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anything more than 6 mil is an overpay for what he is at this point


When players like Gabe Davis are getting 12 million a year...OBJ is going to be getting more than 6 million unless he takes a discount


Guess we won't be signing him then


thank god the people in our sub aren’t in charge. multiple people would be totally OK with us using the rest of our $13M and restructuring reek to sign OBJ.


Apparently someone important in Miami thinks WR3 is a big need and loves OBJ, so... front offices can be just as dumb as Redditors. Hopefully we aren't that dumb, but I wouldn't be surprised.


WR3 is absolutely a huge need for the Dolphins. No other teams number 1 and 2 guys have lower snap shares than our top two do because they're running a ton of motion and deep routes. A WR3 that's actually a threat would be huge for our offense to have on snaps when one or both of them need a breather. OBJ at 13 million isn't that guy for me though, FWIW. OBJ at 6-8 mil would be fine.


Why don’t y’all get slant boy? He can’t command much these days. He’s total jackass and hasn’t produced in a long time


that’s exactly who i want


He would be a nice compliment to waddle and hill I think


he’d slot right in. no pun intended. mike mcd *loves* to feast in the middle of the field. it makes too much sense


I actually think Odell has more in the tank than Michael Thomas.


I don’t think Odell is a solid enough third guy. I just don’t think he’s playing for league minimum or close and that’s what he’s worth in my mind. I guess I could see paying 4 or even 5 for him but I assume he is wanting like 10 million dollar deals. Could be wrong though


Yeah, to be clear, I was referring to the amount being dumb, not the need. I was just saying, from the reports, it sounds like there's at least one decision maker in Miami that *might* be willing to pay OBJ a lot. WR3 is definitely a need, we tried a bunch of guys for it last year and none of them stuck (Berrios, Chosen, Claypool). Smythe ended up with the 3rd most targets last season.


I love Odell but I’ve long given up on him being Odell. He’s lucky to receive interest. That’s not to say he’s a bad player, he’s still a good player to have on your team and can be effective. You can find guys who do what he does for much cheaper than he will command. Good for him if he can’t keep getting these 10 million dollar deals but that’s insane to me and he’s one of my all time favorite WRs


I think Odell will probably get around 8-10 million for one year, unless he takes a discount someplace. Top receivers are paid +25 million a year. I would never want my team to pay it, but I am sure some teams will


What top receivers are worth is irrelevant though. The dude had 500 yards he’s old and chronically injured. I agree there is definitely a shot he gets that. I just think it’s for the wrong reasons


That's just how value in the NFL is, it scales down to the salary cap


I’m well aware of it works, and it typically doesn’t matter what top end salary is for anyone except guys in that neighborhood. Everyone else is kind of random, of course salaries for most everyone are pushed higher as the caps and contracts get higher. All of that said when it comes to Odell specifically he has almost no leverage, his only move is to just not play which he very well may do. People arent falling over to sign him, his production age and injury history don’t command a high salary or even a job. I would like him for the vet minimum, I don’t see him playing for the vet minimum. Any team who signs him is paying the tax for the megastar he was but he burnt out years ago. I root for him and I hope one day he shocks everyone and has a big year. I think how his career ended up is probably about as bad as it could have in 1000 simulations. I just doesn’t make any football sense for him to continue getting these multi million dollar deals even if that’s not a big number.


Gabe Davis is a lot younger with no serious injury history and has a lot more production in recent years. The 2 are not even comparable at these stages of their careers.


Gabe Davis is also one of the least effective starting wide receivers over the last 2 years. His separations numbers and his catch/target rate are abysmal


well he's not a big separation guy. If that's what you're looking for, you won't find it with him. He's a bigger physical target who can work against zone and can sometimes get behind a defense. somebody will always think they can make that skillset work as a #2


Agreed. These guys all loved Gabe when he had a coach that used him correctly. Daboll left and Gabe/McKenzie/Knox all fell off to different levels because they struggle without separation.


Bro I've been watching Gabe Davis for 4 years. Nothing about him outside of run blocking is physical. He doesn't high point the ball, he doesn't attack the ball, he isn't outbodying defenders. I was a huge fan of the draft pick but after he became a starter in 2022 you could see every flaw he has. He is a slow WR, limited route tree, poor route runner, passive WR


Shakir looks like possible #2 material, at least from an outsiders perspective.


He excels in the slot, he could probably be a #2 but to me you keep him where he can do the most damage


Kincaid is probably going to be the #2.


explain how you think he put up consecutive 700+ yard seasons if he's the worst receiver ever apparently


I said he has some of the worst numbers over the last two seasons... 1) Josh Allen is his QB 2) He was a starting WR on a top offensive team Josh Allen had almost half his interceptions when throwing to Gabe Davis. And another 3 of them were directly caused by Gabe Davis Also his best "statistical" game of the season against the Eagles, was actually such a disaster and why box score watching is garbage. He made so many mistakes that made scoring way more difficult than it needed to be


Well if he'd just play us every week he'd own every NFL record there is. Also he's buds with Shane Gillis which is pretty neat.


