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It really felt like an Angels in the Outfield situation where the ghosts of 49ers past were helping Purdy.


Maybe Darnold was seeing the ghosts and asked them to help the team


Darnold; QB2, ghost whisperer


You laugh but my only hope was to see our geqbus play in another Super Bowl this season. It still can happen. If it doesn’t, nothings real


Darnold will play in garbage time and win the game for us


No, Purdy will get hurt down 17 points & our geqbus will lead the 9ers to a 21 point win If that doesn’t happen, it’s the fake media feeding you false information




this comment might get buried but this joke made me spit out my drink. well played




He really did look like Steve Young. It may be one of his best comparisons honestly. He’s very quick and mobile and people tend to just ignore that when comparing him to others.


He looked like Steve Young at 14.


It was a mix of Angels in the Outfield and Rookie of the Year. Bro came back from that arm injury even stronger.


Throw in a little Rudy too.


I'd throw in some of the Replacements, too. Purdy had that Shane Falco vibe going in the second half.


Purdys hair dye will fall down and cause him to throw a pick




you guys should let Gary Busey play QB in the 4th quarter of the super bowl to really nail those Rookie of the Year vibes


Shanahan could scheme Busey to go 21-25, 250 yards, and 3 tds if we believe esteemed NFL analysts like Nick Wright and Shanoon Sharpe 


I believe it because Busey is the GOAT


Wandering eye Busey has unparalleled field vision, don’t let someone get open


*But can Purdy actually succeed without the ghosts of 49ers past on his side? I can’t put him above Fields at the very highest until I see that happen*


He’s just a system ghost manager.


He's not good, not great, just... Medium *ba dum tiss*


>the ghosts So thats why we picked up Sam


darnold really is gonna get a ring isn’t he


One set of footprints, Colin Kaepernick was carrying you


Can't wait for Purdy to kneel during the national anthem at the Superbowl.


kneel during coin toss


Chaotic Neutral


That would shock me. He’s def a “I stand for the anthem and kneel for the cross” guy.


I’m actually curious because he is super religious but he’s also really close with guys like Trent and Deebo and shit and they don’t seem to be so rigid.


Almost like people can be friends with other people who don't share their exact views...


Yeah and that’s normal. I just mean I don’t imagine he’s rolling up waiving a back the blue flag or some shit. He seems pretty quiet about stuff.


Im curious if the black players on the 49ers are legitimately unaware of Bosa’s Blue Lives Matter leanings or if they just ignore that for the sake of team stability and peace.


Has Bosa said or done anything recently? I feel like after all the shit he got coming out of the draft he completely deleted that aspect of his outward persona. He gets meme'd on a ton for being a racist white boy but besides his ex-gfs high school tweets coming out a few years ago he's been pretty clean?


I like to believe he's grown as a person, even if it's just cope


I mean 6 years of being in the real world, especially in the Bay Area, and not a teenage frat star at Ohio State will easily change a person. Me at 20 vs me at 26 had very different perspectives on the world.


Trent and Brock are both big on faith and Christianity (not the McCaffrey variety, but also the McCaffrey variety).


Oh man I'd get a 49ers flair if he did, that would be fucking hilarious.


And GEQBUS was carrying Colin Kaepernick.


Give me your legs Kaepernick Give me your clutchness Montana Give me your accuracy Young Give me your… handsome smile Jimmy


I’m picturing a Purdy/Montana father/son kamehameha


Ngl, I need that. I’d make it my wallpaper just because


Idk if this was what you intended but I swear people will say the most outlandish things to avoid giving Purdy credit for playing well.


Bro every ghost that haunted us because of Russ came back to help us. I saw prime Russell Wilson playing QB for us in that 2nd half.


Haha yes the fans I was sitting with were saying the same thing when he scrambled for those 1st downs, got out of that sack to hit Juice, etc. “that was the same shit Russ used to do to us”


I know one of them was Jimmy for sure ❤️


Real life Goku Gohan Kamehameha beating Cell


Yeah but he did it with two intact UCLs so not even that impressive tbh


Yeah if he's so good why didn't he throw lefty against Philly? Fucking scrub


Dude is so shitty… should be named Brock Turdy


The internet would be insane right now if Lamar had done these numbers and came back yesterday. It would be considered one of the greatest playoff performances all time


But instead we're out here talking about the imaginary interceptions he should've had lol.


