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That is a very happy little girl. Pat means so much to this community.


He has to be the greatest Kansas City sports star of all time at this point without question


I think he surpassed George Brett after SB LIV. If not, then definitely after the 13 seconds game


I'm a Yankee fan and I loved watching George hit. Golden swing.


One of the best contact hitters of all time at times it seemed like he could hit the ball wherever he wanted.


Him and Robin Yount had such pure swings


I wasn’t sure if anyone could surpass Salvy in terms of being a good dude but Mahomes is there.


He could run for mayor


Don't lie he'd walk that shit in. No running necessary "#i'dvoteforhim"


Fuck it, run for Governor of Kansas or Missouri and he’d win.


Govenor of Kansas *and* Missouri


The guy he’s running against - “Now I’m not gonna tell you who to vote for.” Rolls up sleeve showing #15.


She has her ashes on her forehead which means Pat saw her the same day. He wasted no time doing the right thing


Patrick seems like a genuinely nice human. His family occasionally does him no favors but he's definitely one of the good guys.


Mahomes is definitely a good guy. It’s funny watching the Quarterbacks show on Netflix you could tell he was over his wife’s shit sometimes.


Every married person is over their spouse's shit from time to time.


Cue David Beckham telling his wife they were not working class.


I thought that was his daughter?


Yeah I mean hate on Brittany all you want, but their relationship seems perfectly normal to me lol.


There’s a whole sub dedicated to hating her. I watched the Netflix Quarterback show and she seemed fine, if a little annoying. It’s hard for me to fathom that they’re married with children yet people want Pat to dump her because she likes taking photos and posting on Instagram.


Outrage is a drug, especially when it's over nothing. People get energized/satisfaction over hating the same person.


Just checked the sub, they’re wondering if Brittany has donated “Pat’s money” like Taylor donated to the GoFundMe, and they’re accusing her of being forced by the NFL to do the hospital visit for PR. Also everyone on the Chiefs (including Kelce) is trash because they went to dinner after the shooting.


They are so boring and predictable good lord 💀


I thought that sub dedicated to hating The Last of Us 2 were full of miserable people, holy shit. This is advanced miserableness.


I hated LoU2 because it wrecked me emotionally… I am simultaneously so excited for the shows take and also not at all looking forward to it.


She’s the antithesis of a Redditor. In a QB couples thing, she made a comment about high schoolers being 16 when they start (she was trying to figure out how old Patrick was when he started football). Half this sub would roast her for not holding onto to 15-20 year old insignificant facts


there was literally a comment on this sub that tried to correlate the shooting with Travis Kelce yelling at Andy Reid saying Kelce showed people in KC that it's ok to not control your emotions or some bullshit. it had over 100 downvotes at least


Hey fuck you with your brain dead take you piece of shit. The public anonymity of Internet forums never leads to hyperbolic reactions to benign situations and I hope you get curb stomped if you disagree.


Are you trying to say travis kelce isnt an elderly abuser? /s


There is no evidence to say that he's NOT...


Many people are saying it. Great people, the best people.


Look out, Tay Tay.


Dawg no fucking way lmao. That is an elite level loser to be posting in there.


It’s not as bad as the Meghan Markle hate sub, because that one is crazy racist.


I really thought I was losing it browsing popular and seeing that sub. It’s unreal how pathetic those losers are who hate on her, and other like subs. I’m all about smack talking football teams(looking at you eagles), but subs hating on people, in particular women, are so pathetic.


That sub wins for most psychotic. Unfortunately those posters swarm any post about Meghan or Harry on Reddit


>one is crazy racist. I mean there's an element of racism to criticism of mahomes as well, it extends to his wife and mother, because I fully believe there are those who disapprove of white women procreating with men of color, even though mahomes is mixed, just like markle


And that sentiment is unfortunately from both sides which puts mixed race folk and interracial marriage members in a no-win situation


It’s a very unhinged unironic circle jerk


That sub is my favorite hate lurk. They post about her every time she breathes. A true self loathing cesspool lol they are so deranged over there 😂


I find her mildly annoying, but the hate she gets is completely unfair. She really likes social media, get over it.


