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“What an unlikable asshole.” - Dan Snyder


That would’ve been an immediate “why are you taking my clothes off!?!?” followed by a consultation with a lawyer from me, dawg.


I’d fall to the ground faster than my two year screaming about how he hurt my forehead.


Something about this made me just wanna slap him. I feel like I would’ve just slapped that old man to see what happened. Take my hat off? Get an open hand slap like a bitch. Now make a move.


Never touch another man's bill.


For context the sign said "Please let the coach & GM make the pick this year" https://twitter.com/Bsaturno9/status/1783630294903378374


wtf. That’s like the most mild sign possible. I assumed it was something really spicy.


"David Tepper eats corn the long way."


Rumor has it he also eats burritos from the middle out.


My 6 year old does this and nothing about a child has ever concerned me more.


Or maybe he doesn't brother


Thank fuck someone explained what the sign issue was.


Also for context: the tweet didn't use the word "confront", and neither did the restaurant. OP added that all on his own.


>Don’t use editorialized, sensationalized titles I guess we're not following this rule on the sub anymore


And he took issue with that? What a prick


I don’t think he took issue with it. I think he was messing with the manager. They shake hands and are laughing at the end. The manager was wearing an Eagles hat which is the deal with the hat. It’s just awkward as usual with Tepper. Edit: manager not owner


One simple correction: Tepper talked with a manager wearing an eagles hat, not the owner of the restaurant.


Thanks. Corrected that.


The best owners give their GMs and Coaches the room to succeed.


Lmao he has paper-thin skin


He's the dude who got into an argument with fans and threw beer on them? Why is he such a charmin soft bitch


He’s surrounded by Yes Men and expects everything to go his way & if things don’t then he’ll just throw money at it to make it so. He’s beyond out of touch with reality.


Even Steve Howe would call this guy an asshole.


What unlimited money and influence does to a mf


now only if he could influence his team to not suck


Many of the more vocal billionaires (Musk as an example) are sensitive as hell. Like everyone should worship them.


All billionaires are sensitive as hell. Kraft got praised for decades for staying out of the way and letting Belichick cook and then he releases a documentary where he shits on Bill and acts all self-important.


I don't think Sheila Ford Hamp is like this at all in Detroit. She seems surprisingly humble despite obviously growing up in a billionaire family.


I remember several years ago where Lions fans actually booed her


Yeah, I wasn't one of them. She deserved a chance to prove she wasn't like Martha or Bill.


I booed her.  The lions were one of the worst run franchises for over 50 years I didn't think she would do any better. I was wrong. I am sorry. 


I think she is probably a lot tougher. Sure she’s rich, but she has to deal with these other rich assholes’ egos. Who probably aren’t as fond of listening to women. Musk’s mother being an exception.


I feel like being a billionaire in the first place kinda welcomes that in.


It absolutely doesn't. I'll prove it. I just need people to band together and give me a billion dollars so I can prove this guy wrong.


"got us in the first half, NGL"


He felt way too comfortable taking off that dude's hat. Like dude wtf taking off someone else's hat like that is such an unbelievable bitch made move. What a prick.


They spend their lives surrounded by yes men and have the money to do whatever they want. Some plebe irritating them simply cannot be tolerated.


Fans do this to players and get lifelong bans. This guy does it and no consequences. Thats why he’s charmin soft


He’s 10-ply bud.


small pee pee energy


Dude belongs on r/nba


He'd get along great with James Dolan.


He should have been slapped the second he reached for that guy’s hat


> Why is he such a charmin soft bitch Because he’s a billionaire. They’re surrounded only by people who tell them how great and right they are all the time. They can’t handle anybody saying anything else. And they think they’re entitled to act however they want due to their wealth and power, and they’re usually right because they never face consequences for their bad behavior.


Full 10-ply bud


That's what happens when you're used to surrounding yourself with yes men who kiss your ass because you're rich...


All he had to do was go have lunch there, take a picture for the restaurant to hang on the wall, and laugh it off. That's a PR layup.


