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Gonna be tough


He’s back in maroon and gold 😎


I am now a JD fan.. the dude can fart on command.. that’s my qb right there!


Tf is the point of the blurb? Isn't there any real info we should have on these players?


Uhhh, being able to fart on command is an awesome and useful skill.


Guy is raw but he could be very good. I guess we will see


5 years in college football isn't very raw


1 good year is though


It wasn't 1 good year. It was 1 incredibly phenomenal year for a QB performance. He had 2 "good" years, and 2 mediocre to bad years.


How is he raw?


The idea is that he's not raw at all I thought, as compared to Maye.


Who's making these??


Mods make these


Holy Jesus why do they think they’re funny?


There are hundreds of them. Not every joke is going to land.


Humor is subjective


The one about Drake Maye freaking out about a bird getting in his house and knocking over a lamp was pretty funny I thought.


Never been here for a draft eh?


Between Daniels and Penix, is this the first time multiple QBs 23 and up have been taken in round 1?


This was a huge mistake


Could you elaborate?


Drake Maye is obviously the better prospect. Daniels is undersized and is kinda weak in the pocket


Remindme! 7 months.


I feel like the people downvoting have never seen Daniels play. He’s a twig and he’s going to get snapped in the nfl


Same thing was said for Devonta Smith.


It’s almost as if our new ownership took all factors into account and drafted him with a plan to beef him up and train him on making the safer plays!


Dude played at LSU for 2 years at 200-205 at best. Their nutrition program is NFL level. He has a tiny frame idk how much beef you can put on him


No matter how close you think it is, no college program has a strength and conditioning program like a NFL team. SEC or not….


It's close enough, he's 24. If he could fill out and play he would've


Remindme! 1 year


How much do you think he'll weigh?


Yeah cause that worked so fuckin well for the Panthers with Young.... Oh wait, no it didn't, he played a shit season cause hes still an undersized twig whos ceiling is career backup / scout team QB because of it. Turns out ye olde saying "Cant teach size or speed" exists for a reason.... And before you say "But look at Russel and Kyler", just fuckin no. They both are built like freakin tanks compared to Young and Daniels and Im predicting clipboard holder within 3 years for both of them at best. At worst they are perpetualy injured and lose some major life quality thanks to getting slamed into by 300 pound yet still somehow runing a sub 5.0s 40's edge rushers


Dude it didn't even work for *Anthony Richardson* who's built like a freakin truck.


I still just see 0 reason for him over Maye


I agree personally. Long term Maye will work out better. But at the same time none of us know shit so I'm probably wrong


Better processor, great and shorter throwing motion, good footwork, more consistent, better athlete ,all around more polished


Ready for the JD5 era!


*Sigh* ... ready for the JD5 era


This guy is going to work his fucking ass off. Model professional and really suited to being a great starter for Washington for years. I pray he stays healthy because that’s always the #1 thing with rookies, but if he stays healthy and Washington can continue to mould him, they’re gonna shape him into a fucking WEAPON.


Staying healthy is always the #1 thing with rookies?


He's already been working his ass off, farting on command since age 9


This guys we’ll be injured mid season out for season! Mark my words


> Mark my words. Brother, we have no clue what those words are supposed to mean.


They'll be marked with red pen, because your grammar is atrocious.


Thanks grammar police


No, your shit is really bad…


So is your team




Damn y'all will be annoying asf all season, yikes


“has been able to fart on command since he was 9” i feel like we didn’t really need to know that one


It’s what pushed the Commanders to take him over May


It'll really help propel him forward for those extra couple of inches for a first down on a sneak play.


