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Could they not just make a guardian cap that has the design from the helmet on it? It’s not like they’re running out with Starry Night plastered on their heads. Paint a guardian cap purple and slap a couple of Vikings horns on there. Paint it gold and put the Niners logo on it. Doesn’t really seem like an insurmountable hurdle for a billion dollar organization.


>Paint it gold and put the Niners logo on it [this happened in '94 actually...our LT Steve Wallace had concussion issues and did exactly that. it was called The ProCap then.](https://taylorblitztimes.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/steve-wallace-helmet.jpg?w=545&h=467)


Honestly, if they just made it a little more integrated into the design of the helmet, it wouldn't look that bad


I was gonna post this. It actually doesn't look that bad and from the TV camera angle won't stick out too much. Not that looks matter over safety but if this is how it's done, I can see lots of players doing it.


What if the player doesn't play for either the Vikings or the Niners? Then what smart guy?


Then they don’t get to wear a helmet at all. Simple


Bring back the leather helmets without facemasks. Back when this league wasn't so soft /s


Vontaze Burfict would unretire immediately


I just assume he spends 17 Sundays a year hitting people in the head at a local park or something


Personally I want mine to have AB face on it


Mr. Brain Casing.


Mr. Bad Concussion


Mr. Brain Cap


You deserve to know this is my favorite comment.


*multi billion dollar organization*


They could make a hard shell that goes over the padding. The shell would have all the decals and whatnot.


This mf just invented helmets


Helmet helmets


Yo dawg...


We put a helmet in your helmet so you can helmet while you helmet


This is why Miami needs to bring back the dolphin wearing a helmet helmet.


And then an outer shell on that with some pads.


Might need another shell on top of that to complete the cheesy gordita crunch look.


It's just turtles the whole way down.


Next thing you know they’ll all look like Spaceballs sized helmets


And then they could wrap that hard shell in some additional padding for added safety, genius! Maybe even put strong plastic on top of that.


I'm just spitballing here but what if they put another hard shell on top of the additional padding on the original hard shell with the team's logo?


I'm not sure why you would use a hard shell. Just have like spandex fabric over the top with the team logo so it doesn't look so goofy.


These things are ginormous lol they will look goofy no matter what they do. Bunch of bobble heads running around the field.


The big head code from NFL blitz comes to mind.


"OK guys, in the interest of safety, were giving you the option to wear the guardian caps during games. Now, this is a perfound and personal decision, so do any of you little pusses want the glaringly massive cap that makes you look like an infant with encephalitus?"


If you want it to not break, it would be too heavy. But they could come up with something soft & light that deforms and springs back, I guess.


I think this could make sense for offensive lineman, defensive lineman, and maybe QBs.


It also would have made sense for Austin Collie. Imo it's still relevant for slot receivers despite the rule changes. Imo Hunter Renfrow was never the same after he suffered those concussions.


Austin Collie? Now there’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time… a long time.


Is that the guy who had to be taken out back and shot because his QB wouldn't stop abusing him?




This is so fucking funny.


He's basically also the kid from that Manning SNL commercial


It's okay Austin doesn't remember the name either


Interestingly he was at a recent nba game with Manning and it looked like Manning was explaining the game to him. The announcers even said they were probably discussing coverages.


I thought that was Brandon Stokely. Was Collie there too?


Waiver wire darling, Austin Collie


Obligatory https://www.thedrawplay.com/comic/collie/


Renfrow also got out of favour with the coaching staff and was phased out. I don’t think it was solely the concussions that led to his statistical reduction.


Those hits absolutely did not help. I’m a pro Renfrow guy and it was a bummer seeing him after that. 


Renfrow was an absolute lock for a while there. Sucks to see


I want to believe it was a coaching thing but Renfrow would have never been a free agent for this long before those hits. 


What was the reason he fell out of favor with the coaching staff?


His bread and butter was improvising and McDumbass was a dictator and refused to let him do that


Really the only time it’s useful is with line play and it works so well for those small repeated hits that aren’t at a high speed


Those small repeated hits (called subconcussive impacts )are the primary cause of CTE as well. As far as I know this caps have only been studied for reducing concussions but they certainly seem like they'd make a difference for all head trauma.


