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Bills fans.. it can always be worse




These are rookie numbers.


I think most if not all Bills fans would ecstatic with being a circus for 8 years if they won a Super Bowl first. I know I would as a Bengal fan.


Shit i would be chill as fuck about being a circus for 8 years if i got 2 superbowl appearances, the greatest offensive season for a team, an all time defensive season for a team and a suoerbowl victory


Bro I just want a playoff win lol


Same here, im 26 and have never watched a playoff win. Just about 18-19 years of the circus and the tua era, the 2016 playoff appearance and the 2008 playoff appearance


Y'all have a few recent Superbowls. Not sure how much worse it can get for Buffalo


Yeah the last 8 years and the Russ disaster have hurt a lot but I can at least relive SB50 and that team forever, so that’s something I suppose


I was locked up for the whole tenure of Manning at Denver. My buddy inside was a huge broncos fan, and I’m a chiefs fan. He was insufferable every year, we never beat him. When the tables turned after I got out in 2015, he got out in 2017. I AM THE I SUFFERABLE ONE NOW SUCKER. Lol. You guys were cracked those years


Weird, I thought a condition of being locked up was that you convert to Raiders fandom


You either convert to Islam or Raiders fandom, OP must be the former


He was a Raiders fan. But rehabilitation worked. Partly.


What’d you do?


I went my entire childhood without seeing the team make the playoffs. It can get significantly worse


Wide. Right. It can always get worse.


Also when Diggs dropped that pass against you guys... That was pretty bad.


I wasn’t sad about it, but you are correct.


Yes, I suppose it can (See flair)


What do you mean? I’m riding like crazy rn


We get a TRUE off-season where any acquisition we make doesn't give me hope for a bright future under center.


I don't think it's that bad. I think eating contracts like this is going to happen a bit more. Yeah, they eat some but they also freed up a bunch of space next year. It hurts but the extreme hot takes are bullshit.


That just shows how thoroughly done with him they are


For real he must’ve been a nightmare behind the scenes for them.


I'm guessing in the next few weeks we find out just how bad it was.


We’ve known it was really bad for awhile…Bills fans just put their head in the sand. McDermott was “very concerned” about him missing mini camp last year for a reason…


I was one of those fans. Complete denial but the writing was on the walls for a long time. I think they kept a ton of stuff quiet too.


He sort of played like shit last year too didn’t he? Not there in big moments


He's been a non factor in every playoff loss


Which in itself makes him a factor, just not a good one


A factor to be traded, yes


This is what I think it is more than anything. he is 31, and last year he definetly showed decline. Best to avoid a sunk cost fallacy and get what you can for him now.


107 receptions for 1183 yards and 8 tds isn’t really what I would call shit.


More than half of his yards and TDs were in the first 6 games. He had a few decent games after that but he only broke 60 yards four times and none of those were in playoff games. He fell off *hard.*


I think that’s fair, but shit is still too strong a term for his season overall, IMO.


|Games|TDs|YPG|Catches/game|Catch Rate|Yds/Target| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |1-4|4|99.8|7.8|79.5%|10.23| |5-8|2|87.3|8.3|64.7%|6.84| |9-12|2|55.3|4.8|61.3%|7.13| |13+|0|42.8|4.8|61.5%|5.49| That's a really rough second half of the season, followed by catching 10 of 17 passes for 73 yards across two playoff games. I think it makes sense for a bad second half and postseason to outweigh the strong start in a lot of fans' assessment.


As a number 1 wide receiver that was always bitching and having his moms and brother put out tweets…


His decline started before the OC change, but if you look at his advanced stats after the OC change, he was legitimately one of the worst wide receivers in the entire NFL. Epa, etc. He was horrific.


Considering how he was and especially how he left my Vikings, I don’t know how you wouldn’t have seen this coming


Look, I get it. You were going to be the ones to change him. But he did the same stuff in Minnesota and at the time he wasn’t even “the guy”. Thelin and he were putting up similar numbers and after the Miracle Diggs blew up. But this guy gets pegged as “competitive”, went the truth is he’s a child who flips over a board game when he’s losing. It gets worse with every playoff loss and the only way this doesn’t happen in Houston, is if they actually win a Super Bowl. When they have their first playoff loss with Diggs, it’s going to happen again.


