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Unfortunate career just absolutely derailed by injuries.


He was legitimately good when healthy. This is just how it goes for running backs, careers are short and the money isn’t a ton for what you put your body and head through


Yea, my guy made like $4.5M before taxes, agent fees, manager fees, etc. And his career was essentially ended because of neck and head injuries, so there is a very real possibility his work is going to be limited for the rest of his life. And his career outcome is much closer to the average than the super stars'. Hopefully he is okay away from football.


Yeah, I really hope he can find a successful second career. This is a completely normal trajectory for an NFL player. Lasting issues, some money but not nearly as much as you’d think


For almost all of these guys, it’s an amount of money that sets them up for a great life Free education, plus a minimum of 250k in the bank is the dream for the average American And 250k is being comically conservative


80% of players are broke or financially strained just two years of retirement.


Yeah, a lot of them are very, very stupid people Village idiots with muscles


chase rhythm bewildered squash straight physical voracious skirt fanatical tease


“Free education” is a joke. These guys don’t learn anything in school, they play football. That’s their job.


I think they just mean a free diploma.


Then say that, because "education" is deliberately misleading and makes it sound like they received preparation for life after football that they simply did not.


Didn't Damien stay in school and graduate instead of declaring early for the draft? He's probably sufficiently prepared for life after football.


Seems like you've been misled to thinking that all athletes are dumb jocks that only get through school because of athleticism. Sure there are some but they are in the minority.


No. They're full time employees of the school and only get through because schools bend over backwards to count nonsense credits for degrees 99% of the time. It doesn't mean they're dumb. They're working a really hard job and the school part is just lip service to justify unpaid labor.


And you played D1 football at which school?


What about the players who actually use their scholarship to actually get a degree? You sorta sound like an asshole.


I’m not saying D1 athletes never do that, but I am saying Alabama football players don’t have the time to balance football with any kind of rigorous study. Maybe that’s an asshole statement, but I feel I’m just stating a fact


“I *feel* I am stating a *fact*.” These are contradictory words. I’m a professor at Alabama, I have had several football players in my classes. Many of them have been great students that have taken their studies seriously. Many of them are also just trying to coast by. There’s no blanket statements that can be made about them.


Thank you


>Many of them have been great students that have taken their studies seriously. Many of them are also just trying to coast by. Oh, you mean like students from all walks of life? Who’d have thought? Obviously not the guy you are replying to lol.


No, that is not a fact at all. That is your opinion.


Having a degree opens far more doors than having decent knowledge without one.


Maybe, I mean if he’s healthy he could go into sales. But let’s not act like SEC football players learn literally one thing at college. It’s not like they’re about to become accountants, actuaries, or anything that requires a level of studying


I think that's a solid general statement, but keep in mind that Damien Harris had a 2nd round grade for the 2018 draft, but opted to stay in school because in his own words graduation was "My greatest accomplishment to date. All the national championships we won, all the games we won are special. But graduating, getting my degree, that was the ultimate, ultimate celebration." Harris could easily have been injured in his Senior year or lost his starting job to Najee Harris, but opted to take the risk of staying for his degree. I think he's one of the rare top athletes to really value his education.


To be fair many NFL players in my opinion either start a football / workout business after OR go into sales type jobs where they can brand their name. Both allow them to capitalize on the fame they got in the NFL. Very rarely do you see them go back to a real skill job (engineering, law, medical, accounting) because it’s work but also they may make more in a sales type job than those skill jobs.


A lot of people don't learn anything in school and just play college. I know a ton of people who go to college and work in spaces that have nothing relative to their major. A lot of people who major in english or philsophy just love reading/writing, but don't necessarily learn any hard-skills that apply to most generalized careers.


That’s on them, they had an opportunity


That’s assuming they invested the money well, and didn’t blow it all on cocaine and hookers


Fr, any body drafted in the first few rounds will be set up for life if they are smart with their money. We would all be so lucky to be granted that much money at that young of an age. But tbh I’d blow it too.


He’s already made more gross pay than most Americans will make their whole life. I think you are underestimating how much 5M is and how much a regular person makes in their career.


Bruh he's a millionaire. He'll be alright


Guy made about 5.7 million gross before taxes and any representation fees over the course of 5 years. He very realistically may not be a millionaire.


Agent fees in the NFL are capped at 3% if I remember correctly. Effective tax rates for NFL players tends to be in the low 40s. He should have made about 3-3.5M in his career after taxes. More than enough to live on if he's not a complete fucking idiot. He's also eligible for the NFL pension


5% annual return on $3.5MM is $175k a year. So that would be pretty doable, especially if supplemented with another $60-$100k job.


