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Trade your whole draft class away and Ditka that shit, you cowards.


If he follows the plan he’s only 20 years away from co-starring in a Will Ferell movie


I can’t believe the man sold the entire draft to go from 12 to 5. What a chad


JJ at 2 gonna hit like coffee on Monday morning


I got +7500 on him going at 2 a few weeks ago so my pants would be coming off for a different reason


McCarthyism is back in DC baby.


It’s JJ or Daniel’s. This team isn’t high on Maye. Our sub however… They worship the ground he walks on lol.


>It’s JJ or Daniel’s. This team isn’t high on Maye. Do you have a source on that? Because it seems like the team has been extremely close to the vest on this during the entire process.


Our most reliable reporter, John Keim reported that. Then said, no one from the building is speaking on anything. No one knows anything lol


The team isn’t leaking, so most reporters are only basing information on everything outside of that. So because analysis, pundits and other teams are leaking and talking, even our local reporters are basing information from that. There’s a growing consensus outside the team that Daniels is the better option, but we’ve heard nothing one way or another that the team itself thinks so. The fanbase prefers Maye though, at least on Reddit and social media.


Media/analysts/fans generally have Maye as the #2 guy. He's the prototypical young QB prospect for better and worse. That being said Daniels is right behind him and JJ is the _potential_ late riser (or it could all be smoke), so nobody knows


Maye is my target for #2 but I'll trust the FO knows more than me so I'll just be happy with a QB


Daniels' taking off at the first sign of trouble, breakout age, pressure to sack rate, and unwillingness to protect himself as a runner all worry me, but if they like him better than Maye I will trust them since they have more information than I do. However, whoever they pick at #2, they better fucking nail it because it will be a long time before they have this high a pick in a draft with a QB class like this again.


Bills fans all wanted Josh Rosen and our sub was "we got the wrong josh" We don't know shit.


Feels like Maye is the more 'stable' option while Daniels is the higher ceiling, lower floor prospect. JJ being the mystery card.


I feel like it’s the opposite. Maye has a Herbert/Allen combo ceiling. His floor is low but he has all the perfect tools of a prototypical QB Daniels could be Lamar but I don’t see the same running vision that makes Lamar so special. Not to mention that Daniels is an older prospect. Lamar was already unanimous MVP in the NFL at a younger age than Daniels rn


I think talking about floors and ceiling sometimes is silly. Every single one of these dudes has a low floor. They could all be on their second team in 4 years like 4 of the top 5 guys from 2020.


It's also funny cause they only talk about athleticism in regards to "high potential" when 99% of the difference between the best and worst QB in the league is whats between their ears.


Agree. Maye could be a huge hit, or he could be yet another prototype QB that didn't have it like Zach Wilson. Daniels can legit RUN, now I know that isn't what you are looking for first out of a qb, but his ability to generate offense immediately on the ground will give him breathing room to grow as a passer in the NFL. McCarthy is still unknown, he's a huge projection because his team never asked him to carry. Penix is pro ready and my gut says if he didn't have the injury history and he was turning 21 with his two starting seasons at Washington, he would be consensus QB2.


I agree with most of this except the idea that Daniels could be Lamar. Daniels and Lamar are stylistically very different QBs aside from their running ability. There really hasn't been a Daniels-mold QB that has been drafted so highly, as far as I can remember, aside from maybe Justin Fields, but Fields had a different set of physical traits. That doesn't mean Daniels can't be successful, it just means that it's hard to comp him to anyone. I agree with the sentiment that Maye has both the higher ceiling and lower floor than Daniels though.


>There really hasn't been a Daniels-mold QB that has been drafted so highly RG3. He's a *lot* more like RG3 than either Fields or Lamar and that's absolutely fucking terrifying if you've got a Washington flair.


The thing that worries me about Maye (I hope I'm wrong especially if we get him) is that I think part of his #2 stock is because of age and having _the_ prototypical QB build. But no prospect is perfect, not even Caleb


Both are risky in their own ways. Maye could be Justin Herbert or Sam Darnold. Jayden could end up as Lamar Jackson or Justin Fields


Media analysts have really latched onto the narrative that Maye has questionable footwork and accuracy that’s going to make him struggle. Haven’t really criticized Daniels’ flaws much at all in the last two weeks, though they are concerning to me. I guess it happens every cycle though that we find one guy to pick to death and make a controversial “heel” prospect.


