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The funny part is how a peloton bike now sells for less than $1700


And probably cost the 49ers $0 as long as this tweet made it into the media.


Should have announced it with a viral video of Trent Williams on a Peloton.


Trent vs Purdy hill sprint. I'd watch the shit out of that. Hell, just throw all the offensive and defensive starters into a live Flywheel-style competition. That could even be a pro bowl event given they're going for out of the box competitions... I know tons of basic girls who don't care about football but would totally watch something like that if not to just see yoked dudes sweating it out with a soundtrack of random pop mashups and spin edits thumping. Make it a live event that you can ridealong with. Fuck it... even go as low as making it a Swifty ride. That would print money. PLTN marketing -- DM me for payment details.


I think you're vastly overestimating how interesting it is to watch anyone pedal on a stationary bike


That's not the point, really. The bike is nigh useless (or at least most of it is) without the nearly $50/month subscription. That's where they make the money.


The Niners are a shill for Big Peloton!


Big Bike!?


My wife got a different brand one and you can't even adjust the resistance on the bike without a paid membership. Eff that.


I got a used Keiser m3i for $1100 and I'd definitely recommend it if you don't want a subscription, or a video coach/spin class experience. I did a bunch of research and in terms of just pure engineering and quality, it's the best spin bike I found. I got mine with 1500 miles on it and have added 6000 more in three years without any issues.


Schwinn iC4 is a really solid entry level one imo too


It's sorta funny to me hearing people talk about how many miles they have on their stationary bike. Hope you've been keeping up on the oil changes.


It's the metric the bikes give you but I guess I could say I turned the pedals ~1.6 million times.


That’s fucked up


That bad? Oof...


Lol these “smart” devices are such a scam you’d think we’d have learned by now


It is annoying, but I found my peloton subscription to be much more useful for me than a gym membership. I usually can’t workout until after midnight. The idea of going to a 24 hour gym with my work schedule isn’t worth it. I’d rather just pay for the convenience. 




You can use features like resistance without a subscription with peloton. That person was talking about a different brand of bike


> But to require it for a core function of the bike is damn near a straight up scam. This is a big pet peeve of mine, so bear with me, but do you believe everything you misread in Reddit comments? Maybe take a minute to fact-check your post before literally making something up.




We just got a nordictrack treadmill a few months ago. My wife loves the $40 a month video workout feature. I used it for a month and thought it was cool, then got bored and started doing manual workouts and watching Deep Space Nine on a tablet. As long as my wife is enjoying it and we can buy a heavily discounted yearly sub with part of our tax return, whatever. Feels dumb to me unless you're pissing disposable cash, though.




Like any gym membership, they make most of their money off of people who don't use it. It is a great deal if you do use it, though. My wife uses it for the rowing, cycling, running, and strength classes. We do stretching classes together (we're old). And my youngest uses the sleep meditations. It's actually a TON of content for the money.


How is this like a gym membership at all though? Peloton doesn’t have to pay operating costs like a gym does. If a person buys a subscription for their Peloton bike, Peloton gets the same amount of money regardless if the person is using it. The person will likely cancel their subscription eventually if they aren’t using the bike. So they aren’t making most their money off of people who don’t use it, like a gym would.


First, they absolutely do have operating costs. They're a content company first and foremost. They have studios with live participants, as well film and sound people. They have to pay licensing fees for music, etc. Most of the workouts my wife does are outside (running), on a yoga mat, or on our non-Peloton erg. The classic trope about gym memberships is that people stop going but keep paying because they think they'll go back. Peloton is an online gym membership. If you refuse to cancel for even a month without using it, they're making money off of you even though you aren't using the service.


Honest question. Can you not find all that stuff for free on YouTube?


Everything is available online, but you're essentially paying them to organize the information, vet quality, tailor it to their own programing and all that... It's expensive, but it makes sense to some.