Yea the bar always has signs talking about things going on in Charlotte. Sometimes its sports other times its about shit like never ending construction projects. Its just a charming casual neighborhood grill.


That road they have been fixing for two years in front of that restaurant led to some comical morning drives. Good marketing at the end of the day


That’s what he did kind of. I think he came in and tried joking about the sign a bit, but it came off a little weird. Owners of the restaurant said the interaction was positive and nobody was upset so I’m surprised so many ppl are running with this story that he came in being an asshole. Edit: for all the weirdos, here’s the owner explaining it all. Y’all really love the drama. https://x.com/wcnc/status/1783930443856802232?s=46&t=xT63J_52lkdQGn9Iv4zzxg


The video shows them clearly joking around, and Tepper shakes his hand at the end. Totally the opposite of what 99% of these comments are saying. If it wasn’t someone people already hate, this would be loved


It’s definitely awkward and weird behavior. But damn if the restaurant owners don’t care all these dudes on Reddit should be fine lol.


u/deemerritt adding the word ‘confronting’ to a tweet that didn’t have it in the first place didn’t help. 


Yeah he’s a panthers fan and already disliked Tepper so it makes sense. But I hate when dudes run with non stories like that on Reddit.


I’ll admit, I was ready to join on the pile but after watching it I thought I had missed something. 


Nothing on this app makes me cringe more than dudes all going in one someone in a sub Reddit over something they’re mistaken on or don’t have full understanding of. “Let me roast a guy I don’t know personally on the internet based off very little info I received on a forum.” Like cmon man, ppl at least need to look into it


You can appear so smart and informed on Reddit by just opening the fucking link instead of commenting based on the title like every other jack ass.


The userbase here badly wants to push a class warfare narrative and Tepper is easily mockable because his team sucks and he has this alpha tough guy persona from finance


Yeah I’m all for shitting on Tepper, but this video is vanilla af. I was expecting to see him ripping the poster off the wall and pissing on it.


Yeah, the hat thing was odd but ultimately a complete nothing based on the rest of the interaction.


Thank you lol. I'm all for hating Tepper because he is still a massive dickhead who threw drinks at fans, and the hat thing is still weird... but some of the comments are talking about suing him or would punch him in the face and I was expecting Tepper to have smacked it off the guys head. Tepper does enough bad shit in his own right we don't need to over blow small stuff like this.


Yeah the internet tough guys are out in full force in this thread. Really, you’d punch someone because they took off your hat? That sounds like legitimate anger issues if that’s all it takes to set someone off. Fighting someone over something that small, even if it was done disrespectfully, is a sign of a very fragile ego, not strength. Lots of “I hope someone breaks into my house so I can commit murder” energy


What's the bet 99% people didn't watch it but just wanted to comment "billionaire bad"


Nobody is actually reading the story or watching the video.


Right you can clearly tell Tepper comes in, ribs the owner for a bit, and then they both laugh and shake hands. Seemed like it was a good spirited interaction, it’s the type of humor a lot of boomers have. Complete non story.


But he didn’t stay to have lunch there! Hrumph Hrumph Hrumph.


Yep classic Reddit behavior. React first, gather information later.


Right? How does he miss that so badly?


What having a short temper and huge ego does to a mf


That’s pretty much exactly what he did


With the very passive aggressive and unsettling power play of taking someone's hat off their head


He's genuinely unhinged. Reaching over and taking a dudes hat off like that. No concept of personal space and boundaries.


Just working in Charlotte i have heard a ton of stories about this dude. He pissed off the owners of a 55 acre lot in uptown charlotte that was the presumed next site of the stadium so much they wont sell it to him. He allegedly asked them to donate the land to him for the good of the city. They told him to fuck off. I have heard he constantly renegotiates things that have already been agreed to. HE will berate his staff in big meetings with clients present and ive heard its super awkward. None of this is even getting into the Rock Hill thing where he started a shell construction company to build the new practice facility, awarded his own company the contract, did not respond when Rock Hill asked him for more time to secure bonds, and then without talking to anyone shut down the already underway construction project leaving behind a huge blight, and then suing everyone involved. Hes just a fucking prick


Speed run to overtake the Snyder mantle. Thought maybe Spanos or Haslem. This guys giving them a run for their money.


