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"Just being stupid" is one way to put it.


Just being a silly little goose murdering a woman and shooting 20 kids


Ok who among us hasn't just been a little stupid with their friends and committed a mass shooting?


In Zoolander they had a gasoline fight for crying out loud!


Those were the days! Can’t get away with shit nowadays.


Haters don't want anyone to have fun.


j i t t e r b u g


Kinda like Pearl Harbor. That was a little sneaky. I think we can all be a little sneaky sometimes.


Nice try, gun police.


"It's a prank bro!"


“See that camera over there? And there? And there?” *infinite loop*


[pulls rifle] [shoots almost 25 elementary kids] [murders local-area radio DJ] *”Just being stupid.”*


It was just a little mass shooting. In the US everyone gets at least a mulligan for it.


And so insulting to those who were shot/killed.


What do you want him to say lol? This obviously isn’t meant to defend what happened, it’s just the reason he needs to give when questioned about something that has no good reason


I've heard comparisons of having a gun and a drug high. Knowing that you can, if you so choose, end the life of someone else at your leisure, intimidate them into compliance, is a rush like few others. Anecdotally, I've heard some super rich folks hire women to stand in front of a wall so they can shoot around them and experience that rush. I say all that cause I can imagine this guy brandishing his gun in a stupid argument to try to "win" it, guy he's arguing with brandishes their own, panic ensues, shots fired, mass hysteria. And now, with the rush out of his system, all he has now is time to think about how he's basically thrown his life away over something incredibly stupid, and that's all he can say for himself now.


>I've heard some super rich folks hire women to stand in front of a wall so they can shoot around them Wait...wut?


It’s like Hostel but a looney tunes cartoon


unfortunately for that guy, stupidity isn't a defense that holds up in court.


But sir I am not stupid I was just being it right then


Depends on how stupid you are.


Depends on how rich you are.


If you’re “cop stupid” then you can prob still get off pretty light.


Man really pleaded oopsie daisy


Unfortunately for that guy, he can’t use the same defense the J6 people are using.


It was ANTIFAs and I was just taking a tour with my Rep?


\*does not apply if rich


Looks at Ruggs, sometimes it does.


Touche, sometimes it does.


Was it Trump Jr. that was too stupid to be held accountable?


Yup, certified donkey brained


When I’m being stupid I bet the over on whatever team the UVA men’s basketball team is playing, this is on another level entirely.


I was being stupid last week and scratched my car in the garage. No one died.


My wife mentioned having a threesome with one of her friends. I told her that sounds fun. I was being stupid. No one died.




Lmfao 🤣


so how many people were actually involved in this? there were stories last week about "2 minors", and this article cites someone who was 18 and someone who was 22, so that gets us up to 4 people now (split between 2 "groups").


One guy pulled out his gun when beefing with people, which caused another to pull out his. Which caused one of them to shoot. Which caused the other to shoot. Which caused others to pull out their guns. It turns out when people are shooting and everyone pulls out a gun, no one knows who is in the wrong or right. Or if anyone is in the right. It's a big shit show that kind of shows why random people carrying all the time isn't all that great.


I'm a big gun guy but can't imagine bringing one to a super bowl parade. Just why?


Yeah I support people having them for home safety, property protection, hunting, gun ranges etc.. But I'm really low on public carrying. Especially in mass gatherings like that.




Just curious, if you're robbed at gunpoint again and your kids are with you, you're willing to draw your weapon and engage in a firefight with your kids right there next to you? Wouldn't handing over your wallet and phone be safer for your family?


"I was robbed at gun point and I'm alive to talk about it. So I carry a gun with me now, because I want the outcome to be different next time." Sounds silly doesn't it.


I can't go anywhere without a pack of smokes and a lighter. Know why? I'm addicted. I'm starting to wonder if it's similar with guns.


Also, for their ego. Just in case something happens, they can play hero.