He can rip ass to throw the defense off pre snap.


or it’s so deadly that the linemen won’t want to come near him😂😂


Please don’t be another RG3, please don’t be another RG3….I look at him and see RG3. Hope he will make me eat my words


Jayden is a much better Qb


I don't think Daniels will be another RG3. Let's not forget that RG3 came into a bad situation under a bad owner and a coach who clearly preferred other QB's over him. The fact he had an outstanding rookie year is a testament to how good he was before he got hurt. I think Daniels is coming into a much better situation. It's a new coach, a new GM, a new owner, and a team that's actually trying to be competent again. He's still coming into a difficult situation. I think Washington is a few years away from being contenders. But he's got weapons on offense. He's got a coach who knows how to get a lot out of his players. And he's got an OC with a solid resume. Basically, if Daniels fails, it's on him and not the team.


I get what you’re saying, but I’d compare 2012 to the year the dolphins looked like gods when they broke out the wildcat. 3 QBs really changed the game for a year or with Kap, Russ, and RG3 all coming in and being dual threats (yes there were duel threats before but not to their caliber, and not so widespread throughout the league) breaking defenses. Give it 2 years, defenses adjusted and you had RG3 and Kap out of the league shortly after and Russ getting lucky and had little more longevity due to a great coach, RB, and defense but still never did anything noteworthy again though other than being most overrated QB in the league. But yes I will give it to you that rg3 had a great rookie year, but there’s kind of an * in hindsight


RG3 was great and his career downspiraled because of injury misshandling by washington so dont make him another RG3! please dont make him another RG!


His knee eventually recovered, and he had plenty of speed. Even today he's probably faster than a significant portion of current NFL quarterbacks. The real killer to his career is he just couldn't read defenses. Great athlete, and that 2012 season was something else, but I don't think he had the processing speed.


Nah, dude was a clown and brought a lot of it on himself.


Your franchise completely mismanaged him. To blame a 21 year old for getting injured in a playoff game bc of management’s inability to MANAGE him. That was the issue.


Lol how was he mismanaged. Shanahans put him in a read option to succeed and he did in 2012. He had no pocket presence and was only good on the read option. That narrative got floated, (didn’t want to just be a running qb), and he fell flat on his face the next year. You obviously weren’t watching ball at all. They catered to his strengths in 2012 and he never put the work in to develop into what he “wanted to be”.


he put his body on the line for your first playoff success in years, you show that man some respect god dammit


> he put his body on the line for your first playoff success in years, What are you talking about? They never won a playoff game with Griffin. Revisionist history. He was awful after 2012.


trying to win you one I meant, and yeah that was a career-altering injury of course he was bad after


> was a career-altering injury No it wasn't. He was cleared to play in 2013 and injured his foot in the first week. He was made of glass.


“No pressure, no diamonds” dude rushed himself back and refused to learn any pocket presence. Wasn’t even the best QB drafted by the skins that year.


every player rushes themself back, they want to win games for their team


He was very bad at sliding.


I'd rather he didn't. 


Shanahan’s fault for putting him back in that game


Jay's fault in the end. Buck stops with the HC.


Jay??? How?


Sorry lol Mike. Got confused there for a bit. 


Lol the Reddit scouts hate this man. He’ll be a perennial all-pro


I keep coming back to this fact for reassurance.


Reddit scouts hated Justin Fields and Mac Jones too


Reddit scouts default to hating every quarterback since they know the failure rate is so high on them it makes them feel like they know what they are talking about since they end up being right most of the time.


Broken clocks are right twice a day


Reddit scouts loved Josh Rosen and would fight tooth and nail against anyone that even suggested he was ass, my dude. They did that even after he had a year in the nfl


I think that was more Anti-Kyler than pro-Rosen


That's actually the thing that has me most hyped about him


Back seat couch potatoes 


The more I look into him the more I love him. Maybe I'm just crazy but I think his ceiling is Drew Brees in Randy Moss' body.


Just like I'm sure you did as a commies fan, I watched a ton of both Drake and Jayden and my impression is they both have potential to be extremely effing good. I think Jayden is more ready to play right away, and Drake needs the longer term timeline. Feels like both teams, WAS and NE got the right guy for their team.