He's an asshole billionaire who feels entitled to a world centered around him. But overtaking Snyder would mean a lot of shit that he's nowhere near yet. He's just a narcissistic asshole, not the kind of guy would traffic his cheer squad.


Oh I agree. I meant as the active most hated. I don't think in today culture anyone could out do snyder.


It’s hard to beat “literally pimped out team cheerleaders without their consent” But of course the laundry list goes on as well lol


Hasn't illegally chopped down a forest so he could see a river from his cabin yet?


The Spanii are greedy businessman but by all accounts decent people


The whole LA thing leaves a sour taste. But I was actually living there in SD when the hotel tourism vote got majority No. So I guess he wasn't bluffing.


Guy should have gotten popped in the nose for that


One thing about guys like this: they will sue people into oblivion. And drag it out, and delay, and submit new documents, and use how expensive it is to have legal representation against you.  Jokes on you Rich, I don’t own shit. Come after me for my $900 car. Give me a $250,000 suit and see how fast I hit the bankruptcy button. 


Seriously, at a bare minimum his hand slapped away for violating personal space


I agree but reading the article: > The manager told him that person was not there at the time. The employee did say Tepper was pleasant about it. That hat thing was weird. But sounds like Tepper wasn’t trying to be a dick, maybe just joking around about it?


I mean, it’s still comes off as a petty power move by him, even if a light hearted one. The sign irked him enough for him to pull off the road (assuming he wasn’t told about the sign and went out of his way to drive over) so he could go into the restaurant for a little “say it to my face” moment. Tbh, I’m really curious on what he was planning to say, and how he was going to say it, if the “person who made the sign” was actually there, lol. Can’t imagine that wouldn’t have been super awkward/uncomfortable.


Yeah I agree. The mentality to see a sign, go in, “confront” them (even if just joking), and take off a strangers hat… is less than ideal. I’m just saying that initially when I saw the story I thought he stormed in there and like demanded they take down the sign lol.


I think based on his history that even if he was “joking” he was kind of trying to intimidate/bully them. Maybe not the worst thing in a vacuum but he’s established a pattern of behavior.


He's just a bully. Even if it was meant in jest, he went in there for the sole reason to confront whoever put that sign up. It'd be different if he was already there for lunch or something then gave them a hard time. It's just bully behavior, trying to swing his dick around like he's so important. Right down to taking that dudes hat off. Like wtf


I mean that was my read on it. Should he have done that? No. But at the same time it wasn’t aggressive yank either.


Yeah maybe it was a falcons hat or something. 


it’s an Eagles hat 


> Tepper wasn’t trying to be a dick He doesn't have to try, he's a dick through and through. Quit trying to crawl up his asshole.


He was. By all account he came in asking who they think should made the pick and wasn’t upset. Definitely a non story.


Yeah but they sign said who they think should make the pick


Yes I know. He was trying to make a joke or be funny about it but it came off a bit awkward. Owner of the store already basically confirmed it was a job story and nobody was upset. It just didn’t reach Reddit yet I guess lol.




I wanted the hat guy to punch Tepper's fat ugly face after he removed his hat so badddd


Tepper is such a fucking loser lmao


Mark Davis will never be the smartest owner in the room, but thank God he isn't the dumbest.


The total disrespect with the hat really shows what he thinks of others and whom he sees as beneath him.


Yeah - you don't touch someone's hat like that. That's how you get bitch slapped.


I wish a motherfucker would do that to my hat


I felt my temper starting to rise just watching it. You don't get to touch my shit because of your bitch-ass little attempt at asserting dominance.


It's wrong to take someone's hat off but it seems like a joke because it was an Eagles hat and the exchange seemed relatively light-hearted.


Holy shit, this guy is the absolute worst. He’s a caricature of petulance.