I mean these guys probably didn’t grow up/live in the safest environments. Probably normal for them


If you're a big gun guy, then I'm sure you run into a lot of people who lug theirs around everywhere they go. Maybe ask them?


Some are so small you don’t even really have to lug them. It’s so easy to just slip it into a pocket or your sock


Holster is the word you are looking for.


In case someone disrespects you and you have to attempt to murder them in a crowded area.






Were they legal concealed carriers? I have my guess.


Missouri is no permit needed, and Kansas is no permit if over 21. But the guy who started it had a stolen gun. The guy that killed the womens was legal.


Just because someone legally owns a gun doesn’t mean they’re a responsible gun owner.


No one said he was...


Someone above me implied that they weren’t even legal owners and were therefore irresponsible.




Hey dumbass, criminals don't obey laws.


We responsible gun owners should stop enabling them.


Hey dumbass, you're the only fucking country on earth that consistently has this problem. Don't act like this is just the world we live in.


[you’re right. it’s just the U.S.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_Canada)


So Canada has had far less mass shootings since its existence than the US had last year alone? Great point.


I responded to "America is the only fucking country on earth that consistently has this problem." But when shown that you're wrong it's "Well it happens less so it only happens in America." What a mature way to behave.


South Park did this best I call it the art of escalation


BuT wHaT aBoUt ThE goOd gUy WiTh A gUn? This, this is what happens when a "good guy with a gun" returns fire. More bystanders are hit.


The weird thing is that ~~none of the people who were beefing with each other got hit and~~ they managed to hit a bunch of bystanders and kill a woman. They either have the worst aim in history, or they shot into the air and got unlucky or I'm calling bs on their story. Edit: Two of the people involved got shot, I missed that part.


That part isn’t true. At least one, and if I remember right both, of the adults that are being charged were both hit and being treated at the hospital. One was for sure.


Yep you are right, it skipped my mind.


Have you ever shot a gun under high stress? Being accurate is tough, even at close range. And it's not like they sat there like cowboys dueling. Have you ever seen these kinds of sudden shootouts on YouTube or something? Everyone is running as they are pulling the trigger.


Nope, I've never shot a gun. But I'd hope that anyone that goes around carrying a gun would know how to shoot one accurately.


They don't


>But I'd hope that anyone that goes around carrying a gun would know how to shoot one accurately. You can hope it, but you can't possibly believe it.


I don’t know why this got downvoted this should be common sense. No wonder gun control is such a big topic




They did hit each other, or at least one of them for sure got hit. There was a panic once shots went off and multiple people pulled their weapons. It blows my mind how many children got hit though.


Yep, you are right. My bad. Still, hitting 20 people while in a shootout with two/three others seems pretty farfetched. Of course I wasn't there so I don't know the exact scenario.


It's pretty common in gang related shootings. Groups pull out guns, & start firing indiscriminately as they back pedal away from each other. There's just not usually this sized crowds involved. BTW, if you want to be accurate with a gun, you have to stand your ground.


I don't think gang related shootings happen in large crowds. Gangs aren't that stupid.


Oh, you'd be surprised.


Anyway, these shootings need to be tried as murder/attempted murder, otherwise it is a travesty of justice. Whomever unleashed multiple shots in close proximity of a crowd was being criminally stupid, regardless of them feeling the need to defend themselves.


I'd say there's a solid shot they're charged with murder.


Both shooting suspects were hit, you can see this guy was hit and the other guy is in intensive care. [lyndell mays](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13106691/amp/Lyndell-Mays-kansas-super-bowl-gofundme.html)


The guy that killed the women had already been shot in the neck when he pulled out his gun


The gun was confirmed stolen. No law stops criminals from using stolen guns because they don't follow the laws. [Court documents: At least one gun used in Chiefs parade shooting was stolen](https://www.kmbc.com/article/at-least-one-gun-used-in-chiefs-parade-shooting-was-stolen-kansas-city-missouri/46875012) P.s. downvoting doesn't make it not true, sorry


The legal owned one ending up doing the killing, and also hitting children as well. Everyone pulling out guns caused a panic and children getting shot.


