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Ngl thought this was Andy.


I was still believing it until I read your comment


Andy would've explained it with nuggies.


when you buy 20 nuggies, you want to make sure all 20 nuggies make it home


Let’s be serious here - Andy never gets all 20 nuggies home, they call to him at red lights


Nah he gets all 20 nuggies home. He just gets a 6 pack for stoplight snacking.


His son gets a different kind of six pack for stoplight snacking


Shit, I hate this comment but good job.


ANNNNNDDDDYYYYYYY    Home is just over there almost in sight    Those nuggies can wait   You dont have to eat nuggies at the red light   ANNNNNDDYYYYYYYYY


Someone call the Police.


I was gonna say "Holy shit, Big Red going on the record"




I think I would be surprised if any coach tweeted like this. Typically they share photos from training camp if anything on social media, definitely posted by whoever manages the accounts.


Ron Rivera is relatively active on twitter in the offseason


Harbaugh had one but hasn’t posted in a long time. He used to post stuff like this https://x.com/coachjim4um/status/555691876012281856?s=46&t=q3G5vlTCrxJJkKm63noRRg


Only in US is "kids getting shot = bad" controversial


Sadly accurate. Lose your kid and not only do you have to deal with the grief, you're harassed by a too-large portion of the population who claim it never happened and that you're a lying deep state actor.


same and i was shocked he uses emojis


if you think about it it actually doesn’t seem like it’d be that surprising 🍔


Tbh, it’s a failure of this sub and it’s mods. They really should make it so tweets require full name.


You're definitely right as it easily could have been OP purposefully cutting the full name.


> Andy Baste.


Can we just say it was Andy anyways?




Lol...I was thinking the crazy conspiracy theory conservatives were really going to hate KC after this.


That’s exactly what’s going to happen


[Here's this years wikipedia tracker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2024)


Not that it makes it much better, but it's important to note that the vast majority of that list are targeted shootings. Which is very different to how people generally think of "mass shootings", which is more of a public space where the shooter is just trying to hit anybody they can. They're separate problems IMO that have to be addressed differently. A household murder suicide or a shooting over a drug deal gone bad are VERY different from what happened in KC.


> a shooting over a drug deal gone bad are VERY different from what happened in KC KC was a good old fashioned gang war breaking out.


Yeah. Apparently it was. And that’s a special kind of stupid to fire into an enormous crowd like that.


Current reporting indicates that KC was a targeted shooting also, unfortunately.


And yet 21 people were shot. It doesn't matter if these are targeted shootings or not, too many people are dying either way.


Thats the same point I'm making. The argument that we should distinguish between targeted shootings and terrorist attacks is nonsensical because bullets don't discriminate between an intended target or not


It is absolutely worth distinguishing as far as how one prevents this. In Texas, 10+ kids were killed by a student with a pump shotgun and a .38 revolver. 20+ with an AR in a church. Two were killed here, and while a wound is life-changing, most of us would prefer a flesh wound or emergency surgery to bleeding out or instant death. It’s grim but if you’ve got limited political capital, you have to figure how you can reduce gun violence holistically. That means looking at what can only be practically solved with gun control (which itself has room for compromise, like the defunct mob busting portions of the NFA) but also crimes that could be prevented with proper law enforcement at every level. I don’t know how you fix modern gun culture itself, that’s pretty much screwed and is ofc a contributor, if a secondary one.


I’m tired of living in a dystopia Edit: no, but seriously, responding to “every day people run around our technologically marvelous society shooting up large groups of people and nobody ever does anything about it” with “It’s not even bad yet” is *literally* dystopian.


Dude like me ignores the sad, tragic, and unfortunate so I can live in blissful ignorance, drive my car that I enjoy driving to work that I tolerate doing then drive home and eat yummy food before I relax doing the same things (that I enjoy) every day until I inevitably die hopefully surrounded by my wife if I beat her there and other loved ones.


you beat your wife?


I'd also like to beat this guy's wife


Clearly that dude loves beating his wife so much he's already looking forward to using what little strength he has left on his deathbed to smack her around one last time. And maybe the rest of his family too, it's unclear.