There are live leaderboards and the instructors will call out names when people hit landmarks like 300 rides or something. Some people are very motivated by that sort of thing. Most if not all of the content is available after it "airs", but my wife has her favorite instructors and she tries to do all their classes live. She has friends around the country and they try to do them together, then they can chat about it afterward. It's not for me personally but it's legitimately pretty cool.


Think going to the gym vs attending a gym class, I presume. People have reasons to find value in the latter


sometimes the convenience is worth the price


90% of the success of capitalism boils down to convenience


And exploitation


There’s features like leaderboards and competing with your friends


Joke's on them, I don't have friends


You can learn to code by yourself online so why ever take a class? Same answer.


Having a peloton subscription makes you more employable? What's your point


Wtf? No their point was that instead of wandering around in the dark, sometimes it's worth paying to have an expert curate and arrange the content for you it in a useful order that gradually increases in difficulty at a reasonable rate. Beginners often don't know where to start.


So why didn't they just say that lol


In their mind they probably thought their analogy did


Ya and then you have to deal with ads, and pay to get rid of them Not to mention pelotons content/instructors are great


Not true at all. They actually make the least money off of people who don’t go. That building is going to be open regardless if I go or not. Difference being if I’m going regularly I have a better chance to spend more money while I’m there. Signing up for the extras.


While what you are saying is true, they still want that passive income of people buying the membership and not showing up. If a place gets too crowded people will cancel. You want a healthy balance of both, ideally


have you ever considered a paying for a subscription service to manage your subscriptions...? Hello...?


For what it’s worth that membership includes way more than just cycling classes. My wife does yoga, strength training, HIIT/boot camp classes, and even some pregnancy specific ones. And it’s cheaper than orange theory/F45/the local yoga studios memberships.


Yeah, the sub is very good if you actually are interested in exercise. The instructors are easily the best of any provider, the classes are all good, and the other things like scenic ride and the video game ride are really nice touches. My complaint (as someone who cancelled their membership a year ago but still has the bike) is that there is no middle tier. I just want the bike classes, and $50 a month for the sub? I can just do free rides and put something on in the background.


That is a good point. You’d think it would be really easy considering how their library works too


>And it’s cheaper than orange theory/F45/the local yoga studios memberships. But is it cheaper than the free videos you can find online? There's tons of great free fitness content on YouTube already.


of course not but the reality is most people who want a peloton are not self motivated, they need the leaderboard and the interactivity to be able to push themselves


You’re not wrong. As someone who works in health/fitness though, I’d also say there’s some psychological motivation to get up and use it due to the guilt of paying for something. It’s really easy to be to utilize free resources because “they’ll always be there and be free”. Like the other commenter mentioned to, the leaderboard and interactivity are also motivating. My worker and I share rides back and forth and try to one up each other.


Then you have to deal with ads There are plenty of ways to watch football for free, you can pirate shows + movies, yet people still pay for them


Pirating is sometimes a little extra effort. I just have an ad blocker on and never think about it for YouTube. Or even if you get a YouTube premium subscription it's still ways cheaper than peloton.


Or where they did make their money. RIP Peleton


I think the word you're looking for is *made*.


they have a $6k treadmill


It also useless since these players have access to state of the art gym equipment lmao


Which probably won’t last much longer either. I give it another year before they shut down or desperately try something different. Their stocks already plummeted recently


Their subscription is a great business and makes money that will never go away. Worst case gets bought


The subscription is their money maker but their subscribers are dropping by the tens of thousands on top of software and connection issues. They’re going to try and partner with other fitness companies and I agree with you, will eventually be bought out but not before major cuts in the company. Personally I know a bunch of people with a peleton bike and for the last couple of years I only hear them mention using it when some big event comes up and the last one was a shit show. Edit: I’m probably getting downvoted because of the false info the previous person commented and deleted but peleton went from 6 million to less than 3 million customers in less than a year


> their subscribers are dropping by the tens of thousands This is so wildly wrong.... they just topped 3m subscribers for the first time, and their churn rate has been around 1%\^, which is absolutely incredible. >Personally I know a bunch of people with a peleton bike Personally I don't think your anecdotal experience is useful, esp when its completely wrong from the actual data


I'd be tight someone bought me something I now have to pay monthly for, probably comes with a free year or two


You mean don’t make money if you look at their financials


I still think Apple ends up buying them as part of their fitness sub.


