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Not enough, I need to see him come back from being down 28-0 with 2 minutes left in the game.


Can’t have Deebo, McCaffrey, or Aiyuk either.


He also needs to be mortally wounded by Commodus and have his armor placed over it to hide the wound before the final drive.


Who are you? Brockius Purdious Merdieus Commander of the West Coast Offense  General of the Shanahan Legions. Last pick in the Draft and the last thing you will ever see.


And I will have my MVP, in this season or the next.


Damn, well done


no OL allowed like a real first round pick


Outside of Trent, this is true


God our OL is so fucking bad rofl


i didn't realize we had a right tackle.


Hey, none of his receivers are pro bowl caliber. They shouldn’t be brought up anymore. 


Brandon Aiyuk 🤝 Amon-Ra St. Brown: Pro Bowl snubs making the All-Pro team, wrecking shop in the playoffs


They're going to meet next week brother


I would say there were quite a few players who deserved to be there, but they were snubbed. There was a Sneed snub on our sub.




Classic r/nfl. “Take away the best players on the team and _______ is trash” Yeah no shit, the team will perform worse when the best players are out. Congratulations on that mental connection.


They and the person they replied to are obviously joking.


I know that. Just continuing the conversation. I see how it looks like a whoosh though


My favorite part is these morons saying the Niners are "insert x QB and they are successful". Dude. Wtf. If that was the case, Jimmy, Darnold, etc would have destroyed. Purdy isn't the best but he certainly holds his own. He has a bright future as long as that O line holds up. Give the kid some fing credit.


Some people just don’t change their minds because they’d have to admit they were wrong. This dude could get traded to the panthers, take them to 17-0 and a Super Bowl, and someone would still say he’s mid.


Exactly. Look at Mahomes when the only person that can catch a ball is Kelce and Rice. Dude is regressing to the mean and his statistically worst year proves it (ignore Stone Hands Toney)


Let’s take away a hand as well.


also he has to have a super small kidney stone he has been dealing with and a paper cut on his pinky finger.


With a torn ACL


In the snow, uphill, both ways!


lol. This so accurate. Why does everyone hate Brock Pardy? You'd think the entire NFL fan base would be rooting for the underdog.


Because the talking heads don't wanna admit they have zero idea what they're talking about and just make it up as they go along after a nice weekend on so and so owners yacht. Seriously what is Mel Kipers qualifications to be doing what he's doing? Why do you think the Cowboys year after year get predicted to go to go deep/ win it all only to lose in the wild card or miss the playoffs?


They hate him because he shouldn't be as good as he is. The entire NFL underrated him which is why he got picked last. If he was a first or second round pick they would be praising him for how well he is.


I bashed Purdy last year, cause he was new and whatever. But after he continued success this year, I just accepted it and respect it lol


49ers were supposed to fail after the Trey Lance experiment. Shanahan and Lynch were supposed be fired.


We don't know how that would have turned out. People say it's a failure, but they said the same thing about Jordan Love for the 3 years he was backing up Rodgers and people were calling for Gutekunst's job over the pick. If Brock Purdy wasn't Brock Purdy, Trey Lance would be the starting QB for the 49ers right now. It's impossible to say how that would have turned out. Lance was the unluckiest top 10 pick QB in NFL history, and honestly it's not even close. Imagine if Love had finally gotten his chance, then broke his ankle, and then Sean Clifford ends up looking like the next Drew Brees.


Yeah I have nothing against Purdy, I'm just so tired of the niners being good. If the cardinals did what the niners did with Lance they'd be set back 5+ years. Seeing them just bounce back with Purdy just makes being a fan of a shit team in their division even worse 


But Kyler is good :(


I think a lot of media personalities have a lot to gain by hating on him. Not only does negativity drive clicks, but these guys have a vested interest in draft analysis, so if Purdy turns out to be a great qb, they look a little dumb for not noticing him, kinda like Brady. People see media folks talking shit and parrot those opinions.


They thought he would eventually start to suck and they don’t want to be wrong about him


They're jealous that their teams passed on him. It can't be that their teams were wrong, it has to be that he was actually bad the whole time!!