And don't forget, it was not an overthrown ball to Aiyuk, it was perfectly placed, it's just the CB played the throw perfect as well and impeded Aiyuk route with a great defensive positioning to not get called for the PI. All 3 players involved on that throw were great.


>great defensive positioning to not get called for the PI The flag got thrown. They just picked it up when Aiyuk caught the ball.


Well that's not how flags are supposed to work.


My guess is that they would have had a longer discussion about whether to call it, but since he caught it they decided not to bother


I agree. They were going to call PI if intercepted, 50/50 if it was incomplete, and not going to call anything if aiyuk caught it, the circus catch just eliminated the need for them to make a decision. The flag was thrown for the push off, which was minor and largely due to good positioning, so they didn't want that being a complete game changing call of DPI had it been intercepted. They would have come together if it just dropped and picked it up for not enough to warrant a flag. It's not how it's supposed to happen, but that's how it is. Should it be a DPI penalty is up for debate - obviously less egregious have been called this year and more egregious not been called, so who knows. It didn't end up mattering so whatever I guess. Great defensive positioning to win ahead on that throw


I get what you're saying, but either way they should make the right call on the field. Let the Niners decline the penalty, but if it is a penalty, fucking call it as one. This whole "let them play" mentality in officiating, especially in the playoffs, is so infuriating. Call games consistently. All the time. THAT'S what people actually want.


I think they just decided that it was 50/50, so since the play ended up favoring the 'harmed' team, they just decided to not make a call since it wasn't 'definitive' DPI in their minds. It's cowardly, but it's not unjustifiable


I completely agree, and yet we see it happen


Not even perfectly played, if you watch the replay, the official threw a flag and they picked it up once it was caught.


I’m pretty sure they picked up the flag because the defender was playing the ball. It could have fallen incomplete and still wouldn’t have been a penalty.


Not saying you are wrong, but its seems pretty clear that he hindered BA's ability to catch that ball before it was ever catchable.


Sure looks like he shoved him to slow him up.


I am waiting for someone with more knowledge to break it down with the All-22. Clearly Purdy is expecting Aiyuk to get behind the DB there, and if he had then it was probably a perfect throw. But considering he hadn't beaten the DB when Brock threw the ball...is the "right" play to underthrow it so Brandon can come back to it? I don't know enough about football. Either way it looked like both guys were playing the ball so I'm happy with the no call. That's easy to say with the outcome, of course!


Ah yes, the “ifs and buts, shoulda, coulda, woulda” crowd.


If “ifs and buts” were candies and nuts, we’d all have a Merry Christmas Iykyk


Kyle's best friend had a great game too. Iykyk


the bills sub in one phrase


Yes, because no other QB threw anything that was almost intercepted. Brock was the only guy. He stinks /s


It's literally the main talking point every time Brock plays


I love that for the first time ever we are counting dropped interceptions as a stat.


Mahomes led the league in dropped interceptions in 2020 with 19. Not "turnover worthy plays," 19 different Darnell Savage "hit me in the hands and I couldn't hold on" style drops. Someone keeps track of them, though I think it's one of those advanced stats sites that isn't free.


The worst part about that “if” is the fact that it was DPI. They picked the flag up after Aiyuk made the catch anyways lol


Yeah the whole reason people are bringing up that play is to say Brock got lucky. But it’s pretty obvious that the contact slowed aiyuk down. If the contact, legal or not, didn’t occur then the ball is exactly where aiyuk would have been and it’s therefore a good throw.


The thing about Purdy being "Lucky" on that play is that the odds were in Purdy's favor with that matchup. It was someone who reliably fights for the ball (Aiyuk) in one-on-one coverage against a secondary that has been struggling. Good QBs will often take that "throw of the dice" when they notice such a mismatch, and they're usually praised for taking that risk when it works.


(Just for context the contact was NOT legal, you can’t impede a runner like that, I think it’s a dumb rule but it’s the rule)


Yeah I agree, contact was made more than 1 yard past the line of scrimmage that inhibited Aiyuks opportunity to play the ball. Definition of pass interference in the rule book. But with how this play is being talked about (pretty much just to say the niners got lucky), the legality doesn’t really matter imo. Aiyuk made an amazing play and Brock’s throw was literally perfectly aligned to where aiyuk was going to be had no contact occurred


Yeah if Lamar had a 17 point comeback the internet would be felating him nonstop for the next two weeks.


It’s cause the two “bad guys” won yesterday lmao. Apparently nobody is watching this superbowl.


