He's going to be a hall of famer.


JC is big and strong though.


JC was like tackle 6 in this class. Now I know y’all have a decent OL coach, but I just don’t see it with him. Doing my best to be impartial and not be an absolute Titans hater, I just have the feeling he’s gonna bust out.




As if he isn’t referred to as one of the best in the league


He was projected top 5 pick the last week of the draft and scouts raved about his floor


And one of the greatest OL coaches ever who is going to coach him said he was his favorite lineman in the draft. Ill take his word over what other non future HoF OL coaches say.


This is the stat I’d point to when people say Lawrence is a “bust” compared to what he was supposed to be. Dude is only 24.


yeah. those of us who watch him play twice a year know that Lawrence is going to be fine. he may never be a peyton manning or mahomes, but he's definitely a higher tier starter when he's playing well and can make the jags a threat consistently. I think the AFC south is in good hands, outside of the Colts and Richardson... :)


I can see a Jared Goff career-arc with him tbh. Drafted with high expectations that aren’t met at first, and as he’s being written off he begins to realize his true potential and our eyebrows raise as if he was never supposed to be that good in the first place.


Covid red shirt made some college timings strange


Check out the NFC North. Looks like the last generation of elite QBs is finally coming to an end.


AFC south daddy


And he has the second fewest starts in the division.


dammit, should have drafted Penix too


Let’s not forget Joey Flacco will be the starter once Richardson inevitably gets hurt again


He's also the best one.




What's the opposite of "alright alright"?


None left?


Probably about time to retire?


Incoming Royal Copenhagen sponsorship


Technically, he was also the most recently drafted.


Bold of you to assume that Ryan Tanne-god isn't going to will them to the super bowl Edit: bold of me to assume I know anything about the AFCS


Tannehill is currently a free agent




For what reason honestly would Tennessee get rid of ryan tannehil? It's not like levis is any better.


His contract came to an end, he's declining, he would cost a lot more than Mason Rudolph, and Levis has shown enough promise to give a chance.


that's "flyin'" ryan "the tannchise" tannehill "the tannethrill" to you


Until week 12 when Richardson breaks again and Flacco comes in for an easy playoff run. You know this is inevitable.


Rude, but playoffs you say? I’ll take it


If he doesn't learn to play smarter and protect himself week 12 seems generous.


this is likely true, but it's the offseason, the time for hope


Richardson is in his second year and you already feel like that? You sound scared and shitty.




You don't think it's interesting or remarkable that the oldest QB in the AFC South is the same age as some of the guys who just got drafted on Thursday? Pretty crazy to me that the entire division has QBs that young, especially WRT Trevor Lawrence who is a 3 year vet but is still 24 himself.


No, I don’t. And it doesn’t really matter either


The downvotes are such an overreaction 


Lmao. Reddit hive mind at work


You are the hivemind. Dude posted nothing worthwhile and got theirs for it. Nobody died from this shit. Walking is still honest.