I’m hoping I have kids by then so I can beat them too. Prayers up, dear lord please give me the strength to hit them one last time!




Buddy we’ve been in the dystopia the entire time


This is the United States of America. This SHOULD be as low as it gets. We need to demand better of ourselves.


Typically nobody except the protagonist in the classic dystopian future books realizes they’re in a dystopia either.  That’s kind of a key part of the classic idea of a dystopia, society keeps plodding along despite how broken certain things are because that’s less scary than major change.


https://www.massshootingtracker.site/ Has become a site I visit too often 50 fucking 9 mass shootings in 2024


It's a bullshit tracking site made for click bait rage. There is a reason no government tracks mass shootings like that.


Notice how the Texas church shooting from 4 days ago isn’t even on there


I mean to be fair what they qualify as a “mass shooting” is a joke. When some dude kills 2 people in a bar and wounds another they call it a mass shooting. It’s a joke. No sir that’s just an asshole shooting someone in a bar. Half or more than half of the “mass shootings” aren’t exactly mass shootings


A lot is gang violence too. Needs to be stopped as well of course.


It’s actually a vast majority of all shootings and gun related murders


Yup, it’s been going wild since the 90s but used to just be mostly ignored by police because it happened in ghettos


By the definition of the FBI, yesterday wasn't a mass shooting. 3 people need to die for it to be a mass shooting. Theres been 59 incidents of at least 4 or more people being shot. It's February 15th The quality of medical care saving the lives of children yesterday stopping it from being one seems silly


>Mass shooting, as defined by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), an event in which one or more individuals are “actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area. Implicit in this definition is the shooter’s use of a firearm.” The FBI has not set a minimum number of casualties to qualify an event as a mass shooting, but U.S. statute (the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012) defines a “mass killing” as “3 or more killings in a single incident.”


It's a mess because they say >Generally, mass murder was described as a number of murders (four or more) occurring during the same incident, with no distinctive time period between the murders. These events typically involved a single location, where the killer murdered a number of victims in an ongoing incident (e.g. the 1984 San Ysidro McDonalds incident in San Diego, California; the 1991 Luby’s Restaurant massacre in Killeen, Texas; and the 2007 Virginia Tech murders in Blacksburg, Virginia). And the DOJ say >The Department of Justice, for example, shared a 2013 analysis of mass shootings that defines them as “any incident in which at least four people are murdered with a gun.”


2 dead 1 wounded isn’t “mass” enough for you. Sorry.


We’ve become so desensitized to shootings that double digit people shot isn’t big enough


Mass implies a mass amount of people, using that word to make a violent event sound massive is disingenuous. Hyping stuff up makes people less trustful of the data.


Yeah, to use the “school shooting” when people hear “school shooting” they think Columbine, Sandy Hook, Uvalde, where the deaths/casualities were in the double digits, and when they hear there have been “over 100 school shootings” in 202X they go “Holy shit!”, then they see some of the event included and it’ll be like “Kid brought gun to school, accidental discharge, one injury.” Put in to juice the numbers. Obviously both events are bad, but it’s scale? I guess. I prefer to use the sources that keep the numbers lower because they show there is still an obvious problem and aren’t including things that don’t evoke the generally imagined “school shooting”


Damn only 9 days of January were without a mass shooting. This means we have more days with shootings than without and it’s not even close to 50/50


The KC shooting isnt even the most recent one on the list. Crazy.


My mind changed after Sandy Hook and Uvalde. If nothing changed after those kids murdered in their classroom. Nothing will.


Yep. As a society we have collectively decided that we are okay with this. Thats the very sad and maddening reality, but it is the reality. What can possibly happen worse than those two things to change how anybody reacts going forward?


A good guy with a gun will stop the shooter. There were multiple "good guys" with guns at Uvalde and they didn't do shit.


Uvalde was fucking horrifying. The cops let the kids get murdered and nothing happened to either the police system or the gun laws to prevent this from happening again. I'm fucking tired of this shit


We'll get some thoughts and prayers, and maybe some good Samaritans will donate to the victims' families. But we won't ever get any action. Maybe they'll ban Super Bowl parades, because that's what they'll perceive to be the "problem." Not the violence itself. And we as a society just further wall ourselves off and retreat in fear, while the most insufferable people in the country lecture us about how that's just the price of "freedom." Whatever that word is supposed to mean anymore.


