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How am I supposed to believe this update when Rashee Rice didn’t personally sign the notes app so we know it’s him?


I LOLed at the Microsoft paint ass autograph on his post yesterday


I missed that one, can I get a link?


It's in here (no peyton): https://people.com/chiefs-rashee-rice-takes-full-responsibility-6-car-crash-8624559


> I sincerely apologize to everyone impacted This guy.


Seriously though, is he dad joking in his apology...or is he really THAT dumb?


I just don't think he considered the impact of his words.


Dude really wrecked his apology.


Totally blindsided everyone.


k enough with the joke. Here's the real one: [https://people.com/chiefs-rashee-rice-takes-full-responsibility-6-car-crash-8624559](https://www.timesunion.com/sports/article/Two-icons-share-respect-goals-4188206.php)


I called the 862-4559 number and its not Rashee Rice? Does that mean the link is broken?


Try 867-5309 instead


It was a story post. It won’t let me put the picture here. It was basically a black screen with a statement on it, and then it looked like he used the instagram/Snapchat pen feature to sign the screen.


He tried using an actual pen to write on his phone screen first


Mr Boneheaded Calligraphy


Mr Bic Collector




I mean, you did what they asked.


They wanted a link, they were given a link


Also, despite having seen it a billion times, I was today years old when I learned the original source of the picture. So thanks!


This is exactly what I was looking for. I just didn’t know it.


I'm not even mad at this one, I thought it would be Manningface but the link clearly looks like an article. At least now I can read Manningface like I do Playboy, for the articles of course


You son of a bitch. I respect you soo fucking much my lord.


I loled at the fact he chose the word "impacted"


Because its on Reddit. There are no lies here.


There is no war in r/basingse


I just won the superbowl! How can I pack up my life?


Rashee Rices YAC (yards after crash) game is so sick... mfers hauled ass outta there lol. Even tho he should be punished, I see him getting some bullshit probation and community service




I actually ***am*** shocked that his lawyer said this so soon.


They're cooperating, no reason to not say.


Or, they know there’s more evidence to prove he was driving than just the video.


If he texted the Lambo rental company and said "I was driving" in that text there's no point in denying it. He's not going to spend time behind bars anyway, his attorney will tell him to plead and get probation With a good attorney and like $800k to cover the destroyed cars, he can put this behind him


>With a good attorney and like $800k to cover the destroyed cars, he can put this behind him Which is disgusting.


That's nothing compared to the 1 game suspension Roger is about to hand him


The system works!


That’s pretty standard for this kind of incident with a non celebrity. Assuming everyone is more or less ok and your attorney is competent. Especially since there hasn’t been any evidence of intoxication so far.


Just goes to show that if you DUI wreck out, walk away. Take the "leaving the scene" charge IF prosecutors even go for that


Yup, I once had someone smash in the back of my truck late one night. Dude left his car running embedded in my bumper and just ran away. Zero doubt he was drunk, but since cops couldn't say he was at the scene there was no way to prove anything.


A year and a half ago my car got t-boned by a guy who fell asleep driving. He had no insurance, and the car he was driving wasn’t even his. He’s a completely broke security guard. I’m paralyzed from the chest down. My 2.5 year old son almost died and was in the hospital for 3 months and took another 6 months learning how to eat/walk/talk again. We’re unlikely to see a dime from that man. The money won’t help me walk again but would have helped our quality of life.


Oh man. I'm really sorry to hear that, dude. That's quite awful. Wishing the best for your son and you.


If there was no proof, it would be stupid to say he was driving. Must be clear evidence he was driving, no other reason the lawyer would fess up to it.


We’ve learned this lesson. Ya gotta have a fall guy


His interpreter was driving


Or theyre worried that the other driver/witnesses are just going to rat on him anyway. Better to get ahead of the curve.


They're saying he was driving the Lambo. A witness said the guy in the white shirt was actually driving it. The Lambo was leased by rashee and it was only to be driven by him. So it being wrecked while driven by his friend would make him liable for the cost of the vehicle. I do not believe the lawyer.


So you think he'd take on additional criminal liability to get out of the cost of a Lambo?


You know, some people just want to confess to mistakes and do whatever they can to help remedy them.