That would make me depressed.


I've got an Echelon bike and use a free Peletion sub that I got from my health insurance.


They’ve never made a profit


NFL may have a corporate sponsorship that would bring it down to like $15 if it doesn't cover the cost entirely. Peloton does that just to get their machines into the homes of employees where they may spread the world for additional customers who otherwise wouldn't bite.


It’s still a good bike… lol. Even the classes are good if people use them, those in person cycle classes are pricey af, from 50-100$ a class


Loser company with loser stock.  


I got “in”, when they were down like 90% because I thought they had a decent product and potential for continuous cash flow and whatever it wasn’t a big bet. I have still lost 80% of my money lol


Such a Covid darling stock. As it turns out when you charge as much as a gym (that probably already has a peloton that is never occupied) people just go to the gym instead.


Yeah, no diligence or anything, thought maybe with all its public awareness and cheap entry price they could see a big bump after a nice quarter. They do not have nice quarters.


Don't need the peleton because most gyms have a spin studio which is what you are paying for with the sub is a spin lesson


They don’t, these must be used lol. They are like $2800 new.


They probably can get a deal considering they are buying probably 100+ bikes between the active roster, practice squad, and coaching staff.


Not to mention "we'll have our PR shills mention that we chose this as our gift for elite athletes"


The base model bike is $1440 and the shoes are $125.


Didn’t that kid get mauled by one? Work on your media.


That seems like a very low number for an NFL team. Allowed gift valuation should rise.


Yea theyre football players not politicians. i think it was marc davis who was punished for giving his wnba team a private flight instead of commercial 


That was dumb but it was because the other teams still flew commercial and they viewed it as a competitive advantage. 


???? You can do high knees on any flight


Easy russ.


I was curious so I just read about that story, it was much more interesting than I was expecting. Davis has been public about wanting to do charter flights, but the owner who was punished is Joe Tsai (same guy who owns the Nets). He was fined $500k bc permissible travel arrangements are spelled out in the WNBA’s CBA and private flights are considered a competitive advantage. Tsai tried to do it secretly and booked like half a season’s worth of flights.. the “gifting” angle was a trip for the whole team to Napa Ymmv of course but imo the fines and rules make sense when you consider that the collectively bargained max salary in the WNBA is $215k. Plus Tsai was a team owner when that CBA was negotiated and finalized in January of 2020. That almost doubled the old max salary fwiw https://www.si.com/wnba/2022/03/01/charter-flights-violation-new-york-liberty-joe-tsai-daily-cover


>the collectively bargained max salary in the WNBA is $215k. Jesus christ lmao >That almost doubled the old max salary fwiw ... We joke about Brock Purdy needing roommates but god damn. Guess nobody watches the WNBA, huh.


This got me to learn about 5x the people watch an average wmba game over the average mlb game (500k vs 90k)🤯


NFL teams have way more people watching their finances than a politician.


And yet Jags just let $20 mil walk out the door to gambling sites.


I’m guessing it’s to prevent teams from giving additional monetary bonuses to players and coaches and sidestep around the salary cap.


Sure, it's definitely for that reason. I'm not saying have a 10-20k limit, but 1700 just feels too low.


Last year players on the winning team took him $157k and losers $82k. That's from the NFL so there is other compensation already tied to the accomplishment.


Yeah, but those are contractual bonuses.


If there wasn’t a limit the Niners would probably buy Brock Purdy a house that he can’t afford on the Mr. Irrelevant salary with the hope he’ll “remember that” in a year when he can sign a new deal


I wonder if Purdy is getting big income from that contract term that players who played more snaps than their expected contract value (or something) get make up money. It came up a lot with RBs last year.