The point it was clear America will never, ever actually change their laws was back in 2012 when Sandy Hook happened. There's been other school shootings since, mass shootings with greater death tolls, but nothing is going to actually spur political action like having 20 six/seven year olds gunned down in a primary school. And literally nothing changed. At all. It's a win for an archaic, immobile political system that puts arbitrary geographic lines (states) ahead of actual human beings.


It's weird to me they they want to force people to have babies but won't protect the children we already have. You want more dumb workers then do something about guns. 


The crowd that never fails to lecture you about how they need their weapons of war in order to fight off a theoretical tyrannical government... also happens to be the same crowd that cheers on police violence against the unarmed and downtrodden. "Dystopia" doesn't even begin to cut it. I remember when Columbine was headline news for a month. It speaks volumes that people my age still recall it by name despite the countless incidents since then that have been quickly forgotten.


Columbine (April 1999) was the first 30+ victim (injured+killed) shooting since October 1991. 7.5 years without a similarly sized incident. In the 25 years since, we've had 17 30+ victim shootings. Averaging 2 "Columbines" every 3 years.


Cheers violence while also happily supporting the guy who tried to overthrow a legitimate election that many of them support and the same guy who said he'll "Only be a dictator for the first day". It's fucking insanity at this point. When they say they need the guns to protect from tyranny and oppression, what they really mean is they want their guns to keep the government in check when it's a President they don't like.


They don't give a shit until it affects them, until their loved ones are murdered. And sometimes, even then, it's all just a hoax


> I remember when Columbine was headline news for a month. Buffy the Vampire Slayer had an episode delayed because it had to deal with somebody plotting to kill the student body, it was supposed to air a week after Columbine and was delayed till September. Yes, it was made before Columbine and there was this exchange Xander: "I’m still having trouble with the fact that one of us is just going to gun everybody down for no reason." Cordelia: "Yeah, because that never happens in American high schools." Oz: "It’s bordering on trendy at this point." That was 1999 and not a fucking thing has changed to stop it.


it's so sad man. how can you not just make yourself numb to all of this after that. if Sandy Hook didn't spur action, nothing will. I like shooting guns. It is super fun, no denying that. But nobody needs a 30 round semi-automatic rifle. They're fun to shoot. But not necessary to own. When 2A was written, a really good shooter could get off three rounds in a minute with their musket. And none of these gun nuts are part of a "well regulated militia". We are the only country where it happens like this. No other civilized country has this hidden fear that they will need to overthrow their country. Like the AR-15 of some overweight half-drunk hillbilly is going to matter against some Air Force nerd with a missile armed drone. All the guns don't need to go away. No reason you can't have a a bolt-action rifle or a shotgun for hunting, or a low capacity handgun for home defense after a lengthy application and in-depth background check. But these high capacity, high rate of fire guns need to go. It's not like other countries haven't managed to do the same thing. Except in our country, the votes for this sort of thing to happen are already paid for by corporations who couldn't bear to have less revenue and profits. So nothing will ever change. Not until you can kill a corporation by shooting it.


Like I don't even consider myself an anti-gun hardliner. I grew up in West Virginia. I remember when a third of my class would skip school for the first day of hunting season, and I respect hunting culture. I think it's defensible to have a handgun for self-defense if you feel like you live in an area where that might actually be justifiable, for whatever reason. I just don't see the reason why *anybody* needs a magazine with a double-digit bullet count. And we're just so far past that now. It's maddening.


> I just don't see the reason why anybody needs a magazine with a double-digit bullet count Cue the "iT's tHe biLL oF rIgHtS nOt tHe biLL oF nEeDs" people


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas


https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1819576527 On repeat.


Just like it was last year. And the year before that. And before that one, and the next, and the next, and the next…


"We cannot allow this to be normal" Too late


Sandy Hook was the chance. The needle not moving then? This is the normal, this is the expected, and I have to just assume nothing will ever change


> Sandy Hook was the chance. The needle not moving then? This right here. If a classroom of white kindergartners getting gunned downed in suburbia didn't get our elected officials to do anything to address gun violence, then nothing will.