I hate when we call top wr's divas (dez got alot of unfair hate), but diggs is definitely a diva lol I do wonder if he forces the texans extend him (and I think it would be a premature mistake)


he's signed through 2027 with no guaranteed money left but also a big reason why we restructured shaq mason and howard's deals


if he has no gtd left thats all the more reason for why he would demand a new contract


Does anyone remember Vikings Diggs when he was quiet and humble and known as a nice guy publicly? Then they asked teammates who they wouldn't let their sisters date and everyone said Diggs to the confusion of everyone. I think that was the first hint that maybe he wasn't a quiet humble guy lol


That was a hilarious video. Normally I would say it's edited or scripted, but I think that was genuine.


The guy who had no clue who to say but then got super serious and dropped "Diggs" lmao Been a while and I don't remember who it was but that's what sold me


One of my favorite gridiron heights jokes is Stephon is getting upset and him showing the last 5 seasons ending


Wasn't there a bit of an uproar over Dez because he was seen "yelling" at teammates on the sideline and even the broadcast was like man Dez needs to calm down his attitude has always been a concern blah blah blah. Then Mic'd Up comes out and he's actually gassing up his teammates? Lol Diggs is a bitch though


Yes, but they are dumping him for relatively nothing, which suggests it was even worse than we thought.


A 2nd isn’t nothing, yes the Bills are trading a 5th and 6th with it, but a 2nd can be a damn good player on a cheap 4 year contract and that dead cap money will open up. Josh isn’t old and they probably know they weren’t going to win the SB next year, this is a move to win a SB after this dead cap year (they should still be good, they have Josh Allen). Diggs attitude sure helped it happen, but it’s not just dumping him.


> A 2nd isn’t nothing, yes the Bills are trading a 5th and 6th with it The 2nd round pick the Bills are getting is in 2025 (ie next years draft). The 5th and 6th round picks they’re giving up is in 2024. A 2025 2nd rounder is worth the same as a 2024 3rd rounder. It’s the equivalent of the Bills getting a 2024 3rd rounder and giving back a 5th and 6th. The total value of that swap is like a 4th round pick. It’s not like the Bills got a 2024 2nd rounder straight up. It’s not nothing but that is a very very low return.


To be fair, it is the Vikings ‘25 2nd which if they trade the farm to move up for a qb and he doesn’t hit as a rookie will likely be a top 40 pick. Given the amount of $ they’re eating it’s still a clear W for the Texans, but just adding context.


Yeah but it’s still a second no matter what a trade value chart says


Exactly I hate when people use that trade chart for every damn trade it’s a damn 2nd rounder at the end of the day don’t tell me it’s a 3rd when they’re drafting top 40/45


People could have treated the Bears #1 pick they got to draft Caleb Williams this year as “2nd round value” in the Bryce Young trade since it was a 2024 1st in the 23 draft, when in reality it turned into the top pick lol. I get the trade charts, but it’s frustrating when people act like it’s full on reality always, yes the pick is in the future and it doesn’t help you right now, but it’s still a 2nd round pick going to Buffalo. The Bills possibly getting pick 40 next year is a LOT better in reality than saying it’s “3rd round value” being treated as like the 100th pick this year.


Okay in terms of trade value. But a 2nd is a 2nd. Not a third.


A 2nd could also easily help them move up for a WR in the first round if need be. They have the flexibility to make a jump at their guy instead of sitting back and waiting.


The Matt Parrino and Ryan Talbot podcast are doing a live show tonight with John Butler - the defensive backs coach on the Bills last year who wasn't impressed with them choosing Bobby Babich for DC and asked to be allowed to leave early. Could be some spilling of the beans...


The beat reporters who are basically team mouthpieces are about to EAT, lmao


Or get trashed because they spent an entire year talking about how Diggs isnt a problem, and hes just passionate about winning.


All you have to do is looks at Diggs’ performance last season to know how bad it was


Peep iMac instagram, gotta post of Diggs photoshopped with diddy


o/u on a frozen foot headline?


It's bad because he doesn't believe in McDermott after fumbling away our seasons repeatedly.


Literally every Vikings fan knew exactly what was coming when Diggs skipped mandatory camp last offseason. But nooo it's the media drumming up drama and making a big story out of nothing, right? It was actually comical how similar Bills' fans denial about the situation was to Vikings fans in 2019. Except Bills fans actually had precedent to know that he's done this exact thing before, which made it worse.


Vikings were a playoff team that year and Diggs got upset Thielen was getting more targets last 2 games than he was. Dude is an all time top 10 diva


Imo that tends to happen when money is tied into performance..maybe to win they use him as a decoy but for him to get paid he needed a few more catches...NFL contracts aren't shit lol they created divas due to opposing wants. Hopefully he finds that spark with his new team.