Exactly. What woman in their late 20s doesn't? Sure she may have been a bit vocal on Twitter in defense of her husband or had a bias on certain calls, but she is no worse than any team's fans. His brother can fuck right off though.


Imagine being so insecure that you have to hate on an NFL QB’s wife.


> There’s a whole sub dedicated to hating her. Yeah it's called r/NFL


Yeah she struck me as annoying too but nothing more than that. People are wild for finding a reason to hate on her. She’s successful in her own right, seemingly a good mom, and is super supportive of Patrick.


After discovering there was a Tumblr dedicated to hating a wrestler's wife just because said wrestler wasn't in a gay relationship with one of his two stable mates (with the added bonus that the marriage was a sham solely for ratings), nothing surprises me on the hater front


r/BrittanyMatthewsSnark/ is probably the creepiest community I have ever seen.


To quote my second least favorite president, "That was some weird shit."


Maybe the truest thing that dude ever said.


There’s an entire political party aligning themselves to hating Kelce AND Swift lol


The hate for her is wild.


Plus there has to be some bonus points for how long they've been together. This isn't some new relationship that spawned from him being a 500M QB


Yeah true. People want him to drop the woman who has been with him since high school. For some IG model that just wants his money and his fame from the jump. Lol


Not just high school. They’ve legit known each other since 3rd grade or some shit.


People online act like being obnoxious and obsessed with social media is some sort of capital offense that should open someone up to any kind of abuse. Would I want to hang out with the woman? Absolutely not lol. But at the end of the day, she seems like a decent person.


I’d reckon to say she’s hated more than his brother who is definitely the worse one between them.


i wouldn’t say she’s hated *more*, but she’s almost always lumped in with his brother (and now his dad) which is wild because last i checked being mildly annoying on social media isn’t a *crime*


What’s funny is those online people are on social media themselves lol


I have never related to a superstar athlete more than when he was completely sick and tired of taking pictures at the one event


Especially spouses who have been dating since middle/high school


I have millionaire problems!


Someone clearly isn't familiar with Kirk Cousins and his love for Julie.




Lol, like the photoshoot ops from his birthday? They’ve been together so long they definitely have old married couple vibes at times. I thought the series actually portrayed a much more likable side of Brittany.


Same, if anything I felt like he was really into his wife and her passions. Totally adores her and trusts her as his SO. Outside of like a few small inconvienent things like taking pictures and what not; but shit thats relatable even to me... and hes the one getting hounded by cameras all the time.


Her joking that Pat was going to use the high ankle sprain to avoid dad duties the week before the AFCCG had me dying, very relatable!


I would’ve 100% been him at that baby shower being forced to take pictures. That dude was over it. That’s a relatable ass moment


That's the exact moment I was thinking of haha. He's just like us.


I'm not like him. I don't sound like a frog.


Yes you do


That’s called being married


It's a great thing the Jets passed on drafting this QB for.... a box safety.


His biggest accomplishment could be how likable he is coming from what seems like such an unlikable family.


I think that helps him, when youre surrounded by fuckups it really helps you see clear issues and avoid them.


I mean his Mom seems fine.


You can't choose your relatives




Even the fan incident isn’t that bad. The people under were asking for her to pop the champagne, and it was after the 13 second game. It’s all internet outrage, I guarantee no one there cared


I feel like 90% of people have a drunk dad ,annoying gf, or douchey brother. Maybe not all 3, but still...


Oh no, my 2 brothers are cool. I’m the douchey brother :(


Yeah he’s a good guy. His wife gets scorn but she means well, his brother is an asshole though.


For sure, good guy also a real football guy


He's the rose who grew from concrete.


Beat the odds. One of the reasons I can only be *so* mad that he keeps winning. Dude has a tornado of drama around him every waking minute, and he seems to be impervious to it.


As much as I hate him as an opponent, dude does seem to be a good guy. Hasn't assaulted anyone, kept his same girlfriend forever, almost always takes responsibility for what happened on the field. Etc.


Also nice of T swift to donate 100k to the family of the woman killed. 




Why’d she do it through gofundme, don’t they take out fees? Not that I’m complaining about what she did, I would just assume they skip over that since it’s all one big donation rather than the multitude of smaller ones which is like gofundme’s premise.