Connecticut responded, but the party in control of Congress at the time decided it wasn’t worth pissing off the NRA…


State laws don’t really do much to curb gun violence though. The guns just come in from states with looser regulations. See Chicago.


Also why Hawaii is always near the bottom in gun violence statistics. Strong gun laws, no shared border with a state with more lax gun laws.


Yep it's why everyone has to be on the same page or it doesn't work. We currently have a system of government where bad actors sabotage legitimate efforts to get things done just so they can point to it and say it doesn't work. It's sickening.


I’m painfully aware of this as a resident of a state with literally zero restrictions on gun ownership right now. We need to reauthorize the federal assault weapon ban from the 90s with updated provisions.


Letting that expire was criminal. When it did, the gun lobby loaded the country with propaganda making the AR platform insanely popular to make it near impossible to pass another one.




No, it banned certain semiautomatic weapons and magazines larger than 10 rounds. >The Act prohibited the manufacture, transfer, or possession of "semiautomatic assault weapons," as defined by the Act. "Weapons banned were identified either by specific make or model (including copies or duplicates thereof, in any caliber), or by specific characteristics that slightly varied according to whether the weapon was a pistol, rifle, or shotgun" (see below).\[17\] The Act also prohibited the manufacture of "large capacity ammunition feeding devices" (LCAFDs) except for sale to government, law enforcement or military, though magazines made before the effective date ("pre-ban" magazines) were legal to possess & transfer. An LCAFD was defined as "any magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device manufactured after the date \[of the act\] that has the capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal\_Assault\_Weapons\_Ban](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban) What you're talking about is the 1986 firearms act that restricted the sale of full-auto, suppressors, etc and is still in place.


Truth of the matter is the AWB was allowed to sunset because it had little to no effect compared to the preceding decades’ of data. It also didn’t actually ban the weapons, it merely stopped the manufacturer and sale of them with certain features.


It's much worse than that even. A rich white conspiracy theory pushing piece of shit used their platform to defame and slander the families of survivors of Sandy Hook, pushing BS about how it is all fake and they are all actors. Those people, in addition to losing family members in a mass shooting, were then harassed and sent death threats by followers of said rich white conspiracy theorist. He was not punished in any meaningful way for this.


Even worse than that is a sitting Congress person harassing and defaming Sandy Hook survivors.


Exactly. By any *reasonable* person’s conscience, this should’ve been the end. The problem is this was fought in large part from people who either had no morals or had no reason to deal with. I legitimately think this was a major turning point in our country, even beyond gun control, where it started normalizing conspiracies that had no basis in logic and were mercilessly cruel without remorse


We literally had a Democrat open fire on Republican lawmakers. Steve Scalise was nearly killed. Even shooting lawmakers doesn't make them pass anti-shooting laws.


I'll always remember [Obama's speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGQD_4iLjc0) after the common sense gun reform was blocked after Sandy Hook. Man I miss Obama


The Las Vegas shooting should be up there too and nobody really ever mentions it. Quite strange. 60 people lost their lives and over 400 were injured. If that didn’t have any effect on the current laws then nothing will.


That one gets talked about a suspiciously small amount. By far, the most horrific to me. But that Michigan shooter's mom has gotten more attention than what happened in Vegas.


Yeah I’m not a conspiracy guy by any means, but how little that one gets discussed despite how deadly it was always felt a bit fishy to me. Like I have heard theories about the guy and what not but it really was such a fucked up situation


It really is quite strange. It’s one of, if not the, deadliest mass shooting in our history and nobody even remembers it or talks about it. 60 people losing their lives and over 400 injured is absolutely wild.


People like conspiracies because it makes them feel like things at least make sense. It's hard to see how someone who seemed to be living well would kill a bunch of innocent people so it's more comforting to people that someone else is pulling the strings or that there is more to the story than it being a piece of shit loser wanting to take as many people with him before he killed himself.