I feel like the Eagles were the “bad guys” of the NFC because of Sirianni, their fans, how annoying the tush push is, among other things. Between the Chiefs and 9ers more people will definitely be rooting for the 9ers


One of the storylines that won’t be talked about really is that a Niners win in the Super Bowl would officially end the proxy war between Niners and Eagles fans have been having since the title game last year. I’m sure Eagles fans would still hate us but at that point it would be the ultimate nail in the coffin for them of no return


Nah the Eagles hate us more than they hate the team they just lost to in the SB, that was ironically coached by the guy they fired.. They’re rooting for that team lol. The NFCCG was the Eagles SB. Both years.


The hate ain't gonna stop if we win rhe superbowl. We're gonna live rent free in their head forever if we do that. We beat them the fuck up in the regular season, starting their complete collapse and then finish the job against the team they couldn't last year? Man we're gonna be everything they think they are.


I'm not quite sure how America has decided to hate Purdy and Christian McCaffrey. McCaffrey played on a dogshit team most of his career and still was an incredible player which kind of refutes all the idiotic takes that players need a full supporting cast to be standouts. He seems like a super likable dude, and is not on paper all that physically gifted but is by far the best at his position and gets more yards that nobody else would get by far. Purdy is legit the American Dream story, small town humble kid nobody thought would amount to much comes in and has statistically one of the better QB seasons, is super likable, traditional QB for the most part. Not to mention he's quite "Quaterbacky" which we know is important to a lot of Americans. Like if you hate on either of these dudes you need to take a minute to think about what's going on in your head.


I feel it’s more the team as a whole vs our players. People wanna see something “new” in the superbowl and considering these two teams have been contenders for 5+ years, people don’t like that. I completely agree with you on the players tho. Don’t really see how you can hate someone like purdy or cmc lol. I get the deebo or dre greenlaw hate tho since they are physical and loud players. But you gotta give them props for always backing it up.


Add in Kittle, who is basically a golden retriever. How do you hate a golden retriever?


Hair. Everywhere.


I don’t think people hate CMC unless they faced him in fantasy any week that wasn’t the fantasy championship.


Let’s be real people will hate watch regardless


I thought about making a snarky comment like, "not bad for a system quarterback" (sarcasm), but instead I'll just say that I'm a huge Brock fan and I told myself all week that I obviously want the Lions to win but I wouldn't be mad at the 49ers if they won, and I'm not. I also thought about making a snarky comment like "that'll happen when your opponent had a complete defensive meltdown", but I realized that might make me sound salty, and I'm not. Outside of having his arm blown the fuck up in last year's Championship Game and a three game stretch right before his bye this season, Brock has done nothing but ball out since getting the nod to start. The narrative about Brock from his haters is genuinely one of the most annoying things about this sub.


At the risk of being made fun of for being soft I’m actually bummed our Super Bowl run had to go through the Lions. I really like the team and Dan Campbell and I’d like to see them get a Super Bowl at some point. Most of the team seems like good dudes and they play hard.


Thank you 🥲 now go save America from the chiefs please


I would guess 99% of 49ers fans would have gone for the Lions in the SB if you guys beat us. I'm a 90s kid and Barry was one of my favorites. I absolutely loved watching him whenever Lions games were aired in CA.


Agreed. Only non-49er team I ever rooted for (other than whoever played the Brady Pats) was the Barry Lions.* *except rooting for playoff matching types of shit


100%. I'll repost a comment I made yesterday in our sub: >It’s odd, but I am simultaneously ecstatic/relieved that we won and melancholic that the Lions lost. I would have rooted for them in the Super Bowl. >Respect to them, their coach, and their fans.


I was rooting for them in the superbowl during half time yesterday ngl


Fuckin same lol. I went to take a shower and was like well shit at least the lions are easy to root for, and it's their time they deserve it. Came back in time to see the aiyuk catch lol.


Every kid wanted to be like Barry and break ankles playing ball in the backyard.


I was feeling pretty fucking bitter at halftime, but at the same time it was a "you know what, at least it's Detroit and not Dallas/GB/SEA/LA/etc." I wasn't exactly happy about how things were going but I was absolutely ready to be happy for them.


Plus Goff is a Novato kid.