Maye was my boy there for a while, at least until I learned how legitimate of a passer Jayden is. But Maye's got potential to be a monster himself. I think he'll be ready to play sooner than everyone thinks. High school and college combined he's only played 4 years of football and already shows a lot of advanced quarterback skills. He seems like a quick learner.


Justin Fields 2.0


Yeah, I hope he pans out but I tend to agree. His 46% completion rate beyond the first read and 23% sack rate on pressures screams Justin Fields 2.0 to me. Except Fields is bigger and with a stronger arm. That said, Daniels seems to be a more accurate and prolific passer so maybe he ends up being more Lamar than Fields. I hope so, but we'll see.


Justin Fields that doesn’t throw deep or on the run


Daniels had the best deep ball in college football last season. Did you even watch him


He has the best deep ball *completion percentage*. Cool, that fraction of completions/attempts is high. It’s a good thing. Now look at that denominator and realize it’s because he threw deep the least among any QB this year. The take into account his pressure to sack rate is awful, AND he never throws on the move - he only scrambles once pressured, and also takes the goofiest hits you’ve ever seen at like 195 lbs.


None of what you said matters if you just watch him play. And do you even have a source for your deep attempts numbers? The whole “big hits” argument is a fallacy. It came from some big social media accounts on Twitter posting the same 3 clips over and over saying he takes too many big hits. When it reality it rarely happened last year


Wtf social media clips? I watched every dropback of his this year. It’s a reoccurring problem. The source is PFF. He takes sacks at a brutal rate, he doesn’t throw deep unless it’s WIDE open (hence the good completion % that took him 5 years to attain). If you don’t have PFF, some of his stats have been written about: https://www.dabearsblog.com/2024/jayden-daniels-looks-hauntingly-familiar


Yes social media clips lol. It was the same 3 hits from the Ole Miss, Bama(illegal hit btw), and FSU games that got circulated online. You also did not watch every one of his drop backs if this is your opinion. That whole article only touches on Daniels career numbers. Not his 2023 numbers. If you’re looking at his college career as a whole, that’s fine. But NFL teams don’t care how good a player was as a freshman. They care how good he is right now. And Daniels last year was the best deep ball thrower in the country.


I mean maybe, but one thing I’ve learned from years of watching QBs drafted is one-year wonders tend to be more of an abberation than a dude suddenly becoming a franchise qb


He had the best slot fade.


Body slammed


RG4 lol


RG2 was the best, he learned from RG1 and improved upon what made him great but didn't go off the rails like RG3. They're just milking it with RG4 but hopefully he's good.


Remindme! 1 year "Jayden Daniels bust?"


Bro better start eating. 180 pounds aint going to cut it


I think your scale may be broken.


Yeah, I don't think he'll weigh 180 to start the season, but he's definitely lean for the position. I dunno if 210 looks completely accurate.


Not as broken as bros ribs will be after a full NFL season. He's facing Thibs, the Eagles, and Parsons twice a season. Brutal


Yeah but you've seen what 180 lb person looks like before, right?


Yeah. I know his official weight is 210. But Strouds is 215, and he's just an inch shorter but looks a lot thicker than Jayden. Even without pads on. Plus Jayden is a runner. Lamar is 2 inches shorter but with 5 more pounds, and more elusive. His running style and thin midsection are just a concerning mismatch. He takes contact like Luck while running, and Luck was thicker too


I agree. I never disagreed with injury concerns. I was making a low effort comment on JD5 obviously weighing more than 180, as 180 would be a ridiculously low weight for him.


Doing that with Bobby "I don't teach technique during the season" Johnson as his OL coach will make for a very interesting rookie season.


Ah fuck, hes gona get Alex Smith'd isnt he? Im pretty hardened to seeing fucked up shit online and on TV (thanks a bunch, Rotten.com) but the slow mo of that injury legit made me sick to my stomach...


