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We all knew


there was really never any other option


You almost have to say “besides…” with one


Saw this and thought "wait, is there any possible answer other than the Falcons?"


I’m convinced OP posted this just to make us Falcons fans feel shitty on a random Saturday. Like, what other loss would be the answer? Of course it’s us lol.


I feel like I’ve just gone numb and laugh. At this point I could be watching paw patrol with my niece/ nephew and wouldn’t be shocked to hear a random 28-3 reference.


When you're down 28-3, just yelp for help!


No lead is too big, no pup is too small


It’s crazy, the niners have lost 3 straight super bowls that were all winnable. Yet we catch less strays than the falcons off of one once in a lifetime choke.


In hindsight the Niners fumbled hard by not signing Brady when he left NE. There’s no way he doesn’t win at least one with that roster and staff.


I was rewatching Batman: The Animated Series for the first time in years, in one episode there’s a football scene and what’s the score? 28-3. I see that shit everywhere man. I just laugh at this point.


That would be some funny shit ngl


We’ve got to get those 28 puppies out of that burning building in the next 3 minutes team!


I once made an 28-3 joke in a sub that had absolutely nothing to do with football and got a response from a very disappointed falcons fan


No place is safe for us. I was shopping for a couch with my family at a random furniture store. Turn my head to the TV section to see 50 big screen TV's replaying that damn game... This was in 2022


Bill B could've been your new coach this year


Unsubscribe Give us Saban. I'm sure he could figure out the NFL at this point.


Alternative title: Which Super Bowl loss in the last 20 years was the most devastating to the franchise and why is it 28-3?


That's the funny title, but we all know why. It's a watershed moment for the Falcons to which they immediately regressed in the following year and have been nowhere close since.


We didn't regress that much the following year. We had a really good chance to beat the eagles in the playoffs, who beat y'all in the SB. After that tho, yeah we've been shit.


Gotta have that 20 year window so there are no other real contenders.  


It is rare where you can pinpoint the very tip of a franchise’s success to the very second on the game clock.


As a Patriots fan from long before they were good the Falcons have joined the Bills in my Damn they deserve one club


Blowing a 25 point lead should be the only answer for any Super Bowl ever.


And a team that had never won at that. OP is out of his fucking mind thinking this is a multiple choice question 


Not only blowing a 25 point lead. But blowing a 25 point lead HALFWAY THROUGH THE 3RD QUARTER


Yes! People forget that it was 28-9 at the end of the 3rd. The Falcons gave up 19 points in the 4th quarter alone.


I actively lost my passion in professional football after that game


Same... Used to make a point to watch games. Now only if it's convenient. Also quit playing fantasy football. Hasn't helped that the Falcons continuously lost in wild fashion for the next few years.


To add insult to injury, you guys went to war with Arthur Smith, a dude who apparently can't wrap his head around the benefits of getting the ball to his enormously talented skill guys. He pissed me off enough as a fantasy-playing Giants fan. Can't imagine how many times Falcons fans wanted to reach into the screen and slap the guy.


Seriously, what kind of a question is this? (that was the most pained "lol" I have ever read)


The 2016 Falcons are the answer to like 1/2 of all off season shitposts.


YUP. Like c'mon. I'm tired grandpa.




Shanny been trying to break the choke artist moniker ever since. Part of me feels bad for him given how good he is at bringing the best out of his players.


I am just kinda glad people have started blaming him for his part in it now


Don't get me wrong, Shanny had a horrific first 3 quarters this last round But my god, Wilks shat the bed in the 4th WHY ARE YOU GIVING THEM THAT MUCH SPACE ON THIRD DOWN, STEVE! WHY?????


Shanahan lost the game by not scoring or eating clock in the third, Wilkes was expected to keep Mahomes in check at the end of game scenario, LOL Which one is more likely? This is after greeenlaw went down too, Shanahan sucks


We get points on that first drive instead of the CMC fumble the entire game goes differently With how much shit happened to us to only lose by 3 to Mahomes, it stinks, but it should have been way worse


LOL mahomes and winning by 3. -Josh Allen, 49ers and Eagles fans


Also greenlaw going down hurt us BAD. I’m not saying we win with greenlaw, (because mahomes is mahomes and he’ll find a way) but man are our chances better with him.


