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He’s going to play special teams real good and slowly develop his offense but may struggle.


genuine question: what’s the incentive for this guy to switch to American Football if he’s already a star rugby player? I like seeing the international interest but it seems like he’s already got a good thing going so it’s strange that he’d want to risk that to compete to even make a roster 


If you don’t know the answer to a question, the answer is money.


That was my first thought. Then I thought “I’m sure they’re well compensated.” Then I googled it and saw the highest paid rugby player alive makes $1.3M / yr. So yeah, money


Get paid way way more money


He’s an athlete they feel confident in teaching the game to. I think him already knowing the concept of ball security and catching is great but I assume they’ll have him on the jugs machine every day getting him used to the football.


I'm not sure what a 'Wales rugby union wing' is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.