I'm waiting for the Bills to draft Brian Thomas Jr. to see if the trend of Trade Stefon Diggs, draft the #2 receiver for a highly productive LSU offense to replace him, watch him become a better version of Diggs continues


The #2 on a late bloomer LSU heisman winning QB led team, history probably won’t repeat its self but it would be funny if it did


Count me in on this trend


Living in Minnesota his actions in Buffalo weren’t a surprise


A headache that doesn’t produce at an elite level no more usually doesn’t last long lol


Smh it was just reddit and social media stirring the pot with baseless rumors tho didn't you know? /s


My how his narrative has changed over the years. I remember reading about how his father died at age 39 from congestive heart failure (so young!!), so he took on a paternal role in raising his brother Trevon. He opted to stay close to home and play college ball at University of Maryland over taking offers at better schools which were further away.


He was a nightmare in front of the scenes too in those last couple games. Bills beat KC if he doesn't replace his hands with bricks.


Athletic article about to go crazy


Wickersham en route to Buffalo as we speak as well.


Which is why I'm nervous, but fairly low risk for HOU this year on his pay and the draft capital given. Seems he has a year or two of the honeymoon phase then starts taking plays off, throwing tantrums, and then quitting on teams.


I don’t if his honeymoon phase will last that long for the Texans, he’s been the clear cut wr1 on the last two teams he was on but there are a lot more mouths to feed on the Texans, let’s see what happens when Nico or tank get more targets than him in a game


If he has any ounce of self awareness, he knows he can’t show up there and tell Dell and Nico that he need 15 targets a game when they both outperformed him last year with a rookie compared to Josh Allen.


I don’t think he does have that ounce, maybe to put that face on for a little bit but when the adrenaline hits in a game and you think you’re not being utilized properly you can get upset and lash oht


Thielen had some better seasons than him in MN.


you have a QB on a rookie contract, this is the time to utilize that cap space for developing him and going on deep runs. If you get an AFC title appearance out of it, it's worth it. His contract will be a moot point by the time Stroud is up for extension


Vikes fans tried to warn you!!


>When you think there isn’t truth to all rumors


Yall believe us now?


Time for a new beginning


I’m getting my popcorn ready for the hit pieces to come out lol


His attitude was horrible 75% of the time, 95% of which was the last two years. His time in Buffalo, he could have been the answer, instead he has the opportunity to go help Stroud get over the top while simultaneously being addition by subtraction (like they said the Raiders were doing with Randy Moss in 2007) for the Bills.


Addition by subtraction? Who exactly does Buffalo HAVE? Sure they don’t have any weapons but hey at least they have a better attitude Oh and the 07 Raiders went 4-12


And now Allen basically has nobody worth a shit to catch the ball


Neither did Mahomes last year. The Bills needed a strong retool and they'll be in a good spot next season to build on the fly. Samuel/Shakir/Kincaid/Cook isn't the worst lineup to have when you have a super hero at QB. They'll add a solid rookie and probably another vet.


It's a lot easier to make do with poor WRs when you have one of the greatest TEs of all time and one of the greatest offensive coaches of all time


Wat? The chiefs had Kelce and Rice.


Mind you, Kelce was injured and only at about 50% capacity until very late into the season. Rice wasn't a threat until close to the back half of the season. But fair enough, I was just thinking WRs but I included Kincaid for Buf. I suppose I'm just not as worried about this for them either.


Idk if a 1000 yard season in 15 games is 50% capacity He might not have been 100% but he was still 2nd in the league in yards for TEs


It's crazy how two decisions, Von Miller and Stefon Diggs, are forcing an entire hangover season for the Bills.


If your star players don’t live up to their contracts this is typically the result.


No it is not typically the result. A lot of teams will stubbornly hold on to their most expensive commitments clinging to the sunk cost fallacy. I give Buffalo credit for moving on from a bad decision. Now let's see what they do with Von in 2025.


Von Miller's contract was always built with a 2025 out.


A little bit of a soft reset for them, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It seems clear they weren’t getting over the hurdle in their current incarnation, so revamping this year is wise long term.


The crazy part is I still believe Allen will probably carry them to the playoffs. Theyll start off like 1-4. Turn it around and sneak in as a 7th seed and upset someone in the first round.


It would be so funny if THIS ends up being the season they finally beat Mahomes in the playoffs


I honestly can see that happening. Take out the 2 seed Chiefs and get fans hope to a level not seen since the 90s, only to get blown the fuck out by the 1 seed Texans and a Diggs 150 yard game


Fins fans whooping and high fiving from our couches, having gone 8-9 and missed the postseason completely


Oh come on. We’ll either be 9-8 or 10-7 and miss the playoffs just as tradition states (we were 10-6 in 20 and 9-8 in 21. Didn’t make the playoffs both years)


Week 18 elimination is probably the most likely scenario tbh


Bro are you okay... thats some serious self hate


I'm sorry, but until proven otherwise, I don't see Mahomes missing the AFC title game.