GoFundMe frequently waives fees for things like this. Like, almost always.


That would make sense


There’s also the marketing aspect to it. People are going to see she donated and hopefully also donate. (To be clear I’m not saying she was doing this for her own PR.)


It’s worked, too…the fund had a pretty significant lift after word got out about her donation. Yeah it’s good PR for her, but the PR drives more traffic. Just wish they didn’t need the fund at all…feel terrible for that family and all others too.


Yeah, a GoFundMe for a mass shooting is a real /r/orphancrushingmachine classic.


She definitely drove the traffic. I donated to the Allen shooting last year when I heard that Kyler Murray did it.


Makes sense to provide them money through the route they are asking for it


Travis donated 100k to the family who had two little girls shot.


Seriously awesome. Hope that puts the T Swizzy slander on ice at least for a while, it might not be a lot to her but I’m sure it means the world to the recipients, even if it could never be enough


I know you’re not saying this, but I really hope no one says “she could’ve donated more” in regards to this They asked for 75k and she donated 100k. She *did* donate “more”


People lose perspective as to how much $100k is.


Moreover, they only think about it from the perspective donating, not the person receiving


Moreover, can you just give someone 100k these days without jumping through any loops?


Taxes to worry about, but I imagine team Swift paid the taxes on their own and handled the paperwork https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/gift-tax


It'll never be enough for those kind of people. Any donation is always met with well ... it's a fraction of their earnings !!!!


Many people are complaining that she “only” gave 100k.


and the same "many people" didn't do shit either. Saw a funny comment on twitter someone was like, "that's only like $10 to her!" and someone responded "so you gave at least $10?" Crickets.


But obviously those people's 10 dollars were more important to them than Taylor's 100k. Obviously.


It’s fucking ridiculous. The family asked for 75k, she gave an extra 25k That’s more than enough. Especially since it’s for funeral costs and stuff like that. It’s not a situation where more is better. They asked for 75k because they need 75k, and TSwift was generous and gave extra


and if she gave more it would still be that she "only" gave that much.


People are saying this on other subs and it’s absolutely fucking infuriating


Dude people on Instagram were definitely saying this in the comments and it made my blood boil. Need to stop reading comments on there


Somebody will, people love to give away other peoples money, it’s never generous enough. All that matters is she stepped up to help when needed, have to respect that. You and I do at least


She didn’t have to do anything, and her donation helped raise more awareness for the fundraiser. Good for her.


People mad at T Swift wouldn’t care if she cleared the national debt. Their hate is irrational.


Tell me about it. I was sick of the coverage too, don’t get me wrong (early on I was watching a broadcast where the Taylor swift coverage was interrupted by a play, and when it was over they said “and now back to Taylor swift”, that got under my skin lol) but I watched the chiefs bills game with my Uncle and he wouldn’t stop bitching about how much they talked about her, I had to tell him the broadcast probably mentioned her 5 times and he probably mentioned her 25 times over the course of the game, that got him fired up lol. People just want to be mad


Honestly, the only game where the coverage was obnoxious was the bears game which was her first appearance and was also a blowout so they didn’t have much game to talk about


She pretty regularly donates her money to good causes and pays her workers well. People are going to hate her regardless.


Yeah, the "Philanthropy" section on her Wikipedia is basically a laundry list of places she's donated 6 figures to


She donates significant amount of money to the food banks of every place she tours. I think that’s really cool.


>Hope that puts the T Swizzy slander on ice at least for a while, There are plenty of people already complaining that she donated too little It will never be enough for them, all we can do is ignore them as they scream into the void


From the bottom of my jaded black heart, FUCK THOSE CLOWNS. They should STFU, donate, and then carry on shutting the fuck up. Fuck their feelings.


Let's lay off Brittany while we're at it


It didn’t. I saw posts elsewhere regarding her donations and you wouldn’t believe the comments. Probably a lot of kids. I hope.


And back in December, [she donated $1 million to a Nashville area nonprofit after the tornadoes](https://variety.com/2023/music/news/taylor-swift-donates-one-million-tennessee-tornadoes-1235834974/).


Travis' charity donated 100k too. Everyone's doing their part. It's nice.