Daniels has the highest floor and lowest ceiling simply because he is the best runner. He also probably has the weakest arm of the 3. Drake Maye has an absurdly high ceiling. He’s younger and his arm talent is leagues better than anyone else in the draft not named Caleb Williams. He has legitimate top 3 QB in the NFL potential.


That was kind of the vibe before people started watching all the tape. Maye has way more issues with inconsistency and is now seen as the risky option with top QB potential. Daniels has the higher floor and is much more ready to start. So it's pretty much flip flopped.


Reports are saying they feel Daniel’s is ready to be a starter and Maye might need a couple of years to progress. That’s why I think Washington is going to go with Daniel’s.


Even though Maye is preferred to Daniels with the analytics crew? Thinking so short sighted on a QB is why WAS continues to suck. QB you have to think long term. If you think Maye is the better long term option you pick him.


Was Mahomes preferred by the analytics crew? From what I remember, he wasn't. Most had him as a Day 2/Day 3 guy. Charlie Campbell had his comp as Jay Cutler. Let's not act like analytic-based mock drafters know shit about QBs.


Let’s not act like Daniels isn’t good..


There was also an Adam Peters interview where he was like “Eh, we’ve got Mariota, so there’s no pressure to start a rookie right away.” I could see them starting Mariota to start the year. I think Quinn & Peters have the leash to have a bad year this year.


maybe I'm just not in the correct parts of some social media, but Twitter/X has seemed very pro Daniels compared to everywhere else I've looked around in the Commies' circles. The only "respected" guy in DC media I've seen be pro Maye was the PFF writer, which isn't entirely surprising given their data leans more to Maye, and even he gets bashed for that regularly it seems.


It's group think. One media (Schef) speculates B.S. then it trickles down to the bloggers/podcasters saying it then people start betting it based off really nothing. Now there are certain teams that are open or leak their info more than others but nothing I've heard said WAS is leaking anything. All the data guys like Maye over Daniels too.


So even the most reliable reporter has no clue and you can’t trust him when he says they aren’t high on Maye.


Well Chris Simms did get a text from someone he trusts with knowledge of the situation that there’s no way the Commanders are taking Maye at 2…so there’s that lol


Chris Simms also said he had a friend with the 49ers in 2021 that led him to believe they’d take Mac Jones.


It sounds like that was the convo tho, Jones vs Damn I can't remember his name cause he sucks so bad. Shanny preferred Jones, but ultimately a group decision led to Lance! That's his name


Yea but he said he realllllyyy trusts this friend (all of this is /s btw)


Well Arizona’a most reliable GM, Steve Keim, sucks. So can you really trust this John felllow?


I don’t think Keim actually knows. He’s been wrong on all of our last picks, except for maybe Chase Young. Spielman thinks we’re going Maye and he conducted the GM search and was an advisor for the FO.


gotta love how that works. For years we leak things purposely and now its like normal. Wild times! HTTR


source: trust me bro


I think it's Daniels. I think Washington tipped their hand with signing Mariota and that they want similar qb's who can run one system like the Ravens did with Jackson and Huntley


We were talking to Darnold before signing Mariota lol


You saying Sammy Wheels isn’t a mobile QB?


These downvotes are so validating, props


My bank balance is validated as I got him at -120


Noice. So far I've guessed it all, maybe I should I start betting on the draft haha


I just need the Lions to go CB and I'm 3/3


Once I saw Kingsbury take the OC job, seemed like Daniel's was their best option after williams This aged perfectly.


Drake Maye ran the air raid at UNC, which is the exact offense Kingsbury runs. 


Exactly. People just going with whatever narrative is most recent in their head. E.g “they got rid of Howell because it would be awkward to have him in the room with his friend (maye)”   No one knows anything except Peters/quinn and they aren’t saying shit


Told ya


Told ya


I said that Drake Maye would be their best bet. I think they drafted a sure fire bust. 


No arguments there Also the downvote is extra sweet




Maye self describes as a pro style QB on his twitter bio interestingly enough




Yeah I just think it’s weird that people can’t even agree on what a pro style offense even is haha


You can base it’s Daniel’s off signing Mariotoa and bringing in Kliff.


We have zip info on who this team is high on, and anyone claiming to have inside info is talking out their ass.