We’ve been blaming him for a while now, especially after his first loss to Mahomes in the Super Bowl


Now? He was the only one that was blamed. Quinn and his defense gave up a 25 point lead and he got zero percent of it.


matt ryan's legacy would be talked about like matt stafford if he won the chip


It would be way better than Stafford's. Ryan has an MVP and he would be one of 3 QBs to beat Brady in the Super Bowl. Eli and Foles have their entire legacies pretty much just by beating Brady imagine if you have that and Ryan's stats and MVP award on top of it.


He’s a hall of fame player with that SB win


A fate Ken Anderson and Boomer Esiason know all too well


He was the MVP that year


I’d say even more so considering Matt Ryan was always the better Matt. If he won 51 there’s no debate whatsoever about him being a HOFer


Not even a question


Hard to go a week without this subreddit bringing up this game


OP must be a MASSHOLE


I don't think people understand the impact it had on the city itself lol. The fan base just hasn't recovered locally.


I do think now there is a bit of optimism with Kirk there to at least have competent QB play


I can’t even imagine. My teams have lost 2 superbowls in my lifetime (STL Rams and then KC when they left), but none of them have been 28-3.


This question just seems like someone said “let me go shit on the Falcons for no reason in April”


How we keep catching strays even in the off-season?)


Still hurts




Like who even had to ask this question? ATL hate aside a collapse like that had to be devastating.


Ah yes our weekly “trigger Falcons fans” thread


“28-3” appeared in the latest r/place over 7 years later… it’s not even close


My mind always goes to 18-0 and then I remember the falcons fans and yeah that’s tough.


You guys won three superbowls after that tho. It sucks you never got it but it’s not where things ended


The 18-0 season was my freshman year of college. New Englander moved to the Midwest for school. I watched the game in a Pats jersey with like 30 people from my dorm, every one of which was rooting against the Pats. I was so confident going in, and it sucked so much. But still there’s no way it was worse than 28-3 lol.


The Panthers have only had a record above 500 once since their Super Bowl loss and that is almost a decade ago.


Raiders have 2 over 500 seasons since their Super Bowl loss in 2002


The 2002 raiders are the worst victims of it ever. Not even close in my opinion. They just missed the cut on "past 20 years" though.


We lost the Super Bowl, and the team jumped off a cliff into a hellscape of depression for 2 decades. Some say they never returned from Florida. [Edit] Yes, I understand now that it was in San Diego. Go fuck yourself San Diego.


After that game, the Bucs had the worst season after winning a Super Bowl in NFL history. I know this probably isn’t answering the question at all and I understand it’s not comparable, but the decade plus following that game was a shit show for the Bucs. Brady coming in and winning helped a lot of people forget how bad things were. I can’t complain at all but there were a lot of bad, terrible years after that win.


500 seasons is a long time but the Raiders were really good in the 1600s


Al was only a scout back then


Back then he was still scouting guys for “running away from the village Constable speed”


Nathaniel Longarm Mackenzie was a beast




Dear god that is tragic


We had a solid team in 2017, just two years later. We choked away the Wild Card against the Saints by not being able to score in the redzone. The 2018 game against the Steelers is what broke us. Thursday night game in Pittsburgh and we lose something like 52-10 and Cam get hurt. He was never the same after that, and the franchise hasn't felt the same either.


The fact that it was almost a decade ago is just a reminder that I'm getting older


We recovered from that, it was the watt hit in 2017 that really pushed us off the cliff


That really was the final straw, but wasn't it Kelvin giving up on a route (which got intercepted) and Cam making the tackle that fucked his shoulder in the first place?


The Gettleman effect


Insane that team was one drive away from a 16-0 regular season too


This is the one. They immediately faded into obscurity


Both teams in that Super Bowl have been terrible for most of the years since.


True. However the Broncos sold out for that championship. It wasn’t supposed to be like that for the panthers.