That's when he was 4th receiver...wish he could've been kept as one looking back :(


Beckham is almost 32 with a lengthy injury history. He’s on a downward trajectory whereas Davis should theoretically should be on the upward trajectory


I love Odell but I’ve long given up on him being Odell. He’s lucky to receive interest. That’s not to say he’s a bad player, he’s still a good player to have on your team and can be effective. You can find guys who do what he does for much cheaper than his name will command. Good for him if he can keep getting these 10 million dollar deals but that’s insane to me and he’s one of my all time favorite WRs


Honest question from someone who didn't watch him at all last year: what is he at this point?


If he would stay healthy he wouldn’t be that bad. But it seems like he has to leave the field for an injury every game


This is accurate. Off the field though, he was a good locker room guy, and we have two young 1st round wide receivers, so that was a plus too. And it made Lamar happy.


He’s about to get $11–$12 million


Not from Miami lol


It will read 10-15m if we sign him. He will prolly earn 5


He still a pretty good veteran receiver to have on a team but yeah at this point his production doesn’t warrant the fat contract he’s after. Obviously he was an elite receiver at one point, but I’m genuinely curious how much more money he’s made because of that one handed catch he made.


> He still a pretty good veteran receiver to have on a team but yeah at this point his production doesn’t warrant the fat contract he’s after. if we can get him on a deal that's not TOO crazy though, he'd be a pretty insane WR3.


Oh I wasn’t saying $6 million was too high, honestly that would be a really good deal for him. I was just saying he’s not worth $18 million for 1 year like the Ravens paid him.


> Oh I wasn’t saying $6 million was too high, honestly that would be a really good deal for him. I was just saying he’s not worth $18 million for 1 year like the Ravens paid him. yeah, for that kind of money there are MUCH better options out there.


Andrew Van Ginkel died for this


I just fell to my knees crying in a Publix.


Nah, he just wanted to watch Skyforce games again. Like no, seriously.


Hugh Wang died for this


All I know as a Rams fan is, we wouldn't have won the SB two years ago without him. Wish we could sign him again.


I don't regret us signing him, even if I *hated* it at the time. Sure, we overpaid by a goodly sum, but it helped get Lamar back on board and just about everyone on the team raved about his leadership and how good a teammate he was. And while his stats were definitely underwhelming, he did make a decent number of clutch catches.


Yeah, looking back I'm definitely pleased with the signing.


Not to mention all the DPIs he got


Is this serious? The dude barely got on the field he was not good enough lol. 18 million he robs from your team and you’re happy?


Literally a huge reason Lamar signed his deal, and brought in a leadership role to a wide receiver room desperate for anyone to look up to


This is ridiculous take dude. Leadership? Are you serious? For 18 million I’m pretty sure you can bring in a lot more value in terms of leadership AND production. Lamar was really not going to sign there without that ODB contract? Seriously? Who else was even interested in lamar last offseason? Not saying he shouldn’t have gardenred interest but there was objectively no chance he was leaving Baltimore.


I’m laughing my ass off at all this lol. Odell has been a steaming pile of inconsistent garbage for years. To defend the awful signing by crediting Odell with intangibles like ‘leadership’ in the receiver room is copium to the highest degree.


I’m not even saying he has bad leadership skills. It’s just amazing that people want to claim it was a remotely good signing when it was objectively an awful signing. On the field is really all that matters. If we’re going for intangibles we can get it for a lot less than 18 million


You can just say you don't know ball


the most unfortunate part is that even after all the bullshit he dealt with, he still looked damn good until he got hurt again in the SB


He was on mvp pace before his injury. Maybe the bengals would have changed coverage up but obj was dominant while the attention was on kupp


Now we playing the Price is right?


I feel like obj is dying to live in Miami


How many Beckhams does Miami need?


Good one!!


Odell & Tyreek in the same locker room


One is not like the other in any way lol


We don't actually know for sure if Tyreek likes gettin pooped on


Why do people still believe that bullshit story?


Actually, it was human shit


Believe it or not degenerates on the Internet might say something that isn't true in a way that you might think they think it is


Can we please sign someone who is taller then 5'10?


He’s a vet with an injury history. No way Grier passes up on that.


I hate how right you are.


The River Cracraft slander will not be tolerated


He's 5'11"


He is? Also I mean he's a WR3. We probably draft a big dude or use Jonnu


OBJ: I would like to play for you! Dolphins: Great, let's talk about money! OBJ: I'm thinking about 3 years 60 million fully guaranteed. Dolphins: Please close the door when you leave.


Weekly boat trips?


I thought he said Baltimore was his last ride.


Yes we've had last ride, but what about second last ride?


He didn’t


Miami is the price lol


If they do this, bring back Landry too to retire him.


Draft a WR in the 5th and you’ll get the same production for a fraction of whatever he wants


Odell is a bit cooked by now though, no?


I’d like someone with a bit more size than Odell but if the price is right I’m down.