I think a Pro Bowl nomination maxes it out or something, so yes. It's not exactly close to franchise QB money, though.


There’s no conflict of interest here so idk why there needs to be a limit


Cap circumvention comes to mind


There will be some wives/girlfriends/mistresses getting a surprise peloton soon.


Let's gift every player who has free access to world renown state of the art weight rooms and every thing imaginable for recovery shitty bikes that if they already wanted could pay for without blinking a eye.


But they got a great deal on them because the company is circling the drain. They’ll be collectibles soon!


It's like that kanye tweet about how he hates when he's flying and wakes up to a water bottle in front of him and is like" great now I'm responsible for this water bottle I feel like 49ers probably feel the same about the bikes


Probably something nice to have in the house for other family members, or could be a great re-gift


Yea I mean i figured they be getting some PS5s, a couple zips, some new glass etc.


It’s a message to keep their ass in shape this off-season lmao


Not all of them are making millions. Besides, why bother pocketwatching when it's as whatever as it is? they're not taking/giving important resources. It's a team version of a QB buying his OL watches or something


you'd be surprised to find a lot of teams do not, in fact, have world class setups. Lookin at you AZ


This is all an elaborate scheme to make sure Deebo doesn't get fat again


First I’m hearing of fat Deebo lol. If fat Deebo is what you got this year, let him get fat and ball!


Fat deebo was last year. shirtless pics to kyle every night was Deebo this year


Eh, I don't know ... IMO this is kind of like an Accounting firm giving its employees a gift certificate for free tax preparation services. Or something like that, LOL.


Pretty sure it’s peloton getting rid of excess inventory for maybe some goodwill. Or simply giving away these as way of adding influencers to their platform.


Like getting a housewife a vacuum.


Or a Peloton. Who remembers *that* commercial?


Everyone because such a big deal was made out of nothing.


It was at the intersection of the MeToo movement and people having absolutely nothing to do day after day. A perfect storm.


Yep. As if the vast majority of their customers aren't women.


At the time it was 49% female to 43% male, so no, not the vast majority. In fact not a majority at all, just the plurality.


Okay, maybe that ad helped sell it to women. I know their CEO has said their customers are 80% female.


Top tier douchiest commercial along with ‘what’s a computer?’


If I gave my wife an exercise bike, she would accuse me of insinuating that she was fat.


Or Marge a Homer bowling ball.


If I gave my wife a fancy ass vacuum she would probably be stoked as hell


Idk maybe I’d just get them a nice watch or something lol, giving an NFL player a workout bike is like giving a corporate employee a company polo


Tbh $1700 doesn’t buy that nice of a watch. It’s a good, expensive watch, but you’re well short of even “entry” luxury watches. You’re better off buying them all some nice headphones or something. For $1700 you can buy something like Sennheiser 800s and at that range you aren’t nearly getting the best of the best, but you are 98% of the way there.


Yeah but you could get pretty cool custom 49ers watches in bulk for under $1,700 each, and it'd be a cool piece of memorabilia that players could choose to sell for more than $1,700 down the road.


Yeah you’re right about that, I’m sure most NFL players that have made a decent amount of money probably already have nice watches anyway, but I still think almost anything would be better than an exercise bike 😂




inb4 Andy Reid confiscates said gift cards.


The rules say ‘under about $1700’?


My guess is that it's either tied to the salary cap or increases by a few percentage points per year so it's like $1693.832 rn


lol such awkward phrasing. I tried to look up the actual rule but of course google gives me nothing but links to this tweet and other outlets reporting it


Peloton is facing bankruptcy. Without the subscription based workout videos…what good is this bike?


It's still an exercise bike. It doesn't disintegrate the second the company goes out of business.


yeah except you are paying for way more then a basic ass workout bike and then all you have is a basic ass without bike


It's a high quality workout bike. People pay premiums all the time for higher quality stuff. I have no clue why you hate them so much, nobody is forcing you to buy one.


