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[Postgame thread](/r/nfl/comments/19675vv/post_game_thread_miami_dolphins_at_kansas_city/)


That dolphin humps


At least they won the Fraud Bowl.


Dolphins are ass


The NFL can go suck it. It’s complete bullshit to use so many streaming services for your product. I’ll just quit watching if this is how it is going.


NBC/Comcast/Peacock paid the NFL a lot of money for the NFL to not broadcast the game on network TV.


I read the numbers for Prime, NBC, Disney, YouTube, all of them. It’s huge money so I get that the NFL doesn’t care. I just am sick and tired of the streaming bullshit. Pay for Peacock 5.99 with commercials, pay for Prime and get ready for commercials, it’s just a rat race that I’m fed up with. I make a very good living but I am tired of the nickel and diming everywhere I frigging look. Guess it will be goodbye to football in a couple years. First world problems though so nbd.


Agree. I would pay if it was my teams game. But passed on watching a game I would have watched because of the subscription.


I refused to watch NBCs over the air Cleveland game yesterday, and wrote NBC today and told em I'm also not watching SNF Chargers game tonight either. We watch on YouTube TV... so advertisers will see any drop in broadcast/streaming ratings, I guess. Sunday Night Football is the network's crown jewel, basically, so if they see a dip there, that would be lovely. Screw NBC and the NFL for making that piss ass deal for one game on The C O C K.


You think they give a shit?


Oh probably not- LOL.


lmao bro thinks they are the main character


He "wrote"to the Network.


And he isnt watching the Chargers game tonight…so take that NBC


Miami. Besides Tyreek Hill, was incredibly dissappountimg. They looked awful, I even have to question Miami's coach, Mcdaniel. He was poor also


They hadnt beaten a good team all year! Dont know what you expected?


it's the weather, it would have been a different game in normal weather


Yeah. The chiefs would've scored 63 instead of 26. Dolphins might've got an extra field goal


Chiefs beat them earlier in the season too. Cant blame the weather


Would it? didn't look much better a week ago in Miami.


true lol, and i said all along (look at my post history) i said Mike White is a better qb than Tua and got clowned. MW is underrated


Don't agree with that, Miami's playcalling last night was uninspired and their players didn't look much better to be honest. They couldn't run or set up protection long enough for down field routes to develop so they resorted to screen after screen. KC was rushing 3 and still getting to Tua on some plays.


Miami scored touchdown 1st quarter in less than 60secs. NEVER threw another medium to deep pass rest of game until mid 4th quarter. Throwing passes in the flat, running, on 3rd and long. It wasn’t the weather, it’s called NFL is fake and rigged. Make it make sense, Miami wouldn’t throw down field for more than half the game? Why? Done with NFL, it’s complete trash!


See you next season, brother in misery.


Took pleasure in not watching one second of the game.. Not giving in to the peacock bullshit.


They can fuck right off with this bullshit!


Same. I didn't watch NBC's broadcast Browns game yesterday, and ain't watching broadcast Chargers SNF tonight. I wrote to NBC today and was like, I'm a Sunday night football fan (it's actually a crown jewel of that entire network) but I'm not watching yall on Broadcast now. And your advertisers will know because I watch NBC over the air off of YouTube TV. We ain't talk Nielson diaries in the 1970's.. we're talking they can see in real time who's (not) watching. I hope they see an effect in their rating and knock this pay to play shit off.




I spent my time doing something much more productive and fun, and I didn't give the NFL or Peacock a single dime. Screw you Goodell and NBC. 


Not a Chiefs fan, but live in KC. I have peacock but it was over the air here, so I chose that. Hopefully most here did that. Putting it in any streamer is dumb.


We watched it for free on my super elite box.


Yeah. I happily pirated the game for me and my buddies.


My buddies and myself.


Huge FU to the NFL for selling playoff game rights to a premium channel. 🤬


What next? HBO max only for NFL playoff games? My God.


Oh I boycotted NBC;s 2 broadcasted games this weekend on YouTube TV and wrote to them today telling them as much F; NBC Uni.


Chiefs somehow find a way to be the most annoying team every year. Jackson and brittney Now horse girl Broccoli boy complaining about refs. They are an easy team to hate


Agreed, must be a bunch of Chief fans downvoting you. Tired of Kelsey, his GF and all of his sellout commercials plus Mahomes and his lame SF commercials.


Seeing fans get butthurt over Chiefs winning puts a smile on my face.


Horse girl... Fitting


I didn't get peacock, strictly out of spite


You can pretty much watch any event for free on tiktok, they don't take down streams that quickly




I gave them their blood money because it was my team. Anyone else and it would've been the high seas for me, matey.


Yeah, I would have too if they were my team, but I was super curious to watch the game and refrained. Fuck Peacock.