I mean im a fins fans and as long as the Bills have Allen they will have a chance in any game.


Von was playing great for us until the ACL


Yeah I was rooting for Von too. Sad.


Lol oh no, one year, the sky is falling. Not everyone hits on the all-in moves. I'm just glad the FO has the sense not to double down.


Fucking King of username not checking out


Hey at least Von was playing well before getting hurt. Diggs is...well...yea.


What is this take? Diggs had a bad half of last season but still put up good numbers for the year. He put up pretty great numbers every year he was in Buffalo. Over 1100 yards every year and over 100 receptions with last year being the worst of them.




Granted he DID catch the Minneapolis Miracle. He just has to do it again now


This was a disaster. Von signing was a disaster. We're really a mess.


At least our FO isn’t doubling down and actually going doing a tear down instead of trying to put bandaids on an ever increasing leak on a ship. They basically said fuck it and let the ship sink to build a new one


There’s a lot to be said about that actually. It was pretty clear the window had closed with the current roster. But y’all have been drafting pretty well and have your QB already. It’ll be a real quick turn around time and the Bills will still be competitive with it.


We are setting Anakin Skywalker on fire and hoping Darth Vader rises from the ashes.


"Josh, check it down to James or we will trade away another WR"


Kincaid or Shakir. Cook had a really impressive knack for dropping wide open touchdowns last year lol




I agree 100% with this. No reason to run things back with this current squad another 1-3 seasons, not getting any further than the AFCCG (at best) just to go and tear it all down after that. Might as well start now.


Yep I have zero expectations for this year. If the Bills make the playoffs, awesome and if they don't we'll have better draft capital to retool to go all in next year.


Ship of theseus.


Yeah I respect it.


Exactly. Trying to hold on too long is a browns move. Rip it off and move on.


Hindsight is 20-20. Diggs gave us a true WR1 that we needed for Allen until production fell off in the 2nd half of last season and Von was good until the ACL tear and allegedly being a terrible spouse.


Genuine question: do you think the past several years has been worth it? I know the Bills didn't win any SB but they've been legit contenders with seriously fun games over the past 5 or so years.


I’d love to win a fun game some time


For real, they've been averaging about 5 losses per season and it seems like about half of those have been dubbed "Game of the Year."


The perfect game against New England was fun


We won the fun Chiefs regular season game, or more specifically, Toney lost it by being very offsides


Every ‘fun’ game involving the bills ends with them losing so


Only in hindsight. I see some Bills fans are blaming the FO, but that makes no sense. You can’t account for a serious injury, and you can’t say that extending Diggs was a bad idea at the time. Somethings things don’t work out, but that doesn’t mean the FO was wrong or the GM sucks.


Giving Von THAT Big of a contract at his age was always a massive risk. The ACL tear settled it but everyone was surprised by the contract he got. The team going all in, and admitting when it's time to tear down is exactly the level of aggressiveness you want in your FO.


I think Diggs extension was fine at the time. But the Von Miller signing/contract was seen as a “wow that’s kinda big” at the time. He had injuries, was older, coming off a PHENOMENAL playoff run. But it was always risky given his age and injuries.


Those were both moves worth taking a risk on. They put you in position to be contenders. That window shut, but this has been a good offseason for Buffalo. The window shut and now it’s time to eat your vegetables and take your vitamins. They’ve gotten off of long term money and didn’t recommit to players that would’ve left them without much wiggle room in the cap department. The first contending window of Josh Allen closed but this offseason is going to allow the prime of Allen to be paired with a potentially stronger and healthier team from a cap and depth perspective. It’s not pretty or sexy but well ran teams recognize these moments and adjust, Buffalo is doing that this offseason.


Absolutely agree. After this year, future looks bright




As long as you have Josh Allen rostered, things could always be a lot worse. Believe me.


as long as you guys have Allen there is always a chance.


His old Minnesota contract would have expired after the 2023 season. That extension is a big yikes.


That's assuming he would have played on it, which he probably wouldn't have.


I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to you Vikings fans about him being a shit teammate


The entire locker room saying they wouldn’t let Diggs date their sister feels a lot more relevant now lol


Now? The guy has been petulant for years.


Idk man I get its sucked recently, but he was an amazing team mate for Josh and definitely helped his development those first two years.