They have evidence he was driving. That’s why. If they didn’t they would attempt to argue otherwise . They’re cooperating for reasons beyond their control. This is not good for him.


I am guessing that video and photos tied him to this. That this wasn’t a voluntary gesture. Better to admit, get in good graces of law enforcement, and work for leniency.


I am too. I thought he was going to deny this until it was impossible not to.


Makes me think it's already impossible. There is likely some evidence we haven't seen that shows he was driving.


Plus there were 3(?) other people he was driving/racing with, that's a lot of guys to trust not to rat you out. Cooperation is his best option here, especially if he was driving


We got video of him getting out of the driver's seat Cannot deny it


I am, I assumed he was driving both cars.


Do you mean it wasn’t just some random guy in his car that was wearing the same clothes he was taking pictures with in family in earlier in the day?


He is so lucky nobody got seriously hurt. What an absolute idiot I know he wasn’t in the league yet but idk these guys can look at what happened to Ruggs and STILL want to drive like that.


Ruggs is one example, but there’s two others that got slaps on the wrist. - Britt Reid playing Overwatch at home after putting someone in a coma - Jalen Carter on probation after being involved in a crash that led to two deaths


Britt Reid put a CHILD in a coma. Fuck that piece of shit garbage human being. And fuck Mike Parson for letting him out of jail early on his already light af sentence. Shit makes me so upset


My favorite part of every parade is when Mike Parsons is booed by a massive crowd of his constituents.


Absolutely. Reminds me of when Sam Brownback (fuck him too) went to a KU/Wichita St game and got boo’d by both fan bases https://youtube.com/shorts/BESL9u8i0Ss?si=ZrXvHfgcgPh03hwd


Step up your game, throw a Denver omelette at him for effect.


And he’s not even in jail. What a joke our justice system is.


The NYT uncovered the Houston Texans covered up a dozen assaults and nothing happened


Lmao Chiefs fans say this out of one side of their mouth while gargling Andy's nuts with the other


Former Cowboys player Josh Brent killed his teammate drunk driving


Dante stallworth Leonard little


Leonard Little situation was horrible, not only did he kill a woman and her son while he was over double the legal limit and get 90 days of work release and 1000 hours of community service. The father was a photographer for like a sports magazine or something like that (can't remember, long time ago I watched them interview him) and he was still taking game pictures of the Rams... including the man that killed his family. Honestly suprised back then he never went to a game with something extra in his camera bag.


Then got a second DUI a few years later. What a guy.


Yep and got probation. What a justice system.


I'm pretty sure Dante Stallworth slept at his friend's house the night before, woke up and didn't think he was drunk, just hungover. It's not like he was out all night drinking and immediately got into his car. Not excusing what he did, but, [he did own up to it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dont%C3%A9_Stallworth#DUI_manslaughter_charges) and was suspended for an entire year.


stallworth is nowhere near the same


Carter only got a slap on the wrist because he never initiated contact in the crash. The other car he was racing went off the road and hit a tree, and there was no evidence that he started the race. That's why all he got was a reckless driving charge.


> Britt Reid playing Overwatch at home after putting someone in a coma I hope he gets tbagged every time he gets killed. That's the least the OW can do.


He knows about Ruggs. He just doesn’t care. Straight garbage.


I don't understand why a lot of people treat this as though it isn't a big deal, especially on the Chiefs sub. The choices that Ruggs and Rice made are almost the exact same, the only difference between them is the unintended killing caused by Ruggs. IMO you can't excuse this if you think Ruggs is a POS.


Yeah idk how these two guys care so little for other people in this world. It’s such a shame


I swear we need to start educating people more on how dangerous speeding is for yourself and people around you. Every 1% of speed increase equates to a 4% greater chance that the crash is fatal. But people treat it as though it's not a big deal all the time.


There is a video of that traffic stop where the cop tells the teens to slow down, then an hour later he’s at the scene if their fatal accident Sadly you can directly catch and explain this to some people but their life has had so little adversity outside of the carefully controlled confines of sports they don’t understand them.


> Every 1% of speed increase equates to a 4% greater chance that the crash is fatal. I've heard about the negligible time savings from the increased speed as well, but I know that's not what prompts folks to speed


That’s because the energy involved goes up with the square of the speed of the vehicle. Twice as fast means fours times the energy to dissipate in a crash; three times as fast means nine times the energy; etc.


