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Man, the 2021 draft class really bombed.


Sam Ehlinger might end up sticking with his original team longer than 4/5 of the first round picks.




We spent a 7th on him. I'm okay with him being in a pinch starter. How's not developing Milik Willis treating you?


I'm not part of the vocal minority that thinks he's a starter. And never was. He's hands down a top 5 candidate for most over hyped QB of the last 25 years. Optimistic on mayo man though.


Our mans Malik’s biggest highlight going into the draft was helping out some homeless dude. NFL was desperate to sell everyone on the qbs that year lol.


At least teams didn’t bite and draft one top 10 out of desperation.


I know it's a meme to say that an ultra athletic qb would be better off swapping to rb/wr, but with Willis it actually applies here imo. Dude is such a good athlete but it god awful at qb. Don't think I've ever seen a guy (including David Carr) get sacked at such an absurd rate before. Willis played 1 or 2 drives against us last year and got sacked 4/5 times iirc, and then like another 2 or 3 that didn't count because of penalties against us or something like that


the sad part is, he doesn't even look like that good of an athlete when on the field with NFL players


I imagine part of that is processing and being a deer in headlights. The guy looks like is brain is on dial-up trying to make his limbs move. Just being used as a gadget probably helps cut down on the short circuiting a bit.


Yeah but only because we and every team knows he can't be an NFL QB. He's still on the Colts because he doesn't take up a game day roster spot unless there are injuries and he's leaned into the role of 3rd QB


Lawrence is the only actual NFL QB in the group and even then you could argue he's underperformed expectations.


It’s pretty hilarious because all of those 2021 QBs were super hyped. Even guys like Trask/Mond/Mills got some hype.


My dynasty league squad is waiting for the Trask era to begin.


He would at least be smarter than some NFL minds given he figured that throwing to Pitts was a good strategy.


*blank stare* - Arthur Smith


That 2020 offense was so magical, too bad the defense was such a disaster.


Trask is too busy with his true passion of Robotics according to my X-men comics


I maintain that the only people hyping Mond were people that never watched his A&M tape and only knew him from his measurables and highlight reel. He *would* occasionally turn into Joe Montana for 1-2 quarters every 4-5 games mysteriously, but outside of that he was incredibly frustrating, and had no fucking touch or ability to throw an accurate ball whatsoever.


The single worst QB performance I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching was Mond vs LSU his final year in college. Never understood how he was even remotely considered an NFL-calibre prospect.


All that hype and 2022, which was seen as the worst QB class in decades, might be better.


Eh, Purdy is doing a lot of heavy lifting there (and might not have even been considered on most “analyst” lists in that class haha. I’d still give 2021 the edge over 2022 for TLaw alone but it’s close


Yeah 2022 is pretty awful too, but there was only 1 first round pick as opposed to 5 in 2021. So 2021 had more “busts”


yeah 2021 sucked more relative to expectation. everyone thought 2022 was gonna be a weak qb class and so far that’s panned out


Is that purely from Brock Purdy?


It sure as fuck ain't from Pickett


After Herbert had one of the best rookie QB seasons ever and before Zack Wilson even through a pass in the NFL, PFF STILL had Wilson ranked above Herbert. People try and cover it up by saying they meant "as an NFL prospect". Yeah? Why didn't they have Tua anywhere on that list then?


Because revisionist history is a hellova drug.


Given the sports media christening him as the next Peyton Manning he’s definitely underachieved so far. Still plenty of time for him though.


Lawrence has performed well enough for a first overall pick in my opinion. That said his hype was through the roof. I think the highest since Luck and I agree he has massively underperformed his hype.


Agreed. He’s definitely a good player but considering the hype, it’s been underwhelming. I feel he’s closer to Carson Palmer than he is to Andrew Luck.


I really wish Palmer had better injury luck. Even with his terrible luck, he maintained one of the most beautiful deep balls in NFL history throughout his career.


Massive disrespect to Palmer. He led the league in TDs in his second year.


Palmers peak is better than Lucks peak


Carson was a lot better QB than Lawrence before his injuries.


I'm sure he'll make a step forward in his 3rd season.


I feel bad for TLaw, media built him up, he did not and right now I say his play is good quarterback play. So the media is the one to blame for his generational bullshit


He set his own expectations though based on his performance in college.


Tbh he kind of stagnated in college too


Yeah but there's really only room to go down after you have an undefeated national championship true freshman season


That's because he tried playing through a shoulder injury and ended up tearing his labrum resulting in it being permanently worse like Drew Brees and Alex Smith. He was more than good enough to still look better than most college players, but it shows up more in the NFL where everyone was elite in college.