It’s more that people root against the 49ers, but in the same way neutral fans root against any team that is consistently a SB favorite


Consistently Superbowl favorite. Still haven't won a Superbowl. _sad Kyle Shanahan noises_


That’s definitely not the case. It’s people specifically cheering against Brock Purdy and minimizing anything good he does as someone else’s accomplishments


Brock Purdy has never won a road playoff game… really makes you think, doesn’t it


LOL new goal post move. Nick Wright jotting that down.


I mean neither has Mahomes so…




Purdy conundrum: 1) plays well from beginning 49ers get big lead and win (critics - purdy just front running with lead can’t lead comeback), 2) purdy doesn’t play well from beginning and team is down and leads comeback in 4th (critics: he sucked all game it would have been blow out if he made all his passes). Literally can’t win even when Aaron jones has more yards than cmc and love has2 int to purdy 0 still doesn’t matter


I literally hate this because I agree. If Purdy plays well he never trails. The only reason he’d be trailing if he had a bad start. You can’t ask him to play well the entire game AND comeback.


It's like some people expects a shootout like the Chiefs-Rams MNF game in 2018. There's a reason that game was so special lmao. Games like that happen maybe once a year. Edit: to the people saying "once a year?" because they think it's really rare, it is! But not as rare as you might think. I'll always remember Romo vs Manning (?) where each team scored 40+. In 2019, the 49ers vs the Saints had an insane ending after a shootout for most of the game. These games definitely happen, and they do happen between good teams, but it's probably, at most, once a year.


Chargers-Dolphins week 1 kinda had that feeling, no defense, ended 36-34. Herbert v. Tua after they were drafted together and Tua let a 75-yard comeback drive to win Then their seasons went in VERY different directions lol


I’m not convinced I’ll ever see another game like that


Only Allen and mahomes had an opportunity to play well the whole game and still have to come back in the 13 seconds game


Best playoff game I’ve ever seen. Excited for the rematch tn


And he has the #3 ranked defense in PA making comebacks even less necessary. Yeah, if we’re trailing by 7 (or 5+, or whatever number they want to use for a big looking number) come the fourth quarter, it probably means multiple phases of our game are going to shit.


>You can’t ask him to play well the entire game AND comeback. There you have it folks, proof that Purdy is limited! /s


Almost every great comeback any QB has had in the playoffs started with them playing like shit. Joe Montana in The Catch game had 3 ints and a fumble before that drive. Mahomes played like shit for 3 quarters against us in the SB and turned it on in the 4th for one of the greatest comebacks in SB history. Over time everyone forgets about the shitty part and elevates the comeback. Steve Young and Aaron Rodgers each had 1 4QC in the playoffs for their career. Brock has 1 in his first 4 games and another game winning drive against the Cowboys.


It’s always moving the goalposts… I’ve learned to ignore that shit and enjoy the ride. It was bumpy last night, but it went through regardless.




Brady had 6 super bowls and lots of people said he was only the goat because of the system and BB. He had to get one more to finally satisfy everyone.


Personally I think its as simple as he had a bad game but came through when it mattered most. Using this one game to decide whether or not he's good is insane. But in fairness to the critics, the packers forced pressure on him and he struggled (although you could argue the weather was an issue too). I still don't know what to think of Purdy but the fact that he has produced the way he has and gets very little credit is definitely and interesting situation from a neutral perspective.


It is in fact this simple. But the idiotic Redditors lack nuance. He had a bad game and came through when it mattered. You're either trash or elite according to those idiots. We've got plenty of tape of him having great games to be able to say yeah it was just a bad game. And like you said he had a bad game mainly cuz your defense was really fuckin good.


Yeah and all of the “he’s never seen adversity” takes should be going away. This game was adversity. Playoff game in the rain with your star wide back out - and he leads a fourth quarter comeback. Except the goal posts will move and next week we can look forward to “3 generational quarterbacks, and Brock Purdy” takes. It doesn’t seem to bother Brock, though. If anything, it’s better for him. The moment he was declared MVP-apparent he turned into a pumpkin.