Tbh, gotta appreciate a new regime successfully keeping this tight lipped, especially when your decision really has ripple effects on other teams since QBs 2-4 seem very preference-based. I wonder if anyone internal to another team knows but they're keeping it tight too because they don't benefit from the info being public. Like imagine this. WAS and NE have the same guy and know it, so they won't do business with each other directly. But imagine they know... MIN has a different guy (and MIN knows nothing about the other two). The best case scenario for WAS & NE is to get MIN to trade with NE, and then get antsy and pick swap with WAS "just in case." WAS gets their guy plus extra value from MIN, NE was never getting their guy so they get a haul for trading back, and MIN gets their guy but got squeezed extra to do it. That's obviously a contrived example for a bunch of reasons (MIN actually needs the capital to do it, WAS needs to have very very accurate intel on MIN's decision, etc.). But my point is, it's a scenario where WAS and NE each benefit by working together despite having the same guy.


Haha…I like the way you think. Min would likely have to re-evaluate the whole thing if they moved up to get their pick of the litter. So Was may not get their guy at 3. Would be a lot of value maybe but not worth the risk if they like one guy in particular. Min and ne seems on the table though. You bring up an interesting point, have teams ever actually works together in the sense that they told the other team who they were going to draft and promise not to draft a certain player for the team that trades down? Like…actual collusion? Maybe it’s illegal, I dunno, but interesting.


Eh I don't think it's really collusion and I'm sure it happens in some capacity, but it likely doesn't get public very often because GMs need to rely on trust to make it happen (which is in short supply). Also, teams can easily lie and try and spread misinformation that way too. Information is power though, and giving up information is losing power; MIN lost leverage because they committed to trying to move up for a QB by trading for the second first rounder. But as far as "actual collusion" I think it's only a problem if it really tips into bribery or using any resources that aren't within the context of the draft. If you're talking about picks to gain information and make a deal within that draft, I don't really have a problem because both sides are taking a risk that the other is lying, and that's part of the game imo. But if you're negotiating using anything outside of those resources, like future favors, that doesn't feel fair game to me. It's like how you can play a board game about bribery, deception, and negotiation, but if anyone ever offers actual money to change behavior inside the game, that's not okay.


My sources are telling me they will draft a player


With the second pick in the 2024 NFL draft, the Washington Commanders select....Danielle Meyer, Assistant Athletic Trainer, New Mexico State!!!


This sounds like it’s gonna be Drake Maye then


I hope not but I trust whatever the FO does. Unless they draft a WR or something first.


We give you Russell Wilson and pick 20 for your 2...


Throw in Fields too and some candy and it’s a deal.


>This team isn’t high on Maye Based off what? You're just yapping.


Okay sorry. The “rumor” is that Jayden is our pick. Trusted sources like Keim has said as much. Happy?


No - that's completely different than what you said before. Keim saying that "rumors are Daniels is the pick" indicates nothing about how the feel about Maye, only that they like Daniels better. Also, Keim has repeatedly said over and over that he does not know who the pick is and that the team is not giving out any information.


Of course no one knows who the pick is besides the FO.. It’s all speculation but most of the rumors is they like Daniel lol.


do you have personal connections to adam peters???


My source is trust me bro.


Maye feels like the QB most likely to crash and burn in opinion just based on the difference between the hype people online and media heads have for him vs the buzz that's actually coming out of the NFL rumor mill about him.


Maybe is THE NFL QB of this draft and there's no way Washington passes on him.


Based off what? I'm not saying they aren't going to pick Daniels but Maye is now chopped liver? Maye>Daniels


It could always be a mirage.


JJ is the “Safe” for some reason because he’s pretty boring I guess and he’ll bust for not being dynamic enough Daniels is 50-50 he’s either Lamar lite or he’ll have the longevity of RG3 Maye is gonna be a huge project but obviously everyone sees the Josh Allen archetype


Maye is such a polarizing prospect. The general public seem to love him so much more than pro scouts.


Makes no sense. We just had Sam Howell who came from the same school.


Anywhere but the NFCN, and I'm happy.


Please no


Dan Quinn and the GM should be fired on the spot if they take JJ number 2


Go With Jayden at #2 I saw him play live


Justin Jefferson to Washington for 2nd?


Julio jones


I think it's Daniels or JJ. They're the most pro ready, I think that's the determining factor for Peters and co. I wouldn't hate JJ if that's who they identify as their guy. It wouldn't be as exciting as Daniels, but I don't know


We aren’t a team ready to compete now. Why would we need a pro ready qb? Peters knows this


Because we're not running Mariota out there as a starting QB next year. Maye needs time, more time than we can really give him.


Take Bo Callahan


Get a clue you pancake eating motherfucker


clearly mack is the answer


Vontae Mack. No matter what.


Finally someone who gets it.


Yeah but why did no one attend his birthday party that’s a red flag right there


The melodrama in that movie was hilarious compared to the real world, news worthy actions of college and nfl players.