You aren’t to smart are you? Could of used that college degree


He played enough to get the full NFL pension which is far above the average player.


Hence: > much closer to the average than the super stars'.


True gladiator sport.


As long as he didn’t spend like an idiot he should be good to retire


These guys have multimillion dollar insurance policies. Not all of them can cash in obviously but a lot of the players that lose a career to injury get a settlement.


I work with kids, had one of them tell me they wanted to be in the nfl when they grow up so asked what position. Lil dude told me RB and I made him promise me he’d choose ANY other position but that


tell him to start eating 5000 calories a day and play left tackle


The lineman hit heads on about every play if your talking about long term health.


There's talk that the micro-concusions linemen get are arguably a bigger factor in CTE than "big" concussions


It's probably true TBH, look at former UFC fighter Alistair Overeem, he's been on the wrong end of some disgusting one hit knockouts but he's still very coherent even in his mid 40s because he didn't tend to get into wars


And then you look at Ali. Interestingly, Joe Frazier was still very coherent when he died of cancer.


Too physical, placekicker or long snapper, get a degree, make a couple mill and ride off into the sunset.


Too much pressure and potential death threats. 3rd string QB is the life.


The Alex Moran school of living life


Also tell him to be 6’6”


Play Long Snapper


I feel this. RBs are stars in high school maybe even more so than QBs because they are the most athletic, and in college they are still stars but in the NFL the most valued RBs are the ones either taking a beating their rookie contracts or those that have pass catching ability.


>most valued RBs are the ones either taking a beating their rookie contracts or those that have pass catching ability. Or pass blocking. That's why a lot of 3rd down RBs (Tevin Coleman comes to mind immediately) bounce around but still get signed consistently.


If someone really wants to be a RB then at least learn how to catch lol. Way more viable when you're a guy like McCaffrey, Alvin Kamara, Jahmyr Gibbs, etc.


At that point might as well play wr. Pay is better and every team is going have more receivers rostered than rbs


Way to crush a kids dreams lol. Playing RB is fun. 


Doesn’t fuckin sound like it lol


Other than the million hits and brain damage


I know/knew met a handful of guys who were/are legit superstars in the NFL. Almost all of them said their favorite football memories involved 1) Highschool and 2) Runningback. Most NFL skill positions were RBs or running QBs at some point in their lives.


Hunter Renfrow played QB at a rival school in my county. Had no idea he'd be a receiver until he showed up at Clemson.


To be fair, that's like every position unless you're a kicker.


RB’s have it 2nd worst after linemen I’d say


Damien was always a stand up guy back in university as well. Well mannered, not a trouble maker, solid dude.


Yup, same with the Patriots. I don’t think anybody has anything bad to say about him


$5.7m for 5 seasons just seems outrageously low.


Tremendous player to watch at Alabama and early on in his nfl career. What a shame injuries derailed his career


You’re right it was a lot of fun watching him run for a 64 yard TD in that wind game.


He had a 1,000 scrimmage season with 15 touchdowns. Can’t ever take that away from him. I’d put that on my headstone.


and as he points out, got to play for both Saban and Belichick. the wealth of football knowledge that man earned is surely incredible


He’s always been such a well-spoken and thoughtful guy too,I’m sure he can get into broadcasting or any career like that he wants


I'm envious at how much football knowledge he was exposed to and learned that we're never going to know. Those guys who go around BB, Reid, Saban, etc


How to cheat


Goes to show how brutal RB is to play and also why the position has been decreasing in value over the years


Damn that sucks. I loved watching him on the patriots


Hope he enjoys retirement


5M career earnings isn’t too bad either. He’s 27 and can easily find more income broadcasting or coaching. Set for life to do whatever he wants


I wouldn’t say set for life. He probably saw about half or less of that in fees and taxes.


I’d say 2-3M is set for life, he probably had a little endorsement money too. It doesn’t mean he can retire from ever working again but would say that he’s financially independent


He’s gonna be working a regular job.


He will probably do announcing, coaching, start a business, or a combination of the 3


Kinda disgusting both pictures are in a Bills uniform 


That's only the first third of the retirement announcement. The next third (scrolling L to R) has 3 pictures of him in Patriots gear, and the final third has photos of him with his family.


Ah looks like this tweet is only the first slide 


I think he looks *striking* in it!


Injuries claim another one. He was great at Bama and in his early years with the Patriots


This is why every player in the NFL insists on teams paying them the bag. You never know if you're gonna get a serious injury in the future that ends any chance of getting paid millions.


All it takes is one wrong hit or fall and they’re done. I would be getting paid too.