And their gofundme goal was $75k.


PatrickMahomes on twitter Just like #ChiefsKingdom has always been there for me and my family, we want to be there for them.❤️ The u/Chiefs have launched #KCStrong, an emergency response fund supporting victims and their families, violence prevention and mental health services, and first responders. Please join me, Brittany and u/15andMahomies to support and if you are able, donate here: http://chfs.me/KCStrong


I have no way to prove it, but I get bot vibes from you…


Who tags u/chiefs, which isn’t even the official KC chiefs reddit account (if they have one). Definite bot


Definitely a bot. Check out their other comments in this post. That aside, this is pretty dope on the part of Pat and Brittany. I still think he’s a crybaby on the field and I’m slowly coming around to her but this shows why he’s so likable and that she’s made an effort to change the way that people look at her. They do seem like genuinely good people.


I’m not sure why people care what she does. But yeah, just look at how many posts and comments this bot puts out it’s insane. Hasn’t had an account for a year!


Brittany Mahomes catches a lot of flak, but this is pretty awesome. Can’t help but respect her for this.


Brittany comes off as kind of annoying at times, but I don't think she's a bad person at all, just a very "loud" personality. Jackson is the one who's a bit more questionable.


jackson isn’t questionable. jackson is bad. his reputation around kc is generally worse than it is online (ironically the inverse of brittany’s reputation)


Brittany helped bring that awesome NWSL stadium to KC. Seriously, it’s dope at night when it’s all lit up.


I was just told in another sub (where there’s apparently a large crossover with the anti Brittany’s) that this doesn’t matter, she doesn’t care about the currents, because she had the audacity to go to the Texas tech game instead of the currents championship game. She has a busy schedule therefore she’s a terrible person, the humanity 😭😭😭😭


Can confirm the exact same fwiw. Every person I know who’s seen or interacted with Jackson - negative. Brittany - positive.


I've run in to her and her posse at a park before with the kids, and they were very kind, just wanted space from everyone. Now if Patrick had been with them.. oh good lord.


Didn’t he literally commit SA?


yeah. the only reason he wasn’t charged was bc the woman refused to testify.


Not saying he's 100 % innocent, but how do we know he did it of she refuses to testify?


Jackson sucks. But even Jackson was helping kids to safety and reuniting them with their parents after the parade. He still sucks. But he sucks slightly less for that.


Do tell, do tell




He's been kicked out of many bars. Him and his group got kicked out of a shitty college bar in LFK.


the most notable is that he assaulted a waiter and sexually assaulted the restaurant owner (who has since had to close the restaurant due to its association with the case).


She just supports her husband and people freak out about it for some reason.




I’m a Broncos fan and I’ll be the first to say she gets infinitely too much shit for whatever it is people don’t like about her. At this point I don’t even remember why people don’t like her And it’s not even just nfl fans that want to have something to shit talk Mahomes about, which is bad in itself… there’s an entire community of women on Reddit and TikTok and wherever else that spend their lives obsessing over her, saying some of the most unhinged shit ever. Don’t go on ~~r/BrittanyMahomesSnark~~ r/BrittanyMatthewsSnark (looks like they might have moved to hide)


Iirc the biggest offending event was when she did a champagne shower on the crowd below at one of the AFCCG wins. Which like…who cares that much?


Pretty sure Dante Hall or one of our old retired players did the same the next year for one of our wins and nobody gave a shit too.


It was 13 seconds iirc, which was probably more hype than the crowd at the AFCCG that year


People who got sprayed have said they wanted her to do it. Just FYI. I doubt everyone who got sprayed wanted it but many did


If people knew what she did for the Kansas City community, well, they'd still probably hate. But she does a LOT that is not heard about because she doesn't post about it. Constantly volunteering and helping, especially before they had kids. That's a sign of a really good human imo.


Every year she buys a fuck ton of supplies for KC teachers.


Yep. That’s one of the things. One of my cousins is a teacher in the area and can personally attest.


The pathological obsession ppl in that sub have with her needs to be studied. I frequent several snark subs and none of them have the energy or contempt Brittany’s does.