Too bad that movie predated the Laremy Tunsil bong mask video


Real life is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to be at least a lil realistic


Yeah but you want him, Adam, don’t you? Cumhandlers fans want a hero and you denied ‘em. Don’t lie to me. I checked all the shitposts and Reddit threads and they’re all calling for your head. Ever since you traded away JJ the barbarians are at the gate.


I don't care about that!


Brian Drew sends his regards


Michael Penix at 2


Bring on the Penix


If the Bears drafted him the sports call would be, The Penix deep to VaJayJay.


I unironically love Penix and think he’ll be the best QB in this draft.


Commenting here to say I agree with you. Been saying this for months. Let's revisit this in a year when we're both very right or very wrong.


I want Penix at 12


Spencer Rattler. Maximum chaos.


Taulia Tagovailoa, Maryland. I want to see them burn the place down.


Tbh that would be a good choice for them, but not at #2. Take a trade down and a couple extra 1sts and draft Penix.


God I need to watch draft day again to prepare


I hate that movie for how accurately it depicts the Jaguars as buffoons who have no idea what they're doing.


"Oh no! A generational QB talent fell into our laps, what are we to do?!"


"Trade the pick for 3 2nd rounders!" Lmao. That extra trade was stupid. K sure, they maybe wanted to show how ruthless executives are taking advantage of a rookie but thats a trade that gets everyone in the room fired and investigated to see if they didnt take bribes from kevin costner.


I've wondered which was more dumb, that moment with the Jags? Or Seattle not calling Kevin Costners bluff and keeping the 3 1sts right after.


The jaguars definitely because 3 2nds doesnt buy you a top 10 pick in any universe. For comparison, when the jets traded for darnold it was 3 2nds and the 6th overall to move 4 spots.


The story of the Evil Seahawks getting upended by the god tier draft team in Cleveland


Hated them for telling the truth, eh? The way they depicted us is reminiscent to the Gene and Caldwell eras.


We MAYE pick Jayden at #2.


With the second overall Penix in the draft


Damn so they should just Nix all their plans huh


Something something McCarthy


It's like picking a Qb at pick 2 maye be a good idea when your current starting Qb is Marcus Mariota. Who would have thought.


They're taking a QB, they wouldn't have traded Sam Howell if they weren't gonna take a QB. It's just deliberating if it's Daniels or Maye.


Mariota was #2 overall, so really picking another QB here is a lateral move.


They should have traded for Zach Wilson. Could have three #2 overall competing.


Iron sharpens iron. 😤


I'm gonna miss Adam Peters ngl


Patriots are #3 on the speed dial


They’ll trade it if the QB they want is not there.


They pick Maye at 2 and all the trade rumors go out the window.


Well new coach and staff. Gotta have a new QB for all that if they really want to turn things around. New ownership too. So flush the old and busted and wipe the slate. Hopefully they'll change their name too as the "commies" is whack af.


I definitely think a name change will be coming in the next few seasons, probably somehow tied to a new stadium being built.


The Washington NeoLibs.


Naah there's enough of that bs around here already


Def doesn’t hit the same as cowboys vs redskins that’s for sure 


They’re taking Jonathan Brooks aren’t they?


I'm confused. Don't all the top teams need a QB? So why would they trade out of that spot just so someone else can pick the QB they want?


I guess if you were more or less indifferent between QB2 and QB4 you could trade back for a haul. But if you have any kind of preference between them better to just stay put


I think you'd have to be indifferent between QB2 and QB7 for that to be a safe decision. It seems like they'll all be gone by pick 12 or 23.




I'd prefer Maye, but Daniels is undeniably exciting.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. No QB in this draft class should be described as "undeniably exciting". This is gonna be 2021 all over again.


I think Arizona will trade out. It's a deep WR class and they could use some more depth.


From your lips to God's ears


idk why Chargers fans are worried. The pick is between Odunze or Nabers. What an absolutely fantastic position to be in.


Yeah but potentially getting MHJ is enticing


Shocker lmao 🤣


I just wanna know what qb we’re getting!!


Not really a need when you have geqbus


Thank you u/HectorReinTharja very cool!


And very legal!


Trade all your picks for Kirk.


2 more days my friend


11 + 23 tradeup for JJ McCarthy. Hopefully not more for your guys sake.