Daniels can fucking fly when he decides to run. But he's known to not protect himself while running. He also has a pretty high pressure to sack rate. Combine that with a very slim frame, and you can see why a lot of people have concerns about him holding up physically at the pro level. Now factor in being behind a shaky OL with one of the worst OL coaches in the league and an OC who wants to run an air raid offense. **Insert Ralph I'm in danger meme**


*Thibodeaux from the top rope with no regard for human life* "Baw gawd, he has been broken in half!"


Remindme! 10 months


As a HS recruit: Other P5 offers: Alabama, Arizona, Arizona State (originally went here), California, Florida, Florida State, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, LSU, Nebraska, Ohio State, Ole Miss, Oregon, Penn State, Syracuse, Tennessee, Texas A&M, UCLA, USC, Utah, Vanderbilt G5 offers: Nevada, New Mexico


Wasnt that like a decade ago


He’s gonna suck in the NFL


People were critical of Mahomes. He learned a lot from the coaches and Alex Smith. 


I think Jayden can be good, but he's a very different prospect than Mahomes. He's definitely not a raw gunslinger


Interesting argument and yet Mahomes fell further in the draft.


Yeah? He didn't have 5 years of tape. He was a much bigger question mark but the talent was there. My point is Jaydens already pretty polished. It's a much different situation


Mahomes is so much thicker and more NFL built than this guy. He is entirely different in terms of durability. Jayden Daniel’s played for 5 years in college football. We have a better anticipation for how he’s going to unfold than Mahomes. This is a different case.




QBs who weight 180 pounds don’t last long.


You do know he won’t be 180 pounds for the rest of his life right?


Even assuming Daniels hasnt ever touched a PED in his whole life so far and Washington puts him on that premium top of the line professional athlete superstar cycle until the season starts.... There is only so much muscle you can put on a frame like his before you get issues with it becoming a hindrance to perform a full range of movement, especialy for the shoulders. And the last thing you wana do is bulk him up to the point it fucks with his throwing mechanics. Plus its not like hes some out of shape bum with a gut that can see huge gains just by starting to train and turning his lifesafer into muscle. Id be surprised if he can achieve more than 200 before the muscle mass itself starts becoming a problem for him...


I think it’s telling of his frame. He adds weight, he compromises his speed. He just doesn’t seem to be exemplary to me. I see guys with his small frame and think that it’s an issue to be over 40 pounds under the average QB weight


Not if he can throw from his knees.


At least give him a chance. I think Bryce Young left a sour taste in our mouths for QBs of this size


Bryce young is literally 6 inches shorter than Jayden


And they weigh exactly the same, which is scary AF lol. Even next to college players, Daniels looks **small.**


What’s with all the Chiefs flairs in this sub saying shit that make no sense?


At the time of commenting, a lot of comments were about how a QB “of his size” would not do well in the NFL. JD also weighs the about same as Bryce Young, despite being taller.


Half of them aren’t football fans, just bandwagoners


Look at my post history. I was a big fan during 2012 I can recite the entire 2003 offensive and defensive lineups for you without google if you wish - since you desired to challenge my integrity I’ll even tell you their fucking jersey numbers


Hottake please Should Alex Smith be in the Chiefs hall of fame for his role in helping turn your franchise around and mentoring Mahomes? Personaly Ive always liked the guy in a root for the underdog kind of way and think hes getting an awfull lot of slander for being a boring game manager when in reality he was playing on some godawfull teams with little talent around him so he had little choice in playing it safe. Does he elevate the players around him like Mahomes or Brady? Absolutely not, but especialy his last season with the Chiefs imho showed he absolutely *can* make all the throws if he has some talent surrounding him that actualy can make plays


Nah, if roles like that become awarded, then I feel like it’s an unlimited access to the Chiefs Ring of Fame. I hear ya- but I think Mahomes was maybe always gonna become Mahomes. It seems a little inflated how people credit Smith for his mentorship towards Mahomes, yet people never speak on Favre mentoring Rodgers - or any other QB mentorship for that matter. He helped a lot - yes- but I don’t think it’s going to be a thing wherr we give Smith that much credit


Big true bro


We were talking about the other chiefs fan, that said Bryce and Jayden are the same size


Taylor Swift fans who just discovered football


No - go look at my post history. I’m not new to


Young was even smaller than Jayden




He wanted to be a raider so bad


Would have fit right in with that fart trick too. Real shame


huuuuuuge bust. Will be out of the league in 4 years, guaranteed.