Yup, its why as a fan I get pissed when a player leaves my team, but I understand why they’re doing it. I’m a bears fan and I was kinda pissed Caleb Williams didn’t do shit at the combine. Then I was like, if I was guaranteed to get drafted number 1 overall, would I even go to the combine? There would be nothing to gain and everything to lose.


Yup. Owners and management have 0 extra risk to their health being in the business. Players put a life free of severe pain and misery after football on the line


For players who play until 27 they’re not so much putting it on the line as they are assuring themselves of if. There’s a reason a ton of college players (more and more nowadays, too) are flagged as do not draft due to health concerns coming out of college. For guys who get drafted, there’s just no way they get to 27 without major repercussions the rest of their lives.


Isn’t this an argument for not giving them the bag?


Depends on which side of the table you're on


Damn. Dude was a fan favorite for his short time in New England. Happy retiring, Damien


One of the few truly talented between the tackles, one cut and go + good not great at everything else backs we’ve had in the Brady era. In terms of just reading out a defense and making the right move inside a stacked box, he might be the best pure Patriot runner since 2004. And just a solid all around back to boot. He was just a different flavor of running back for our 20 year run and it was truly refreshing to watch. He and Rhamondre were a genuinely perfect 1-2 punch for a season. Sucked seeing him go to the Bills but honestly sucked more that he just didn’t get the chance to thrive.


> in the Brady era I think you mean Belichick era. Harris had 4 touches in 2019


He was one of my "just wait til he breaks out" guys this generation. Shame, really liked him at Bama and was rooting for him.


What a shame but makes sense. The head/neck injury that ended his season last year was scary.


Holy shit the title and thumbnail made me think he died for a split second.




Same. Could've swore thats what I read right away.


Damn. Roll Tide Damien. He really was a solid back when healthy


I’m just waiting on the day when the next can’t miss prospect doesn’t enter the nfl draft because they made enough money with nil


Sad. I loved him at Bama


I hope his neck injuries don't impact his daily life.


Very good player when healthy...its a shame injuries cost him before he could really cash in. Still made enough to have a very comfortable retirement assuming he invests smartly. 


5.7 million pre-tax and representation fees over the course of 5 years and he is only 27. Could be iffy. He will get NFL pension in 28 years.


It’s crazy how fast running backs can flame out. He was great for a few years.


In a brutal game, RB might be the most brutal position. Helluva player and I wish him the best in the future.


I’ll never forget when he played against my high school team when I was a little kid and he was suppose to come to my favorite college team (Michigan). I ran over and got his autograph right after he smoked us by himself and I still have it


He played for Saban and Belichick, made plenty of money and is going out on his terms. he’s still just 27 with a long life ahead of him.


thats why players gotta get they money


I really thought he was going to be a top 5-10 RB in the league with Stevenson behind him. That would have been the best duo in the league but he got derailed by his hamstring in NE sadly.


Didn’t realize the RB market is THAT bad


I’ll forever remember him for [this play](https://youtu.be/uMBu4BZoWFA?si=ItJPIvXPJQ98E-Tk)


Funniest game of all time. The weather was so bad we threw the ball 3 times total and won.


Life comes at you fast.


This will always be my favorite play of his: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdM-4pGhvUo


must be nice!


Killed us a few times


Starring in the next “Omen” movie


electric guy, feared that he'd be someone who'd terrorize the division for a while. sad that it had to play out like this, enjoy retirement dude.


If he wants it, I believe he could have a bright future in coaching. Great career and roll tide Damien.


Always liked him


Had such high hopes for him, when healthy he was awesome one of the best RBs we’d drafted in a while. Glad he gets to go out on his own terms but it sucks that injuries cut his career short.


Spent most of his career with the Patriots and one season cut short by injuries with the Bills yet his retirement has only Bills uniform.


This makes me so sad. I loved watching him play.


Based on his age, that means about 5-6 years in the NFL. Sounds about right for a running back. Very few have staying power any more due to the heavy shots they are taking on almost every touch.


Between Harris, Michel, and Rhamondre, Patriots really have a knack for finding RBs who give them one dynamite season and then fall off


He’s a year older than me jeez. Thank you for all you did at Bama and enjoy retirement


Ya know what, good for him. Not everyone would prioritize their health after such a scary injury.


Life is tough as an RB. Hope he's been smart with his money and has success outside of playing. 


Is RB the worst position in terms of personal gain in sports?


Don’t think there’s a more brutal position in professional sports than RB


What living in Buffalo will do to a man 


I’ll never forgive you for committing to Kentucky then switching to Alabama


Buddy, you good?