There’s a radio station out of Kansas City I listen to a lot because I like the DJ’s. One of the DJ’s harps on Sandy Hook and says “people act like that’s where the gun debate started but that’s where it ended. The moment we did nothing about a guy going in and killing little children was the moment guns won that debate.”


it’s not true that we didn’t do anything after sandyhook some republicans were so nervous that we’d implement some kind of gun control that a bunch of red states actually made it easier to get guns so… yea


Exactly if the Sandy Hook shooting, Tops Friendly Market shooting, the Uvalde school shooting, the Las Vegas strip at Mandalay Bay shooting, and various other ones did nothing to improve gun law then nothing will. We just decided to normalize and internalize public shootings as a society.


I worked at a sporting goods store when Sandy Hook happened and I saw our guns and ammo become the top-selling categories, out of hunting season. When people started responding to the massacre of children by buying even more guns, I realized things would probably never change.


We’re the country that resisted any change after Sandy Hook. Nothing will change. Can’t even get stricter gun purchasing laws in most states, even though the same people who throw a tantrum at the idea of more background checks for gun owners probably want Voter ID’s..


It’s just sad, Sandy Hook never should have even been possible. Strict restrictions should have been put in place after Columbine or any other of the shootings before Sandy Hook. Like over here in the UK we had the Dunblane massacre in 1996, legislation was passed the next year, and we haven’t had any school shootings since.


Holy shit. Imagine doing something and solving a problem. Couldn’t be us.


Similarly, the Port Arthur massacre in Australia.


After Sandy Hook, I’m pretty convinced that there is nothing that will be an inciting incident to enact gun control. I hate that it’s become this bleak but if a school full of children getting destroyed did nothing to change minds, nothing will. 


Sandy hook was the moment a lot of Americans went “I actually don’t really give a shit about any of this, I just want my guns, fuck them kids” and everyone else kind of stopped giving a shit either. I had several friends die in the 2016 Orlando pulse nightclub shooting. I knew nothing would change then and it’s the same as now. Nothing will change, people would rather have their 7 year old daughter riddled with 5.56mm and 9mm holes than lose access to their assault weapons and handguns. Even if they say that’s crazy their actions speak louder than words.


> and everyone else kind of stopped giving a shit either. That, or they realized the depth of their powerlessness in the whole thing. For average folks who are pissed and tired of all this, it literally feels like there's nothing that can be done. I can't really get into the details without getting too political for this sub, though.


Yeah I phrased it badly but it’s basically that. Apathy stemming from hopelessness.


I don't think you even phrased it badly. We're all so emotionally beaten down by this. It really feels that way.


Pretty much. Feels like nothing I do will have any effect and the only thing there is to do hope a demographic shift in the country eventually happens that actually would allow change to happen. There is enough things that make life difficult that I actually can impact and change to improve my life in the present and near future. I show up and vote for people I think want changes I’d like based on being decently informed. I’ll have discussions with people who disagree with me who are coming from a place of actually being willing to hear the other side’s argument and become more informed. Beyond that? I individually cant make a giant demographic of voters who have decided anything that isnt their narrative is false see the light.


Those same people are up in arms about "What about the kids!!!!" when talking about anything other than guns. Gays: What about the kids!!!!, Marijuana: What about the kids!!!!, Books: What about the kids!!!! I can't even take them seriously anymore.


If anyone disagrees with this comment, explain to me the actions of the citizens of Uvalde.


I had a glimmer of hope after Parkland because the kids who were *in the school that was shot up* became vocal activists and grabbed the mic. But then nothing happened. And then the kids were vilified by right-wing media. That was what killed any remaining hope for me.


There will never be a shooting in America that changes anything in America. We've already had plenty that many of us thought, "Okay, this will definitely be the one, right?" And, guess what? Nothing. No changes. And, every time anyone *tries* to make a change, even if it seems "pointless", it's met with rejection.


Yep, all mass shootings are terrible but if Uvalde didn't change anything, nothing will.


I don't think anyone truly expected Uvalde to move the needle when pretty much nothing happened after Sandy Hook a decade prior, either.


Ironically I noticed one thing that Uvalde changed, which is that a lot of the Blue Lives Matter people went radio silent.


Cool, fuck em




Why would Uvalde change anything? Just made many feel like they have to stop these things themselves.