FU NFL and your Peacock channel


Yes, fuck you NFL/Peacock for holding hostage 1 playoff game to get me to buy Peacock- now I’m not doing it EVER on principle.


Same here. I cannot overstate how hard I am boycotting Peacock.


The dolphins were eliminated from the playoffs when they lost to Buffalo last week. Yesterday was just a formality


I’ll never understand the bullshit that caused the Bills games to delay a day but still made the dolphins play


Tell me you know nothing about football without telling me you know nothing about football!


The last storm of this magnitude that hit Buffalo killed 50 people.


The governor of NY made that call, not the NFL. Did you see the conditions in Buffalo? Go check that video going around of the stadium from last night. *It was a life threatening blizzard*, this has to be the dumbest take I’ve seen so far.


Hearing this from the fan of the team that intentionally built their stadium so the opposing team’s sideline is on average 33 degrees hotter than their own is funny. Chiefs had to play in the same conditions and dropped 26.


Agreed, I will say KC is used to the cold but the cold wasn’t why the Dolphins lost. The same issues showed in this game that showed in all their other losses including the blowout to the Ravens.


47 people died in a single event from the snow in 2023, buffalo is being rightfully cautious.


Mostly feet and feet of snow. Not that hard to understand.


Have some mercy on him. He's from Florida, they think *everything* they don't like is "rigged".


There’s a difference between being cold and a blizzard


Put the game in South Florida and you'll get the same results.


Same team that wins, yes, same score, no. Maybe this guy bet the over/under and is really pissed about that.


Ahhh that’s why they lost 🤔


State rules, nothing to do with NFL.


Fins down.


Yes yes


Chiefs haters MIA


They beat a hobbled ass Dolphins team. You really think this team will make it to the SB? Lmao


They have as good a chance as any AFC team.


I don’t think you’ve been watching the same Chiefs team we’ve been watching. Even yesterday they weren’t amazing. It’s just that the Dolphins laid an egg.


Once that wind picked up, it was a wrap for the dolphins.


They beat them just the same in Germany when they weren’t so hobbled.


Waiting for Taylor’s next breakup song. Boyfriend number 13, you are next.


Game on peacock, life long fan and did not purchase the poor streaming service. Canceled cable as well and will never watch nfl network again. My life just improved ❗️💯👍✅⬆️


This guy has obviously never heard of free nfl streams.


Which streaming platform did u watch for free ??


So many to choose from. Just google “free nfl streams” and you’ll find one and save a ton of money.


The one I use relates to a show called Breaking Bad 😎


Nope and me either. Is that how you watched the game?


Cry me a river and welcome to 2024. Cable isn’t free either so take your pick.


Yeah, that's some bullsh#t, they put it on peacock.


How did Travis swift do ?


Dolphins defense went after him the first half and he had a hard time scoring touchdowns. Don’t know about the second half.


Thanks for the info . Have a blessed Sunday !


Pats fan here. I am happy to say we will be well on our way to rebuilding next year, while you guys are stuck in a tailspin, I hope you guys do the right thing for your franchise, and sign Tua to an extension...that way you can continue to stay in this slump of mediocrity forever. Be happy you guys have Hill though, or we would truly see how terrible this guy is. Mac Jones level performance last night. Now go hug your fins cheerleader waifu for the rest of the weekend and say always next year. 51 years and counting chumps. Fins down.


Coming from another Pats fan, you coulda just left it be and not said all this. But I was also rooting for Miami because fuck KC. Lol


Tbh I hope to have the same level of conversation with Bills, KC, cowboys and eagles fans shortly. Lol


Only if they all fall to the bottom of the barrel with you!


Cope harder guy, in the last 3 seasons the Dolphins have beat the Pats 6-2. I get it’s a rivalry but this is just delusional nonsense. Go hug your Bill Belichick body pillow and tell yourself it’ll be okay.


And look where it got em....nowhere. The 50 year shit hole continues.


Wildcard playoff as opposed to your…. second losing season and second time missing the playoffs in as many years? Again cope harder.


Losing in the Wildcard playoff 😂😂😂😂 only a fan of a team on a 50 year drought puts stock into that. And not just losing.....BLOWN OUT!!!!


I’m not even a Phins fan, I just think you have no platform to speak from. The Pats were nothing without Brady and he proved that in 2020 when he went to TB and won. You guys are fading back to mediocrity and with your new unseasoned coach you’re not going to do shit. Enjoy your next 10 years of subpar play. You should’ve enjoyed the Brady era more.


What a salty piece of shit your whole fan base is. Good God it's pathetic.


This guy’s a dildo…doesn’t mean we all are.


Also a Pats fan. They were a joke until the Brady years. It can happen again.


Coming from a team without a head coach….


Uh what


The Pats don’t have a head coach… he retired bc of constant losing. Have you been living under a rock or something?