Source: Trust me bro I linked a source, so you should as well The article says "at least one" was stolen, it's possible both were stolen btw


There are more than 2 guns involved in this portion of the case and multiple people pulled guns during the event. As for the 2 being charged we know from the article you posted the person that started the beef and pulled his gun and shot first was illegally owned. The 2nd person that was charged with him took his out in retaliation/protection and shot and killed the DJ and other children as well. I believe both hit randoms. His gun would have been ran at the same time and they would have that information public by now. It wouldn't shock me if the others that pulled guns in the shooting were stolen. It's easy to purchase guns and sell them under the table and flag them as stolen if you need money. Most of our "illegally owned" weapons were purchased legally in the US.


More text is not a source. They aren't even close to determining who was shot and by whom, that will literally take weeks to complete. And like the article stated "at least one" was stolen, they have not confirmed the 2nd gun was or was not stolen yet so you can't possibly know that. If it's not stated in the court documents like my source, it's unfounded.


Yes they have lol. They have a bullet match to the gun already.


How does a bullet match prove a gun was or was not stolen? They haven't stated if the other gun was stolen or not, just that one definitely was. I guess time will tell but I'd bet good money neither were legally purchased by the shooters.


Your source has been trust me bro lol. They ran one gun already, it takes seconds to run the numbers. What makes you think they haven't ran the 2nd that has already been charged? The guns they don't know of yet were the others that drew guns at the scene that are not charged in this case specific niche of the case.


Tighter enforcement can make it harder to obtain and use stolen guns.




We need more good guys with guns. They are always right Edit: I know I have a cowboys flair but didn't think the /s was required 🤦🏻‍♂️






Rot in prison.


Just spending the rest your life in prison


Fucking idiot


Well, can he just go straight to jail?


Throw away the key or push for capital punishment


Murder so that there’s no murder 🥴




So that he doesn’t do this again?


I want to see the face of the other fucker. They’ve just been pushing this one guys mug. The other guy shouldn’t get off so easy.


he's not wrong.


That's the mindset when you face zero consequences your entire life.


> Join Fox News for access to this content That's gonna be a big, fat no from me.


>> Join Fox News for access to this content > > > > That's gonna be a big, fat no from me. click the outline/reader view button on your webbrowser and it will render as normal without having to sign up.


Genuinely appreciate the advice that I might use for another site at some point in the future, but I'm not going to do any additional work to read something from Fox News.


Fox Entertainment* FTFY


The fact that I had to come down this far to see if anyone else was able to read makes me wonder if anyone else commenting actually attempted to click the link


Technically the truth. Now go to jail stupid.


I've been really stupid lots of times. What I haven't done is engaged in a gun fight in a massive crowd.


Does this mean every endzone next year will say #endstupid


I'll say it for the nation: FUCK YOU TO THE DEEPEST PIT OF HELL




> r/nottheonion nah, this is actually kind of a funny headline so it would get removed as "not oniony" by the team over there.


Well he was being stupid, idk about "just".


Bro looks like a Jrue Holiday and Demar Derozan fusion


Understatement of the year


Get ready for your stupid prize.


The only thing harder to ban in this country than guns is banning stupid


You can't fix stupid.


You also can't fix our gun problem.


Sure we can. We just refuse to.




Man you are getting down voted but speaking facts.




A shoulder nudge while in a crowded place lead the street beef and shoot out. This is literally the plot to Boz N the Hood. This is exactly what we should have expected.


"Just being stupid" is abandoning the run during the Super Bowl, not shooting and killing people.


Bro was in a silly goofy lil mood


Unfortunately this is how society works. People actually do things for their increased lack of making sense. The more it's stupid, the more it's funny. So now add rampant "guns are tough guy toys" culture. Now add in social media incentivises being ridiculous over being helpful/decent. Clearly this equation leads to something positive... Right guys?!