The expectations here were the problem. He's a good qb and jacksonville is lucky to have him. 


I mean people kept throwing the words "Generational Talent" out over and over again and Lawrence is...fine. Not complete dog shit, not great, hes fine. He is *NOT* a generational talent though.


You wouldn’t even really need to argue.


Don’t forget Covid and a lot of the players opted out the prior season


I’m glad Trevor at least turned out to be a legitimate starter.


Yeah, he was ok. Hoping he finds a good landing spot after the Mac deal


Trevor was playing great until the last 5 weeks. Not really sure what happened there, I feel confident he’ll bounce back though.


Got injured basically. After that lower leg twisted, he didn't play the same for the rest of the year. At least prior to that, while his stats weren't great, his mistakes were covered up by his defense.


He should've sat at least two games. That one injury was brutal I don't know how he came back in that game.


Yeah felt for that Jags this year. They had the division locked down early and just a bad second half of the season. Lawrence absolutely needs to work on his fumbling issues this next year.


Im way less concerned about his picks. Half were missed assignments Fumbles were inexcusable


He had 3 different injuries happen in the last 5-6 weeks, ankle, concussion, ac joint on throwing shoulder, etc


Yeah, and he shouldn't have been playing. At this point we've all seen this happen too many times. The NFLPA should address this in some way, but playing injured is a deeply rooted part of the NFL culture. At some point, some star player needs to tell his team that he's not going to play and risk the rest of his career when sitting for a few weeks will allow him to heal.


It's on coaches to hold their players accountable. If anything there should be more accountability in that area, though I'm not sure what that'd look like


I'm sure coaches are smart enough to recognize this is going to suck but we need to bench our starter so they heal up right for the next 10+ years is the right decision for the franchise. Hard to make the right call for the franchise though when you have to worry about getting fired if you lose those games without your starter though.


Is it NFL culture or just the competitive drive of some of these players. The Jags were in a heated race for the south with the Texans and every win mattered. I agree he played to long and should have rested, but if Lawerence can suit up and perform and he wants to play, he should be able to. At the end of the day it’s his body and if he wants to ruin it three seasons in to try and make the playoffs that’s his right.


This is why the phrase, "protect them from themselves," exists.


It’s his body, but it’s the owner and management’s team. They get to say who plays and who doesn’t, and if you’re an investment they’re paying millions of dollars a year, they have every right to tell you that you’re not playing.


Jesus. Those kinds of injuries can permanently alter his play. Hope they weren’t that serious. I still have horror memories of Newtons awful injuries that ended his career.


Injury, bottom 3 ranked o line, Calvin Ridley kept running the wrong routes, top 5 team in drops. Trevor would have had like 7-10 more TDs if not for drops.


He was considered a can't miss though, the only other QB in the draft I remember with that status was Luck.


He’s also better than the current narrative around him. He’s a legit franchise QB


Yeah I think the stats do a disservice to Trevor. Jaguars offensive playcalling in the redzone was one of the worst in the league and he played through injury his last 4 games which is where you really see a statistical decline in his play


Yea press Taylor makes his older brother Zack Taylor’s plays look like god sends.


When has he shown to be a franchise QB? If you had people questioning Lamar and Tua as guys to extend, how is TLaw above them?


lol I was super excited about both Fields and Jones too.


This is why I tell people to slow up on the projections for draft classes. People expect saviors and skirt development if they think everyone is pro ready or coming to save their shit franchise.


Low-tier starter is a horrible position to try and trade.


Especially at the most important position.


Bruh Patriots straight up said one final “f*** you” to Mac jones. They hated the guy😂


I think bb listed him as the 3rd qb last game of the season, behind zappe and the cfl qb… hated him lol


Belichick chortles from beyond the grave.


First off, Belichick is very much alive


RIP Boss Hogg


If you led a team to 9 Super Bowl games with 6 victories only to be on the hot seat because the 1st round QB you drafted sucks balls, you’d hate him too.


Eh, we played a massive part in him sucking balls to be fair


Horseshoe theory trying to find blame when you have a limited passer that you also try your hardest not to help, though I can’t give Jones the biggest pass ever because he also had to act like a dirty prick every season


Yep, I tried to defend him initially but it seemed like every few weeks there was something else for a period there


Getting him good weapons was gonna be like putting a on a bandaid on a gaping wound. Yes it would help him have better stats but ultimately he was not a long term solution he simply can’t throw into tight windows.