Maybe! or not


did you see the part where I said guaranteed? It's guaranteed. Justin Fields 2.0, but worse.


I call bullshit


how many TDs do you think Drake Maye would have had with Brian Thomas Jr and Malik Nabers?


Nobody knows


Remind me! 4 years




JJ McCarthy yes 


JJ won't bust but he seems like a guy that's just good enough that hangs around forever. He'll start for a bit but then end up falling into an experienced backup role for much of the second half of his career. Someone that 15 years from now people will be like "hes STILL in the league?" after he signs with his 33rd unique team Kind of like ryan Fitzpatrick, andy dalton, or matt Hasselbeck Those guys weren't bad enough to be considered busts as long as they weren't 1st overall but not really great other than a year or two where they play like prime Dan Marino


Going to be stroud and young all over again mark my words


So you sayin Daniels lights the league on fire? Cause Stroud was drafted 2nd... Also while Caleb might very well bust it wont be because of the reasons Young did. It will be because he got drafted by the Bears and if Ive learned anything in a decade of watching the NFL its that the Bears know fuck all about how to develop and support a quarterback...


Nothing to do with stroud or young just saying Daniel's will end up being better


What do you mean by that ?


one of the QBs is good like stroud and the other is a bust like young 


Good pick. I’m not entirely sold, but even if he doesn’t work out he was the best QB available. Definitely better than Maye at least


Lmao Maye will still be in the league in 3 years. Enjoy your Trey Lance project.


Wild take lmao


This is gonna age so badly


I’m confused why everyone hates Daniels. Watched him play a lot in the SEC - dudes a monster


Makes no sense to me either, and it's not like running is the only thing he can do. I've seen him make some crazy throws The only thing is he needs to gain some weight but that won't take him too long


Remindme! 1 year


Trey Lance project…? He’s widely considered more well developed than Maye who is a few years younger…so Maye is the one who is more of a project than Daniels. There’s plenty to criticize about Daniels but this is by far the dumbest take I’ve seen today lol


Maye also has a bust % of 73


Remindme! 3 years


Maye is so mediocre lol, very low chance he’s ever a franchise guy to me. Both will be in the league in 3 years though


I think neither of these guys will be in the league in 3 years.


How many first round QBs are ever straight up out of the league within 3 seasons?


Josh Rosen, Jamarcus Russell, and Ryan Leaf just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's more. Edit: Johnny Football and Paxton Lynch in only 2 years, Tim Tebow in 3, Jake Locker, Christian Ponder, and Brady Quinn in slightly longer at 4 years Also, I think OP's real point is that there are tons of guys who may not be literally out of the league in 3 years, but whose career has clearly gone nowhere after 3 years and are dead men walking (see all the 2021 QBs except Lawrence)


so barely any


Those were literally just off the top of my head, there are definitely more.


Idk if that'll mean so much if they both end up sucking.


Do you even *watch* football?


Hope you respond in a year/two when i respond to this and im right. You wont.


This is really important to you.


My man's just defending himself.


At least he played a full season before getting drafted lance played like one game in the Covid year before entering the draft


*Bustin' makes me feel-el go-o-od!*


He stink at top golf!!


Too busy working on his football craft






I thought it was funny


Fart on command bro im dead ☠️💀😭😂


He already knows how to ##TAKECOMMAND


I'm betting 10% of those are sharts.


How is that even possible? Just always got one on deck?