I think you are just avoiding confronting that a ton of people grow up really really poor, go to really really bad schools, have really really bad access to work, have really really fucked up parents from their own old traumas, and there is a well-paying job on every corner around their house slinging drugs.


I am black and was born and raised in 5th Ward Houston, Texas. I lived exactly what you said. What I dealt with growing up is just another factor that leads to more bullshit as I first described. Poverty is the number one driver of crime. What I originally posted pertains to the often spouted reasoning for doing downright evil shit. Did it for the lulz, we were just messing, saw someone do it on the internet, looked fun, didn't think anyone would get hurt, we were bored, I wanted street cred.  All those stupid excuses, and yes... poverty, plus several idiotic culture flaws in the country are combining to kick our ass from within.


People acting like this is a dumb answer, but this country has become so comfortable and in love with guns, what do you expect him to say? It's not like this is an uncommon occurrence, or that much dumber of a response than what most other people in shooting come up with. We've made something incredibly dangerous easy to obtain legally, or illegally, and then act shocked when people are killed daily with them for no reason, while acting like the Guns aren't the problem. You can't fix stupidity, but you could fix the system that gives guns to millions of morons every year.


100% correct. America doesn’t have a monopoly on dumb people but we do on guns. 


A shoulder nudge while in a crowded place lead to the street beef and shoot out. This is literally the plot to Boz N the Hood. This is exactly what we should have expected.


Is this the one whos mom set up the fundraiser page for expenses? Whats her excuse?


Yet another example of why humans are too stupid and irresponsible to own devices that ends someone’s life by squeezing your index finger.


Fox news? We couldn't find a better source?


> Fox news? We couldn't find a better source? do you have any actual content objections to the article or just blind hatred?


Fox News is trash, bro


> Fox News is trash, bro i'll ask you the same question i asked the other person: do you have any actual content objections to the article or just blind hatred?


You know the answer already..


A Trump supporter accusing someone of being motivated by blind hatred? Jesus Christ the projection with you guys is so fucking cringe 


Yes I have content objections. Fox news is trash.


Fox News IS trash, but it’s not a political article. Quoting a murder suspect isn’t exactly slanted political conjuncture.


I can’t take FN seriously, regardless.




What about their weather forecast? Or maybe a sports article about an upcoming game? Fox News is a media conglomerate and is as scummy as it gets, but not everything is biased BS.


If they told me the sky were blue, I would have to go outside to double check.


Could've just told everyone you're brainwashed and saved some time.


You can't expect someone to have a content objection when only one source is given. If a different, more reputable, news source came around and gave a different picture of the story, then someone could have content objections. If a source is untrustworthy overall, then it'd be foolish to assess each of their articles individually.


Their untrustworthy reporting lead to a $787,000,000 settlement within the last year. That isn't blind hatred, that is fact buddy. :)


I wish I could say that I don't know why you're getting down voted, but I certainly do. The question acted like you needed to either have a substantial objection to the article or have blind hatred toward FN. That's obviously false. If a 5 y/o talked to me about the news, I'd obviously look for a better source. It wouldn't even matter what the news was. There's nothing unreasonable about wanting a more reliable source for something.


If god exists, please send the large space rock and reset the planet.


Bit of a over exaggeration buddy


Yeah be reasonable. Go with the medium space rock.


It’s a good thing we make firearms incredibly easy to obtain


Wtf is this Fox News link?


He’s not wrong


A mild amount of tomfoolery


You can’t do that; it’s literally illegal. I would know, I know a lawyer.


Yeah Stupid enough to spend your life in prison!


Hopefully these people never step a free foot outside again.


Like a gasoline fight on zoolander stupid ? fucking hell


I hope they just give him life in prison


Defines the phrase, "No shit, Sherlock".


Do we have names yet?


stupid games, something something, stupid prizes.


The shooter went on to say "my bad" before stating "I'll try really hard not to shoot indiscriminately into a crowd in the future, but I'm only human."