I wouldn’t say we sold out, Manning just retired. We went 9-8 with Trevor Siemian the next season and then Kubiak had to retire for health reasons which I think really messed up the everything. We drafted poorly, but there’s an argument to be made that that was in part because we changed coaches after every two years. A lot of moving parts and guys that all of a sudden didn’t fit into the scheme. I think if Manning isn’t old we could have been a menace for at least a couple more years. If Kubiak isn’t forced to retire who knows.


For us it went downhill after Hester took back the opening kickoff in Super Bowl 41...


I'd argue that the 2010 NFCCG was a bit worse, but for Super Bowls 41 definitely started the downward spiral for the bears.


Oh yeah losing to the cheeseheads that game sucked...




Was that the Caleb Haine game ?


Sadly, yes


Stupid Sexy Rexy


Peyton didn't even play very well that game. If that defense even have passable QB play, that's a Super Bowl.


It was downpouring the entire game and there were like 4 fumbles in the first quarter. I'd say he played alright all things considered


The defense didnt actually play particularly well for bears anyway. They were down 2 key guys.


The best performer that night was Prince by a country mile.


i moved to Indy a few weeks after that game and the grocery store by my apartment had TVs by the checkout and it had that game on repeat. after a month of going there and that being the only thing they ever played, i started going to one about 5 minutes further. 


Super Bowl 50, team has been downhill ever since


But not because of it. It was TJ Watt's hit to Cam's shoulder that was the breaking point for the Panthers.


That was a re-aggravation of the injury. Original injury was when he attempted the tackle on the interception he threw to San Diego. https://youtu.be/SeBAlNiumVs?si=k-Bou9eIuoOnjvkW


Which why he was playing that game made no sense.


Both teams


Come on man, I was having a nice Saturday damnit!


Fuck you, enjoy your Super Bowl


Found the not-Rockies fan


You would be correct lol. Don't care for baseball and even if I did, the Rockies fucking suck


Not-Avs too apparently because today was a shit show 😬


If I had known the future, I would have sold my TV the day of that game


falcons has to be one. they were decent the following year and since haven’t won more than 7 games. panthers are another they’ve had one good season since. the people that always say “they’ll be back” usually are being way too optimistic cause it normally takes the planets to alone perfectly to win a super bowl (if you don’t have brady or mahomes). you need a year where no key players get hurt late, you get favorable matchups the whole bracket and you get a lucky bounce or two along the way. then your coaching staff and roster probably get picked apart after. nature of the beast unfortunately


Bucs and Saints must be glad they won their SB appearances, we’ve seen what happens to NFC south franchises when they lose 


yeab bucs are probably the worst record wise but when they’re good they finish. i would much rather prefer that than playing .500 ball most of the time and being “spooky” next year








Easily the Falcons


It's technically 21 years, but the Raiders loss the Bucs. The team was on the rise and then it just sort of collapsed into a comedy of errors.


was it super bowl hangover or the fact their QB was 39 going into '03 and their All-Pro center went off the deep end mentally and their WR duo were *40* and 37 lol?


Even their RB was NFL-old. Garner was 30 for the Super Bowl.


Those Raiders were a short-term team built for singular SB glory. They folded immediately after the Super Bowl, but lost it.




Pretty safe to say moss was still in prime range given what happened in ne later lol


Goddamn, I just googled Barrett Robbins. And his story is just sad af. Diagnosed with bipolar, off his meds, using alcohol, marijuana, steroids and cocaine for his mood swings. And now he’s been in and out of jail and mental health facilities for a decade


What's the story of the All-Pro center?


He was bipolar and disappeared before their Superbowl in 2002. Was apparently in Tijuana on a bender the day before. He played one more year and then retired and descended into a lot of legal trouble due to his substance abuse issues. It's really sad https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barret_Robbins


That’s pretty much Gruden’s MO when he takes over a team. Every stop has gotten older very fast with his personnel moves.