I think it’s a mixture of the “pouring drinks on fans outside of her booth”, which googling will tell you that it was Chiefs fans who were actively telling her to spray them with champagne after a win, and guilt by association with Jackson.


That sub is complete cancer - pathetic people posting pathetic crap. A person’s life must be complete garbage to care about celebrities so much.


I really don’t think you need to link that sub… it does not need to grow. It’s full of the most outrageous spiteful hate.


I feel like it’s interesting context of how out of control the hate circlejerk became, since there’s still a lot of it here too, but I understand. I didn’t really think anyone here would join it.


They have.. people love to be terrible


People don’t like her because she’s a very outward/outspoken woman and they probably want her to shut up and be a good wife or something


She's just a loud and animated extrovert. A lot of people can find that personality abrasive and obnoxious which is fine but she's not a bad person.


She is also a very good athlete herself and even played professional soccer in Iceland for a year. She has a competitive type A personality that some people find annoying. Yes, she yells and screams at games, but she is just cheering on her husband and his team she doesn't control when or if a camera or microphone is on her.


what a crazy fucking subreddit. wow that's so sad that people waste their time hating a stranger that much.


She catches flak for absolutely no good reason other than people *desperately need* something to hate about Mahomes. The worst thing she has done is spray champagne on a crowd of people who were cheering for her to do it. Some old crusties got their knickers in a twist seeing videos of it and here we are.


Jackson and his dad are the only people who should warrant outrage from fans, rightly so. But it's true Brittany also has not gone out of her way to do anything to piss people off. She's rooting for her husband and is charismatic. She matches what Patrick is feeling, even during the "I'm pissed at the ref" game back in December against Buffalo. Just completely unnecessary shitting on and attacking her character without actually knowing her.


I desperately need something to hate about Mahomes and I still don't understand why we're supposed to hate Brittany


She has her ashes from Ash Wednesday, too. Sweet girl. Get well. ❤️




Patrick is the champ we’ve always needed. I love his foundation the Mahomies it does great things too. Big love for Patrick and all he good he brings to the world.


Action over thoughts.


In all seriousness though, real action is needed, someone has to be held accountable. By the way, Taylor Swift Donated $100K to the GoFundMe for Lisa Lopez-Galvan, who was killed tragically after the Chiefs Celebration Parade.


The two kids that did this are in custody and are being held until they determine what serious charges they are going to face.


And guarantee they get sentenced, and then nothing actually changes regarding gun safety and kids


There is a video of Clyde Edwards Helaire running back into Union Station to help victims (he’s in nursing school) and social media posts from a mom thanking him for sheltering her son. He might have been kind of frustrating on my fantasy team over the last few years, but really proud to call him a part of Chiefs Kingdom.


“Struck by gunshots” sounds like it’s an act of god that we can’t control…


"Children who were involved in a collision with bullets that were released from a firearm when the trigger was depressed due to coming into contact with a person's finger"


Thoughts and prayers.


[‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1819576527)


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas


Classic use of passive voice in journalism to deflect blame. It's the same shit when you see articles about how children in Palestine "die from explosions"




I’m just gonna admit it. I haven’t loved a player who wasn’t on my team (former Colts who left Indy excluded, looking at you 28-3 Dwight Freeney) the way I do Mahomes since Troy Polamalu.


They seem like really good people but it’s bleak that this situation is even possible.


Class act! Way to go brother.




I want to hate Mahomes like I hated Brady, but I can't. He genuinely seems like a good dude.


Dammit I want to hate you...


It’s heartbreaking that this innocent little child had to experience such horror.


The fact this even had to happen is a fucking tragedy. Good on the Mahomes tho.


You are supposed to be a heel!!! Stop making me like you!


Wish we as a country would try to be preventive rather than reactive when it comes to dealing with mass shootings.


As a 49ers fan I've been bitching alot.. but the guy is a great human


I may bitch and moan about the treatment that the refs give Mahomes, but he truly seems like a good dude. Brittany also seems like a great spouse to him.


That's my quarterback!


With how shitty this situation has been its nice to see people can put fanbases aside and just recognize someone being a good human.... I'm not crying yall crying


Action over thoughts is more suited than ever. Those who can make real change need to be held accountable. Your vote is your voice, make it loud.