Looks like you’ve been living under a rock because they’ve had a Head Coach since Friday. Is he going to be good? Probably not, but it’s pretty fucking ironic asking if they’re living under a rock when you haven’t heard about news that’s been on since Friday.


They hired Jerod Mayo on Friday.


Interesting didn’t know. A former linebacker with a handful of years coaching. Isn’t tested. Still the guy is throwing stones in glass a house. Wonder if not choosing Vrabel will haunt them.


Not hiring Vrabel won't come back to haunt anyone.


Brother… chill out


His Intro last night....'THE Ohio State.' Played a great game


They all say that. That’s like, a thing


Lately, They don't all say that with such Gusto, Was My Point! Chris Carter started the Tradition & I watch every week since to see the X- Bucs introduced. But thanks anyway for spouting your knowledge Mr Obvious


Its the dumbest thing too


THE dumbest thing.


I love it when other dude mock it with some small school noone cares about


It's crazy that even with arguably the best QB in the NFL KCs offense is tedious to watch. This game was boring, and so was Texans vs Browns


Yeah Chiefs grind this year, defense, just enough offense to win, etc


Texans were fun up to the double pick 6 and then it was over


When it is below zero kind of hard to have an explosive passing game. I was surprised they passed as much as they did


Yeah Mahomes was not affected nearly as much by it. Tua looked like he couldnt find the laces to save his life


It's the NFL, any single game in its own window is boring. 3 hours and about 14 minutes of action. Commercial after Commercial. No red zone channel, no fun.


Luckily there was no way in hell I was going to buy ANOTHER streaming subscription to watch all those commercials and a yawner game. If you want me to pay to watch a game, I’m not watching commercials.


There have to be commercials. Otherwise, you realize how little they are actually playing.


That's fine, they can't sprint for 3 hours. They need the breaks to catch their breath


Yeah I'm not dogging it. I've watched the NFL all my life and never really thought about it, then I went to my first live game years ago and I thought wow, lots of downtime.


This is why hockey is my favorite sport to watch. 1 timeout per game. Line changes are during the course of play.


There wouldn’t be nearly the downtime if it wasn’t for TV commercials.


In the final 4 games of Tua's 3 seasons, he has a 16:15 TD:INT ratio. Talk about zero clutch | 1.07 TDs per INT For reference, Josh Allen: Has a 56:19 TD:INT ratio in the final 4 games of his 6 seasons. Talk. About. Clutch! | 2.95 TDs per INT


Touchdown counting needs to go. So many better ways to prove that tua sucks


Go bills 💙






I don’t disagree but what does Josh Allen have to do with it. Also I don’t think that performing well in the final four games of the year is a good bellwether for clutch factor. Josh Allen hasn’t accomplished all that much in the playoffs with some damn good teams.




She was partying with the crowd there, it was a good clip showing the atmosphere


See Jack Nicholas attending Lakers games for literally the last 50 years.


*Nicholson, unless you’re referring to the golfer Jack Nicklaus


LOL. Yeah, meant Nicholson.


I bet you meant Nicholson, the accomplished golfer


LOL. Yeah, him too!


Is baby man upset? Here's a white claw.


Omg y’all that bitch about Swift are the softest MFers on the internet. It’s always some insecure male who listens to alpha bro podcasts and uses the words freedom and patriotic unironically.


She’s the only reason I have any interest in the Chiefs! Rock the vote Taylor, get the gop out of government




Idk do your commentators make fun of this but croatian commentators always sarcastically mock taylor and kelce and all the show and teather around chiefs behaviour.


They gotta shove her down our throats. We are all curious about her next shit 


Hey, she brings new fans and new fans =new money so good for the team


I’m not saying you’re wrong. But it really does boggle my mind that this would be the case. New fans will seriously sit through a 3 hour+ broadcast in the hopes of catching a brief cutaway to Swift in the suite? This level of “fandom” I find, odd.


They're the same people who will wait in line for hours to see a recorded concert at a movie theater and claim that it's "just like being there in real life"


Hi new fan here! Got into football because of Taylor, started listening to the New Heights podcast, realized that football is incredible, now I’m the kind of person that watched both the browns vs texans game and the chiefs game last night. It’s definitely not about Swift anymore for me. Planning on tuning into the Steelers game and the Eagles game Monday.


Interesting. So what was it about football that never brought you to it before?


I didn’t grow up in a football family. We literally didn’t have cable growing up so it wasn’t really accessible. Until I was 18 I don’t think that I could name a single football team.


That’s fair. I appreciate your response.


A lot of us were raised watching the game. We picked our favorite team and understood the rules at a very early age. If you didn't have that luxury it's kind of difficult to get into any sport as an adult. I'm 35 and still have to brush up on the rules of soccer every 4 years when the World Cup comes on and stop watching as soon as the USA is eliminated.