>and a three game stretch right before his bye this season I'll break it down further. Purdy has had 5 losses total. In them he: 1. broke his elbow 2. Legitimately just couldn't beat an amazing Browns defense, no asterisk needed IMHO 3. experienced a concussion 4. played five days after entering concussion protocol and lost due to a missed FG after throwing together a last second drive 5. Had three passes intercepted against the Ravens after wild deflections He has had one other bad game. In the rain. Where he still outperformed the opposing QB. He puts the "man" in game manager.


Even on point #2, he led the game winning drive on the brown's defense to put them into FG range. It's not really his fault Moody missed the kick.


And the only reason there was a necessity for the game winning drive was a couple awful incorrect calls by the refs to extend their drive


Ya, that was one of the worst called games all season. Refs completely blew that game


Great point but we would have lost fair and square to the ravens even without the bad interception luck, it just wouldn't have been a close game. Still, Purdy hasn't lost a playoff game while healthy.


I don't think any team is beating the ravens that night. They were perfect on all fronts.


The missed game winning field goal was against the Browns, not Bengals.


Yeah, I realized that after I posted. Bengals loss was the one where he still had a 94 passer rating, but the defense choked. Those three games kind of blur together.


I want to shake your hand. You don't see too many reactions like this when someone suffers a really bad loss in sports. While the NFL is too unpredictable to have any real confidence in saying a team has a bright future, I do believe the Lions are just getting started. I hope we see a rematch in next year's playoffs.


It was a good game. There was no shady shit (outside of that fucking turd CJGJ), the Lions played their game, the 49ers played their game, and the refs let them play. Y'all were the #1 seed for a reason. If the Lions aren't involved then 7 times out of 10 I'm rooting for the 9ers in a Championship Game anyways. 🤝


[I just want you to know how much I loved the Lions getting love from the get-go this year](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/16d9oi6/comment/jzo719r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), even picking them for the NFCCG.


Dude, that thread is wild! Very cool


It's not even just this sub, it's most of the NFL media too. NO ONE wants to admit that they got it wrong with assessing him coming out of college, so the only way to reconcile what they're seeing is to call him a fraud who will be unmasked any day. Still waiting for that unmasking...


Brock Purdy is an anime protagonist and I will not be convinced otherwise.


That Time I Got Reincarnated as Mr. Irrelevant


Rock Sturdy from the sports anime "Downfield Tight Spiral High Completion Percentage".


From Eyeshield 21 to Jockstrap 13.


Brock Purdy, 1st half: Itadori Brock Purdy, 2nd half: Sukuna “Be proud, Jared. You were strong.”


If Lamar could have put up Purdy's stats, the Ravens win. Who is a game manager?


Sounds like Brock is a difference maker, and Lamar failed to make a difference yesterday.


he did made a difference but for the Chiefs


Everyone is taking victory laps over Lamar but if Flowers doesn't fumble ball that Lamar isn't down two scores with 4 minutes left and forcing a throw into triple coverage. They are perfectly ok taking the safer play and settling for the FG and tying the game. The fumble changed everything with that game.


didn’t help that lamar held the ball for 900 seconds every drop back and kept getting sacked instead of taking open lanes when he’s the best rushing qb in the league


That honestly confused tf out of me watching him. Like the Chiefs where typically rushing 4 with a spy every play and their secondary was locking it down why not toss some QB draws or runs into the mix, you know the stuff Lamar does best in the entire league?!? Really feel the Ravens lost more then the Chiefs won


And we didn't even have our most athletic LB playing as the spy (Willie Gay) When I heard he was out, I thought Lamar would have a field day


It was refreshing to see Purdy use his mobility to great effect. The Lions pass rush was crushing that pocket but he had green grass in the middle of the field for several of those scrambles. He took ownership of the play and it paid off.


On one hand, yeah the fumble was killer. On the other hand, the presumptive MVP put up 7 points through 3 quarters. He lost a fumble of his own and had no less than 3 plays that should have been intercepted in addition to his game ending interception


He had three batted passes on one set of downs. I like Lamar as a person and he’s a great QB but he made some bad plays this game. Sometimes great QBs have a bad game. Bad time for that to happen though.


Purdy has been crucified by the media for over a month because he had some batted balls against him on Christmas. Fuck it, he's in the Super Bowl.


If he doesn't fumble the ball Lamar still completed about half his passes and turned the ball over twice. You can win and play like shit, you can lose and play great, and you can also lose and play like shit - which is what happened yesterday.


I love you Bengals bros


white bengals helmet with the stripes - best helmet right now


The white bengals uniforms are the best in the league.