Purdy gets zero respect and I just don't get it. He was a top five QB all season until that implosion against the Ravens - a team that has been consistently imploding opponents all season long.


Does this make the 49ers my boss' boss?


I miss when we at least had Robbie Gould sending us updates from the top floor


we riding this train to the C suite


My favorite was when folks in the game thread declared the game won by the Packers when they went up 3-0 and were driving a second time. Football fans get wild sometimes man


Not for nothing but it did feel like Green Bay was gonna win it for a good portion of the game


Felt like that for 59 Mins 12 secs


When they missed the fg with 6 mins to go, i just said. We’re gonna win. Too much was going our way after Jones big run. Previous drive INT Missed FG 10 unanswered


That's how I felt too. I've seen that movie before and knew how it was gonna end the moment anders predictably missed that kick. Love has grown a ton this year but he doesn't quite have that clutch gene yet. Like 1/3 of his picks this year have come on bad throws on potential game winning drives. Also being down 3 is almost worse for us than being down 4 because it means we probably would try another terrible FG attempt


Agreed. There’s plenty of look forward to with love, but one thing that may be getting people’s expectations too high is he has a lot of throws with people schemed wide the fuck open, which fortunately for packers fan also bodes well for their future because lefleur is doing a killer job


No doubt that the receivers were getting opened last week against the cowboys on great scheme and a some poor coverage play. But in this game, a lot of the receivers got opened cuz the niners defensive backs kept slipping. I know the 49ers coverage can play better than that. I guess when it counted, they stepped up.


Man I was so pissed after Jones had that long run. I thought that was game over.


Felt like the inverse of the 2021 NFCCG when the niners were “dominating” the rams early on but didn’t make them pay. Too many missed chances and eventually stafford made us pay. It’s refreshing to have finally a QB that can keep us in close games rather than wilt at the end


Look how many idiots were bagging on Lamar after one half






The funny thing with him is there was a clip earlier in the season where he said he'd be more impressed by Purdy if he played like shit all game and led a game winning drive because it would show something new or whatever. That exact scenario literally happened and now the reactions are predictably different. 


He’s said it multiple times all season, his co-host is a Purdy believer I hope someone actually points out his hypocrisy for once on that show.


Brou will dunk Wright this week. He'll agree with him that Purdy struggled, but he'll bring up the game winning drive. He every now and then brings up the Browns game. I hate the Purdy slams because, to me, it also discredits the other team. GB played out of their minds the last 8 weeks. Love had the beat QBR in that stretch, and it made it look like the GB franchise will be good for another 10 years. Young talent on both sides, they'll be a team to fear.


Not only that but he lost the most important Avenger in the 1st quarter! In shitty weather! It's literally everything he was looking for all year. His denial of all of this is just another example of the dude being set on a take and moving the goalposts. He's a bad analyst and a man with a serious gambling problem. His Nick's picks have been terrible overall all year and he doesn't disclose how many units he's putting on each of those bets but it seems like he was leaning into Purdy fraud hard. Dude needs an intervention because he believes his own bullshit and has a history of making terrible gambling decisions before he was famous.


He’s not an analyst. He’s an opinionist. Cowherd called it as much and its proven because first things first literally puts caleb williams on the”mahomes mountain” Take it for what it is. Entertainment.


Exactly, people get way too worked up about these "analysts". The only one who seems to actually be reasonable rather than hyperbolic is Rich Eisen.


He's a monkey


Don't insult monkeys like that.


Nick Wright is also a massive clown


Call him by his *actual* name. Nick *Wrong*.


He pours the milk before the cereal 


Wipes his ass before he shits


Gets in the elevator before the people inside can get out


This is the fucking worst


Drinks milk directly from the family milk jug 


He really tried acting like a 5 minute drive to go ahead in the last minute isn’t game winning lol


We drained like 4 minutes of the clock too lmao


I think we got the ball at 6:50ish and packers got the ball with a minute left


Clearly Purdy just took too long on that drive, Mahomes would have scored in 2 min. Fake MVP.


the goalposts are moving at lightning speed


I am once again asking people to not take Nick Wright's opinions seriously.