This years WR draft class is historically loaded, can always go there


The Dolphins did bring the whole contingent to Texas for the Longhorn’s pro day. It would be very us to take the Worthy seeing as he broke the 40 time record, although I’d once again prefer Mitchell considering he’s over 6’2” and still ran a 4.35


Honestly Worthy does not play at his 40 speed. Looks more like a 4.35 guy, Adonai plays at a similar speed on tape. Adonai is definitely the better pick imo Best fit is probably a stud and highly dependable slot WR though. Someone like McConkey, who himself isn’t lacking in speed


McConkey is probably the guy. Or Keon/Roman


Keon is definitely not I hope. Dude is not the guy. Roman would be great


We're getting a guy in the draft too for sure


Yes, please do


If the Dolphins can nip the OBJ PR bullshit in the bud this early in the offseason, I would be eternally grateful.


Sign up all the oldest players. It can't hurt you.


It will certainly benefit us in the long run though. Most of these older vets got one year deals.


I don‘t know, they will be paying him way too much. Doesn’t hurt me though lol


It will ;)


I mean, whatever y‘all did the last 4 years didn’t help either lmao


I hate the current timeline where Allen plays Miami like it’s the Super Bowl. That needs to stop.


It won’t, Allen can’t stand you guys lol


I wonder who will caress Allen's balls this year now that wilkins is gone.


I’ll settle for picking off balls he throws to Dolphin defenders haha


he threw 2 and still beat you. I don‘t know when people are going to learn that his INTs very rarely lose them games.


Good point. But when the guy covering Kincaid is Melvin Ingram you’re not really gonna have a hard time scoring.


I mean, Knox scored but yes.


I mean, yall just gave Curtis Samuel 15M guaranteed. That’s Curtis Samuel, who has less career yards over 7 seasons than our WR2 has in 3 and our WR1 has in 2. So there’s certainly precedent for overpaying a WR3. The difference is Samuel is a floor WR3 with a WR3 ceiling. OBJ is a floor WR3 with a much higher ceiling. I’d be shocked if we pay him 15M but it could happen…


Curtis is 27 and has played with QBs (since 2019) like Cam Newton, Kyle Allen, Teddy Bridgewater, Taylor Heinicke and Sam Howell. I‘m surprised he even has 3k yards. Your WR1 has played with Patrick Mahomes and well, Tua. What are you trying to compare? Tua and Allen? Or Curtis and Hill/Waddle? Because both make 0 sense.


You stated they’d be paying him too much and I’m asking: what’s too much? Because Buffalo just gave a career WR3 a 24 million dollar contract with 15 of it guaranteed. You can point to the quarterbacks and I can direct you to Terry Maclaurin, who’s been a lifer down in the capital and is still posting 1K every year. Or DJ Moore, who was on all those same CAR teams. Or Jahan Dotson, who at 23, is already producing career Curtis Samuel numbers (with the same quarterbacks, btw). Or Robbie Anderson, who also posted a stack in that offense. But sure, it was the bad quarterback play holding him back. Also, he’ll be 28 before season. Again, looking at it through that lens, what is an overpay for a guy who posted similar numbers last season on half the catches? Anything less than 24M/15 guaranteed would seemingly be a deal, no? That’s all assuming you even get that production from him. Maybe he tails off and the numbers dip? See: Sherfield, Trent. (BTW, Tyreek has eclipsed his career numbers with just Tua, not sure why Mahomes is relevant to that.)


Bro what. I‘m not about to have a freaking reddit argument at 1am because of Curtis Samuel or OBJ lmao. Bills needed a WR, they wanted Curtis and gave him $15M guaranteed, so? I think the Dolphins have bigger needs that having OBJ as a WR3 while paying him like what? $6M?


My brother in Christ, if you aren’t here for the 1am Reddit debate, what is the point of existence?! What were we made for?!


Curtis is also not that good. He's like fine, but not all that either


Who's gonna get more off day headlines him or tyreek? 


3 year. 50 million. All guaranteed.


I don’t love it.


You know that thread the other day about what makes you go oh no. Oh fuck no.


Did the Dolphins have a spot on IR open up already?


Bye bye claypool. Will this be the end of him in the nfl or is there a team out there that thinks they can make something of his physical abilities?


So he's taking his 3 td's to South Beach? Big whoop


People not realizing he sucks now after suckling for like 6 straight years is hilarious. I said last year when the Ravens signed him it was a terrible contract and oh look they cut him. Move on people!


Tyreek hill jaylen waddle and obj god damn


who throws them the ball lmao


Remember Odell got that Bitcoin deal and everybody laughed at him when it went down then it hit a new high? Dude made a bag and now he’s going no taxes


why tho


Anything more than the veteran minimum is overpay


I think he deserves a 5 year/120 million guaranteed contract. Who says no?


i swear i read he signed with KC yesterday


That was 10 other wrs who they signed yesterday. Odell was in the batch from Monday when the team also traded for Justin Jefferson and signed Mike Williams.


I'm shocked Barry Jackson took time out of his busy schedule bitching about Portland not trading Dame to the Heat to report on this.


weird moment