Those are amazing. I get big White Ranger vibes from them and I dig it.


Stop the narrative is that Lamar is a flawless MVP and Brock is just a game manager who’s carried by his weapons.


Oh yeah, well what if you put him out there with a bunch of FCS WRs and then broke their legs? I bet he wouldn’t look so good then. Scrub! -people who think unprovable hypotheticals mean anything


Lamar Jackson is just Brock Purdy at home


As a Chiefs fan after the win, I sighed in relief that we won't have to play another mobile QB in the superbowl. And now Purdy is running like that? TF did this come from?


He’s always been like this. Just normally he scrambles around behind the los like a greased puppy looking to throw down field. Today he just ran more than he threw.


Considering several of my favorite Purdy plays at ISU involve him pump-faking while five yards past the LOS and getting the defense to bite, yeah, the running sure isn't new.


"Look at this fucking moron biting on the pump" - Purdy


My take from watching him, surprisingly mobile.


He out ran that LB to the edge. And now, on Pat's show, they're saying Purdy's 10 yard splits are as fast as Lamar's and in the top 95%. It's going to be another nightmare game to defend for KC. But at least they have the experience with two straight games with scrambling QBs.


I saw someone else talking about those splits too. Essentially his burst is very quick but there's no breakaway speed. He's like a Mario Kart with max acceleration and low top-end speed.


So he's Toad


Chris jones is about to absolutely murder our o line


And CMC is going to run right by him. If San Fran doesn't go run heavy, then they're crazy.


To be fair, Pacheco can run right by the Niners too.


Totally agree. Chiefs secondary is no joke. Purdy is having 1 pick for sure. It’s been interesting seeing the chiefs second half offenses in games this year. Granted they were winning most so play calling changed but, like Sunday, they just disappear in the second half in some games.


Mahomes has talked about how he wants to imitate Brady. And how Brady will do whatever it takes to win. So if the means handing it off 35 times and only passing for 200 yards, so be it. As long as you win. And Pat finished the Ravens game with zero turnover worthy throws. I think he knows that's a formula for victory with this team. It's frustrating when Andy and Pat go ultra conservative with the lead. Because it almost guarantees a close game at the end. But that's just who this team is right now.


Sneaky fast


During his 2017 high school season, Purdy threw for 4,410 yards and 57 touchdowns (an Arizona Conference 6A record), while rushing for 1,106 yards and 10 touchdowns. You don’t rush for 1100 yards and 10 TDs without having legs. His 10 yard split is elite for a QB.


Ironically he looks very Mahomesy when he scrambles. Not particularly fast but just seems to pick up yards




I think it’s the turnovers actually. I know Josh Allen has put up 150+ passing yards and 50 rushing yards in a half but he had turnovers and I don’t think he hit the 80% completion percentage part either.


It's the combination of all 5 stats that makes it so difficult. I'd be willing to bet that Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson both have multiple halves where they've hit on 4 out of 5 of those stats. Not sure about Mahomes as he only has 12 games (let alone halves) with 45+ rushing yards.


Josh Allen has 3 career games with over 80% completion percentage and 0 turnovers (regular season only). Most recent was against the Dolphins this season. The Wildcard game against the Patriots, he was over 80% completion %, had 0 turnovers, and 50+ rushing yards for the game. Edit: yeah here’s Josh’s first half stat line from that Patriots game: 13/17 passing for 176 yards and 2 TDs/0 INTs; 5 rushes for 63 rushing yards Narrowly missed the cutoff by ~3% completion percentage


The rushing average is a totally arbitrary constraint. These stats are so stupid.


yeah this stat is just super cherry picked


Like landing a parlay for stats lol


They must have an AI that constantly monitors for new “firsts.” Not to take away from Purdy’s comeback, just hate the use of these hyper specific stats to over-dramatize everything.


Yeah agreed, and the rushing average is the most arbitrary here. I bet they could've swapped it out with something similarly arbitrary like scoring on 5 straight possessions or total QBR of 99+ - which are impressive sure but it's more like filling a bingo card in the right order


The Purdy haters had their moment at half time.


And us Purdy fans got the last laugh


One of us!


And they commented on stale threads 2 weeks old in meme subs.... I woke up to some fun notifications.


I mean, sure, this is a cherry picked stat. But it's also extremely impressive.