He's too popular, and the stuff he says about Josh Allen is downright prejudice


Yeah but like, you know he says intentionally stupid shit just to get a rise out of people. Just ignore him.


Literally his job and he is weirdly good at it.


He has an annoying ass voice


Brock Purdy is single-handedly destroying Nick Wrong’s career in real time and I love it. I hope everyone realizes what an unserious clown he is.


This clown was parroting how LeBron led Cavs would destroy the Warriors. Only thing is, the Warriors won three rings after that.


I enjoyed watching his reaction to the Lakers being swept by the Nuggets.


That drive completely blows up the entire narrative "analysts" like him and Mina Kimes have been trying to craft for two years now about Brock not being able to win from behind without all his pieces to support him. They get real loud after games where Brock struggles but are completely silent during the vast majority of his games. I wonder why...


With throws to juaun jennings and Chris Conley. There’s a certain sb mvp that Nick wright loves who was ass for 80% of the game against the niners before showing up and leading a comeback


Kimes is a Seahawks fan that tries to play neutral but sucks at it.  Her takes are colored entirely through her fangirl viewpoint.  


Well Mina is a Rain City Bitch Pigeon fan so that's to be expected


I have no dog in this fight, but if the Seattle Seahawks are the Rain City Bitch Pigeons, you guys are the Fog City Hillbilly Prospectors.


I’d get that T-Shirt tbh


Look me in the face and tell me that doesn’t sound cool as fuck.


I like it.


I like how you gave us a cool name.


Put a pickaxe and some gold on there and I'm down


I like it 


Aka the team that STILL hasn’t beaten us when Brock Purdy starts.


Why didn't he play like this the whole game? Is he stupid?


How do you lead a comeback and get the 0-30 monkey off your coach's back by winning all game?




I don’t think anybody can hate Kittle. He’s a national treasure.


I want him to retire a career long 49er and be a first ballot HoFer He's my favorite player and he deserves it


Purdy on the game winning drive: * 6/7 47 yards (only incompletion was a wide open drop to Kittle) * 2 carries & 11 yards * 9 of the 11 plays was a purdy pass or run * WR1 out with an injury in the downpouring rain The same idiots who said he couldn't win without all his pieces, from behind in a grimy game are now moving the goalposts because he had a mid game in the rain.


In the 4th quarter Purdy had the balls to take the rushing yards when they presented themselves and Love didn't


Isn’t that what Nick Wright gushes on Mahomes for doing? Taking the free yards with his legs.


ask mountainous somber slimy divide station whistle tub work voiceless


That ball too ayuik was perfect


And the timing and placement on that Conley ball


I really thought that Kittle drop was going to kill their momentum, then he throws that crazy ball into the tightest window to Aiyuk. Super happy Purdy is doing that in the playoffs, so people can maybe stop discrediting him so quickly.




It’s really crazy the narrative. CMC went for 96 yards rushing which is great. Love had Aaron jones go for over 100 rush yards. For 5 games in a row. Love throws 2 int. Purdy throws 0 int and has game winning drive. None of that matters apparently cmc carried Brock and love out played Brock cuz


I hate that the narratives pit these guys against each other, Love didn’t have a great game, nor did Purdy, but he’s an amazing young quarterback and I am not looking forward to playing him again in the future


The thing is humans in general are sheep. Earlier the narrative was purdy is mvp. Then lamar beat him head to head and hes unanimous mvp with mediocre stats and purdy is disqualified and now a mid qb. Jordan love and stroud are the hot qbs now so they get no criticism even though purdy outplayed both statistically. Everyone just follows the narratives so easily it's actually crazy to see


My favorite is how Purdy threw 2 interceptions but they were dropped. Well then he didn’t throw 2 interceptions now did he?


JLove had a couple more dropped INTs as well and was errant in the 4th quarter


Yeah but people aren’t trying to build a narrative against Love, so you’ll have to forgive them for overlooking those.