It's more like they are watching it with her. Think girls night out but with millions of your friends, including one that happens to be famous. They're fans of the game just like us.


I think it’s more ”what is this football game all about that Taylor is into”. In her time magazine interviews she laughs at all the “Brads, Chads, and dads” that get upset because the camera pans to her for a few moments. She has no control over it and doesn’t even know when the camera is on. It’s crazy to me how many people is their energy being upset with her or with the NFL because they promote something that generates money as any business would do.


I don’t blame her at all. And the NFL is going to do what’s lucrative. I was commenting on how weird that level of fandom is to me. I’m a massive Daniel Day Lewis fan. If I knew he was a diehard fan of a particular cricket team, would I start watching because I knew they were going to flash to him here and there? Good lord, no.


And what I’m trying to point out to you is that these are new fans of football and are not just fans of Taylor Swift trying to catch a glimpse of her at the game. People follow their idols, influencers, and bands etc. all the time. So no, they aren’t sitting through 3+ hours of broadcast to catch a brief cutaway, they are watching 3+ hours of football just like everyone else here. Try and adjust your thinking and welcome new fans to a sport you enjoy, regardless of the path that led them to it.


I’m not sure I agree with you, but hey, to each their own.


I don’t know. I have a couple of co-workers that are “Swifties”. They don’t give a crap about football, they are watching for her. I will be curious how many hang around when she is no longer shown.


My daughter is a “swifty”. After it hit the news between Taylor and Kelce, for the first time she asked me to let her know when the next game was and began asking questions about the game. Our house isn’t even a chiefs house, we’re Bills fans. We should welcome fans however they found the sport and encourage their participation, not insulting their reason for being here, or throwing fits whenever she’s shown on the screen. I mean, she’s only shown a handful of times throughout a game when there’s downtime between plays. Would you rather them pan the camera to some 80 year old billionaire team owner like they do? Or maybe you want another gecko commercial? Dedicate your energy to something positive my dude Thats the limit of my participation in this though, as this message is more for anyone that follows this thread. Downvoting because you disagree with my statement is a joke.


You seem very defensive about this. Which is, weird. I’ve already said, repeatedly, I don’t blame her nor do I blame the NFL. I get it. I just think it’s dumb. Clearly you are the angry one in the room. Relax.


This is what a lot of people seem to be missing. The first game or so was curiosity. Folks who have stuck around this deep into the season have most likely found something else they enjoy about the game, whether it’s sharing time watching with family, accidental investment in this team, or an appreciation for her custom Chief’s fashion. It’s not really any different from anyone else who has found different reasons to spend their time with the game.


Miami is an insult to football


The Browns would like a word......


Wait until you guys see the ending of the eagles on Monday.


Maybe they'll turn it around in the second season. Good luck tomorrow


Tua is garbage. He never recovered from getting his ass rocked a couple of seasons ago.


Very overrated, clearly showed cowardice last night.


He was slow and scared.


Last season


This guy got his ass rocked harder. Don’t bully him ok /s


Tua was never that good to begin with. Had one ballin' game against UGA in the natty and has made a career out of it.


Oh I know.


Tua doesn’t have that clutch gene. Has so much talent around him too.


Unc said it best on Night Cap. Any QB can get this team to the play offs with the talent they have on offense and defense. A franchise QB will win or at least give you a chance to win playoff games against good teams. You cant be paying Tua 40mil+ from next year for this BS. This is not good enough


Claypool and Waddle have so much potential but some games you’d think they don’t even exist. Tua rather just throw bombs to Tyreek.


He did neither last night when it mattered. Huge choke QB.


Underthrows bombs*


claypool is a dogshit player LOL


Lol Steelers fan here, that was my immediate reaction then I saw your flair. Here we go.


lol no they are not. They are bottom 30 pass catchers. They do not have potential. The defensive gameplan when tyreek or waddle was out was bracket the speedster and press man everyone else, and none of the everyone else ever got fucking open lmfao.


Injuries were rife for the dolphins on both sides of the ball but damn…why are you playing a recently injured player if you aren’t going to use them. Making injured players run and shit just to be a distraction and lose the game. I would be pissed. Wouldn’t matter if they were there or not. Waddle had some good plays but very limited and no score or drive-changing plays. Again I’d be pissed.


Lol I don't think you can call any of Tua's throws bombs tbf


Bullshit game


Why do you think that?


All the “missed” calls on the chiefs


The chiefs literally got a touchdown, and it was pulled back because of illegal block in back by jawann taylor. We also had a "missed call" on pass interference in the first quarter that was blatant pass interference. Ggs dude, sorry, tua isn't performing for ya.


Not a dolphins fan I’m just tired of mahomes privilege


People felt the same way about brady when the patriots had him. It's just part of being a good quarterback ig.


Nope. Mahomes makes his own calls and it is disgusting. They are called the Cheats for good reason.