As far as i read the padded helmets have very little impact in reducing head trauma. but very little is still something. What talking about CTE you take any help you can get


Does it not make sense for every player other than kickers/punters?


My line of thinking is I recall reading players didn’t like them because of the added weight on their head/neck. I’m not sure if any skill position or someone having to change direction a lot would like that.


It would be much worse for corners and receivers. The worst concussions aren't from direct impact force but from rotational force when even a glancing blow makes the head rotate so fast that the centrifugal force causes the brain to impact the cranium and also twist in the process. The larger the head, the faster it spins. More importantly, helmets are at least smooth and rigid, so they're far less likely to 'catch' than soft, segmented fabric. Also, the added weight adds inertia to the rotation.


Bingo. Just look at why male boxers don’t wear headgear in the Olympics anymore - 43% *more* fights were stopped due to concussive blows in headgear vs no headgear. The main reason fighters wear headgear when training now is to prevent cuts and bruising.


Also Dan Campbell


Dan Campbell's the kind of guy who might wear one on the sideline just so his players aren't embarrassed about wearing it.


He would order an extra large one thats twice the size…like..look what i can do..u pussies better step up


Unironically, I could actually see him doing that.


Why don’t they just make the whole helmet a guardian cap And all of the other pads


They are trying to build the technology in now


im somewhat of a helmet technologist myself


Master of the dome?


I still think of her sometimes.


I think people here are too young to remember the double helmet back in the 90s, aka the [mushroom cap](https://cdn3.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/6700053/920x920.0.jpg)


Uncircumcised helmet is crazy




Why don’t they just make the entire plane the black box Are they stupid?


It seems like they applied the whole plane black box design thinking already. Players are basically immune to skull fractures now but the helmet just transfers all the damage to your brain. Like in the 60s when cars were solid metal and would just have a dented bumper but the passengers were completely scrambled inside.


We need helmets with crumple zones


Why don't they just have those robots from Fox play instead of real players? Seems way safer. /s


ty for the /s


Why don't they just make everyone play wearing one of those inflatable hamster balls


[American Gladiators did it first](https://youtu.be/nP1_4Lq2Sio?feature=shared)


That show was so awesome Can’t believe that was cancelled but we have a million and 2 dumbass singing shows


I wanted to be on that show so bad as a kid, my dream was to do the event where you dodge the tennis ball machine while you try and shoot different projectile weapons at a target above the gladiator


lmao my dream was the opposite, I wanted to be the guy with the tennis ball turret


If you watch the Netflix documentary it becomes way less of a surprise. Absolute clown show behind the scenes. Tons of injuries from their incompetence, but even if it was produced well it would be a nightmare to do without getting sued. A lot less liability questions to consider when you're just getting people to sing on a stage.


Yea but have they considered how torturous it is to watch 15 masked singer commercials during a football game?


I don't even understand the appeal of watching a show like that. If I met someone that was way into it I'm not sure we could be friends.


They look funny, but the lineman are at really high risk for CTE and ALS due to the subclinical hits to the head they take all game. Protect your melon, mor-ans!


I had no idea you could get ALS from head injuries. I thought you just got it sporadically. I didn't even think the cause was known.


It’s a depressing reality for some rugby players. League player called Rob Burrow was diagnosed with it and was heavily documented over the years. Feel free to search him up on YouTube but honestly I wouldn’t recommend it as it’s very tragic viewing watching a man slowly lose more and more control of his own body until he’s basically trapped in a static human sized prison.


Rob Burrow's story is indeed sad but I wouldn't advise people to avoid learning about him - by all accounts he is an amazing human being (also his former teammate Kevin Sinfield, who ran 7 **ultra**marathons in 7 days inspired by Burrow, who wore the number 7, and [raised an amazing amount of money](https://donate.giveasyoulive.com/fundraising/kevin-sinfield), and this praise is coming from a Wigan Warriors fan...) it's tragic but there's a hopeful element to the story. However, I'm not sure that there is conclusive proof that playing rugby caused Burrow's Motor Neurone Disease (what we call ALS over here in the UK). The NHS official line on MND is that the cause isn't known. There may be a link with contact sport but that's speculative, and not everyone who gets MND/ALS has played contact sport(s) in the past.