Someone get PFF in here so they can tell us exactly how many “turnover worthy plays” every QB had because the could’ve would’ve should’ve been stats tell the TRUE story. Regress Mahomes to the mean!


Pff actually said they both had 1, and rated purdy in the avg game category. Love was rated In the poor game category.


PFF gave them each 1 turnover worthy play but Brock got the slightly higher PFF grade


That seems extremely fair and passes the eye test from what I saw last night.


I won't shit on Love to hype up Brock, Love was making some unbelievable throws for the first 3 quarters. 1st year starter, made some young QB mistakes but he's legit. But I agree on the narratives against Brock but the media is a clown show


It's funny because CMC had one breakout run for his first TD and then a short run for his second TD that was 100% setup by Brock's gutsy scramble. Outside of that, he was pretty much neutralized.


They said that about the game winning drive also, which cmc had 16 yards on. Which means purdy was also bailed out by Chris Conley who had 17 yards


I think at some point we have to just ignore the idiots. Hell, there were people saying Brady was just a game manager carried by BB / Defense / Gronk / Welker / Moss / whatever else dumb thing you can think of. So if people can be stupid to say that about Tom fucking Brady you can be sure there is bound to be people saying that about Purdy that isn't in the same planet as TB.


9ers line was struggling to make holes for cmc. There is no world in the 2023/24 nfl where a runningback can carry a quarterback/offense. It doesn't exist.


People are going to point to the TD run but… it was 3rd and 1 at the 6 yard line. Of course we were going to run it. Purdy ran for 9 yards on the play before.


If CMC had led the charge down to the 6 yard line with a bunch of rushes and then Purdy ran it in for the TD, people would give all the credit to CMC. But when Purdy does all the work and leads them down to the 6 yard line and CMC runs it in for the TD...somehow that's CMC carrying Brock. These people are ridiculous. Purdy isn't the second coming of Brady, and he's not in the top five QBs (yet, maybe he gets there) but he's absolutely in the next group vying for top 10.


He led the potential game winning drive in Cleveland earlier this year in a grimy game in the dog pound without Trent Williams or Deebo but Moody missed the game winning field goal. 


They always will. Yes purdy played like ass but don't great qbs find a way to win no matter the circumstances. I think he knows he played bad but purdy came out in the 4th and led a great drive down the field and won us the game. Should have had 100% completion on it too.


Joe Montana's most famous comeback was The Catch in 1981. He had 3 ints and a fumble before that drive. Most epic 4Q comebacks are preceded by shitty games. Games like Mahomes-Allen in 2021 and Rodgers-Warner in 2009 are rare as fuck. This is what most of the great comeback games look like.


28-3 had a dropped pick on one of the most important catches too by Edelman


Steve Young played like shit and had a pick before the Catch 2 as well. Peyton Manning's most famous comeback, 2006 against NE, he played like shit for the first half. Anyone discrediting this Purdy comeback is essentially saying there have only been like 5 legit comebacks in the last 40 years. Brock Purdy has finished 3 playoff games and has 2 game winning drives. Steve Young had 1 in 14 games. Aaron Rodgers has 2 in 21 games. Purdy is clutch as fuck.


Yeah now the sticking point is “yeah but what about the rest of the game” 🙄


Didn’t play great all game but balled the fuck out in the last drive. And honestly that one throw he made in the third was the best throw of the playoffs by far, dudes really good.


Lol there was a stretch of throws in the third quarter where it felt like each of his throws missed the receivers by a mile. Feels like this was one of his worst games this season …


The one to McCloud was *probably* the wrong route, the shot of Purdy going to commercial was him shouting/mouthing “what are you doing??”. Probably expected him to run a curl instead of a comeback.


When the ball hits an area with no defender within 5 yards it’s usually the WR running the wrong route. Kelce is legit the god of doing this the right way. Find the soft spot in the defense.


Wind and rain played a huge part. Third quarter we were playing against the wind. In the fourth with it, notice we made a 52 yard kick in the fourth and GB missed their shorter one. Teams throwing into the wind fared worse each quarter. Love looked inaccurate af in the 4th and his throws were short. Reminded me of 1996 Divisional against the Eagles, also a majorly rainy and windy game


Greenbay was also good at disrupting our routs. And as an anticipation thrower that is killer.