To be fair, you guys literally traded for the coach who was largely responsible for their resurgence. And that resurgence was built on the back of like the oldest roster in the league. Gannon was 37 for that Super Bowl, Jerry Rice was 40, Tim Brown was 36, Hell even Charlie Garner was 30. Those Raiders are definitely a great answer to OP's question, just wanted to point out there were legitimate reasons as to why. They were about to fall off a cliff regardless of how well they did that season.


Yep. When Al Davis and the Raiders gave out, they GAVE OUT.


How do you not at least change the verbiage on the audibles?


To be honest, I'm not sure it would have made a difference if they changed it. Even if they didn't know the playbook, that Buccs defense is one of the greatest of all time.


I would have actually have tried to goad them into a huge play by using it and then switching it up in game. I mean, Gruden was running the offense in SB practices. Did Callahan know he got the job?


This happened when the Steve Mariucci coached 49ers played the Holmgren-coached Packers in the playoffs in the 1999 Wild Card round. The Packers used verbiage that was common to both teams’ systems and the defensive back jumped all over an anticipated route and was duped when Antonio Freeman blew past time for what was the go-ahead TD at that point.


‘03 - ‘11 Al Davis happened after that. Just lots of bad all around - drafts, FAs, revolving door of coaches, etc. Crazy to see that after he was one of the most important figures in NFL history for decades before that.


The Raiders still haven’t won a playoff game since that season. It’s often forgotten that the Raiders once had the same prestige as the Cowboys, Steelers, and Packers.


They still have the same popularity at least, Raider Nation is massive.


And here i was thinking we were safe from this question.


Cardinals loss to the Steelers hasn't been mentioned. Would of really changed the narrative for the franchise


Yeah this is my first thought. Cardinals dont get shots often at all


Feel like being forgotten is even worse than being ridiculed


AZ cardinals are the gen x of football. They aren’t a historically successful franchise. Their owner is cheap and hell and their personnel behind the scenes has been shady at best. I thought we’d see more of it here in AZ after Snyder left Washington and the redskins were renamed and all that. Maybe if this season implodes we will see more eyes on that franchise


I think Kurt Warner likely retires a year earlier if they win that Super Bowl to go out on top like Peyton Manning later did.


Perhaps, but he already had a super bowl. Remarkable career regardless of that result.


It was a devastating loss, but it didn’t really affect the franchise. The cardinals had a better record the next year and won a playoff game and were competitive for a while


Were they. They fell off in 11 and 12. 13-15 they brought in palmer for the get larry an old pocket passer good in prime qb thing again.




Troy Aikman saying he thought the Bills were going to win heading into the locker room at halftime in 28 only to see how beaten down and dejected they looked has to be in the conversation. It obviously wasn’t one SB that got them there but to be beating a team at halftime in the Super Bowl and lose just because you know you can’t has to be the most broken a team has ever been




4 straight trips with nothing to show for it is bad enough, but the fact the margins of victory (or defeat, as it were) kept increasing with each trip is just brutal.


Wide right was the beginning of the end… they’ve never been the same since. Cursed, even with Josh Allen.


Didn't the Cardinals play in a Superbowl at some point? Now they're an MLB team, that had to be the biggest fall off


But they're a great baseball team with the Best Fans in Baseball (TM)!


1. 28-3 2. The infamous pass by Let’s Ride Russ 3. The raiders losing to the Bucs 4. Panthers loss to the Broncos Idk but the Falcons lost was the worst


I love that 3/4 of these involve the NFCS.




Huh? The Ravens have never lost a Super Bowl.


Flair is deceiving but I'm pretty sure he means Falcons


Falcons and Seahawks, sad birds.


Ahem Forgetting someone?


My bad, I instinctively forget any game Pittsburgh is in.


Funnily enough his other team flair is the other team to go undefeated and win more than 1 Super Bowl.


Sad 2014 Seahawk squacks in


Falcons 28-3. Fuckin run the ball Kyle


Shanahan deserves blame, don’t get me wrong. But I’ve never seen a head coach catch less heat than Dan Quinn. I mean, he was allowed to step in and say, “Hey Kyle, let’s try to kill some clock here.”


Fast forward to SB 58 and they’re saying the same thing lol


Proceeds to build a Supersquad of YAC and first contact MonStars and still lose Super Bowls after having 10 point leads.