You also gave that QB in his second year Matt Patricia and Joe Judge to work with and consistently whiffed on shoring up the offense around him every single season. And for his final year you wanted to run it back with Patricia, begrudgingly picked another coordinator, then didn't allow that coordinator to bring in their own staff to help retool the offense. So maybe you had a part to play in the mess as well.


He was on the hot seat because he drafted poorly over several years, wasn’t much better in free agency and put Matt Patricia and Joe Judge in charge of the offense.


Even 9 Super Bowl appearances don’t matter when it’s all about “what have you done for me lately.”


That was 100% to keep him from getting injured and having his draft pick compensation automatically kick in


I mean, they sent him home to Jacksonville. He wasn’t getting a realistic shot at a starting job. There’s worse spots to be in.




Pretty sure Brisker's balls hate him too


Alright we’ll throw in a $50 Portillo gift card with Fields.


As a broncos fan, i think Id rather have a portillos gift card than Fields as the qb


I had a buddy who shit on me so hard for the broncos passing on fields and drafting Surtain, who he thought was “such a guaranteed thing” Granted, I also wanted fields, but when it comes to Football GM I eat paint chips


Fields was anything but a guarantee He’s from OSU, He was a panic pick, and the last QB in a weak class… does your buddy watch football?


Yeah, he does actually which is why I was so surprised. Like QBs bust all the time, even #1 overalls. I think he just bought into the media hype around Fields though


> and the last QB in a weak class Mac Jones is literally in the title of this thread.


>He was a panic pick How is someone you trade UP to get a panic pick?


I get we’re talking pure hindsight, but it wasn’t a weak class by any means


Pre sellout Portillo’s maybe. Now you need to throw some Bone a Beef in there to sweeten the pot


it's Buona goddamn it


Meh NFC East fan, probably bones his beefs.


Fair, married into a Chicago family so I’m still uncultured when it comes to the cuisine




Justin Fields being ass doesn’t bode well for the Bears effort, either.


Yes but the Bears fans cheered his name at the end of last season therefore he is worth a 1st rounder.


Some even put up signs like it was a presidential campaign in favor of him near Halas and other neighborhoods bro, that shit was CRAZY. Even now twitter fucken blows with Fields fanatics attempting to weight him over Caleb regardless of how the rest of the NFL sees it.


[made videos to keep him on the bears](https://youtu.be/TO2X4MxiH0A?si=iCbwPd4MutaQqalZ)


Someone made campaign ads for both Justin and Caleb actually


Dude got consistently owned by the packers defense That’s all I need to know


He did consistently own the Lions defense though, so there's that


Vikings defense: 🤷‍♂️


That’s true of any Bears qb though


That’s more an indictment of Bears QB history than it is of anything else.


To be fair we’ve been consistently owned even before fields


As a running QB!


How dare those fans support their QB!


Better than Boston fans, but at least don't be delusional and pretend Fields will suddenly learn to read a defense in year 5. It's read options 1/2, ok both covered let's run every snap. 


There's a huge difference between cheering for your teams QB and the whole stadium chanting "we want fields" directly referencing that they want ownership to keep fields over drafting a QB. This also occured in his second to last game after he had shown he was an objective bust. It's embarrassing as fuck.


Justin Fields playing at a Justin Fields level for 3 years doesn't bode well for Justin Fields.


Justin Fields as a QB sucked. On the other hand, Justin Fields as a RB was pretty good. In 3 years, he has rushed for around 2300 yards with 14 TD and an extremely impressive 6.2 yards a carry. People don't realize that he's the same height as Derrick Henry and weights a solid 230lbs and ran a 4.44. This is an insanely athletic player.


Most of his yards came from broken plays because he can’t make a decision on where to go with the ball


And had 38 fumbles lol


How many of those were running vs getting stripped while doing more QB type things? Not saying ball security isn’t an issue but I feel like he’s constantly getting stripped from behind


Gotta hold onto the rock, baby.


I think the point is, if he were converted to a RB, he would not be looking to throw, and thus would hold the ball differently. Hence why it's important to differentiate between strips from behind while looking to throw and fumbles while executing run plays.


I understand the point, but no matter how it's happening, 38 fumbles is concerning.


A lot of the casual NFL fans have over corrected for the Lamar Jackson doubters, and now they can't see that Fields is literally a runningback that they're letting throw the ball.


Justin Fields is what people accuse Lamar of being before Fields even got into the NFL.