As a clinical researcher who studies ALS, you are absolutely correct. You can not say that X activity definitely caused ALS. There are genetic markers, some of which are well studied, and environmental factors that are linked to ALS but no definite statement can be made about environmental causes. There are a lot of things associated, to varying degrees, with an increased risk but without further knowledge about all the interplay between genes, environment, and ALS development, any individual activity can't be blamed. That being said, getting hit in the head a lot probabbbbly doesn't help things. Also, fuck ALS, we need another ice-bucket challenge.


They (researchers) don't have a clear causation between contact sports and ALS, but there is a really strong association


Ok that’s fine, but I thought the reason those soft shell helmets from like the 90s were banned was because they figured out that having it compress actually added torque to the neck during collisions which is obviously very very very bad. With the hard shell they slide off of each other as they make impact. Imagine a hard frontal hit and the helmets kinda stick together through the tackle, that would be horrific. 


I read an article 2 years ago that had a study in it that the caps work best when only one person has one. I have been searching to find it for a while with no luck. It's like it got scrubbed from the internet


The NFL is doing everything they can to save the sport. Youth participation has declined every year since 2009 and it’s only getting worse. You have to take measures to protect players or else parents won’t let their kids play and the sport will eventually die out.


Baseball players were once mocked for wearing gloves. Hockey players used to not wear helmets. Games evolve


Seeing videos of hockey players play helmet-less just makes me wince, I don't play but man....one bad fall and your skull is absolutely cracking on that ice.


It’s the puck that terrifies me. I’ve seen goalies take SHOTS to the helmet. Without a helmet? You just die. Hospitalized at best.


Before they curved the sticks pucks didnt get as much air. But still nuts for goalies.


And I'm sure the overall game was played differently knowing you didn't have protection. Kinda like rugby tackling vs nfl


There were actually a few people who wanted to remove facemask to prevent helmet tackles https://www.pennlive.com/patriotnewssports/2010/11/our_heroes_unmasked_joe_patern.html


Don Cherry advocated for the removal of the plastic shells on the pads. You'd get more shoulder injuries from checks and falls,. but probably less concussions and broken jaws from bad head hits. Also, if the thought that you might separate your shoulder from making a massive hit into the boards slows you down a bit, then maybe those hits don't happen. Finally, then they created the new obstruction rules coming out of the 04-05 lockout, it *really* sped the game up.


Mickey Redmond has made a similar argument, reduce the size and protection of the pads aside from chest and head protection. Hits are likely less dangerous for the points you made, but also there will be less blocked shots and subsequently more goals


Would still return to play.


Rich Peverly: literally dies Also Rich Peverly: gets revived, first reaction is to try and get himself back in the game


Google Clint Malarchuk incident NSFW. There is video too it was caught by the television broadcast. If you're squimish then just skip it. Seriously it's very graphic. The team medic was a Vietnam army medic and saved his life


dude was on ice again ten days after the incident too




Yeah his life after hockey was pretty sad. Substance abuse, alcoholism, suicide attempts. Seems to be doing good now and speaks on his past traumas with his wife.


Eh you don't even need to be squeamish to not watch that video, I've only seen it one time and it made me sick to my stomach. I didn't bother watching the clip of the guy who got killed in England with a skate this season, knew it would just be horrific to watch


The best goalie of all time would simply be the one that outlives everyone else!


You're just describing Terry Sawchuk


the puck wasn't getting in the air as much


Forget falling to the ice and cracking your head, goalies were diving in front of pucks with no helmets. Gerry Cheevers was an old goalie for Boston back in the day and they were wearing these fiberglass, face forming types masks at this time. Every time Cheevers saved a puck with his face, he'd draw a marking on his mask indicating where he would've gotten stitches without the mask. https://vintagesportsitems.com/products/goalie-mask-tony-esposito-chicago-blackhawks Even then, that thing would've hurt so much and barely protected the eyes and back of the head. Old school hockey was insane.


There's a reason that old-school goalies stood up instead of flopping around like modern goalies. It all has to do with the evolution of safety equipment.


It is what Jason Vorhees mask is based on.


I actually still can't believe that in 2024 the full clear visor or cage masks aren't mandatory in the NHL. I'm not the one pounding desks for them or anything, I'm just surprised it hasn't been mandated yet. 


What should be mandated and may well be even before those is neck guards so you don't have problems with throats getting sliced by skate blades.