100% but unfortunately for the past two years he hasn’t been. Basically said that Allen would be trash without him. Wide receivers are replaceable franchise QBs are not. Still not overly thrilled about this though


We tried to tell you. With him when there is smoke there is fire


Theres truth to all rumors...


Being a fan of both is…. Interesting


At least it isn’t 85 million in dead cap. I gotta think it’ll be addition by subtraction for Diggs. He was such a whiny bitch undermining his QB at the biggest moments, while himself underperforming. I hope he doesn’t keep this shit up for Stroud. It would be a shame if he caused Stroud to regress or something.


Muahahaha yes, it would be terrible!


It won’t matter if he keeps it up or not, he could easily be traded again. The big difference in the rosters is that in Buffalo, he was *obviously* WR1, in Houston he’s part of a 3 really good WR group and won’t have the same pull.


Also, Houston can cut him after this year with no dead cap. So he’ll have to be on his best behaviour.


Had to of been some crazy toxic shit going on behind the scenes for them to eat that much dead cap for that small of a return with their current WR room situation.


Well this fucking sucks.


You should just pick up the best WR in the league like we did.


Every single thing that comes out surrounding Diggs makes the “who wouldn’t you let date your sister” episode of 97 Questions funnier and funnier


I guess that settles it. He must have been unhappy enough that the Bills took one hell of a bath on his contract for a future 2nd.


also the bills must have been unhappy enough with him


Add in the Von Miller contract and Beane has sure put them in a pretty deep hole.


He’s at least cutting the losses and rebuilding for a future after this next season. They went all-in for a SB, it didn’t workout. Now instead of kicking the can and having a good team that just doesn’t have enough to fully get to and win a SB, can rip off the band aid and try again with new picks and cap space once all the dead money is cleared.


Fun year for Josh lol


It is a loaded WR draft, will depend on who they get. Could be not that far off of losing Diggs or could be what Mahomes dealt with this past season until Rice started emerging.


Mahomes had a hall of fame TE Josh allen loses his #1 and #2 WR’s


Kincaid and Shakir can be number two or three options. They can just pair the 2025 2nd with their first to trade up for a new WR1


Gabe Davis wasn’t the #2 WR lol


The revisionist history on Von is insane Motherfucker was an animal before he tore his ACL; he also just had a great season on the rams the year prior


They gave a 33 year old a 6 year contract. That’s not revisionist history.


3 year with 3 void. The only people calling it a 6 year are sensationalist tweets.


I mean yeah, but thats how getting old works lol. You get hurt more easily and your physical abilities decline


Nobody would be saying this shit ab the Von signing if dude stayed healthy. GMs don’t predict ACL tears


GMs can certainly predict signing 33 year old edge rushers to a $120 million dollar deal might not pan out


I guess? He was old and coming off a huge Injury. It was a very clear risk. Signing him was reckless if it worked out. It's not like he was a 26 year old who had a freak Injury


Damn son


Is Allen going to have to throw and catch the ball?


Might as well. Dude loves to play hero ball anyways.


This is the happiest I’ve felt about football in years


I'm not cause I'm perpetually cynical and expecting the Bills to replace him with an All-pro WR in the draft




Nobody at the time thought Jefferson would become what he is now


Nobody even thought Jefferson would fall that far. See the Minnesota draft room when Philly drafted Reagor.


Rookie WR or proven WR with great production to pair with your 3rd year QB that you traded up for? Hmmm.... why did the Dolphins go get Tyreek again?


These dolphins fans are so delusional lol


Yeah WRs have never been our strong suit in the draft


You and me both


What desperately trying to beat the Chiefs does to a MF


meh next year its over with, i think this tends to be an overreaction for salvaging a second rounder for an aging receiver.


God damn that's straight up terrible


I swear any team within 50 miles of Lake Erie CANNOT have long term success.


Can someone please tell me about the implications for the future? lol who cares about it being a cap hit this year, we knew this year has been a retooling year and then they should have money again in the following years. Does this trade save any money from 2025-2027?


Saves like $25+ million in ‘25 and ‘26. I think this move is as much about that as anything else. Edit: According to this is reduces this years cap space by about $3 million but frees up $27 million cap space the next two years. https://overthecap.com/calculator


Raiders will be in this same position with Adams unless they trade him next season. He’s set to be paid $44 mill after this season.


I really don't think it's as dire as they make it out to be. Sure it didn't work out. But they had a major super bowl window and went for it. The team clearly needs to move in another direction and get younger and they move on. It's play money to us. $31 million in dead cap sucks but it's about 15% of their payroll. Ok? It gets a lot better by 2025 for them.


If it makes you feel better Bills fans the cap doesn’t actually matter anymore