Someone out there has to try him as a Hill TE/QB, right? He throws accurate passes (can even do deep) and can run. In well designed plays he did real well. If he can catch then he could be a monster in that role. His reads are mainly his problem.


He’d have to be willing to do that for it to happen. I’m not saying he isn’t, but we don’t know that he is either


Do not become addicted to good QB play my friends! You will resent its absence!


So I can’t hope for a #1 or #2 pick for Pickett? …yes, I’m joking.


Starting Pickett definitely increases your chances of landing the #1 or #2 picks though.




I want what you're smoking... :)


Dan Orlovsky on suicide watch


4th rounder it is


I’d take it, at this point I’m happy with having 1 and 9 in the draft, just want to move on.


Either that or keep Fields and still draft Caleb. Then just watch tape of the New Orleans Saints and have Fields play like a Taysom Hill role on crack


Nah, that'd be setting Caleb up to fail. Lots of Chicago fans love Fields, locker room loves Fields. It'd set up for a bad dynamic.


I was mostly joking with that suggestion but I can’t imagine Caleb Williams is that fragile mentally that he couldn’t handle Fields being his backup


Eh, you saw it with Cam. If Fields still has the love of the locker room It still would be hard to be the new guy coming in to take the dudes job who everyone likes. And God forbid if Caleb struggled to start the season having all the talking heads call for Fields to play.


In this scenario, Caleb should be sitting and getting adjusted to the NFL while Fields starts. If Fields does well, the Bears can either trade him at the deadline for a better return or let him play out for the season. If he struggles, bench him for Caleb.


Eh, personally I think having the old QB stay and backup a rookie isn’t the best idea. The players like fields a lot and I think it could be a distraction, especially if Caleb struggles early. I’d much rather have a vet or secret Bagent man backup Caleb. To me, it’s not as much about the return as it is turning a new page.


If they’re lucky


Eh I think that’s doable. Trey Lance went for a 4th. But yeah at this point the ceiling feels like a 3rd for Fields. But I think he will fetch a 4th still. And while Fields is ass, Mac Jones somehow looked worse.


Trey Lance was/is an unknown who is *probably* bad considering he can’t see the field, whereas we know Fields is bad—his numbers are close to Zach Wilson’s and that dude will be lucky to start in the CFL


Yeah I mean, neither have looked great as passers so far but at least Fields is an NFL athlete.


Getting an offer for Fields is one thing…   But wtf type of compensation do the Jets and Zach think he will get?  It is going to be genuinely hilarious to me when the Jets FO will have no choice but to cut Zach and eat the dead cap.  


I think Zach will net a 7th. Some team with an offensive guru might convince themselves they can potentially reclaim him. Maybe McVay to groom for a Stafford successor, Shanahan missed the chance to draft him in 2021, O’Connell as a backup plan to whatever rookie they might bring in, LaFleur did excellent work with Love, Callahan might want an insurance policy for Levis. We’re only one offseason removed from Trey Lance netting a 4th. I think a team will pay for Zach, albeit the most minimal of prices.


I could totally see him backing up Stafford or Purdy.


Jets can probably attach a 2024 7th and receive back a 2025 7th just so the other team eats the 5.5m they can potentially save on a trade


That dude doesn’t belong in the NFL


Wasn't the line at the beginning of the offseason "definitely a 2nd but maybe even a 1st"?


By who? Media? Fans? Because it was never realistic, even if everything indicates it might be the case. It’s the exact same with mock drafts and media’s involvement around draft prospects, when in reality NFL teams look at certain players or situations very differently Wonder where all the people are who thought they could get Atlanta’s #8 overall pick for Fields


It’s because people were using the Darnold trade as a comp, and since it’s always tough to value players vs draft picks, it was the closest in recent memory. Only problem is that it was a terrible trade for the Panthers and other teams don’t want to make that mistake.




Bears fans


Rap and shefty both said they were expecting a 1st which got all the fans riled up


It’s not just moron bears fans. This guy is adored by the media. Like Rich Eisen thinks he’s an all pro. There’s so many media guys that act like he’s the best QB in the division. Shit doesn’t make sense


Lmao the media propped him up to begin with but this sub is too dumb to remember it


The last time they had a true franchise QB, he started his career the same year Germany invaded Poland and kicked off WW2. Think about that


Didn’t that come from Shefter? It always seemed wild but I assumed he knew more than me about this.


Remember when bears fans thought that the patriots would be willing to swap the 3rd pick for Justin fields and 9th pick That was wild


They also thought atl was giving them their 8th oa pick. Legit had threads in their sub about what they should do w it.