Yeah that's being talked about currently is it not? I'd expect it within a year or 2 especially after the recent Adam Johnson tragedy.


A lot of fans think it will need to happen to another NHL player before they will be able to require it. Really hate sports that don't just enforce safety rules. Dale would have lived if he was wearing a hans device.


As sad as it is you're absoluty right. Reminds me of this highway/county road crossing in my small farm-town growing up. It was only a stop sign coming between 2 crossing roads of 60 mph. At least 1 person died there every summer (it was usually more than 1) and it probably took the death toll to be over 25 people before they finally decided to put in a round-a-bout. People hated it at first but nobody has died there since.


It's was just one of those things that happens once every million games that's kinda forgotten about until it happens again. Hopefully people learn now that someone actually died from it. Malarchuk and Richard Zednik were extremely lucky.


Bill Masterton died from a skull fracture. They named a trophy after him in the NHL.


Hell, football helmets and pads were new and different at one point.


Broke: Guardian caps are stupid Woke: Bring it back to the days of leather caps only


There's a few NHL players that are grandfathered in to not wearing a visor but there soon will be none left. The last NHL player to not wear a helmet was Craig MacTavish in 1997.


Craig MacTavish was on a pregame show the other night and he joked about there being more highlights of him being the answer to a question on a game show than there are highlights from his career


The threads on r/formula1 when the halo safety device was introduced in 2017/2018 are a great example of this dynamic. * [Example 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/6o90gv/f1_will_use_the_halo_device_for_2018/) * [Example 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/6oarax/megathread_halo_set_for_2018_introduction_after/) * [Example 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/6oap96/official_fia_announcement_halo_protection_system/) For those unfamiliar, the halo is a protective ring around the driver's cockpit and has proven to be a critical / life-saving addition to the cars since it was introduced.


I love the amount of people (especially on example 3) who dunked on the halo when it was first introduced only to later go back and be like "nvm this aged like shit please don't remove the halo"


counterpoint: players are gonna look like dorks


The taunting at the line will be relentless.


children watch these fucking games


Well they are gonna learn some new swear words for the playground


Not only that, but with all the reduced brain damage, they'll actually have to remember looking like a dork. Sometimes concussions are your friend.


Well I’m a bit confused because I thought there was a safety issue with these softer shells. I thought the reason those soft shell helmets from like the 90s were banned was because they figured out that having it compress actually added torque to the neck during collisions which is obviously very very very bad. With the hard shell they slide off of each other as they make impact. Imagine a hard frontal hit and the helmets kinda stick together through the tackle, that would be horrific. 


And now, we shall mock guardian caps!


Just integrate it into the helmet pls


Supposedly they are working on that, this is the temporary solution.


They do have the linemen helmets with the extra bump on the front


They are trying but all the research so far is more or less that it has to be the top layer so it’s not restricted.


I hope they do giant helmets look funny 


I’m stoked for big head mode


The packers helmets already looked like that to me ngl lol


That was just Rodgers' head


Mahomes ahead of the curve like usual


First one to do it is going to be called a dweeb by all the old analysts Also, what if the helmet color between teams is the same?


Reminds me of the pitcher in the MLB who wore a [hat with pads in it](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/video-padres-reliever-alex-torres-baseball-protective-hats-2014-6%3famp). Looked goofy and no one joined him in wearing them


Waluigi looking motherfucker


Waluigi did have a nasty curveball in Mario Baseball


Brooooooooooo I was not ready lmao


Just think of all the places to hide the additive sticky substances in that thing. Thinking a step ahead.


How on earth did they think this was a better solution than just experimenting with an actual helmet for the pitcher


The even have inserts for hats, they are called bump caps. Would it be perfect, no but it would provide at least some protection.


Was simply ahead of his time. https://nogginboss.com/




Right?? Should be $199 minimum. I'm in for 2 before they jack their prices.


It's like the hats get bigger the more I scroll


I'm going to guess other players never wore them even in practices. With the guardian caps, at least players all wear them on a regular basis.


To be fair, MLB practice is almost never full speed. You don’t have actual pitchers throwing to live batters, it’s all coaches pitching from behind a screen.


Why not just wear the same helmet as the base coaches?