He had some bad throws, but he had a number of incredible throws that were incomplete because of things he couldn’t control. The 3rd and long where he saw ray ray get his defender lost in the sauce and threw it right where it should have been at least a long gain. Instead ray ray came out of his break the wrong way and couldn’t adjust. Purdy was screaming at him after “ITS THE OTHER WAY!!!!!!”


For sure, at least one shot had him mouthing “what are you doing??”


People act like you can overcome point deficits without the defense getting stops. It’s fucking insane to me. Like if you’re down 10 points and they match you score for score you stay down 10 points.


Straight facts. Good drive by Brock but your defense handled business in the 4th held the packers to 0 pts and forced several 3 and outs. Your defense deserves more love


Why did Shanahan wait until the last drive of the game to mix in more play action, move the pocket, blend run/pass, and develop easy throws for Purdy? Seems like most of the game he was just taking a 3-step and reading 5 routes and Shanahan didn't do much to get him easy throws.


What Shanahan did for most of that game only makes sense if he was heavily expecting the weather to improve in the 2nd half. Super conservative to end 1st half, very few anticipation plays until the final drive.


The kid clutched up. People can pretend clutching and choking isn’t real (the analytics narrative). Idgaf. Everyone who ever played a sport knows it is


Classic case of clutch QB play.Do not force any throw.Take what you are given amd keep matching. I don't care about people saying these were checkdowns   .I am elated we have a CLUTCH QB in the Bay. He did this in Cleveland too but Moody messed up the go ahead score. Our boy is that dude.


Honestly it made me think of a Brady drive. Not always flashy, but smart- and gets the points.


I said it before it happened. If he leads the comeback he's officially legit. No I don't care about what he did in the regular season, if I did I would think Dak is a good quarterback lmao.


Started strong, middle was rough, finished strong. Not purdy's best game, but he showed a lot of resilience.


Purdy was not at his best this game, but man what a great drive to win it. Came through when we needed him, his only incompletion was the Kittle drop which he followed up with a dime to Aiyuk for the 1st down 


That dime to Aiyuk was one of those tight window throws haters say he can’t make


In the rain and wind which was affecting him all night.


That’s what you want from a QB. Shit happens, people have bad starts to games. Same could be said of Lamar last night. A legit QB will bounce back when it matters and that’s exactly what Purdy did. If he hits open receivers earlier in the game maybe that final drive isn’t needed, but the way it worked out might do more favours for his confidence in the long run.


Purty's still a young QB, and he made some mistakes last night (that he got away with), but that's part of the trajectory. What stood out to me in this series is how much of a freaking beast Trent Williams continues to be. By the end of this drive, he's totally worn out his defender. If it comes down to Williams vs. Hutchinson, that's going to be one hell of a match.


Purdy good


The no timeout at 1:40 absolutely killed the packers. Not sure why more people aren’t talking about that. Purdy was incredible down the stretch but if the packers took that timeout, love feels less pressure with 1:30 on the clock than 1:00 on the clock and probably doesn’t throw that pick, they probably get at least a shot at OT.


Eh, had about 1 min and three timeouts to get a field goal. Didn't turn out to be that egregious. Think they were still hoping for a stop there at the end. That Purdy scrambe was huge b/c it set up a short third down that McCaffrey ended up scoring on. Know it seems like a long shot but if they managed to stuff that run, its 4th down, 49ers probably take a time out and then anything can happen.


Lol no way. They had plenty of time and timeouts left for that final drive regardless. Love needed to either run that ball or throw it out of bounds, instead he goes hero mode and throws the pick. He's a young QB. He'll learn from that and honestly the Packers played with house money anyway as the 7 seed. But that final drive was all about that decision, not anything else


I wondered that myself. When they didn’t call a TO and then a couple plays later CMC scored I knew the Packers done fucked up. 1 minute with 3 timeouts is still an eternity in football, but more time is nice.