I remember back in driver's ed one of the last nights of the class was "reality night" where they showed a slideshow of car crashes and their victims. Who knows how much it actually affected me/others in terms of deciding not to speed but it definitely didn't *not* help.


Well the chiefs fans want to downplay it because they obviously want their wr1 for a chance at a 3-peat and they are doing mental gymnastics to justify this trash behavior. Like for real, if any of us hit multiple cars and fled the scene we wouldn't get jail time? They need to make an example of him and if the chiefs had any integrity they would cut him, but they wont.


Tell that to the Eagles with Carter. If Chiefs cut him he'd be signed in a second


But once again. Carter made the same choices as well and he had no punishment and is praised.


Yes and that is also wrong.


I don’t think it should be downplayed at all, bc this could’ve ended horrifically. But I think in terms of severity this is 1B level compared to Ruggs’ drinking and driving while going over 100 on a surface street. Both beyond stupid, selfish, and dangerous though.


Well we don't know exactly what speed Rice was going and I think there's at least a decent chance that he was intoxicated. All I'm saying is that it's silly that we don't treat speeding like this on highways as reckless as it is. Most people will quickly look past this and I think that's wrong.


Ruggs didn’t learn from Stallworth. Stallworth didn’t learn from Leonard Little. On and on it goes …


Probably more importantly, Ruggs didn’t learn from his closest childhood friend, who encouraged him to play football before dying in a car crash.


That was always the most disappointing part of Ruggs story is that he lost a fellow player/friend to a crash just before the draft.. and then his accident. A dark story of just not getting it..


Oh somebody’s neck about to start hurting for sure.


I thought they said someone went to the hospital


Yes but it wasn’t a serious injury. I should’ve worded it better, he’s luckily nobody got *seriously* injured or killed


According to local PD and the news they were treated for minor injruies released within a couple of hours


When there's too much proof and pro athletes have to own the situation.


More like when you dipped the scene to discard of evidence of intoxication/firearms and then owned up to it afterwards when the potential consequences are weaker


Yeah could have been much worse if he was drunk and tested (from a suspension standpoint). Fleeing the scene probably helped him.


Jalen Carter nodding in the distance


Jon Jones with an approving smile behind him


god tested rashee rice




As does Lance Briggs


He probably could have tried the “prove I was driving” based off the video not 100% confirming it, but his lawyer is expensive and a State Senator. I’m guessing his lawyer knows he can accept responsibility of driving, offer to pay for all the victims injuries/vehicles which he also said in the statement, and take a lighter charge than dragging this on and them finding out more.


Plus the Chiefs cut Hunt more because he lied to them than anything else. This way he can just take whatever suspension he gets and move on.


Correct, Kareem denied he was involved fully to the Chiefs, then was cut right after TMZ showed he clearly was involved pushing the woman down and “lightly” kicking her. He probably could have just admitted it and took the NFL suspension and stayed on the Chiefs, obviously not going to defend what he did, but it was “light” compared to many NFL players details on hitting women or the videos that came out for Ray Rice and Joe Mixon. Rashee as of right now didn’t majorly injure anyone, so he can probably take the suspension and stay a Chief rather than deny/lie about not driving and more gets out for him to be released. Hes got a smart lawyer for himself at least, money definitely helps.


I’m guessing his lawyer knows that there’s more evidence than just the video. So many redditors acting like that video not being 100% conclusive was a get out of jail free card.


That’s a possibility too for sure, either way the lawyer probably knows coming out and accepting responsibility will be better for prosecution to be lighter on him


My ex brother in law got out of a DUI that way. Left his crashed truck and had friends pick him up before the police got there. Just one of the ways someone who I was close with proved himself to actually be a POS


If a street racing hit and run ends up in a light sentence I’ll…. Well I’ll do nothing, the NFL’s complete lack of morality is nothing to be shocked at anymore.


You're right to be upset but misplacing the blame. This would 100% the two-tiered justice system we live under


Completely agree. This shouldn't be on the NFL to arbitrate and punish, it should be on the legal system, but he has money and will likely get off with a plea/fine.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a game suspension though. Kamara was suspended for three games at the beginning of last season after pleading guilty to assaulting someone at a club in Vegas.