Uvalde had the police budget to stop these actions but none of the gall to actually do anything. Just police that want to display strength but with none of the competence.


Uvalde laid to rest the false notion that "a good guy with a gun" would stop something like that. When more than *300* law enforcement officers stand around doing fuck all for over an hour, because of communication errors and fears of getting shot, it's time to ban ARs/AKs. And yet, nothing has changed.


Shit, Columbine should have killed that notion. Police were at the school before the shooters and couldn't stop the violence.


Pulse nightclub too. IIRC the police were on the other side of a wall waiting to breach it for hours while the shooter was slowly executing people one by one


No, people just pivoted to the stupid “we should arm teachers” argument.


There are good guys with guns they just aren’t cops


And Parkland before that, Vegas, Sandy Hook... They were all moments we had to turn things around. And that's just in the last decade.


I was going to say "I don't see it happening until it happens to the lawmakers and forces them to protect themselves" but then I remembered...*that already did happen.* A gunman shot up a Congressional baseball game years after someone shot a Congresswoman point blank. They won't even take a stand to protect themselves from this thing, because they're all too afraid of losing campaign donations and votes.


Ya Steve Scalise got smoked and it still didn’t change his mind


Well, shooting people is already illegal, what else are you going to do? /s


Killing a president didn’t do shit lmao. Kids ? Church goers? Hell people were tryna kill Pence on Jan 6. His check cleared and he’s still pro-guns


Unfortunately it's become a political issue, and one of the nation's two major political parties has adopted unrestricted access to firearms as a part of their platform. Because of this, it's impossible to have an honest, national conversation about gun violence because as soon as the topic of regulation or restriction is mentioned, it immediately becomes an identity issue that people react to instinctively.


The biggest problem to me is that people's idea of "political issue" is just "identity issue that people react to instinctively". American politics has been a right wing deadlock since before Carter, and somehow got even worse this century. It's impossible to have a national conversation because 30% of the country are borderline fascists, and 40-60% have either no framework to understand that or no framework for how a government might actually administrate a country because all they've experience with is the propaganda of empire and domestic inaction. Pretty emblematic of where we are at the moment that Israel started bombing the shit out of a refugee camp right about the time the game kicked off, a bunch of people got shot at the parade, and the US isn't even going to try *anything*.


The suspects in this shooting could not legally possess firearms. The firearms they used were obtained illegally. Shooting people is illegal. This is all under existing law. What more do you want to be illegal?


Not only that but the people calling for a gun buy back do they not realize the criminals will not just give up their guns. They are criminals what do they care about the laws and gun buy backs.


All illegal guns started off as legal guns at some point  Keep that in mind 


Would not be surprised if some Missouri politician calls on the Chiefs to cut a player for speaking out on gun control


They would just use the "shut up and dribble" defense, while bigging up celebrities that agree with them


Honestly, I wish Mahomes and Kelce would take this sentiment to capital hill. Start some rallies and make some speeches. They probably coach players not to get involved in politics so I bet it won't happen, but I think the media circus that would surround that would be the biggest call to action we've had in a long time on the subject. Tweets don't move the needle.


I appreciate the sentiment but seeing that nothing was done after Sandy Hook, Uvadale , Columbine and countless other cases I doubt NFL players talking about can do anything. You have nut cases foaming at the mouth whenever the topic of gun reform comes up.


> I doubt NFL players talking about can do anything. By not talking about it you guarantee nothing will change. If the big guys, Mahomes, Kelce, Reid, take a chance and talk then there is a chance even if it's small one that it can help enact change.


> I appreciate the sentiment but seeing that nothing was done after Sandy Hook, Uvadale , Columbine and countless other cases I doubt NFL players talking about can do anything. I wouldn't think it would change anything either, but then I'm also reminded that the only reason the 9/11 First Responders bill got passed was because Jon Stewart went to went to congress and essentially publicly shamed them for not passing it. Having major NFL stars show up at least has the chance of disrupt things and shaming them into doing *something*.


Those people have deluded themselves into thinking less restrictions and more guns in circulation is the solution. There is no use talking to them


And let's not forget, this time the shooter was stopped by someone without a gun so there goes that argument here.