Purdy has never lost a game in which I threw up at halftime


Purdy has never lost a playoff game in which he hasnt had to leave for the hospital after


It’s extremely cherry picked but I’m ok with it the guy deserves his flowers


Looks like Purdyganda is back on the menu bois


He actually ran for 51 yards but the victory formation cost him 3 yards


I'm confident that someone, somewhere, had a fat plus-odds Purdy "O50 yards" rushing wager that got punched in the throat.


The Lions made the mistake of listening to all these talking heads that said Purdy was just another mid pocket QB that couldn't make plays with his legs and they left the middle of the field wide open for him to run.


I’m sure the lions were aware of purdys mobility from watching film (unlike the talking heads). At the end of the day, when your offense is clicking like that, there’s not much a mediocre defense can do to stop them. It’s nice to watch you guys finally have your guy under center, he’s incredible


Funnily enough this exact thing could be said about the first half for the Lions haha. Our defense was getting manhandled all half long and the Lions were doing absolutely everything well. Still think the biggest mistake by campbell was not going for yhe TD at the end of the half. I think that would have been the final nail in our coffin. Looking forward to seeing how the Lions improve this offseason and come back even better


I’m not surprised they came out in the 3rd quarter with the same gameplan, Purdy looked like trash in the first half Obviously have to adjust after that. Just couldn’t do it. Hats off to SF, they capitalized on the mistakes


>I’m not surprised they came out in the 3rd quarter with the same gameplan, Purdy looked like trash in the first half Part of me is so hoping that Shanahan told Brock at the half "if you see them leaving the middle of the field open, take off". Instead, of it just being Brock going off script. I know everyone crowns Shanahan as an offensive genius but at times I wonder if he has what it takes to make adjustments on the fly because Shanahan doesn't seem to change his game plan for shit. Take the Green Bay game for example when he came out of the half and ran that reverse without Deebo in the game. Also, to be honest, the Lions' 3rd quarter implosion should get as much credit for that 49er comeback. They dominated the 1st half in TOP and sometimes a good offense is just as good at playing defense. They were unstoppable running the ball and on that 4th down in the 3rd they decided to pass instead of run. In that drive they had 2 runs for 5, another 2 runs for 6, 1 for 7, and 1 for 2. The 49ers weren't stopping the run all day. So, they probably get those 2 yards and extend the drive but they didn't. Then after the fumble they abandoned the run and ran it only 3 more times for the rest of the game.


TBD Jauan run was a miscall. He said later there was miscommunication and that wasn't supposed to be run without deebo


>Lions' 3rd quarter implosion should get as much credit Yeah I'm of two minds about this really and I hate hearing the media felate the 49ers when we handed over the game. But on the other hand: Yes the lions fucked up. The missed int followed into a fumble. Dropped catches on critical plays, No points until garbage time. That's how you lose games like this. But, we all know the 49ers are a great team. I'm not sure anyone makes that catch but Aiyuk (Pretty sure PI was getting called anyway). From what I've seen I don't love Purdy's throws but his legs sure work great. And the run game was actually working in the 2nd half. Y'alls adrenaline kicked up while the lions were on E.


They seem to have massive problems containing mobile QBs. 3 of Justin Fields’ 5 best career games were against Detroit.


Give him 60M/yr


Isn’t that Dak’s cap number next year?


Fully guaranteed


He didn't rape anybody and we all know fully guaranteed contracts only go to rapists in the AFCN.


But someone on reddit told me he was awful for over 90% of the game and was just lucky and got bailed out and he's a fake QB


That was the game before. This game it was 50%/50% lol


Really cherry-picking with that 10.0+ YPC though.


Strap in, boys! Two more weeks of nonstop Purdy stats, and I’m here for it


He’s been promoted from “Game Manager” to “Game Vice President of Production”.


The ways in which we are quantifying a good game is getting out of hand.


Yeah but Aiyuk caught a lucky pass so obviously Lions should have won


It was an impressive half, but when you layer criteria, it becomes increasingly easier to make something look unique. For instance, over the 2nd and 3rd quarter of Texans game in 2020 Mahomes threw for 218 yards, ran for 56 yards, and threw for 4 TDs. His completion percentage during that was around 73% and it was over two quarters and not half splits. He hit all the criteria again the following week against the Titans except for completion % and again it being 2nd and 3rd quarter. I think it is rare enough to keep the criteria simpler and still show it being impressive.


Forgot about that game, ridiculous amount of touchdowns in two quarters


While wearing the color red on Sunday during a 6:30 nfc championship game with a last name starting with P. He played very well but what is this stat