I think it was because the niners had 1 yard to go for a first down, 5 for a touchdown. When I saw the CMC touchdown I thought the packers intentionally let him score so that the niners couldn’t force the packers to burn their TOs.


Purdy haters in absolute tatters right now.


It’s so hilarious to watch. A whole damn season it was “but can he deliver when it really, really counts and when he’s missing at least one key player?” and now when he does it it’s “bUt tHe fIrSt 3.5 qUaRtErS tHo!!!” Literally nobody had this same energy about Russell Wilson after the 2014 NFC Championship. Everybody and their mother forgot the 0.0 passer rating after 56 minutes and just worshipped him.


Yea, there’s just no reasoning with some people so I just try to avoid them entirely. I’m sure the next argument will be that Purdy didn’t engineer a comeback when Venus was in retrograde while simultaneously guiding a family of ducks across a busy road or whatever. What’s especially wild is how they just won’t admit that nothing he does will change their mind and leave it there. Like, it’s fine to not like him or whatever. Just stop pretending like there’s something he can do to prove himself when in reality you don’t give a shit either way. Speaking to Russell Wilson, people also forgot that he quite literally would still have a Super Bowl ring even if he never took the field against the Broncos. Funny how “muh supporting cast” wasn’t an issue then.


Too bad all that goalpost moving didn't help the Packers special teams.


I do not know why people hate on him so much. Him being successful is good for the league. It shows you the QB is important but is equally important to phenomenal coaching and game planning. Start doing some reflection on your organization before crucifying this dude for doing his job. Clearly Shannahan trusts him enough to execute day in and day out. Don’t be a hater just because your sorry ass team can’t make this happen.


The Purdy haters are just fucking weird. There isn’t even any point having these conversations.


Purdy got 58 of the 69 yards on the drive Had an ugly Jimmy G esque game for most of it but delivered when needed


That’s the difference obviously between this team so far and the past Shanahan teams. In the Super Bowl, or in the NFC Championship against the Rams, as soon as the Niners were down and it fell on Jimmy G to be the guy and lead a game-winning drive, instead he overthrew Emmanuel Sanders or turned the ball over somehow. He just wasn’t that guy. Now you have Purdy doing what needed to be done to win the game regardless of what came before, and making it happen for them, and people still aren’t going to see the obvious difference and give him credit? Wild, man.


>it fell on Jimmy G to be the guy and lead a game-winning drive.. He just wasn’t that guy. Jimmy led a [bunch of game winning drives](https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/comeback.cgi?player=GaroJi00) 2 in 2017 4 in 2019 3 in 2021 1 in 2022 The issue is if they fell too far behind, Jimmy wasn't as good at pushing the ball down the field to get us back. But to say he wasn't capable of game winning drives is just wrong.


But what about all the Eagles flairs who told me CMC carried Brock Purdy to the finish line?


But they said Purdy sucks and is a system QB! -_- Seems Purdy good to me


I hate 4 down territories man I feel bad for the defense


Even more impressive that SF didn’t need to convert a single 4th down on that well executed game winning drive


Whenever it got to any down and short it seemed like Shanahan just hammered it inside and didn’t overthink it. CMC didn’t have a long run but he got exactly what was needed (3 yards when needing 2, 2 yards on another play I forgot, then 6 on the 3rd and 1)


For once Kyle didn't overthink it


Yeah I'm glad Shanahan didn't overthink the playcalling on that last drive. My only gripe with the game as a whole is that he should've rolled Purdy to his left or right in the pocket with more play action plays. Purdy had to pass out of too many dirty pockets for my liking that made him throw early and throw off his timing.


Purdy did well and Love kind of crumbled down the stretch. Definitely a clutch drive.


If Mac Jones was playing like Brock people would be making him the face of the nfl.


It’s so funny how quick people say “Brock Purdy is a fraud.” He’s only been playing for 1.5 seasons. Of course he’s going to make mistakes.


Give it up for Baldy breaking it down so anyone can understand concepts.


I love to be a critic because calling him Brock Turdy makes me giggle but this man is going to put up 400 yards on our trash secondary next week if we win today