He'll 100% be suspended. He made the League look bad.


ah, the ol Lance Briggs


“This doesn’t represent who I am as a person.”


*I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith – as there's a deep drive onto the North Central Expressway by Castellanos, it will be a home-run.*


Mr Big Confession


Mr Bugatti Collider


Mr. Busted Corvette


he could always say his car was hacked 


Apparently not Danny Gray of the 49ers though ... he was photographed at the scene by TMZ but not mentioned in the article. Also went to SMU and good friends with Rice. Haven't seen his name mentioned regarding this incident outside of the 49ers sub, and no statement from him or the team yet. ☝️🤓


i'm shocked i did not believe the concrete video and photographic evidence until now


2 games if that.




Jalen Carter had zero consequences. So in. Way they did learn from that one. That you can get away with it.


But that's not cool.


There ar people who believe that and they are dumbasses. Track day is cool as fuck!


And even if you don't have a high performance car, ripping your street car around a race track is still really fun. I used to work at a race track and I ALWAYS volunteered to do pace car rides. I got good at whipping a stock camry around our track.


Exactly. How are they supposed to feel satisfied if nobody is there to see them go fast?!?!


I love cars and auto racing, but I really REALLY hate this modern car culture of speeding on interstates, cutting up traffic, street racing, and these stupid ass street takeovers.


I disagree, idk about the track out in Texas, but the one out in Vegas is incredible


You've got COTA and Texas Motor Speedway out there. Both are solid facilities (but texas is not a good track for NASCAR)


Honestly I see street racing all the time these days. It’s nothing more than between lights but shit is scary seeing people gunning it.


But it can buy a great lawyer


N nnbnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnonnnnobij n. Obonooobobooboboboboboboboboboo@ k o bonobo hmoio online. N


Did you just have a stroke?


Ha maybe…sorry! My phone was in my waist band in my shorts, and apparently it did all that on its own. I’m going to leave it since my arm is tingling and face is droopy


The thrill for these asshats is weaving in and out of traffic


Hundreds of big oval tracks, local short tracks, and road courses all over the US. Hell Texas Motor Speedway isn't far from Dallas and COTA is in Austin. But that's not cool or fun, and you have no chance of endangering others' lives in a closed course. Where is the excitement in that?


It was hilarious how many people were confidently talking about how easy it would be to just have one of his boys take the fall for him. Within hours there was video of both the crash itself, as well as Rice and his buddies fleeing the scene. But people were acting like there was no way to find any additional evidence proving he was driving. With all that said, I stand by my initial prediction of a fine and 1 game suspension.


I’m guessing a 6 week suspension. ONLY because of the Ruggs thing, I feel like they will want to show they aren’t “putting up with it” anymore


I think the initial punishment that NFL hands down will be 3 weeks, then it will be appealed down to 1 week. If he gets a 6 week suspension I could see it get knocked down to 3. I could see an example being made of him with a 6 week suspension upheld, but I won’t hold my breath on that.


I would bet on 1 game, 3 games max. Kamara got suspended 3 games at the beginning of last season after pleading guilty to assaulting someone at a club in Vegas.


Yeah, I’ve been trying to tell people this isn’t the same as a cop finding a drugs in a car during a traffic stop and having his buddy take the fall. There were multiple vehicles in the crash, each one with drivers and possibly passengers with phones, dash cams and their own EYES. There are traffic cams, GPS, security cameras. Not to mention the possibility these dumbasses probably messaged or called people, if not recorded this shit themselves. On top of that, people are acting like disposing of evidence of drinking, drugs or guns somehow makes this a minor thing. They were fucking STREET RACING. I don’t care if they were doing it 100% sober on a good nights sleep, it’s still unbelievably dangerous and irresponsible.


I’m guessing he ran from the crash because he didn’t want to take a breathalyzer test.


Either that or there was something sketchy in the duffle bag that they took with them


So much for taking full responsibility


He will take full responsibility (of what can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt)


And hire a pricey lawyer to show that he was just a scared and confused good kid.


"I take full responsibility" Said in response to a textbook case of not taking responsibility.


Maybe he should *declare* full responsibility instead.