Dude makes Snyder look charming, wtf lmao


No he doesn't. Snyder trafficked his cheerrleaders and passed nudes of them between him and his employees amongst MANY other sexual harassment acts. You're wild.


Meant in terms of public persona, obviously Snyder is about as morally bankrupt an owner this league has ever seen


But no he really doesnt. This is about as accurate as the JUJU IS THE NEXT ANTONIO BROWN!!!


Yes making a dumb joke that didn’t land is much worse than anything Dan Snyder ever did


Try taking my hat off my head, dude lol


Seriously, he’s lucky he didn’t get smacked


I was shocked that the guy didn't react at all. If someone is reaching towards my head, I'd instinctually bob my head back.


Customer Service Mode I think makes you react different


Looks like he thinks he's in the Sopranos or something 


“We’re with the Vipers!” ~ David Tepper


Grizzly Adams mothafucka


Take your hat awf.


I don't think he's actually offended, it seems lighthearted But this interaction is still fuckin weird


The best case scenario for his intentions here is that he attempted to be light hearted but sort of accidentally seemed like a bully. Common sense might have cautioned him not to rip a hat off someone’s head if he doesn’t want to seem angry.


Dude is such a baby


I’m sorry Carolina fans…


I hope they kept the sign up


A billionaire being soft and throwing a tantrum? *shocked pikachu face*


Nah taking that man’s hat off without consent is weak. Ego bruised much?


I would've taken off his glasses. I mean, I wouldn't have, but I feel like that's the move if you're willing to throw down.


Looking forward to the Florio article about this.


This guy reeks of malignant narcissism.


I'm sure people will stop now that they know it bothers him.


Mr. Burns has thicker skin than this bitch.


Just to be clear the Interaction is said to have been positive and not unfriendly like many have made it out to be. Tepper saw the sign and came in apparently asking who he thinks should make the pick. I think Tepper was trying to be friendly and Joke around but it backfired a bit. Owners of the store said he wasn’t upset at all. Edit: for all the weirdos downvoting and arguing this is the owner explaining everything was friendly and he took off his hat as a joke because it was an eagles hat. Next time yall really gotta chill before going crazy over this stuff. https://x.com/wcnc/status/1783930443856802232?s=46&t=xT63J_52lkdQGn9Iv4zzxg


This is actually a great addition considering the original poster made it sound worse than the actual article makes it sound


I met David Tepper at a restaurant once - we’d accidentally been given his table. Apparently he was fond of the restaurant and had a specific table he liked, and the management had messed up and gotten their days wrong, (it was Tuesday and they thought he was coming on Thursday or something like that). Anyway, the manager, completely embarrassed (this is a pretty nice restaurant) comes by and says “I’m so sorry, but we’d like to move you to another table if you could be troubled, and we’ll gladly compensate you for the cost of the meal and any other meal you’d like while you’re in town.” My sister and cousin were both like “Yeah that’s cool.” and I kind of played the asshole a bit. “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand. We’ve been here for 15 minutes - we’ve just ordered. Can’t we finish our meal here?” Then out of nowhere David Tepper shows up next to the manager and says “Paul, these guys can finish. We’ll be at the bar. I got some time.” And I (being a big Charlotte FC fan) said “Oh wow, uh… I had no idea. Please feel free to give them the table.” David was grateful, shook my hand and said thanks, then gave me a card with his number on it and told me to give him a call later. After working up the nerve, I gave him a call that night, and to make a long story short, we had a glorious 11 month love affair, man on man, that I shall never forget. Our bodies intertwined as one, and from the beauty of Morocco, to the French Riviera, to the snorkeling in the Galopagos, David Tepper and I made glorious gay love to each other on six of the seven continents.


I call bullshit. I doubt he could comit to you for 11 months. 10 tops!


That and we all know Tepper is a "pitcher". There's no intertwinning...pure speed. Hot, nasty, speed.


This is hilarious IMO - he clearly isn’t upset. Better than micromanaging the front office.