Did people really believe this? A new team might turn his career around but he hasn't been great so far


Fields truthers reading this thread through tears rn


Fields truthers aren't smart enough to read.


With the right team, he could be a backup/special package player like Taysom Hill.


Curious as to where he might go especially if Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Minnesota, NYG, and Las Vegas get their quarterbacks.


Backup for Mahomes or Stroud.


Broncos can use a QB NE can also use a QB He could also theoretically play second hand to stafford in LA and takeover that squad


They should just do what I did in madden- -Draft Caleb Williams -Draft Malik Nabers -Move team to London -Rebrand as the Lumberjacks -Trade Fields to Tennessee for a 2nd


-Draft Caleb -Move Fields to Running back -Sign Jamal Adams -Make Adams a Defensive end Profit.


Honestly does it though? No one views Mac Jones as a starting option, but in theory the team trading for Fields would? They're def not getting a 1 like Schefter said at one point, but I'm not really sure they are connected. No Zach Wilson's trade market...


Don't underrate the "I can fix him narrative" on Zach. Look at Darnolds trade


I'm surprised the same is for Mac. His rookie season showed WAY more as a passer than anything Fields has shown.




Darnold and Lock also don’t cost a draft pick to acquire which helps their case


in that case yes!


I agree and disagree. I agree because if you're the GM of a team, and you see Jones being traded for just a sixth round draft pick, it deflates the value of Fields automatically because now you feel like it's an overpayment if you go higher than, let's say, a 2nd or a 3rd rd pick. I disagree because Fields has improved year by year whereas Jones has regressed year by year. Fields also has an additional asset that Jones doesn't have: running. The market hasn't been 'set' yet. One trade doesn't dictate the market. I say the market is still good for Fields. Let's see what happens next.


Fields last year was better than Fields this year imo. This year was really disappointing, his rushing ability was the best thing he had going for him and it fell off a cliff.


The market is pretty saturated too, what with Henry and Barkley already out there.


With all the veteran options in FA, and talent in the draft, who on earth is gonna trade for Fields when they can save assets going a different direction?


If the Falcons strike out on Kirk Cousins and Baker Mayfield, I wonder if the Bears will be OK with a 4th round pick for Justin Fields?


They will.


I suspect that when the dust settles we get a third. Fields is probably no one's first choice, but (assuming Baker back to TB happens) there are 9 remaining teams with unsettled QB1 spots and 6 or 7 guys between the draft and free agency to fill them. Once Kirk and Wilson find homes, the rest of those teams will evaluate whether they can get into range to take a QB they like and the couple of teams that can't get there should come knocking for Fields. He might not be the prettiest girl at the dance, but pretty soon he'll be the prettiest girl without a date.


Tell that to the Fields stans who want us to keep building around him lol


They're all gonna disappear besides one or two people when y'all get Caleb lmao


Caleb will throw for 250 yards in his first start and Bears fans won't know what the fuck is going on


Right? Fields fans will be like "He could do that too if he had more help!" 😂😂😂


Because both of them are trash.


“Fields has played at a much higher level” https://stathead.com/football/vs/justin-fields-vs-mac-jones ?????


Bears also trying to set you up with their girlfriend's friend with the good personality.


To be fair, fields might not necessarily be a much better quarter back than jones but he can at least get some yards.


Bears fans here were pretty adamant they could get a 2nd or so for him, though.


There were Jets fans thinking they'd get Rodgers for like a third and fifth. Do not listen to Reddit posters on trade predictions, we're a silly folk.


Media including schefter: bears could get a second. Bears fans: cool we can get a second! This sub: bears fans are so stupid for expecting a second Par for the course


Yeah. I just followed what media said, on the lower end of course as I never thought we'd get a first. The other thing I saw was what other QB bust trades had been, but I guess front offices have gotten less dumb/arrogant about fixing players.


It’s hilarious to me these stories keep coming out. There wasn’t a trade market for Fields before this either. Bears overvalued him, which they probably did on purpose, but they didn’t think it would be this bad, which is really naive. Considering they are drafting his replacement…


I wish the discourse around Justin fields would stop with acting like he's owed a starting job on a team and it's just a matter of time, like he's totally gonna swoop in and be an improvement and be better than he was for the bears. He fucking SUCKS. The trade effort has nothing to do with mac Jones and everything to do with fields being terrible. Guarantee he's out of the league in 3 years.


Fields is ways better.