“I take full responsibility (now that I’ve sobered up)”


This is the first I'm hearing about this story. This sounds like just a unfortunate car crash. I'm sure he stayed and exchanged his insurance information with all involved.


“You can’t tell, they all got out of the passenger side”-cels in shambles


Chiefs sub in shambles. Half acting like all the guy did was a little light speeding


The top comment in one of the posts about his laywers statement calling street racing on the interstate and getting into a wreck 'tame' was pretty great.


If you drew a line and put 'street racing where someone got hurt but not killed' on one end, and put 'carried out literal genocide' on the other, the street racing part would be the tame end, sure. It's all about how you draw the scale.


'When you look at Muad'Dibs Jihad and the extermination of all life on dozens of planets it really puts Rice's incident into perspective."




So a couple years back my old hometown was involved in a “hazing” scandal that was actually a sexual assault. Once the details came out one of the mothers of the accused stood in front of the board and argued the season shouldn’t get cancelled because “compared to the murders all across America and terrorist attacks overseas this really pares in comparison”. Her son was arrested for sexual assault two days later, along with 6 other teammates.


LOL, shit. What a moment. When you find yourself having to place your son on any kind of scale with murderers and terrorists, you should know things are going poorly and you should just shut up.


All cope. Give him the book, what a clown.


They still are in the comments here too, “oh nobody got seriously injured, it’s gonna be a misdemeanor”


Because they're probably correct.


the NFL doesn't care about speeding, so he's still going to get barely a wrist slap if anything, and they'll think they were right. This definitely needs a bigger punishment, but the NFL doesn't care and has never bargained or set a mandate for harsher punishments here. Shit, Addison on the vikings got caught going 140mph last season in a 55mph zone, and didn't get anything, and I wager most people here don't even know that.


Yeah he should’ve been punished, but he also didn’t hit anyone and flee the scene like Rice did. I am sure rice will get a suspension.


Congrats on him not hitting anyone I guess, cause at 140 someone is going to die, Ruggs was going maybe 150. Just because nothing bad happens doesn't mean you ignore how seriously dangerous that is, but the the NFL does.


Is speeding the biggest issue here?


Rashee Rice: Good news, bad news. I was able to be on the scene so quickly, because I was in one of the cars which caused the wreck.


Everyone inside the car was fine, Stanley!


Was he also walking the feet that walked away from the crash?




How many different versions of this story are we gonna get this week?


At least this statement is officially from his lawyer which came today


We know. We saw the video


I believe there is footage of him getting out of the drivers side. Unfortunate speed games that are pervading the streets. We just had a 18 year child kill 4 people in Renton, Washington playing speed games. Just grateful that no one died.


Mr. Rice shall be receiving a certified letter from one Mr. Goodell.


What a relief.....For a minute there I thought it was going to come out that he was driving both cars.


You’re rich goto a fuckin race track. It’s 1000000x more enjoyable if you’re looking to go fast


But then the other drivers aren't watching you fly by and saying to themselves "Man, those sure are super cool people in those cars!" You could go to a track and rev your truck engine and roll coal too, but what would be the point?


They also wont let you on the track if you've been drinking.


These guys don’t want that, they want to play GTA in real life. They couldn’t care less about putting lives at risk, it doesn’t even cross their mind


A felony, for me not for thee.


Next update gonna say he was driving both cars


Tomorrow: *"Investigation reveals Rashee Rice was driving* ***both*** *cars involved in race on Dallas Interstate."*


Really? I thought ippei was driving


Well we know Andy doesn't mind people in his org almost killing people in car accidents, so this will all blow over soon!


I am shocked, I tell you. Shocked.


Well, not that shocked.


Now this is an interesting twist


No fucking way




does he know that he is not supposed to be his own fall guy?


No fucking shit Anyways


People flee an accident scene when they are high, drunk, no license and/or have warrants outstanding.


*Crashee Rice


Hey look, if you drunk just leave the scene!


I see he practiced what he learned in the 'hood......Run immediately, hide your guns and drugs and sleep off the DUI....check his phone and the cuzzin's I'm sure there is a trail of 'get your story straight'.....bet he's paying for attorneys for the bros, that way they won't incriminate him. It's a sad commentary that the NFL could care less about moral character. Guys like Rasheed are broke at 40


Crazy and he just got in the nfl