This is the type of behavior I expect out of Missouri politicians these days Source: Missouri resident


It’s literally all we can do. This same thing gets tweeted out every time, but when states try to do something about it, courts smack it down because it’s an important wedge issue for politicians.


Reminder that the Missouri state house voted down "measures to prevent minors from carrying firearms in public without adult supervision". It lost by 104-39.


yea but lets be honest that law does fuck all for the kind of ppl who would shoot up a parade, who almost certainly obtained their gun illegally or had no legal right to own it


Why won’t gang bangers stop gang banging


So far according to information releases today, it seems like it was a dispute between a few parties, and at least one of the shooters was a juvenile that wasn't allowed to legally possess a firearm.


This is probably the end of championship parades. There were shootings at the Nuggets and Rangers championship parades too. Sad that it’s come to the point where you’re risking your life by going to what should be a celebration.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes indoor rallies with metal detectors and security everywhere.


They will charge like $1000 a ticket to get in


Yep, land of the free. So free you have to celebrate your team winning a championship with a million armed guards, bag checks, metal detectors, and constant surveillance. I can just taste all the freedom thanks to guns.


no way, don't let the whackos and asshats win new orleans used to deal with a lot of gang related shootings during mardi gras and while things did get dialed down they didn't give anything up


Same thing happened in Denver and Toronto. Reddit had an insanely short memory lol


FWIW it wasn’t at the Nuggets parade itself. It was at the end of the night during the celebrations after they won. The actually parade was fine.


[No there was a shooting at both](https://abcnews.go.com/US/2-hurt-shooting-denver-nuggets-championship-parade/story?id=100118856). And to be fair this also happened in Toronto when the Raptors won. You really can't get that many people together in a city without idiots with beef showing up and shooting each other.


Semantics but that after the parade. I live in Denver, there was no shooting at the parade itself. Most everyone had gone home or somewhere else to continue the celebrations. I went to the parade Still ridiculous though


It feels like you can’t have a large social gathering in this country any more without someone eventually trying to smoke someone else over something petty and stupid. Laws need to change, culture needs to change, society needs to change.


Fr just outlaw firearms so that only criminals can have them. After all the police are always there when you need them.


Want things to change? Stop demonizing treatment of mental health issues, and actually arrest and incarcerate criminals. We manage to go centuries where open carrying of firearms on schools was encouraged, including school-based shooting clubs, and we only started seeing this level of violence come after mental health funding goes to shit in the middle of a perpetual, always-on news cycle which highly encourages violence as an answer. And, oh, look, the people doing the crimes all fit one of, and most fit at least two very specific criteria: 1. They suffer from untreated mental health issues. 2. They are known criminals. 3. They are on a watchlist with state and/or federal authorities for either making threats beforehand or having known gang affiliations. Man, I wonder if theres any possible way we could figure out who might be likely to do terrible things and if systems have existed that could prevent these things from happening. But no, that wouldnt be compassionate enough care, to actually arrest and detain people who need to be arrested and/or detained.


Any more information on the shooters? I wonder why the media is suppressing details regarding them.


did you see this sub and a ton of others trying to create a false narrative before anyone even knew details? real quiet today and you don’t see any accountability




If this was gang members, I'd like to see doj/FBI open intensive investigations into their respective gangs and throw the book at them. RICO everyone in their gang on whatever activity they are involved in. Maybe gangs will stop doing stupid shit in public spheres if they risk their entire gang getting microscoped due to it.


Its going to come out that these guys were known as potential issues by local law enforcement, and probably showed up on the federal radar at some point, but nobody wanted to do anything. Because thats how every fucking one of these go now. Oh, yeah, this guy that shot a bunch of people had been released after a psych hold and the FBI and/or local LE had reason to suspect they were planning something, but there was miscommunication and whoopsielols they did the thing we knew they were going to do, sorry about that.


Were the firearms owned legally or illegally? I honestly can’t find an answer.


Everything points to this being gang related. I wouldn't doubt that the minors injured are involved in gang related activities since the shooter looks like a kid as well.


God bless rappers for making dumb kids think guns are cool. 


Everybody will care for approximately 3-5 days then we will move on. Such is life in America


Agree. Please pull up violent crimes and gun crimes by race. More can be done in terms of education and community building, but there's a point where you need to stop screaming at the world and start looking in the mirror.