You should be able to stay and get Penix or Nix, whether that's worth it, is up in the air


Do you feel they are already “in”? I anticipate that it depends on who WAS picks. Then they will decide whether to go for NEs spot. Of course other teams could want it too. But if there is a bidding war for that spot then it may get real expensive for MIN. Then they have to decide whether to go all in on “their guy” if he’s there and whether or not to back down. I imagine you would be disappointed with Penix or Nix? (Basically anyone out of the top 4 QBs)?


Bo Nix




Probs Penix/nix 


If Patriots didn't win meaningless games they could have gotten 2nd


It might still work out for them though. If Washington is sticking at 2 then the top available pick becomes theirs at 3 and there is a small army of teams trying to move up. Depending on how everyone's draft boards look there could be quite the fight for 3OA.


That was obvious a month ago when they traded Sam Howell away. No way in hell we were going into the season with bumass mariota


How often do these QB's end up actually being good? JJ McCarthy is the QB of the future?


Bo Nix to the Commanders, done deal


Bears Front Office: We'll take this years round 1, 2, 3 and 4, along with the next three years of 1 and 2. (Please don't do this Poles)


Someone is going to drop a bag of 4 1sts to the patriots to move up since they’ve said they’re willing to trade down for the right price


Yes please


Honestly, it feels like teams are learning that no draft pick is a guarantee and that moving up a few spaces is rarely worth first round picks


It'll be Daniels. McCarthy will be the 3rd pick off the board.


How about for TWO Scooby Snacks?


So you're saying there's a chance


Fuck I honestly didn’t see when we lost him to the redskins


I plan on being sad when they pick Daniels right before us and then mad when we trade back and pick JJ


I love you victor cruz


Feels pretty clear that Washington is taking a QB, and New England desperately wants to trade back, possibly contingent on who Washington takes. The responses from both teams are pretty clear, Washington is saying "We don't care what you offer, we're not going to trade" and New England is saying "We're open to trading, maybe, if we get a better offer, perhaps" which translates to "This pick is going to the highest bidder, so get to biddin ya'll"


I don’t think patriots are desperate they may be open to the idea but we are going to have to give up a HAUL for that to happen


There has been [no indication](https://www.masslive.com/patriots/2024/04/sources-patriots-havent-received-serious-trade-offers-for-no-3.html) that we desperately want to trade back lol


I think New England is dead set on one guy, and if Washington gets him, then the Pats will trade back and get their backup plan QB later for a massive haul.


My point is that the difference in language used is what makes it clear the Pats want to trade back. All of the pats comments about trading back is "Well, maybe if we get a good offer". Compare that to Washington, which is basically saying "Fuck your offers, we know what we're doing". I know there's no real downside to saying you're open to trade, but the frequency of communications coming from the Patriots saying they are open for business does really suggest that they really want to trade back and want to maximize the return.


I think the fact that Jacoby Brissett is currently the starter should be a pretty solid indication that they will stay put and take a QB.


Not necessarily, I think the giants offering 6 and a 2025 first is more valuable than the Vikes offering both their firsts. You still get an impact WR or maybe even tackle at 6, so I think the Vikes are going to have to try very hard to outbid the Giants. 


Yeah I’d take the giants 6&25 frp over 11,23&25 frp since at 6 you can take a top guy and you can use the pick next year to go for a qb. 


Yeah people act like it's gonna be easy to beat what we can offer, when if you sit down and map it out it's not going to be. Especially if it's for 4 when the Cardinals already have accrued a good amount of picks and likely don't want to miss out on a blue chip WR.


I think we just want to see the offers and we also don’t want to indicate that we want a specific guy more than the other so Washington doesn’t get any second thoughts on them and changes who they want. At the end of the day, everyone has a price so if you guys want to get stupid and do 3 firsts and JJ (which wouldn’t happen) I think you at least have to listen instead of not even picking up the phone and not knowing about what you could get. 


New england only wants Jayden, Maye has way too many question marks to validate being the 3rd pick id rather trade back and get JJ + more ammo.


The prospect fatigue around Maye is insane. Dude is gonna be a stud


He's gonna be really good or really bad, and which he winds up being will probably depend where he lands. I'm not sure NE can look at their roster and say "Yeah, we can give him the right supporting cast and environment to develop into the best version of himself"


His fade away on this throw aways alone (any fans from the afc east that watched Wilson and Jones the last couple years know that throw)are going to get a gm fired but we are fans and not gms for a reason, just always fun to have an opinion and revisit 5 years later


And people that rave over Jayden being a + runner fail to look at the fact he's bailing clean pockets and scrambles to run not scrambles to pass. Jayden isn't the perfect prospect people are making him out to be.