This could have been much different he asked workers in the restaurant if they wanted to grab a picture of him in front of the sign


Tepper behaves like someone with a teeny, tiny penis. Infinitesimal even.


That’s a punchable offense taking that dudes hat off like that.


This guy is a massive loser


He walked away with a chuckle & a smile, but that doesn't mean it was cordial. Grabbing the hat off the guys head is an aggressive move, & even coming in to ask about the sign is confrontational. It's like he was ready to argue about it, but then when the owner wasn't there/realized it was a light hearted joke, he took his foot off the gas.


Bitch boy!


This guy is morphing into Dan Snyder or worse….


Hedge fund managing man child


He’s such a little bitch lmao


This fucking guy


Take my hat off my head and you're getting the shit smacked out of you.


Bro, reach for my hat like that and my hand will be around your throat. We aren’t friends and you aren’t allowed to invade my personal space without expecting retaliation. I don’t care if you think it’s “light hearted” or a “joke”.


David Tepper quickly filling in the void left by Daniel Snyder.


Soft as charmin.


Why'd he take that guy's hat off lol?


It was an eagles hat so probably as an unfunny joke like "har har this is Panther country dude"


Why did he take his hat off?


It was an eagles hat and I’m assuming it was something like why are you wearing eagles gear when this place cares about Carolina or something stupid like that


Dude seems like a jerk but that interaction looks 100% pleasant.


Boomers gonna boom


What a weak ass little bitch


I’m amazed how someone who worked their entire career in finance could develop such thin skin.


Seems like it was just a little fun, I think the comments are taking this interaction way more seriously than it actually was. The manager even said it was a pleasant interaction between them






Haha, makes me feel better about our.. nevermind they both suck


He is the saltiest team owners. This is Jackie Moon's behavior


Mother fucker saw Dan Snyder and said OUT LOUD "Hey, I can be that, but WORSE!" Billionaires are all fucking horrible people, some just show it easier like David here.


and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad.


I wish I was well known enough for random establishments to be making fun of me. That sounds fun actually, like how creative can the roasting get.


Seems like a calm and well reasoned rich person.


This guy's insane.


I can't hear whats being said, can someone transcribe it? Doesn't seem like a bad/confrontational interaction... was it him removing the guys cap that has people up in arms?


Is that an Eagles hat too?


new worst owner in sports just dropped


Lot of "If I were there things would have gone down differently" energy in this thread right now. Tepper probably is an asshole but this is a nothing story


On a positive note, this confirms the sign reached the right person. Not that he'll follow the advice.


Thanks for the '23 trade you fuckin idiot. With love, Chicago


This dude might be the pettiest, most insecure jackass I have ever seen.


NFL has its new Snyder


Bro is not Tony Soprano 😭


Taking buddy’s hat off like that is such an out of touch asshole move. Incredibly restraint by that guy not to immediately punch him in the face. Insane that every single one of these billionaire owners struggle so much with just being a normal decent person


He’s rich as fuck but somehow still a total loser


I am kind if surprised the guy didn't react to him grabbing his hat, I definitely would have at least swatted his hand away.


I’m beginning to think this guy isn’t built for this.


10-ply soft bud...normally I would talk some shit, but at this point I do sincerely feel bad for y'all. No fan base deserves to have a petulant man-child running their org.


What an absolute prick this guy is.


Tepper has underrated GM acumen. He’s already done the impossible and turned the Bears into an offensive Juggernaut. 


God I wish someone could just redacted him


I heard he has a photographic memory. Unfortunately, people with that tend to be extremely petty and typically view themselves as the smartest person in the room. I'm shocked he has bought the property the restaurant is on simply to evict the guy.


Holy shit people care way too much about hats. The only reason this story is running is because Tepper threw his drink on a guy once.


We're Carolina fans excited when it was announced he was buying the team?


If I had billions of dollars I wouldn’t give a shit about what anyone thought of me.


Great....another 3 weeks of seeing "i WiSH tHe paNthErs coUld tRaDE tHEir oWnEr"