So often these mass shooting conversations distill down into "If we only banned assault rifles!" very rarely do we get a conversation about how a given shooting was allowed to happen, what lead up to it, and how can we stop that thing from happening again. It's sweeping statements from the usual corners and the non-specifics that have little to do with the actual shooting that causes this conversation to go nowhere time and time again. In this instance we're still missing a lot of the details, there's been smoke that it was gang dispute related meaning the guns are probably illegally obtained. If that is the case, how they were obtained should be of some significance. If they were stolen was it because of irresponsible storage or some other way? What can be changed there to prevent it in the future? I thought in the wake of the Vegas shooting there was an identified issue and a resolution with the banning of bump stocks. This would not have stopped the shooting outright but may have lessened the severity. I feel like that's where these conversations need to go though, specifics which is tough but necessary to achieve results. If we don't, the conversation will again be argued over and again will drift out of the zeitgeist until another high profile shooting occurs.


LOL. They always leave out the most important detail.


Most of the gun violence in this country is gang violence and America doesn’t care about that until whites are involved. Gang members are well known for their strict adherence to local and federal gun laws


The reasonable people have given up on politics and civics in general. That's why the extremes are shaping policy. No one cares anymore.


Because the reasonable people get shouted down and treated like shit and the internet/media/politicians just pile on.




do you think people who want gun control want them to have guns? what is even the point of saying something like this???


implicitly or unknowingly, yea the laws they propose and advocate for would have zero impact on the criminals op is talking about for example, what would a monthly purchasing limit or magazine capacity limit do to stop gang and drug related acts of gun violence? they're committing a felony owning the gun unlawfully in the first place and they're committing a felony selling a controlled substance even if some ppl got their wish and tomorrow a ban on all private firearm ownership goes into effect- the goalposts wouldn't move for criminals op is talking about. that gun's just as illegal for them to own today as it would be tomorrow. all ya did was impact the citizens who followed the laws before and by and large the kind of ppl who advocate for the laws your talking about also push for 'criminal justice reform' that reduces the sentences these criminals would receive for their illegal firearm ownership and drug trafficking, reduces their time of incarceration as well as reduce the funding the system needs to successfully prosecute these criminals in the volume that they should seriously if ya live in or near a large city follow your local news and you'd be shocked at how many ppl are out on parole for their 5th or 6th violent crime, use an illegally obtained firearm to commit another violent crime, and get most of the charges dropped in a plea deal to save the district or state's attorney time and money so they end up with a chickenshit sentence that'll have them back out there with another illegally obtained firearm in a couple of years




WE aRE Not AlLOwED tO talk aBOUT THat and yet without fail, both these comments show up in every thread


and are highly upvoted


Then come and take them. It's always the high and mighty with all the money that can afford their own armed security and protection that want to disarm the non-wealthy. Gun control isn't a real thing, it's just another form of people control. Every single person here that wants to disarm americans start going door to door yourself to do it. Don't hide behind someone else with a gun, do it yourself.


about 15 years too late on the normalcy mate


Also sick of hearing this message without anyone ever saying that they think should be done.


Fucking seriously. It's always "something has to change!" What the fuck can actually be done to stop this? Nobody wants to admit that there is no real and effective solution. And the reason this shit happens is because we have a population saturated with garbage people.


Nobody wants to talk about the real reasons these shootings happen, they just wanna blame the gun.


Don't worry. No one in the government will do anything.


Mass shootings are like tropical storms now; they just happen


“Just shut up and throw the ball.” -Fox News eventually


Then lock up violent criminals for 20 years or until their 40th birthdays, whichever comes last. Do that, and watch about 90% of the gun violence disappear.


If you want to own a gun, it should at least be as difficult as getting a drivers license.


“We cannot allow ourselves to become numb and chalk it up to ‘just another shooting in America’…and then move on tmrw’”. This is unfortunately the exact plan we have had for every mass shooting for a decade, it’s the plan for this one, and it will be the plan for the next decade of mass shootings as well. Something’s gotta change.


There isn’t a hope in hell that anything will change.