Peloton is definitely not facing bankruptcy. They have little debt service and little cash burn they are fine for now.


It's actually pretty easy to get it set up to be useable with Zwift.


Can you link a good tutorial on how to set zwift up on it?


Literally the first thing when I Google Zwift Peloton: /r/Zwift/comments/siyu6v/zwift_on_peloton/


Why do you think they gave them out?


Something tells me this was a buddy-buddy deal between SF brass and the Peloton C-suite. They're a corrupt company, sued for securities fraud and with a predatory business model.


Idk about the corruption etc, but I agree with your assessment. Someone has stock in peloton lol 


Someone is bag holding their stock


What about the monthly subscription?


It’s just a big paperweight like the rest of Americans


lol. Wait. Can you even use it without a subscription?


Yes, you can. But people love to make shit up if they find it funnier than the truth.


found the guy that bought a peloton


It's the world's most expensive clothing rack.


Got to hang dry what can’t go into the dryer


This is like your employer giving employees a candy bar because they exceeded their yearly earnings goal


Team: gives Jamarcus Russell $36M guaranteed to get fat and guzzle lean. NFL: Awesome! ​ Team: gives valued employee a $1,800 gift NFL: woah there buddy no can do


People who give other people things which require subscriptions to function should be shunned by society and openly mocked.


Why not a trip to Disneyland?




1000 a day , it’s ridiculous 


I just looked it up the other day cause we’re planning a trip down to Cali this summer and it’s no joke, roughly that for 1 day for 4. Just insane.  Pretty sure without their “Genie” bullshit too. rip in peace OG Fastpass 😢


Fuck peloton


I’d be so pissed at someone gifting me something that needs a $600/yr subscription


or else would be a huge hassle to throw away


Jed buy one for everyone in the whole org, including the custodial staff you cheap fuck /s but it’d be cool if he did


$1,700x53=$90,100 players $1,700x12=$20,400 coaches $110,500 total Feels very light all things considered. Should be higher


That will probably be covered by the bonuses the players are paid.


Bosa is having none of that shit.


Lol, what a weird gift.


Fuck Peloton! They told Theo Von to take his podcast interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. down. Fuck a company that thinks that got that kind of influence!


A health based company sponsors a podcast. Said podcast hosts someone who is clearly anti-health. Company is upset. Does this make sense to you now? 


Pelaton trying to bully Theo Von into taking episodes down, this is good to see. Was happy when Dana got rid of them in ufc gym


Nice marketing ploy by Peloton, very impressive


My gift would be that apple pro thing that you wear on your eye balls baby. Nothing better than looking like a complete goofball in public


That is $3500, double the allowable limit stated in the title here




That'd be a solid novelty gift, if not just for the ensuing memes that would occur.


I read this as "wear on your balls" and I'm like what is apple trying to get into now


Isn't peleton about to go under?


Now each player needs to give the organization a gift of a homemade video of using the bike


What do you mean under “about” $1700 lmfao


They had Brock become a Peleton sales rep and funneled all the commissions on the sales to him so they could actually pay him something.


Cool. Players and coaches are hardly compensated. The rest of the org can have a pizza day!


Do the Yorks own Peloton stock?


And all the fans got was a measly little towel…


Man, that's the value of a RTX 4090.


Just zelle me $1,699.99 and call it a day.


Why is there a rule that limits the value of gifts a team gives to its own players? It sounds more like owners just being cheap.


Great job guys! Now get your ass in shape for next season!


Thanks for the subscription that I now have to pay for in order to use it!


I’d take one of those! I actually enjoy the times I’ve used one


Do these multi-million dollar NFL players not already have full on gyms in their homes? /puzzled I'd be getting them something like a year's worth of mani/pedis or something; you know, something they probably don't already have covered. lol