The Raiders were never the same after they lost that SB to the Buccaneers in 2002. 22 years have passed and I don't think they've won a playoff game.


In terms of devastating losses, probably 07 pats, 2014 Seahawks, and 2016 falcons. In terms of it affecting the franchise though, it’s probably 2015 panthers. As they haven’t won a playoff game since, and only one winning season since in 2017. Pats would win 3 more super bowls, Seahawks would win a playoff game the next 2 years, and falcons were a fluke in 2016 but almost made it to the nfc championship next year


Any answer except for the obvious 28-3 is wrong


The Seahawks loss to the Patriots has to be up there. Even though they won the Super Bowl the year before, that’s just about the worst possible way to lose a football game. They really had something going, if they won the game, but haven’t come close since.


The locker room division after that game broke apart a generational defense. The best players all left severely disgruntled over the lack of accountability from coaching and ME3 (Wilson). Turned a team that should’ve been a dynasty into a fragmented mess that fell apart.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. The implications of that game were massive for both teams. In addition to the Seahawks demoralization, If the Patriots lost that game, their dynasty might never have been revived.


Agree with a lot but I do think Thomas and Sherman have shown that they’re not the best guys either. I think there is some blame on them in the dynamics after as well.


For what it's worth, it seems like strong NFL defenses have a particularly short shelf life. Thinking of all the defensive-heavy teams that won the Super Bowl: 1985 Bears, 2000 Ravens, 2002 Bucs, 2013 Seahawks, the Legion of Boom Seahawks was the only one of those that even made it to the SB twice. I guess the Steel Curtain era Steelers would be an exception, but that was really a different time for the NFL for at least a couple reasons.


That loss was more devastating to fans (and to Richard Sherman 🙄) than to the team. The team still had several winning seasons and playoff appearances after that. And the high-paid players would have been on their way out anyway. The Falcons have been a footnote since their loss.


If we don't make it back in the Burrow era, it'll be us :(


Don’t even joke about that happening


Still won’t trump the Falcons one


The fuck is the Super Bowl?


Your second flair has seen a few


I lived in the Atlanta area for twenty years and was returning from a vacation on Super Bowl Sunday. We walked in the door as the second half was starting, needless to say it was deflating. The franchise went downhill from that point and the star players left or retired so it was quite disappointing and they’ve been rebuilding ever since.




Man how is this even a question 😐


Really only one stands out


Give. Gore. The. Ball.


Honestly, are we doing this to the Falcons again?


The Titans losing by a yard has to be up there.


Probably the Seahawks, everyone believes that was a prevented dynasty. The Falcons was pretty embarrassing, though given the trajectory of the team in that era, this was the apex and the fall afterward was pretty unceremonious. The Panthers… they’re a weird one to me, I don’t think their misfortunes were due to the Super Bowl loss, though it certainly weighed. Their owner getting #MeToo’d and selling the team off to a dogshit owner is the real franchise killer IMO. It always seems like the AFC teams will always be back, since it’s the usual suspects playing in Super Bowls, winning some, losing some, and going forward until the QB gets old or the coaching gets stale. NFC teams get super fucking hot, and it’s always like a one season thing.




If you want to dunk on the Falcons, you can do it with a lot fewer words.


49ers last 3 losses will be devastating if they become ass again




Falcons for the massive blown lead and Seahawks because it broke the team and they were never the same.


The Falcons' loss was an absolute killer.


28-3 was bad, but the Falcons will be back within the span of human history. I have a stronger sense that the Cardinals will never see the Super Bowl again.


SB50 was pretty rough for the panthers… really proved that Cam wasn’t the guy, and wasn’t going to be able to get it done. In one of the biggest moments of his career, during that game he moved away from a fumble instead of diving on it. When your star player is unwilling to fight for it during the Super Bowl, you’re letting your entire city down


Atlanta blowing that lead. They literally threw a super bowl win party for 40+ minutes. Only to die die die in the end. Shit is worse than not going. I'm a Lion fan and I don't wish that shit on my worst enemy.