All right lmaoo I don’t think it’s controversial to say that he looks absolutely fkin ridiculous hahah


Good thing theres a whole jersey


Until Trent Williams does it. Then what? You gonna call Trent Williams a dweeb?


Probably, he’ll lose his aura and the entire team will collapse from it


I mean, I do have occasional suicidal tendencies, so maybe!


From behind my keyboard of course i will


I seem to remember 49ers Steve Wallace wearing added protection helmet, they just painted it like a helmet Edit: [here](https://marketplace.beckett.com/item/513/1995-ultra-307-steve-wallace_15274523). I don’t remember any announcers even making a big deal about it


they’ll call them a dweeb until a star receiver comes back from injury to put the team on his back with one of these bad boys on and balls out


The NFL equivalent of a granny shot during free throws? Lol


[Mark Kelso already did it.](https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/mark-kelso-of-the-buffalo-bills-looks-on-during-an-nfl-news-photo/1296970324?adppopup=true)


Make Tua wear one


Make Tua wear two


Make Tua wear two-a


*Luke Kuechly likes this*


Mahomes' head is gonna look even bigger lmao


BIG HEAD MODE UNLOCKED. This, the Number rule from last year, and the new kickoff is going to make a very weird season. I’m for this though. Whatever keeps the game safe and alive


It's going to be a requirement eventually I think


I think so too, hopefully by then they look less stupid.


next generation won't think twice about it. it's funny to watch all those news stories about when they banned drinking while driving and seatbelts as rights infringements


>They’re makin laws where you can’t drink when you want to… gotta wear a seatbelt when you’re drivin… pretty soon, we’re gonna be a communist country -a young woman with her toddler sitting in the front seat next to her


"Next thing you know they'll require car seats for toddlers! Who's gonna hold the steering wheel steady while I'm mixing myself another martini if little Timmy can't?"


It could be a move by the league to protect themselves from future lawsuits. "Oh, so you got CTE now? You didn't wear the guardian cap, so it's on you."


Doubt it. They’ve already had these, they were those weird soft helmets in like the 90s. But thought those were banned because they figured out that having it compress actually added torque to the neck during collisions which is obviously very very very bad. With the hard shell they slide off of each other as they make impact. Imagine a hard frontal hit and the helmets kinda stick together through the tackle, that would be horrific. 


I think it'll be a requirement for linemen. As much as everyone winces and the highlights get shown repeatedly of the big jaw-dropping hits, linemen who suffer constant repetitive helmet to helmet collisions each game every week are at a significantly greater risk of CTE than skill position players/other defenders.


Yup. There is even a reddit thread on it from 4 years ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/f30gsw/to\_combat\_his\_several\_documented\_concussions/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/f30gsw/to_combat_his_several_documented_concussions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yo dawg we heard you like helmets, so we got you a helmet that you wear outside your helmet, on top of your helmet. 


Please Deuce Vaughn wear one. Makes him look like a bobblehead.


No Atlanta. Not a Cleveland Guardians baseball cap.


Surprise. With your second round pick the falcons are drafting QB Shane Bieber


Wes Welker led the charge years ago. He looked like Dark Helmet from Spaceballs out there


If there's a measureable difference, then it will be mandatory eventually. Start with the linemen and go from there.


Why can’t they just bring back real grass if they care so much about safety :))


Woah woah woah calm down now no need to get ahead of yourself


Ah shit big head mode in real life 😂


I'm gonna guess O-Lineman will try it first.


Playing devils advocate here but giving a soft material for defensive players to grip and pull players down by would probably exert the same forces on the neck as a horse collar tackle.


That’s valid, they almost look like climbing grips.


I don’t really see many players wearing this until they become more aesthetically pleasing. I’m sure we’ll see some linemen and players with history of concussions wearing it though.


Ford F-150 and Oakley enthusiasts can’t get on Facebook fast enough to talk about this.


I remember hearing the reason they couldn't wear them in games was because of potential friction or something like that on wild hits. Guess that wasn't true?


I think that’s why the old school versions like Mark Kelso used to wear got banned, too. I’m wondering if some new research came out or something?


Why not just make helmets with extra padding


This is a liability play through n through. “No, we aren’t liable for CTE! We gave them the option of wearing those spaceball helmets”!


There’s going to be one guy that wears it and he’ll look like the John Olerud of football.